Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 27 Dec 1945, 1, p. 4

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+ Elser here in this paper ‘I3 published report Mideâ€"by the Porcupine Health tnit, . covering: maditions of sewage dlspasal ete:, as found . by: throughout the Porcupinge. bamp «To â€"citt= ans of 'I‘immlns, Schumacher and South. ale + - . ,"écdmpetent authorities have seen fit to make thesreport It was read to council ‘at a seeent meeting, and it is felt b by The Advance ~that. t réi‘t« should be giveh w *_ér publication poss _'_ve at tha't tiine.,,. ~ane pflfisé or activity: atfleast }durmg the coming year. For interested inâ€" public.: health â€" “flfls includes both memBers of council and‘ A ‘ a,t latge n# the re‘fiort; _palnt.s out certain» UImJ BB VC 11L . _VIIGC _ DPUOAOU : VY Ce ~1J 3 LOM AL 3 } eP ; yé‘fi‘r ‘have much to be thankful for. guuuerb VOUOOU, _VUIIAL ‘ CQurse : may Â¥e em T;av 1. and. Publicit* 5 ts â€"accom he:g o gov« g":g'of revenue for..a â€"numBe tlons, service clubs ing: KIf h net profits were. gmfiyhiy nat as large *,; :%.; observersâ€" t In Pembro ' oh the tour ,,v"Mt@ «by bB€} thing which should o on rds °t ,community that ha ‘1. ‘This matter is of residents of the Can : Jon the agenda of tt N}f undoubtedly be rep dates. â€" tfl‘f No notification o t has reached The Ad â€" many peapre b‘lnga nas _a, pecuuar tmiu- :or Qur mformation violm nupih nave a disâ€" M And this opers e | up ;'; mmn of muslcabout which * l}l? 94A M . ie °T o ut 0 Wc be: ym of . more_ xgo;'mal" fmuons betweenf tions, between employer and epnloyse, ; between Aich man and his neighbour. â€" Thik.year. to come‘ i‘?;f puld ‘see. the easing, if not the. abandonment, restrietiom which: harraéséd the past few nq.we can take Anto; sqme ‘Of, the. wholeâ€" hearted : effort was ~called; forth â€" : during waar years, it should be a.year. of progress. if. the charitable onganmti@'ns, set'!ice clubs church opganizations, ‘etc., ‘can serve as w :n 1946 aze.1 they hve in the past wewshau,b{y eâ€"endâ€"of the. 9 . k c mJ oo ols a n â€"and thanks to gen. pwhen ;.;_b : THE HEALTH UNITS Booner or later the Ontario Government was ; ; i:o step in and. calt a halt‘ to.the multitude a.nd lotteries which ha\fe‘ been in, every m, but. we can feel su_ e lifl‘leuft than the" si;eps‘ Yearâ€" 1948 shoutd be a" g vear of more normal‘ ygar 1: snoum relations between‘ B“ News F"" Bingo Eevotees errdrs to wlfic ‘REPORT port tbemts mw As aA rule the old alogan “if you can’t boost ; gon’t knock", is still a pretty good one: Under| the above heading The geville Banner cdver:g the situation very interestingly: @4 . "Too many people are content to sit idly by and ;euume the actions ofâ€"the Town Council, fidfird of Trade, of the Board of Education, as.he . case may be. They decline to attend‘ public| maetings themselves and refuse to accept the| .work and responsibility of becoming members of | these bodies or other civic organizations.. Yet| ythey,ate quite ready to criticize and find fault with ;the actions of the few citizens who are prepared E to accept office and do what they .can to keep the affairs ‘of the: municipality in running order. heén we say this we wish it distinctly understood r mat any citizen has the right: to criticize or: suggest, but criticism. should have as. its maifi ‘purpose the bettering of existing conditions, and ‘the man or woman who is a persistent dritie'should ve the courage to offer to serve the municipality. In the stead of any public servant .of whose ‘actions he or she may disapprove. With criticism this kind there should be no quarrel. < It is ‘purposeful criticism that is made with an object and is often the means of remedying some fault.. ~What weâ€"refer to is the idle, captious criticism that is content with faultfinding and does not ‘offer any course or action as an alternative to the acts or policy that it is criticising. Such criticism' ‘does not tend ‘to Help or build up a towin.. ‘Orangeville is a good town, but it could be made a much better town. This cannot be done merely. bY criticising the actions of the men and women our citizens have chosen to occupy places of authâ€" ority. They are probably trying to do. the. best they can. They may make mistakes â€" they would not be human beings if ‘they did not .err in |Judgment at times. They may not be as well tinformed as they should be or as they themselves wish to be. Idle criticism simply adds to {the difficulty of their work by creating suspicion $ and imputing motives of which they are probably |innocent.* If we must criticise, and criticism is |certainly the right of any citizen, let our criticism ybe constructive and informative.. No public servant has the right to object to criticism that |is intended to better any condition that may i‘happen to exist, but he has every right to resent teriticism that is designed to ‘belittle him and linjure him in the estimation of the public. â€" There are of course some exceptions, for disâ€" honest and selfâ€"seeking men sometimes manage to. get themselves elected to public offices. Publi¢ men of.this .class should be opposed v1gorousgy' whenever they créate an occasion for opposition and their machinations should be exposed as a public duty. This, however, is a widely different matter from attacking and perhaps misrepresentâ€" | . ing an honest, wellâ€"meaning public servant who is striving to do his.duty to the best of his ability. In his case, and the great majority of public .serva.nta are more of this type, criticism should ‘be ‘constructive and designed to help him to do. ‘a better job for the people he is trying to serve.. ;i;en peerage in the King‘s New .Year 5 honours list : Cost ‘of" nvmg m ofiy mm:éued. one ner cent f*auring‘ the: past yeatr, Donald Gordon, ehairman of the prices board, announced mis week ~A strike ot some 90 electrical wor- kers in / ‘Toronto‘s Transporation Comâ€" mission â€" threaters to again deaden its entire transportation system by cutta .o off power. j Premier Dreéw has announced the opening of: a special course at the University of Toronto to train e:;â€"servicemen in the operation of resorts, camps, J;otels and other estg@blishments prmndlng service for"the travelling public. .. Pravel. and. Publicii ithgt * ; ists t é\h h ~This c urse opens on January "th and 3t iax understodd. that many of the men. who take ; course :may be employed later by the Ontario Travel.and Publicity Bureau as inspectors to see 8tb touristsâ€"accomodation in the province is all f.mn 'which should receive the attention of every com '_,umt.y that has attractions for tourists. _‘This matter is of interest to Timmins and all resident‘.s of the Camp, and could well have a place on the agenda of the Board of Trade. There will ggndoubtedly be repetitions of the course at later e e u2 .~.. No notification of the opening of the course hs J:Bached The Advance, and we are indebted to an editoi!ial in the Pembroke Standardâ€"Observer AN INTERESTING COURSE â€"Pembroke Otandardâ€"Observer But we must pass on the examine the rest of this rhyme. It is stated nere, without the slightest qualificaâ€" tion, that "The cow jumped over the moon." You should all know what a cow is, but in case some of you may not have seen a. cow, I may inform you of the fact that a cow is the feâ€" male of the bovine genus or "»x, the most valuable to man of all tle ruâ€" minating animals, on accounrt of her. milk, flesh, hide, etc: The moon, on the other hard, is the negarest celestial‘ body to the earth. Now, if this rhyme had stated that the moon jumped over »the eow, that statement wouldâ€"be uloser, ; Mithough greatly muemted. Aoowhasbeanknown, in emm-gencz;» to leap over a low fence, _but I want for breath). you to rid your minds of any idea or. belief that a cow is capable of jump» ing over the moon. No# we come to ‘"The little dog laughed to see such sport"â€" <â€"Silence! If I heamany more tittering or. M _ inz I shtm have to make n‘e ie Approval Of A: wor!d board to control the atom bomb has »been as an accomplishment of the Moscow conference. thiweek Also . annaunced was a four-power control of Japan The. explosion of seven bombs folâ€" lowed by t:ontu‘ued ‘shooting,: barrtâ€" cades burning oil, marked ‘a battle between teri'oi'ists a‘iid British. in Jeru- salem yesterday .. It is: expected ‘that Field Marshal| Sir Harold . Alexander,. designated. as Canada‘s new. governor-general will be. a peerage in the King‘s New Year‘s honours list. . ~_ 1 : Cost of . livinig." has only Apcréased. one ner cent the past yeatr, Donald Gordon, ehairman of the prices board, announced. ‘this week. A walkout of 200,000 C.I.O. workers in three mainâ€" electrical industries was termed ‘"inevitable" ~by union â€"leaders in New York, and it may be called next week. 'fhe oljening tangle of . the juvenile double-hea@er played at the M cIntyre arena Saturday’?mght.“ saw : thes / Cadets squad oop tl‘ie wm on A -' wWouâ€"gos. margin. . _ / ME . Air Cadets Win, 7 In Saturday Hockey At. the completion of the -f;‘_‘ the. Cadets held four . to sg.‘,_‘; * two goals netted in ,bhe seoond in comparison to" nil goal Se‘ongfor the Cadets. :s > _: . ’*f‘ 3 ‘The ° filpal stanza th previous â€" . periodsâ€" in. play with.“ adiens «ingh f.np a final slngle tally to of the markers read- a ‘fil Be Cadets favour. _ Canadie opened the scoring in the initial trame. when Truff ‘banged in the dise at 4.25. The cadets retaliating at 625 with an unassisted effort by at WACDbA â€"â€"â€" AU V » _ db 7| Shultz; and. Shultz at 18.30. _ _naged a tally at Cadets in the person ‘Ferguson. The secend period ‘presented a PATâ€" tially lifeless looking play with Canâ€" w%ot Iyfit weries * Lir x * W _cqmg_home” rece;mon in*”‘;,‘?‘,\ oancpnq . - on t.bé “msmgé;‘.< ind rstanding §incerty, and om;da,it . wh cfi ’lfis%ed ‘Compay : relationés th’em. the â€"more ‘than: fiy hugared. former. slrfhoeggn employed signed their names to a\ tesm- addy" O‘Brien, an : amfi)utat.lon cadualty ot the war. ot 1:;;; ' ‘ gpre enm the.kcrollâ€"and book. of. signa.tugqs > p 8 ssext;i'eme right. ‘Ab ‘ witnesses are Geo ”;;lh,e 3 ‘%2 ._ .t,. h: Canadian . Railwayâ€"â€" ps,., fils + fedmidt.o qe Ga aiiâ€"â€"women‘s: Army :Oofps, "ands Clatige -Ct _ Royal mem;, represenbing the “vgts” Cw hp .-.‘ + e i6 > br§ ‘cdm‘bany payroll. hundred; ne vi‘éofim%rs’ frdm t'he ‘armed. ;forcés ‘have lately : ‘been : amployed ire" were éi'dfiloyees before "the" %var s’everal ”a““ Towards the end of the twenty minâ€" C a w on t.he Cadet.s strode out on scoring with. Skehan. ;wring at 16.15; on at 18.05 on an assist from Proposals for . the hnmedia.e 16 and uncorditional cessation of war in China have been> submifted : byw the Chinese Communist leaders this week.' ~ _A 9,373â€"mile hitchâ€" hikihg tour ot United States, at a total cost of: $80; has just been completed by a. Kitchém-‘ er lad recently diséharged from the Navy. ‘Ancther Ontario e:thservig; ) ,19..}1. has thumbed . miles : from Van« couver to Mexico. at an avei'ag‘e »sq efi couver to Mexico at an avei'age »sqfien of 30 m.p.h. 7 -.â€"-- "‘ B. Shaw has hit the. néws pages‘. again, this time. with a‘ suggesb;on' forv revised spelling. _ would.‘ be. spelled . ‘"bom" . if | Mr Shaw hwd ms ® .....~.- P34 l e io ols c en hy S h mt Aavance. the proofâ€"reader sayo . . nA t Sonja Herie, if anyone: CArCS,, AHQ her sportsman. husband, «Maj." Dain Topping have agreed to a divorce, ib is stated this week. Evidently:.Sonja has been skating on thin ice some time, and has tired of it. i A million dollars of Nazi (gold has been flown out |of Spaln U£ tairâ€" craft, addressed to: the. Allled oontmi council in Germany mines aré not worrying about this form ot oomw petition, however. x meriting a at 19.50; d J aA J VJV A fast beginning accd‘rded theâ€" final frame which proved ‘:to ~be: a, better looking affair than the preViouus; pe ts VUEUUICLI ~ ~AUAL SE 0 WeE 0 e t on i t o N n t o s C sessions.. Webber opened the . georing efforys on the final Canadiens tally At: .15 on an assist from Kennedy. â€" .â€"‘ Lo Provided with an open nebt b i.10 Skehan fiipped in the disc with the ‘asâ€" sistance of Promane as result, of A: scrambly affair before the: Canadien basket. fls m y At 1155 Dominico managed to / bat the biscuit into the ‘Canadien net on a helping hand from : Donovan in another: scramble session. â€" > 3t se3 ‘Shortly after the tally Donovan ktepâ€" ped past the dented portals ‘of the bad boys pen for a short session of benth At the 1i5â€"minute mark Monahan and Richard drew five minutes aplece for. their pugilistic actiivties, _ :. Dominico took unassisted ht hours on the final Cadet tally at 1890 with Femmett stepping into the. enalty box at 19.57 on behalf of the Air Cadéts. â€" Mr Shaw dogs nég_g work tor Tho i0 d T snn w ue P o d ""'.:IJ"‘ 4 P visit: with the time kéepers : nét’ ~at~> 7.10; zand ; The comfortable, eksy little frock of wool or . wool mixture that is ‘colorful and smart yet. mentianfi simple s a réal â€" wardrobe backbone Here s one such model fashloned of ‘agua. blue' wool> jersey and rabbib’s s hair . The high, round nec’xnne is énlivpned with -stltchlflg ‘The fleep armhole is squared off with stitched detail. . A‘ ftew genile »gathers <fall h‘om the hip :yoke .to soften the : skirt ‘Thei dress 1s ni¢e undér a mr eoat or for career wear ' Tbml ‘€ost fiow only per month M ; No °hd°f59f$ or bankable security 104 OW ou can bon'ofi from Household Fmancé at the nonthly rate of only %%' At this rate yoil pay onlyâ€"$1.50 for a; $100 Yoan. for one month, only 33 78 for ' Joar! : _ ., AII yofi do To apply for lqan at tbis uced rate â€"$50, $1 Oflam' ‘as much as $1,000â€"you merely telephoge or visit « Household office, say:â€"how much money you want. and . ‘below.) You need ;"'"-. oucan make wn,. don‘t the mon hesitate to ask or w t you whatéver amoun need.. You can usually mwh the © same day you applyf : pa: mt plan that income.. payment plan: to get pqymom Nobce that â€" The sooner â€" reduced rate now. you repay the less . your Iom ct‘-' Payments shown include prmcipai and : charges. No fines, discounts or extrgs o any kind. #a. ‘Now see what reasonable ¢osts Household‘s rate makes possible. A §$25 loan, repaid in 3 monthly payments, for example, costs only 75¢, And ihat x the total and complete cost! Chan on a $100 loan, repaid in six mont ly instalments as shown, come to :only "5.32. A $300 Gâ€"paynent loan .costs $15:95; a $500 3â€"payment loanâ€" fls 07, a $1,000 6â€"payment loan only $ Why pay more? If you need money to payofi:fiu‘, your doctor or dentist, or for other purpose, phone or visit Houaehol Finance. Take advantage of Househnoid # j on * t « iB sY uscP P it §4% HND HERE THE cash LOAN YOU NEED . oX :t s Oor R m@m happen to a dh !t‘lhflmowh. round fhere, . + to keep ‘the linotypers happy. ; Thnat‘s what a newsman is for. So long as the linotypers have lots of copy they:are â€" nite people to nave around. Ifever the copy basket shows any signs of emptyâ€" inz they can be mean as anymim, ‘ But we can cope with that. . .;. What is giving us trouble right now, 3@ Mrs. G. and the mouse. When um ;G i8 happy, she Whenâ€" are looking pretty bright for the mome he runs about. Between that hummmg and + that maiuse stamping its feet round thoflloe f and the yawning emptineu of the ‘Basket, life in this corner of ‘t :lacks®the atmosphere conducive to the deep thinking necessary<to the weekly ‘reâ€"birth of this column. B6 if this corner of thepuiblachsifs a ‘ustial highly inspirational qualities this | week, you‘ll know why. Don‘t blame us, we‘re through with taking the rap ‘for Mrs. G. and the mouse. ~ t we can whisk away a bit of: 'cheqse from under the nose of the War Prices and Trade Board, and filp ;t \m- daer:the nose df the mouse, tpatan .~golng to get its teeth kicked T‘we'll deéalâ€"with Mrs. . J{tw s t ‘Maybe .that â€"was Christmas that juse whizzed by. Jiw â€" Speaklng of . Ohrstmas, how are. you set for New Year‘s? | This is the ‘time for making new resolutions. Dotr 1‘t jlet us disturb you, but if you wanb hélp in this departxnent we are freeâ€"toâ€"help. we don‘t have to make any reso '.‘ Hons this â€"year, as the ones, TA Hlast year haven‘t been used at all. * ‘Among. things you> should+ regagr without prompting, like breatmngf* is the policy of being kind to newsm_ n Néws‘man. once you get to kn aré just like other people.. 'I‘bpy h homes and stuff. They keep peta: They cultivate thtir gardens, . rriendfif* ,and stomach“ulcers, just like othéx‘ to}}z.;, ~ Bo be kind to them, Invite themjover {to ‘the hnouse once in a while “'Mfl; happens to be Wednesday ev% send A: meal over to 33 Fourth Avenue. ; jiw : Another thing you can. include in dealt with by the writer Te lowed: something on Christmas dgy, that ‘couldn‘t have been anything else but atomic energy â€"We‘ve had fi: And ‘thére‘s no use both of us ] labout its: effects. Jtw = o ts m I-Iere comes that mouse aggm ‘11 it 46) going to use this: ot!ice as a. par,o,de we wish it would wear yubber ‘Now see what réeasonable ¢osts Household‘s rate makes possible. A §25 loan, repaid in 3 monthly payments, for example, costs only 75¢. And that‘s the total and complete cost! Charges on a $100 loan, repaid in six monthly instalments as shown, come to ogly "435.92. A $300 Gâ€"payment loan couts $15:95; a $500 3â€"payment toan: $15.07; a $1,000 6â€"payment loan only $53.15. Why pay more? . e If you need money to pay old ‘Bills, your doctor or dentist, or Sor. some other purpose, phone or visit Househol Finance. Take advantage of Hovsehold ‘reduced rate now. - ce e breathmaé étc id: to nowzhnen to know them, d * include in

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