Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 9 Jul 1942, 1, p. 4

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Miss Jeannette Garrette, the lovely dancer whose performances highlighted the Legion Carnival at the McIntyre Wedding vlans. . . on August 3rd, at the home of the brideâ€"toâ€"be, Miss Marâ€" jJorie Judd will become the bride of Mtr. Herkh Mitchell of Timmins. . . Marij, as she is known to her many friends, is one of the popular empnloyees of the Sam Bucovetsky store in Timmins, and was entertained on Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Babe Thiffault, a "counter friend". . . .among the guests were the members of the store staff, who showered her with many lovely gifts for her new home. Toâ€"morrow night . . . at the Gold Ridge Stock Farm . . . in Golden Tity . will take place the Second Annual Kinsmen Barn Dance .. are you ready for a good time . . . an evening of inâ€" formal fun and merriment. . .an evenâ€" ing that you‘ll remember ‘till the next time . . . better plan on a costume that will give you plenty of freedom for both square and round dancing . .. and get together all your frends who like to enjoy life . . . music will be by Henry Kelneck‘s orchestra. . . . Wwhile also in the : Chinese maples of diff« The cactus plant, which does not bear pretty blossoms with dainty perfumes, was one of the featured attractions at the Annual Rose Show held on Friday evening in the Masonic Hall . . . to the many who visited the hall, the cactus had as great an attraction as the roses, peonies, pansies, and other flowers that made a colourful garden of the hall . . . seventy varieties of the southern plant were displayed by Mr. W. Eeclestone, the plants being all shapes and sizes and names . . . Oné of the oddities was the grafting of a cactus to a rose tree JEWELLER â€" OPTOMETRIST Third Ave. at Cedar Street finger, left hand, placed there by John Barabus. . . . . wedding plans indefinite, but both Doris and her fiance are receiving the best wishes of their many friends. Engaged. . . Doris Wright, of the S. S. Kresge staff, is wearing a brand new diamond on her third finger, left hand, placed there by . . although there will be no busiâ€" ness meetings until September. one of the events planned for the same month, is the draw for a pair cf white wool blankets ... this event was discussed at the knitting meetâ€" ing held Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. T. Scott . . . and furâ€" there plans will probably be made at the next few meetings. _ Of course, the blossoms of the cut flowers were beautiful enough to be amazing . . . to the onlooker it seemed that the judges were to be sympathized with, for they had a difficult task in choosing the three winning exhibits in each group ... special displays included those of the McIntyre, Hollinger and Buflaloâ€"Ankerite Mines, and the guests who visited the hall, marâ€" velled at the variety and perfection of the blooms . . . all proceeds go to the Bombed Victims fund. Members of the Gold Nugget Reâ€" bekah Lodge are already makins plans for their activities in the fall And in these troubled times of ou Save from destruction‘s dreadt powers : And for our aamy on the land We pray for victory by Thy hand We know if we believe in Thee For us there will be victory. Lord we breath a For gallant men Fight nobly and Their own dear | live. Dropped Between Stitches TAKE NOTICE THAT QUEEXNX AVENUE from Waterloo Road to Rea Street and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the directly on the work 1. The Council of the Corporation of the construct a local improvement Sanita: street â€"*"*Young Canada P Canadian Girl» 4. The said Board may approve of the said work be before doing so it may appoint a time and place whe the said work will be constdered. Dated at Timmins, Ontario m‘vsx\ss\ss\\\s\vsvsxsms\x\‘\\\x\\\\\\\\%\3 | 4* 44 4* 4* * * * % * Heaven n for o Notice of Intention to Construct n attraction as the roses, ‘s, and other flowers that ful garden of the hall . . . ies of the southern plant d by Mr. W. Eeclestone, ing all shapes and sizes . One of the oddities was the aggressor, ing an import: date, at: theâ€" P: place a Chines all nroceeds wil} War Relief Pu programme wil [ x cactus to TO8C NE | !._. . ... Loo N. Boarc pl be made by the proval of the unc wentvâ€"one days : 1202 "orporation of the Town of Timmins intends to rovement Sanitary Sewers on the following by une 27th, 1942 B*y Ann ork is $2,025.75 of which $387.26 is to e estimated cost per foot frontage is to be paid in ten equal annual instalâ€" rate per foot frontage is $0.21. the reception which followed the cerâ€" emony, and was held at the home of the bride‘s narents on Tamarack Street the bride‘s cake brought many compliâ€" ments to the friend, Mrs. John Gurnell, who had nrepared and iced it. . . .and, in keeping with the warâ€"time restricâ€" tions the bride‘s table bore "war cakes," prepared without butter, eggs or sugâ€" ar. . . .the table decerations were supâ€" plied by Mrs. W. W. White, Mrs. John Gurnell, and Miss Eugenia Young, and were a masternpiece of clever decoratâ€" . the summer flowers which adorned the church were from the garâ€" dens of Mrs. Ronald Vary, Mrs. Maurâ€" ice Williams Mrs. John Gurneli, Miss Ellen Harkness, and Mrs. W.W.White ...... unfortunately, ancther friend, Miss Bettvy Simuson, who was to have also attended the bride, was called to Toronto just before the wedding. . .and unfortunately, also, the bride‘s father was taken ill the day of the wedding, but his daughter was given in marriage by a family friend, Mr. Ronald Vary. Just as the new Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wismer left the First United Church on Tuesday afterncon, the sun came from behind the cloud, just to say "happy the bride the sun shines on toâ€"day‘"‘. . . .. Sergeantâ€"Observer Krank Wismer and his bride, the former Alice Dodge, were followed by the bride‘s six attendants, the grcomsman, and the ushers, making a very attractive bridal party. ... at the reception which followed the cerâ€" aclress made ner urst visiIt t0 limmins last week, and wilt return during the weekâ€"end to take nart in the programâ€" me. mous Cn unteéer w in Canac 1noIt n j Corporatior lertaking oi ‘"Down by the River", is the name of a popular song. . . .and it‘s also the description of the setting yesâ€" terday afternoon for the Women‘s Institute tea held at the home of Mrs. A. J. MacDonald. . the charâ€" ming MacDonald home is right aâ€" the gold district. elled throughout : visiting New Yor where she met an esg iidy, ThE aAactress, Anna May Wong. . . .another highlight of the performance will be a Chinese faâ€" shion show, which will include the display of ancient Chinese costumes bearing the heavy sequins, and made of the bright colours of the past. . ...several Chinese girls from cther noints in Canada will be in town for the mcodelling, and a few of the local Chinecse women will offer their services. shion show, which display of ancient bearing the ese lady, the actr Wong. . . .another performance will b ‘_The concert begirs at 8.30 in the evening, and Mow O will not only sing Chinese sel but will entertain in other n semble f¢c visit to t the gold [te ul dadin m in Sinapore, n singing to audiene it . ner natl n Canada arious nat mm .A tennis s bought a Jea ed inese actress who I rar relief work for da during the nast s vetry; well known 1€ ggemen in, Me} 1€ ‘ the wn. * 16 the Ontario Muniâ€" said work and any publication of this work being underâ€" jas mad C 16 the land abuttin Mi complete new enâ€" ort during her last . .as a souvenir of . . Sshe has trayâ€" the United States, k and Hollywood, other noted Chinâ€" of ... . . on that theatre, will take acert, from which ised for the Chinese . featured on the Mow Ong Sue, faâ€" s who has done volâ€" rk for her country 1e nast five years. . known to the peoâ€" mad Ccal Ba nted singer,. and visit to Timmins turn during the at 8.30 o‘clock ‘ _setting yesâ€" the Women‘s the home of .~.‘ .the charâ€" Â¥AlT iken but ctions to nad includt s with m the H Sus > Women‘s Institute Holds : Successful Afternoon Tea Mrs., A. J. MacDonald is Hostess at YVery Enjoyable Afterâ€" noon Event. All Proceeds to be Used for W. I. War Work. Summer Flowers Brighten Attractive Setting. du Mrs. 8. L. Whitehead was another voâ€" cal soloist whose songs pleased the group, while Miss Doris MacDonald gave several fine piano solos. Mrs. C. Briggs, war services convener, was in charge of the raffliing of a beauâ€" tiful hosoked rug. dsnated hvâ€" Mrs Mrs. M. E. Williams Tells of Rice Bow! Party Seen in 1940 Ha hC on t tion: aecorated with flags a didn‘t get far witho offlicial Rice Bowl bu ind tior. ind rives Picture of What Timâ€" mins People May Expect On Saturday. 12 AC1 TuUn long the banks of the Mattagami River,. only a few vards over the bridge, and vesterday afternoon the guests at the tea envied the hostess her home. .. which acts as a sumâ€" mer home and winter home, too. . . those guests, of course, were numâ€" erous, as they are at all W.I. events, and the precseds of the successful tea will go a long way in helping the organization in its war work..... a srpecial feature was the drawing for a beautiful hooked rug donated by Mrs. Campbell, of 162 Cedar street south, and won by Mrs. Fred Charbonneau, now of Arnprior but while resident in Timmins, was Disâ€" trict Director of the Women‘s Instiâ€" tute. . and to those who are wonâ€" dering about the sugar, since the new rationing came into effect. . . . some of the sugar used was donated by the hostess, while most of it was left over from the last W. T. event. 1M 1€ rices, while v rned the sun â€" @ hostess, M\ YOUR OP PORTUNITY 1O BE A NURSE! C The Superintendent of Nurses of St. Mary‘s Hospital will be in her office from 9.30 to 10.30 a.m. and 2 to 5; 7.30 to 8.30 pm. to interview applicants for the Fall Class in the 3 years Course of Nursing. Apâ€" plicants must be 18 years of age and have a minimum educational standing of four Trainiss School Office Mn ha Dije Phone 836 or 850 between the above hours preside first â€" recciv by th ndiviciuUAl ira and LOPYV, . Jack he afternbon, Mrs d several niano janied Mrs. J. Grif Timmins, Ont., or J. McGa were it Mrs. irman. Griffin il 1s Cne ol the feéeatures events in this district. was another voâ€" e songs pleased the [iss Doris MacDonald ind Ainson convened the y Mrs. G. Kirk, Mrs. A. Cassidy, Mrs. A. C. McChesney, and Kitchen convener , with the assistance Mtrs. H. MacIintosh, ind at /y :‘ P niano selections, J. Griffin, whose e of the features on from one : of four e â€" school of tick ed the ather, Surâ€" of "Traffic was closed on most streets and the crowds surged through, someâ€" times following a band or procession or visiting different shops and shows. A decorated truck with a huge Rice Bowl in the center and musicians playing to attract attention went slowly along the street and small bovys jumped off and on, darting into the crowd holding out empty rice bowls to receive offerings. We didn‘t see a procession with a Dragâ€" on but there must have been one, for it seems to be a part of most Chinese parades, I have often seen them at the ESpanish Fiesta celebrations in Los Angeles in which the Chinese always tock part, putting on a wonderful disâ€" play of vivid color, and entertainment. The huge Dragon head is held high by sticks and the cloth body and tail draâ€" ped over the head of about thirty men who made at writhe most realistically as they marched along. "The streets were a mixture of the old and the new. The older people clung to the familiar dress and hairâ€"do, but the vounger ones wore either the more modish Chinese dress or up to date American , and they both looked very smart and lovely. One band of tiny Chinese girls who had been performing a dance seemed very unâ€"Chinese in their rufled pink dresses and poke bonnets, but the faces that peeked out from the bonnets were truly Chinese, "There were small dimly lighted storâ€" es displayving strange oriental spices and herbs, presided over by three or four aged, calm and inscrutable Chinese of another country and generation. Newer stores with the goods of «China which appeal to the tourist were well lighted and modern and one was served with true Yankee hustle and vim. "Of course in Timmins we haven‘t a large Chinese population and their celâ€" ebration must of necessity be on a more modest scale but I am sure that it will be none the less interesting and enterâ€" taining to everyone who attends." their dark evyes dancing with exciteâ€" ment. Results of Recent Conservatory of Musitc Exams. The following is a list of successful candidates in examinations held reâ€" cently by the Toronto Conservatory of Music in Timmins. The names are arâ€" ranged in order of merit; PIANO Associateship A.T.C.M. Teacher‘s Passâ€"Claire Vachon. GRADE VII Honour Hendrika Green; Mary Conâ€" nelly; Iris Cocklin, Eva MacLeod (equal) Passâ€"Lucy Leach, William Ramsay (equal); Patricia Campbell. ‘GRADE VI Honoursâ€"Della Coombes; E. Mauâ€" reen Kimberley, Passâ€"Claire Gervais GRADE VIII First Class Honoursâ€"Ruth Mustard Honoursâ€"Eleanor M. Burke Passâ€"Lois Charron, Katrine Macâ€" Millan. GRADE V . Honoursâ€"Fernande Barrette Passâ€"Eila Antila; Mary E. Hadley; Dorothy E. Hamilton. HRADE IV Honoursâ€"Louise M. Brown; Mary Kemsley; Annie Bundzeak; Beverley Cooke. Passâ€"Barbara H. Hayward; Susan Klimo. Passâ€"Yvette Lalocque, Eirwen Wilâ€" liams. GRADE III First Class Honoursâ€"Helene Pitre. Honoursâ€"Patricia Cross, Airin Domaâ€" galski, Margaret L. Goedbloed (equal) ; Margaret Keeley, Rosabelle Guay. Passâ€"Jenny A. Buchmann. GRADE II First Class Honoursâ€"Philippe Gauâ€" thier; Jean Watt. Honoursâ€"Sheila â€" Bassett, _ Myrtle Thompson (equal); Anne Phillips; Vida Beaumont. Passâ€"Ruth Willson; Donelda Mitâ€" chell; Joy Weir; Betty Deas. GRADE I First Class Honoursâ€"Georges Gauâ€" thier; Janet L. Malkin. Honoursâ€"Edward M. G. Everley, Wilâ€" liam Swain (equal); Robert Young; Normg Andrighetti; Marilyn Weir; Betâ€" ty Coleman, Nellie Jamsa (equal). Pass: Patsy McGrath: Norma Bailey. SINGING Associateship A.T.C.M.â€"Solo Performer‘s Passâ€"Jeanne W. Wright GRADE VIII Passâ€"Beulah Wood GRADE VI Passâ€"Garnett MacLeod THEORYâ€"GRADE V Formâ€"Honoursâ€"Claire Vachon. GRADE III Harmonyâ€"Honoursâ€"Marion Weaver. GRADE II First Class Honoursâ€"Ruth Mustard: Barbara Barry; Francoise Rochefort: Joyce Lalonde. Honoursâ€"Norine E. White GRADE 1 First Class Honoursâ€"Audrey Leach. Timmins, Ont.â€"Grey Sisters Conventâ€" PIANO GRADE VI First Class Honoursâ€"Buddy Bilsâ€" borough. GRADE T First Class Honoursâ€"Nancy Fleming. Honours â€" June â€" Blackmore, Doris Griener (equal). GRADE V Honoursâ€"Billie Richards GRADE TV Honoursâ€"Barbara Raymer GRADE II Honoursâ€"Joan â€" Robinson: Dunlop. GRADE X Passâ€"Bernice Bridgeman GRADE TX THEORY â€"GRADE I Class â€" Honoursâ€"Buddy taggers and the customary at least fifty cents. But this e door to manyvy entertainâ€" Daphne Rev. W. M. Mustard, M.A., B.D. $45 a m â€"Sunday School 1045 am.â€"Morning Worship 100 pm.â€"Evening Worship During July joint services with Mountjoy con;nnuon in First United Church. Rev. G. mith in charge. Worship services will be discontinued in Mountjoy United Churer until the end of July. Coâ€"operative services will be held in FPirst United Church with Mr. Smith preaching at 10.45 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. Sunday schools 10.00 a.m.â€"For all 12 years and over 11.00 a.m.â€"All below 12 years of age June 29th to July 10thâ€"Daily vacation school each day except Saturday. All are welcome 9 to 11.30 a.m. Christian Science Reading Room, Mcâ€" Ginnis Block, 18 Pine St. North, Open every weekday, 12 noon to 5 pm. Friâ€" day evening 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. Sunday School 9.45 a.m.â€"for 9 to 11 years. 12.15 pm.â€"for 12 to 18 years 2.00 pm.â€"for 4 to 8 years. United Church South Porcupine, Ont. BLOOR AVENUE. Rev. James A. Lyttle, Minister 11,.00 a.m.â€"Morning Service 7,00 pm.â€"Evening Service Oddfellows‘ HMall, Spruce Street North SUNDAY, JULY 12TH, 1942 9.45 a m.â€"Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"Sunday Service "SACRAMENT" Golden Textâ€""Let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of, that bread, and drink of that cup." (I Corinâ€" thians 11:28). LAC Rolly Barnes, now stationed in Toronto, will arrive here toâ€"morrow (Friday) to spend leavae at the home of his parents, Riverside Drive. Leading Aircraftsman J. D. Clement, who. is with the Ferry Command, at Ottawa, left yesterday to resume his duties with the RC.A.F., after spending a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Clement of Connaught. Funeral Services to be Held Friday for Late T. Couch Funeral services will be held toâ€"morâ€" row (Friday) afternoon at 4.30 o‘clock, at the First United Church fir the late Thomas Alfred Couch, who passed away at his home, 49 Laurier avenue, after an illness of several weeks. The late Mr. Couch had been in St. Mary‘d Hosâ€" pital for five weeks, but hope was held for his recovery when he was brought home on Sunday. Born in Davenport, England, thirtyâ€" seven yvears ago, the late Mr. Couch came to Timmins first in 1924, returnâ€" ing to his home in England for one year, and then bringing his family to Timmins where they have resided since that time. For several years he was a popular member of the Cornish Social Society, and later joined the Welsh Soâ€" ciety of which he has been a respected member for many years past. The Rev. E. Gilmour Smith will conâ€" duct the services, and pallâ€"bearers will be Messrs. Evan Williams, F. Maw, H. Smith, J. Farrer, H. Bourne and Chas, Phillips. f Left to mourn his loss are his wife, now at the home of her father, Mr. Joâ€" seph Brain, Balsam street; three chilâ€" dren, Derek, Betty, and Audrey:; his mother in England; and two sisters, Mrs. Nancarrow and Mrs. Hobbs, also in England. More Overseas Men Acknowledge Receipt of Parcels The Parcel Committee of the Ladies‘ Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion (Mrs. T. Gay, convener) since early in the war have regularly been sending parâ€" cels to men of the fighting forees overâ€" seas. They have recently received acâ€" knowledgement with many thanks for the parcels from the following serving overseas : â€" Sappers B25441 J. H. Day, R.C.E., Seâ€" cond Pieid Co., C.A.O.; B29810 N. Zaitz, Second Canadian Road Construction Corporals B25337 AA. Armstrong, Pirst Canadian Tunnelling Co., R.C.E., Gibâ€" raltar; B. 5809 M. Gibbons, No. 1 Tunâ€" nelling Co., RC.E., C. A. O. R.CAF. â€" R90648 LA.C. R. H. Pope RCAF., attached RAF. C.A.O. Navy â€" V27365 C. J. Hale, H. M. C. S Calgary, F. M. O., Halifax, N. S. Globe and Mail:â€"Can it be that there are some politicians who believe the war will blow over before it beâ€" comes necessary to become outspoken on the conscription issue? Telegrams â€" B31796 Signalman L. F. Lawry, First Squadron Fifth Armoured Division, C. A. O., Gunner Wes. Jones, First Survey Regt., R. C. A., C. A. O. B67865 Lanceâ€"Corpl. N. Chalmers 2nd Brigade, H. Q. Troop. 5th Can. Div Signals, C. A. O. B939854 Pte. J. A. Cannell Headquarâ€" ters C€Co., 23ra, First Ambulance, R. C. M. borough, Marjorie Meehan (equal) Lois Skelly; Aileen Stickley. Passâ€"Billy Richards. Mountjoy United Church | Christian Science Society Church Directory Cedar Street and Fourth Avenue Minister 100 Mountjoy Street 8. Minister REV. E. GILMOURâ€"SMITH, B.A. Cedar Street North ISRAEL I. HALPERN, Rabbi W. LINDER, Cantor The South Porcupine PFire Chief wishes to thank the auxiliary firemen and other men who were called upon for assistance in handling fire hose at the early morning fire on Golden Aveâ€" nue, South Porcupine, last Thursday. Your ready help was appreciated. â€"28S5 FOR RENT â€"â€" 3â€"room house, $16.00; Water paid; also 4 rooms. 219 Balsam North. WANTED, by the Childrens Aid Soâ€" ciety, families willing to give homes on a boarding basis to Protestant children 10 to 14 years of age. If intere<ted, phone 855, or call at Room 4, Municipal Building, Timmins. In the Estate of Maurice Bucovetsky of the Town of Timmins, merâ€" chant, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Maurice Bucovetsky, late of the Town of Timmins, deceased, who died on or about the 8th day of March 1942, are notified to send to the underâ€" signed executors or to the undersigned Herman Moscoe, their solicitor, on or before the 23rd day of July, 1942, their Immediately after the said 23rd, day of July, 1942 the assets of the said deâ€" ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Exeâ€" cutors shall then have notice. Date June 26th, 1942. STELLA BUCOVETSKY and THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY, LIMITED names and addresses and full particuâ€" lars of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by statutory declaration. Herman Solicitor 26â€"27â€"28 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Try The Advance Want Advertisements Ico A WORD PER TINSERTION (minimum 256) 14¢ A WORD PER INSERTION IF CHARGLED (Minimum 35¢) All Classified Advertising must be paid before insertion to obtain cash rate. The Advance will not be responâ€" sible for errors occurring in teleâ€" phoned advertisements, or as a reâ€" sult of copy not carefully, legibly written. Mistakes occurring from these sources are wholly at adverâ€" viser‘s risk. Oe RDormpine CLASSIKIED ADS "We Service All Makes of Stokers" 71 Third Avenue P Providing we have your order so that we may do the work during July and August our charge for this service will be: $7.50â€"FOR ALL NO. 20 AND 30 MACHINES, $8.50â€"FOR ALL NO, 40, 50, 60 AND 75 MACHINES $10,00â€"FOR ALL LARGER MACHINES (Any Parts Required Will be Extra) Any piece of mechanical equipâ€" ment, which is subject to hard, steady use, and which must be depended upon for continuous, efficient, and uninterrupted operâ€" ation, should be given at least one thorough inspection and lubrication each year. With the war on there is no need to tell you to make equipment last longer" and use fewer repairs, by giving tion while in apparent good condition,. SMITH ELSTON Phone 26 Executors, Moscoe, Schumacher, Ontario, for the said executors. 2 Bay St., Toronto, Take advantage of our summer plan now! â€"21â€"28 p POR SALEâ€"Corner store with 4 a sâ€"room apartments upstairs, P concrete basement and furnace, q: age, etc. Can be bought on e: terms. Store does $500.00 mont! turnoved. Owner has other intere See W. B. Berk, Insurance, Real I tate, Mortgagesâ€"Broadway Thea Building, phone 332. + LIMITED (No Personal Liability) DIVIDEND NO. 98 Notice is hereby given that a diviâ€" dend of fiftyâ€"five and oneâ€"half cents per share«@n Canadian currency will be paid on September 1, 1943, to shareholders of record at the close of business August 1, 1942. Apartment to Rent apartment, 3 piece Company Orders "D" Co. Algongquin Regt. C.A. (R) Znd. Reserve Bn. Algonquin Regt. "*D" Company Part 1 Orders for Week ending July 18, 1942 Sunday, July, 12:â€"Special Parade a 8.20 hrs. All ranks must attend. Monday, July 13:â€" Morning Parade at 10.00 hrs., for men unable to attend Regular Parade. Regular Parade at 1930 hrs. Tuesday, July 14:â€"Officers N.CO.‘s Parade at 1930 hrs: Thursday, July 16:â€" Morning Parade at 1000., Regular Parade at 1930 hrs. The South Porcupine Platoon will parade at the Legion Hall, South Porâ€" cupine, on Wednesday, July 15, and Friday, July 17 at 1830 hrs. â€"G. G. Countryman, Capt. 0.: C, "EY‘ Coy. 2nd. Res. Bn. Algonquin Regt. Canada Oddfellows‘ Hall, Spruce Street Minister: Rev. Dr. Geo,., Aitken, Th.D 1.00 p.m.â€"Sunday School 7.00 pm..â€"â€"Service, Oddfellows HMall, Spruce St., N. You Are Welcome APARTMENT FOR RENT The Presbyterian Church of Mclutyre Porcupine Mines kb Save Fuel.. Save Money. . with Byv Order of the Board Dated at Toronto, June 30 PERSONAL LOANS If you Borrow THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE For Taxes, Fuel Purchases and Other Seasonal Needs, $192 Remove all coal and ash from stoker and furnace, Vacuum clean hopper and furâ€" nace firebox. Vacuum clean furnace or boiler. Clean and inspect air passages in tuyere. Clean plenum chamber. Clean auxiliary air line, Clean and paint inside hopper. Oil motor. Flush gear box and refill with Oll. , Inspect fan and tighten or adjust. . Inspect belts. . Oil and check all controls. . Check machine for any air or coal dust leaks, YOUR EsTATE IS PROTECTED BY LIFE INSURANCE, WHICH THE BANK ARRANGES ONE YEAR TO REPAY Apply to the Other Amounts at Proportionately low Rates Monthly Deposits Pr tor Repoyment You Receive $ 85 87 $ 89.71 $134.60 §$179.92 $280.94 $505. 84 mechanical R NEILLY bath. Phone Phone 327 Provide that piece of areful attenâ€" Ereasuretr 1942.

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