SCHUMACHER SJ Aa' Member S Get Certificates A letter of appreciation for their services was read from the Commandâ€" ary in Canada of the Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John, conveyâ€" ing their appreciation to the memâ€" During the evening Dr. C. G. Armiâ€" tage presented the men with their certificates and badges and Mrs. Milly Deardon made the presentauon to the lady members. Members of the Schumacher branch of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, with their friends, met in a social capacity on Tuesday evening in the Echumacher public school. ~ Miss Ada Battagelli was in charge of the admission. The day being fine, many ladies attended ‘and enjoyed afâ€" ternoon tea. were Mrs. Gordon Byers, Mrs. Charles Barron, Mrs. Gerald McDonald, Mrs. Jolhin Murphy, Mrs. Stan Bratby, Miss Betty mnmm and Miss.Estelle Hanâ€" nigan. On Saturday afternoon the ladies of 8t. Alphonsus Parish Church held a tea and sale of home baking in the Daffodil, restsurant. Mrs.. W. Mansfield reoeived the guests, Mrs. James Scuilion and Mrs. John O‘Leary were in charge of the bake table and had delieoius cakes and pies for sale. Mrs. Fréd Dwyer and Mrs. Holmes t h oi in oc ues â€" t es J 1 work.: Mr.: Harry Poole thanked the lady ‘members for their work and coâ€" operation during the year. C A singâ€"song was enjoyed, with Mrs. Armitage at the piano. During the evening a delicious lunch was served by the lady members and a social period was enjoyed. o nn s»arnc t# Qni«r: #*2 4‘ 69 Daily Service on Roll â€"â€" Film Developmg h o No W ko 4 up *$ ANDERSON’S STUDIO IT § A SNAP Cor. Second Pine St. Grocery ‘and Meat Market â€" These firms will serve you best! â€" SHOPPING: IN SCHUMACHER? Schumacher; . PHONE 770 econd Pi Schnmacher * APPROXIMATE PRICES _ UNLISTED SECURITIES Ont. La.rAdd 7 ~Orpit .....:........... 6. 8 | YÂ¥ Devid ...........28 24 Lardr Ey 5.07 9 | Ortona .......s.._. 7, 9 Yellowknfle 380:40 'dersExecutedon Commsmh Basis Only . .. â€" * Bs Small tea tables were nicely arâ€" ranged with embroidered cover and a vase of lovely flowers on each table. Berving tea were Mrs. D Greer, Mrs. H. Dobson, Mrs. J. McNeil, Mrs. Macâ€" Mullen, Mrs. M. Hancock. In charge of{ the kitchen service were Mrs. Jim Cowden, Mrs. John Demiracle and Mrs. waa UVCduulllUllY UUCUCUIdALEUQ 10V UiC OCâ€" casion} and <was filled to capacity for each service. j The morning service was conducted by Rev. Canon R. S. Cushing and the evening. service by Bishop R. J. Reniâ€" son. . Mrs.: Arthur Wilford presided at the organ. . A marriage , wasâ€" then ~held which made lots ofâ€" fun. Jean. Fraser was the bride and Norma Killens the groom. Mrs. Jack Matthew was the minister. During the evening a dainty lunch was served and the guest honor was presented with lovely gifts. Monday afternoon a nicely arranged tea and sale of home baking, fruit and vegetables was held Under the auspices of the Ladies‘ Guild. Mrs., E. Smyth, president of the Guild, received the guests. Miss Smith was in charge of the bake table, Mrs. E. Miller and Mrs. Collins were in charge of the vegéetable table. Harvest Thanksgiving services were held Sunday in the Schumacher Anâ€" glican Mission, First Ave. The church was beautifully decorated for the ocâ€" casion} and <was filled to capacity for each service. Harvest Services Followed By Sgle bers for their devoted service in the cause of humanity during the war. A presentation was made to Mr. Denham Greer, Gold Centre, who reâ€" ceived the highest points on his year‘s work. Mr. Harry Poole thanked the The Porcupine Advance 219 Algongquin Blvd., East : FRA_NK KLISANICH, Prop. Phone 788 _ ~Schumacher Wedding Intvitations ..Personal Stationery receive careful attention at Comfortable Rooms Excelient Service Lasalle ........ Lennie ... Major:......... Mantere . ... Marbur ...._... M of C ..........116 225 Metalore .............. -.-A.? valk ) w# a ~'.v~-~;;;' ‘.-n Q;m '~†V hy i hn w tw id a w k . »--"3 a u* -«â€"-«"Ҡâ€i ...... 44 ... 7’4 9 #»* 4 18 ; Re ie M 4 baw.fluluu rwva W'II% 109". w ite satin‘ streame : ‘ The ‘matron ‘of ‘ honbf' M"rs 3 Géfry Mullin (Nancy Heppleworth) wore a dovely floorâ€"length gown of turquoise nylon with short puffed sleeves, low neck line, fitted bodice and peplum. She wore a halo of nylon edged â€"with matchâ€" ing ostrich feathers, nylon mittens and carried a halo bouquet of yellow roses â€"and fern. ivhite gardenias. . She.Cartied aishgwen °... * ° , on " 1078 â€", ooo trï¬vemng ’wï¬i‘fnegdfing(:enmnm 5 ;lé M pï¬ecé“pink Rev. J. <A; Breckem'ldge officiated. #igtr‘s:*Bianthe" James played the â€"wedâ€" Giwen in marriage by her father, the bride wore a lovely gown of white islipper ‘satin with lace yoke, long sleeves and fitted basque. The fuu. fashioned skirt. had Jlace inserts down the front. : 'Her ‘fingerâ€"tip veil was caught to the head with a halo of Standards of gladioli and sweetpeas formed a lovely setting in Trinity United Church on Saturday afternoon for one of the season‘s loveliest wedâ€" dings¢‘when Olive Stella Miller, Reg. N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. : Herb Mfl- ler, 'I‘hi'rd Ave:, became the bride of William Thomas Lumby, son of ‘Mr. and ‘Mrs. W. T. Lumby of Goderich. Mrs. Gexry Mullin, was matron of honor and Miss Jeanâ€" Lumby was bridesmand NMeil Miller was grooms- man and the ushers were Bob Fulton and: Irving Frasetr. The first part of ‘the evening was spent playing games and the prize winners «were:~ Mrs, Orr, Mrs. Bill Lampkin, Mrs. M. McMillan, Mrs. Reg. Stewart, .Mrs. Jack Matthew, ~Mrs. Bluie« Webber, â€"Mrs. Monaghan, Miss Shirley McMaster. The door, prize was won by Mrs. W. Weber. â€" â€" Miss Jean Lumby,; sister of the grom,, was bridesmaid, She wore a floorâ€" length gown of pink chiffon, short puffed sleeves, high neckâ€" line, fitted bodice with matching embroidery shirred at the waist and full fashioned skirt, Ghe wore a halo of pink chiffon, The party. was held at the home of Mrs.â€" Fraser, McIintyre+Property. The rooms were nicely decorated for the occasion with pink and white streamâ€" _ ers and large vases of lovely flowers. The following ladies attended: Missâ€" es Shirley McMaster, Jean Fraser, Norâ€" ma Killens,«Jean Lumby, Mrs.. Bill Lampkin, Mrs. Earl Monaghan, Mrs. Jerry Harris, Mrs. Chatson, Mrs. James Mrs. MacMillan, Mrs. Bluile Webber, Mrs. B. Graham, Mrs. Reg. Stewart, Mrs. John Monaghan, ‘~Mrs. M. Weber, Mrs. Orr, Mrs. Jack Matthew, Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Miller. | IInable to attend. but sending loveâ€" ONE TO OET READY â€" ‘An NBC miss who is right in step with the season, i# Lois Volkman in the "Road of Life." First choice in her. backâ€"toâ€" school wardrobe is this Kitten‘s Ear Fléece coat which comes in a variety of colors. It has a matching liat and ding music hnd Miss Gertrude Bris toiw sang "O Promise Me. s Unable to attend, but Sending love~â€" ly gifts, were Mrs. Bint, Mrs. Calvin MoDonald, Mrs. Neil Miller, Miss Ag- nes Coleman. edged with matching ostrich feathers Mrs. Dan Fraser and Mrs. Dave Kilâ€" lens were joint hostesses last Thursâ€" day evening at a hicely arranged misâ€" cellaneous shower in honor of Miss 11 Pog Privater ... 6. q@uest ........... Trinity United Church Is Setting: For Lumbyâ€"Miller Wedding â€" 0 270 .18 14 SCHUMACHER ._.. .. the province. Songs by Hugh Marshall and plano selections by Marjorie Keller were enâ€" joyed. The guest speaker, Miss Lois Kelly, public health nurse, was introâ€" diiced by Miss Harvey “Hppy. Healâ€" thy ‘6chool Days‘" was the topic, and she urged the parants ‘En keep these days happy by ,the!r child. ‘ren‘s health and. wda'. wmx new ‘devices have been invented recently ‘and will be a great h mas Kelly tzpoke of we nsw nachine tor tesï¬ng ears and â€" _ . â€"__ _ nhnlwereflmWnontlwmwpro- gmw en)oyed and datnï¬y M 4 H. 8. Association Hears Health Talk The president, Mrs; N. D. Adams, was in the chair. The meeting opened with a singâ€"song then all present. signâ€" ed the register. _ The> ptesident then introduced Mr. McLeod, Troquois Falls; Mrs. Ward and daughter Lily, Iroquois Fals. the Margaret :O‘Brien fdbric gloves in red, brown, navy or beige are jus.. what littleâ€"girls like. > The Schumacher Home. and School Associatidh held their first meeting of the season Monday evening in the pubâ€" lic school. There was a large ‘attenâ€" Ljilie, music director at the public school, Mr. and Mrs. Vince Helwig of Jamaica. and Miss Nadeau of the ;Vel‘;l;:. dA AAAVRed _ atfu.l AVAA 4o uavv .mâ€"‘ Elwtion of omcers t.ook .e at me Out of town guests at the wedding FTiday evening meeting of the Adult p Club, which was held ‘in â€"the lecture were: Miss Jean Lumby, Goderich, Mr. . We ; and MÂ¥s. ‘Frank Findlay and sons NA!.of Trinity United Church, Schuâ€" Douglés and Donald, New Liskeard; MAcher, with Mr. William Godefroy Mr. and Mrs. Orr, Larder Lake, Mrs, b€ing eleated president; Mrs. Ceorge A. Mitchell, Latchford; Mr. and mrs.,; Leck, viceâ€"president; ‘Mrs. Atanley During the reception Rev. J. A. Breckenridge . prpposed a toast to the bride, and ‘the groom ‘responded. The bride‘s.table was very attractive with lace cover, tall tapered pink candles in sliver hdlders and vases of sweetâ€" After the ceremony a reception was held. at the home of the bride‘s parâ€" ents. ~â€"Mrs. Miller, assisted by Mrs. Frank . Flndlay, received the guests. Mrs. Miller wor’é*‘l a gray and red silk JjJersey dress, black accessories and | a corsage of peach gladioli. eâ€"tier wedding cake, Mrs. McLeod * * po . tea from the silver tea. seryice. 7 M’c": Mrs Miller and Mrs. Orr, assisted hi rh by. Misseés Edith . Aimstrong,,. Elsie Treat Sherldan, Jean F\raser Norma Killens' S | s wan served Iubch: «/ e ig The young couple left‘ by‘ car for a soon wedding trip to Buï¬alo â€"and Other * Rmep poifits, j > l receliy per,., Gifts to the ‘attendants were a silâ€" ver. bracelet to the matron of honor, an evening bag to thevbrfdesmaid ties to the groomsman and ushers Prior to her marriage the bride was entertam at showers given by Mrs. Gerry ï¬llin Miss Olga Marchiori. Mrs. Dan Fraser and Mrs. Dave Kilâ€" matching lace mittens and she carried a hand bouquet of maï¬ve chrysanâ€" theums. y ced badionn ons aren ienss mm S sage of yellorw roses . They will take up residence at Godeâ€" SCHUMACHER Cross who is g. the ‘bride . wore ‘af Makwell:, Smith : of :80 l \ivoél suit, brown A. yeteran . enipldyee t : acessories and corâ€" o i"isdale, (he made, ï¬ï¬l}i‘ufaénd% a e was pat« Mrs. ests. silk d ‘ a the with dles eetâ€" vice stea 9 D Mr. Little of Barrie is visiting his son â€" and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Little, Second Ave. ; Mi#s Jean Lumby left Sunday by car for New Liskeard,. where she will spend a few days prior to going on to her home in Goderich; â€" Miss Lumby was in town for the Lumbyâ€"Miller wedâ€" ding and while here was the guest of Mr. and Mrs: Herb Miller, Third Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Orr, left Sunday by car‘ for their home at Larder Lake. While‘ in town they attended the Lumby-:Mll- ler wedding and were the guwts of Mr, Orr‘s, sister . and.. bn'obher-in-law,, ML. and Mm ‘Herb Mflfler ‘Third: Ave. Mrs. Carl Swanson, First Ave., left by car for London where she. will visit he rhusband, who is récelying medical «Mr. and Mrs Frank Findlay and sons Douglas and Donakd left by car Sunday for their home in New Liskeard after attending ‘the Lumbyâ€"Miller wedding. While in town they were the guests of Mrs. Findlay‘s sister and brotherâ€" inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Miller, Third Ave. ' Mrs. Ward and daughter, Mizm Lily Ward of Eroquois Falls Wwere in town for the Lumbyâ€"Miller wedding, .Miss Ward returned home Sunday. Mrs. Wand will spend a few days visiting Mrs. Frank Corris, Second. Ave., and renew acquaintances with many of her old time friends. f Walter McCrae, Railroad St., left Sunday to resume his studies at. Queen‘s Unversity, Kingston. ing his visits to Schumacher.. They sincerely mourn his passing and exâ€" tend their deepest sympathy to Mrs. Maxwell Smith and family auring their sad bereavement. . Girby Joyner, McIntyre. Property, Third Ave., left last week for a holiâ€" day at Toronto. Prior to going on to Ajax, where he will commence his i4 L lluflmu TVBEAAS treatment.? The maily, fifends of Mr. Swanson will be pleased to hear. that he is coming along ï¬ne and: expects to oon be able to .come home. eRegrat was expggse vz:tén word MM"AA AKMamida«r hhn ruf SOUTH PORCUPINE MERCHANT!: WILLIAM GODEFROY HEADS ADULT CLUB SCHUMACHER s 57 DESERVE YOUR SUPPORT They Albert Labrecque, who died, on Satâ€" urday morning ‘in his 37th year, was buried yesterday from â€"St. ‘Anthony‘s Cathedral. Solemn:â€" requiem mass. was held by Father L. Morin, assisted by Services Held For Albert Labrecque Â¥ i s s ty i i it i c P s i o r P o < L. U uy e $ es C\ t + % Â¥>â€"4 + 4+ meeting a social period was enjoyed and refreshments served. . W*’M 00'.": 21 Pine St., N. ~â€"Phone 104 > ‘ Ne ts ie ze itz ie e id l e it n is e es ale is C ty it e y ns zin y On Oct. 9. a meeting will be held at DON‘T LET REFRIGERATOR _ SHORTAGE BOTHER YOU Get your milk ICE COLD, from OPEN, SUNDAYS â€" Main St.. _ South Porcupine 4. WINE PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION _ ,\' Tend ;"\’ \c‘f"; ‘.: s *n y # / ts i n w end sA ns\ .4 P ECE PB C PCw en e id ndox ‘ss i .gently. needed._Five :contsâ€"per. bottle. wi M â€" ‘be paid by your nearest wine store for a empties (26 and 31 ounce). Clear out your empties now â€"â€" help ease a serious shortage. ~ That building values have increased 50% since 19897 Stock, fixtures, and household furniture values have also tncrease’d{ Have you inâ€" creased your fire. insnrance accordingly? Let «A18 dlscnss your innm problems and quote you rates including damage from Wind. and llafl. Luxton‘s Lunch * 4 * ANY WINE ST*'ORE Are Urgently Needed! Your empty. Ontario wine bottles are urâ€" (EST. 1912) )nsurance of every kind â€" Real Estale Mortgages 5â€"6% interest. Natlonal llousing Act Loans,. at In 1031 he mrrled the former Vir« ginia Giroux, who survives him, as do a daughter, Susanne, 12; two sons, Raymond, uo.ndJunn.aï¬ltw brothers, Alphonse Of Toronto and Ernest of St. Zatique, Qque., both of whom were here for the funeral. Buried Tlns -Morning', g Funeral servites * were conducted from the Church of the Nativity this morning for the late William O‘Leaty who died in the hospital early . Tuesâ€" day morning following a lengthy m- ness. He was in his 8ist year. , Mr. O‘Leary was born in Qque., and came to Timmins: 26 yi‘B Surviving him are his sister, Mrs, Liza Capeless, 207% Pine St. South, with whom he had been living, afid . brother, Mose, or Blind River. Ano er brother, . Thomas, died recently 117 Golden Ave., 6. Poroupine Plumbing and Heating rLYMB180 QUALITY SERVICE NAP HUOT VR