1‘ m [7,, . v-u Jun-y} :‘u'Ig'lï¬p'VL-VJ M WJJC). 35 ' Eufl;ï¬hatgam IS Idwarï¬'nunr‘gcaking, and 53.; my 'be 1359:!th assrlosebyfdsï¬ivo, fee-t each 21-3- yap. fmxsppromm, ï¬ne shapc‘and colour; w.“ .qumous quality. ï¬-wmgefaboutdm inches 7;â€? " iemss *bm ~fchugcmjy larger.--Order-~dirc€t from this advenlsgmcnt._ As sced..is\not~ ya .- plentiful we mnno: u’ï¬or larger quantities than listed. (Blot 15;.) in; 75¢);‘putp-id. 0E Swi- WQM Graduate of the Famous Homw .. Institute or Switzerlmd :14“: femisumlng, and was one of W ï¬rst settlers in the Néw lbheard Twwâ€"vâ€"v amt was made in Mic Also present. ‘at the fund»! v‘erc ‘ fly am am Richafllun a m menu Third Avenue 3‘_A ,tew years later they went west to W Qalumbia but after her has: 118’s death by drowning she came ck with her family to the north. flatter they- moved to rohmne. . mung are three’ children: 6M3. A. D.Wa’1ker of South Poncupme, ms. 0‘] ' Dunn of Porcupine. and Mr.‘ Wa fer Dunn of " Cochrane. Oue' .flmdpon. Ronald Walker 01 South? Mpine, is left Que :brot-her, Harry Clayton resides Earliest Quality Temam Yet Develnped ~Valuable For All Pat): 6! Canaan ' Of immense 'valuc for the North and West and ache: ,shprtzxseasoii xdnbirius. “Highly desimble for-all other'arm 100 as .an extra early sort â€producing ï¬ne quali ripe fruit Ischhtas two weeks or‘more .‘fprc mos: 0:691; mimics. “Proved-nuasensaéion on the Frames m. 1943, 1194-1 1nd 1945. includ- xn such dmnps as Lethbrid e and Brooks. '11.; Ianan Head and , wift Current Sails; Brandon. and Mordon. Min. Around Calm. where ï¬rst distributed under the name og "Alberta". time-hers wete simply "'mld7: about .it. At- ‘ ‘thb’ridge Early Chat- ham upened a week to .tyelve days .beiozcr Other extra cad? flYJiet'uzss. At Morden, Mm.;1c='?his 'yie d‘ as mpdh 333' gm)“ to Ann! _.___-': -â€"â€"v. w? . v. ---~.-v- ' gt“ T : mum “M m; 0? “y w 3†mm “M mm. m 9!!!! >- ‘. I.-' ‘ _A._..A‘ - ’RFE-i-QUR we 1946 mm in mm ‘mwm’imo susgciomoii ‘ 7'} . ~ ‘ ‘ . a V f, . .\. ' - 1 _ v ' .. l†‘ ‘ Bï¬lés' m ‘ -.. I r- . 90' *5" n ihï¬,v . Any lady desiringï¬to join the plub may contact a . player- and be invited to-‘attend and try out. The Ladies Curling Club opened in- formally on Monday with a few social games follOwed by tea in the club house. Mrs. 'F. ‘E. COoper‘is president; Mrs. M. Horey, vice-president; Mrs. A. Ewing, secretary; .. Mrs. T. Cabin, treasurer; ' Mrs. Margaret Andersoz-, ice convenor; »Mrs., J. Raybold, ‘social, contract, and Mrs. Rayner, house convenor. ‘ = ‘ Mixed . bonspiels will be held when ammged .on Saturday nights, and selagduled games three afternoons a. 3 P20. Jopflds 'has'not‘yet received om- cuil notiï¬cation of the honour, except through the ï¬ress, seemg his name in the list of New Year awards. ' SOUTH - PORCUPINE Ladies Curling Club pens Informally Congratulations are. â€being ofiei'ed to Robert» Grenville Chil’ds, recent-1y ~dis- charged from the R.C.N.V..R.. who has been! awarded the British Exam-me :Medal, for general devotion toflduty. "Cams m all: situations and general good unmple to the rest. of mo crew; He is the son of Mr. V and Mrs. Perry was of South Percupine, and Joined the Navy in :1941, after being employed since leaving high sbhool at Fair- mm bakery. ï¬e joined as member of the Ship‘s iGsEeymnd muse; to be Petty 0111::ch His ship was the‘f‘Saskatchewanâ€. LRobert Chllds Given {BritiSh Ernp‘. Medal m. R. Mmttt; m and Mrs.- W mama and Aussie; Pamom 0181 and Crusher Lads; Edna, Harem, Ina and Wes; 8t John’s Ambulance Made 310.100. Hill View sunday school and. church; Roy and Shirley Davis; Imda and Sandy Hogs; ham. Elma. Mrs C. MacLaughljn. Mrs}. J. W. Church. Mrs H. Cameron; Neva and son Clayton; 3011 Walter; Mr. and SOUTH PORCUP-INE 'Many ikind‘nesses and practical help? has been given" "to the Lemma family,_. who have 1031; {everything in the disas-Jf trous ï¬re which wrecked their heme; destroyed their furniture and clothing}: Mrs. J. Barron took the mother and? family in, and other neighbours helped ,wlth food, etc.; Capt. *Gh-nrch at the iSalvation Army, came in wth bundles ‘ of clothing, food,- bedding and comm: butions for the may» cutting over‘ from Tlmmins the same evening. ' EM inlayd mmmm personal contai- hution was the‘bmilal hr! theehaby, the owgï¬l gm?“ ' ch? maxim a“. £4! wihmhe, =etc‘**lm filast hht mt least Miss G. Higgins, our of. the ï¬nest social Welfare wankers, and Miss VVood-nj1l all have gathered a. kwge carton of canned goods, tuba clawing and bedd- .1 ing for the 'strlflten may. 1 " :‘WV, “'1: ywwâ€"w -â€" v- â€"â€"v v -â€"1139‘- mum at 'flm 15163110“ «393061. voiuntaiifly {mm t6 the temchens, clothing and .foad Investigation into the cause of the ï¬re has ..resulted- in 4. supposmon. that an overheated stove pipe .‘ or stove in the baby’s bedroom caused the con-5 flagration. ' Mrs, Lammi had bathed the baby and put him to sleep in the room vwlth‘ the stove gding, and had shut the ‘dnor. Otherwise the smoke might have been observed earlier. Other members of the Lamnu..fami!y' are Leonard, 17; Lillian ,16; ' Laurjr 14 Lila, 13.; Arthur, 11; Walter 9; Elsie, ‘ 6;- and Harold, 2. The building, ï¬rm-5 sured for $1500 is the. old Goqdiug. house, and was owned 1w Mrs. Mar- tynyshyn.T1ae family have since been housed in the old Owens house, soar Main St; I Mike vaulskigot'jntd-theroom ann found the ~baby. wrapped it in a blam ket, and gave it " into the hands of Dr. Atkinson who had been 11th fled and who was waiting to do any. thing that! might be done to save it. The baby was dead, but not'burned to- death, Mr. Hunkimtoek charge of the baby. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon from the funeral Purina; Rev. R. J Scott omeiating. By this‘ unmepthe .alarnrqhad been given and seventeen." ï¬gs-men were on the scene. .‘I'h’ey subdued thé flames, but knowing that the baby could not. possibly be saved, did all they could to save the 'buildlrm. .. the m at the m when neigh- bours saw smoke and name conning threat]: the roof an!“ 11 am. - Notifying the family to get out, she rushed up to the second floor where,m the baby was sieeph’ig. only to ï¬nd that the me; had gained such headway that entrance tn the bedroum Was made MpQSSMe by the chdklng’ fumes and smoke. Neighbours Rally? To- Aid Eamily In L08! mi. Hpme‘, name's. whale ime'rest is centred1 in Meme He Nanci for the regis- ment while serving mersaats with {the AlgOmair-xs. It is sincerely hoped that _bett_er news will he imam sown. i Past Noble Gr Hold Bridge Party. The Past Noble Grands’ club of the‘ Rebekah Lodge met. last. Wednesday: "at the home of Mr Eheler of Bonn? Extension. Bridge was played, Mrs. â€W Rayner winning ï¬rst prize and Mr5._ J Miller cbnsolation Louis F'lyers Club that it would be ion-r days before anything mgs deï¬nite concerning the loss bf his eye Alw though the situation is grave, and surgical. attention :has been given, there is still a hose that the eye may "not be dust. The family wild be notiï¬ed by wire directly if there is any deï¬nite in- formation to be obtained. cu WV».- Eddie told Coach Bogmoex Taylor that this head struck mg point of Dawes’ skate when he £3211 After col-_. lision with the New Havbï¬ p1ayer. 9 Today it is learned, :qfter a <1phor'1eI Edging Brown, South Porcupine’s contribution to the St. {M15 .Flye‘r‘s v v-0v- -~“ It." V'OL my.“ ‘ -~' vow hockey club, met With cement whiie playing on ._aSun jinsï¬Ã©mn e at â€"w â€"â€" â€" â€"â€" vâ€" w-' râ€"" -v VI â€'7. {he was on the stat! of the local sto of the Ontario Liquor Control Board. He was known ideally before as a chiropractor. The whole community will mourn a good citizen, a kindly man, and arr expert curler. He will be buried on Friday after- noon 1"rom St. Paul's Anglican church with the Rev John Ford conducting the service. . New -Haven,».Conn., with the New- Mrs. Bennie Lahinï¬ (Bernice; is a daughter and Stewant, a son, as still 9mm win}; the Gamma Army mw-mmg mm E30 after a‘ "smy Bcaion. recently R. C. A. F. Umonth’s illness. has returned from overseas where he £89“ ,5: â€81’5““ £80. and 'mï¬awneervlee in India and the East and Mail In the ’Porcme amp afar 23-. em; at the home of Mr. and Mrssg‘ Fat-5;“!!! .«811 3118; lite 1R~OMQï¬Q -B€"Wlleon--Rayner before returning to hlsl was m m Kintore. “Ont" on NOV. ham-m Toma), ‘ 323 1333 811“" Wasp“ 'Sbottlsh‘descent. Gunner W. Collins. recently returned ' from-overseas was welcomed in Tor- me" ulster Miss Jennie my Maedoné' .onto by his sister Mrs. Dan Taylor, ald,,li!ves 1n comm.aana.m:s. Ban- Wn-wother-tmrmemoupme- and has returned with her for a few Mrs. Bennie La'mn (Bernice) 13 3 days Visit here after a family reunion daughter and WWW 4“ 8°“, 55 still at the parental home at Uxbridge. m“.- coda“. LL- n_._.‘.al._..‘ .A...___-‘ “Doc†was taken to hospital with a stroke in December and did not rany from rt. Far the put few yen-rs w. more W known as Doc†mcdonald died in We Genera! â€Hospital on Wed- nesdfly mm; around 3030 after a SOUTH PORQUPIN‘E Ha- A large sign printed ,in red childish letters on a white banner must hav a giaddened the heart of returning soi- :disr Percy Andrei-son last week. “Wel- come home, Daddy" was the sign strung across“ the front of‘the house 'fer-sllvato’ses; “Welcome home, Sol- dierâ€, dram the rest of the community. Misses Genevieve and Theresa Sui~ e The monthly meeting of the Ladies Mommithee of the WP.T..,B [will be held on Monday in the clinic room of the Towaship building. ' s : All who have knitting outstanding for the Red JGross are asked to ï¬nish m-and return as soon as possible. The rooms opened for work on Jan. 7. When the present quota are flrished wartime work will be completed.‘ Md "V. H, Evans, Reeve of Tisdale, who spent the Christmas season with 1113 lparents. inwmnipeg, is expected back lthis weekend next Monday, Jan. 14, the new council will take the oaths of omce in. the council. chambers at’ .11 Lam. This is a public ceremony. _’ Born to Mr. and Mrs. OliverKar- 7va'nen 0f .88 Dome Ave., in Porcupine General Hospital on Jan. 2nd, a gapghter. 'First meeting of 1946 of the Gill Guides Assqclation was held on Mon- yda-y in the clinic ropm of the Tow n- ship building Ladies present Were: - Mrs. L. Sharp, President, Mrs. M Bes- :se'tte Treasurer; Mrs. F. G. Evans, Mrs. ‘73. H Harper, Mrs R Langdon, Mrs. P. McCann and Mrs. Maxwell- Smith. f ms. George Sutton was taken to Ehospital in Toronto this week for Special observationï¬nd probable oper- ation. She lapsed into an unconscious oondit'ion at her home last Sunday. Mr sutton aocbrhpanied his wife. Her many friends offer Sympathy and hopes for a return to heagth. 9 ACOC|~... _ .9. - ‘ .. L.A.W.'Rhoda Aner'i'wretulned last Thursday to Ottawa after spending hd‘lidays at hbm'e. ' . ; Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kesnesky (Violet Levecque) are visiting in town â€" he having recently returned on the â€Queen Elizabeth†from overseas. ' “Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chevoii oi: 211 Front St. Sguth Porcupine on January 3, a son in Porcupine General Hospital. Born on January 3rd to Mr. and Ms. ‘Kusti ‘Luoma of 87 William St., a daughter in Porcupine General. Hos- pital. MW 0‘ the Public 80.11001 I“! who bin Porcupine General Has- 31me a week with a cast on her " gm slipped on the church steps ’on land†and injured her ankle. mar many friends wish her a speedy realm to health. '7' u-v Wâ€":.vwn IIVI IV “V VA VI Mus: 9.0. Hm has returned to Rock- clifl’e after visiting his mother in For. lie. OW left this weekend in: W m greet her husband ram-nine Idle oversees service. Capt. Green- meme†on the "ammonia. He 7 Hr. Dons Menus!) left on Monday for Tomato on a business trip. Friends of Mn Wilfred Herbert. who lived in town for some years and has just returned from service with the Canadan Armyroverseas. will be inter- ested in knowing that he was married on Dec. 29. in Mitchell, -Ont., to Miss Irene Burgess of that tmm. Elvon Kavanaugh returned to St, Patrick's College. Ottawa. this was}: after holidays at 'home. ' pher of Ottawa axe greats of Mr and Mrs. M. Cybulski. Duresh. ï¬red guests a: Tuesday evening 2:: the parish hall. After W a deuciom dinner. gm; were named. and u pleasant. seem evening. m cards ma music, foflowod. Guests included Mrs. B. 8. Harper. Mrs. Vary. Mrs. John Fond. 33, Max- well-Smith. and Rev. John Ford. Members present were Mrs. Wm. Blakeman, Mrs. 8._Jay. Mrs. Anthony.“ Mrs. Rammed. Mrs, W. Murray. Mrs. Njkschke. Mrs. Keast. Mrs. Cur:is. Simple lo borrow. To apply for a Household ‘Financ'e loan of $100, $200 or as much as $1',-000,' you simply tell usa-littleabout yourpï¬ablemandchoose a payment plan (sec ltable below), You need rnoendovsersor guarantors, no bank- able security, no help from outsiders to borrow from Household. If you can repay in monthly instalments you meet the main requirement. And'you-can usually get the cash the same day you apply! WHEN you borrow, why not pay as lime as possible . for your loan? At IIouSehold you pay on1y'1 143% per month on your unpaid balance. ‘This is I-I'ouseh'old’s' one and only charge! At this rate a $20010an‘1'0r one month costs only $3400! LOANS $20 to $1,000 scheduk. ifhc' laauiwiu mum vil" payments argmndv nlwad 0‘! «thank. Pamentaldémflg'flometvfld 'a rhamo mi 1 '69; per- month on unbniwbahmpes. which Is nnr- tourtlnlm ghan the maximum rate provldgd by the Small 31.0mm Actuatznlibablc {to lean: 6(350001' less.- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"râ€" NW“ NE GMN‘I'IE flint menu ï¬gment! Wm repay loans in {tin if nnvm'mtt: schedule. tlhe lemma cos; lcsri payments are _mnd¢- nunram- m1: acAsaH‘ LOAN you man 3 25 50 500 60.0 300 1 50 200 .. Lang. Mrs. McDonnell. Mrs. v I (suuusumum (Tam Ems A - '2‘! ft ' Canada's largesland oldest Small Loans Company with 35 a/Jices it}. stay?!†mussflom meéï¬I 602/0 02.4.3697; of Canada 3 flqym ls. G. H. Dawes, Manager 11le Street South, 209 Sky Block- tmm, our. ‘ Phom 224 .71 206.03 103.01 137.35 171.69 Sagas: your: MOM-mu PAYMENT-HERE 51.51 czmle of at. Paul's Without Enlargers or Ban’kab‘le Securif); ; ' Exï¬ra Fast Service . ' with a few in; s' 4.39 140.42 105.32 13.16 17:55' 26.33 35.11 52366 70.21 87.76 1 0 'pmynus. $71.63 Ax) lot-t ‘8‘13 10 84' 16 27 21.69 32.52 , 43.37 5422 86:75 108,43 Convenient payments. Notice the variety of payment plans you have to choose from. Payments-shown include principal and changes. The sooner you ropay’ any loan the less it costs because changesuare made only for the time-you have the money. Just see these-sample costs made possible by I-lousehold‘s reduced rates: Av$100 loan repaid in six monthly instal- ments costs only.$5.32 ; a $300 63payment loan only‘$15.95; a $500 3gpqyment loan $15.07: a $1,000 '6-payrnenl; loan only $53.15! Compare ‘thcse -¢os'ts“wltl1 what you would pay elsewhere. If you run short of cash,fl.ph‘one or‘visit Household for money in a hurry. Charges on every Household loan havebeen =re- dueed. Phone or visit l-lousehold today.- and the late Mr. mm. Northern Ire- land formeer of Montreal. The wed- ding will take place in mum United Church. Schumacher. early in February. Cor. Spruce St. and Third Ave. PHONE 320- mm: clean “gins The King Edward Hotel Day or “ I 2 paymlx. $ 2.29 73.34 â€91368 9.1? 13.75 18:34 27.50 36:67 45.84 55.01 Very anngylzgguu Quiet AtmoduÃ©ï¬ Phone 3435 ‘ ’8. E. Hungymnvcsxwzm 15 pnymts. s 7.49 11.24% 14.99 22.48 . 298= 37.47 59 L96 ‘ 74 if} '5' m 44.97 or ~ f- a â€uric 'mmlt‘ 'un ’) 0 [MIMI-S; .3114? 23430 329 12 34‘ 95 mw-Wir , 46. 60