Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 3 Jan 1946, 1, p. 5

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St. _ Luké’é Emma! " . m ,-. an” Pflmpiwflnlted Church luv. J. A. Breckenridge, B. A. Hominy Worshipâ€"Schumann” 11 am. Evening Serviceâ€"Golden city-+7. 001). m. 3‘» 1..., a...“ 5.51.. w w ‘ any.) .H)‘ “mama at ”map. match: ‘41. 113 Sunday-â€" Morning Worship 11 am 81mm 8011001 1 pm. » . " EVangeI18$1c _Sérv1ces 7.311111. 1 manyâ€"omens church 7 9.111. 13;. . " Prayer Mee11113; 8 pm. 88 WA“... South Woo ' 8W180h091 2 .80 9:111 " ' WWW: Service 7 .80 pm. Tuesday Young Reqpléa:Meet1nz 7 p111. 1111111111947 6111111111118 Church: 739. 111. ‘ Prayer Meeting 8 11111.~ ' A11 Welcome um 2.h3 101' 8 years and under. I Denna 12 .95, Sunday 86hocl.. .: each Alternate Many . 'j 7.m:p.m.-I-Even1ng Prayer. an onghrst ‘Sun‘aayor _ Y 113%; at 11 film? on sécondd Sunday at 839 am.;’_ and on third Sunday at 7 pm. WI 4 . J. I . ‘1 Open" " Md if; filday 7 and. 8a {1015.12.00 upon 10] p.111. § 'â€" g ,.'.- .-,. . , '. .1 .V . 't ,"f r ' - .. , . , . ., , . .J v ‘ . ‘. ‘ . . Schumacher Aug can . ' - O 4’ 7’ 2’. .-n‘ A.' .- ‘0.’ ; . (1| . 11 gm. Moming- Service. 13 noon Sunday School. 11 am; We Wonhip 7mm Worm}: Sunfixw School: .12 .15 for 9 years [1 Church 10$! hePresg‘fifenan Churcii "in rwâ€"wâ€"wâ€"__ _w_ IIM Church mmysms ”DOME-mu mm) “3mm Service _u§ no pm. in m- .g‘.--_ 9 8t. Pamchurch ’: an. Dr. Geo. Aitken,‘ Th1) School 9.46 no. lg Sefirice. a.o'"â€"r' E94 beéultene raisins (bpilefl 5 ms‘ in "enough Water to2 covex drain amid cool);~1 95p. coda, dissolved iris-1,: cup Whigs Water. L- _ FUDGE CAKE (Mrs. D.G. S.) 2 pings. salted-peanuts, 1 'can'swea- toned condensed milk, 2 cups crushed . graham-"crackers or; vanila (wafers, 2 sqs. unsweatened chocolate. Melt chocolate in double boiler. Add milk and blend." Stir in cracker crumbs. Crush peanuts, spread half in bottom« of. greased pan, pour on the partially cooked chocoaite mixture and press down. Spread remaining mitts on tOp. Chill Ito se.t ' - . . DARK GUMDROP CAKE . - (Mrs M.. K) 2 eggs well beaten, 1 cup granulated sugar, 1 cup butter or shortening,.1 tsp? salts. 1 tsp;‘, cinnamon, 1:. lb. gum- drops, out with scissors, 1 cup swea- filled“ apple sauce (thick), 2 cups ail- purpose flour % tsp. baking powder '-_ A _. Mix sugar, . butter, add well beaten eggs, salt, cinnamon and thick apple- maze; half the flour and drained rai- an s.' A‘dd guandmps to reSt of flour and add to batt9r.- Stir in soda. and hot water last Cook -in a covered casserOle for 2 hrs at 275-309, (legs. R’emoVe cover last 5_ mins: to brown tap. RILESS a Otto-t 'WBERRY u q.. ‘. no» on-o The Homemaker s resolutlon: 1. Plan meals around the daily es- sentlnlsâ€"l serving meat or fish or eggs. 2 servings of vegetables,l , citrus fruit or tomato *qulce, . slices of Whole wheat bread or whole grain cereals.- 1 pint of milk or 2 servings cheese and a pat of butter. . 2. Acquire the habit of- uslng desii .- able working procedures. ; 3 Check on purchases within the family income. ' 4. Apply nutritive cooking methods for every meal 5. Develop new serving ideas asiuwell as attain standard products. 6. Show the ability to set an attrac- tive table.. 7. Entertain friends simply with ease ' , and pleasure. . THE SUGGEST-ION BOX , During a recent visit to northern On- tario, we exchanged recipes with home- maliers'. who‘ have a high reputation for delicious {ood.. ' From time to time. we are publishing their ' ‘pet’ ' recipes. Hereareafew: - . r ' $33M -vvâ€"wvâ€"VWâ€"v 9f :wjld: Stu} . 37' ww-uâ€"wâ€" .vâ€"vvv w“ â€"â€"â€"_-v_ A aha potplant and fine for garden. Plant now; er Manner from this «mayor. W2“) ma. Mtg-”38B Wt SEED'MID .Num-mr Mo...“ ' BEAN MUFFINS (Mrs. w. M.) 2 heaping tbsp. shortening, 3’ cup brown sugar,1 egg, 1 cup milk (Prepared dry mm: or whole milk), 1/4 18p.~.-salt 1/: cup prepared bran cereal, .-1 cup flour, 2% tsps. baking poWder. - Every week of the year you‘yegt t9 be sure of a Supply of health-gmng milk fer your baby â€"- end the eenior members of the family? teof . - Make smepg a regular delmryeof this whole- Some and ‘economlcal food by telephomng ‘ I“ Anne Allan invites you to write to» iher care of The Advance. Send in [your suggestions on homemaking pro~ blems and Watch this column fdr re- \ AA-. ' A pale pink mesh fabric that has| the merit of not brushing easily is a] good 'choice for a southern ' resort journey. The easy, _-short sleeves are topped by a flange told at the Shoulders. The collariess neckline is_ high and round. The frock has a scalloped button closing to below the waistline. A set-in, shaped selfbelt at the waist- line gives a trim look. The unpressed pleats from the waist lend a soft ful- ness to the skirt. . l Nurse Married In ' Attractive Ceremony! The Church qf the Immaculate Con- ception in Kap‘uskaslhg, was the scene of a lovely wedding on Thursaay morn- mg; Dec. 2th, at: 8 o’clpék’ When Miss Kathleen Gregory, RLN., eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. ..W E: Gregory, 13 "Victoria avenue, became the bride or Em11e‘ Turcot-te, youngest son of Mr. Francois Turcatte and the late' st. Tureotte of. Kapus‘kasmg. Hlnts .n Fashlons I'» la .. } They will reside temporarily in North Bay, where the groom, Who re- turned this summer from overseas, is }taking a rehabilitation doiirse. ~ ~ ~ Prior to her marriage, the bride was. entertained at 21 miscellaneous show- er by Mrs W E. Strong and Mrs. J. Platt in Timmins. V A wedding breakfast and recepwtion‘ was held at the home of the bride s, 1: parents, 13 Victoria Ave., where the“ '1! many relatives and friends of “Kay" -' and “Mickey”. gathered to wish them all happiness for the future , “ .' Mrs. W. E. Gregory, mother of the . fbride, received the guests, wearing a . .bW’k- accessories She wore a c. ,or red roses. Sheaves; , . - , Fred Dubeeu. sister of the groom ate :_ tired in gold printed crepe with brown ,- accessories. The red cross schedule for the sew- 'ing rooms in. the basement of the Post Office .Ior January, is givéh as. follows: . . Monday. Jan. ('7, Mrs Patrick’s group. group 8: (ML? 82 prmcess Alice Club; . :Hall, and Hadassah g’rdup; Wednesday, *Mrs. Ralph’ 5' group and ladies of Ste.- ;_Anne and Jr. C. W L.; Thursday, Mrs. Hardy’s group, Sr 8. W. L. (Mrs. Mor- ' gan’s map) and St. Matthews group: ' Mrs. Barry's group, United Church Tuesday, Finnish women Of Harmony " " "m f ‘ b 3 “" ‘ . _ With' selfvx‘msiflngbn the n‘eclai'he a‘n-‘J' on the elbow-length sleeves and with a draped skirt. She wore a turquoise feathex hat and brown accessories, and calried a bouquet of yellow tea roses. vvv-â€"-v“ â€"â€"â€"‘â€"v. w. J â€"-â€"â€" uvw -'â€"vv-' Miss Laurette Turcotte, sistér of the groom, was bridesmaid, and she chosé a two-piece gold wool suit with black accessories, and carried a banquet of pink roses;_ _ ; - . Mr. Jahnr Arseneault acted as groomsman, ,. . A lovely shower at the Kapuskasing "-fClub”, sponsox ed by Mrs. F. Stdugh-' :ton and Mrs. Carmichael where “Kay” was presented with a silver tea service 'and a beautiful Set of 1847 Rogers The bridal party came up the aisle to the strains of the “Hymn of Mar- riage”, sung by Miss Jacqueline Guen- ette. Miss Guenette also- -sang “Ave Maria" during the ceremony, and M13. Gaston Beaughesne sang f‘Pafiis A11“- gelicus" in English. Miss Marie-Claire Lacasse was the organist. . - Institute we St Matthew's "Before ieaVi'ng' the staff of Sensen- brenner hospital. the nurses presented Kay, a graduate of St. Mary’s hospital in Timmins. with a. lovely Helena Rubenstein make-up-kit. Mung the out-of-t0wn guests at the wedding Mere, Mrs. L‘ Labome, sister of the groom, from _Mattice, Mr. .and Mrs. W. E. Strong, Mr. and Mrs C. E.- Holland, Mrs. B. Pecore and Mrs J Flatt, all of '_I‘immins. Schedule Gwen For Red C1‘oss Sewingr The happy young couple left» on the afternoon train for Timmins, the bride travelling in a lime green wool dress with brown accessmies, and wearing a. Muskrat coat. Fridai'. ii'rench Federation, Flnnls‘hi " " ° Organization. and Dime Club. Mo'nd'ayslan-g 14,1015 Patrick’ 8 group. and 'O.E.M: and Princess Alice Olubt' - Tuesday. Finnish Women of Raunchy Hall and Hsdassah gmnpé We.» -' Mrs. Allen’s gmup and Home and School Club; Thursday, 8120 W 1...: . (Mrs, McCoy's group) and St. Mat-5 thew’s group; Friday, United Clan-ch WELD. D. EWMBmy'sgronuw- and Finnish Organizaticn. . Monday. Jfin 21Mrs. Patrick’s Group Bros; flatWare. f : The best dressed woman in the world this year by verdict of the fashion critics. is Mrs. Stanley ’Mo t1mer."of New York. who calls ihe sell: a working girl witll a limit- {ed wardrobe and a penchant for suits.- ,social registerite Mrs. Mor- timer. top winner two years run- ning, beadeJ l_he list of ten best dressed 3yomerm of the wo1ld.an- nounc‘é'd by the New York Dress Instituté.‘ She is 111121111111 11'.“ -r’c 111 an eveninggown‘, “" - “ A ‘quietf wedding was solemnize-d on New Year’s :Eve: at 8 o'clock ‘ in the rectory Ofe'the'Ohurch‘ of the Immacu- 5 late ~Gonp‘¢_eption -.' in Kapuskasing, when Marguerite“ Jean MacKemie of Time mine, daughter of Mrs. M. MacKenzie‘ of mckalish. Ont” and the late Alex- anderw Mackenzie became the bride of .Wllliain Edward Gregorv Jr.. eldest ; son of Mr; and Mrs. William Edwazd "Gregory Sr., of 13 Victoria avenue, .Kapuskaeing. ' . The bride, chose as, her wedding gown, a rose crepe afternoon diass with brown accessories, and she WOICa gold pendant, a gift of the groom. â€" wvv ‘o‘vvâ€"------ vyvv vv_â€"â€"â€"‘ U wool benknitted and the finished gar- - meats beweturned to the Wool Room before Marchl. Will all the knittels kindly take note of this as the looms 'will closeigon'ithat clay? Tlmmms Girl Weds At Kapuskasmg "C- wâ€"vw- ‘ v-1.” "V mâ€"ww -v. v“-- nine his; restriction has now been lifted but; the continuing shortage of beans makes control of them necessary. Witnesses were Mr. and Mrs John M. RobihSon. ' Following the ceremony, a reception day, Thursday and Friday of each week frgm 2 to 4 pm beginning Jan 8 The. committee are asking tham ll whlle Quality Printing :3 Worth m. BECAUSE .. . Phone 36‘ "- [as me magnum; mun-W “ ' ton Victoria Avg. ‘ The young couple will reside In'Kup- President Bernice Kosobuski. pre-' sided and a financial report' was made by the club treasurer, .Joyce Park. Trian Spiola. newly-elected vice- president, addreSsed the members in regard the constitution booklets and” informed them that each member. at the meeting, would receive one with- out charge: . The first annual-New Year’s dance of the Canadian Young Peoples Club was- held in the “Hammer Recreation Hall last night. ISM" The 'regular monthly meeting was held at 8.30 and in the absence of the secretary. Bernice Grcff the assis- tant secretary, Eva McCann.’ took the minutes. The hall opened at 7 pm to enable' members to make use of the competi- tive games equipment. Young People’s Club Enjoys First Yearly New Year’s Dance 3* Plans Made For -’ Sleigh Barty In February < Publishéfs; and Prmtem, . P11nt1ng 0f gogcl quality. cgm make yo‘ur business operate more efficiently; can save time and trouble forzyou and for thgge who deal with you. ' Quality printing need cost no more -â€"- it is the rel-u. sult of intelligence, skill and careful consideration of out customers’ requirements. ~‘~ . ' .. ‘ ‘ ' "fy’kfi I?! W. ' .,. f . . 1. . 1, Ffi‘fiy -- ..11-1t§1£:-s11;‘.{ Only quality printing can represent ’your business Hf 93? i; a“; 1? if: as yOu would want it t9 be represented -â€" at its rm beSt. a I ‘ s ‘44 its?“ fl": " ‘5 ” ‘ " "1' ”'7‘" "fizf‘é. M Urea. .or mutton lid. arrived in Bguth Porcupine Pet week. Ber hastens. e Petty 01- neer u in the W New. learned from the RC.N.V.B.; and they new. married recently in amend _ Thetéese very tei w 1‘5 whose «mean husbands ue turf * * nrmsn New omiv m of than over on the same boat hence her ptl~ ority m arrival. -‘ ’ It ts understood she likes amass am! expects to be very happy Mfg: . Up to the present she has found ”a. time to be lonesome. she says J .M‘ cIub' s annual electmns would be iii” during me am meeting in Februir‘y‘ ‘ Members enjoyed dancing to“ fi" music or the club orchestra under direction oféaE'arl Billiard. for the! rfivm'. mainder of the evening. ~, ‘ g, ’ The compatiuvéi‘danqes were Lli', It with May Allai! and martin Kosob id: winning the spot dance and ‘ marks: Maruschpuk and Jim McLean-3:91pm“ .. ‘succkséf'ul Tin tpe ji‘ttgr-bpg; WK“: ‘5; :3‘3‘1 ‘23 Faunh Q mm“: p ,4" Ina-hid". {. 2.3.9214‘11’ unit-1‘ I” . “‘2'?“ ”1;;1 fl my?“ “’1”? {“4539 "L

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