Néws‘ Froin SCI-1U MACHER -v v pâ€"' wâ€"‘uâ€" “’7'?’ Vâ€"fwâ€"Y- " The follqï¬â€™liï¬'g ~:.-.-.at_t.e.nded: J u d y Jucksch, Gracge" Hall, " Carole Mair, Dickie' and Janet Moore, Td'r'n’my Moore, George. Beth and Marilyn Leék',"1d‘a' QlcCi, Barbara and Mar- garet Carswglly Leona and Th’eresa Fourni‘pr,‘ Linda Urquhart, Pat Thomp- sonpSandra Jean Ca’mer‘én, Elen Mac- mmau; 'TBa‘b's' Warner, B'etty Anne , Walter Craik, Fitst Ave†en- ’ f ed Friday afternoon in honor ::::: Games" Were enjoyed and every- one mica agrand time. A delicious lane}! was served by the hostess and each little guest had a piece of the lovely birthdy cake . - " "Ffli‘ï¬iture Bundle? £3311 -~ Reeves, Xi. McLELLAN’S Grocery and Meat Market ' PHONE 770 T‘itese ï¬rms will. serbe you best! T DOESN’T MATTER whether you are driving a brand new car or a pre-war model, you’ll receive the same friendly, willing service from your neigh- bourhood B-A dealer when you drive in at the sign of the Big B-A. Trained to give you the bes: servicé in: town, your ‘B-‘A dealer 'knOWS how B-A top-qqality gaso- lenes and mom: oils add to your trouble-free morat- ing pleasure. Proï¬t by his éxpérience and buy B-A Peerless Motor Oil. 1: ’ U ‘ :1 ,. .. n“ flamed Mary Grsioh, Robert Mair. ‘01: Roll' St. The following attended: Catherine and Beth Craik, Ellen MéMillan, GeOrg-ie and Beth Leek, Margaret Ann McGee, Sandra Skeene, Barbara Mc- Laren, Edna Fabello, Emma Gaspar- etto, 2 Rosie Sutton, Carole Buckman, ' Mrs. W. Mair,’ Third Ave. enter- tained Saturday in honor of her dau- ghter Carole, who was celebrating her seventh birthday.‘ A very happy time was enjoyed. Mrs. Mair served a de- licious lunch and each guest had a piece of the birthday cake. Louise Clark. M human. Joan 811!me Marc-mt Ann McGee. Sally Burkholder, and, Beth Cnlk. Congratuléttons havé been offered to Mr. and Mrs’. Jack Matthew. First Ave, who celebrated their 16th wedd- inzmnnivirsary on Saturday. During the day many of their friends 53113de effend ' ‘t'ï¬â€˜Ã©ii' Beef ï¬mï¬es; In the evening a pleasant Social time was enjoyed. 2 - j Celebrate Slxteem}! Wedding Day ' wan wuuyw. Bridge was played and the prize- winners were Mrs. W. Mair. Mrs. Dan Fraser; Mr. W. Mpir, Mr. W. Jenkyn joyed. Carole Man- Has Seventh Bn'thday .â€" -..._..’ _._. A delicious "lunch“ was served and during the evening dancing was en- FRANK KLISANICH. Prop, Phone 788‘ Schumach‘er Comfortable Roams ExCelIeht Service PEARL LAKE HOTEL “The House of HospifalitY†Pouring tea Were Miss .Ida Liber~ ator ‘and Mrs. James Scullion. The guest ofï¬honor was the recip- ient. of many beautiful gifts. ‘ The following L attended: ‘ Misses Prénflcé, Verbik,_ Zadoroz‘ny. ~Sandul, Scullion; Fregonese, Delich, Dupuls, Freganese, Stefanac. Laskarin, Vrban- ac, Marini, Setacci, Chiola, Gustizia, Battistone. « Mrs. D. Defelice. Mrs. H. Ruscetti Mrs. J. Holjevac. Mrs. J. Zupan. Mrs. Liberator. Mrs P Marini. Mrs. W. Shaw, Mrs. E. McDonough, Mrs. E. Willan, Mrs. E. Pooley. Mrs. J. Ver- bi", Mrs. J. O’Donnell, Mrs. M. Han- cock, Mrs. D. Cicci, Mrs. Miro Guac- ci. Mrs. A. Robson. Mrs. J. .Stirrat, Mrs. A. Banich. Mrs. L. Zuliani.. Mrs. D. Iannarelli. Mrs. J. Iannarelli, Mrs. T. Iannarelli, Mrs. M. Cicci. Mrs. Ta- toni. W. Broï¬gh, Mrs. ‘J.¢ Paoli‘ni, Mrs. D. Setacci, Mrs. C. Ruscetti, Mrs. F. Setacci, Mrs. D. Cicci. Mrs. J. Cald- arelli. Mrs. Marini, Mrs. D.“ Ciarroc- ca, Mrs. D. Setacci, Mrs. P. Smith, After bingo a delicious lunch was serve. The large tea table was very attracthe With lace cover the centre piece was .a silver basket ï¬lled with lovely flowers, pink taper candles in silver holders. ' | Misses Cicci, Liberator, Vrbanac, Maki, Ja‘ksic, Kulju, Ianarelli. Unable to attend. but sending gifts. were Mrs. M. Reardon, Mrs. C. Price. Mrs. C. Pupich, Mrs. A. S. Rioux, Mrs. G. Pellizzari, Mrs. G. Blitva. Mrs. J. Holjevac. Mrs. D. Dautovich. Mrs. F. Antonacci. Misses Curry. Mar- chiori, Defelice. ~ ‘ A picely girdled ., macellaneous shower was held Tuesday evening in the basement of St. Alphonsus Parish The guest of honor was Miss Anne lsnrisrelll who will become the bride of Mr. Adolph Salomone of Tim. mins on Sunday.- -.Sept- 8. in Si Al- phonsus Parish Church, Rev. Father Martindole will «ofliciste. .. The hostesses for the evening were Misses Anne Holjevac‘ Nancy liar- ini. Mildred Mirkovicb, Dee lannar- elli. and_Msry Cicci. _ ~ . The basement of the church was nicely decorated with pink and white streamers and baskets of lovely flow-. ers. The flit table and the bride s chair also carried pink and white de- oorations. Above the bride's chair was a cluster of streamers, and when she started to open her gifts the string was mined and she was showered with confetti. During the evening bingo was play- ed and the prize winners weré Mil- dréd verbik, Margaret Scullion. Mrs J. Valsi, Ethel MCDonough. Mary Ian- T158". door ï¬rize Mary. Zadoro’zfny. Mrs. Morandin and son Bobby and daughter Reta, First Ave., spent a few days visiting friends at Kirkland Lake. A Shawer Given For Anne Iannarelli Mr. aners. Earl Sparks of Drumbo are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sparks, Railroad St. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hansen and son Les left Monday for their home in Chi- cago. Les attended the summer ses- sion of the Porcupine Skating Club. Mr. ' and Mrs. Hansen enjoyed their visit here. They thought the North Country wonderful and the people were so friendly. They are looking forward to coming back .next year. Mr and Mrs. W. Rodgers, Railroad St., visited in Kirkland Lake during the weekend. Mrs. E. De Wulf spent last week visiting her daughter and son-in- -law, Mr and Mrs. Fred Mesot and son Jackie. Mr. Mesot is a professional teacher at the summer session of the Porcupine Figure Skating Club. Cpl. Glyp Thamas, R.C. A..F, re- cently returned from overseas, left ï¬idéy for' Laehine, Que, after spend; ing Some time visiting friends and renewing acquaintances in town. Tommâ€"y Scullion, First Ave., re- turned Friday from a holiday at Mon- treal. “AVE noun! BAY i: l ‘57me .~ Mrs. E. Tisdale, First Ave.. visited in Kirkland Lake during the week- end. Mrs: Barbara Keizer, .Second Ave.. visited 'in Kirkland Lake during the Mr. Leslie Halliwell, recently ar- rived from England, is visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.’ Stan Bratby. Second Ave. Mr. Halliwell is weekend. a son. ‘of Mrs. W. ‘I-Ialliwell and the late Mr. 'Halliwell, former residents of Schumacher. Paul Laine; Second Ave; returned BY BUS- LOCALS SCHUMACHER was won by Miss mac- SCHUMACHER .rrat, Mrs. Summer Skating Season Mrs. Finished On Saturday v--,v-- vv Three drunks paid the ‘usual fine in police court on Tuesday, under Act- ingMagistrate S. C. Plattis. Four per- sons also paid ï¬nes of from $10 to $50 for having liquor or wine. . . n ‘llia’ ‘n‘ mm :13. Married Thursday Her bridesmaid was Miss. Wilma Finan of South Porcupine. _ - wore a dress of powder blue jemey with a corsage of red roses. and a matching tiny but ‘ ‘ Mr. Ronald Meanier, broiher- in-law of the bride, ma as best man, - ' Careless driving brought a $25 ï¬ne for D. MéWhirter. Speeding cost R. Vaillancourt $1Q and costs. A, charge of theft against J. D. ~Marshall was withdraWn. Mrs. Finan is a valued empioyee of the Northern Telephone Co. and has been supervisor for some years. Her many friends extend their very best wishes for future happiness to this pair. A very quiet wedding was solemn- ized on Thursday in the United Church mama. South Porcupine. by Re'v. A. L. Beech, when‘lean Brown. daughter of Mia. J. C. Browri and the late Mr. Brown of Strach’an Ave... be- came the bride of Wilbum Keith Finan of South Porcupclne. The gift to the bridesmaid was a bracelet with turquoise stones, and the best man received a walletk . The summer session of the Porcu- pine Figure Skating Club ï¬nished on Saturday. Skaters from all over Can- ada and US. attended, some for the ï¬rst time. but all were impressed with .the north country. and are looking forward to coming back next year. A wedding dinier with the immed- iate relatives followed the marriage at the home of Mr. Edwiq Brogan. _ The bride was aoWned in a adren- maker suit or turquoise; wool with brown. accessories and a tiny but with veil. She wore a corsage of Johanna Hill roses. A reception toqk place later Ingthe afternoon, the bride's mother receiv- ing the guests in a navy flowered dress with corsage of white gladioli. On the brides table Was a table cloth which belongéd to the great- grandmother of the bride and is over 100 years 019. ____|_ 1; AL .. LL- ‘TLuLL .lVV JVWD V‘w The young couple left on the Narth- land for a short honeymoon on their returnthey will reside at .120 Strach- an Ave. -Qv-u- â€"â€"_â€"-_vâ€"‘.v Mr and Mrs. Don Campbell, Second Ave†visited in Kirkland Lake.du1‘?ing the weekend. Mr. Roy Masson of Toronto spent a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Craik, First Ave. Miss E. Collier left Sunday for her home in Kingston after spending some time visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Lafontaine. Coniaurum Property. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Brough, First Ave, visited at Kiikland Lake du1i11g the weekend. this week from a holiday at Moptrgal: onto and otherpoints. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Fosten, First Ave.. returned Sunday from a holiday at Glen Orchard, Muskoka and New Liskeard. - her home at Hamilton after spending some time visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Lafontaine, Coniaurum Property. 'Mâ€"r. and Mi‘s'. Fred ‘Mesot and son Jackie and Mrs De Wulf, left Mon- day for their home in Toronto. - ‘A II. o -A__ _ ï¬ev. J. A. Breckenridge United Church returned from a holiday at Toronto points. Mr. and' Mrs. Ernie Towell and daughter Gwelda, Second Ave. left Monday by car- for a holiday at Cobalt "and Toronto. Mr. Durwood McKinley of Windsor spent a few _, ays Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Towel, Second Ave}, Mr. Mc- Kinley left Monday for Cobalt: Where he will visit his grandmother, Mrs. John Perry. I’M w." “l 1", a... U... _ Elmer ahd Dot. 6156378 and flan? Worth, JOhn,~ Nellie and Isobel Ma- nuts. suns ma Ami? Mrs litiga‘b’ha" MI- 2111‘ MP8- Ha meta Mr Margaret Welsh, Who has been visit- ing Mrs. W. Brough; First Ave., and Mrs. James MacKenzie, Second Ave., left Wednesday for her home in Tor- onto. Lucrumu. “$1.“qu mu. m†_- and My: W Wills, J. and E McDonald mm Mr: P magnum Mr. and Mrs. W. Chidley and daughter Joan of Eldorada, is visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Johnson, Fourth Ave. Among those sending floral tributes to the funeral of the late Mrs. J. McMaster were Mr. and Mrs. J. Male- tich, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher. Harry Turner, Mrs. Ferguson, Fred and Ursula Dwyer. .Mr. and, Mrs. K. . Croft, Fitz and Myrtle, Vic and Len“ Thomas, Mr’. and Mrs. McLellan, Joe and Ada. Mr. and Mrs. Grath, Lalia Webber, Neal. Jean and Vance, Marge, Law- '30:: and family. £1th and Tootsie, Mrs. and Peggy Sutherland, guy and .518:in Red'dén, w. ands Mrs. G. Kyle. Mrs gkith. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Bert‘Alï¬me. â€"’â€"- u n _____ Mrs. Calégfley. Mr. anngbG. POLICE COURT SOUTH PORCUPINE SEND WREA’I‘HS at Trinity last week and other G. Byers, VlSlt- NS. ONTARIO The church was ï¬lled with friends and relatives of both families. and the altar was graced with white glad- i011 and phlox. “ Mrs. "R. Vary played wedding music asithe bridecame in on her father's arm, and through the service. The bride looked very pretty. dressed sinipl-y. in a two-piece pale blue dress- malter suit, wigh touches of pale pink, small pink hat and veil. and corsage of talisman roses. A very pretty wedding was solem- nixed in St Paul‘ 3 Church South Por- cupine, on Saiurday at 4 pm by Rev. John Ford. when Rhoda Victoria. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen of 88 William Ave. became the bride of James Vincent Feta. second son of Mr. and Mrs. James Fora, of 55 Bloor Ave. ’ The bride wore a string of pearls, the gift of’her mother andfather, as her only ornament. The groom’s gift to the bride was a cedar chest. Her gift to hini was a Ronson lighter. Later a reception was Held at the bridegroom‘ 5 home. The young couple received a great number of lovely gifts“ The bridegroom’s gifts to the brides- maid angl organist were earrings, and to the best man and ushers wallets. A short' honeymopn is being spent in Kirkland Lake. She was assisted :by _the groom's mother Who was attired m black with corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fera will reside in South Porcupine and the best wishes of their'hosts of friends are extended for their future happiness. Rhoda Allen Married In St. Paul’s Church She was attended by her sister Joxce, as bridesmaid, who was charm- ing in a pink wool dress of street length, with tiny hat of pink and bla'Ck feathers and wore a corsage of cream roses. - Fellowing the wedding a reception was. held at the home, of the bride, Mrs. ‘Allen receiving in a tWo-piece brown ensemble with gold veste‘e and corsage of yellow roses. Little Jimmy Pirie of Dome Exten- sion celebrated his fourth birthday on TUesday. Clano'n Kavanag‘h" Was ‘ "'b“é§t ' man and Clifford Allen and Wilmer Fera acted as ushers. Out-of-town guests at the wedding included the bride's grandfather. Mr. Arthur Seed of Cobalt, her. aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seed, and their two sons Arthur and Emerson of Cobalt. Mr, Alfred Seed, also of Cobalt, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly the bride’s friends from Toronto. .j Some of his mile friends assisted in .the celebration by attending his party, bringing him gifts, and enjoy- ing his birthday cake. Jimmy Pirie was Four on Tuesday SOUTH PORCUPINE MERCHANTS 77 Bruce Ave., South Porcupine MAKINEN ‘ DRY GOODS «XkaÂ¥%xzuxuzu:Â¥.zx.iu Clearing Women’s Summer Dresses and Shoes .DREN’S WEAR SOUTH PORCUPINE DESERVE YOUR SUPPORT .‘ Guests included Bobby Kent, Bill Pix-1e. Garry Brooks, Judy Promx. Robert Starling. Non-y Ga‘to‘, Bob’by Lively and the host’s little sister. Kar- en Pirie. A very good crowd attended -the Moose" Hall on Golden 'A‘Ve‘: on Tues: day. evening at the special “Moose Night" card party. . Several other small people'were in- vltcd but 9_wing to an unfortunate epidemic of m’umps. couldnt go. Prizewihners for bridge were Mrs B. Webb, Mrs C. H. Libby, Mrs. H Orr and Mrs. H. Blood. For whist, prizes went to Mrs. Bor- den Blood. Mrs. I. P. Wilson. Mrs. W. J. Wilson, all in the order named. South Porcupine high school 'opens on Sept. 3 with registration. of stu- dents in all grades as follows: Grade 9, at 10 3.111.; Gradev10,.at<.11 a.m.; Grades 11, 12. 13 at 1.30 pm. All students are asked to! report in the auditorium at the hours indiCated. Students registering‘in the school R. Dewar Wins Radio As Dom Prize The door prize of a radio was won byMr. R. Dewar of 88 William Ave.» H. S. . Students "_ ' mg; oi regret -,t1 Asked to Register 633;“; DON'T LET REFRIGERATOR SHORTAGE BOTBER YOU Get your milk ICE COLD, from 117 Golden Ave., S. Porcupine - OPEN SUNDAYS â€"- i Main St†South Porcuplggj Plumbing and Heating Em ollment or Rese1vation may be made now. We have hund1 eds of successful graduates â€"â€" let us help you. Hamilton Block Ior < .07 PLUMBING QUALITY SERVICE Luxton’s Lunch D o 0 O I Iâ€.â€.~.â€d CLARK’S v Q ‘ O ‘ C C Q . roovoï¬oopoopoopovr 'tpoopoon Timmins Business College Néws ’Fibm NAP HUOT SOUTH PORCUPINE .: ‘ FALL TERM DAY Aun'mm cLAssEs‘ TUESDAY, SEPT. 3 Ellen M.‘.,Ter1"y, Principal O O C 1 p.09’lu.«.«. Established 1921 begins in both at the The Miss Joyce Allen left today for Hamilton to enter Hamilton General Hospital as_student nurse. The Ladies Auxiliary of, the Per- a wwn. hit-3.1L Buckley and childrén oi Payn'inster rctur'ned last week from six weeks' vacation in Sudbury. Nursing Sister Ella Baltimore, re- cently with the R.C.A.M.C. overseas. is doing ï¬eld work in connection with tho V.O.N. University Course. in South Porcupine with Miss Betty Hicks at this branch. for the ï¬rst time in Grades: 10 to 18 are requested to inteMew the prin- cipal at his ofltce on many and Sat- urday morning, Auguao or 81. l Mrs. J. semen of‘tho Paymaster myo- perty has been visiti'n‘g’ In Toronto for General“ Hospital, . Miss Beth Norris of Montreal, for- merly W.D., R.C.A.F., was the guest of Miss Beatrice Maxwell-Smith this Dr. and Mrs. Charles Kochakian and child are visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong of 80 Cecil Ave..- from Rochester, New York. Mrs. Kochd- kian was formerly Irene Armstrong. ---w w-â€" WV" -vâ€"vwvâ€" -' Mr. Mike Cybuls‘ki and Mr. Tom Ryan lettpn Tuesday for Renfrew and Toronto for a short visit. The’ many friends of Mr. SteVe Hines of the Davidson property will regret to learn he. is All in Toronto azuzxznasiz???x..?. . On?- You (Continued on Page Seven) Claude Dillon Rcsldl. nce Phone 510 33 CRAWFORD 81‘. SOUTH PORCUPINE Service Station PHONE 280 TAXI Timminsz Ont. I I": I "j!