Toâ€"night (This Thursday evening), the Ladies‘ Guâ€"â€"1, of Et. Matthew‘s Anâ€" glican Church will hold their regular work meeting at th> home of Mrs S. Wheeler, 9 Hemlock street...The meetâ€" ing was scheduled to be held at the hnome of Mrs. W. ‘Christopher, but owâ€" ing to circumstances beyond their conâ€" trol, the place of meeting was changed . And the ladies ars asked to reâ€" member the business meeting on Friâ€" day afternoon at the Church hall, commencing at 3 p.m. William Barnes Lower . has pointed out to us in his "Something Good", what a few words of cheer mean to people, when they are feeling blue, and after administrating kind words and deeds to those in pain and suffering, one enjoys to hear a little praise, to know that someone appreciates his good deed. ged mile, I know there is One who will give me the smile; And say from a heart so kindly ana true, "Come in, I know something good about vou" And when I have covered the last rugâ€" When you have suffered the undesetyâ€" ed kick, And harsh words around youn fall fast and thick; A friend comes and says, when you're feeling blue, You know, I heard mmething good about you." "Inspiring" is the word that could be used to describe the delivered by Madame Corinne de la Durantaye at the luncheon held by the French Federâ€" ation on Monday afternoon. .. . Madâ€" ame Durantaye is Assistant Director of the Consumsr‘s Branch of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board at Ottawa, and was touring various points in Ontario to make an appeal to the Frenchâ€"speaking population for coâ€" operation with the Women‘s Regional Committese. . . Although her addréss was short and straight to the point, the spontaneous applause she received at the conclusion, was only an example of how much it was appreciated. . . . Later in the afternoon, she addressed When you‘ve bestowed comfort to those in pain, Or cheered one who‘s lost, to take heart again ; It helps whenh you‘re weary to hear some one say â€" "I heard something good about you, weâ€"day ." a group of over 200 Frenchâ€"speaking women in the basement of St. Anthony‘s Cathedral, and in reâ€" turn réceived a great dsal of response for her appeal. . . Madame Durantaye‘s next stop is Cochrane, before returnâ€" ing to Ottawa, and let us hope that she will be received as successfully as she has been in the many points she has visited already. «« by, on the busy highway: me me sav, without much How it would he‘p The Schumacher Women‘s Assoâ€" ciation of the Trinity United Church will hold a Victory tea and musicale at the McIntyre Auditorâ€" iun on Priday, Feb 12th, frorm 3 to 5.30 pm. .. The victory tsa will consist of a lunch appropriate for these times, and musical numbers will be presented in place of the regular fashion shows that the Asâ€" sociation have been holding for the past two years. . . .Of course, there will be a bake table, and other taâ€" bles of interest, the afternoon ‘on the who!>, to be very profitable to all who attend. . . .So please come. JEWELLER â€" OPTOMETRIST Third Ave. at Cedar Street Friday evening, the staff of the local Selective Service office enjoyâ€" ed a sleighâ€"ride on the road to the Buf‘aloâ€"Ankerite and back to town. . .. The crowd consisted of the staff, wives, and a few friends, and all had a very enjoyable time, reâ€" turning to the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Charron, 157 Maple south, for a bean supper and dancâ€" ing. . . . General opinion was that a grand time was had by all. Padt pat‘s BEFOR E 20 PIXE STREET NORTH Mcelnnis Block Fire Threatens, Let Us Help You Check Your Fire Insurance. Simmsâ€"Hooker Pickering INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES â€" REAL ESTATE MINS Timmins Heeley and Mr. Fulton, leave on Sunâ€" day for a tour of the Southern points for exhibition skating, their first stop to be Sudbury. . And they carry with them the best wishes of the Porcupine district om their trip. Our two Junior FPigure Skating Champions of Canada, Miss Margaret Keeley and Mr Alex Fulton, were reâ€" ceived at the MciIntyre Lounge on Fri« day evening, and each were presented with gold watches on behalf of the Porcupine Skating Club for their marâ€" velous accomplishment. . . . . The Club skated for about two hours on the rityk, and adjourned to the lounge wherse they enjoyed a lovely lunch catered by the MciIintyre. . . Miss Madge Austin, the skating instructress, was presented with a lovely bouquet of flowers on beâ€" half of the Skating Club, in appreciaâ€" tion of the fine work she has done through the year .. The Pair, Miss The monthly meeting of the Women‘s Institute is to be held on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 17th, at the Hollinger Hall. . MIts. Carl (Briggs is convening the programme for the afternoon. . . When the roll call is taken each memâ€" ber is to respond with the donation of an apron each, the aprons to be used for an apron sale to be held in the near future. . Members are asked to keep this date in mind. South Porcupine, Feb. 10th. Special to The Advance. Another very pleasant mixed bons‘piel was held on Saturday in the S. Porcuâ€" pine rinkâ€"ladies providing réefreshâ€" ments and gentlemen the prizes which were Pyrex casseroles and pyrex caps. The team of Charles Leamanen won in the first class, with Mrs. R. P. Smith, Mr. M. Londry Mrs, Young, playâ€" ing the finals against the team of Henâ€" ry Miller with Mrs. Anderson, Mr. J Novakuske and Mrs. H. Miller, _ Winners in the second class were the rink of Dr. McLaren with Mrs. Phyllis White, Mr. Anderson and Mrs. Hodgins, against the rink of Mr. F. E. Cooper with Mrs. Maxwellâ€"Smith, Mr. C. Kaâ€" vanagh and Mrs. Sutherland. Another Mixed Bonspie! at South Porcupine Rink This is CCGLT. week, (Canadian Girl In Training), and the girls are all raising money to «ind to the Ontario Girls Work Board. . . . In years past, ‘hey sold candies, calendars, etc., to ralte money, but this year, each girl has been issued a card with ton spaces, and in each space they are to collect a nickel "0 be placed in the spacte. . . . With the money sent to the Board, the girls are supplied with their monthly magazine material, and receive helpâ€" ful suggestions for the leaders, . . . And a new order has been instituted . . ... Bvéerty month the CGILT. girls will} hold church parade, and they will be very impressive, as have been the ones in the past. The Schubert Choral Society will meet on Monday evening at 8 p.m. at the Radio Station, instead of at 8.30 as originally schedulâ€" ed, and all members are asked to turn out. . .The Society are preâ€" paring for a concert to be held on Monday, March ist, to be broadâ€" casted over the radio, so that a good attendance is asked for in this respect A last minute note of reminder to you ladies to remember the Womâ€" en‘s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church Valentine tea and bake sale to be held on Saturday, Feb. 13th, at the Oddfellow‘s hall, from 2.30 to 5.30 pm. . This event will be under the convenerthip of Mrs. W. Caves, assisted by Mrs. D. Morrison, and should prove worth attending. RCAF., stationed at Calgary, Alâ€" berta, and son o‘ Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Moore, of Schumacher. . . . The wedding took place on Thursday, Feb. 4th, at 7.30 pam., at the United Church there, the bride choosing "Winter white" as her outfit. . . . For the time being, the couple will mside at Calgary, Alberta, following a honeymoon at Banfif, Alberta. . . Before her marriag>, Margaret was a nurse at St. Mary‘s Hospital, and best wishes are extended to her and ‘IT‘cm on their marriage. Comes news from Claresholm, Alâ€" berta, last week of the wedding of Mis= Margaret Clutchey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, D. Clutchey, of Timmins, and LAC. Tom Moore, Thursday, Feb. 18th, has been the date set for the wedding Olive Lafranier and LAC. HMHenry Donoâ€" vÂ¥an, RCAF, aationed at Isiand Airport, Toromto Ont. . . The place i1 the Church of Nativlty, at an early hour in the morhning. . . . The brideâ€"toâ€"be has chosen wlnm- white" afternoon frock as her bridâ€" al outfit, and should be veéery lovely against her dark hair. . . . More information will appear about the vodding later. South Poroupine 78 BRUCCE AVENTE Phone 30 Ont Cfficiated. ‘The bride was white wool crepe a turban to mat and a corsage of Her bridesmai Gawn, and was sheer with white sage of yellow ro Acting as best W. Ball, of the R inâ€"law of the bric craitman °1 tioned at C Mr. and Mr nue, Schu The couple Banff Alberta, honyemooning, gary, where th Ciutchey Clutch2y became cyaftmar Wedding of Local Interest Takes Place in Alberta ed candleos fr r2presenting sions of the Canada. Th thems You and Tal Miss Robson Guest speaker at Women‘s Assoctation Meet on Th presid chair. weat navy cent! the I en‘s Asso Church w In€ teria Mtrs which The secretary, Miss R teresting account of the sacted at the previous the treasurer, Mrs. W th> members of the enco raised at the recent rum Plans were ccmpleted tine‘s tea and bake siale Feb. 13th, in the Oddfe Now Being Held In‘the Dominion Mrs. D. M Menzie, M fraid A T imb A éen in zc 21 ‘urposes of Explained ing Held 1€ 1UIt Many gror ntribution project kn iss Margaret Clutchey of Timmms Becomes Bride of Clella:t lovel; place en 11 il sehAumachne! was ~AI indle the bride Somers read ; s taken from itken lead in retary, Miss aczount ocf t 16 1€ Tom Moore, of Sehu ?Aard w 10 nic wedding of it Claresholn ‘ebruary 4th, ke Your urpose nicke of mi 10. held 31L was daintily attired in 4 epe afternoon frock with match, white accessories, _ of mauve orchids. maid was Miss Martha 9T 11 ilip T M 11 i way im ead a seripture lesson Tuesday evening bors; of First United irked the event with service in which a lighted representing ind girls lightâ€" +â€" _ Oof Leading . Airâ€" Toore, R.C.AF., staâ€" Alberta, and son of Moore, 75 First avsâ€" â€" Hoobe bucC 1 in prayer. iss Rae, read an inâ€" f{ the business tranâ€" ious meeting, while s. Wales, informed encouraging amount , rummage sale. eted for a St. Valenâ€" ) sjale to be held on mMidfellow‘s hall and NX t® Ryp. Week]) T‘€ variouU3y misâ€" Church all over h w 1€ nriey, And exâ€" today not to be rom doing the @ihbhle things. same day for y spent a week turning to Calâ€" in residencse. 1£ me Corporal H ind brotherâ€" cal interest Alberta, on 7.30 p.m. at _ Margaret ind Mrs‘. D. t ‘Timmins, resbyterian ne of Myrs. ty avenue, 4th. The s Martha pale blue ind a corâ€" nid convener by Mtr ipied the r will act _the rest "‘TuIrn ind exâ€" Week Moot. Womâ€" terian ok cludâ€" _ who ening f the ns of i the deals 1 THE PORCUPINE aDVaNCE TTUMITN3 In fin Thei 7, A.â€"Cpl. Booker, Richard, appoined the {Acting Sergeant, to be equipment Assisâ€" tant, effective 4â€"2â€"43. son | 20, A.â€"Cpl. Harnden, Arthur, appointâ€" lm. ‘ed Actingâ€"Sergeant, effective 4â€"2â€"43. 94, AC 1, Kelly, Terence, appointed inâ€" |Acting Corporal, effective 4â€"2â€"43. ‘anâ€"| 28, AC 1, Sullivan, cohn, appointed hile| Acting Corporal, effective 4â€"2â€"43. med | 95, AC 1, Wolno, Frederick, appointed unt |Acting iCorporal, effective 4â€"2â€"43. | _ Reduction: ienâ€"| 36, A. Cpl., Robertson, Walter, reducâ€" l on ‘ed to the rank of AC 1 effective 4â€"2â€"43. and’ Signed by F. A. Woodbury, adjt., | Acting FP.O. for O.C. in ht=â€" ich by South Porcupine, Feb. 10th. Spectial to The Advance. Feb. 4th to Féb. 12th is "Aid to China‘" Week at South Porcupine Pub- lic Echool. 1. â€"PARADES Flight 1: 1. Mon., Feb. 15â€"1930 hrs., K. Hall 1930 hoursâ€"Aircraft Recognition 2000 hoursâ€"Armament 2030 hoursâ€"Signals Flight 2: 1. Tues., Feb. 16 1930 hrs. K Hall Knots and Splices Flight 3: 1. Wed., Feb. 17, 9130 hrs. K Hall 1930 hoursâ€"Antiâ€"Gas 2015 hoursâ€"FPirst Aid Flights 1, 2 and 3: 2. Thurs., Feb. 18, 1900 hrs. K Hall Transportation to MicIntyre Gym for Squadron Drill. Flight 4: 1. Thurs., Feb. 18, 1930 hrs, K Hall Administration, P. T. and Drill 12 yrs. oldâ€"Fri., February 19, 1930 hrs, K Hall. Part IJTIâ€"Personnel A.â€"AIR CADET OFFICERSâ€"Nil B..â€"AIR CADETS 1.â€"Rank Appointment 72, A. F. S. Jutras Robert, appointed Clerk effective 4â€"2â€"43. Auxillary met at the Legio hold their weekly whist drive Those present were Mrs. Mrs. R. Smith, Mrs. E. Tille LEovd. Mrs. C. Melaren, Mis WEEKLY ROUTINE ORDERS Issued by A.C. Plight Lieutenant P. T. Moisley, C.O. No. 10, Timmins Boys ‘K" Club Squadron Part Iâ€"â€"Administration M1 South Porcupine Public School "Aid to China" Week 32, A. Sgt. McCagherty, William, apâ€" pointed acting Flightâ€"Sergeant, effecâ€" tive 4â€"2â€"43. Interesting Programme fo Week of Feb. 4th to 12th. South Porcupine, Feb. 10th. Special to The Advance. The Catholic Women‘s League held a very nice bridge party in aid of their funds, on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Norman Sullivan on Bruce avenue There were about seven or eight tables. Prize winners were: ist, Mrs. Maxwell Smith, who was the recipient of a lovely picture donated by Mrs Jos. Huot; 2nd, Mrs. G. Starling who won a cream ard sugar set, donâ€" ated by Mrs. James Catterello. At the close of the evening, the ladies of the SJerved a dainty lunch to the This sum together with the gate of a hockey game which will be held Thursday, Feb. 12, 6 p.m. to 8 pm., by the Boys‘ Athletic Society of the scthool, will be forwarded to the Chinese War Reliof Fund Headquarters, 24 Elizabéeth St., Toronto. We are hoping the total contribution will be substantial. C. W. L .Bridge Party at S$. Porcupine Last Night Ladies® Auxiliary Hold Whist Party This Week rs. H Pope and Mrs. Menear. Prize inners wore:â€" ist, Mrs. Molloy, 2nd. rs. G. Starling, 3rd, Mrs. Leske Harris The next mlly whist drive will be ‘l1d on Tuesday, FPeb. 16th. COn Wednesday afternoon, the Ladie? ixiliary met at the Legion Hall to 911 Sure thing," the first answered Good. IT‘m taking the laddtr." He R. Smith, Mrs. E. Tilley, Mrs. C Mrs. C. MeLaren, Miss M Hel Mrs. L. McClure, Mrs. W. Wilk Mrs. C. Chariton, Mrs. R Hardy E. Hinds, Mrs. A. Ketley, Mrs. 1 . Mrs D Ellis, Mrs. L. Nicholsot B. Richards, Mrs. H. Pope an A. Bellamy. e probably heard atout the inâ€" a lunatic asyhim who was «hing the ceiling atop a tall A fellow nut called up to him. Mcontmorency," he yelled, ou got a good grip on that IN THE 8UGâ€"HOUSE t party was held at the home Menear under the auspices of R Hardy,. y, Mrs. 9.45 a m Nicholson, | 11.00 a.m Pope and| Golden her boast near ther Ithe Lord 10W ;Knitting Group of Arbutus \ _ Meet on Monday _ Church Directory namo together" (Psaims 34: 2, 3) 11 a m.â€"Morning Worship Christilan Science Reading Room, Mcâ€" Ginnis Block, 18 Pine St. North. Open every weekday, 12 noon to 5 p.m. Friâ€" day evening 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. 100 Mountjoy Street 8. Minister REV. E. GILMOURâ€"SMITH, B.A. 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Worship Sacrament of Baptism administered 7 am.â€"Service cancelled for Anniâ€" versary service in Pirst United. Sunday Schooi;: 9.45 a.m. for 93â€"11 years 12.15â€"for 12 years and over, 2.00â€"for 8 yvears and under, Rector: Rev. Canon Casning, B.A., LTh 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer 3.00 p.m.â€"Sunday School 4.15 p.m.â€"Baptisms 7.00 pm.â€"Evening Prayer Holy Communion on 1st Sunday of month, at 11 a.m., on 3rd Sunday, at 7 pm.; and on the 5th Sunday and Festivals at 8.30 a.m. Canada MACKAY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Oddfellows‘ Hall, Spruce Street Minister: Rev. Dr. Geo. Aitken, Th.D. 1.00 p.m.â€"Sunday School 7.00 pm.â€"Service. Oddfellows Hall, Spruce St, N. You Are Welcome South Porcupine, Ont. BLOOR AVECNUE, REV. J. C. THOMPSON 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Service Evening Serviceâ€" 7.00 p.m. E... Monday eve ter Knittin Hemlock st: tendance. ‘The even! at the close served a de The next k: at the home 0o ricia Buld. The Presbyterian Church in SUNDAY SCHOOL 10.00 a.m.â€"For all 12 years and over 11.00 am.â€"Dome Sunday School 2.00 pm.â€"For all below 12 years Divine Service at 8:30 p.m. in the Anglican Church‘ South Porcupine. All are welcome. The Salvation Army CAPT. and MRS. DOUGLAS CHURCH Services Sundayâ€"11 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. Wed. 2.30â€"Home League Thurs. 8.00 pm.â€"Public Meeting Your are invited to attend these Gospel Services. â€"Schumacher AND Porcupine United Church Minister: Rev. Lors W. Carlson, B.A. Morning Worshipâ€"Schumacher 11 a.m. Afternoon Serviceâ€"Delnite 2.30 p.m. Evening Serviceâ€"Golden Cityâ€"7.00 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Golden Cityâ€"â€"11 a.m. Delniteâ€"1.30 p.m. Schumacherâ€"2.00 p.m. Come to our friendly, inspirational Services See that your children are at Sunday School MecINTÂ¥YRE AUDITORIUM Captain Mitchell, C.A. Assistant Minister St Matthew‘s Timmins. 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer Oddfellows‘ Hall, Sproce Street Nortk sUNXNDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 1943 "SOUL" 9.45 a m.â€"Sunday School 11.00 a.m â€"Sunday Setvice South Porcupine, Ont. Ven. J. E. Woodal!, D.D., Minister Smiday Services 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday School 10.15 am.â€"Junior Bible Class 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer 7 pm.â€"Evening Prayer Holy Communion on ist Sunday aat 1 REYV. W. M. MUSTARD, M.A.,, 8.D 1045 a m.â€"Morning Worship 7 0) m â€"Evening Worshin 2nd and 4th Sunday at 8 a.m. 3rd and 5th Sunday at 7 p.m. Baptisms and Marriages by arrange ment. Mountjoy United Church Christian Science Society B‘nai Israel Synagogue St. Luke‘s Evangelical Lutheran Church Trinity United Church St. Matthew‘s Church Schumacher Anglican Church Cedar Street North ISRAEL I. HALPERN, Rabbi W. LINDER, Cantor .m.â€"Evening Worship Sunday School pm.â€"â€"for all 12 and over pm.~â€"â€"for all under 13 First United Church Timmin® St. Paul‘s Church South Porcupine, Ont. (Missourt Synod) %ev. E. Roth®, Pastor del . and United Church Minister tting meet is to be held Mrs. F. Jackson, 14 Patâ€" h¢ Day was hostess on o0 the Arbutus Chapâ€" at her home on 82 was a large atâ€" ra soul shall make the humble shal) 1€ t knitting, and ng, the hostes magniftyv winners in hearts were Mrts. D. Ess Mrs. Frank N. Ellies, Mrs. A. Moses Mrs. A. Ansara, and Mrs G. Ellies Mr. Mortis Daher aso won a prize. Mrs A. Salhany was the prize winner in the bridge. At the close of the evening, delieâ€" louts lunch was served by the entertainâ€" 104 ment Congratulations arse in order to Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Hall, of the Dome Mines, who will be celebrating their silver wedding anniversary on Sunday, Pob. 14th. Mrs. Hall came to South Porcu«â€" pine as a bride and resided here ever since. Both are well known and hav« interested themselves in community and church work during their lives here, and have earned for themselves an enviable place in the town‘s history. They have made hosts of friends and they would iike us to mention in this column that th:sir home at the Dome will be open on Sunday afternoon and evening to any friends who would like to call. Our sympathies are offered toâ€"day to Mr. and Mrs. Don Crozier, of Hari St., who were bereaved on Tuesday by the death of their second son, baby William Robert. aged six months and a few days The baby was ill for only a few Gays, and died shortly after admittance on Tuesday to the Porcupine General hosâ€" pital. There was a large attendance, the evering being spent with 7 tables of hearts, and 1 table of bridge. Prize Wwas South Porcupine, Feb. 10th. Special to The Advance. Funeral services will be held toâ€"morâ€" row (Friday) at 2.30 pm. at, Hunkin‘s Funeral Parlour, with Rev. J. C, Thomp« son taking the service, The service wil) be a private one, with only the family and close friends attending. Mr. Croâ€" zier arrived last evening on being noti+ fied of the death of his son. Another child, David, aged 6, sur« vives. As their list of friends is very large it may not be possible to send perâ€" sonal invitations to all who wotuld like to offer their good wishes, but all will be made welcome. "‘The Advance" extends its congraâ€" tulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hall and hopes that they may be here for many vyears of happiness, and together for mainy more wedding anniversaries. A social evening was held recently by the Syrianâ€"Canadian Women‘s Aux« liary at the home of Mrs. D. Essa, 5 Birch south, to raise moneéey to be sent to the Relief® Pund, the Red Shield and the Navy League To Celebrate Silver Wedding at the Dome South Porcupine. Feb to The Advance. Mrs. Hussey, sister of Mis. Crozier also expected in from Hamilton. Former Captaimn at Dome Mines Dies at Hamilton, Ont. Death of the Little Son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Crozier Mrs. W. J. McCoy was called to Hamâ€" ilton last wéekâ€"end, owing to the death of Mr. Nelson Nichol, husband of Mrs. McCoy‘s sister (the former Frances Wilkes). Mr. Nichol some years ago reâ€" sided in Porcupine and was Captain at the Dome Mine. He was wounded quite badly in the last war, shrapnel peneâ€" trating one lung. After his recovery he took up electric work and has been alâ€" mcst twentyâ€"five years with the Hydro Electric. He leaves his wife, four sons, Nelson, Jr., Lloyd, Gordon (who resides in Hamilton) and Sergt. Minzo Nichol, overseas with the Canadian Army Tank Corps; also two brothers, George, of Niagara Falls, Ont., and James in the United States; and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Ruse, of Buffalo, N.Y., and Mrs. N. Williams, Niagara Falls, Ont. Social Held at Home of Mrs. D. Essa, With a Large Atâ€" tendance. Social Evening Held by Syrianâ€"Canadian Women Recently The late Mr. Nichol was wellâ€"known in the early days of Cobalt and Porcuâ€" pine, and many here will sinc€rely reâ€" gret his death. Sealed tenders will be received at the Clerk‘s office until 12 a‘clock noon, Saturday, February 27th, 1943 for supplying : specifications may be obtained from the Chief of the Fire Department,. Samples of materials should be submitted with tender. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. TIMMINS, ONTARIO, February 11, 1943 . committes. lovely picture was drawn for and by Mrs S. Ansara, The door won by Mrs. W. Ansara. TOWN OF TIMMINS TENDERS for FIREMEN‘S UNIFORMS 21â€" Firemen‘s Uniforms 42 =â€" Firemen‘s Shirts 10th. SEpecial The next regular meeting of the Timâ€" mins K. of C..Council will be held on February 14th, at 8.15 pm., in the Church of the Nativity Hall. This will also be the regular monthly communion .sunday for the members. As many as possible are asked to attend at the +~8.30 mass. The following amounts have been reâ€" ceived in recent months and, forwarded to theArmy Huts headquarters in Otâ€" tawa : McIntyre Gold Mines, $500.00 Hollinger Gold Mines, $200.00 Preéeston East Dome Mines‘ $125.00 Preston East Dome War Servicesâ€" $125.00 A â€" regular dividend of 1% â€" has keen ideclared â€" by ithe Directors on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable on the 25th day of February, 1943, to shareholders of record at the close of business on the 1lith day of Pebruary, 1943. DATED the 4th day of February, 1943 ST. ANDREWS TEA AND BAKE SALE, under auspices of the W.A. of Mackay â€" Presbyterian ~Church, on Saturday, February 13th, from 2.30 to 5.30 p.m., in the Oddfellows hall The K. of C. expresses very desp appreciation for the way the war serâ€" vice funds of the various mines have so generously contributed to the Canaâ€" dian K. of C. Army Huts. Local Mines Contribute to K. of C. Army Huts WANTED, by the Childrens Ald Soâ€" ciety, families willing to give homes on a boarding basis to Protestan! children 10 to 14 years of age. If intere<ted, phone 855, or call at Room 4, Municipal Building, Timmins. 60â€"62t1 RULEâ€"In jloving memory of my beâ€" loved husband, Norman A. Rule, who passed away Peb. 10th, 1935, at Gravâ€" enhurst San., Ont. He left his home and his loved ones Not thinking death was near, Or thinking he would not return To the one he loved so dear. _â€"â€"Fondly remembered by his everâ€" loving ‘Wifeé, Lillie Rule, Transvaal, South Africa. Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mines Limited Sudbury Star:â€"The war is not being fcught in vainâ€"tuxed>os anrs not being made «any more. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY, 1iTH, 1943 it A WORD PER INSERTION (minimum 25¢) l‘%e A WORD PER TINSERTION IF CHARGED (Minimum 35¢) All Classified Advertising must be paid before insertion to obtain cash rate. The Advance will not be responâ€" sible for etrors occurring in teleâ€" phoned advertisements, or as a reâ€" sult of copy not carefully, legibly written, Mistakes occurring from these sources gare wholly at adverâ€" tiser‘s risk. Mrs., V. Ashby 162 TAMARACK PHO LA DIES‘ WE A R CHARIS â€"SWAVIS CORSETRY le Dormpine Aobane CLASSIHIED ADS LANEOUS DIVIDEND NUMBER 367 Phone 26 A. L SHAW Clerk