prizte was won by Miss Olive Miller. During the evening delicious lunch was #erved and a nice social time was enjoyed. The following ladies attended. Misses Peggy Butherland, Shirley McMaster, Jea.n- Lumby, Ethel Fowler, Iorna Milâ€" , Mrs. Bert Waite, Mrs. W. Dee, Mra Bandy Fulton, Mrs. Gladys FPulâ€" ton, Mrs. Audrey Soucie, Mrs. J. Anâ€" derson, MrÂ¥. A. Mitchell of latchford, Mrs. Nelil Miller, Mrs. H. Hepplewhite, Mrs. Herb Miller, Mrs. Frank Corris. Mis OlMve Miller wilt become the bride of Mr. W. Lumly, of Goderich, on Saturday at 230 pm. in Trinity . a * .,',“ < y thanked the Lions Club and fcr the interest the Lions Club had for the welfare of the youth of the district. The movie proâ€" "jector was: something which would help in furtherance of the educational work.. Other members of the film boand present were Dr. R. V. Weston and Mrs. Ernile Pooley. During the evening films were shown, and Mr. George Therriault of Timâ€" mins operated the new projector. Mr. Vince Helwig of Jamaica, chief inspecâ€" tor of schools there, gave an address on the fundamentals of education. Arrangements were also made for the xâ€"ray canvass of the district. ' sam â€"â€" sam *h » B "a 9 h niing when the Mothers‘ Club and the Ladies Bowling League met in the McIntyre Auditorium to organize for the season. ‘ Mrs. Schwab was elected president and Mrs. Sullivan, secretaryâ€"treasurer. ‘There are six teams in each league. The Mother‘s Club will bow!l Wednesâ€" day afternoon at two o‘clock and the Ladies League Thursday evening at eight o‘clock. § 2PA Lady Bowlers Organize For Season ‘The captains of the, Mother‘s CluB are Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Kellar, Mrs. Suâ€" therland, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Don. Camphbell, Mrs. Roy Hazlewood. Captains of the Ladies League are Mrs. Connilie Cowan, Mrs. Vi Webber, Mrs. Southcott, Mrs. Don Campbell, Mrs. Hazlewnod, Mrs, Vi Izatt. Home, School Ass‘n Plans Meeting â€" ~‘Parents and friends will be made welcome at this meeting it is stated. . Mira Nancy Mullen and Miss Olgo Marchiori were joint hostesses on Monâ€" day evening at a nicely arranged misâ€" cellaneous shower in honor of Miss ""Bhe Schumacher Home, and School O L LA Association will hold: its first meetâ€" + ing of the season Monday evening at. Dusty Baker, Railroad: St., left Sunâ€" 8 pm., in he Schuamcher public ‘day for Port â€"Arthur,> where he will school. | start his hockey training. The program for the â€"evening Will Eric Prentice, Second Ave., left Tuesâ€" include a singâ€"song, registration, home. «lay for Pittsburgh, where he will start and school discussion, piano selections training for the hockey season. by Marjorlie Keller, songs by Hugh Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGuire, First Marshall, and an address ‘by J. w. Ave., returned this week from a holiâ€" Peat, inspector of public schools, folâ€" day at Fort Erie andâ€"other points. lowed by a social hour and lunch. _ The many friends of Mrs. Mark Varâ€" * To $ 2 L T. _ _ ~ mA 56 The party was held at the home of Mrs. Mullen, 119 Fourth Ave. Pink and white decorations and large vases of lovely flowers were nicely arranged United Church. Rev. J. A. Breckenâ€" ridge will officiate. Bowling got a start on Monday eveâ€" Flnest Workmanship at Prices 'T‘hat Are Right . _Phone 1035 12 Cedar: St. N. * "" Timming . .l yt‘;: -A # where . Crawford will enter / s * $ +â€" > ) * ie m i Ni t\ ie . i +A A * y ‘ 5 Â¥ * $ t 3 4 a o o t 3i x 4 M , 5 n o 4 E54. ; c " Â¥ a JR x w ons 8 w < 4 + â€" h w * * e k > A y » mÂ¥ 4. w .ws 4 PA" w 3 L e * t - oc es Adb im‘ M 4 S ..' â€" 9P o 4 sw Lo k "% § ** / We * ' + € t 1 C 7 3 k 5. C s b % _ $ q 7 t 'L» w“_ I ) 5 es $ t on | onto visiting her daughter, and sonâ€" inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Conron. Crawford and Mexrill (Buddy) Clark, Railroad St., '1eztt. Sunday for Kingston second year and Buddy will ~commence h'ls studies at Queen‘s University Mr. and Mrs. C. Arnott POplar Bt have returned from a motor trdp 1 to the west coast. ston. Mrs.. Pe'ter Sherbin and daughter Andrey lert for Montreal, where Auâ€" ; ~drey :willâ€" mesume her studies and Mrs. Sherbin will spend. some_ time visiting friends. ~"{" Mrs. Joy \and. her grand-daughter Joy Co au of Engleheart, spent the weekend 1 lmg Mr. and Mrs.George Cousineau, First Ave., a.nd Mr. ans ‘Our New: Worksbop Can Handle â€" AL'I'ERATION‘*‘ ""chAZING REPAIRING ~Finest: Workmanshlp at Prices That Are Right x IT‘$ A SNAP Cor. Second Pine St. Grocery and Meat q Market PHONE 770 Olive Millee â€" Lions Club Presents red at Shower Film Projector hese firms will serve you best! YUHI‘ sNCW_YEOA na{lup â€"Al0A1UIC _ > ERATIONS ‘G’LAZING REPAIRING Workmanshlp at Prices 'T‘hat Are Right 1r: Si. ‘N.f."_ ’: Tinumns ‘Phone 1'035_ O; SMITH, Proprietor *â€" Mrs. E. Smyth Named . â€"~~Guild President ~Diring the evening. the Schumacher Lion‘s presented a $600 movie proâ€" jector to the Film Board. Lion Gordon Thompson made the ‘presentation and Mrs. Bob Crcsby, chairman of the Board, accepted it. ‘The many friends of Mrs. Mark Varâ€" ady, Fourth Ave., will be sorry to hear that she is ill in St. Mary‘s Hospital The Schumacher . Anglican Mission held their congregational meeting and social evening Thursday evening m the church hall, First Ave. : {panon Cushing was chairman and Mrs. Arthur Wilford, presided at the organ. In the first part of the evening, business items were discussed On Sunday, Harvest Thanksgiving service will be held in the church and on Monday afternoon from 2 to 5.30 p.m. there will be afternoon tea and a sale of fowers, fruit and vegetables. ESpecial guests at the Schumacher Iions Club dinner last week were Mrs. Bob Croshy and Mrs. Rodway, memâ€" Election of officers for the Ladies Guild was held and the following ladies were elected to office: _ President, Mrs. E. Smyth; viceâ€"presiâ€" dent, Miss Smith; secretary, Mrs. Colâ€" lins; Treasurer, Mrs. sen Davies. A vote of thanks was accorded the retiring president, Mrs. Arthur Wilâ€" ford, â€"who is expecting to leave soon with her husband for England where they ‘will takée up residence. After the business session a social period was enjoyed and a dainty lunch was served. Comfortable Rooms Excellent Service Time Table Changes ... "'- .' : ' EFFECTIVE â€"_ Wedding Invitations | || Sunday, Sept. 29, 1946 FRANK KLISANICH, Prop. . PEARL LAKE HOTEL "Theé House of Hospitality" SCHUMACHER Community W.M.S. Enjoy Wednesday Tea The Women‘s Missionary Society of Trinity United Church held their first meeting of the season Wednesday afterâ€" noon in the church hall. Rev. Gilmour Smith of Timmins was guest speaker, his subject being "Misâ€" sionary Enterprise." This was followed by the India program, presented by Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Morissette, During the afternoon Mrs; Armiâ€" tage sang two lovely solos. MrS. Frasâ€" er brought the meeting to a close with prayer and all joined in singing "Prayâ€"_ Aftery the benediction social period er to a Heart of Lowly Love". enjoyed. and all extend her their best »wishes for a speedy . recovery. and Mrc W E_ Wvlie left by ding march. She made a lovely bride, in her gown of white net over taffeta, the very full skirt of floor length, and the Peter Pan bodice of white lace. Her long veil of embroidered net was caught to the head witHhi a ébroffét of red‘ and white roses which matched the cascade bouâ€" quet_of radâ€" aha white’ ~roses which <she Garrieds _ Her mat.gon ot honor her sister~inâ€" law, Mrs. Tan Luxton,. and her bridesâ€" maid, Miss Anne Belbec, wore identiâ€" cal gowns® of filoorâ€"length turquoise silk net over taffeta, the shoulderâ€" length veils being of turquoise net oo l T P P C C 0P h. . Shutudh. B.. d .2 onto. ‘Mr. and Mrs. James Dillon, Firsb Ave., left by car for New Liskeard, where they spent the weekend. Jack Waite, Birch St., left Sunday for Kingston where he will commence his studies at Queen‘s University. Mrs. James Izatt and her daughter, Violet, Railroad St., returned this week from a holiday at Lethbridge and other points. â€" Mrs, H. Waddell McIntyre Property, Thirda Ave., spenb a few. days in onto visiting her daughtgr and sonâ€" inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oonron. and Merrill (Buddy) Clark, Rallroad St.. left. Sunday for Kingston, Mrs. George Shippam, Second Ave., left by car Tuesday for Hearst, where she wil attend a meeting of the Cochâ€" rane Presbyterial. Mrs, Shippam is the delegate from ‘Trinity United Church, Schumacher. Miss Elizabeth Sandul left this week for Pittsburgh, where she will rejoin the cast of "Ice Cyocles" after spending a vacation at her home on Second Ave. Mrs. Mangotich and sons Buddy and Lenky, Poplar St., returned this week fro'm a holiday at Kitchener and Kingâ€" M;'s Pe‘ter Shgrbhl and daughter Andrey lett for Mon‘bneal where Auâ€" «drey : will nesume her ‘studies and Mrs. A short business sessinn was ‘held and several reports were presented. The W.MS. plan to entertain the Mission Band and the Canadian Giris in. Training. and all extend her their best »wishes for a speedy . recovery. Mr. and Mrs. W. K..Wylie left by car for Toronto where they attended the Fowlerâ€"Miller wedding in the Carleton Street United Church, Torâ€" onto. The president, Mrs. H. Waddell, was in the ‘chair and the meeting opened with the Lord‘s Prayer. ~Bob Boyce, Second Ave., left Sunday to resume his studies at the University of Toronto. ‘Rev. J. A. Breckenridge, Trinity United Church,.left Tuesday byâ€" car for Hearst to attend a meeting of the Cochrane Presbyterial. Mr and Mrs. Bob Moore left this week for a holiday in Toronto. Before transplanting hardy plants. roses and shrubs, soak them overâ€" night in a transplanting hormone * solution, as illustrated in the acâ€" _ Flowers, Coniaurum Property, left Sunday to resume his studies at the University of Toronto. © John Kirkland Coniaurum Property, left Sunday for Kingston, where he will commence his studies at Queen‘s leftâ€" for a ’honday at 'I‘oronto and other points. : Mrs. A. D. Campbell Molntyre Proâ€" perty, left: by car Bunday for Toronto. She was acompanied by her daughter, Patricia, who will resume her studies at the University of Toronto. Miss Helen Sampson, First Ave., left this week for Kingston, where she will resume her studies at Qucen‘s Uniâ€" University. versity. companying Gardenâ€"Graph. This solution is easily made by mixing a teaspoontful of transplanting horâ€" mone in a gallon of water. ° Released by Central Press Canadian Now that transplanting time is , which ot’hlerwiu here, home gardeners can turn to| to root. It‘s use plant hormones for â€"an assist from dust the ends of t with root hormon science. Their use helps to over» | trated. come wilting and setbacks when| This hormone transplanting. Hormones also act| be used to make as "firstâ€"aid" to roots injured when | more quickly. lifted from the soil. powder mixed wi A â€"root stimulutisyg. hormone in powder form is also available for the â€"4home gardencr who likes io propagute javerite plarts from slipe or cuttivngs. The use of rooting hormon»s is now stan:oard in most commercial grecrhouses. iThais ho?mone is usciul in foreâ€" :4 roots to form oi certain plants SOAK IN. TRANSâ€" PLANTING â€" HORMONE Vera Jenkin, Third Ave., left ek for Pittsburgh, where she oin the cast of "Ice Cycles" SCHUMACHER a vacation with her which otherwise are very difficult to root. It‘s use is sim merely dust the ends of the cuttings or slips with root hormone powder, as illysâ€" trated. This hormone powder also can be used to make seeds germinate more quickly. â€"A pinch of the powder mixed with the seeds does the trick. Bulbs dusted with this same root hormone powder also root more quickly and flower earlier. When transplanting hormone is used the leaves and rogks stay plump and full of Thus, because the plant is not suffering from lack of waterâ€"dehydrationâ€" it keeps on growing and replaces The hormone, however, does not take the place of watering. The gery fact that its use increases the avility of the plant to take up moisture, makes it all the more im« portant that treated plants be watered regularly. A very pretty wedding was solemâ€" nized on Sept. 18, in the United Church by Rev. R. J. Scott, when Penelope Wilhelmina, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Luxton, became the bride of Lyall LaRose of Weir Quebec. Lovely fiowers adorned the Edifice, large baskets of pink and white sumâ€" mer flowers being placed prominently. Organ music was quietly played durâ€" ing the ceremony by Mr. Walter Honâ€" er after .the ‘bride entered on father‘s arm to the strains of the wedâ€" ding march. She made a lovely bride, in her gown of white net over taffeta, the very full skirt of floor length, and the Peter Pan bodice of white lace. Her long veil of embroidered net was caught to the Couple Honeymoon On West Coast parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jenkin, Third Ave., | Cousineau;, First Ave.. and Mrs. Brough, Third Ave. â€" ur Mrs. Bill ‘Collier, Fourth Ave., reâ€" turned Monday from a holiday at Torâ€" onto *# Mr. Bilf TCumly: and ‘his sister, Miks Jean Lumly, of Goderich, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Milâ€" ler, Third Ave. sNOWHOH INILOCM:: HLIAM _SDNILLAD ALSAG Cy Hale of North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. The Women‘s Missionary Society holds its first function of the season today (Thursday) in the United Church. It takes the form of a tea bakeâ€"sale and sale of novelties. Mrs. Coffey, president, who is short. ly leaving to take up residence in North Bay, will hold office until the end of the term. A truly magnificent display of flowâ€" ers, fruit and vegetables marked the Harvest Thanksgiving Services in the United Church on Sunday. The Womâ€" en‘s Association was responsible for the decoration. Rev. R. J. Scott preached at both services to large congregations. In the morning the Junior Choir led the singing and Geraldine Vickers sang a solo "O Lovely Flowers‘. : In the evening the soloist of the senior choir was a new Scottish war bride, Mrs. Jean Wilson, who rendered a fine contralto "Eye Hath Not Seen." The senior choir gave an anthem "Fear Not, O Land". R The "Happy Gang" Club met last Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Libby at Dome Extengion. Bridge was played, prizes going to Mrs. Anthony and Mrs. E. Webb. . ‘The hostess served a delightful lunch. Members present included Mrs. Ewing, Mrs. Freeman, Mrs. B. Webb, Mrs. Anthony, Mrs, Stanlake, Mrs. Montrose, Mrs. A. Wilson, Mrs. S. Jay, Mrs. Gibbons. ; gathered in coronet style to the head. Each carried identical Victorian noseâ€" gays of mixed flowers around a centre of rosebuds. 4 Happy Gang Club Enjoys Bridge Mr. Elmer LaRose, brother of the groom, acted as best man and the duties of usher were carried out by Freeman Anthony and Ian Luxton. Before the ceremony Mrs. A. E. Stanâ€" lake sang "The Garden of Your Heart" as a solo, and during theâ€" signâ€" ing of the register she sang "O Pro. mise Me." A reception was held after the cereâ€" mony at the home of the parents of the bride on Main St., the bride‘s mother receiving the guests in a radar blue ensemble with small feather hat of red and navy, navy accessories and corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. LaRose left on the Northland for Vancouver and Vicâ€" toria, where the honeymoon will be spent. Later they will reside in Monâ€" treal. â€" Before her marriage the bride was included Mr. ‘and of Montreal, Mr (aunt of the brid and Mrs. Stan â€" que. with their ( Lesly Ann. % ovely Singing eatures Services SOUTH PORCUPINE MERCHANTS LADIES CHILDREN‘S WEAR 7 Bruce Ave., South Porcupine DRY GOODS € y Clearing _(;. ;\ Women‘s Summer Dresses and Shoes DESERVE YOUR SUPPORT ago to visit relatives in the west. She en mm . is now en route home after having At the Rebe‘:ah Lodge meeting .on been on a motor tour through Oregon Friday, plans were discussed for enterâ€" to the west coast. taining the Rebekah Assembly prefiâ€" Mr. J. Cunningham of William Ave., Gent, Mrs. Elizabeth Fletcher cf Guelph, is home after being in Toronto for Who will be visiting the North in her medical attention.. Her friends are Official â€" capacity next . month, and glad to know she is improving in South Porcupine on Oct. 10. P a â€"a James Curtis of Dome Extension, who was best man at his brother Ben‘s wedding in Timmins last week has left for Toronto where he is takâ€" ing a veterans‘ rehabilitation course in engineering. Mr.â€"and Mrs. Ted Jenkyn of Niagâ€" ara Fulls spent a few days of their honeymoon last week, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lemieux. Leonard Harper and Miss Mary Harper leave on Saturday for Kingâ€" ston, where they will attend Queen‘s University. Dr. and Mrs. E. 8. Somerville, acâ€" companied by their daughter Joan, are spending a few days in Toronto. Mrs. Joan Ellis left on Saturday for Kapuskasing, where she took the T. C.A. route to Vancover after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwellâ€" Smith, Mr. A. G. Luxton left_ on Thursday for Noranda after attending his daughâ€" ter‘s wedding last Wednesday in South Porcupine. Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Dougherty and daughter, of Ottawa, are visiting Mrs. Dougherty‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ewing on Bruce Ave. the guest of honor at several showers, among them being those given by Miss Belbec and Mrs. Ian Luxton. A very large number of gifts were received, one from friends in Preston East Dome, where she had served on the Ooffice staff for three years, being a lovely bag containing a wallet of money. Foucherâ€"Born to Mr. and Mrs. Foucher of Golden Ave., on Sept. 23, a son, Paul Romeo. Mr. Andrew Harty is in Sudbury this week, attending life insurance convention. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doran are leavirs shortly to reside in Sarnia. Births in Porcupine General Hospital Cavanaghâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Edâ€" mund Cavanagh of 10 Tisdale Ave., Gifts to the matron of honor and bridesmaid were a string of pearls and earrings; to the best man a toâ€" bacco humidor; to the ushers cigarâ€" ette case, and leather wallet; to the soloist a Dresden china pin and the organist a box of cigars. LaKRose wore the groom‘s gift of gold costume‘ jewellery. On her goingâ€"away suit of midnight blue wool, with matching hat, Mrs. Out of town guests at the wedding included Mr. and Mrs. Elmer LaRose of Montreal, Mrs. W. J. Carmichall (aunt of the bride) of North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hunter of Noranda, Que. with their children Harvey and Wilson left three weeks 117 Goelden Ave., S. Porcupine Plumbing and Heating PLUMBING QUALITY SERVICE Phone 920 for dent, Mrs. Elizabeth Fletcher cf Guelph, who will be visiting the North in her official â€" capacity next â€" month, and South Porcupine on Oct. 10. A joint meeting with Timmins Gold Nugget Loc;e was discussed, to â€" be held in South Porcupine, and tentaâ€" tive plans were made for a banquet at the Airport Hotel. Choir Takes Part _ In Cochrane Service Twentyâ€"two members of St. Paul‘s Anglican church choir were taken by cars of membersg cf the congregation on Sunday to render the musical part of the Harvest Festival service held in Holy Trinity Church, Cochrane. A full choir was in attendance, and later the choir was entertained to luncheon by members of the Cochrane church. Rev. John Ford accompanied the choir and gave the sermon. South Porcupine on Sept. 20, a daughâ€" ter. Tyndallâ€"On Sept. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Tyndall of 56 Dome Ave., a daughter. Birkettâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. John Birâ€" kett of the Coniaurum Property, on Sept. 24, a son. . Mitchâ€"l!â€"To Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mitchell of Dome Extension, on Sept. 22, a son. Hockingâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hocking of 165A Moore St., South Porcupine, a son, on Sept. 21. Miss B. Hicks, V.O.N., and Miss E. Beardmore left on Friday to spend the weekend in Toronto. Miss Hicks returned on Monday > Miss Beardâ€" more will continue her studies in Public Health nursing at Toronto Uni» versity. ' e P l lle fls ds ce iO ie vale oBe aBe abe afe aBe cbe abe abe abe cb abe ate eb 486 ns EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Irvin Rosner;R. 0. Claude Dillon EYESIGHT SPECIALIST For Appointment Phone 1§ 13â€"A PINE ST. NORTH (Ostrosgser Bldg.) SCIENTIFIC_ ACCURACY 33 CRAWFORD ST. SsSOUTH PORCUPINE Service Station 510