Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 23 Dec 1942, 1, p. 7

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8. L. Mr. N: and hely 1 pupils an entation of S. Jamieson fectiveéely in : pils. ‘The or be treasured were awm‘hi( greates!‘ prog H. Gauthier, of the Knig! very able anm senting the F larship to N The Advance c ing article ten‘ vear cpening of (,I'm ne tian â€" S¢ nizht, Dec. 17th, 1 most imp,{,essive ev some n cated in the premi: . the. Mauple..Lea the most attracti halls in the. Nort] building has bee hauled and remode ed and descorated main floor there is dern type with a guests, and with with honour $tandit middle s cshool depart and in winning it, M leved special honou first time the schola by a Northland stu tra played wery plea check r on this to the building inspiring i M. B. Scott Vocational delivered a advice to y life, Athle Austin Nea! Branch of the Engli £ a play in% C French Student der ths able di: thier. The ever singing of the I Timmins Council No. 2403 Meets 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. Church of the Nativity Parish Hall 8.30 <p.m. J. P. HANLEN, Rec. See. so 18 OI Nationa ally decorated larly good®" ap has beem adde« also is well fini is a goodmkit: storing 108( the plavrcs being â€" tha enjoy this 1 Behool and in The ; W. Tan AALDAAALALAR L L 4A 4 A 044 others, present the The TEN Phone 136 Third Avenue 1 Langdon Langdon ~ASwiss Watchmaker Graduate â€"of the Famous Horologhal Institiite of Switzerland MacBrien JAMES® R. MacBRIEN FRAXK H. BAILEY, LL.B Om The annÂ¥al of the Timn ‘hool held ir hool t#31 yei anding BARRISTERS and SOLICITORS C#‘ Third Avenue en Bank of Commerce Puilding S. A. Caldbick Barristers, Solicitors, Etc MASSEY BLOCK TVMMINS®, ONT. and south Porceupine Barrister, Solicitor AMC TEN YEARS AGO IN TIMMINS } 1¢ (14d aG Timmmins, Ont From data in the Poreupine Adrance Â¥yles Al uimbu Empire Block nIghnest marks i _ the complete t examinations Harkness achâ€" hat being the 1} 11 M imbu then palntâ€", it. On*®the hall of moâ€" nts. nakin 1C OaK rcoms, is are also iling adds art of the o be used tings, and e Croation is artisticâ€" pasemel ‘ and th ever wonxn | ind coom fo rdult Deputy made a imnp A:is M esented in p he idea 3(114 wh )llowâ€" ormal uUpi OV 11 mA nC @rnd 10L he It 11 | pounds of the best food, including a 90 lb. bag of potatces, and the other for small families and carrying 35 to 40 ‘pounds of food. l Among the local and personal items ! in The Advance ten years ago were the .follomnv â€"‘"‘"Mrs. Geo. Harrower has ‘b°en seriously ill at her home during \ the past three weeks with rheumatic |feve1'. Her imany friends wish her a | speedy and complete recovery." "Miss C. Thompson, of Toronto, is visiting friends in town this week." ‘"Bornâ€"On December, 20th, 1932, to Mr. and Myrs. E. J. Nicholls, 12 Elm street northâ€"a |son." "His innumerable friends wil be ’vexy sorry to hear that J. E. Newton '15 seriously ill at present, suffering from pneumonia. At the time of going ‘ to press, however, he is reported as getâ€" ,ting along satisfactorily." "Mrs. T. M. ‘Whlte of Kirkland Lake, was a visitor |this week at the home of her parents in~ Timmins." â€" "Mrs. U. _ C:. Fitzgerald ,waq called to Lucan, Ont., this week, swing to the death of her mother there.‘ Christmas Services at Stâ€" Matthew‘s Church the real purpose of the Stag â€" the colâ€" lection of names, the invcstigation of cases and the packing of the hampers ready for distribution or shipments. That year over 300 hampers were sent out. That meant 300 families who would have a merry. Christmas who otherwise would go very shy indeed. Surely, it was worth while. There were over 28,â€" 000 pounds, or over fourteen tons if you prefer, of food distributed in these Turkey Stag Hampers. There were two styles of hampers used â€" one a large hamper containing about two hundred pounds of the best food, including a 90 Ib. bag of potatces, and the other for small families and carrying 35 to 40 Turkey stag had beer the real purpose of the lection of names, the cases and the packing hours:â€" Thursday night, coonmencin, at 11.30 p.m., carol service, followed b: a celebration of the Holy Communion Christmas; Day, at 11.00 a.m. mornin: Praver and Holy Communion. prefer, Turkey styles C hampe: ief Fund. It he meeting on P.O. Box 1591 16 Arch.Gillies,B.A.Scâ€",0.L.S, Sudbury Sta’r: What with the curlâ€" g season starting there‘ll soon be ore sweeping victories to announce. Bauilding Plans 23 Fourth Ave. P. H. LAPORTE, G. C. A. 10 Balsam St. North, Timmins, Ont. Accounting Auditing Installed Income Tax Returns Filed Phones 270â€"228â€"286 P.O. Boj At St. Matthew‘s Church, Christmas ‘vices will be held at the following urs:â€" Thursday night, conmencing 11.30 p.m., carol service, followed by n years ag CHIROPRACTOR RADIONTCS ANALYSIS Xâ€"RAX â€" _ SHORTWAVE CHARTERED ACCOTNTANT (). E. Kristensen Consultation is Free Bank of Commerce Building PHONE 6097 11 Ontario Land Survevor Registered Architect 60 THIRD AVENTUE Phone 640 se on suriace, igo the Timmins Charity had been in progress â€" be ‘using the hall up in a prominent posi street of Schumache: is convenient for th amp and is lik Estimates, Etce. Phone 362 Timmins, Ont o¢s not include o generously by m National Soâ€" ‘emodelling and and building." of the Timmins other advanâ€" The new hall oation people mmins istmas Oddest Call Received by Timmins Fire Brigade . ~p.Ifn. FPestivals Canada MACKAY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Oddfetiows‘ Hall, Sspruce Street Minister: Rev. Dr. Geo. Aitken, Th.D. 1.00 p.m.â€"Sunday School pened After," : McInnis Buildi childrsn might Rector: Rev. Canon Ciisning. B.A., L 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer 3.00 pm.â€"Sunday School 4.15 pm.â€"Baptisms 7.00 pm.â€"FEFvening Prayer Holy ‘Communion on 1st Sunday of month, at 11 a.m., on 3rd Sunday, at " npm. and on the 5th Sunday and Charming Book of New Fairy Tales Sentenced to a Year in WVholesale Theft Cases Happened who love be delight ones. Th: paper autho wellâ€"} child1 chine a shaft. © The Presbyterian Church in As to the book itself adults and youngsters alike will fall in love with it. Bound in Royal blue plush, a white label bearing the title, the volume is a fine sample of the bookmaker‘s ar‘t. It is elegantly printed in large readable type on beautiful Byronic book laid naper. The illustrations are by the the 2£n 11.00 a.m.â€"Mornin Back." 7.00 p.m.â€"iChristn us a Son is Born" Schweitzer. Sunday Sschool Oddfellows‘ Hall, Spruce Street Nortb sUNXDAY, DECEMBER 2th, 1942 ""HRTSTIAN SCTIENCE®" andad 1€ 0 45 Christian Science Society Mountjoy United Church First United Church Timmins Minister: REV. W. M. MUSTAERD, M.1A.. £.D 45 a m.â€"â€"Morning Worshin 1 t 7.00 pm.â€"Service. Oddfellows Hall, Spruce St You Are Woelcome wWas PE 100 Mountjoy street 8. Minister REV. E. GILMOURâ€"SMITII. B.A 2.00â€"for 8 years and under, Christmas Day Serviceâ€"1l1 a.m Church Directory St. Matthew‘s Church ha iround a thousand Goliars and ‘om tires to toys and from furs to lacks. Magistrate Atkin:on sentâ€" the accused to one yrear on each e more serious charges and si> is on each of the others, the ces to run concurrently. under dit awled e the dear old hted with thes Happened After , Atrakes up a n wn old fairy have loved for s original and t limg 11 IOF All 1 for all unds Morning Wor 1 on th 8.30 a.m sundavy schoaool inday Service inde1 1 his ile 11 A 1 1e B and 1 ion After", the title of a number of the riry stories that d for generations, ind thrilling sequels ‘s, showing "What All yvoungsters old fairy tales will charming new ies of "What Hapâ€" > Book Nsok in the nd all interested in j0n to J 9.30 p.m called up the ‘€k,. Her dog washing maâ€" aught in the him out, and howl. interested 1 1e charmin ad hip NC zeant ed Bb d by the Mtr. W. there be : breaki ind hav Room, Mc rth. Oper emanded 1J ainother e with 16 ne LlLL partlIcuUtiariy â€"Inferestedâ€" inâ€"the . biind, taking a great hand in many of the important events in honour of them. For the past few years, inportant matâ€" ters in relation of the blind, have been well taken care of by the LO.DE.. A yearly event is the Blind tag day, and for the past two years the 1.0.D.E. have sponsored a Christmas banquet to honâ€" cur the blind of the district. A blind committee has been formed, with Mrs. Dorway as honorary convener, and Mrs. E. Robinson, Schumacher, as convener. The committee consists of Mrs. T. E. Pritchard, Miss Ellen Terry, Mrs. J. Theriault, Mrs. H. Lloyd, Mrs. L. Halâ€" perin, Mrs. W. Menear, Mrs. A. FP. Carâ€" rierre, Mrs. A. Shaheen, Mrs. J. Keene, the Regent and Mrs. H. Lang. This committee has done very effective work for the past three years, taking care of all matters pertaining to the Blind, and having many forms of entertainment for them. Treneer presented a very effective adâ€" dress to the guests basing his topic or hi« good friend, Rev. W. M. Mustard who was the next spsaker on the proâ€" gramme. Addresses were also given by Mapor E. Brunetts, Father Martindale Father Murray, and Mr. Austin Neame For a grgeat number of years, Mrs. L Dorway, has been honorary convene; of the Blind committee. She has beer particularly interested in the blind taking a great hand in many of the I. O. D. E. Christmas § Banquet Thursday Night: in Honour of the Blind Ladies‘ that wa ening. All thi Ladies‘ Auxilia ship of Mrs. W dent. The kit Mrs. George, c of the district, and a great numbe turned out for the evening. Many o the blind and their escorts were preser these including Mr. Herbert Trenesr Mrs. Nick Reechia, Miss Sadie McCo * man Mr. Bruce McColeman, Mrs. Beau champ, Mrs. Marie Langlois, Mr. Arthu Gr:en, Miss Fugiens Enright, Mr. H Leclair, Mrs. S. Anthony, Miss Nosell: Bastarache. and Mr. John Kalorowish Miss Rose Lamo Ansara,Mr. Arthu Florence Barnes. Auxili Christmas Evening. Many Distribution of ( Evening. eated at ronoured ind lint master â€" of cf er presented : to the guests ood friend, Re , Miss Fugiens Enrigh r, Mrs. S. Anthony, M rache, and Mr. John K who were unable to c Rose Lamoureux., Mr. TTMMIYN J 1 The kitch@n . eorge, conven r.:and Mrs. J. ding at the he ene, Regent of at her left an ed guests, Ma: t Rev at deal of er Auxiliary for s sorved, and pre en Mrs. J. Smith. t the head table was Mrs. egent of the T.0O.D.E., and left and right were the sts, Mavor Brunite, Mr. e*r, Rev. W. M. Mustard, tard, Father Murray, Faâ€" a 1 3€ 1€ was arranged by the under the converorâ€" A. Devine, past presiâ€" i¢n sttff consissed of avenor, Mrs. A. Borâ€" eremonli of about 40 i1 Christma Oorder | VÂ¥Adq dit is due to the he excellent meal for the enjoyvable later in tiig evâ€" arranged by the e to come were Mr. Solomon cival, and Miss th Attended. Guest Speakers Present. Banquet at Legion Hall Thursda\}; t iifts. All Present Enjoy Pleasant | tasty tu he gues bangtu Da Another Big List of Donations to the Christmas Seal Fund Cary, J. Caddy, Fred Carpenter. Miss Amelia Chopp, James Cowan, J. A. Cronmiller, Gordon Daey, Josepun E. Disley, John Easterbrook, H. Esselâ€" tine S. P., Mrs. W. D. Eldridge, Harold C. Emerson, Ettore Fabro, D. J. Falconâ€" er, Sadye Fraser, Sgt. J. G. Gariepy, Thomas Gay, Mrs. Ellen Good, Roy Hamilton. T. A~, Hart 8. P.:.: .t H tIamr. spent in j direc‘tion « participat com Ths Rice, Ernest C. Rodwavy, Mrs. D. Saudâ€" ino, W. R. Sullivan, Mrs. V. Tcderon, S P SH. L. Travers, Mrs. J.;S. Urduâ€" hart, Thomas Vansickle, Edgar Welt, A. C. White, Hovle, Jas. A. SBiva, Hoyle, L. Mousseau, Hoyle, Chas, E. Alton, Hoyle, Nelson Woolcocks. Afp3, 1. D . ASRICY, J.â€" AFAKANA Dr. J. E. Lewi N Ludgate, S. P., J. 13. MacDonald, J G. Malkin, Gecorge Monâ€" doux, G. L. McDonald, M. McKinnon Mrs. Hector McQuarrie, A. Neamse, J W. Parrerson, E. Pe‘ricola, Ernest Poolâ€" €y, T. E. Pritchard, G. Reardon, W. A. Tu} adeath first C loveliness, â€" to all who tween Tub harson ino., Al E. 1 and to M ng 11 vou Seals at an already dor sters of Ass A highlight stribution < Mi HC mt ret Auger, H. T. Bart 1, SP., G. Hilbrough, Burkholder. Miss H hn3 ‘rculosis i in Canad be i plaving | n of Mr. H [eDT 1g a h¢ Karl De Al i6 nks are due to the C1 1v Music School. evening, was the ifts to the blind sizes, ‘shapes, and ped and pleasing them. were presâ€" H Th all pupil Music S¢ adies‘ Auxiliar: imner and provid rytamme. cul irimand Stanley Regent > evenin under th In thi remselves hnalf d Rid: in iInt )e atol: tam of the I.‘ South Porcupine, Dec. 22nd. Special to The Advance. iing was The S. Porcupine Fire Department the able| had a getâ€"together and happy Christâ€" i this, all| mas party on Friday in the Fire Hall. lves imâ€"| Gifts were exchanged and the boys preâ€" ! sented the Chief with a very fine perâ€" ue to the | sonal gift. Dr. Harper was an honourâ€" in affair,! ed guest. It had been decided that â€" t. Credâ€"| cwing to warâ€"time conditions; and the Auxiliary | candy supply â€" to send a telegram to d provid-{ Santa Claus telling him not to come to ai 5. Marâ€" P. Beiâ€" Briden, . 1Dye, Farquâ€" d i bDe in South Porcupine Fire Dept. Christmas Party M Gordon Kilbey, A. C. King, Mrs. M. Lawlor, J. Lucciantonio, John K. Little, Mrs, A. Long, Miss Germaine Mallette, J. Murray Martin, Reggis McDonald, McIntyre Mines Ltd., Chester MacEl!lâ€" wee, J. F. McNamara, H. J. Murray, John Peddeér, D. R. Paver, Joseph Poâ€" lice, Miss Hilda Ross, Walttr Rowe, Emmett Stark, L. Tanner, Joseph A. Tapper, Samuel Tennyson, A. Venne, Paddy White, Ralboh Wood, S. P., A. W. Young, Mike Zadworny. ; John W. Fogg, Limited 0%0%¢0¢ 000 8e 000080000008 00800009000 eb o0 ¢ 0 00 0 d h 0 6 04 % 88 e the Community Christmas trse this year, but at this party they decided to recall the telegram. So Santa Claus may not have any candy but he will have som®ething for every boy and girl who greets him outside the Fire Hall at 6.30 pm. on Wednesday night â€" TOâ€" NTGHT! O 0 000 % 0000400080408 00090 00080006 0060006 600600 ¢% 000004696 da, L. VH J. R. Walk Deéecembe ‘Ski, R. I Po (0 0 hont a 5 11 YARD SCHUMACHER PHONE 725 WARâ€"TIME TRAVEL TIP NO. 3 Thoms Order Your Coal NOW from Fogg‘s . _ C,. Ramsay. . Max Rosent Schwab. Miss ber 18 â€"E. M. Astiby, Jules Baâ€" . L. Bassett, Gold Centre, John E. Beaulne, Ross R. Beattie, urdon, Harry Costain, S. P., S. Willis J. Dillon, Fred Dwyer, W. Penn, Peter Jeffrevy, Mrs. Lumber, Cement, Building Material, Coal and Coke, Mine and Mill Supplies RD OFFICE YARD BRANCH OFFICE CHER TTMMINS KIRKLAND LAKE E 725 PINIONXE 117 PHONE 393 e Bbasw‘t learned to TIAVEL EIGHT Z Fred Tomkin=> ‘. G. Turner, M ‘i, D. B. Walk: eston‘s Bread . «. D. D., P PennsyIvania Anthracite Purity Egg Steam Coal hal, Wm. J. B. M. Shaw. I M. Powley, Har ie, J. K. Rambe e . T. Ravynsfo By Product Coke E. M. T B. Tem 81 Poultry Whist Drive of the Ladies® Auxtlhiary tables for the everting. Prize winners were Ladies: ist, Mrs. Hunt, a chicken: nd, Mrs. Roberts, a chicken: 3rd, Mrs. Bezanson, a ham. CGer chickd Three weeks ago her nerves were all upset, she was cross and irritable, had no appetite, quarrelled with her school pals and worried her parents. But, you should see her now since using Dr. Chase‘s Nerve Food. New pep and energy give her coursge and confidence and she is ready to tackle anything. Young people, boys and girls, respond quickly to the upbuilding influence of Dr. Chase‘s Nerve Food. Many of them need just such help at this critical time of life. School Girl Nerv es Marne Stoker a Mr HMorne M whist drive. For s and hams were There were ten mbers of the Canadian Leâ€" hall to hold Smith, : chicken

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