Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 27 Jun 1946, 1, p. 6

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Miss Fern Stitt received her dis- charge from the R.C.A.F‘. «‘WD.) and Miss Shirley McMaster has received her discharge frcm the Women’s Divi- sion of the R.C.AF.. and is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc- Master. Fourth Ave. Pte. Charles Pennie, Veteran Guards. Monteith, scent the weekend at his home on Patricia Blvd, Timmins, and also renewed acquaintance with friends in Schumac‘her. Congratulations are offered to Miss Ruth Ingerborg Westerholm. Gold Gen- tre, who was in the graduation class of nurses of St. Mary‘s hospital last Thursday. Miss Shirley MoMast her discharge frcm the 51011 of the R.C.AF.. her parents, Mr. and Master. Fourth Ave. Be sure to attend the Canadian Mgion's big Summer Show and dance in the McIntvre arena tonight and Friday and Saturday nights. The pro- ceeds of the event will go toward the Legion's prooosed Memorial Building. The many friends of Mr. Sinclair MacMillan, McIntyre Property, will be glad to learn he was able to leave St. Mary's hospital on Saturday and is convalescing at home. Mrs. Joe Montignv. Fourth Ave., is spending a few days in Kirkland Lake, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Kovalchuk. The friends of Mrs. E. Smyth, Third Ave.. will be sorry to hear she is ill in St. Mary's hospital and all extend their wishes for an earlv recovery. Miss Ethel Leek. student at St. Joseph's College. North Bay, is spend- ing the summer vacation with her father, Mr. William Leek. McIntyre Property. Mr. Arthur Wilford was able to leave St. Mary’s hospital on Sunday and is convalescing at his home on Second Ave. The many friends of Mrs. Ted Yorke. McIntyre Property, Third Ave.. will be sorry to learn that she is ill in St. Mary’s Hospital. The best wishes for a quick return to health are expressed by her many friends. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. John Leng of Kingston are visiting Mr, Leng’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Leng. McIn- tyre Property. and his sister and obrother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman, Third Ave. Unable to attend but contributing to the gift were Miss Alma Fregonese, Miss Mary Mesich, Miss Sylvia Stefanac, Miss Inev Fregonese. Mrs. Agnes Fien- dal and Mrs. Hazel Creed. The following ladies attended: Misses Olga Bemyk, Dee Iannarelll. Margaret Laskarln, Mildred Mirkovlch. Nancy Tomiuk. Sally Dyby’k. Ethel FoWler, Elizabeth Sandul. Margaret Sculllon, Mary Vrbanac. Arm Iannarelli. Chris Vrbanac, Diann Elpi, Cecelia Milllsanl, Betty Vrbanac, Anne Holjavac, Mrs. aPat Smith. Mrs. Bill Harris. Mrs. John Holjevac, Mrs. John Tomiuk. Mrs. Ben Davis. A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses. Miss. Davis will become the bride of Nick Tomiuk, Saturday. June 29. The guest of honor was presented with a lovely dinner service. A nice social time was enjoyed. Bingo was played during the evening and the prize winners were Miss Betty Vrbanac, Miss Cecelia Malusanl and Mrs. Ben Davis. A nicely arranged shower was held recently at the home of Mrs. Tom- luk 8:3. Fourth Ave. in honor of M18; Noreen Davis, Gold Centre. The rooms were decorated with pink and 'blue streamers and large vases o! lilac were nicely arranged. Hostessu for the natty were Mrs. Marie Wachnuk. Mrs. Mary Tomiuk, and Mrs. Alice Guolla. Miss Noreen Davis Is Showered PAGE 81X b\\\\\\\\'~\\ \K\\\\\\\\\\' Schumacher, Ont. Wsssxxxxnmsxmx Daily Service on Roll Film Developing Amway“ Huh. AN DERSON’S STUDIO MCLELLAN’S Cor. Second Pine St Schumucher Grocery and Meat Market PHONE 770 These firms will serve you best! SHOPPING" IN SOHIIMAOHER? LOCALS SCHUMACHER News From His 'parents were pioneer residents of South Porcupine 1n the early days of the Camp. A very pretty wedding took place at one o’clock on Monday afternoon, June 17. in the Vestry of Fourth Avenue Baptist Church, Ottawa, when Mary Freda, daughter of Lieut-Cmdr. Fred Burton and Mrs. Burton of Penticton, B.C.. became the bride of Captain Wil- liam Herbert Black. son of the late Mr. William Pate Black and Mrs. Black of Renfrew. Rev. M. L. Orchard officiated. The bride was lovely in a white suit with matching accessories and a 'cor- sage of red rose'buds. Capt. and Mrs. Black left for a wedding trip to Steven- son Lodge. Comberiniere, Ontario. For travelling the bride wore a thr€e piece suit of olive green. Present at the wedding were the- grocm‘s mother Mrs. W. Black and his uncle, Mr. R. A. Campbell, of Almonte. Local interest in the wedding is held in Schumacher and South Porcupine. .Captain Black is a grandson of Mrs. E. Watson, Railroad St., Schumacher., and nephew of Mrs. Sinclair McMillan, McIntyre Property. M. Cousineau, Mrs. Russell Fairbrother. Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. S. Cousineau. Mrs Pat Simourd, Mrs. P. Lessard, Mrs. Bill Green. Unable to attend but sending lovely gifts, were Misses Gladys Barkel, Bea- trice O’Rourke; Lucy Court. Edna Court, Ruth Westerholm, Mary Sekulich, Mrs. Fred O’Rourke. Mrs. L. Taylor, Mrs. A. Byron. Mrs. Jefiries, Mrs. Morrish Mrs. Allcroft, Mrs, J. McNeil, Mrs A. Jones, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Eden, Mrs Greer, Mrs. Loveless, Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. Pigeon, Mrs. Bassett, Mrs. Thiboutt. Mrs, T. Pigeon, Mrs. Tarabee. Mrs. James Izatt, Mrs. George Robertson. Jr., Mrs. John O’Donnell, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Court, Miss Alice Cowde-n, Mrs. H. Grist, Mrs. E. Dunbabin. Ottawa Wedding Is Of Interest Here The following ladies attended: Misses Mary Hodson, Miss Stella Rothewell, Miss Maisie. Dunbwbin, Reg N.. Miss Marjorie Cowden, Miss Jennie Maxini, Mrs. Ben Davis. Mrs, Torn Hodson, Mrs. Alex Stirling, Mrs. H. Bell. Mrs. After the games, the guest of honor was presented with a nicely decorated basket filled to the top with lovely gifts. A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses. Bingo was played and the prize win- Without Honours ners were Mrs. Fraser, Mrs, Morris, Maletich. John (En’glish); Carr, Ra Mrs. Allcroft. The door prize was won mona (Engl‘sh); Piech. Annie (Sci by Mrs. Mitchell. ence); Flood. Dawna (Mathematics) After the names. the guest of honor Gomercich, Catherine (Mathematics). Miss Noreen Davis, Gold Centre, was the guest, of honor last, Wednesday eve- ning at a nicely arranged miscellaneous shower held at the home of Mrs. Harry Cowden, Gold Centre. The hostess was assisted by Miss Alice Cowden, Mrs. Ernie Dunbabin. Mrs. Harold Grist, and Mrs. Jeffries. The rooms were nicely decorated for the occasion and a very happy time was enjoyed. Mrs._ Harry Cowden Is Shower Hostess Mrs. Stan Tresidder «Muriel Harris) and Miss Doris Barnes 01 Cobalt attended the Northern Telephone Company's picnic at the Buflalo Anter- ite Beach. They' also visited Mrs. Tresidder's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Harris. Third Ave. Tom Miller of the Bank of Com- merce Toromo. Ls visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Miller. Third Ave. is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs James Stltt. Third Ave. ._\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘\\\\‘\\\\\ xxx\\\\\\\\\\x\\£\\\\\\\‘ 90006096669966.600000060. Phone 788 Comfortable Rooms FRANK KLISANH‘H. Prop. PEARL LAKE HOTEL Excellent Service “The House of Hospitality” Schumacher First Class Honours Bragagnolo. Rino; Matasich, Katy; Wherry, Douglas; Barron, Patricia; Eliot, Joyce; Barrett. Barbara; Rubic, Rose; Flora. Archibald; Krajacich. Charles; Marchiori. Norma; Hegedus, Helen; Pulez, Ann. Second Class Honours Ovis, Frederick; Ellis. Elizabeth; Kramarich. Slavko; Olson. Joyce; Violino, Therese; Rose, Bettejane; Stewart, June; Pihlaja, Ilona; Moran, Sheila; Mangotic, George; Pooley, Neil; Pecaric. Catherine; Perkovich. Pau- line; MacQuarrie. Ross (Science); McGee, James: Keizer, Doreen; Lade- sich. Edward; Vrbanic, Nick; Kennedy. John (French); Urquhart, Ronald; Rajkovich. Teddy. Third Class Honours Shantz, Beverley; Innes, Patricia (Latin); Mirkovich, William; Wharton. Bertram; Selebgi. Mary (Mathematics); Rea, Kenneth (Latin, French); Waddle. Catherine; Miloknav, Mary (Latin); Hall, Kenneth (Latin, French); Hol- jevac, Madeleine; Clark, Allen; Vido~ nic, Mary: Cicci, Mary; Marini, Nico- lina; Johnston, Dale. Without Honours Wills. Donald (Science); Bragagnola. A very pretty wedding was held last Thursday, in the rectory of St, A1- phonsus Parish Church, when Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Radosovich. Second Ave. became the. bride of William Shaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw, Timmins. Miss Chris Vrbanac was bridesmaid and George Shaw was best man. Rev. Father Martindale officiated. The bride wore a lovely white wool dressmaker suit. white opened crowned hat mistecl with white veiling and colored flowers. She carried a white prayer book from which fell 10ng white satin streamers. She wore a shoulder corsage of Plnnoch'u roses and white bouvardla. The following have been promoted from Grade X to Grade XI. (Sub- jects listed after the name of a candi- date indicate conditions in those sub- jects). Young Couple Will Live In Timmins v“- Miss Chris Vrbanac,w01e a lovely pink dressmaker suit, flowe1ed calot with shoulder length veil She wore ashoulde1 Corsage of Talisman roses After 111:2 ceremonv a wedding dinner Third Class Honours Melville: Smyth, Alda (English): Bulmer, Norma; Fraser, Jean; Maletlch, Stan- Dee, R ley; Nugent, Richard; Cullen, Maur- (Physics) een (English); Cooper. Doyle (Mathe- Hadley, h matics‘); Schofleld. John (English); ter. Marshall, Allan (French); Fournier. Carmel (English. French); Wallace. Petcoff. Ronald (English); Keller, Richard Gordon (English); Lawson, Donna; Swanson, Matthew; Esther (French). French) ; After the was served The bride‘s mower recewcu tun. guests wearing a dress of black and mauve silk jersey. black accessories and corsage of Talisman roses. The groom's mother received wearing a dress of grey crepe, mauve accessories and corsag’e of Talisman roses. ‘ - «.31.... After the ceremony. a wedding unmer was served in the McIntyre Lounge. Folowing the dinner a reception was held at the home of the bride‘s par- ents on Second Ave.. and later at the hcme of the groom's parents in Tim- mins. KI‘CEI. Nick; McWhlnnle, Frank; Kirkland. Margo; Bettlcl, Irene; Laney. Greer, Mose; Perkovich, Carollne; Patricia; Brklacich, Rose: Douglas. Defence, Angelo; Lemalre. Colombe; June; MCGI'BUI. Dorothy; Beatlie. 30° Vrbanac. Frances; Zupancic, John; bert. ‘ Brooks. William; Gcedbloed, Mar- Second Class Honours garet; Moscoe. Edward; Fournier, Mur- MCNEII. Nancy; Robertson. Richard; lel; Cenclch. Walter tEnglism; Moran- Green, Hendricka: Johnson. Cecelia; din, Rita; Herbert. Bernice: Cooper, Samson. Bernard; Todd, Lena, Mans- Elane. field, Frederick: Sauriol. Morris; Hilts. Third Class Honours Melville; Olson, Eileen. Smyth, Alda (English); Bulmer, Third Class Honours Norma; Fraser, Jean; Maletlch, Stan- Dee, Rae (Latin); Studden. Shirley ley; Nugent, Richard; Cullen, Maur- (Physics); Kllllns, Norma (History); een (English); Cooper. Dayle (Mathe- Hadley, Mary (Algebra); Pm'lica, Wal- Ul as “aw.-..... The youngveouple left for a wedding trip to North Bay and other. points. For travelling the bride wore a dress- maker suit of mauve grey. black acces- sories and corsage of Pinnochio roses. The gift to the bridesmaid was a lovely string of pearls and to the best man a cigarette lighter. The bride was entertained by many of her friends prior to her wedding. On their return from their wedding trip the young couple will take up residence in Tim- mins The following have been promoted from Grade IX to Grade X. (Sub- Jects listed after the name of a candl- date indicate conditions in those sub- jects). First Giana Honours Worth. Donald; Kuusisto. Esa; Grgu- rich. Edward; Sebalj, Mary; Rice. Jean; Rotundc. Carmel; Parfltt. John; Mansfield. Betty: Beanie. Elizabeth; Meme. Jessie; Cowden. Donald: Laney. Maureen. Second Class Honours Schumacher High School Results SCHUMACHER McWhjnnie, Frank Perkovich. Caroline Lemaire. Colombe The following have been recom- mended to the Department of Educa- tion for promotion from Grade XII to Grade XIII, (Subjects listed after the name of a candidate indicate condi- tions in those subjects). First Class Honours Narduzzi. Elca; Wharton. Marjorie: Di Fant, Edward; Westerholm, George. Second Class Honours Kirkland, Mary; Verb 'k. Mildred; Boljkovac. Nick; Battochio, Luigi: Cameron, Glenwood; Shantz, Veron- ica; Montigny, Edgar: Aho, Roland. Third Class Honours Grenko, John; Fournier. Madeleine; Rubic, Mary; Monaghan, Effie; Tod- hunter. Roger; Popovich, Velma (His- tory. Chemistry); Gilbert, Elizabeth (Chemistry, French). CHOIR WILL VISIT HERE THE W ADVANCE. TIMMINS. ONTARIO Without Honours Petcofl, Peter (French); mum Gordon (English. Histcry); Me Matthew; Barrett, Edward (I. French); Battochio, Santo. The following have been recom- mended to the Department of Educa- tion for promotion from Grade XI to Grade XII. ¢Subjects listed after the name cf a‘ candidate indicate condi- tions in those subjects). First Class Honours Kalllo. Reina; Perkovich. Zora: Kirkland. Margo; Bettie}. Irene; Laney. Patricia; Brklacich, Rose: Douglas. June; McGrath, Dorothy; Beanie. Ro- bert. , Nedo; Wllspn. Kenneth; Defence. Jcs- eph (Mathematicsn Sutherland. Ida (Latin); Wallis. Be:ty (Science): Rob- son. Molly lLatlm. Rev. Ernest M. Caldwell of Holy Trinity Church, Cochrane. will conduct the service on Sunday at St. Paul’s Church. He will be accompanied by a mixed choir of 20 persons of his own church and their organist, Following the service a luncheon will be served in the Parish Hall. at which members of St. Paul’s are invited to be present. SOUTH PORC‘UPINIC MAY 16TH, 1921, he stood in a small, dingy room in the Medical Building of the University of Toronto, 3 self- appointed seeker, untitled, unpaid, but sustained by a conviction that he was on the track ofa great discovery. His name was Frederick Grant Banting, Canadian Surgeon, and he had sold his office furniture and Canada Unlimited gan sich rtin Mr. and Mrs. Sam Roach, with Mrs. Anthony and Mr. Freeman Anthony, will spend the holiday weekend in Collingwcod, as guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Purnis. Dr. and Mrs, Somerville arrive home on Sunday after three week holiday in Southern Ontario. 1101' home i1 Mr. and Aurora are weekend, g McInnis. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wilder of Kapuskasing were guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. Wilder of town during and after the Northern Telephone Co.’s Picnic An error crept. into South Porcupine news last week. It was Mr. Paul Dage- nais, not Mr. Delphis Dagenais who underwent operation in the lccal hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Bean of Toronto. who were recent guests of Mrs, Bean's sir- ter, Mrs. Harry Disher, left, on Sunday for home. Mr. H. Dish-er accompanied them. Miss Iola Smith of the Dome public school teaching staff left; last week for tends to live for a time Mr. and Mrs. Char] Roseville, Michigan. w guests of Mr. and Mrs. ber, O'Brien Ave.. have Miss Martha Nadobne}, visiting her sister, Mrs An error crept, into E tend Mrs. D. A. McLellan, with Mr. Doug- las McLellan and Miss Peggy, are leav- ing by car this week for ten days' holiday in Toronto and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Sky left on Wednesday for a week’s stay in Toronto. George Toderan. lately of the Con- sumer's Co-Operative Staff. is leavmg Oil Heating NORGE Fastemp Spaceâ€" â€"Heaters Radios Northern â€"- Sparton â€"- Addison Records Boyco â€"- Players Film Finishing Developing QUALITY RADIO SERVICE . Strict Adherence to IRMA Code 36A First Ave... Radio 8: “A” PHONE "z71) WL’C Mzkwme/M-mz/ (m (J/prémé'w; + * Il .IC L()( ALS KIDDIES GRFF‘T . mm “ DEER FRIF ND MAC Mrs. Harold expected in t csts of Chief London. Ont Charles Graeber 0! ga :1 who have been .d Mrs. Norman Grae- :ouvc time instruments to provide funds for his living costs. He believed he had the key to the dread riddle of diabetes, a disease that had baffled medical science since the dawn of history. Medical opinion was skeptical, but phys- iologists and biochemists added their efforts and soon the rumour was whispered in hospitals and stricken homes “Banting CS of Torontohasdiscovered a ’ 18 treatment for diabetes”. OM depicting From all over the conti- 0m, nent, haggard, doomed 330116;: diabetics came to loo-m.- Toronto, hoping against 19 hope, their very lives at _.. 1 1:er of the Con- _. Staff. is leavmg we:- where he in- . SOUTH PORCU PINE 'e left. for home. ,-y of Toronto is 's. N. Graeber. South Porcupine Schumacher McInnis of mm over the and Mrs. C. arrived Pobfighed fay {$5833SSSSSSSS SS\\SSSS\ 'sSSS\\SSS‘SSSSSSSSS‘S‘SSSSW \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\S‘s\\_\\\\‘\\\§\\§\\\\\\\\\\\SS§$ AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE £\\\\_‘ at Buflalo-Ankerlte Park on Saturday Mrs. Margaret Deacon of the town ship's office staff is visiting for a wee! in Hearst. Rev. Mr. Scott of the United Church is back and will be present to con- duct services on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. B. H. Harper are visit- ing OttaWa and vicinity for a few days Mrs. Carlo Cattarello left on Sun- day for North Bay where she hopes to greet her husband who has returned from overseas, after service with the Army. Some designer is going to make a fortune by combining the brimless hat wih the crownless hat and selling the result at a fancy price. Dr. and mg Ottaw this week Mr. and Mrs. George Helmer left last, week for Shawville. where they will spend a short time visiting friends. Mrs. “Mickey" McCann and son are on holiday in Toronto. Mr. James Radcliffe is home after holiday spent in Southern Ontario. Remember when newlyweds were advised, "No house is big enough for two families?" (‘hildren tried tu play with the little creature. but it bounded away agaln. frightened by the unusual sounds afar resting at short time under a tree in Mrs. Pettlxrew‘s garden. An unexpected \‘sitor appeared on (‘onnaught Hill last Wednesdm in the shape of a little fawn “hich had wandered out of the buSh. SULLIVAN NEWTON You may save yourself from serious loss by making sure you are protected. Our years of experience are at your service. We also sell Fire Insurance, Plate Glass, Boiler. Fidlity Bonds, Etc. 21 Pine St., N. News From Real Estate '1846 1946 One of a series depicting the growth of Canada as a nauon. produced by O'lwde's on the occauon at their loom anmvaury. stake in Banting’s grim race to perfect Insulin in time. The rest is history, as‘is the fact that Sir Frederick Grant Banting died as he had lived ~in the service of his country and of humanity. Today, 25 years after his discovery, his work has saved uncounted thousands of lives, and the story of his achievements has become a glowing example I 6 and an inspiration to all Canadians . . . giving us National "Ousing Act Loans (EST. 1912) Phone 104 an assurance of an ever- increasing measure of health and prosperity in the Canada Unlimited of the future. COMPANY LUAH’ID BREWING A council meeting was held in the Township Building on Monday with Reeve V.H. Evans in the choir And Councillors Smith and Mwlkln mount. Mr. Frank Wills. who has recently returned from attending the Asses-Dr’s Convention in Toronto. presented his report of the proceedings. ' A tag-day received authority from the council and was held Wednesday by the Kinsmen's Club in the interests or the drive against cancer. du Correspondence from School Board. enclosing [er from Deg), Minister proposing the new higl‘ chase ("ouncil Purchases ‘ Asphalt, Dust Layer 1‘6 113' Schumacher GRANT HANCOCK HARDWARE THURSDAY. JUNE m. I.“ Delivery To Timmins Dally Sherwin â€"â€" Williams tank car of asphalt is to be pur- L for the Works Dept. for roads ight thousand gallons of Asphalt ayer. PAINT Mortgages 'l‘immins, Ont. F314 Phone 3920 the High ,1 copy of let- of Education school was

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