Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 14 Jan 1943, 1, p. 4

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Congratulations to the newly elected officers of the Ladies Guild of St.. Matthew‘s Anglican Church. . . Partâ€" icularly to Mrs. W. Christopher, who was reâ€"elected president. . . .We hop* that this year will be as successful to the Guild as years gone by, and that they will have the best of luck in their activities. . . Many thanks is due to Mrs. F. Melville, secretary, for ‘the past yar, who supplied The Advance with all the information about the afâ€" fairs of the Guild, and we welcome the new secretary, Mrs. J. T. Collins, with the hope that she will continue to coâ€" operate as the Guild has been noted for: doing in past years. Beatter the or bones As her rou! Back int Acrida with : Way My home wi day The old do Brown wret Britain‘s shore. We fought, the bombers off. 1 draw a breath, Lifting above dark water rank with Her fragt tones Third Ave. at Cedar Street ‘This touching poem, "Gratitude, depicting a North Atlantic Convoy, and written by John Ackerson, shows the true feelings of a sailor on a boat, @iter the battle is won, and the bombers are gone. . . His mind wanders back to his home, the peace and quiet, the beauty and serenity. . . Then his mind comes back to the present, and he thinks with determination that he will pro tect all this loveliness. . . .No betâ€" ter way could be shown than this little poem, that by a few words, portrays the true feelings of this war. Colourful costumes and lilting music were the chief interests at the "Aid to Russia" concert at the Palace theatre on Sunrday evening . Dances, sgongs, and orchestra numbers by the Croation string orâ€" chestra were chiefly featured, and proved very entertaining to the large audience in attendance. . «Of course, the Finnish Gymn Group deserve chief mention for their gymnastic ability in performing those difficult feats on the whole, the evening was a definite success, donations for the Russia fund being very large in number and amount. .. Mr. H. C. scearth was master of ceremonies, JEWELLER â€" OPTOMETRIST a 8 Cfi Female stenographers and bookkeepers by old established gold mining company in Porcupine District. Apply to National Selective Service, Timmins, Ont., stating education, age and exâ€" perience. It‘s a fact, the reason most draftees are rejected is because of poor general health â€" a condition which more milk in their diet could have prevented. Even if the army doesn‘t need vou. make sure you pass your own inspection. Drink more milk every day. Timmins Dairy Telephone 935 em, "Gratitude" Atlantic Convoy John Ackerson lings of a sailotr uzzled, T think aone most deat me: her low hout quiet hese sailâ€" Your efforts Teward perfection. Drink more milk And pass inspection‘ ter ‘Greaves, a very devout Legion member who left to report at Toronto for ‘the . C.A. ... . At the train were a great many Legion friends of Walter Greaves to bid farewell to this likeable fellow, and wish him "bon voyage". . . Jimmy Stewart with his bagpipes plaved the farewell notes, ank friends waved farewell to a man who has been an executive member of the Canadian Legion for ffive years, and branch presidéent for four years. . . At a farewell party held for him on FPriday evening at the Legion Hall, he was preâ€" sented ‘with an engraved gold wrist watch as a token of theâ€"esteéem in which he is held. . . All his friends wish him all the luck in his present work, and a speedy and safe return when Victory is won. Apologies are due to a certain young couple whose engagement was premaâ€" turely announced in the January 7th issue of The Advance, without the authority of the couple. . .It has been the custom o‘ The Advance to announce an engagement only on the authority of one or both of the couple concerned, but in this case, the announcement was peceived from a reliable source, and therefore Doris took the opportunity of publishing it. ‘Tuesday evening‘s train took away a local gentleman in the person of Walâ€" Plans have been completed for the Schubert‘s Choral Society to hold a concert once a month. ... They have been asked by the Radio Station to put on these concerts, so that the Society BEN D hard, of Timmins, and at present in the Signal Corps, at Vimy Barâ€" racks, Kingston, took wedding vows . . Attendants were Mr. Ted Shepâ€" hard, brother of the groom, who is employed at Ottawa, and Miss Lorâ€" ette Smith, also of ‘Ottawa. . .The couple spent several days in Ottawa until the groom left for his post at Kingston, and the ‘bride returned to town where she is at present emâ€" ployed at Metropolitan‘s store in the office. . Congratulations; are in order for Harry and TITona. A lovely but quiet wedding took place at Ottawa, on Dec. 30th, 1942, in the afternoon, when Tona Joanâ€" isse, of Timmins, and Harry Shepâ€" and chairman for the Russia Fund, and with the coâ€"operation of Mr. Sol Sky, president of the Russia Pund, the evening proved to be very successful. . . .With the amâ€" ount on hand before the concert was held and the substantial ‘«donâ€" ations at the conrcert, there should be a large amount in the Pund to aid the Russians. . . Next Sunday evening, another concert will be held at Schumacher, to appeal to the public for funds for the Rusâ€" SIians, Guests ‘of ~Mr. and Mrs. Carl Briggs, 19 Commercial avenue, are two young gentlemenâ€"of the R.A.F., Pilot Officer Dick Lee, of Bromley, Kent, and Sergeant Pilot Wilford Munday, of Iver, Buckinghamshire, both at present training in Canâ€" ada... . .This is their first visit to the North, and do they like the clean, healthy, cold air. . The boys are being well entertained with parties, dances, bowling, skating and other activities. . Bowling is a game they never saw until they came to Canada, and they are cerâ€" tainly enjoying it. . We hope that the boys will enjoy their visit so much, that they will return again some day to visit their newly made friends. 20 93 Tuesday mornin Church of Na Sangster, â€" daug Harry Sangster, Alphonse Match oi Mr. and Mh',c.. Bay. . The brid: and immediatel mony, a wedding the bride‘s parer the brides parei cial avenue, anc ception was helk All had a lo games and pul the ~gaily. colou found inside. A birthday c candles on it 1 the party table down to a dai joyed it after blown out the | Margaret was delif ly gifts she received Guests present w ary Bird, Diane Margaret and Jear and Joan Carl, My Murray, Corinne C Barbara Polkic, 1 Marion Sharp, Dant Ronnie Keast and Margaret Keast. Pleasant Birthday Party at S Porecupine Satur South Porcupi to The Advance Margaret, litt] Mrs. ‘"‘Monty‘‘ sion celebrated Saturday an small friend lt@ernoon. the R.C.N in the rec Nfla. Val mercantils qrai years, f year to seryv brother, Ar ployee of th ing the sutr Regular Meetings Heid By Ladies® Aux There was general th over the fact that appa mins people and few i Land were involved in Former Smootlf Rock Man in Hostél Fire at St. John‘s "The holiday for Smooth Ro ing that Fern: sick berth att! Good Attendance at Jr.C. W. L. Social gic fire at the K. of C John‘s Newfoundland. on, however, it devel were some from the N involved in the bad ac were not announced part of<¢the North. Th The Kapuskasing Nor refers to one such Rock Falls corresponde Ladies:â€"1st, Mrs. I Mrs. Meakins; 3rd, Gentlemen:â€"1st, Mrs. Mrs. Engman; 3rd, M On Wednesday aftf of the Ladieés® Auxili Legion Hall for their fund tea. Thoss present were Mrs. Mrs. B. Richards, Miss Ma Garry, Mrs. Menear, Mrs. L Mrs. F. Hornby, Miss Marjo Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. R. Hat McGarry, Mrs. E. Hinds, M Mrs. C. Wheeler, Mrs. T. G Johnson, Mrs. R. Smith, I1 Mrs. A. Ketley, Mrs. A. Can There wa The eve Women evening wh nalt $ Russia Afrjey 1€ 1 A K the M )n 11 31 1y much ¢ TI i k 16 Mrs. J. Shaw 5 Margaret Mcâ€" rs. L. Nicholson {arjorie Hellens Hardy, Mrs. J s, Mrs. H. Popg T. Gay, Mrs. W th, Mrs. Olsen 1 1¢ no an l h uxiliary ino â€" solo t} day evenâ€"| SUNDAY SCHOOL he followâ€" '[10.00 am.â€"For all 12 years and over am.â€"Dome Sunday School ton: Ind,| 200 pm.â€"For all below 12 years | _ isnn R s o 1:A :. "-‘n(lt I Cl J DI?O“N‘)‘.‘I‘Q‘ one Allen, ChurCh 'l-(n]() }Il“. “[(‘INT"RE .AUDITORIU“‘[ | } ingy, Pat| Captain Mitchell, C.A. Carl I\/’I(}-:’ Asswtdnt Minister St Matthew‘s tsy Blair,| Timmins. nn â€" Lang | 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday School 3obby and . 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer of honor| the love _ Church Directory mall red niece of nembers comfo 1¢€¢ ill enâ€" s had games, i uies enterâ€" > Try The Advance Want Advertisements )1 nooln llows: idies ay "l’ Rector‘ Rev. Canon Casning, B.A., L CY wore l 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer they | 3.00 pm.â€"Sunday School 4.15 pm.â€"Baptisms req|__ 1.00 pm.â€"Evening Prayet e t.fâ€"Ioly Communion on 1st Sunday of ‘month, at 11 a.m., on 3rd Sunday, at zx sat| m_.7 pm.; and on the 5th Sunday and 4 41'est1vals at 8.30 a.m. TY L ht NT ADVANCT, TTMMINS®, ONTARIO hn 11 31 United Church South Porcupine, Ont. | BLOOR AVENUE., | REV. J. C. THOMPSON |11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Service ‘Evening Serviceâ€"â€" 7.00 p.m. Canada MACKAY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Oddfeliows‘ Hall, spruce Street Minister: Rev. Dr. Geo. Aitken, Th.D. 1.00 p.m.â€"Sunday School 7.00 pm.â€"â€"Service. Oddfellows Hall, Spruce St. N. You Are Welcome The Presbyterian Church in 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Worship 7.00 pm..â€"Evening Wosrhip a "What the Church Expects of the School"â€"by Mr. Smith. "What the School Expects of the Church‘"‘â€"by Mr. Ross Beattie. "Religious Education in Schools"â€" by Mr. A. W.‘ Brown, I.P.S. Sunday School: 9.45 a.m. for 9â€"11 years 12.15â€"for 12 years and over, 2 O00Qâ€"for 8 yvears and under. Oddfellows‘* Hall, spruce Street North JANXUARY 17th, 1943 "LIFE" 90.45 a m.â€"Sunday sehool 11.00 a.m . â€"Sunday Service Goldcn Text: "The gift of God i: Minister: Rev. Lors W. Carlson, B.A. Morning Worshipâ€"Schumacher 11 a.m. Afternoon Serviceâ€"Delnite 2.30 p.m. Evening Serviceâ€"Golden Cityâ€"7.00 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Golden Cityâ€"â€"11 a.m. Delniteâ€"1.30 p.m. Schumacherâ€"2.00 p.m. Come to our friendly, inspirational Services See that your children are at Sunday school South Porcupine, Ont. Ven. J. E. Woodall, D.D., Minister Sunday Services 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday School 10.15 a.m.â€"Junior Bible Class 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer 7 pm.â€"Evening Prayer Holy Communion on ist Sunday at 11 (Missourt Synod) Rev. E. Roth, Pastor NDivine Service at 8:30 pm. in the Anglican Church South Porcupine. All are welcome. ~ The Salvation Army CAPT. and MRS. DOUGLAS CHURCH Services Sundayâ€"11 a.m. and 7,00 p.m. Wed. 2.30â€"â€"Home League Thurs. 8.00 p.m.â€"Public Meeting Your are invited to attend these Gospel Services. 2nd and 4th Sunday gt's a.m. 3ra and 5th Sunday at 7 p.m. Baptisms and Marriages by arrangeâ€" ment. Mountjoy Church Christian Science Society Minister: °> REV. W. M. MTsTARD, M.1., RD Schumacher AND Porcupine United Church 1inis BI 100 Mountioy Street 8. Minister REV. E. GILMOURâ€"SMITH, B.A. B‘nai Isracel Synagogue St. Luke‘s Evangelical Lutheran Church 118 BIOCK, y weekda evening â€" St. Matthew‘s Church Schumacher Anglican Trinity United Church Cedar Street North IsRAEL I. HALPERN, Rabbi W. LINDER, Cantor First United Church T immins St. Paul‘s Church South Porcupine, Ont. Sundavy School ence Reading Room, Mc« 18 Pine St. North. Open , 12 noon to 5 p.m. Friâ€" 30 to 9.30 p.‘m. rou| is 6 11 Mr: s brought to a close i delightful lunch by ; Worship Worship joved. Games conâ€" z relay won by Mrs. pin the tail on the s. D. Burke; potato Ernie Burnette; Miss Charlotte be held on of God is Christ <our >000000000000 08986099088 0409998 %0848088 0400000800008 0 % 90 0# 6 9 "In the passing of W. J. McLean, late manager of the Park Lane Hotel, Norâ€" thern Ontario lost one of its most popâ€" ular hotelmen. Deceased was in his 63rd year and is survived by his wife, and one son, LAC Robert Stewart Mcâ€" Lean, overseas. Three sisters survive. Mrs. John Henderson, Mrs. Carl Sproat, Kappen, Ont., and Mrs. Jessie Fowler, Toronto. "Deceased was born on July 28, 1879, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. Mcâ€" Lean, who settled in Stanley Township Huron County. Heattended the schools near his home later going to Seaforth Collegiate. He was prominent in. the collegiate‘s sports and was a member of the Huron Pootball Club. Manager Passes at Kirkland Lake Word last week from Kirkliand Lake told of the death of a hotel manager widely and favourably known all through Northern Ontario in the perâ€" son of MW. J. McLean, who had manâ€" aged hotels at Kirkland Lake, Hailéyâ€" tury, South Temiskaming, South Porâ€" cupine and Elk Lake, In reference to the death The Kirkland Lake Norâ€" thern News last week had the followâ€" ing: Wellâ€"Known Hotel ‘"Deceased died on New Year‘s Eve following a heart attack that struck him down ,just before five o‘clock in the evening. Medical aid was called but it was of no avail. "In 1907 he took over the manageâ€" ment of a hotel at Elk Lake. Later he moved to South Porcupine where he was engaged in hotel work. Still later he settled in South Temiskaming and for a time managed the Haileybury Hotel. He came to Kirkland Lake 12 years ago and was in charge of the‘Bt. CGeorge Hotel prior to taking over the managership of the Park Lane Hotel i 1914 he married ‘Miss Dora Grace Thorne who survives him. Mrs, Mcâ€" Lean was in Toronto visiting when hex husbhand died. Late W. J. McLean was Formerly at South Poreuâ€" pine. 1 "FPuneral services for the deceased were observed at the Symington Punâ€" eral Parlors, Monday, Jan. 10, at 2.30 o‘clock, the Rev. P. W. Graham officiaâ€" ting. Interment was made in Kirkland District Cemetery. Pallbearer were: W. Ramgay, J. D. MacDonal, C. Thayer, K. H. Kaish, L. Rousson, D. Desgroselâ€" lier" Bingo Played at Mattagami Ladies‘ Club Meeting Next Meeting at Home of Mrs. D. Ellis and Will Take Form of Whist Drive Oldâ€"Time Resident Of Timmins Dies Monday Members ‘of the Mattagami Ladies Club met on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. A. Guindon, 17 Main avenue, to hold their weekly meeting. Throughout the evening, ‘bingo was played by all the ladies present. Prize winners were i1st, Mrs. M. Wallingâ€" ford; 2nd, Mrs. L. Landers, Mrs. R. Lazenby. The evening was completed by a delicious lunch served by the hostess, Mrs. ‘Guindon, assisted by her daughtâ€" er, Florence Guidon. Born in Ttaly, Mr. Quaranto came to Canada about 1912, and had been a resident ‘of the Porcupine camp for 27 years. His illness started about three years ago. Joseph Antonio Quaranto died on Monday, January lith, at his home at 322 Mountjoy south, at the age of 48 years. Funeral services were held Wedâ€" nesday morning at the Sacred Heart Church, with Father Fontana conductâ€" ing the service. Interment took place at the Timmins Roman Catholic cemâ€" etery. The next meeting will take place at the home of Mrs. D. {Ellis, and will take the form ‘of ‘a whist drive. C490 8496068064969 099900906980 0660090460000 40 000000004664 40464 ADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING All Those Interested in Red Cross Work are Urged to Attend p.m. There will be presentation of Reports and the Election of Officers for 1943. The Annual Meceting of the Timmins Branch of the Red Society. will be held in the Council Chambers of the MUNIâ€" CIPAL BUILDING on FRIDAY, JANUARY 22nd, at 8.00 Monthly Meeting of Women of First United Church Following this, the ladies adjourned to the A.RP. rooms at the Municipal Ruilding where they saw and received anstructions in the work of the ARP. Wardens by Mr. George Drew. It ‘proved most helpful and interesting. ~â€" The next meeting of the Association will be held on Thursday, Peb. 4th. The ladies are also planning to hold a sale of homeâ€"baking very shortly, but more will be said about it later. Five Births Registered at Timmins This Woeek _ Whe regular monthly meeting of the PFirst United |Church Women‘s Assocâ€" lation was held in the chur‘ch basement on Thursday ‘afternoon, Jan. 7th at 3 mnm. ‘There were twentyâ€"three ladies present, ‘and Mrs. W. Rinn, president, was in the chair. Dec. 12th, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Mailtais, 77 Balâ€" sain south.â€"a daughter (Marie Rose Jeaanine). Ladies Adjourn to A R. P. Rooms Where They Re- ceive Instructions. Bornâ€"cn Dec. iB42, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Donovan, Riverside Prive.â€"a daughter (Mary Margkre Loretto Lauacillie, * - ec. B6th, 1M43, to Mr and Mrs. Alex Kowal, 2317 Birch north, at ~St. Mary‘s MHospital 4 daughter Maralen Ellea). Bornâ€"On PDec. 15th, 1942%, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bovd Praser, 4 Patâ€" ricia Blud, at St. Mary‘s Hospital~â€"a daughter (Lois McCurdy). At the conclusion of the business poriod, a piano solo by Mts, A. Gamble was very much enjoyed. Staking or Chromite Northwest of Cochrane Bornâ€"On Jan. 4th, 1042, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold William Denman, i(# Eim street "north, at St. Mary‘s Hosâ€" pitalâ€"a daughter (Mary Elizabeth). â€" The New Liskeara Speaker last week says that staking of six claims in Rheaume township, northwest of Cochâ€" rane, where evidences of chromite have been found, it was said, was reâ€" corded on New Year‘s Eve at the Minâ€" ing Recorder‘s office in Haileybury. The transaction was in the name of a Torâ€" onto man named Boylan and associates, it was stated. Some earlier activitiss in ‘that same area was reported last year, other ‘claims ‘being staked in January, 1942, it was stated ‘by N. J. McAulay, the Recorder. Mr. McAuley said that during last yvear things had been rather quiet ‘over much of the territory covâ€" ‘ered by his jurisdiction, but that there had been at «one period considerable activity in the Temagami section. o 22 2 * 2 222 2282282 282242282282 28. .8 #. _ ® 62 21229 aa*‘na*, .0, # _4 e #, .# #. _#,. ®, To o o s o e o s o o s o ho s s o o n * a 4e s 5s * *n 000000000000000"‘?00000000000’0000"000000‘00\000"‘0‘0’"’?0‘0‘?0‘0’.? aite dtveteatolenate tm ealits ate ols e atocfadinat dies e st A CHANGE WILL BE MADE IN TRAIN SERVICE BETWEEN COCHRANE AND MOOSONEE FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1943 Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway For Particulars Apply to Local Agent Effectiveâ€" Friday, â€" January 15, 1943 Change of Timetable WANTED, by the Childrens Aid So«â€" clety, families willing to give homes on a boarding basis to Protestan! children 10 to 14 years of age. If interected, phone 855, or call at Room 4, Municipal Building, Timmins. Death of Baby Boy at the Hospital Here Yesterday Notice is hereby given that my wife, YÂ¥vette Gauthier, having left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any debt contracted by her. (Signed) Paul Emile Gauthier Timnvins, Dec. 30th, 1942 â€" 52â€"1â€"2p Racine Brisbois, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brisbois, 76 Middleâ€" ton avenue, died on Wednesday mornâ€" ing at St. Mary‘s Hospital at the age of 11 months, 2 days. Funeral services were held this afternoon at 3 pm. at the Notre Dame de Lourdes Church, with interment at the Roman Catholic Cemetery. The little boy was horn on February 10th, 1942. CLASSIFIED ADS o A WORND PER INSERTION (minimum 25¢) 14e A WORD PER INSERTION IF CHARGED (Minitfium 35¢) All Classified Advertising must be paid before insertion to obtain cash rate. The Advance will not be responâ€" sible for errors occurring in teleâ€" phoned advertisements, or as a reâ€" sult of copy not carefully, legibly written. Mistakes occurring from these sources are wholly at adverâ€" tiser‘s risk. Mrs. V. Ashby 162 TAMARACK PHO JaANUARY uufTH L A DIES‘ WE A R CHARIS â€"SWAVIS CORSETRY Ee RDorcupinse obanes C. 0. BAKER, Traffic Manager Phone 26 _ _# J . . _Sk, k. . ie 29. 14. .*. .* Ooooooonoooooozooooooo'oooooo?ooooooooootoo. PP PHONF s 1i 60â€"62t1

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