mm: m M‘\V§S\\\‘V\\\\\V\\\$$\‘\“%§$‘S§‘\““§S§\$‘$\§Sfl$§$fl The regular weekly afternoon tea waé held yesterday afternoon at the Le- gion Hall by the ladies Auilary enables the. mothers to send packages to nu- merous service men overseas. . . _Yes- Last Wednesday night the members of the Kinette Club met at the home of Mrs. Fred Norman for their regular monthly meeting, . , . .~Ml‘S. F A. Robin- son was in the chair . . . .Much busi- ness was discussed at the meeting, dur- ing which it was moved to make a'do- nation tothe Milk for Britain Fund . . It was also decided to pack more boxes for the sailors of the club's adopted ship, the “Thomwick Bay" . . . .The members also worked busily at knitting during the evenng, at the end of which was served a dainty lunch_ Last Thursday evening the members of the Gold Nugget Rebekah Lodge gathered at the C'ddfellow's hall for their regular meeting. . . , Following the business period, a social time was enjoyed, the feature of this being an impromptu programme during which many of the ladies were called upon to help make it the enjoyable and amusing programme it turned out to be. . The ladies were reminded of their .10"; meeting to-night at which the initia-i rtlon will take place, and a Memorial? service will be held, . , . .At the close of l the meeting refreshments were enjoyed. Third Ave. at Cedar Street TIMMINS Congratulations and best wishes are extended this week to Mr. and Mrs‘ Tony Ciccone who were mara- ried on Sunday in the Sacred Heart Church by Rev. Fr. Fontana. . .The bride is the former Rose Marie Par- lsi. daughter of Mr. ad Mrs. J, Par- isi, Way avenue ..... The bride was beautifully gowned in Frencn lace over net and taffeta, and was at- tend-ed by a maid of honour and two bridesmaids . . . .A large re- ception and dance was held in the McIntyre- following the ceremony . . . .The couple will reside in town. Our hearts and words more tender. To-be t6 othef’s fauIts more blind, For evil, good to render. Then, what a change would come about, In all this dark we: 1d 3 story. I! thus the Christ in us shone out R9veal|ng there» His glory. Amid life's mm and hurry. . We aim to make our thoughts more kind ’ A Theme Fm- Every Day If you, my friend, just you and I. Should smile instead of worry.â€" .If,,a.s the ,days and moments fly, Congratulations and best wishes are extended this week to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martel who were mar- ried on. Saturday morning at 9 o'- clock at the Notre Dome des Lour- des Church. . , . .Mrs. Martel is the former Miss Rolande Gautheir. and the groom is a son Mr, and Mrs. J, Matted. ..... Rev, Fr. Mailhot 01'- ficiated at the ceremony. JEWELLER â€" OPTOMETRJST :And dance fans. don't forget to drop in art the McIntyre Auditorium tic-marrow night, . . . .The Alumnae Association of St. Mary's General Hospital are holding the annual Graduation Dance, . . . .You are promised an evening of fun. and good dancing to the tunes of Gone Crocco and his orchestra. _ . . .The dance will begin at 1.0.30 pm, anti last unitii 2.30. . , . .Dress is semi- formal,and remember the date, Fri- day June 16th, in the McIntyre Au- ciitorium. If you are finding it difficult. to keep that food budget in balance and you want our family to have the re- quired number of food calories, start using more milk now! ' Drink it. Bake with it. You have a duty to perform on the home front, and that is to keep your family well and full of energy! Timmins Dairy Telephone 935 Balance Your Budget F.O. Kenneth Gildner and Miss Mary Kovalchuk Wedded. The following account of a. recent wedding at Kirkland Lake will be of local interest, both bride and groom having relatives in Tlmmins and Schu- macher : Kirkland Lake. June Nthâ€"St Peter’s Anglican church here was the scene of a charming wedding June 4, when the marriage was solemnized of Mary Kovalchuk, daughter of Mrs. Koval- Married at Anglican Church at Kirkland Lake Last Week St. Matthew’s Anglican Church was the setting for a pretty but quiet cere- mony recently, when Miss Dorothy Hudson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hudson, of .Cochrane, became the bride of Louis Edward Field, son of. the late Mr. and Mrs. William Field, of Tim- mins. Rev. A. R. Chidwick officiated at the ceremony. - The bride was dressed in a navy blue tailored suit, with white hat and ac- cessories. Witnesses at the ceremony were E. Randall and Mrs. Nancy Cameron. Following the ceremony, a wedding supper for the wedding party took place at the Golden Arrow, and later an in- formal reception was held at, the home of Mrs. Nancy Cameron, 170 Elm St. N. where the bride had been making her home. Louis Edward Field Weds Dorothy Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Field are residing at 170 Elm street north. Pretty Ceremony at St. Matthew’s Church Recently M133. Joanlsse is well»known in town being a populm member of the :staff at the bank of Montreal. and 'Margaret, also has many friends here. having attended Timm-ins High and Vocational School. who are offering- her their-best Wishes. Being feted at lovely bridal showers this month are two bride-elects uf the latter partof- June, . . . .Miss Colette Joanisse. who will be married to BAC Gaonge Wigne on June.28t.h. and Miss Margaret Gentile who will become the bride of' Mi: Carl Petrone. on June 25th i ..... Attending were Mrs, J. Shawl .Mrs. B...Hardy. Mrs. L. Nicholson. Mrs.‘. M; .Wmunson. Mrs, B. Richards†Mrs. W. Dcvine. Mrs. A Ketley, Mrs. C. Boyd, Mrs. E. Hinds, Mrs, T. Gay. Mrsrc. Wheeler, Miss Daphne Gay. Miss Margaretta McGarry. Mrs. A, Bor- 'land 81:, Mm. F; Curtis. Mrs. J. H, McGaI'ry. -tcrday. a nice social time was enjoyed. with a number of the members present We want to remind the ladies of the event which to take place on Saturday, and which promises to be a very pleasant one . . . The W. A. of Mackay Presbyterian Church are holding a tea on Saturday af- ternoon, June 17th, in the basement of the church . . . Other features will include the sale of home bak- ing, and a White Elephant table . . .Drop in between three and six. On Tuesday'night at 8 p.m_ the regular monthly meeting or. the Home anc School Association will be held. . . . .The meeting will take place in the Central School and all interested are asked to attend, . . . A9 special programme has been ar- ranged. for the evening and will be presented by. the Ukrainian Croa- tion. (Dchestra under the direction 02 JosephIStimac ..... The pro- gramme- will -be composed . of. musi- cal numbers. solos, and dances and pmmises great entertainment, Attending as bridesmaids were Misses. Anne Orland and Flora S-padafOre in similar gowns of yellow sheer fashioned on princess lines with full skirts. They wore matching picture hats, and carried bouquets of mauve sweetpeas and baby's breath. James Parisi, brother of the bride, was groomsman and ushers were A1- chie Giannunzio and Remigio Pizzali A wedding dinner-was held in the McIntyre Auditorium,’ th‘e‘bri’de's mo- Given in marriage by her father, the bride was gowned in. French lace over net and taffeta, fashioned with fitted bodice and full skirt; A headdress of orange blossoms caught her long veil of tulle illusion and she carrying a bou- quot of lilies. She also wore a double st1and of pearls which had been woxn by hex great-gmndmother on her wed- ding day. Miss Ca1r1e Spada, was maid of honor, in a gown of pale blue sheer, with long torso and full skirt. A blue Julietcap accented with pink flowers‘and veiling completed her ensemble and she car- ried a bouquet of pink roses. Colourful summer flowers and fern decorated the Sacred Heart Church, Sunday morning at 9 o’clock, for .the wedding of Rose Marie Parisi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Parisi. Way avenue: and Anthony Ciccone, son of Mr,'and Mrs. Louis Ciccone, Italy. Rev. Fr; Fontana officiated at the Ceremony and the wedding musidwas provided by the church choir. Soloits were Mrs. J. Mas- cioli and Miss ora Amadio, Wedding Event of Miss Rose Parisi and A. Ciccone Lovely Ceremony '1‘ a k e 8' Place at Sacred Heart Church. ' chuk, Kirkland. flake. and the' late George' Kovalchuk to F..O Kenneth Gildner RHCAR. Montreal son of Mrs. Della Gildner Copper Cliff and the late Mr. Gildner. Given in marriage by her brother. Frederick Kovalchult Schumacher, the bride was lovely in a gown of white marquisette with, full skirt. Her veil extended" in train from a sweetheart crown and she carried a bouquet of. redand‘ white' roses. The maid of honor, Aurora Cabba, «Montreal wore a pale green gown and little flow- ered hat. with matching veil. She car- ried a bouquet of yellow roses. The two bridesmaids were Anne Jellop. Kirkland Lake. in blue chiffon and carrying pink. roses, and Anne Watson. Toronto, in yellow ehifl‘on and carry- ing mauve sweet peas. F0. Earl Banks was groomsman. At thereception the bride's mother received in a pale blue gown with white accessories and' cora- sage of red roses. She was assisted by the grooms' aunt, Mrs. William King. Timmins, wearing green with yellow noses, and the bride’s aunt, Mrs. Paul Andoney. Montreal in navy blue with corsage of yellow roses. i THE DOMINION BAT C. H. CARLISLB. Ptuidont THE Pom mam mm. This and other services rendered by The Dominion Bank will continue to be of great importance to those interested in foreign trade after the war. Bankers’ Letters of Credit guarantee prompt payment and help to break down these barriers of distance, uncertainty and time. Distance, risk and time, however, place obstacles in the way of foreign trade. They can be overcome only by greater mutual knowledge and confidence between parties involved, and by enabling payments to be made easily and without tying up capital. This will be equally true after the war, when our greatly expanded productive capacity, now devoted to war needs, must find new markets for its surplus output. .Miss - C-‘Jolette'~ Joanlsse, . bride-to-be of this month, .was guest of honour last Wednesday evening at a surprise bridal shower at her home, 213 Birch street north when a number of her friends gathered to extend their best wishes and to present .the popular bride-to-be with a. lovely 36-piece. set of crystal. The set, in Cornflower pattern, con- sisted of _ six cocktail glas‘ses, six sher- Bride-To-Be Honoured at Crystal Shower Unable to attend by sending gifts were: Miss .Iris. McDermott, Miss Edna Haggerty and Mrs. Frank Former. Present wete: Mrs. A. Gentile, mother of bride-elect,'Mrs. T. Fisher, Mrs. R. Gonzalez, Mrs.‘W;.Swain, Misses Ber- tha Permult. Rita: Cuddihay, Jean Sweet, Vera. Swain, Katie Burke, Anita Flynn, Joyce-Gorizalez, Levis. Petrone the guest of. hbnouxmmd the hostesses. Miss Colette'Jo'anisse, Bride of June 28th is Guest of Honour; The-Jhosltesses served ‘an especially dainty and delicmus' lunch, the table being centered with yellow spring flow- ers, and glowing-tapers; and presenting an unusually pretty effect. The bride-elect received, as well as many good wishes,‘ loVely'gifts from her friends, which were presented to her in a 'oarriag‘e, prettlly decorated with yellow. and pale: green: ruff ling. The shower Wednesday night was a complete surprise to Miss Gentile who entered the house to be greeted by the strains of “Here Comes The Bride", and a R'hower of confetti. A very plea- sant evening Was spent during which the guests enjoyed sing-songs and a nice 300ml time. 7 . Last. Wednesday evening Mrs. J. O'Connor and Miss Nadine O‘Connor were co-hosteSSes at a surprise lin- gerie shower at their home, 58 Birch South, in honour of Miss Margaret Gentile, bride-elect. Miss Gentile will become the bride of Mr. Carl Petrone the marriage to take place on June 25th. Honoured at. Shower Wednesday that receiving“ in figure-d black and white crepe, with matching accessories ahd a cox-sage or pihk ro‘sebuds. Assist- ing was the groom's aunt. Mrs. ‘The- resa.Spada. hi a bl’ackcrepe ensemble. with a corsage ofl pink roses. For the weddlng trip to points south. the bride chosafor travelling. a brown tailored suit. with.brown successor-10:. BrideElect is Miss Malg‘. Gentile Feted ' at Home of Mrs; I. O’Con- 1101. The bride wore a beautiful wedding gown of white faconne. fashioned on floor~length princess lines with long torso and sweetheart neckline. Her full length veil of tulle was caught to her head with a becoming arrange- ment of tiny, white gardenias, and she carried a bouquet of pink sweetheart roses. Her only attendant was her sis- ter, Miss Lois J. McLeod, maid of hon- or, whose gown oft robin egg blue fa.- conne was similar to that of the bride She wore a shoulder length veil to match her gown and carried pink and white roses. Kirkland. Lakeâ€"A pretty wedding, was solemnized, Saturday afternoon, June 3. at Trinity Church, Kirkland bake, when (Eva. Florence McLeod, daughter of Mrs. Marie P. McLeod and the late late Daniel A. McLeod became the bride of Douglas A. Grills, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Grills, Toronto, The chancel was decorated with vases of carnations and baskets of gladioii, car- nations and snapdragon. and the cere- mony was Conductedrby Rev.W. Ii. Martin, of Swastika United Church.The church organist, Roland Newton, pre- sided at the console of the organ and played softly as the guests were as- sembling. During the signing of the register, C. 'H. Telfer sang the lovely solo, “All Joy Be Thine," Unable to attend but contributing- toward the gift, were Mrs. J. McGarry and Miss Jeanne Gosselln. ° Present at the shower were Mrs. M. havlgne (mother of the future groom). Mrs. H. Joanlsse (mother of the future bride), Mrs. M. L. Dumas, Mrs. D. Waters, Mrs. I... Slcard, Mrs. D. McKin- non, Mrs. R. Mathesom Mrs. M. Thompson, Mrs. W. Mackey, Misses C. Joanisse, Yvette Rivet, Jacqueline Ri- vet, Marlon Sheridan, Annette Menard. Marporie Allen. Cecile Charbonneau. Fernanda Plchette, Margaret Blais, Mae Blais, Peggy Williams, Gwen Robb, Betty Doherty, Evril Eade, Beryl Mc- Quarrie. Ida Dionise. ROBERT RAE. Wedding Event at United Church at Kirkland Lake On Wednesday evening the guests enjoyed a delightful social time com- prising a sing-song, bingo and other games, the winners being: Miss Annette Menard, first and Mrs. Doug. McKin- non, second. at bingo: Miss Margaret Blais, first. Miss Evril Eade, second and Miss Ida Dionise. consolation, at court whist. 'Miss Peggy Williams won the door prize. Tasty refreshments were. also enjoyed during the pleasant. social evening. Later, a delicious lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Mackay Mrs. Griffith and Miss Joanisse sister of the bride-to-be. Tea was poured by Mrs. H. Joanisse. ONTARIO Mrs. William (Rally) Griffith arrang- ed the charming shower. and was hos- tess for the evening. Miss Joamsse will become the bride of LAC. George Lavlgne on June 28th. bets and plates. tomatmjulce glasses and two kind of water glasses, six of each. The bridgroom was attended by Ed Gonna! Manage: Following the ceremony, 11 recept- ion was held at the home of the bride?s mother. for the immediate families of the young‘ people. Mrs. MnLeod wore a- silver greymeclingote with matching silk print. dress and MRS. _GilIS'v.'ore pale grey and violet printedohiii‘on. Out of town guests includted the grocm's mother. Mrs. Grills Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. E. Holland. North Bay. and Mrs. J. Doherty, Malanic. Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Grills left to make their home in 'Itimmins, the bride travelling in :1. Grey Glen suit with navy acces- sories and Chesterfield. top coat. Reduction in Prices of Front Quarter Cuts Beef Thrifty. housewives are now able to buy check roasts and othen front quar- ter beef cuts about four cents a pound cheaper under new Prices Board beef ceilings effective June-5. Retail cost of. hind quarter cuts will be increased about four. cents by. an adjustment in price levels aimed. at a better balance in meat consumption. The changes apply. to all parts of Canada. Holland, North Bay THERE IS NO'FINER CARBONATED BEVERAGE EARNINGS 245‘ FROM INVESTMENTS 75s A Mango from the Lil: human“ Companies in Life Insurance ‘What happens ‘ to the ‘ Life Insurance dollar? The ï¬gures are based on the latest published report of the Dominion Superintendent of Insurance. They show, on a revenue basis for the year 1942, the results of the operations of the 28 Canadian com- panies registered with the Dominion Department. For every 7 5" received from policyholders, 84¢ was either paid to them or held for their benefit. WHERE IT COMES FROM PREMIUMS fROM POLICYHOLDERS citizenship to own Try The Advance Want, Advortismm The fact that mail service is ream“- ing something like normal time berm-mi England and Canada is shown by letter from Pte. J. H, Sim'mell to his parents in New Liskeard. The letter was post- marked in England on May 14th and reached New Llskeard on May 191‘» - Just five days for the trip. which swim like fast work. The beef stores- will strips of ‘ background tioning the existing ceiling prices reâ€" sulted in uneven marketings of hind and front quarter meat," a Prices Board official explained. “Prices’ for hind quarter meat have been pressing the ceiling, while front quarter meat has been in poor demand. COntinuation of this situation contained a potential threat to producer prices." Letter From England to North Land in Five Days SAURIIS t, WASH COMMISSIONS OIHIR UPENSIS INVESTED FOR Since the suspension of meat m- PAID TO 55c WHERE IT GOES beef price charts in all mom, will carry the new prices in of white ï¬gures on a black SHAREHOlDERS g: s I.“ GOVERNMENT 2c OPERATING EXPENSES- BENEFIT or" POLICYHOLDERS 84‘ (iAxcs) H l; £33.: 444x 1944 '11