4494404444444 44444 P ANNIVERSARY DINNER h4 Mr. John Besley, Third Ave., received word this week from his son, Lieutenant Lester Besley, of the Royal Canadian Artillery, telling him of his safe arrival in Engzland. son, JPirst hnear that : ation it was suC comfortabl Hospital. ing her a s Miss Joan Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davis, Gold Centre, has joined the CWA.C. The Ladies‘ Guild of the Schumaâ€" cher Anglican Mission held their meetâ€" ing Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Hazen Waddle, McIntyre Property Fourth Ave. The new off cers were inâ€" stalled. Mrs. Fred Cook, president, was in the chair. Business items were disâ€" cussed. The ladies decided to hold a bean supper and social evening at the home of Mrs. Hazen Waddle, McIntyre Property, Fourth Ave. on Wednesday. February 10th. After the business sesâ€" sion a delicious lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, Feb. 2nd, at the home of Mrs. Joe Morrish, Gold Centre. wJack Fergusson, Second Ave., left this we?k for Toronto where he will report for military duty. 0000000000 e 00800000000 * 000 0 0 e o o is the former I of Mr. and M Boulevard, 7 Quine is the elf Tom Quine, R cher, and is with the Rojy Corps. Mr. and Mi week for Detr up residence. lovely ; Cong thur Q Other â€" Items Schumacher in AC Myrs. Maki times Weddings and Other Events of Interest to Schumacher News From South Porcupine, NOTHING LUIKE GCOP peedy it . T All MOUNTJOY UNITED CHURCH Friday, January 22nd from 5.30 to 7.30 p.m. ADMISSIONâ€"50c Auspices of the W. A. of Mountjoy United Church WILL BE HELD NX THE il C. Rickards left thig where they will take â€" George Robertâ€" be interested to her second operâ€" sed to know that id she is resting Toronto General nds join in wishâ€" ‘omplete recovery. daughter of Mr. Gold Centre, has Regarding ind District. with Mrs. Salo, and Miss; Viola A nice social ing the evening ucas, ~PRUIC1IA Pte. Arthur f Mr. and Mrs. reet, Schumaâ€" at Barrifield, ian Ordnance aret Kahma, Isaac Kahma ilar employee f Mrs. Maki, rty was held MJ1 8 a quiet ‘s=. Quine daughter Patricia heran Heins W a â€" 1€ Two Rather Unusual Fire Incidents at South Porcupine Other Items of Interest from South Porcupine and the Dome. South Porcupine, Jan. 20. S pecial to The Advance., The fire alarm was sounded soon afâ€" ter 11 a.m. on Wednesday and, alâ€" though the call proved to be a false alarm, the episode is worth mentionâ€" ng. A car owner at the corner of Bloor and Moose St. had difficulty in startâ€" ing his motor (small wonder when the temperature fell on Tuesday night to 35 below zero), and in order to thaw it out held a shovel of hot coals undet the engine. Somebody saw the red coals and flame, but did not see the owner on the other end of the shovel. and put in the alarm. Another alarm, sounded on Priday, was at a shoe repair shop on Golden Avenue operated by Rocco Pulice. Glue was being thinned out in a pan on the stove when it boiled over and caught fire. The flames caused some stir, but the department‘s quick action subdued them with little or no damage. Friends of Mrs. Sydney Pawcett (ncse Hazel Steeve) who now lives in New Brunswick, will be interested in learnâ€" ing of the birth of a daughter to her and her husband in Upper Sackville, N.B., on January 12th. Mrs. Reg. Clark left last week to join her husband (AC2 R C A FP) in Toronto. Mr. J. Myles is of his brother Mr avenue. Friends of Mr. William Thomas of Dome Extension will be glad to learn he is out of |Porcupine General hosâ€" pital and is recuperating from iliness at home. Dr. Amold Purdon and Mrs. Purdon are visiting at the home of the forâ€" mers parents on Main streetâ€"Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Purdon. Dr. Purdon is with the R.CAF. stationed at Trenton. Mrs. H. M. Turner is visiting her sisâ€" tez, Mrs. Leroy, of Golden avenue, for a few weeks. While in her old home town she is enjoying the curling and hopes to stay long enough to particiâ€" pate in the Ladies‘® Northern Bonspiel Sapper Raymona Blood, of the R. C. E.. at Cornwall, spent the weekâ€"end ysiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Blood, of Bloor avenue. Lance Corporal Manley Shepherd, who is stationed with his unit in Newâ€" foundland is visiting his sister, Mrs. Wilson Rayner, on Bloor avenue for some days. A ‘"bingo" is to be lield next Saturâ€" day night in the Masonic hall on Main street, proceeds to go to the "Aid to Russia" fund. The Kiwanis Club is sponsoring this and are making an allâ€" out effort to assist the cause. Chickens, as well as other prizes, will be offered A large crowd will be welcomed. Mrs. Margaret McKinley, of Thamesâ€" ville, is the guest of Mrs. Thomas Wilâ€" son, of Bruce Avenue and will remain in town for some time. Her daughâ€" ter. Miss MoKinley, is on the S. Porâ€" cupine High Sahoo!l staff. quarters., Pte. Beéert Waite, of the neadquarters Company, Monteith, is spending his furlough at his home on Birch St. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, Gold Cenâ€" tre, received a cable from their son, L. A. C. Alex Bell, Royal Canadian Air Force, telling them of his safe arrival in England. nice prizes were;â€" 1st, Mrs. Tom Johnâ€" son; 2nd, Mrs. Bill Soucie; 3rd, Mrs. Ted Jones; door prize, Mrs. Jack Matâ€" thew,. After the cards a nice social period was enjoyed. Mrs. Burke, of Simcoe, is viaiting net daughter and sonâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs Alf Little, First Ave. The friends of Mrs. Daiton Prior McIntyre Property. Third Ave., will t sorry to hear that she had the misâ€" fortune to «lip on the polished floor and break her ankle during the weekâ€"end A large number of the Eastern Star ladies travelled to South Porcupine on Tuesday evening to a‘ttend the instalâ€" lation ceremony being held at the South Porcupine Lodge. Aven and The Echumacher Victory club met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Jack Matthew, Pirst Ave. Five hunâ€" dred was played and the winners of the nice prizes were:â€" I1st., Mrs. Tom Johnâ€" Bay whi¢ 11 Dillon left this week for Toront re he will report to the Army head Mrs J. Harris, d the C. W. A. C uglas Kitchen, a‘visitor at the home Cliff Myles of Powell nie spent ht Mrs. B. Jame ht A ve 3€ which is to be held at the Dome Curling Club early in February. Miss Anne Pettigrew, of Connaught Hill, left last week for Brantford to atâ€" tend the funeral of her brother. This is the second bereavement suffered by Miss Pettigrew as another brother died nine days previous to this later one. Her many friends offer sincere sympaâ€" thy. Miss Madigan, of the High School teaching staff, is il at her home in Toronto and has not been able to reâ€" turn to her duties here since the Christâ€" mas holidays. Mrs. Wallace Smith, B.A. of Connaught Hill, is replacing Miss Madigan temporaily on the teaching staff of the school.. Bornâ€"at 37 Smith avenue, South Porcupine, on Jan. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pascogâ€"a son. United Church. If you like haggis you may help yourself; in fact, you may help yourself to anything you see on the table, as there will be special disnes beside the haggis and the steak and kidney pie on the buffet menu. Corâ€" nish pasties will also be fecatured, and the main thing will be to get there early enough to be able to take your choice. Bobby Burns‘ night will be fittingly celebrated in south Porcupine for the first time in years on Monday. Scottish grace will be sung, and solos of the Scottish brand will be given, and we bear that as an added attraction Mrs. A. Etanlake will be one of the soloists. Supper served from 5 to 7 p.m. Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hoâ€" fer, of 150 Front St., a son on Jan. 18th in Porcupine General Hospital. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Rayâ€" ner will be sorry to know they are both cick a+ Ahome and will wish them Aa of th perat iriend( broidered pillow slips); and 3, Mrs. A. Telford (table cloth). The first twins to be born in 1943 in South Porcupine made their appearâ€" ance in the Porcupine General hospiâ€" tal on Monday, Jan. 18th. They were twin boys and came to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gillespie, of 33 Strachan avéenue. Mrs. Don Miller and daughter, Carol, left last week for Toronto after some eeks spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gibbons on Bloor avenue. The marriage took place on January 14th in the Church of the Messiah, ‘?oâ€" ronto, of Plorence Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Mills, of Preston East Dome, who became the bride of Mr. W. Arnold Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.‘Thompson of Pictou, Nova sScotia. The officiating minister was the Rew *Ws Sproule. The bride who was unattended wore an ensemble of Queen‘s blue crepe with navy accesâ€" sories and wore a corsage of talisman roses. Her mother Mrs. B. Mills, was present at the marriage. ‘The young couple, to whom we offer our best wishes for a happy future, will reside in Toronto where the bridegroom is employed in war work. The "haggis‘" is to be "piped in" by a real Hielan‘ piper next Monday at the Potâ€"luck supper to be held in the Friends of Mr. and A ner will be sorry to kn sick at home, and will speedy recovery. Next Sunday Rev. J. give instead of a serm ing service, a lectura i1 iriends in town. At the Monday night whist drive in ihe Legion Hall, prizes were won by: i, Mrs. Coott; 2, Mrs. Steeves; and 3, Mrs. Chapman. The Rebekahs held a@ very nice bridge party in the Masonic Hall on Priday night serving refreshments after cards. Prizes woere won by: 1, Mrs. B. Webb ‘luncheon set); 2, Mrs. J. Kelly (emâ€" broidered pillow slips): and 3, Mrs. A. Mrs. R. Gemmill is taking the place of Miss Ball temporarily on the public school staff. Miss Vern Emythe (Nursing Branch of the R.C.AFP.), of Trenton, is recuâ€" perating from recent illness among Armoured Coâ€"Operation in the Woestern Desert: Tank Commander‘s Signal Message Picture shows: One of the 8th Army tank commanders in the Wesâ€" tern Desert standing on the turret of his Crusader as he keeps in close communication with his squadron by flag signals. Thompson will 7 at the ovenâ€" strated by lanâ€" THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TiMMINS, ONTARIO f Revv. Father LaSalle returned on Wedâ€" nesday from Kirkland Liake after offiâ€" tern slides on "Building a University on the Roof of the World." This is‘ the story of the West China University at Chungâ€"tu. P ciatix{g at the funsral rites of a near relativeâ€"mother of Father Roberge, at one time parish priest of South Porâ€" cupine. Set.â€"Pilot Evans of South Porcupine Mentioned in News "Buddy", as he is familiarly known to all of us is cited thus: "Others damâ€" aging Nazi fighters included Sgt. Pilot Frank B. Evans, of S. Porcupine, Ont." +o The Advance. A local boy â€"â€" born and raised in S. Porcupine was "mentioned in despatchâ€" 2s" this week. This first honour goes to the older son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Evans, of Conâ€" naught Hill. Bud celebrated his twentyâ€"first birthâ€" day in England last February, haw’ng landed there in January"going over by merchast ship. He enlisted in the R.CA.F. soon after his nineteenth birthday and after trainâ€" at Malton received his "wings" at Dunnville. Congratulations from all your friends at home, Buddy, and may you bring down many more!! Curling Events at South Porecupine . and the Dome Puneral services were held on Monday Jan. 18th, for Emil Perkovich, who died on Saturday, Jan. 16th, at his home at 28A First Avenue, Schumacher. Serâ€" vices took place at the St Alphonsus Roman Catholic Church, with the Rev erend Father Martindale officiating. This was in the recent air raid "dog fights‘‘ over England. Congratulations are being extended to the parents of the young hero, and we all feel proud of our young airman who is doing his job so bravely and well, Death of Schumacher Resident on Saturday The late Mr. Perkovich died at the age of 43 yvears. He was born in Croaâ€" ‘ia, and had spent 18 yvears in Canada. The past 15 years were spent in the Porcupine Camp. Exchange:â€"The only trouble about putting a thing off until toâ€"morrow is that when it comes to having to do it Champions of the bonspiet were the yink of R. Mitchell, with Mrs. Moore, S. Porcupine and Mr. Blair and Mrs. Jay, Dome. Second prize went to the rink of Mr. R. Raymer, and other rinks "runâ€" nersâ€"up" â€" were those of â€" Mr. and McGinn, and Mr. Hugh Richmond, Prizes were warâ€"saving stamps. At a mixed bonspiel held in the S. Porcupine Rink on Saturday night cups and saucers were given as prizes and were won by:â€" (1), C. Laamanen‘s Rink â€" with Mrs. Ewing Mr. Downes and Mrs. Hodgins; and (2) L. Sanders rink with Mrs Moore, Mrs. Ausdahl and Mrs., Sutherland. Runnersâ€"up with first winners were Dr. K. P. Smmith, Mrs. Cahill, Mrs. H. Hall and Mrs. Rudkin. Runnersâ€"up with second winners were C. Fowlie, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. M. Smith and Mrs. Grant. A very enjovable mpced bonspiel, which the Dome Ladies‘ Curlmg Club invited the South End Ladies‘ Club to attend took place last Friday evening at the Dome Curling rink. The body was shipped on Monday evâ€" ening, to Sudbury, where interment will take place. One brother, Nick, reâ€" sides there. Puneral arangements were undéer the direction of Walker‘s Funeral Service. Ssouth Porcupine, Jan.20th. Special to The Advance. The deceased is ssurvived by his wife Rose, who resides in Schumacher. South Porcupine, Jan. 20th. Special macner DTrancil Oi it INCU held on Tussday evening in the Audiâ€" torium of the MciIntyre Community Building. Mr. P. A. Boyce, president of the branch.opened the meeting, with a vote of thanks to the officers, and especially to the ladies of the executive and of the community for their coâ€"cperation durâ€" ing the vear. He expressed his thanks to the McIntyre for their use of the building, to the several mines for their contributions during the last Red Cross campaign. Mr. Boyce also commented | generally on the work of the Red Cross for all of Canada. cez Dome and the Distgict Schumacher Red Cross Reâ€"elects Most of 1942 Officers for This Year Reports at Annual Mceting Show Schumacher Red Cross has Done Excellent Work in Past Year in all Departâ€" ments. Meceting of Branch Expresses Appreciation for Help and Services Given. ‘The minutes of the last annual meetâ€" ing were read by the secretary, Miss D. E. Armstrong, who also read the report of the treasurer (Mrs. O. Lafontaine) as follows:â€" Financial Statement for the year ended December 3ist. 1942. Cash in Bank â€" January list, 1942 $2323.51 Receipts Donations and Subscriptions ..24994.86 Russian Medical Aid 27000 Uniform Smocks AsT 3.50 I certifv that the financial statement is a true and correct view of the finanâ€" cial position of the Schumacher Red Cross Society for the year ended Decâ€" ember 31 st, 1942. Signed. S. G. Fowler. Auditor Mrs. D. Robson, chairwoman of the women‘s war work committee, gave a vote of appreciation to the New Methâ€" ocd Laundry, Singer Sewing Machine Co., the ladies who had loaned their sewing machines, and to the New Canâ€" adian women in Schumacher, for their services during the past year. Mr. S. A. Wookey, chairman of the parcel committese, reported that 129 parcels were sent overseas during the past vear, and he read letters of thanks from bovs who had received these parâ€" cels.One parcel: was sient to a prisonerâ€" ofâ€"war in Germany. He also reported 144 ditty bags sent during the year. Disbursements Canadian Red Cross Society Kemittances ...................;..........1 9000 8BB Russian Medical Aid ... ...__ 801.00 Jam â€"Donation.......;....:;:......t:..;. > Supplies! of Weol ...................... ‘1445636 Other Materials .................... G52M60 Sailors Comforts "Ditty Bags‘" 23750 Emergéency Nursing Supplies .. 61.35 All Others 26.40 Other Materials ..;....;...........::,. 804.89 Wool and Material (not local) 494.47 Workroom and shipping expense 23.52 Christmas Overseas Parcels ........._.. 517. o MC 1nd Mess en ons 552.62 Sailors Comforts "Ditty Bags" 13042 Printing, Advertising Postage 99.10 Purchase of Equipment ... 6248 Local Welfare " Cash in Bank â€" December 3ist, 1942 $3519.14 Th anniial m« branch o ing OL L he Red C Confederation Life The forthcoming annual report shows that sound stewardship, traditional with Confederation Life for 71 years, has been fully maintained during 1942. PRESENT AND POTENTIAL SERVICE TO POLICYOWNERS S T R E N G T H + V PC E * $ ECV KlT YÂ¥ Since 1871 HEAD OFFICE Greater Business in Force _ Increased Premium Income Improved Surplus Position _ Lower Death Losses Fewer Terminations onfederation Life .‘DW Strengih Jn the Fowith Hear of the Wanr 28097 .89 Payments under Policies Payments to Living Policyowners including Annwitants. Assets Business Mr. J. Beattie, chairman of the Pubâ€" licity Committee, gave a vote of thanks to The Advance, to the Timâ€" mins Press, C. K. G. B., and Ken Hulme Co., in appreciation of their help and interest during the past year. The following officers were elected for the yvear: Honorary presidents:â€" Mr. R. J. En nis, Mr. J. Reddington, Mr. F. W. Schu macher, Mr. V. H. Evans; Mr. J. Bea ttl Schumacher Regrets the Death of Mrs. F. Fennell »nd. Viceâ€"president:â€" Mrs. P. W. CGrilbert. 3rd. Vicoâ€"president:â€" Mr. P. 0. Parâ€" fitt Secretary:â€" Miss D. E. Armstrong. Treasurer:â€" Mr. 0. Lafontaine. Executive committee:â€" Mr. D. Argue, Mr. C. Abrams, Mr. S. A. Wookey, Mr. A. Sever; one member to be nominated from the Schumacher CWL.,; Mr. J. Beattie, Mrs. G. Shippam, and Mr. H. Poole The meeting was brought to a close with singing of the National Anthem. Schumacher, Jan. 20th. Special to The Advance. It was with regret word was received last week of the death of Mrs. Frank Fennell, 46 Pirst Ave. Mrs. Fennell passed away in St. Mary‘s Hosâ€" pital. ‘Although she had been sick for about a vear, her sudden death came as n Prosident:â€" Mr. P. A. Bovcee. 1st Viceâ€"president:â€" Mrs. D. Robson Viceâ€"president:â€" Mrs. P. W A copy of the full annual report will be gladiy mailed upon request. Mr. A. Feldman, and Mr. 8. Sax 0 Service overseas is provided through our London, England, Branch at 108 Old Broad S8t., E.C.2, Money may be cabled through any Branch. The BANEK of NOVA SCOTIA Association Tell them of a Savings Account in the Bank of Nova Scotia which will provide for the readjustment into normal civilian life, for peaceâ€"time comforts and pleasurés. RAN It‘s regular news from home that the boys on active service really appreciate. Write every week. Keep your letters cheerful and full of optimism. Tell them about the money you are savingâ€"the War Savings Certificates ar d Victory Bonds you are buyingâ€"of the plans for the future. ESTABLISHED 1832 â€" OVER A CENTURY OF SERVICE IP‘S ALWAYS YOUR TURN TO WRITE $ 12,103,951 8,484.553 149,126,895 493,788,722 Accident While Skiuing Followed by Death of Mrs, R. Bell Recently of Preston East Dome, Mrs; Bell Dies in \ _ Hospital. South Porcupine, Jan. 20th. Special to The Advance. Mr. Rayv Bell, ol ‘Proston East Dome, is in Porcupine General Hospital sufâ€" fering from a sovere cold and shock to the systoem. His manv friends offer their sincere sympathty to him in the reent tragedvy which has befallen him. His wife (Mrs. Edna Bell) â€"â€" bride of a fow monhs died in Ot‘awa Civic Hospital last week and was buried in Renfrew on Tuesday. Hospital last week and was buried in Renfrew on Tuesday. _ Her death followed an accident which ceurred when Mr. and Mrs Bell were in Toronto on Christmas Day. They had gone from Preston East Dome to spend Christmas in Toronto with Mr. Bell‘s brother. Myrs, Bell, who was an expert on skiils went out in the afternoon of Christmas Day with her husband to en jov and hour of the sport. While negotiating a hill her ski caught in the o‘ a tree,; she lost her balâ€" ance and fell, and her‘skiâ€"pole broke, the sharp edge side. Mr Bell, passing her on the hill, noticed nothing wrong, and called to her as he passed. When he reached the bottom of the hill he saw her crtxll lying in the snow and hurvied baék to find her unâ€" conscious. This sad occurrence has cast a gloom over the little colony a4 Preston East Dome, where the deceased lady was gradually making friendsy among her new neighbours, since her.arrival among them last winter. Bhe was taken to hospital and seemâ€" ed to be making progress toward recovâ€" ery when she was removed to Ottawa Civic Hospital for operation. Tt was after the operation that she received a s»tâ€"back and her death from pneauâ€" monia folowed. Mr. Bell, who had returned to S. Porâ€" cupine from Toronto, moboled down to Renfrew upon hearing of his wife‘s reâ€" lapse but did not arrive in time to see her before she died. tindale conducted the service. Interâ€" ment was made in Timmins Roman Caâ€" tholic cemetery. T9+ Â¥â€"318ST. 1043 x‘ *4 ‘stÂ¥h Â¥ ts i# t 6 VJ pou‘h W 4 # +#