Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 21 Jun 1945, 1, p. 2

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Mrs. Clarence Cameron. Railroad St.. Was hostess last Tuesday evening at a nicely arranged party in honor of Miss Marion Prentice. The house was nicely decorated for the occasion with pink and white Streamers, with a spe- cial chair for the bride-elect. A nice social time was enjoyed and during the evening Douglas and Jackie Cameronpresented therguest of honor with a hamper nicely decorated in pink and white and filled to the top with lovely gifts. During the evening a delicious lunch was served by the hostess. The Schumac held their mo evening in the Business items plans were mac meeting to be i The date will After the bush cial evening w: played and the: ins. During t1 lunch was serve Cpl. Dan MCKit tioned at Scoudu is visiting at his 11 Mrs. N. D. Ad Kathleen. M<~Intyx a. holiday with I» at Edmonton. turned fimn overseas. left Sunday for Toronto after visiting at his home on First Ave. â€"-â€" TAOI HRDL TAOI HRDL RD Pte. Bob Fulton. R. C. A.. stationed at Brantford. is spending a leave with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Fulton. SeCmid Ave. Stirling Navy, is father. Mr Street LAC. Doric Turcott. R. C. A. F., stationed at Ottawa, is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Turcott, Second Ave. ‘ Cpl. Stan Shippam, R ed at, Orillia, and Mrs. family are visiting at Cpl. Shippam's parents. George Shippam. Sacon. Spr. Blooie Webber, Spr. Blooie Webber. 1 tioned at Sydney. Nov for his station. Mrs. W anied her husband as where she spent a wee brother-in-law and sister Stan Tresidder. Mr. Frank Wills, of department, Township turned this week from of Assessor Officers c vention held in the Hotel, Niagara Falls. 15th June. Ave., returned days at Toron Mr. nad M19 left for their They were acc Augrignon. 59c Mrs. Agnes F some time visi Mrs. Jack Sc ing her mothe Street, Pte. B tioned or his home Mr. ar Boyd Prcnt is visiting James Prev Breckenridge \ The broadcast the members ( are ill at home have the privi] Vic Sunday m vic of war Church will H111 left N. where they cooking du The camp 20th, when girls from 1 holiday at t Other I toms of Interest from Schumucher and District (Schum The Adva Good Cooks G0 to Camp Bickell from Schumacher 'a'vyv is Tomm Mr "-â€"â€"-‘. m mwyjhfimvine, Dome andfiâ€"Igmistfict PAGE Richard Ste held in the General Brocx Niagara Falls. 13th, 14th and 111168 ne on 2 1nd M mdy Defelice, R. C. E., sta- 1119 West coast. is visiting at on Fourth Ave, 1 Mrs. Dave Bennett, Fifth 'ned from three week’s holi- ‘Oi‘ontu. and 0thEr points. Mrs. Eddie Augrignon have :‘lL‘il‘ home at Belle Terre. i‘ accompanied back by Mr , second Ave.. and his sister, L‘S F‘iendal, who will spend visiting («it Belle Terre, k Scott, of Toronto, is visit-4 pc M01 1011 1C6 *I‘Il 11 ng the. camp holidays. pen: (1 Wednesday, June the fiist consignment of 1.1 Public School left for a :1 summer camp. i'ning. June 24th, the ser- hip in Trinity United be broadcast over station I'immins. The Rev. J. A. will conduct the service. it. is being made so that of the congregation who 1e or in the hospital may 'ilego of hearing the ser- 1011. Royal Canadian '; his parents, Mr. and 1111011. First Ave, Royal Canadian Navy, parents, Mr, and Mrs. Second Ave. $tm'ens, recently re- '5985. left. Sunday for iting at his home on TE ROyal Canadian :1 leave with his Hayward. Railroad I] H ex'vice Men's wives meeting Monday myre auditorium. '9 discussed and the next monthly form of a. picnic. announced later. ession a nice so- oyed. Cards were : community sing- vening a dainty R. C. A. R. sta- New Brunswick. 19 on Fourth Ave. [S and daughter. Property. left for Adams' parents R. C. A., station- IrS. Shippam and at, the home of us, Mr. and Mrs. 0nd Ave, 1', R. C. A., sta- Nova Scotia, left Webber accomp- as far as Cobalt week visiting her ster. Mr. and Mrs. f the assessment ) of Tisdale, re- 1 the Association of Ontario con- General Brock 20th. Special to n and Mrs. Alf. Camp Bickel charge of the Vi Boyd. Pine For Sparkling Zest! Congratulations to Miss Margaret Burton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Burton. of Dome Mines, who grad- uated from St. Mary’s Hospital as Nurse on Thursday. A number of friends from town were present in Timmins at the graduation ceremony andJater on in the evening a. recep- South Porcupine, June 20th. Special to The Advance. Reception for Graduate Nurse at S. Porcupine “Both Simpson and Mondeau had considerable damage done to their clothing and we think that the Town- ship should remunerate these boys for their services. “These boys did excellent work and this fact is attested to by the Deputy Chief Ranger who was in the district at that time. “The boys concerned are Jack Simp- son. 95 Tamarack 812.; Barry Mondeau, 53 Tamarack St., and Jack Simmers, 17 Crescent Ave. “Sirs: On Sunday afternoon. April 20th. we received a call to a bush fire on the Sand Claims Road. On arriv- ing there we found that three Timmins boys who were returning from Big- water Lake had noticed the fire and immediately taken steps to put: it out and prevent its spread. ‘Individual letters of appreciation and commendation will be mailed to each of the lads concerned). The following letter was received by Council from the Schumacher fire de- partment and read at Monday’s meet- mg: South Porcubine. June 2th. Special to The Advance. Sympathy is extended Mr. Frank Wills, Fourth Ave. and Mr. W, W. Wills, First Ave. who received the sad news this week of the death of their mother. Mrs. C. W‘ills. Cornwall. Eng- land. Mrs. Wills passed away suddenly at her home. She was seventy years of age. Surviving are her four sons, Frank and Bill of Schumachex and two sons in the Old Country Her husband died in South Africa in 1912. He was well known in Comwall and South Africa for his wrestling (Cornish style). Compliment Timmins Lads For Good Work in Fighting Fire Schumacher, June 20:11. Special to The Advance. Death of Mrs. (7. Wills, at Cornwall, England R. S. STEWART IN [DANS TO POLICYHOLDERS Guests included M15. B. H. Hamel and Miss Mary Harpex, Mr. and Mrs. P. J And1ew, Mrs R, E. Dye, Mrs. Hone1,M1. and Mrs. Kemsley. Mrs. ’Stanlake, Mrs. Beard and Miss Lynn iBeard, Mrs. leby, Mrs. Cy, Hale. Mrs. G. McDonnell. John Fell, Mrs. H. Rog- ers, Mrs. Tom Wilson. Miss McKinley, Mr. and Mrs. Cuthill and Mr. and Mrs iBuLcher, of Iroquois Falls; and Mrs. Douglas. . . ‘1]- ] L.A.C. George Kaufman, R.C.AF., is i 3in on Rae Ave. from Newfoundland. Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. E. Richard- tic-n was held at her parents’ home. Lovely gifts, including the sheaf of red roses which she carried. were prep- sented to her as mementos of the important event and she also received telegrams of congratulations including a cable from Scotland. Flowers decorated the Burton home. and Mrs, Burton was a} gracious hos- tess and a delightful buffet lunch was served. Coming home from overseas on a “Lancaster” bomber,. and arriving in Moncton on Sunday was F'lyiny Of- ficer Don Millar. R.C.A.F., who is. ex- pected to arrive in S. Porcupine on Wednesday. Pte Walter Barabas, wounded in Germany, has arrived home and is on leave with his parents. At a council meeting held on Mon- day approval was given towards a $25 grant to Timmlns Horichltural So- ciety. Also permission was; given to Branch 88 B. E. ‘S. L. to hold a car- nival in Schumacher on June 25th to 30th and to hold a parade on June 25th Mr. and Mrs. Richard Waddington. of Connaught Hill, left recently for Port Arthur where they will in future re- side. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elliott, of Iro- quois Falls~ spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Roach. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saunderson, and children. Muriel and Ronnie. from Souris Manitoba. are visiting Mrs. Saunderson's parentsâ€"M1 and Mrs. Ben Curtis, at Dome Er. They made the trip by car coming over the Trans- Canada highway by Hearst. L. S. Stanley Millions. R. C. N. V. R. is home at Dome Extension on two months’ leave. ' South PorCUpine H. S. Army Cadets Attending Camp Mist; Helen Storan has returned from holiday spent in Windsor and Niagara Falls. Pety Officer Eric Patser was visiting friends in town. Mrs. Cyril Starling left. for Hem-st this week to visit her mother. Carrie Usulak is in Porcupine Gen- eral Hospital recovering nicely from appendix operation performed on Sunday. Brce MacDonald. of Connaught. is in hospital recovering from pleurisy. South Porcupine. June 20th. Sjecial to The Advance. A number of High School Army Ca- dets left on Tuesday to attend Camp at the Military Barracks Camp at Ni- agara-on-the-Lak’e. Mr. Benoit. High School teacher, accompanied them. and they will train until June 30th. All were in high spirits and looking forward to the life of Canada. Boys leaving Were: Bill Andrew. Stan Bar- abas. Dick Barnes. Roy Cameron. Larry Christiansen, Mark David, Joe Durish Bill Deacon, Murray Fleming. Tom Food. Eddie Kulik. Ian Lightbody. Jim McDonnell, Bob Pecore. Eric Rudkin. Carl Schmelzle, Jasper Woodward. Frank Hawes. Other Items of Interest from South Porcupine and the Dome. m 903mm: ADVANCE, Ms otf‘rAmo St. Joachim’s R. C. Church is hold? ing a picnic on Sunday at Buffalo- Ankerite park. Mame-baked beans will be featured. gaimes, s'ports. races, etc.. and a draw for a Victory Bond. i A pretty wedding took place on {Saturday in St. Alphonsus R. C. Church, Schumacher, when Seaman John Pecor, second son of Mr. J. Pecor and the late MIS. Pec01,of South [Porcupine took as his bride Margaiet lBoytos, youngest daughter of Mrs; Steve Boy tos, and the late Mr. Boytos, ‘of Schumacher Reverend Father [Martindale officiated. Miss Kathleen Mrs. Cockburn, of Toronto. is visit- ing at her son‘s home in S, Porcupine. Try The Advance Want Advertisements ~Mr. Huggins, of Toronto, is visiting his sons in town. ‘ Bornâ€"On June 18th, in Poxcuupine General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. J. McLean of Broadway Aveâ€"a son. Pecor (sister of the groom, recently graduated from St. Michael’s hos- pital. Toronto, of South Porcupine; and P. O, Laurence Dillon also of S. Porcupine and Pte. .Edwin Brown were ushers. ‘ ‘ Bornâ€"To Mg. and Mrs. Peter Ursulak of S. Porcupine on June 17th in Porcupuine General Hospitalâ€"a sonL Kalli Oksanen of the American Mar- ine and his American' bride from ,Wiikesâ€"Barre have been visiting at Ihis parents' home. ? Rev. J. C. Thompson with Messrs Lawrence Mould and Stanley Smith are busy at Barbers Bay this week fixing up the camp and dock and raft there in p1epa1ation fox the United Church Boys’ Camp which is expect- ed to be ieady by June 30th A meeting of the Ministe1ial Asso- ciation took place on Monday in South Porcupine United‘ Church Manse. Present werez~Revs. Canon Cushing. Gilmore Smith, John Fo1d, J. C. Thompson, Dr. Aitken Capt. Church, Alvin Smith, Rev. Chidwlck, W. Mustard and J. A. Breckenridge. P. 0. Nick Toderan. R.C.A.F., has returned from overseas and is visiting his mother and sisters on Bloor Ave. Miss Bety Cummings of the Post Ogice Staff, and Miss Helen Hane- berry left this week for Ottawa where they will attend the graduation cer- emonies at Ottawa Civic Hospital. Miss Elaine Dogue is graduating from this institution on this» occasion. Kalli Oksanen of the American Mar- Congratulations to Miss Aila Kov- honen who we see has been successful after a year's study at North Bay Normal School. . Miss June Courchesne left this week for Tesimkaming to visit her grand parents: for the vacation. Mr. Doug. McLellan returned on Saturday after training for two week‘s at Niagara-on-the-Lake with the C. O. T. C. Mrs. Henry Kafman is home after visiting her daughter at Palmer Ra- pids; Mrs. Melville. of Dome Extension, who has been quite ill in Porcupine General Hospital, left on Tuesday for Toronto for Medlval advice and treat- ment. Her daughter. Mrs. Monty Keast. accompanied her. Pte Gino Campagnola. of Bradford is visitinb his parents at Dome Ex- tens-ion. son. of Dome Extension. cn Wednesday June 13th. a daughter in Porcupine General Hospital. IN CASH AND OTHER ASSETS The home of Mrs. Vic Mullen, Second Ave., was the scene of a nicely arrang- ed party last Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Alex Bugera. bride-elect of Saturday, June 23rd. The rooms were nicely decorated for the occasion with pink and white streamers. A nice social time was enjoyed and games were played duringthe evening with the prizes being won by Mrs. Agnes Godefroy, Mrs. Frankie Four- nier and Mrs. Kay Chisholm. The door prize was won by Mrs. Agnes Godefroy. The guest of honor was presented with a silver sugar and cream' set with tray to match and silver butter dish. Miss Mary Vebanca made the presentation. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs 1V Mullen, Mrs. J. McCusker and Miss IMary Vebanic. The following ladies 'attendedzâ€"Misses Dot Leek, Mildred Mirkovich, Loretta Kutchaw, Ethel Fowler, 'Margeurite Smith. Mrs. Evelyn Besley, Mrs. Marian Bryers. Mrs. 'Agnes Godefroy, Mrs. Evelyn Hazelwood, Mrs. Sadie Stewart. Mrs. Lil’ Smith, Mrs. Frankie F‘ournier,i Mrs. Kay Chisholm. Mrs, Violet Cicci,§ Mrs Jean Adamson, Mrs. Lauraj Faulconer, Mrs, Martha Martel, the guest of honor (Miss Alex Bugera) and the hostesses (Mrs. Jean Mullen. Mrs. May McCusker and Miss Mary meainlufi... HRDL AOIN A01 A01 Verbanic.) Schumacner, June 20m. Speciu The Advance.) Guests besides Mr. Brown inclmlvd Sgt. Wm. Jamieson. newly arrivvd from overseas, Pte. Mac McCaw. and Luv:- rence, Dillon. R.C.N.V.R_ Party at Schumacher in Honour of Bride-Elev I Auditions and eliminations take place on Sunday afternoon next. It is up to all good citizens to at- [tend and thereby not only cnjm an evening of fun but help the Kiwanis in their excellent work with the youth of our town. Not only does Kiwanis provide milk for underprivileged ('hlltlâ€" ren but a long list of “assists“ in youth moverpents is featured: Air Cadets, Boy Scouts. Girl Guides, Brownies, Playgrounds. Boys' Craft. Club. glasses for youngsters. and as- sistance to the Milk for Britain Fund. In addition to the above may be add- ed Victory Gardens and assistance in the Porcupine Bomber Squadron Fund. On Monday at their Weekly meeting: Mr. H. W. Brown. Public Schools In- spector, was gusst speaker and he have an excellent talk on the theme “The Present Day Child. What Does He Think?" He showed a r al insight into the trend of present day youth In conclusion he said that Canada is de~ veloping a healthy mental and physical child. The Kiwanis Club is preparii “Lafl' Nite" at the local theat Thursday next. There will be twl films and amateur exhibitions ( tertainment, for which the m1« will determine who shall win the prize, South Porcupine, Jun to The Advance. South Porcupine Kiwanis to Present Real “Laff Nite" IN REAL ESTATE th South Porcupine. June 20th. Special in The Advance. ! A surprise party and wedding shower was held on Friday at the home or Miss Mary Phelps .who is a teacher on the staff of the public school, She will not be returning to South Porcupine in Sentember as her mar- riage to Mr. Arthur Beasley. of Port Arthur tformerly of South Porcupine), is set for the middle of July. and her residence will be in Port Arthur. She was very surprised on Friday when fellow teachers and friends came in a body to her home bringing gifts and lunch and all the makings of a brim the 1 Surprise Party and Shower For Mrs. Mary Phelps A model of a pink “Bride's House" [S carried in containing a number of muifully wrapped giftsâ€"other larger leflgf‘S being piled around it. Rhymes and poems were read by the ideâ€"tn-be :which were enclosed with e gifts). as she unwrapped them. The guests then prepared and serv- n dainty buffet lunch. as, yott can now get a $100 I lousehold Finance loan, repaid in 6 monthly payments, for only $5.32! That is your full cost at llousehold's reduced rate of 1 5'2 ‘34, per month on your unpaid balance. You may apply for as much as $1,000 and take up to 20 months to repay. No extras. See below how you have a choice of convenient |schedules for repaying your loan. Payments shown repay principal and charges. Our one rule of charge includes all costs. You pay no discounts, fines or extras of any kind. That is why a $50 loan repaid in 3 monthly instalments. for example, costs Only $1.51! Or take these larger loans, repaid in a monthly instalments. costs $18.05; a $5M) 3â€"payment loan $15.07; a $1,000 ‘l-[xty- ment loan only $37.78. Compare these costs with charges elsewhere! All you do! To apply for any amount you merely tell us about your problem and how you want to repay. You need no endorsrrs or bank-able security. You need not ask friends or relatives to sign with you (husband and wife Sign together, single persons sign alone). Andyou usually get the cash the same day you apply. If you need money to clean up old bills, pay your doctor or dentist, help relatives, or for almost any other purâ€" pose. phone or visit Household Finance few months. A $300 loan, repaid in 6 Atoday. $100, repaid in 6 monthly fiayments, costs only $5.32 $300, repaid in 9 monthly payments, costs only $22.95 No other chargeâ€"No endorsers needed evenin WE GUARANTEE that these payments will repay loans in schedule. The loan will cost less if payments are made ahead of schodulb. Payment. include Household'a charge of ”2% per month on unpaid balances. which is one- / fourth less than the maximum rate provided by the Small L Loans Act which is applicable tol cans not exceeding $500. LOAN COSTS DOWN! S25 50 75 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 =20 Imam dim n>m1 PO>Z <0: meU Isuausmvum [Tum you. Canada's largesl and oldest Small Loan: Company with 27 offices in 23 um: HOU§EHOLD FINANCE 3/WCOVL (riCa/zu t/(( A Menage from ”I. Lilo Insurance Companies in Canada Your Life Insurance dollar is employed for socially desirable purposes. 209 Sky Block, 11 Pine Street South TIMMINS, ONT. Phone 3435 jijgraym Is 103.01 137.35 171.69 206.03 240.37 274.71 343.38 T Figures according to the latest available Government report showing investments of Canadian lite Insurance Companies. LIFE INSURANCE CHOOSE YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT HERE 34 68.68 17.17 34 It is good citizenship to own 6 [:4an“. $ 4.39 8.78 13.16 17.55 26.33 122.87 140.42 175.53 105 G. H. Dawes; Manager 35.11 52.66 70.21 AS ALWAYS 223mg 3 2.99 5.98 8.97 11.96 17.94 23.92 35.88 47.84 59.80 71.77 83.73 95.69 119.61 Ottawa Citizenzâ€"Someonc ham robbed a bread wagon an ill-bred loafer with no a. lot of crust_ ten. Miss Webber. Miss Betty Couch Miss Alice McMunn. Miss Ruth Frit- chard. Miss Mary Broadfoot. Miss Kay Woodall. Mrs. Winnie Miller. Guests included Miss Jean Miller. Miss Gena Higgins. Mrs. Minnie Gram. Miss Betty McKeowu. Miss Mary Hous- Miss Shaw and Mrs, H. Hangman were not present but sent gifts. monthly instalments. costs $15.95; 3-payment loan $15.07; a $1.0M) 4 mum loan only $37.78. Compare costs with charges elsewhere! TIME TABLE (‘ll.~\ NG ES Canadian National Railways EFFECTIVE Sunday, June :21, 1913 Full inofrmatcion from Agent lipaymu 73.34 91.68 55.01 64.18 THURSDAY. JinrE 218T. 1945 9.17 13.75 18.34 36.67 45.84 3 ml 6.88 full. if payment: othel speoim d 5 paymts B. E . Hmoznsou. "mum ll 14 44.97 32. 46 32. 48 39. 98 L-J‘BX 49 are made Adv. N 20 pa vm I. m. to repay. or baukable 5k friends or husband and persons Sign $34 .95 40.77 46.60 )8..35 in Chat.- Probably ugh. but

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