Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 23 Dec 1942, 1, p. 3

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Mr. Max Ryan, of Queen‘s University, Kingston, arrived this week to spend a few weeks with his family. Miss iversity, King Christmas hol Mrs. Ge on Sunda her parer LAC.: F Bodell of leave in t college daving Sergea spending Dome E: Pte, C. E. McBurney, Provost Camp Borden, was a weekâ€"end to town. Gunner Mike Kuinka, R. C. A., Petâ€" ewaw#; arrived this week to spend Christmas weekâ€"end with his wife. Mr. John Roy, of St. Patrick‘s Colâ€" lege, Ottawa, arrived in town last week to spend the Christmas holidays with his family. Pte. Leo Barrette, Provost Corps at Camp Bordén, spent the weekâ€"end in town with his family. Corporal "Gig Trenton, will be mas weekâ€"end i Miss Ruby Patterson, left this week for her home in Guelph to spend the Christmas holiday. Mrs. H. H. Sinclair, of Toronto, is at presont visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I._K. Pierce, Birch south. Mr. fildega "Bas" Bastien, of Cornâ€" wall, artived this week to spend the Christmas holiday with his family. AC2 Ellis Matson, R.CA.F., will spend Christmas weekâ€"end at his home in town,. Mis Zemelia A mas weekâ€"end a Lake. Wilfred R spending his family. wa, 1sS Spe town with Tom McFadden, R. C. A. P., Trenton, is spending a few days in town this week with his wife. Mr. Leo Bandiero, of Queen‘s Unizyerâ€" sity, Kingston, is spending a few weeks at his LKome in town. On and after January 2nd. 1943, the Town of Timmins will accept advance payments to apply on 1943 taxes, and will allow a disgcount at the rate of approxiâ€" mate 3% % per annum to due date: Due date for payment of 1943 Taxes are as follows: FIR®ST INSTALMENTâ€"50@% DUE JUNE 4th, 1943 . SECOND INSTALMENTâ€"350® DUE SEPTEMBER 10th, 1943 4% Penalty will be added to unpaid balance after due date. Tax Prepayment Receipts will be issued for advance payments made on of before May 15th, 1943, at| the rates shown in the schedule below. No Tax Preâ€" payment Receipts will be issued after May 15th, 1943. Ir. L. Dupuis left this week for Monâ€" «real, where he will vist at his home. Ee Prepayment of‘taxes is a means of saving to the taxpayer who takes adyv * s anâ€" tage of it and is also of assistance to your municipality in improving its financial position. Your coâ€"operation is requested to make theiplan as successful as in the past.. TIMMINS, oNTâ€"DEC. 2, 1943 51 . 14gâ€"*_ Louis Doiron, R.C.A.F., Trentor, Ont., will spend a few days in town this week renewing old acquaintances. TOWN OF TIMMINS 1943 Tax Prepayment Discount Pte. Mirn HMHancock, Provost Corps amp Borden, was a weekâ€"end visitot t his home here. CGinr. Joe Gibbon, R. C. A., Petawaâ€" a. is spending a feow days‘ leave in WEDNEELAY, DEXCEMBE Zird, 10942 2â€"Jan. 13 16â€"Jan. 31 1â€"Feb. 15 16â€"Feb,. 38 1â€"â€"Mar. 15 16â€"Mar. 31 1â€"Apr. 15 16â€"Apr. 390 I.««May Helen M« at Ottaw ition to the a 1 instaliment | in town Hanson, of Quegeen‘s Unâ€" ton, is spending the lay with her mother. COx~T OF TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS 1943 of Wind:p1 7 will spend Christâ€" home at Kirklind a few wee}:s wilth i Mrs. S. Habib. nding the Christâ€" 1€ 18.74 19.77 19,80 19.83 19.86 19.88 19.91 19.94 19.97 49.42 49.50 49.57 49.71 49.178 498.86 48,.93 1M attending sent holiâ€" arrived TpPS, visitor 101 Mr. Allan Kesley, of Queen‘s Univerâ€" sity, Kingston, is spending the Christâ€" mas holiday with his parents, Mr. and and Mrs. D. Keeley, McIintyre Property. Fusiliér Rino Marin Fusiliers, at Niagar: spending a leave in tov ily. Mr. Eric Arnott, who is attending Queen‘s University, Kingston, is visâ€" iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Arnott, Schumacher. Dr. C. M. Boutin lef Ottawa where he c Christmas holiday. Mr. Jack Carson, of Queen‘s sity, at Kingston, returned to his on to spend the Christmas hnoliday with his parents. LAC Harry McFadden, RCAFP., St. Hubert‘s, Montreal, will arrive toâ€"morâ€" row to spend Christmas weekâ€"end in town. AC2 Henry Kelneck, R. C. A. F., Laâ€" chine, Quebec, will arrive toâ€"morrow to spend a few days in town with his wiie, Mtrs. Kelneck, who arrived here a few weeks before from Lachine. Mr. and Mrs. L. Nicholson, 58 Holâ€" linger avenue, Timmins, announce th engagement of their daughter, Rosa, t« sergeant Wireless Airâ€"Gunner, Ovilis Fink, RCAF., son of Mr. and Mrs. J Fink, Cochrane. The wedding plans ar indefinite. Miss Helen Ru rived on Monday with her paren Russell. Lawrence Fraser, R. C. A. F., of Banâ€" dry Bay, B. C., is visiting at present with his brother and sister, Ira and Sadye Fraser. Corporal Ronald A. Pond, RC.AEF., of Newfoundland, arrived on Saturday to spend a week in town. He was joined by his wife, Mrs. Pond, who had been visiting in Toronto. AC2 Tom Shub, R. C. A. F., Lachin( Quebec, is spending the Christmas hol iday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shub, Fourth avenue. Miss Myra Cantor, of Queen‘s Uniâ€" versity, Kingston, arrived this week to sjend the Christmas holiday with her famiy. » Mr. Jack Shaheen, of Toron‘o, Wiil spend the Christmas weekâ€"end with his family in town, and in Cochrane with relatives. Bill Carson, of the R.C on Saturday to spend t holidays with his parents, P. H. Carson. Allan Dodds, R.CA., Mont: spending the Christmas holida his mother, Mrs Plorence Do Fourth avenue. Friends here who had the pleasure of meeting PFit. Lieut. J. G. Jenkins, Medical Officer from the RC.AF. Reâ€" cruiting Station at North Bay, wiil be interested to know that he has been transferred to No. 5 SP.TS. at Brantâ€" ford. @1 week a no Marin, of the Scots Niagaraâ€"onâ€"theâ€"lake, is ave in town with his famâ€" A. L SHAW, Treasurer 19 197, 198 RL.C.A., Montreéal al {Hollinger Greenshirts and Buffalo Ankerite Battle to : a 6â€"6 Tie Last Friday Night on Sunda 498 499 n ie Christm Mr. and M Toro 995.64 997 .03 998.54 are 90 ‘ The Bisons got relief when Morris broke away with H. Carnegie. With only one man back, Herbie slipped the dise over to Barney who was in the clear; he drew out Bentley to make it five to two. With the Bisoms shortâ€"handed when The Greensh and penned the Kemp was luck one was not so guessed them. Maki finally beat him from a combination play by Morris and Smith. Just before the gong, Cecchini, Richâ€" er and Delmonte combined; the latter sri0t and then raced in to bang home his own rebound. The third period was all Hollinger after the first few minutes in which Bentley was called on to save from the Carnegis Brothers. The lead was cut when Pontello and Petrucci went in on Kemp, the latter beating him on a nice shot. The Greenshirts ran into some trouble when McKay was banished, and as; he came on Tallo went off, but they backâ€"checked and Bentley was not in serious trouble. Hollinger Fought the Hard Way, Coming from Behind a Four Goal Deficit to Tie It Up. The Game Was Wide Open and Clean. At the halfâ€"way mark Delmonte brought the score down on a pass from Gordon and McKay. The play was wide open now with each team making rushes. goalmouth in knocked the puck was go lying down t put his hand t+ha ribhbhar i1 }€ Kemp was lucky on several shots, and one was not so lucky, lying across his goalmouth in a scrimmage. Kolvachuk knocked the puck for the goal. The puck was going past the post. Kemp lying down thought it was going in, put his hand over his head and siteered the rubber in for a score. Kovalchuk got credit for the goal. While Cecchini and Patton were off for roughing, the Greenshirts had it their own way, and Petrucci cut the lead down on a pass from Dawson. Mrs. E. Ellies and family, of Kirkâ€" land Lake, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Ellies, of Timmins. Miss Joanne Langdon of Queen‘s University, Kingston, is spending the Christmas holidays at her home. Mr. Ernie Ellies, of Windsor, is at present visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, Ellies, Third avenue. Seaman Dave Weymss, of the Royal Canadian Navy, is at present visiting his wife in town. The Greenshirts got their chance when Maki was banished for highâ€" sticking Cecchini, and they made good 1t Mrs. Jessie Richmond, of Toronto, is spending the Christmas holidays in town. VE Mr. Mack Baker, of Toronto Univerâ€" sity, is in town for the Christmas holiâ€" days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Baker, Spruce north. ire Pte. Elmer Wheeler and Mrs. Wheeler re at present visiting at the horne f{ Pte. Wheeler‘s parents. Pte. Patricia Jones, C.W.A.C., of Torâ€" 1ito, is spending a short leave in town. Mr. "Red" Deluca of Queen‘s Uniâ€" 1JY Miss Betsy Dodge, of Toronto Uniâ€" rsity, is visiting her parents, Mr. and r‘s. W. R. Dodge, Tamarack street. Mr. Fred Milne, of Toronto Univet y, is spending the holidays with hi mily in town. i her fami LK e. Connie Lejambs, CW.AC., Kitâ€" ier, is spending the week in town 1¢ ncega ays with his A. J. Shragge mas ho Allan Wetmore of Western Uniâ€" .. London, Ont., arrived home »ek to spend the Christmas holiâ€" lack King ‘r a minute of play in the i, 0. Carnegie grabbed the own blue line, played the right through the Greenâ€" e and let a hot one go that all the way. nearly made it five on the shot hitting the post. ishirts found their stride ‘he Bisons in the blue line. ton, is spending idays in town. o0 ind( il B( did e of Osgoode hall, >â€"day to spend the parents, Mr. and ree on a pass serving a pe OM 2( ring on a pa out Bentley ninute later | everything but final punch in sericd that has again fai down the > rubber er H. down Irom nalty THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TTMMINS, ONT ‘od YN Hollinger:»â€"Goal, Bentley; defence Tallo and Ma«Kay:; centre, Petrucci: Wings. Pontello and Kovalchuk: alterâ€" when Kovalchuk tied up the game with McKay and Petrucci getting the assist. The Bisons got another chance to go ahead when Dawson went to the cooler, but they could not break through. The overtime was fast, open hockey and both goalâ€"keepers were kept busy, with Greenshirts having a little edge on the play. The Bisons were lucky to come off with a tie, and everybody gasped when a shot was going into the corner of the net., Kemp had the good luck to get his skate to it as he was sprawled on the 102 nates, Smith, Rither, Dawson, Cecch ini, Delmonte and Gordon. Buffaloâ€"Ankerite: CGoal Kemp; deâ€" fence, Patton and Morris; centre, H. Carnegie; Wings, 0. Carnegie and Defelâ€" ice: alternates, Belanger, Romanick, Maki, Prentice and Smith. First Period Ankerite â€" Maki (Smith .......... 4.23 Ankeriteâ€"H. Carnéegig}............... 5.57 Ankerite â€" Patton (Maki) ........ 16.09 Penalties â€" Dawson. Second Period Ankerite â€" O. Carnegle ... Hollingerâ€"â€"Kovalchuk .. j Hollinger â€"â€" Petruccei (Dawson) Ankerite â€" RNéorris (H. Carnegi¢) Ankerite Maki (Morris, On and after December 21st it is unlawful to sell or buy butter at retail without the surrender of the proper coupons, Brown coupons, Nos,. 1 to 11, "Spare ‘C " from Ration Book Number 1 now in the hands of the public, are to be used for this purpose. Each Brown coupon, Nos. 1 to 11, "Spare *C " entitles the holder to buy one week‘s supply, Only Coupons for butter, like those for Sugar, Coffee and Tea (the red and green coupons) must be detached by, or in the presence of any seller of butter or his employee, If desired, consumers may lodge their THERE ARKE HEAVY PENALTIES F OR BREAKING THESE REGUL ATION 8 Butter Holdings Exceeding More Than One Pound per Person Must Be Reported and Coupons Surrendered Consumers or nonâ€"registered boarding houses having in their possession the equivalent of more than one pound of butter for each person in the household, must before January 3, 1943, report their holdings to the nearest office of this Board. They must forward with their reports the number of butter coupons representing their butter holdings, If the quanâ€" On and after December 28, retailers mus of butter from their suppliers by turni coupons cquivalent to the poundage of | 1 45 6.31 8.6560 All Brown Coupons on Temporary Ration Cards issued to members of the armed forces on leave, visitors to Canada, etc., are good after December 21. ‘______.,‘.________ D e Death of Mrs. J. R. Gordon Last Month at Toronto the produ« prices quot compared city prices there was 6f the last Smith) .. Hollings Richer) Penaltic Belanger. Hollingeé Hollinger McKayvy) Hollinger â€" Kova Peéetrucci) o Penalties â€" McK Dawson. Mr. Gort been living af the pio ba The ration is oneâ€"half pound of butter per person, per week. ead No Score No Penaltic NOTE: Brown Coupon No. 2, "Spare ‘C " will be good for use only during a 7â€"day periodâ€"December 28 to January 3. Brown Coupons Nos. 1, and 3 to 11, "Spare °C‘ ", can be used within 2â€"week periods. Coupon Number and 4 and 6 and 8 and 10 Dates When Butter Coupons Become Useableâ€" and Expire im Third Period Special Notice to Retailers Kovalchuk Overtime Delmont Petrucci (Pontello Delmonte (Gordon s adv @bly Temporary Ration Cards V lo, Maki lers must establish their right to purchase new supplies by turning over to the supplier currently valid ration Alage of butter ordered from the suppliers. McEK a Good for Purchase December December january 4 January 18 February 1 February 15 March 1 be 16 gin:iing 10 Mrs. H. Mabbett Dies at the Age of Eigchtyâ€"two Ye;: Christmas Party of the South Porcupine Kiwanis Bardessono Block Falcon Shoe Store Brown coupons, Nos. 1 to Â¥1 "Spare ‘C * can be used for the purchase of butter. Each coupon becomes good on a definite date and expires on a definite date . . . and can be used only within its prescribed period, as given below. The system for buiter is different from that apply. ing to Sugar, Coffee and Tea, where coupons have no specified expiry date. butter coupon sheets with their retailers, so that the latter may detach the required coupons when delivering. tity of buiter in possession of such persons represents more than the eleven brown coupons in Ration Book No. 1, which will be sood for buiter, they must in their reports undertake to detach from future ration books, additional butter coupons equal to the remainder of the surplus, Oor €¥» 0 With Shoes Chosen from Our Complete Stock. FALCON SHOES STEP OUT IN STYLE ARE BETTER SHOES FOR LESS MONEY Remember Not Good for Purchase After Monda January 17 January 31 February 14 February 28 March 14 January January January 22nd. Special at Timmins were unâ€" :« T Ottawa, Decembey: 21, 1942 Hut JAYP Air John McLellan, Paul Pearce, Dick Pearce, Colman Ferrigan, Cletus Sulâ€" livan, Stewart Macdonald Tommy Ganâ€" non, Roy Farrell, Don Somerville and Billy Pearce. Pauline Maedonald, June Logan and Greta Macdonald. 1t altér Winchell: B4 )le are accidents o itiful old people ar ok the giflts ijrom ‘he Chr nd presented them to the ‘rs, These were "exchange _ the members They all accompanied on the piano I 1 M. Smith. EYES EZFZ,.AMINED FITTED Irvin Rosner, R. 0. BUCOVETSKY BLDG 21 TYird Ave. Cim: EYE*,/! GHT SPECIALIST For AFpointment Phone 1877 1€ and madae a inecluding a "With Scien‘ffic Accuracy by nt were wresented with a girl with a box nta Claus, who n the Christmas em to the Club "exchange" gifts Thexy all sang ano by Kiâ€" Timmins young But up gart. ho

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