Excellent Work Done by South Porcupine Branch = Victorian Order Nurses nual m membe: Townsh The follow Board of Dir Honâ€" Presi Pres, â€" M First Viceâ€" Hecond V i ce en e TE omm ssm Mr. H for 1943 the prelin â€" Treasurer Directors â€" strom (Porc! (Dome), â€" M Mr. J. H. M\ McKittrick Stevenson (| Mr. V. H. Eva mittee for their 1 ed their efficienc After introc kel said:â€" "The work tinued to be ship of Tisda and the Town loro and district. Thanks were also given To U ary, Mr. W. S. Gardiner, Miss Miss Kain‘, and the Board. The following is a synops: reports of the President and NV our V.O.N. nurse. Mr. Kinkel‘s Address "The problem 0o trict organization the help and coâ€"0 H. Evans and theâ€" ship of Tisdale. " the Council of the ney and the mine various employees the district. "This has made it comparatively easy to carry on and we appreciate this consideration and coâ€"operation that has been given to us. "Among the visits of the year was that of Miss Ferguson, the Field Superâ€" visor. who, in discussing the growing searcity of nurses and the fact that at that time over three hundred had joined the Armed Forces, advised the release of one of our nurses. At a Diâ€" rectors‘ Meeting, with Reeve Evans and Miss Ferguson also present, it was deâ€" cided to release Miss Wright, the junâ€" ior nurse. "The fact that district has decre a general tenden ation and nursir possible made a . "We feol that tuut "In any SUC plished we 01 tile CUGIiSVPIiCL _WIDQ 11L Board wishes to C to the* switchboar the Municipal Bui ship of Tisdale, t Township officials "We also wis great help of | operation of th Northern «Telep and radio are h service they hay "The docto continued to we trust our has warrante Porcupine Ge Morgan also : such aid as st plies. at economy tinued sery mal "To M the part At th be 111 Mx. R. P. K qu Porceu} Mrs EYES EXAMINED CGLASSES FITTED Irvin Rosner, R. 0. sPECIALIST For Appointment Phone 1877 BUCOVETSKY BLDG, 21 Third Ave. Timmins owe much hat the population of the lecreased somewhat with dency to amit hospitalizâ€" ursing care as much as > a decrease advisable. 4 Scientific Aceuracy Al aive made the services helpful to the comâ€" s a synopsis of the ident and Miss Kain, [ financing the disâ€" was met readily by eration of Reeve V. ‘ouncil of the Townâ€" ‘his was followed by Township of Whitâ€" ; of the district and funds of mines of expre na MJ1 branch has conâ€" out in the Townâ€" usive of Timmins, f Whitney and Deâ€" help in the Hoyle n our district have their support anc sration with them mutual help. The Hospital and Mis: be commended. fo: With ap}p Mr. M â€"â€" â€" MiS® ng by 1 econom marks Mr. Kinâ€" CoOoper . m. Hammerâ€" Walter Hone: schumacher) irum)}. Dr. Ed â€"Mtr. C. D to the Secretâ€" Miss Morgan, essed i the comâ€" omplimentâ€" 16 nacher and a VE mmend on and myself ctive work the year. o0 recogn:tze y of Miss s Cain has at her effiâ€" her efforts be of conâ€" ed ‘sSonne!l Al he Townâ€" code â€" and e accom seople C C1 vyeTr M COâ€" assistance is given U of health when clinic school. "In examination of pupils 141 defects were found including both dental and visual defects. "In the three schools a total of 205 children received toxoid for diphtheria and 903 were vacceinated for smaupox. "You who support and make possible a community health service, Ssuch as the V.ON. for Canadaâ€"a national orâ€" ganization with branches in every vince from coast to coasitâ€"are in no small way to keep Canadians fit and to better prepare them to rebuild a warâ€"torn world." Items of Interest From 8. Porcupine and the Dome Mines Miss Kain thanked the Board Memâ€" bers of Porcupine Branch for their very loyal support and coâ€"operation. Local and Rarsonal Notes. Police Court. Other Items Sauth Porcupine, March 31st. Special to The Advance. Our sympathy is extended this week to Mrs, Percy Andrews, of the Dome Mines, who has been recently notified from Scotland of the death of a broâ€" therâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. James Young, who was with the Black Watch regiment in rbou Ho service. Mrs. I. Cameron left on Tus Toronto on a business trip for a Mr. and Mrs. James Brown Preston East Dome, are leay week for Chatham. where Myrs week for Chat will go into w will report fotr Mr. and East Dome attending directors _ Mines Lt 194 tew few Ma Miss Phyllis MCC day for Belleville, | Ehe will stay for son a cours> in busin« ea l 2C ping to he Iâ€"paills g Bormâ€"To Mr. and Mrs, Walter Mak of 150 Dome Ave., a son, on March 26t1 a umt. Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. C. L Hugâ€" gins, of 06 Front St., a son on March 30th, in Porcupine General Hospital. indgGet sonm, Mrs. E. M. W Miller. 1€ were Mrs. R. Ma imn m ol Mrs. H. Wei: ie O.ES. Kni The Ji of this wee r Rebekah s will be of Atewa w Wagane 1J C T€ en Miss K.ain‘s Report in Hovle Aaquarters: Z oves, 8 swea 16 Arm one, rey Gaylord s; nds in South 1€ is included. 11 | e school is visit Buffalo~â€"Ankerit ven the medica ant p til Mrs. NAO 11 nV 18A 16 C@LC nade to me chronic case upet Jame )€ e Ma: aus‘pic d â€"a g n T1 16 Mtr. Nix A VC natal vi 0 motX® lon b1 _ week [igh Sschoo of Fridap and â€" Mrs h ood < i 1€ . of socxs Hostesse e mont] C. Jamxe nic hall, s. Good d crowd 1€ a W#s recuping, on oronto d Mrs la 1X WAS cupine when 1 on i1 cent T on OWn 19 PW ton Y DY »] purchase necessites active sorvice in Englat won by: 1, Mrs. Barnes 3, Mrs. Clay; 4, Mrs. B Pte. Carson Chevrier England with the latest tingent. lef du Mrs. Rhodes, of Matheson, District Deputy President of the Rebekahs, will pay her official visit to the local loage on Friday, April 2nd. Members will please be as early as possiible. The Rebekah Knitting Club meets every first and third Thursday in the month. The knitted articles are handâ€" ed in to the Salvation Army Red Shield. Since January, hostesses have been Mesdames W. Lane, D. Miller,~C. Pierce, J. Miller, D. Freeman and on April Ist} the Club mests at the home of Mrs. L. Sauder. tage Hospital. Her many 1 see her go, het here having patients remeé efficiency and ced as a nurse HC R. Vinzenki for failing to stop at the| â€" Bornâ€"Wednesday, March 24th, in St. scene of an accident was fined $25 ana| Mary‘s Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. T. J. costs. | Steeps, 21 Second avenueâ€"a daughter. A. Uranacikâ€"for havinz liquorâ€"was| ‘Bormnâ€"Friday, March 26th, in St. fined $100 and costs or 30 days. Mary‘s hospital to Mir. and Mrs C. A. John Lewchuck was discharged on a| Reeves, 66 Seend avenueâ€"a son. count of "keeping for sale"â€"but on anâ€"| Sympathy is extended Mrs. George other charge, of giving beer to an inâ€"| Webbar, First avenue, who received the toxicated persion, paid $50 and costs. 'sad news Tuesday of the death of her John Huminukâ€"charge withdrawnâ€"| father in London, England. Leaves Porcupine Hospital After 14 Years‘ Service Flyving Officer Stovel ] Brought Down Near Mailta : 1€ y wWriting CaSse Our best wishe Police Court R. Vinzenki for failing to stop at the ene of an accident was fined $25 and Mik 1ne Miss Isabe the Poret The whist drive held on s Canadian Legion la hall was woll atte Ma n aturday + where aimily mm 11 n Fred Bonnette, from Petawawa long weekâ€"end with his wif« 1CC Advan( H d not serious. ‘ Officer Bruce Stovel is son of Mr. Stovel and ged in flying operations some months. 1€ Ma drive held on Monday by was play an Legion ladies in the lst Mtrs. was well attended and a ) Soucie; : iffair. Proceeds went to| prize, M mcessities for women in |cards a e in England. Prizes were| The Sc Irs. Barnes; 2, Mrs. Libby; | Wednesd upine, M 31 1 OU 101 eC1 ndeared h mber her he w yine., Ma préesen it ldin WA go with Miss Tail ind we hope to se Al neral Hospitai, mbroke (her h l1 be in charge P in Pembroke C ‘ecey Rona safely 11 ited Miss Tait as with a very lovâ€" Curtis. has arrived in Canadian conâ€" nd. He difficult 12e ha imp re nursing staft Hospital, left e (her home 10n at neat i the Bank t by Marko k was acâ€" S resiqence to all. Exâ€" ndness and reatly missâ€" Her place 9Y from P Moyle t ned ned 12 1€ yle that i england | anadian | Specia THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE,. TTMMITNS®, ONTARIO Hovie Hronto head LV hbeen v..|\Pot Luck Supper â€"._ at United Chureh . at Schumacher fo t~â€" to â€" | the High School on Thursday aft noon with Mr. R. Ellis, Revd. J. e‘Thompson and Mr. Maxwellâ€"Smith The Percy Red Cross knitting group met Saturday afternoon at the home |of Miss Isobel Flowers, Coniaurum ‘ Mine property. There was a good atâ€" | tendance of members and a nice social | time was enjoyed. During the afterâ€" | noon the hostess served a dainty lunch. iiThe next meeting will be held Saturâ€" | day afternoon at the home of Miss Doâ€" Wills, First avenue., when Miss {‘Doreen Wills and Miss Barr will i be hostesses. i â€"Pte. Arthur Quine, of the Royal Canaâ€" dian Ordnance Corps, stationed at [Montreal, spent a short leave with Mrs. | Quine, Timmins. He also visited his | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Quine,, street. ey lunch The MeIntyre Football Club Ladies‘ Auxiliary held a very successful card party Wednesday evening in the Worâ€" kers‘ Coâ€"op store, corner Pine and First Ave. Whist was played and the prize winners were: lst, Mrs. James Izatt; 2nd, Mrs. Fred Webbar; 3rd, Mrs. Steve Karahan; door prize, Mrs. Alex Mair. After the cards a social period was enjoyed. The next card party will be held Wednesday, April 7th. The Schumacher "Victory‘" club met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Soucie, Third avenue. Five hundred was played, and the prize winners were: ist, Mrs. T. Johnston; 2nd, Mrs. Bill 3rd, Mrs. Jack Matthew; door prize, Mrs. Fred Webbar. After the cards a social period was enjoyed. The Schumacher "Happy Gang‘" met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. James Shanks, Fourth avenue. FPive hundred was played and the prize winners were: ist, Mrs James Smith; 2nd, Mrs. Roy Hazelwood; 3rd, Mrs. M. Poster. After the cards the hostess served a dainty lunch. After lunch a social period was enjoyed. in f Other Items of Inte from Schumacher and cinity. Archie Dunlop left last week for th Army headquarters in Toronto, wher he will report for Canada‘s Active Armj Flightâ€"lieutenant C. R. McLean, ¢( Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, spent a sho: leave visiting Mrs. McLean in Timmin ‘The Dr. was warmly greeted by h many friends during his visit. Chief Petty Officer Ron Sanderso and Mrs. Sanderson have returned 1 Nova Scotia after spending a short lea1 visiting Mrs. Sanderson‘s parents, M and Mrs. D. Ostrosser, Timmins. The also visited friends in Schumacher. Driver Manny Abrams, left Monday night for his station at Camp Borden, aiter spending a short leave at his home in Timmins. Miss Muriel Hicks, Pirst avenue, left last week for North Bay where she will report to the Women‘s Division of the Royal Canadian Air Porce. Trevor Johnston, 31 Second avenue, left last week for Army headquarters in Toronto where he will report for Canada‘s Active army. Ted Jones, Second avenue left last week for Army Headquarters in Toronâ€" to, where he will report for Canada‘s Active Army. Don McKenzie left last week for Toâ€" ronto where he will report to Army Headquarters Oratorical Contest at High School at South Poreupine Mr. Bill Magee left this week for Vancouver where he will take up resiâ€" dence. * Mr. Charles LaMont left for Toronto where he will visit his parents for two weeks. ' Highest Standing Awarded to Mary Reshertaski K ¢ ies for nd dat 1¢ 16 The topics ch id manner of The Advar The best : @Q@uU1Z / nard, Pourth av , Mrs. Fred Cook iness items were d future events we Humacher, March dav Porcupine, Ma and the rog 1J chos>n bu ram and TDh1u1 M 1 11 WA and the me rnIng completi ussed made y Gang" met the home of Interest 1I h Former Pioneer of North Land Dies at Toronto Last Week ‘Torc ther tend Tues (Jean outlin weeks McInt attact "He son Al daugh! on â€" C force near Oran Presk OI In1 onstat Toro: the s On byv Dan her, _ DoI‘n nd wa. i l whose home was 28 years on the in Manila Ont., a member of the ended St. Paul‘s 1ll Timmins, also| day for Torâ€" g the funeral, day with Chief d (Archie) police depi. 1 radio serâ€" years, died s‘pital today widow; one N., and two owiley (Dorâ€" Moorehouse O ‘A1Is ning to k placd Deéept. Friday Innis of ses On. followin of fiv hie Mcâ€" (1 Th bro | McInnis;. sister survives â€" Mrs. 'Stcne (Pearl) of Toronto. ' All the family were present at the i funeral. â€" The late Archie McInnis was wellâ€" known to many in the Porcupine, and |lived in Haileybury in the early days. He worked with Benny Hollinger, openâ€" ing up the viens on what is now the [ Hollinger property. Appreciation from Red Cross at Schumacher SBonsptel Completed at Dome Rink on Saturday Night hot plates. 2â€"Mr. and Mrs. J. White, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pelkie (Dome). Prizes: Clocks and "makeâ€"up kits." ’ 3â€"Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Mr. and yzrs. ' O. Proulx (Dome). Prizes: Cups and saucers, socks. 4â€"Mr. and Mrs. Christenson, Mr. McLellan, Mrs. Lewis (Pamour). Prizes: war savings stamps. Second Event 1â€"L. Sauder, Myrs. Downes, Mr. and] Mtrs. G pyjama 1â€"Mr. J. . Moors, Mrs. J. Moore, Mr ind Mrs. Novakuske, South Porcupine Prizes: Sandwich plates and electric 2r12¢ i60t4 St ofâ€" Pri2 ferent E. â€"Mr. Evans (W. Cliff), Mr. Kav-| igh, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs:. Thomas‘ P.) Prizes: Parker pencils, a s 1€ A1 1 First Event [oor2, Mrs. f1 W T1 played off wore awa OIf TOor v iward2d Saturda; tened u; ho final it Dif mix M District YOUR BREAD | 1s AMAZING MY YEAST S AMAZING J Third Event jiahl. Mrs. H 11 MAand,". Pri CKS, .