Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 15 Jun 1944, 2, p. 1

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. '»’~’ "OW,WN1~O O N' O”- The Pioneer Paper'- of the Porcupine Established 1912 mm"-” ""~'.o Second Section o¢oo~~o~ o oo '0 0.01m“ atropine Antitrust a...” __..â€"-â€"â€" M N Wâ€" 31.11. X-XIXT'N: 24 V 1"“""1111?"1'11'1'1‘113311‘1111'11 11MM1Ns, ”15111-111710 IliURSDAY, JUNE 15TH, 1914 Single COpyâ€"Five Cents .* All Branches in District . R0111 1111111111 911111111111 15111110111111 Timely New Books Among €332,112]? £13911? ~ Represented at Meeting I' ‘ Those Recently Added to 11)... of Women’s Imam“? Timmins Public Library“ - l1‘ifty_f0ur Delegates at Gathering Here Last Week. Gol- Several New Books on the War, Including Volumes on bury. _.-..-... den Star Women’s Institute of Timmins Hosts at Dis- Norway, Russia and Japan. History, Travel, Bio-z .3111. 11.- tl‘iCt Meeting of Institute. Mrs. H. Lang, Monteith, griaph3, Vi ell Represented in New Books at l.1br.113, 1111‘ 1111 11111" 1‘1 111“ -11'-”1"-‘1““1-”1 ‘1' President of District for Ensuing Year. Many Mat- ( ( \ \" 'I‘ emiskaming‘ Area 11"111. I‘rees. plants and shrubs are b1 ~ ‘ ' ' v ' u .1 -‘ , ., ' (I -‘ . . . . ‘ .3 i . r \ . ‘1.k0 Below will be found a list of new "Science at Vvar ~11. \V. 1.1'113' 111g d1s1103ed b3 1111 p.s.s. 1‘111 331 books just added to the linrmins P11131111 "A Manual of Mechanical Move- (11111111110 1011011011 15 1” 11‘“ 1‘1'0111‘1'13‘ 1‘- ’I'lre annual Dis‘i'ict Meeting of the Women's Institutes of Cochranc Disâ€" trict. was held in the. Hollinger hall. ‘11 is a privilege to belong to a W. I. branch. as our Queen is a member. as lwell as several other notables. We ’I'irnmins, on Wednesday. June 7111. 1can be powerful. and are only limited Golden Star Women's Institute of Tim-i by our own vision or lack of vision, If ruins were the hosts for the occasion. l we. want our branch to prosper. each 1 1 1c 1 1 1 11111111s"-â€"\1V,M,C1-.11-k Mix, Chs Pirie just to the west 111 Not 11 Cobalt Cherry trees. stra33'her'r'3 plants and even rhubarb suffered on .‘311'.P11'i11's market garden. The eater-â€" Library. The Books are very 111111113 and include volumes about. the war! "Fishing for Buss‘ A-irrskal1111w1_ like books of history and travel biog i".‘11)1‘.ies i and l’z‘riiiisli1's'-â€"~R. 13' Sehrenk1 m 11. books on the sciences. arts crafts. hob-l "'1‘1 11.1 Countr 'liod and 111111 111.111'.‘ bies. etc.. with a number of 111133 fiction 1 volumes. including a group of what are, “Bie3'11111-1"â€"-1{utlr 131-111-1111-1 nothing seemed to kill tnerrr. or it 111-.1. There was '1 full (trot/1 of attendance member has to work and stud 1 lard." ~ ‘ ‘ i 1 ‘ ‘ 1 3 1 popularly known as thrillers. “A Guide to Better Photogr 111111 all seven branches being represented Mrs. Haves thought it. wise to have a there being :34 present. for the meeting campaign for new members, “When The meeting opened at 10 a, m. , with you get them. "she said "encourage Mrs, H. Lang. of Monteitir. president them and be careful of your remarks. if in he chair. you wish to keep them interested." 'I'wo rrrinutes‘ silence was observed in Mrs. Hayes noted that democracy is respect to the invasion. Then the 1 helped in schools, churches, admini- Nationai Anthem was sung: also 111111. stration of municipal events “and." Institute Ode. followed by the Lord‘ s1 sheaddcd. “bydoing our duty accepting Prayer in unison Mrs W Johnson. of! the responsibiity of our franchise and Timmins gave the address of welcome alwa3s using our vote we may help to which was responded to by Mrs. L A3â€" build a happier, better and brighter crs. of Hol‘yr'e. followed by the siirg- world, ing of “The More We Are Together 111111 The short course decided upon for Happier We 11 Be.” i this year will be on “.Hcalth' " and will “.Iire minutr s of the. last meeting were . be given early in the Fall. The Officer' . 1 11111 b3 Mrs. Lang 111 the absence of the 1, Rally will be discontinued for this year. secretary. The treasuren s report was 1 Mis s's Petty gave an interesting report accepted and a copy of this is to beion some of the girls who a few shor were killed thousands seemed to 1111.1- 1 l ' '- ' 3 ' 1 ' \‘ 3 1 t A. w, ppm-h 11,1111. ars swarmid 11311 111.. 1111111 .1111: l to take the place (11' 1111' 11111111 ones Mi“ The books 011 the war touch on var-i Berenice Abbott ious lands and peoplesâ€"Japan. Pales-i \"Vgin s of he -_-- 11‘, N. (1111‘111111‘1' Pirie sand 1111 had never s1 1111 the 1.11.1- tine. Russia, Norway. Malta. Belgium 1 "Old Silver â€".5 1) 33'3'111'11111111‘11' 80 bad anywhere beau-11 ‘ Germany. r “The Yankee \V1121111”~~7.( w Ashlev At the Buffialo-Ankerit1' 1111““ ”11 I r The history and travel volumes offer "So3 beans from Soup to Nuts 'â€"- A, Sunday there were many of 1111-.~-1~ 1-.1. . . \ u I 1 s 1 | 3 '. l - 3 1‘ it ‘1 ‘1 many happy hours of interest to thosel Williams Heller , “111111-115 111 (111111111- -'1'111511 11‘ -1 who enjoy this fascinating type of booksr “The Complete Book of l‘rogress‘ne such numbers as suggcsml 113 :111 11.- Below will be round a list of these lKir‘rtting”â€"~I R. Duncan 110115 from 11111105111111- . 1” "11111 111"" “CW 13001151 ‘- -111(, wrirans 1‘11111" -_11; 11, l-‘aulkner have been a few caterpillars 111111111 1121' The War 1 “Your Word 'loâ€"rnoi'row l) (1. (‘o'r- “l1 10 1111 11111 111 “1111115 1111‘ 11'1“ " " . , l . . . .. ‘ .. . . 3 . 1 ()1, \ "Through Japanese Barbed Wii'1.'1 - 911-3- iassunn 11 1111. stata of .1 111.1,..111. ‘ l i . .Q ' . I CUWCII Pl‘lt‘SiWOOClâ€"‘d .5101'3' til the (1121-1, "31131111111115 1111-91 ._.(_ 1'111'111'11 11,11- _..._..._-.~.-.-..- matic escape of an English woman from 1 mington if 3° 0 lVI | ~ ' .. ‘ . 1 ‘ a Japanese prison camp at Hong kong', “Air News \car Book ---.~-l’1rillip Alr‘ 111111111118 (1" to the Capital at Chungking. drews “The FOI'BOUCD Alli-"'-â€" PINTO V-m‘l Modern Card '1‘1'11'11'1. and Secret. Among the King s Paassenâ€"â€"reveals Palestine's heroic part 1 Magic" »- Blackstone hdb [*1 ‘ in the defeat of the Axis in the Middle' "Your hair. Its Health. 11.111 3 '«l 11; Birt 3y ' 0n0urb 1 East. 1Care”â€"--Ileririan Goodman mm“- “First Steps to Tok3o â€"-I) 1‘. (111111111, Fiction 1, i ii .. 1. .l1- , â€"-â€"The Royal Canadian Aiiiorcc iii the? "Lian-.1"â€"--Mai'tha (‘11-111111111 ~11lllrl,\'l “10111 1‘ l .1 111 “111“" Aleutians, sent. to each in .1111 h as soon as iea 13' years ago took the Junior Courses. Roll call was answered by a well-fil They had been greatly helped by these led ditty bag from each branch. There courses. as so many had joined the was a total of seven. There were 21 forces and these courses had been a voting‘ delegates, boon iri their army exams, In her report the president. stressed Officers for the ensuing year were practical nursing and said it was very elected as follows: necessary, Mrs. Lang also pointed out| Presidentâ€"«Mrs. H. Lane. Monteith. 1111 three lonely people on the 111111 1111115 Wt’lfill't‘ “('11) 1111111111 “Norway is My ConntI'.3'“--â€"~-S.vmrovc island 111 St. 111111111111.- 111 1111.- can!) Given M. .11. 1. ”.0...â€" Airborne packs of (‘ an adian paratroopers were a major point of interest to Their Maiesties and Princess Elizabeth when the Royal Family visited Canadians in the thick of pre- -invasion manoeuvres. Christensen-11 inovin” account of life D in Norway under German occupation. "The 1111131 {{13111-"....'1'-,13-1131- C .111. In 1111» list or the King‘s 11112111113- honours publisl 1111 last 3111-11 here new (Canadian Army 0191510115 P110101 "W112” RUSb'ifi WillltS"-- JOEICIUIII JOf“ â€"anot1.111r exerting book about 1111 51911â€"R11F513'5 :01‘91811 PUNCEY rible Boucharos", about whom 11111.11- t bean Sea, ‘ l 1 1 l l I l 1 ”Malta EIJiC"-I‘dH Hay~~â€"the SlUl‘N‘ilicr book. ‘D5'11.1s1,\' of )eatlfi was 1 1 l 1 l l l 1 1 I that it was the young women of to-day 1st Vice-Pres,â€"~Mrs. L. Ayers, 81111- the names 01 381) Canadirns lame,“ 33lhotllwzoulltiLm‘ake 11.11::‘WoIiJnen,silirgtitute iiiLg-tgn. -. _ -_ .. w J 1 ‘ S 0 ts and Cu b8 0 01- the British occupation and defence written. .. 3311111 1:111:11113 m1mb1rs 13.1 11.1- (71111.1:1. ‘ ' lair 0‘ m 11 me' 15' ang 1a Jun 1.11 . VICC Pres, Mrs. ' ornson, 0y C u of the island of Malta, on,“ Became “1, Anna 13mm“ Aim1d Iortes. 111 1111 11.1 therea; returned from Toronto and brought Timmins. _ _ . “Banzai No1.1l"-Garrctt Ci1'itillllli-~-111 Louis Bl‘tllllllt’lt‘lâ€"lhr'1:41111'3'131 alumna/31110111“ to have been “1113' 10,”. (.1._.H.,,,l,_., ”Mk greetings from Mrs' Lothian, :1 SC("-T1‘Ca‘5‘~â€"MHS 0' Clark. Slrrlliirg- . - . H leather-neck salvages some laughs out: ing worn-.111 and her eorriiranlon. Mrssr 11 “0111.1“ “'11“ the M‘ B‘ H 113111111111-1' former. active member 0f Monteith. ton. _ own an lStrlCt awe of the grim business of war. 1111311111“, lot the British Eillpll‘o ()1'111-1'1, (.1111- or 111 closrrrg her remarks Mrs Lang ex~ Assistant-~Mrs P. Griffiths. Shilling- Mal-1 these was a Timmins man. 1311'. Thomas "The White Brieacte"â€"â€"R(L>bct't Got-- "The 131.13- 111 Silt1111‘1‘"-~-1121111111111. finâ€"4.11111 'ibost'billg ‘dCCOUD‘L‘ 01' 1119 BC1-1 leaâ€"- a moving story of 1111- 111 modern gran underground. Brit-nos Aires. . __ 'k S 3 . 'The Russian Army' Walter K1111.l"W111111 Still Wel..1v-'1 â€"Ilrle:1 Mae- 111‘ 1'01’1‘ ”1) “1‘5 1m.“ 111 33111 d“ 1.1111- " ' ' "'1"S1""11s "HOW 10 Thmk A1301“ W111 itl‘d'lnrrcsâ€"a 111111111111; the hopes. uni lr.1rs,”"01 “1 Am‘m‘U "”111 - ‘ v 113. Ryan, who was on the staff of 111- lTllIilIililS \Veli‘ai'e Department 111111111“ pressed the desire ‘hat 1111111 member 1011 a . . take back to her bi':an(h at least one: Federation Mernbei'-â€"~MX'S- G. Storm. Bl l lme at C Clorama good thing, Shillington. A solo by Mrs, Sui-man was then 1,-11â€" Alternativeâ€"Mrs. H. Lang. ‘ ”fl » , , joyed. The number was entitled. "Mak- Agricultural and Historical Research F1110 \Veathcr fut It vent OI] Saturdav. Boys Bugle Band .,, 11 B t f F D 1. VI VI M H 1b 81 .11. ) ) T. 13911 euâ€"‘M J Adler. 11111. pride and 1111 1"ouiagt of 111.1 11111â€" W'*“""" . r' i 1' 4 ' I ' t - ' ' “ ' ,' __ “ n ‘ 0‘ . v 6 ' , McIntosh played the accompanrment Citizenshipâ€"Mrs Marriott. Timmins. ( T k , 0 OIIOIII‘ 4U: 01 1 - ‘ . . ' - . ' South Porcupine Porcupine Cochrane. 70) Boys a e Nizcr. 11.11111, 1 . , ., Mrs. Aver's. Mrs. Briggs and Mrs. Historical Researchâ€" Mrs. F. J. Clark, ’ ’ 1 1. . . ~ - ~ - - . L ‘ I J‘ i ‘ th 1 50 U H ‘b' 1~ 1'. . . ' t ' r 1' - 0 Ohm“ t Part “rinners in Events lllStOI‘y 211“] Travel l ”1110 Signpost ”â€"13,, A, l{,(3l)ot'l“gnuâ€"[,1] l CdV “g, 01 (y L U 1 , 1 ocsmwtrr. appoin ed as a nominating 1.1 111 mg on, . c- 1 . 1 "Pacific Partner"â€"~G.H.J0111'131”‘1"‘1‘1“101\ 01' {1 young 11. A. 1'“, pilot eon-1 -â€"â€" (111111111111 1121111 of standin committres A tindif ECODOUHLSâ€"“NIIS. A. .11 can, QUitC «’1 {9W 13001310 113% 130011 33111118.- {ONOWCG 131' 3 {CW 111511'11C110115 111301” 5101'Y 0f the 1331‘t All-311111111 15' 1112111118 ivalescing 111 an Irish 311111-111 i There will be a social evening in 1111.- ‘ l ‘ S 1:11: ) 1,).-1' A " . v . ‘ 1 - . were (11111111 he'rrd Math 1:011 Shillin 1' DS 11' inf M ' E A i 1 s P ' “What is a Cyclorama?" After Satur- the contests. m the 33111. i T111111 ““C- 0- 1‘1‘11115'” 1111' “1011' ”1 l Legion Hall on Saturday. June 17th, at, 1011 ’, “d Friendshi) C1210 .11-1d c f: 1?)ch ,3 are, rs, ‘ 111 NW. 01 day they should know. Saturday. the The afternoon contests were all Scout “New Zealarrcl“â€"â€"W-.11111r Nashâ€" .111 f the old San 1.1.1,“...m1, (.1.... (,1 I 111111.'- 1, 8.30 p.111. All members an, asked to (”11”?le , 1.,p1‘t-mlu ., :uctiori .meL. uns b11211: ‘ronM. .. 0 Cl' '11 81 'llirw'toii ‘Cyclorama sponsored by the Tiremins and Crib events and proved intensely informative and up to date book about: foi'ds, shipping dynasts of 11111 west 1.0.11) [mg is mind and 1111111; 211013;; 1111111- ,1 . . .1 an 1,. s . - - 1 - 11‘ C1 1" 155 .11 ' .11 ° ' ' Boy Scouts Association was held at the interesting. Among the items were; New Zealand. 99.3351. . . . . . . 1" .111 is. 1 1111111111' 1111111113111‘ who is ther machine for Matheson hospital i War Workâ€"Mrs. C. Briggs. Timmins, ”1 C A‘ 1 1 This nrachine is very essential 111 tonsil Auditorsâ€"Mrs. G, Storm and Mrs.A operations. It was pointed out that Brightwell, publicity is very 111:1cessary to let the District Director to the Conventionâ€"â€" Hollingel Park and armed «3 Duo and Tent pitching. fire 111111111111. sislmllins- “The Law Marches West”â€"C. IS. "The Thai'i'us '1'111-1-1»"â€"â€"c. 13 ...-.1-â€"1 i 111111-1111; 11111 North 33-111 1111 111-11111111-1-11 on .1 delightful d113- 1I'he C}'C101‘IIIE1 3111... message relays, 1.111111 yelling. etc.,- and Deniiy-â€"â€"an account of the glamour, i'o-,1,.,.an__,. 119,“. “alum,” s1or3 (,1 qruiifnanl this mummy], .A programme 1,5- being originally scheduled for Saturday. Junt a number of Cub events which made up mance and adventure of the early days-3 kind: .155 in ,1 11mm .11 1.1“, ,H~,-.,mg(.d with 11 11.6111, Suppl-1‘ :glrl‘\'(-(l, 3'.-11.11111 had to be 1rostponed on account a very interesting and spectacular of the west. 5 uThp American H(_)ugl-”.-_ 3.1191193}. ”-5 1,, 3).. an ”111‘“ “13111, 1.11131 part/re:- ublic know what. the Institute is demo. Mrs. Hobbes. ,, . , ,, ,, , ,, ,. . , , 5 , _ _ _ _ _ , II)n 1 151 of 1 member being 111 a 511:: Alteiiiativ VI Kitts of the weather The weather on Sa~ show, I had 110 Idfil that $00111 “"3111 00131391 Camp â€"-th€ 11111111118 5191.1 Of; C1'11'1J511â€"wiills is a delighti.ul wonderful making 1131 their own t.abh.-s. 2 ‘ 1 ‘ . Ls- . ' ' '11â€"1 1‘8 . ' . . ' ' . . . .- .. . .. . - . . . . . .1 - , , . .. . - . , 1, , ,e-gtco311111d so 3311111 1 1111011. and 33a.» so the 111111111” town of Butte Montani b3- 1 , r gestion was made to send her a letter District Directors;~Mrs, Cadeau for tuiday 11““ 1”“ about ldml T1 1 I ‘ ‘ D D ‘ ' 111111111111 “1 111 "1 1 ““1111 11111111 111 1109 were some 700 boys taking part in the 1 interesting." was one comment. made, the Montana writer‘s project. 'Durrn3brook "1‘1 H Carr-oiâ€" ~.1 5L(_)1\ I 11111 . , ‘1 ‘ v1 11 "_ .. ‘ ) ' 1‘ n (a day Scouts and Cubs coming from the “I enjoyed a Jambouire once. 5.11.1 0111 Old Home Town â€"F. H, Dobbin . (3f the W’dll'ons and 1,1 111.1 N11111:. “3111-1, 5 ' V ) 1 ‘ . ‘ .‘A ' ‘ '\ I '~ - v ' 1 . . 1 r -' r I] 1 . â€" ‘ ’ ,. . ' and report of the meetings. so as to Friendship circle; Mrs. Ayers for Hol- keep her i touch with all that is being tyre; Mrs. Jack for Timmins; Mrs. L. - 1111111111 111 which the fainil' has lived done Johnston for Matheson; Mrs. McGill 3 ' . . .1 South Porcupine Porcupine and Cochâ€" C3clorama.‘ Peterborough Ontario CUFtl‘it‘I. 11,11'300 years. .1 .- .. S 1111- , ,, 1' . . 1,1, , . . ., , ,, H ,. , - llrirllers MI B“ 8 W11 Con31ne report1 f0! Monteith, MIS' Montague for 81111 rane. The afternoon c3ents lasted until :3.“ st. ‘I'op Hats and Iom-‘l‘oms â€" L. I), “le Dow 1111... 5(,.1131"-__,;_ A. H.1- “Colour' S1'111111111"â€"-- Ngaro "Don't Mention 1113' Name“ 1'). ii. 1 Uoldtliwaite l “Clues to Bur'11“~ l., (‘1. ()l'ford hearing from all seven branches. She1 lingtonz; Mrs, E. Andrews for Porquis' praised the Red Cross and the Saiva- Junction. lion Army for the work they have done Holtyrc will be place for next year-3 1n remerirbering all the servicemen. 1annual. There have been 37 quilts completed. 9 A letter of sympathy is to be sent to No doubt the postponement interfered and at the end all expressed the idea Furbayâ€"an account of life among aris- with the attend 111111 as such changes that it had been a great (1113 for all|toc11111c American iiegioes who rule the usually do but a lot of people riiissed leoncermntd Spectators Scouts. Cubs, lRepublic of Liberia. .1 genuine treat by failing to take 1:111. f111 1.11s, evei3'bod3 enjoyed the w 10Ll “Green F11~011_.p. W. Rainier-41:11 landâ€"w. a story of the American negro “Lox Oitic1"'-â€"-~I\-Iarjor11' Barr't .311 and Geo, E1itoii~~-â€"-a collection of famous .'.hort stories from which outstanding ' “The I)cleeat-- .Ape"-â€" I) 15. 111111111 1 1 1 1 l 1 arrange -quest for 11:33'11ls '11111 111111 '- l - l ~~~ - « . =1 - " ~ - . 1 - . the C3HC10121111‘J. 11 was <1 13M M (1:11'109111 A11 CO11CU11U1 111 11C 1 .- 1 SI . motion p.111-11s 1.1.1 )1111 .11.1(11. .. , , .. ., , , cril (hills. and a rar<1e number 0 ar- ' lSS . 11 r in her recent bereave- .. . . _. .. . . . . - 1 reenin-isk â€"â€"-.Jl1111‘l.5()11 111111-1111 - ) l -. .D â€" f _ M C C l k of field and track events and events for linents for the Cyclorama and the c rr-l Meet The South Americans -_C-.1.1l| “(>11 The Edge (,1 '13“. Sea" 1., 1,, .. ’ , ‘ .. 1 , . '1 ticlcs of clothing, There were :17 blood ment. ‘3 1 , 1 3 . . 11 C' . , 1- . 1 't f 1 , , 1 .1 l' , . _ . 'Dark Duet ”111-1111' (.111-3111-3 donations from the district and 17 dit- A motion was made to reimburse the. . 1.. . 1- , ,. , . .. , , . , , ,. A Spy for Mr. Crook --Antlron3 (111- tv b'tvs the latter 1101 including the 7 i secretary to the extent 0‘ $2300 for her The day commenced with a parade: 1 Oratulated on its coirrplete success. ile of 110 countries of South AIIKIILd industry town (“H-mg 11m... (1111's 0, 2. bcr't 3‘.-“111.21. m I; 1011 (-111 '11/1ch Brit “(.1.ng for the year 11131191113 1944 from the old ball park to the Holliugeri For the Scout and Cub events in the “The British COIIIIIIOIHA'L‘Hitil”- Sir, hp,” wave in 1;“. June of 13,19, l "1)1 1111 1113 1111 . 1h 131-1111 In ,, I1 1111 1 '. ‘ .1 1 1 " ' ' . ' '. , . . . . , - . ,, ,. , . . 11 , '1 .111 L; . 1 11;")1'11111111 111-11 everyone wmkina 2:11 11 ‘VI 13' 194 ‘ ( park In the parade were the Timmins afternoon a pennant 'as awarded for Edward Gr gg 1 “Mr. “/111le (“we U, War -_ l 11111111111111 - Phode "1‘ ‘ ,, 1 ', ‘, °,, . ( ‘ "" . 0' . . - . . . Boy Scouts and Cubs and Scouts and each event. The following are the 33'111- ”Lake Huron â€"â€"~i1-1'ed Landon 1 111-2111, I ~. . _ .. . ' the Na33 111113 purchase wool and use it. Mrs Briggs 331111 pack the (11113 bags "A 1 b _, .. ., W ,. ,fi , ,, , t l1 alse Alarm - .\l.ltililliy, 1,111.4, . - . ’. . Cubs from South Por.cupinc Porcupine 11ers: “CU 011-8 AHICHC-l â€"U- L. 1 2111.111 - "So Long as We Lovc ~Pclcr (.erald. ,, ,_ , ,, , .. _ , , . _ , ,. for- 11111- articles desllod, and ship them to the N11.Vy League. T1 (1 331s 111. l scout rum“ liter-nurt- ,md Art , 1 x marks 1 11- 11111, -.. Muritl .5! 11111.11 . . , 1 - 1 . 1 - 1 1 - 1 3 . 1' 1” T .. . . Mrs. Lang sad that. fhere woull be Roll Call for next year is to be a and COChHm N par. 0 1 . .. .. t, ,1 F‘ "11 “A1 , l P , J, , ,, '31- ,t,, H T , _, , , , , 1 "11111111 Appearance .l. 1.. 111111211. . - . ~. _ . , ed by the ’I‘iiiiiniirs Boys Bugle Band 1 l'nst Aid r.1<1-â€"-St, An. ion. s on. 1 r . .111( (111,13. ---â€"1.t(,(lll(.s . 1.111 .1111 -~(,,-,.,.,,,_-,.- 31.1 ”1,”... _( , 1,, M('1\l("lt:i.x| .. , ,_ . .. , 14.3.0110 (111.13' bags 11(‘(.‘(l(‘(t this ,\’(".ll‘. qmlt from CllCh branch, , 1 ,. , ,. _ . ., "NI 1 ' 1"» "1 l 1 11‘ ("l - , 111 its 111 ”.1111'1111111 - 11.13311'111' , ,, _ , , , , .1. , , , , , , ,, , , , The 13035 put up .1 smart and .111' :111 1.1- , .'lrm.rrirrs lroop, 11111111 ..r.1) 1s 1- .11 mour 1 “Mrs. A11 111-11111117 Allan" p 1., V1,,“ 1 , Lun1h 33.1s t..1s1.1full3 s1131d b3 1111 A vote of thanks was extendtd by 11 r) 1 111,11 I ' 1‘. l - . 1 1. l) " . -. 1 ' ~ 1' 3 L‘ . appearance. Arriving at the ball par». Risrut 1.111w1o111111111 111111.). umllh 1111 Water 'l‘immins W. I, Mrs, Hobbes to the guest speakersâ€"- "(.3151- 111 1111' (11111: 11111111" 11 ff. '1 ~ 1 . 1 1' 1 a horseshor around the; Knot 'I'3'in'1â€"~St. .-\nt.1ion3"s Fourth “Death and Taxes" Dorothy 11.11111. At the afternoon session the mcc'- Mrs. Hayes. Mrs. Ross and Miss Pety “195 111111‘11 f _ o flagpole. The flag was broken and " Timmins Troop "-011 Canadian Poetr3"‘â€"â€"-I1J. K, Brown ' .1 1 1 wt the sin-1111" of The 'I‘ 1 ‘ (r ' r11 at 4 m . . 1 -- .. 3 - -- - 13111“ 10min“; 11h 1' 11: i; l h he 1:1" 01:11} ad1Jou cc: ed bp 11.1] saluted and "111111 Save the King" 31.1131 81111111111101'c~bt. Anthony-1' 1111111111 The Heart- 01 Europe ~---11dtt<.'d 11:» ' .11 AW '1111 scine o s s it"s. 33' 111 1 n 1 was 0 1 o ‘ . .. . . - . . . . 1 ‘11) ‘ ‘ ' D E a a n y u C j y y sung 111 11111111151 way by the Scouts; and Innmms Troop. hldtls Mann and Hellilali Kt‘stcll I 1 1 1 1 Mrs Robert Ross. Federation member The delegates left on the 5.30 train and ' Tree F(1llln“~-â€"Sl Ant honv‘s Fourth “"0 000 Leaeues Under The Sea‘fi- lio- l t Me b ) who recently attended the Federationioxpr-cssed their pleasure in visiting (31,1133. .. ‘ {run 11' . ‘1 11-"I‘irnmins Tree?) ‘ ‘ 1 ' ber't Bent-hie: ' " ' ' g l wen y l Jew )m LTS Convention 111 Toronto, gave some good Timmins. some of them for the first the (1‘11 1'1““ ‘1 1““ 11 0pm“ ' ,, ', ._ , ,_ . ,1 ,," ‘ , , .. , , l 1 Acting Mayor J. W, Spooner. who wasI Cross-cut Sawing South loitupirn. How 1o L131- on A llunth ~ .). 11,, S I Ht t l I t I sai'v in all we do." She re )orted that held here 11 Se )tember. . . ., , .. , i g, H“, W l K “mm” 11111 Milk‘foi' Britain 1 I for the day. Councillor Eyre proved 11: 1111111111115 Tr'oUll- E11111“ (”1111* I ‘1‘ I1‘un'1 . 1311111111.- W I song book will _‘ wizard at. the loud speaker. 3 r\.'l(1s:s".1gel'e.la‘.'- ('foehranc 'l‘roop. , “Whistler" James Lane 11” 0 our u cerem()ny I I 'l‘emiskaming Gorng “80k 1* - -- .. - ' lent Pitching--~(.hurch o. Nativity Cartooning for 11.1.1-13'1111113- sly-11.1.», "'I‘llt' (1111(1' 11 \1'1‘114'1" .11141-1111 Shear-i1311111331111 .â€"..1â€"..â€".._.. ~~....â€"...â€"._..~.. -....... .. ._... -..~~ ideas from the addresses at the corrvenâ€" 1 time. and the are looking forward to _ , . . _, , ,. , ' ‘ y introduced bv Councrlloi' Karl A. L3'1'e,Fiis1 Troop. Prue soon be issued. Speaking of educatior After a .1133' “(Hid-a “1 “PW-”111‘ 1“ 111" 11”” “Ill-“13111111011." 8110 said. “1811011551 the two-day convention which is to be '- ~ : , Mrs. Ross said that women should be To the Wild and Woolly visiting Scouts and Cubs and .1 111.1: 1111111 11111111111. 11‘1“” “NU I 11111 who looked after the announernsl String Burningmâ€"St Anthony‘s Eighth “Tire 'l‘eachrng of Art in {-51 111.11.311”~1- . . . - . . , - . . - .- . . . 1 .- ( uh Invenls Biographies recognized in everything 111 post-war insti 111 1 ions b1. Dinti 111 Sr1.11.itiri.i..t1r ' r ' ' ' ' n '\ I 1 1 ‘ (I t '1 - 1 v “ . . ' ‘ . o O D. I I ‘ o t. he put on all W, I. parcels. These can to the “wild and woolly" days. From grtat start with 1111- track and 110111? 110 d 111“ 111s - 11111111111 -1 J s- I '"‘ it 1 11 1 > 1 . . .. , . ., .. ., , 1111.11.11. 1-'1--.111._. '11..» Witr-.1-.~.'.-.'~~-,Alfi'1-d Colin! tron ol the New Members 11 Social Invening lurrjoyed by . .1 1. 1, 1 .. 1 1 1- .3 1 - 1. 1 e 1e events. Ihcre 33111.1 ~14 11.1111 and 11111111 _ . . ; , m from .111, p” MM \S m 11111113111113 “\t “00k there cam U ‘all throwing- Kiwanis 1' 131' B. Pack. and Joe Chrrslrolni-tne story: or laurli lAng’n, 1 1 1 Standards l’araded lrrto Hall and Very Impressive (Zeriu 1, 1...1'1apfi'og- St, Anthon3"s F‘orrrt‘r Pack. "Young lady Randoli"----lten1- 1311111. “a. . , . . , F , . , ..,, ,, .,.,iB ‘ ,, 1111 obtained from the Dept. Mrs, Rosslaccount of a letter from the school 0301115. 1111(1- “111111111111112 111‘” “1”; Train and Tim 11a 1'1 ‘\n’l1(‘)“"'g mem- (,.... {,1 11“. mo 1 11111111111 11.11- --,- 1 ~ _ . . ‘ ‘_ . .7. ‘ - . .. . . , ,' 4, '1 ,1: . 1 51.31 .11 .\ r 1 -â€"â€"\).. .‘ '. _3 1 n.1‘. 1 .1 ." 1 1n" ' ‘ 1 . | ‘ .1 ' I suggested Federation t'(')li\'(‘liilOli DH)- 1.l€1(.11(l .11 MOlllltdlli CIIIILL‘S, telling 700 DOM“ ((111101 1111... 1' l“ i 1‘3 .0 ff 3,191“th A l"t('i\' "1'1" ("31'1‘ 1111111l;";ll‘ 111 1111‘; ('11111“ {53111-1111 11'11111'1 1, (1111 111:111 111:;1-1-1'1a-11 1.111? 1131211111111 111311.113 .' H'll‘. 1'1111'1'1311 _;1.'-s1mur1 1311 prepared in advance and of children at her school being; nervous that judges and 01111'1‘ “11191211!“ 111141 21, ' P1 1111 [.11. 11‘, fillo't‘r‘i .. 1 \"1"1onv" ‘ "You're (“1'1“ ”my,“ '0,”,,,.. ,.’.,,_,, 111 1111- “1.111113”. 111111 1-;11'r'1-.".11=_; through recorded 111111- v.';1 plow-11 (illl'lnu 111" , _ . , ,‘ _ \ , . ., . ., . ,1. I ' 1 L1. f . .1 ' -.,. l 1., 12' 1‘1 .‘ , 1‘ - .. 1 1; r 1 1. . ‘ , ’ . . ‘ .1-11111 to 1111- branches before 11:111‘0113'1‘31- about {-110 ”11) 10 and from the scl'mol- 11111.1rk.r.1.)13 11115.1 111111 ”1‘1“ 11.1‘ mne.‘ 'l"i"1it11 A Pre" ‘ Moore vhcr' 1rrtoin1-ur11111,1- of 1:111 li;l-’lnllt)!l rer1_-nrori'~.‘ 11;. 1111-1111111. 33111111 «err-irmrr': 111-.1: 111.:111 a 1.1-1' 111- 1111111; also to 11.131- .1 box of suggestions.l 1hot'1se as two (.11 the youiisters the other Everything. 110“"~“-'1‘1'- “"1111 111‘“ "1W1“; J 21 .‘i i,' ((. I“ - , . .1” ,1 "B 11 , 111‘1111‘1 2. ‘ 1’1 .1 .1., 1111- .1.: 1'“. ‘1‘)”,131“1,. 11:.1111-1. 1,1,1. (,;,.1,,._ , 1,1,... ,-...1~,,,,., '1111. m”; 1H,; 3,,,.-3.,;,.,-1,m..1 " ’ ‘ I ’.‘ '1'"I‘\. - 1'1 1‘1‘1 ‘ _'.11 1 i '1; A. ' if I '-r-5 r .. '1' 9 I r". . 111-.1 posers to 1111311 a 1111i knowledec (1113'1111110 face to f‘dCC With '.1 W011 0.1 W011i and all concerned are to t)- 1'11E11-1 ““11)1)1‘1" " ""‘ " H 1 l 1 h, , A ' 1 , , , (11,”. {palm} 153351 “3, ;.',;,,11,v,v-1j;13. 1 1;.._ 1,11,. 11-1-1111111 1 ,-,:-1 11111' 11.1 11,1 » t L - a 1 l 13 . 111 1 “.1 331 'Pack -~-iii(‘ 21‘11T1111111111'.iplrjv' of .1 111111.11! ."1'-:.11'! « ‘ ‘ ' " ‘ ' ' ,,_ ' , ,1 _ , of their suggestions betore putting them , their path to school while the {3111191 |plimtntu on 11 “M 1 f‘ 1‘ , 11'1ki ,, 1 (-111 .,, Mg,” n, An mm.” and “loam-H. 11’1'1'1'1111" ‘11 1"-'1 1"1'1'1'1- 1 1111111‘1’1" “mm“ "1‘" 1"” '1"‘”" "”1” iot'waztl A 'I‘Weetisniuir library was 8118” l “1 111059 t-WO .V'Olmsmrs 5110'“ a bear that 11.1111111 (I “10 ”MR and field CH” 3‘11 M "MI: 11’ A3) 1" I L 1 D 1 ‘ ‘ "'Itl 1 t (' .11-1111111111121 \1 - ‘31 11 l’ '1 111'1'1' We!“ o‘J'I‘ HU'IH'» 111"»A 1111111121111. 1111111111111 33'111 3:111:11 be 1111111w1111-, it . 11.11111 \ ‘ ‘ . - .0 i ‘3‘ I ' . ’1‘ '1 ,i .1 1‘1 . ) ( . ll ' 1 l. n _ _ j,;1‘511111 1111- ever-3' branch. and also a picâ€" 1 was prowling iii the vicinity, These were under the capable leadership 11., '1m1- ‘ 1’1” ' 111 . P 1 1 ’1 ' ': mum. 11.13-111.113...” ;.-;,,;1,;,;,..n-1-- 1,; 1111- - 11,- 1111; 1111-1111111“ “”1. (ll 3115 HtKHllpxfi, {DUIlClt‘I‘ of tilt" dell-17,0115 0f the \Vild and WOOH} are not »Ml‘. O E. “7.1111. 118515111111 l)}'lll('ll)'dl ()l, Fill“.'.‘.'ll'l‘; 1;;11; 1111.11'1‘411 1.134.1- ’)i 1. 133‘“. 15,11: L. 1“! x y I” 1‘ U H l Dillillf'll iii '11 ‘11‘1'1 {fri‘i'llilli £11111 1111;)1’1i-1- ‘1 'I‘il'lfrf‘ 1.111113%}, 1,111"- if. '..t‘ "l'l‘lli‘lll'r' , . 7. . , . g .‘ i , . 1'...',, v , .1. " ‘11 ,.' .1 ‘1' ll ‘; '11i14’ . . ., l , . W. I should be purchased and 111111-411111111‘1111111 to the Mountain Chu'es area I’Uiiiiilirs High and \'0(.'atlolial 1511111111.-1 ' L10“: C-1111) 151-1211 12111., S 1 ‘1 ,, ‘1 H I H 1 :-1-.'1- 11,-1'1-1111111'.‘ 'l‘lrr. (111111.141 with the ’ 33'111'1-1131111111333. .'-â€"-.1.11;1r;=r.: 111.111-1 .1.“ is 111 1111‘ 1119111111}: 1111”. 'I‘iIIS piCllll't' (“.111 (if TCIIIiSkaIUiIIg From that. 11131113 311d 1115 ('21l);11)l(_1 .5131, ()f JildgCh_ Ala (“111.11, 'i\‘I(.‘SbilL’,t‘ “11”}, -~â€"l,1(1:;.~. (#1111) 51,412} hid“ \l' H ' l ‘ Hilltlltltl' “(v-“1,;- “111’11111'11 “ft; 1,1111 111111 ' i‘iil'l'il 1‘ 111”} 1111111)”, (1;: '. , 13411.11. 1111111 ' ‘ .- .. . 1 . sec .1 3 - . . - , , . be purchased at a nominal price. Mock civilized settlement. Silver Centre. there. event was 1'1.>1'11'1U(1t'(1 the 1111111101h 1‘ ‘16 Pack. 1" , , 1' I, ”' ,,,,, , 1 1 111.- 11.11 min-.1;- part-x .1.-111 pram 11 men Arms, (yr-o: :11- {.1.-rpm- 1’11 1111111,. 111'». . . . . . .. ,, " arr-11:1" or '111'1'21111 .-.-r' 1'.‘ 'c- ' . , , ,. , , ., 1 .. . . . , . . , (‘lt‘t‘ilOIh “((1111 11(1\0(".ilt‘(i ‘0 fillilllikll‘lfiL also (1011103 the \‘tOX‘V of 11 DI‘O‘VIIHS bear announced 0‘ (‘1 lO‘JCl SPCA-k9? 3515‘“ 111., __‘,__,,'______,_ , ,_§_ In 1 L 3 ’ l .113.“ U: 111‘. 111111111121 "'1 1’11 11' " "1 k“. 4. ENU'HUL-Ull . .1’ 1“}13‘" 1'11‘1. 1141' " . . ‘ , , 1 .1, -' ... l -.1..v ”1H“ '- . . - ' .. .. ;1 ,l . .. -.. :1 ,. .. .. 1 r r ...l .- t , 1 1‘1 1,1 (1:3 ".11 H 1 111') 191' O 1 -' 1'11 1 1 1., W‘ 3110: UV 8 woman, Mrs, A]. The 11.111115, (if 1111.51 “IIIIICI.\. 11()\U”~ ..1.1 , , . . . ~ ' .. ' l (”4.3-4.1 ll;1- 11:11-11 .'.1-11- (11ililll‘( 11:1}$1.1(1‘., .541: ,1- .1.. l ., . )111: (1‘) 1 ,1! - 11 I J \ “ 11, (1 pr (eon ' 11411111 as 1 H - '~ ' . - l 111' 1lirltlfih "gill" “\1‘15'0‘1 "As‘r'ologv 1111 '1'11- Millions -fr".:1;‘. . ... 11,- . (-. . (13-1 1 1 - 1. 1 1 -« - concluding 1311's Ross reminded the 1 ben MeChesnev. Wife of the caretaker were not listed. and so can not >11 1. 1 1 -- 1 L -- . r 1,1... 31111-11, .31 5.1.1.. 1 111133 .111. , 1a. 11111-14. :1111. .12... 11.1 111-11.. K1111 .. \ . . l - . ' ' . . ) - ' ' 1 3‘ 'l, ' l ' l .1 ‘ V . , 1 . 9, (2“"1 l v. .. 1 ' - I, l ' ". ’ ' 1' hi I' r -‘ v . 1 r" '1 brain-11115 111111 Federation loos 5111111111 101 the Canadian Lorram Mine, stalled title. It 15 (110111531 10 SJ} 1113.. 111C [4 ram ()ut thC :\/.UrC N131“ ”1‘ ‘ 111 ,1 \ “1‘ ”)1!“ 1- ! 31,... 14.11;, am. 11111.1... -11 1.311 111111111 1.. ,},.(,K [1111.,, ”1.11 .101 (),-'111,,, . here. not later than February. down the road from the mine to get field and track events were all keenly; ‘1 1‘1"” 1 " “ ‘ 1,1 tum“, 1111- page, .1111». 11111111111111.1111: A11“- 13”. ....,-..,,-,.,,1,~. ;. .1.. My mum... The guest speaker for the meeting her nraii from the mail box 011 an ad- contested and all much enjoyed by boys 3,313.. run-yo 11;, 1;; 1111111 relief, 01.? 111-21,1, ”mm: 13,11,113}. -..,1,.1 13.11., 11.11-11- l I . "M"â€" ' Wile The following is reported to Thet2 1 Mrs Haws 111 the Dept. of Agricultu! 1 ljoining road She saw a yearling bear and spect ator's alike The track anal Ad“ ‘ .., EN ._ 3'11 101111 ”Wynn-(“.4 1. "Man Again-g. Madras-03-1,, S. S«.-ll-~ 7111 111-111‘ "-11- “all, ""l-i-"*"’-1 '11 1.111- fining ‘va .Jm- J”? m”, ”11"”11‘“ Mum 8001411 on “Home Economics." M1s. not far from .he box so she returned field events lasted 11111112230 11.1111 1 11‘13“ 11k “1" “,1“ ‘,‘b’\ ".1. n mire-1m; , .. . awn 111-ate“ .1111 111'. 'he left the 11111111-1Jh-'>l>"1“ M"1- W113- 1111' ”“1111? 111’14-‘1-1' Hayes hoped that everyone would do home and secured a rifle. then going A12 30 p in all the troops and pack (3.1" "W ‘1“ ‘1 1“" L ‘ ‘1 “ l “The ~tor'y or Man‘s Mind --(.11o. 1 3111;] mnmn. 1,, 1m. V1111; fv/Ir-nlrjrml 111,1,11 ‘flm Arr 115.111. 113'“;qu Irwin-'- ,.,-,., .1 all in their power to promote W. I work 1back to show that bear that it tooklliiied up in parade and marched p.1.'tt.1=“1'11°". , IHumphrr3 11.111 1...“, 111., 1...”; 1.,11‘t;1_._1~.,1m11, The ,3”. piano. ,1, .,..,.... 111 ,1... (;.,,.m.,,h W.” ”A l‘ime 101' (7111.11211'5s 7â€" Hi‘11Y'l" -1".'1l“i'li(tll?.t'ff i'rl‘ l!.i?l‘r'_'.'.'.". ‘1‘."1" 111:1't'l‘1f'cl .‘sllppvl Wu. i-J'I". (-11, Till“ 31‘1"; large £11.- 11: and formed a nor.-.c.s;'1oc around the teridanca- present voted the full even~ 111-1111 11111:... l)lii‘l.’.t' 11.1- ceremony three inc 11.1- 11111.11 .--uec1-'--.-~,f-:l merit vet 111-id «11,1311: para-'1 111113311...- the Union .Iack.1m 111.1. 11111; pi'er'nir.e 1111- whole event 1'1“- poppj. 111211 1111- Legion badge were being 1'111'1'21-(1 tnrulligli wr‘ir precision reiwl ir- '311' 1"” ‘ 111111 11111! 1111M. ' . - . ., l ' 1‘ __- ' fl 1"“) 3‘1 9 I ‘ - 1 1speciall3 as more se1urit3' was needeu more than a bear to stop her getting the grandstand. As each group passed Jâ€"MK NO“ 1‘1 H 1‘ 16d 11d” 111* now that the 1113asion is on She said1 her 1111111011 the second trip to the the stand the name of the troop 1191-8111 from HWINHG 1“ 1711111111 1 811311 Mager “K 'i‘i‘tfct>Ul} 1.): 8(‘lt‘lif ("I-«H1. 2.133 sndl)i"\ ,1 f ' Y i ‘ 4' read3 10' our ’303'8 “11911 (1103 retur'r Mrs McC-hesney shot the bear. got her given 03111 111. loud speaker s3stem _.rom 11V 53- and to promote better irvrng. "We mail, and returned home, all in the The parade ended up around th1 ilag. ' I-‘r'edâ€"â€"\'es. and she‘ll be higher 111; should realize." Mrs Hayes said ‘that. day's work '1‘ 111.11 «11.111111 1.111. singing of 1) banana wot-lo 1.1.11. :1 11' 1.1111-11 \'1(:‘.Oi‘_3' I: won on. 1 l I 1 l Agar : l 1. l irrougl.’ «111‘ .1. 11’).’1'.". l l 1 ' l ’ \ "..l ‘l -'.-1 '1 1"" v. 1‘! ‘ H. ' that we must plan to have. our homeslmail b0(. the bear was still around. so or pack With 1-1 name of its tow 33'as,1h€ Old Land “21> 115011 e31ral 1‘31 ' Pratt.“ f1 sis to. .31. Jobs :3. H. 1 1 1-d

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