{ sun-m mangoes o’PERATmN †Lent:MONefll,' president of }the For eupinef Ski Club. left 11111111111502: Sunâ€" day night- for the. Toronto-vgeheral :Hgspital, where he wilL ugflgrgo .~ an *-"“umhion~on his ankle, « WAN WWI-ding Homes for Child- ten of School Age. Apply to Child -v.â€". _.__VV Henry Kelneck, The Music Box, Phone 3625. tf Music "Box. Phone 3525. window -â€"- 76% Third Ave. Metal Music Stands, Reeds, records, Ordei’s’ accepted for new musical in-i smum‘mw. {Henry Kelneck. The M¢INTYRE PORCUPINE MIN ES, LIMITED wâ€"ï¬ " 3mm :5» is“ willow rn mannon ~ tr canons , (ynnlmnm 350 ‘ Angling!!!“ Advertising and In .880 ï¬bre location to chain ' - . ' cash mic. billt .éf""copy not carefully. 1:231ny written. _Mistakes occurring from than, “areas are wholly at adver- .NOtice is herepv given that a dividend of titty-ï¬ve and one-ha].f centd(55% 0) per share in Canadian currency (:will ‘be paid on- March 1, 1W§.;to_shareholders of record at the 0163301.- ibuéiness‘ February 1. 1946. . ‘ . _ Treasurer. Datedat. Toronto, Januggy 4, 1946. Used Musical Instruments. Call In-additibn, a further discount of 1%- wfll be allowed qn ' ' .unt of ' second instalment: if 1946 taxes are pad 111 an on Or before} May 31, 1946. . . 'Ne discount Win. be allowed on over-payment of taxes. Prepayment ef taxes is ‘a meane qfwsaying' to the QX WANTED TO BUY W F‘I'FA'. 0n and after January 2nd, 1946, the Town of Timmins will accept advance payments to apply on 1946 taxes, and. Will allow a discount at the rate of approximately 31/3390 per annum to due date. Such. prepayments, 1n any amount, will be accepted until May 15th, 1946. Due: dates for payment of 1946 taxes are as fellows: First Instafment 509’ .due' May 31,1946 Second Instalment 50%: due September 6, 1.946 4"9 Penalty will be added to unpaid balance after due. date. rimmins. Ontario. Ianuary 7th. 1946. 906112101}. Your co-épstation is requ thaplan as successful. asm ï¬le-past; ‘ Jinn. and. .1946- to Persc'mal Liability) DIVIDEND N0. 116 FOR SALE WANTED petite received up to» May 15th' wily-earn the b'é’ll'oWed under the prepayment plan. 7 '/ {Fay Sioux taxes monthly ' "Save Discounts - ~ Avail. Deflalitksfl . 7 Thom}:- 4', Municipa‘ our tf Oshawa on “and†morning. enjoyed a bflef hand†there. PM Pylypa ,1,†returned to ma station at muff: after spending ms leave at the home of Mrrtnd Mn. .1. Wk of 17 Contents] Ave. W. Mr. Arthur' James and daugï¬ter Alice of Nmr returned to, their ham: on Jan. 4 after spending the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pres! â€"-â€"â€" Mrs. R. J. Todd, Third Ave. and! Mrs. A. Wilson Lang. Toke ' gt" leit Sunday evening- on the “Northlancl†will spend a few monthsvisitlng.‘ The} Lieut. B. A. Howse. let. Field Rest. R. 0.3. A., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Home, 14 Maple St. South, ' returned- on Wednesday after three years ser- fvice overseas 'which participation in :the Italian campaign with the 8th Army p'rioi to being transfered to |service in Holland. ' ' ;ing a holiday in. Timmins the couple will return to Memphis to , take up. residenece. Mr. Former recently re- ceived his dischage from 'the Ameri- can Army Air Corps, after servmg; overseas in the Paciï¬c'theatre of war; Miss Alice Sheridah returned to school in North Bay on SundaS'. ' Miss Jean Laidla-w, formerly of the New Liskeard high school staff, is now on the staff of the Schumacher high school. L.A.C. Bob Garrow leaves tomorrow. to visit his sister in'Pembroke, and will then go to Ottawa for his discharge; -~a‘Iter three years overseas. He will take. .,up nqsidemegg 'Ifm'onto. Mrs. James Keene has left for Tor- onto and will be visiting there for several weeks. M-ds: Daniel Jones of Balumorey Maryland. is visiting Mr. and ms. Gil- mour Sheridan on Montgpmery Ave.‘ Flight; .ILieut, B. H. Carpenter. 20 Celumbus .Ave.. left. yesterday fen“ Ottax’i'a, where he win receive his dis- charge from the RC.A.F. â€A; L. ’83.“? A. L. SHAW Of Baltimorev, to his America at the present. time. _ : . A* business meeting was thin held A general executive and committee meeting 0.! the Canadian Young rPeople’s Club will beheld this evenâ€"* flag at the home of the" club president.‘ . 9 Lakeshore Road, at 7.30 o’clock. . Many items of interest will be dis-- cussed and plans tor the ending up ,. of the club year will be made. _ . ~w_-~ and - plans for the Friendly flour. to! beâ€. held lmmadlately tollowlnc the‘ service on Bunduy nlght. were dls- cussed, as were the plans for «the en- xumm of the building land com- mitte on Wednesday night. Jan-.16.. The social hour {allowed during which Ken Evans played many en- I joyable numbers on the acco‘rdlan. !'Immedlately afterward a light lunch was served to complete the evenlhg’s activities. Young People’s Club Plan For Year’s End VA Una-v â€" U -m Any ir-Ivierested ï¬embers are invited to attend. Maybe we ARE well into the ' New Year and maybe this IS a trifle'bnj the late side in reporting the a'ï¬'aua'l party celebrating the closing scenes of the “Old 'Un", already fading into the dim and remote past, along with simi- lar New Year parties too numerous to even try to remember at our mature ; age, but what of it? ’ m1 (52% % Ea mama “And While we freely_ admit that we g-have our limitations -- in more ways :than one -- we remark,1n the Words. We offer no apologies. This column and its correspondent are both harm 'itessed to a dull and drab routine. In brief -- this weekly splurge is limited to deï¬nite time and space. To disrupt either might bring dire conSequencvs down Upon this writer' 5 head. ' It... VI. v w _ 'of the. --inimitable .Bainnsfathï¬gx a “If" you know of a Better "Ole -- goto it." ,, However, to get down to our mute -*t_ons,_ never referred to in dear old; Canada except as lamb ~-' the New erar's festivities were carried out at "the Legion Hall to a successful ending. r with customary enthusiasm and eciagt‘; with that total lack of formality that. you ï¬nd wanting in spots less con-' genial and much more: exanSive, ~ Everybody was footless and happy} Space may have been .a little on .the‘ short side at times, due to the crowd. but if someone did inadvertently Step on someone’s buniors it went, un- noticed, except‘; maybe, by the tram- pled one. . - ,There was no orchestra, none was obtainable;-â€"-and this deficiency was more than filled. by one of our budding executives, Comrade Hill «Lester to you -- late Lieutenant of the R.C'.C.S.' _ “1 A _ J» .â€" ncvni'vr_ l JV“ â€"v- . Lester tiekled the ivories., to every- body’s satisfaction and it was’gen- erally admitted that Lester is a de- __._‘_ YR ‘mï¬ _' A A4-_ I... - . - m ‘ M7 “ tut mum,» Mon- " W'ltum it the admonition Hull. 85b- Ma? â€I M by 13“th on a eoï¬cert that n(“Ed the sum or 818'?†for that ma; we must be ex- act, win to the list cent. Ah- So -- 7km {met -- a vote of thanks to the £11me amuse. 3. 3.1111011. 8011'!!! $0300me . Bnde-to-be Is Guest 0f Hamill: at Shower ' Miss Ethel "smith of the ~’N9rt.hern Telephone ‘86'_8tqfl;__who is to be the bride of Teflyu-fgalentmo on" Saturday, was guest or honour at a lovely mis- cellaneous smgr held on Tuesday evenng at. the home of Miss Ann Ge- can on Cecil Ave. 7 Mrs. Torchia with Mrs Adamo and Miss E. Jay, Were prize-winners. __ V‘â€" > She necelyed numbers of beawiful and useful gifts. Bingo was the form of entertainment. and Miss Smith and ‘ Guests included. Mrs. J. Darwin, Mrs. H.- Talenthio,‘ Mrs. Torcma, Mrs. Adamo, Mrs.- T, Dow'e,- Mrs'. Orr, Mrs. ,Therrien, ».Mlsses. Barbara McGinn, S. } Ladika. P. MabOn, L. Bellsle, Mrsl ,ansky. .D., Anderson, Marion Nelson. Ann Cartonick, Mary Robondo, E. Clark,:'zMgrie Pecore, Jennie Chars-g 1511‘slgygalgtly grown, Ann Gecan, Mrs. Gechfnï¬und Mrs; Flmsky. ()qu butting gifts but not present Were?" iss Norma ‘ Hamilton, Miss ;Ed1t.hrRoblnsbn, Mrs. C. Mart-mean, ;msi.fxï¬u%k,'ahd Mrs. George Smith Entertains Friends on Ninth Birthday Delmar Lampkin was host to a group Of his friends last week on the occasion Of his ninth birthday. "The houSe was decorated with sea- Sonal triminings. giving added gayety to the aï¬air. Games were played and afterv/ai'ds a delightful lunch was served by Mrs. Lampkin and Les Lampkin. Delmar was the recipient of many gifts. ‘ Those present included Lariy Rus- citti, Barbara Strickland, Eileen Lamp- kin, Alec Robertson, Bonnie Gm vetich, Lloyd Miller, Bill Sayers, Victor Bran- ey, Kenny Vail and Les Lampkin. .- The new Nash "600’fâ€"the car that hundresls of p'Opnds_;1xgnter. _ 3 , _ ' ‘ And witb all its amazing advancement: "shows you today E'hat tomorrow’s , , ‘ . cars mum have. An everything you 7 ’ .. > ' 3, Willy-all of its clean, sparkling beauty see you’re going to li‘keâ€" i 1* {gig} 51:}: 23:: 3 ivgt‘lfrdEETP 836?: -t/Jis Nail) sells in the law-priceï¬eld._ ‘* Here is theï¬rst big car that gives . €011.81) ringing 00’ all [our w eels. See how little it costs to am: the- ' youisovto 35 mtles on agallon ofgas, . . . . .- . .~ .most modern car on the road. See- alt-moderate. highway speedsâ€"500 to * A car With - a .bmlt-m excluswc . how much you’ll be aliead with Nash. 600 miles on one ï¬lling of the tank. Weather Eye Conditioned Air-System ' . that lets C{on shut. your~ windows to Your N515}, dealer shown below now dUSt and rafts the year "round-‘andr ‘ has the Nash "600†and also the * A car. so big tbat tbe fmntfseat’s . _ . . _ _ . ' utaflyï¬vejeet wide, and the back drive ““110.“ 5} C0?“ 19 tb‘? kitteICSt new 1946 Ambassador, master of , ’ (Mi mm»: can, be made into a big“ "COld‘WeathQFsWï¬h 3‘05““? Windows the medium-price ï¬eld. aSee the'trioso. . -. 3‘ â€W '13 bed at â€is/3L _ - and w’ndSh‘el‘L : ' l ‘ . _talked;about‘ car of a decade! .. ' 4 ' ' Above all, a brand new standard of NASH. MOTORS OF CANADA A car that’s builtlof one single unit of g r LIMITED, WINDSOR, ONTARIO Welded steel! No split body-and- per/ormard'c.’ Handling easeâ€"brilliant ' . 28 Second Avenue = :NEAULT MOTORSALES to an to 9 It’s now in town and-you can see it- mac Ila-cant lent. daughter of Kr. and Hrs. floaty «at of We Extension, celcbrated eighth birth. dayonuondflbymvlnnzmlot' her you: friends In to tea She had a lovely pink and white birthday cake with eight candles and Mn had a. wonderful time playing games. etc†till they were called to tea. Margaret had many nice gifts Guests present viere »:-Marlene Alo‘ len, Diane Bills; Margaret Mamm- ney. Mary Bidd, Marion Sharp. Patsy Andrew, Olive Cherrier, Sylvia Wil- liams, Patsy Blair, Barbara Pelkie. Carol Sherman, Joy Mumay, Nancy Lana, Jean Gillespie, Roumgiy ama- ley, Gladys Tudner, Barbara Bucklev. Corinne Collins. Myrna .and Carole MacMurray, Marilyn and Phyliss Chapman, Shirley arid Janet. Lever, Loretta and Corinne Kellow, Diane, Charles and Billy Dunn, and Bobbv. Keast. Weekend Collision ’ Heads Police List The ï¬n weekend in the new year afforded considerable activity for the local police department. Among the happenings was an- ac-| cident at 11.02 am. on Jan, 5 at thei intersection of Mountjoy and Second Ave., Timmins, when a tractor trailer driven by William Cunningham of 732 Old weston Road. Toronto, the pro- perty of C. A. Ward Limited, 26 Ox- ford St. Toronto. and a car driven by ,Osias Menard, of Camp 24, Abitibi, and owned by Honore Dumas of 121 Main Avel, Timmins, slammed together with the rammer receiving the whole of I the damage. ‘â€" V‘â€" No Eharges havé been laid in regard I the accident. An offlciai report stated that the tractor lwas proceedirg south on Mountjoy on an up grade when struck by'the car going east down Second Ave. It‘ appears that Menard was unable to stop’the car in time to avoid col- lision with thb 5011y-f00t tractor trailer- * The last ten feet of the vehicle re- ceived the impact without damage. Not so fortunate was the car which received damage totalling an" approxi- mate $35. The left front. fender and headlight, the bumper and grill of the car were, the parts smashed. ‘_ _ .1- At.‘ 4.30 pm. the.same day the de» partment effected the arrest of a. local men reported to be in possession of stolen goods. The remaining activity centered on two drunks and two per- sons reported to have been in illegal possession of beer. Telephone 2800 frame, ho separate parts to squeak and rattle. Made stronger, but hundreds of popnds lighter. Mtnomn there no no meat mm 1t the mule Olnh at the Mummy luncheon llilo week the W was of speclol lntereot. the ehlel features bolus the lnetellntlon of cum and executlve toe the you. end the formal lnltleelon of four new members Prudent ll'nnk Belley was in the choir and conducted the ï¬rst part of themeetlnxlnhlstnnnlgenlelmy. later tnrnlng over the gathering to the president of ‘19â€. Kiwanlan G. N. “158;; pautflovemor p. '1'; Mong' introduced the new members. Earl; Hartwell. Arnold Bauchamp,_ Harry Wright and Jules Moms, the unmet--I slve address to them being given by Kim ian w. M. Mustard, who touohed in very eflective way on the beniits oi Kiwanis and the accompanying rt - sponaï¬iihties that went with member- ship in this international organizaton with its 160,000 members and its earn- est eflort to live up to the motto "We Build. †wâ€"_ _ Special badges for' 100 per cent at- tendance were “presented to Fred Burt (1 year), H. Lloyd (2 years), 5;. 11. King (3 years), F. Woodbury (3 years), no. A T .M.. 'At his! EYES EXAMIN‘ED‘ GLASSES FITTED With Scientiï¬c Accuracy Irvin Rosner, R. 0. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST For Appointment them: 1877 .BUCOVETSKY BLDG. 21 Third Ave. Timmlm to squeak . pickupâ€"that will thrill you as get. but . automobile ever has before! Viï¬mmz" ‘ â€iii/€22 J]! 008/?! I MWMW'fl secreuryuw a. m * New memben of “I! WON- Gordon Cunpben. .nm MM. ooh. Known». ' i The inaugural â€mares: o! the an president. 0. N. m. spoke a! the pleas for the success of the club! m in the ensuein‘g year. and mid hm co-opemiion. interest. and “machine of members. Past flank-Governor W, O. Won text-fled to the fact. that the Net-{hem Ontario Associated Boards of man maid meet in Timmins next. week Ind would hold a luncheon in the mem- tyre Community building at noon Monday with Ron. Dana Porteriua’the guest speaker. As so many Kiwanis were members of the Board of Trade and all Would wish to hear \the ad- dress by Hon. Mr. Porta'. who 13‘: particularly effective speaker, it. was decided to postpone the lunCheon of the Kiwanis to Tuesday noon of next week at the Empire hotel. v-u- “v Visitors for the day at the Kiwanis were: â€"- Past LieuteGovenor' 8m. Gardner. of South Porcupine; and H, J.‘ Rose and son. Andrew L. m. of Harrisburg, Penn. the latter â€113mm Just returned from Europe where he was ,serving with the 79th Dunstan of ,_j \I , e .. .- N . ‘ ’Eerl leaning is the secre'i'of denies succzssi.’ Wise early planning {rift y m rich dividends'of. pleasure and t. 7 dens releases greater food sup es 1' the millions of undernouti , suffering reople of Other countries It . are count as on our he! fat-their m survival. Boys and 811' too can con tribute mightily in this effort. - Eve 7» gardener and commercifl rover, shou d get guy 1946 Seed end bfur 4 goal: glescrlglbms cogngesmetiw' egeta e. owe: an on t _, as well as Plants. Shrubs. Fruit-and other Nursery Stock. Many new surprise. ' prices already reduced; Send rod?“ f, who ordered from us In 1945 ‘7' Catalog Without request.) Send today for our Co 0 our 1946 Seed anNurrergthgqï¬r .‘ ‘53,;