Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 11 Jul 1946, 1, p. 2

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_ Riverside Pavilion J’g tirs h__meOmtomomwmzht July 19, is the date set aside for an | of fun and frolic...... Such is promised in the long remembered m. to those who attend the tenth annual Intercollegiate Dance whth is being held down at the Riverside Pavilion with Henry Kelneck and his orchestra in attendante ... have always had a grand time at . these dances, when favors are given out, dance programs are presented t the door, and novelty numbers all add to the evening‘s fun .......Dress be: optional .. as in other, years, and this has usually meant that gals get all dressed up in their best evening wear, and the guys can _along in a.lmost anything...... These dances are put on by the univerâ€" ‘ students in the district, the proceeds going to some worthy organization, amanteur show featuring ‘ will be brdadcast we young people cCc ainity........We also note 1 be played during the Fred E. Thompson Agencies Among the other artist members of the Summer Skating School are ~Barbara Anne Scott, the North Americanâ€"§;. Ladies Champion, and Canâ€" adilan Ladies Senior champion. Yvonne Sherman, runnerâ€"up for the American junior ladies singles champion, and for the junior pairs champâ€" cionship in the Eastern. States....Patty Scully, former ladies Ontario or champion........ There are numérous girls.at the school . this summer "and all of them champions or runnersâ€"up in their own clubs....They hail o l'rnm as far away as Boston, New York, Chicago, Cleveland, Western â€" Btates and Canada...We must note too that there are three very special _‘ little starsâ€"toâ€"be with us this year, who are only eight years of age........ _ They are Barbara Burgoyne, of Cleveland, Diane Williams, of Calgary and Sylvia Sundene of Chicago....Each Thursday night there will be exhibition skating featuring dancing and sgolos, with the McIntyre Band accompanying....... These dsplays are simliar to those put on every McIintyre Field Day, and the Field Day this year will be on August 5. .’i' doing, washing, ironing, mending, packing, and shipping off the twenty pound bundles whitch are nearing theâ€"thirty mark now......She conscientâ€" Jously marks the age groups on children‘s clothing, makes sure that all @hoes are properly mended, and in all‘sendsâ€"only clothing that is in Grade W’ wearing condition......‘"Geraps â€"wereâ€"noâ€" good" she <noted as the m'ticles would be in great need for about five years........Mrs. Widomski has melved clothing donations from manyâ€"people; and from the used apâ€" parel has turned out things in the bést dondition.....She_also received doâ€" ns which were already in excellent condition, but for both these she has been most grateful....... Her only wish is for more heavy coats fir the cold weather......Mrs. Widomski;~toâ€"use her own words, was old cmmt.ry born, and American raised, and recéives addresses of the needy from relatives, friends and their friends in Poland .......Each package conâ€" taing a little of everything, including all manner of clothing, and several food necessities....... She is hoping to receive a few more donations that the parcels may be received before the cold weather sets in. ‘The Summer Skating classes are now open at the McIntyre, and this wrobably explains why there are so. many strange but very pretty young ladiés wandering around our town these days.... Among them is Doreen PDutton who is returning as a professional this yvear, and who has just Completed a holiday in the Canadian Rockies with her parents Mr. and this year to our local Y.M.C.A...... Tickets may be obtained at the door, or from any gtuggng'or member of the Y‘s men‘s Club. E5X C_.2 > _ Another treat in the offing is something in a new and different light. ...... ring Tuesday, July 30, and each followig Tuesday, dancing and a fidor show will,be presentéd in the ntwly remodelled Croation Hall in very special attraction from the stage will be an amateur show featuring our own local® talent, and this amateur half yar will be brdadcast weekly over C.K.G.B......8o how about some of you PF yYoung people coming forth and taking advantage of the opporâ€" ty......We also note that we can request all our own favorite pieces be played during the dancing hours, and another attraction is the serving of refreshments, as food and youngâ€"people seem=â€"to go together ... This. new and different program is being presented by Peter Hanch. Mrs J. H. Dutton, of Drumheller, Alberta, ‘where: Mr. ~Dutton is deputy Mayor........ Doreen entered the Canadian Championships with the Porâ€" cupine Club two years ago, and secured the Lediea Junior Figure Skating title.....Since that time sheâ€"has been training under Hedy Stenuff for her American Gold medal.....We: must also mention the fact that several years ago Miss Dutton directed, produced and had a starring role in the Great Falls, Montana, Figure Skating Club‘s annual show, the "Alpine Ice Fantasy", which was a tremendous success........ As club inâ€" structor, Miss Dutton supervised 250 skaters for the annual spring perâ€" formance at the Civic Centre........ We hope that you will have continued success Doreen. â€" Government Road W., Kirkland Lake, Ontariro Northway Motor Sales Limited , 17 Spruce Street South, Timmins, Ontario J _ Dallyn Ave., Kapuskasing, Ontario NEW ROYAL TYPEWRITERS Hox 686, NEW LISKEARD,â€" Onfario FURNITURE STORE STAFF GO TO PICNIC “:: .;;'? $ t o ts s _ _ . _ Kesterday afternoon the staff of the aoe NMBW ~ *‘ I. K. Pierce Purniture Store and their are starting to make their appearance May we give you particulars, See New Standard Machines at "THE HOME OF HAPPY FEET" Presents For Prices and Descriptive Literature write Household Appliances HIS TRUMPET AND HIS ORCHESTRA by Phyllis McCoy Between V. W. Viaad Mountioy United Church was the setting on Saturday morning for the marriage of Rose Florence Farrar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clement Farrar, of Toronto, to Lawrence Wilâ€" ‘The groom and attendants are memâ€" bers of the Gray‘s Bhow now in Timâ€" Groomsman was Leo Lacroix and usher was Florian Lafontaine.. Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was held at the home of the bride‘s parents, 113 Main St., ana later a dinner was held at the home of the groom, 440 Main St‘ A reception was held in the evening at the Riverâ€" side Pavilion. up about one o‘clock and spent the Notre Dame de Lourdes Church was the setting on Tuesday ~morning for the marriage of Yollande Joanisse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Joanisse, to Zenol Lacroix, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Lacroix. Father E. Gaboury offiâ€" ciated.. Organist. was Mrs, P. Piche, and appropriate hymns were sung by Miss Estelle Gauthier, Mrs. Aline Gauthier, of Virginiatown, Ont., and Mrs. E. Joanisse. MOUNTJOY CHURCH IS WEDDING SETTING Maid of honor was Miss J. Carriere, _ For their wedding trip to Montreal who wore a gown of lime green net the bride chose a dress of light blue over satin, with matching flowered CT°p€ with matching accessories, for headdress. She carried a bouquet of travelling. talisman roses and mauve sweet peas. They will reside in Timmins. Bridesmaid by M‘ss H. Lafontaine, wearing a gold gown â€"fashioned similarly to that of the maid of honor‘s, with matching flowered headâ€" dress. She carried a bouquet of talisâ€" man roses and sweet peas. FPlower girl was Miss Diane Bedard, who wore a pink net frock over taffeta. She carried a bouquet of carnations and sweet peas. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a graceful white gown fashioned with net bodice, featuring round neckline, and long full skirt of white lace. Her veil was held by a heartâ€"shaped headdress and fell in a slight train. It had been worn by her grandmother at her marriage. She carried a bouquet of pink roses. Outâ€"ofâ€"town guests at the wedding included Mr. and Mrs. E. Duschesne of Bonfield, Ont. | Prior to her marriage the bride was entertaimed by her cousin, Huguetle Lafontain, at a miscellaneous shower. The couple will take up residence YOLLANDE JOANNISSE IS TUESDAY BRIDE . Gilmour Smith officiated. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Peter The buttons are white pearl; the fabric is spun rayon.. . With or without a hat, this frock is good ‘teen size fare for ordinary, or slightly formal occasions. By PRUNELLA WOOD LITTLE girls (size Seven to Fifteen) always like black frocks . as what woman does not, any size? Here is a youthful black frock for hot summer days, in town or country, enlivened by ruffles of white eyvelet embroiderry which march down the skirt front, and over each sleeve cap. Of Interest to Women Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Grand Hotel, .Mrs. Gagne receiving in a wine coloured dress, with black accesories and a rose corsage. Also receiving was Mrs. Charlebois who wore a pale blue dress, navy accessories and a rose corsage. Notre Dame de Lourdes Church was the setting yesterday morning ;at 9 o‘clock for the marriage of Margaret Gagne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A Gagne, Mountjoy St. 5., to Mr, Leo Charlebois, son of Mr. and . Mrs. H. Charlebois, Cedar St. N. Rev. Father Theriault officiated. MARGARET GAGNE MARRIED WEDNESDAY afterncon at swimming and games. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Pierce, Mr. Gig Carswoll, Miss Vivian Pierce, Mr. Dick Wilson, Mr. Donald Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fourâ€" nier, and daughter Marcelle, Mr. and Mrs. Rene Barette, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blaine, Miss Trilby Pierce, Miss Shirley Thompson, Miss Mary Sikorski Mr. Sandy Purdon. # ‘The bride, whose father gave her in marriage, was lovely in a gown of turâ€" quoise crepe, with gloves, shoes and hat in contrasting fuschia. She wore a corsage of orchids. Limited PHONE 102 35 First Ave., Timmins The King Edward Hotel Cer. Bpruce St. and Third Ave. Day or Week Very Reasonable Rates Quiet Atmosphere @ rAee ‘ © 2\ 60 Union Coal Co. (‘ t a 24 in t d *fif e On Wednesday morning at 8.30, the Church of the Nativity was the setting for the marriage of Beatrice LOam, daughter of Mr. T. Loam and the laie e eE ) BE CE LOAM _ MARRIED YESTERDAY of Mr. and Mrs. R. Poupart. ’ 6e The bride, whose brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. . Mr. and Mrs. Somerville amily A. Pigeon, gave her in marriage, WOTe of Winnipeg vtsitnd Mr ,‘:;mn:" W‘ a graceful gown of white satin and H. Pritchard over the weekend. _ _ lace, fashioned with sweetheart neckâ€" line and long sleeves comink to a Mr. Kinniburgh, of Kitchen * » er 18 4 point over the hands. Her long veil pusiness visitor to Timm was held by a crown bordored with 6 * . o s es seed pearls. She carried a cascade of Mr, and Mrs. Mac Baker, of Wichita, red roses and stephanotis. Maid of honor was Plorence Loani, sister of the bride, who wore a gow of pink net with lace top. Her headâ€" dress wis of pink filowers and veiling, and she carried a bcuquet of roses and summer flowers. Groomsman was Rene Poupart. Following the ceremony wedding breakfast and dinner were held at the groom‘s home, with Mrs. Poupart reâ€" ceiving in a lime green dress, and a corsage of pink roses. Later a recepâ€" tion was held at the Hollinger Hall. The couple will reside in town. Notre Dame de Lourdes Chuch was the scene of a pretty wedding on Satâ€" urday morning when Yvonne Lafrenâ€" lere, daughter of Mr. H. Lafreniere and the late Mrs. Lafrenier, became the bride of Oscar Belisle, son of Mr. and The bride, given in marriage by her brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. W. Kenty, chose a turquoise blue dressmaker suit with white Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride‘s father, Commercial Ave. The couple will reside in Timmins. brother of the groom. Mrs. Delbert York, of Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vince Barton, Sixth Ave., this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lea, of ‘Toronto visited in town last week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickering, Toke Street. ols Mrs. E. M. Allworth, son Bob, and grandâ€"daughters Kay and Barbara Kane, of Pasadena, ‘California, are visiting in town for a few weeks, the guest of Mrs, Allworth‘s brother, Mr. A. H. Lillie and Mrs. Lillie. â€" Mrs. S. Giles, of Toronto, visited her sister Mrs. A. W. Pickering in town last week. Mrs. Kelneck, of Thorold, is visiting her son and daughterâ€"inâ€"law Mr. and Henry Kelneck. YVONNE LAFRENIERE MARRIED SATURDAY T bis" Advertlise ment is $ ponsore d by your‘"B e ek was Mr .Paul Belisle, in these and a dozen other ways, your bank is there to serve 1003 Your bank Mdonager can serve you in many intimate ways. He sees that your money is safe and pays it out asâ€"and whenâ€"and whereâ€"you direct; If you need ready cash or working capital for your personal or business affairs, you can discuss a loan with him, certain that your confidences will be respeci¢d, You can talkk over business projects or your farming requiremeants with himâ€"man to manâ€"and reap the benefit of his own and his bank‘s wido knowledge of local, national and international conditions,; Miss Anne Quinn returned yesterday in town for a few days from a holiday visit to Kapuskasing. She is now vacationing at the family cottage at Bayside Beach. a vacation in Southern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Somerville and family, of Winnipeg visited Mr. and Mrs.. W. â€"Miss Agnes Evans left this week for Mr. and Mrs. Del Wilson and daughâ€" are visi this week. â€" P H. Pritchard over the weekend. te Mr. and Mrs. Mac Baker, of Wichita, Kapnsas, are visiting in town this week at the home of Mr. Baker‘s parents Spruce St. North. Miss Jean McChesney returned on Monday from Britannia, in Muskoka, where she spent two week‘s vacation. Miss Hilda Stephenson returned this week from a twoâ€"week vacation in Muskoka. ; Miss Joanne Langdon left on Tuesâ€" day for Kingston after spending ten days visiting with her parents, Kirby Ave. Mrs. W. King returned last. week from a vacation in Southern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nigh visited for a few days in town last week> before returning to Englehart where they are visiting Mrs. Nigh‘s parents, Mr.â€"and Mrs. Ryan. They will then return to their home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Service returned this week from a holiday visit to Amich Lodge, in Temagami. Visiting â€" with Mr. and Mrs. Service is Mrs. T. F‘ Andrew, of Thornbury. Mrs. Eddie Proulx of Quebec City, Wasâ€"a business visitor to town is visiting relatives and friends in town Week. for a few weeks. She will be ‘joined by Mr. Proulx this week. . Mr. andâ€" Mrs.. E. Paukert, and Mayor and Mrs. J. Emile Brunette returned on Sunday following a lengthy drive through the States on their way home from Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bracken returned â€" Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald and daugh. last week from their wedding, trip to ter, of Detroit, were Timmins VlBitOl'S points in Southern Ontario. _ _ 0. last week. Mr. Dave Ness returned to town this week from Toronto. | Misses Mary Thomson, Nadine Smith, Jane Moisley, June Gedge, and Annse Ward, of Kapuskasing, are holidaying this week at Bayside Beach, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Quinn. « Mr. and Mrs.~C.â€"D. Stevenson left tario,â€"and the States. the Pamour this week for the West. Bay. Mrs. Hazel Kelly left today for Mrs. S. R. McCoy returned on Tues- Ottawa where she will join Mrs. Ml‘y day from a holiday visit to Barber‘s ‘Roach, and continue on to Norway Bay SOCIAL â€" and _ PERSONAL for a holidayâ€" visit. Dr. and Mrs. M. Lande, of Montreal, _are spending the summer months visitâ€" ing hnere. Miss Joyce Service is visiting at Loyolomi Beach Inn, near Sunridge, for the summer months. children left today for a vacation in Mr. Jack Findlater, of Toronto, is a business visitor to Timmins this week. Mr. Bernard Hynes, of North Bay, is a business visitor to town this weék. Mr. Luke Renaud, of Wlndsor ~is visiting relatives and friends in‘ towh < Miss Marjorie Thomson, of Kirkland Lake,‘ is visiting relatives and friends â€"Mr.â€" Sammy Fasano is visit town this week from Cochrane. in town. ~ Miss. Beatrice Colborne, of Toronto, is in town this week vtsitms relatives and friends. Miss Dorothy Brovender, of Monâ€" treal, is spending the summer~months visiting her parents in town. Dr. D. C. Stiles returned this week toâ€" London, after spending a week vls}ting relatives and fiends in town were ‘I weekend. ‘Mr. . and Mrs. E. Ward, of London, are visiting in town this week. â€" Mr. and Mrs. W. Robb and daughter Margaret, returned last week from a holiday trip to points in Southern Onâ€" Mr.

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