Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 2 Jul 1942, 1, p. 4

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wfi 4 * 15 184 i€ kn t < ts o. + e l sls Good wishes make their way toâ€"day to Mr. and Mrg, Hector Magnan, whose marriage was a lovely event at the Notre Dame des Lourdes Church on morning. . . Mrs. Magnan is ‘~the former Eva Florence Lavoie and the . ecuple is at present in Southern Ontâ€" ario, where they will visit Toronto and ‘‘other cities. .. they will reside at 10 Polaris Road, Timmins. "homeâ€"folks" to send them parcels have not been forgotten by Timmins women . . . on Thursday afterncoon, members and friends of the Womens Institute vicited the home of Mrs. P. G. Howard, pastâ€"president of the W. I. and brought with them "gceodies‘" to be made un inâ€" to nbarcels for these men who have reâ€" sided in Timmins before joining the acâ€" tive forces. .. .a large container held the many things which the guests brcught, such as candies, gum, cigarâ€" ettes, canned goods, etc. . . . . and any residents who would like to contribute their share to these parcels are asked to drop in at the Howard home, 17 Maple street, and leave their donations so that the may be completed and shipped. at a luncheon, with Margaret Easton Shields as hostess. . . peonies, presenâ€" tedtothemcbvoneofhcrdmc ing pupiis, adorned the home, and a delicicus luncheon was enjoyed by the guests, Mrs. Montgomery, m J. D. Brady, Mrs. D. G. Richmond, Mrs. J. A wedding to take place in the near future is that of Miss Rosemary Kelly, supervisor of nurses at St. Mary‘s Hosâ€" pijal, ‘and Mr. Edmund McNulty, of Buckingham. . . .. Miss Kelly, whose sparkling smile (the true Irish blend) Faston, mother of the hostess, guestâ€"ofâ€"honour, the hostess and "Ann" ..... probably the only cloud to mar the afternoon was the fact that FPriday was one day closer to the day Jeannette planned to leave the Porcupine. Mrs. J. Martin, president, and the members of the Junior Catholic Women‘s Leagus, wish to extend a sincere vote of thanks to the many friends who attended the strawberâ€" ry lawn social. . thaose guests were especially pleased with the afterâ€" noon, complimenting the members on the excellent arrangements, and the delicious strawberry shortcake which highlighted the teaâ€"hour. . . those guests say that every time they think of that cake,â€"they feel sorry that "they ate their cake and jJust can‘t have it too!" Third Ave. at Cedar Street TIMMINS one of the most popular members of the teaching staff at the local High and Vocational School, and her great ability in her work is reâ€" sponsible for the fact that many local girls have attained coveted business work in Southern Ontario points. . . .as well as positions right here in their home town. . . . . Mr. Wohlrob® is assistant manager at the Hollinger Mine, and both he and his bride are wellâ€"known thrâ€" oughout the district . . . . sincere good wishes. Miss Jeannette Garrette, the vivacâ€" that night she thrilled the audience at the Legion V Carnival with her versatile dancing. In ‘the early evening, the lovely dancer was feted at a dinner held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Graâ€" From Toronto on Thursday came the news of the marriage that day in St. Michael‘s Cathedral of Miss Jane Mulvihill and Mr. A. H. Wohiâ€" rch,. . .the former Miss Mulvihill is Men in the services who have no TAKE NOTICE â€"THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporatlon of the ‘rown of ‘nmmms intcnds to QUEEN AVENUE from Waterloo Road to Rea Street. and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. 3lheesumnwdcostottheworkuufl7sofwmdxm7aisto be paid by the Corporation. The estimated cost per foot fronktage is $1.71. The special assessment is to be paid in ten equal annual instalâ€" ments and the estimated annual rate per foot frontage is $0.21. 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to the Optario Muniâ€" ammmmmmmamwmdmmmmw wner may within twentyâ€"one days after the first publication this mmmmmmm«mmmmmmm«r- Notice of Intention to Construct a local improvement Sanitary Sewers on the folHlowing TOWN OF TIMMINS lamngesr 12 Best wishes make their way toâ€"day to two couples who spoke their wedding vows yesterday. . . .Mr. and Mrs. Vern A. Bowman, married in the manse of the Timmins United Church and Mr. and Mrs. ‘"Bob" Young, who said "I do" at the rectory of the Notre Dame des Lourdes Church. . .>. .both ceremonies were quiet, attended by only the relaâ€" tives and close friends. . . .in fact, the parents of the bride and groom were the only ones present at the Bowmanâ€" Richardson nuptials. . . . . . the former couple are honeymooning in the Muskâ€" oka Lakes district, while Bob and Alice (formerly Villeneuve)are on a wedding trip to the groom‘s home at Kenora, and throughout the Lake of the Woods district. Rincere good wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roirier, whose marâ€" ralge was a lovely event at the Notre Dame des Lourdes Church on Tuesday . . . Mrs. Poirier is the former Miss Marie Joseohe Gabrielle Bois. . . At the wedding breakfast which ed the ceremony, many friends of the popular couple were present to toast the charming bride, especially lovely in her gown of white lace and net, To celebrate the holiday, visitors and their hosts ~and hostesses made their way last night to the Riverside Pavilâ€" ion, where they danced their cares aâ€" way. . . Henry Kelneck and his orchâ€" estra dedicated several numbers to the ‘Mex in Battledress" as well as outâ€"ofâ€" town guests. .. .and how fitting that on Dominion Day, those who are left behind, should be honouring Canada‘s army. . . .don‘t forget Army Week. A quiet wedding which took place on Saturday afternoon, June 27th, at Mountjoy United Church, and was solemnized by the Rev. E. Gilâ€" mour ESmith, was that of Mrs. Eilâ€" een Edmunds King, recently of Newfoundland, and Mr. Lindsay Horner. . . .witnesses were the broâ€" ther of the bride, Mr. R. J. Edâ€" monds, and Mrs. Edmonds. . . Mr. and Mrs. Horner will reside in Timâ€" Mrs. Russel Fraser, who will leave shortly to take un residence at the Pacific ‘Coast. . . .a lovely silver fower basket will go with Mr. and Mrs. Praser to their new home, this being the gift of the friends who met at their home. Priends in Timmins gethered on Tugsda,_y evening to honour Mr. and Toronto Telegram;â€"The oldâ€"timer earned his salt. The modern man must be worth his sugar. 5 It‘s nige to know when you c expect an eapecially good time. . . . and that‘s the way it is with all evâ€" her way to the grounds of St. Anâ€" thony‘s Cathedral on Saturday afâ€" ternoon, apd there, neath a large sunâ€"shade, she enjoyed cool lemonâ€" ade and all the tasty bits that make an afternoon tea successful. . . . . . of course, each visitor had her choâ€" ite of lemonade, iced teg or coffee, or warm tea . or coflfee, and the sandwiches and cakes were simply delicicus. . . .a opol breege and the music of a phonograph completed ° the story of a perfect afternoon. Rounding out yesterday‘s wedding list is the marriage at the Notre Dame des Lourdes Church of Miss ‘Azilda Sigouin and Joseph Thomas Flood. . . .the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Siâ€" gouin, and her new husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Flood . . . Witnesses were Messrs Roland Sigouin and C. Boivin. Members of the Mattagami Ladâ€" ies‘ were especially interested in the regular meeting on Monday evening, held at the home of Mrs. M. Wallingford, for at that meeting donations were made to parcels for the soldiers . . .just another kindly gesture on the part of the members and their friends as their part in Army Week.â€". .. .a special "thank you" goes to Mrs. Dubien, a friend of the club,â€" who added her contriâ€" bution to the parcel gifts. A. L. SHAW, Clerk. 4. | Mr. and Mrs. leave the bridegroor at the| Mpg, R. T. | of Porquis Ju: * |H. B. Brown, aunts of the t Frior to ht Church on Tuesday morning at 8.15§ :o'clock for one of the season‘s charmâ€" ing weddings, when Miss Marie Josephe Gabriellie Bois, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michel Bois, of 72 Mountjoy street south, became the bride of Mr. Paul Poirier, son of the late Mr. Maurice Poirier and of Mrs. Poirier, of 51 Montâ€" gomery avenue, Timmins. ‘The Revy Fr. A. Morin officiated. _ During the ceremony, Sister Claire !pua!ded at the organ, and scelections were sung by Ste. Cecile‘s choir. MÂ¥rs. â€"J. Theriault sang "Ave Marie" and "Alliance" during the signing of the The manse of First United Church was the setting cn Wednesday morning at 11.30 o‘clock forâ€"a charming wedding, when Miss Mabel Bernice Richardson, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Richardson, of 74 Tamarack street, beâ€" came the bride of Mr. Vern A. Bowman, of Brantford, younger son of Mr. and Poirierâ€"Bois Nuptials Solemnized on Tuesday Given in marriaga by her father, the lovely bride made an attractive picture in a floorâ€"length frock of white lace and net. A sweetheart neckline flatâ€" tered the softly gathered bodice, made of lace, the sleeves were short, and the full skirt, which fell from the torso waistline, bore insets of lace in the net. The bride wore a long veil of embroidered net, caught in orange blosâ€" soms and lilyâ€"ofâ€"theâ€"valley, and her only adornment was the gift of the groom, a simple silver cross and chain. She carried a cascade bouquet of pink roses and lilyâ€"ofâ€"theâ€"valley. Following the ceremony, guests were received at a reception held at the home of the bride‘s parents, where Mrs. Richardson réceived in a rose and white sheer redingote ensemble, with navy blueâ€"and white hat and accessories, and a corsage of white roses and forgetâ€"meâ€" rots. She was assisted by the brideâ€" groom‘s mother, who chose for the ocâ€" casion a frock of rose embossed sheer, with navy blue accessories, and a corâ€" sage of white roses and blue cornffiowâ€" ers. Serving were Miss Edith Richardâ€" son and Mrs. A. M. Glendinning, sisters of the bride, Miss Christine Little, and As the bridal party left the church, a guard of honour was formed by La League Feminine Catholique (of which the bride is a member) and by the Mrs. 0. E. Bowman, of Thornloe. The Rev. W. M. Mustard performed the marriage ceremony. Given in marriage by her father the bride made a lovely picture in a streetâ€" length frock of robins egg blue striped sheer,, made on softly gathered lines, with a square neckline, flattered by a white embroidered collar, short puffed sleeves, and a full skirt. Her halo hat was of matching fabric, her accessorâ€" les were in white, and she carried a cascade bouauet of butterfly roses and sweetheart roses with bouvardia. Mr. Lucien Poirier, brother of the groom, attended as groomsman. Miss Mabel Bernice Richardson Becomes Bride of Mr. Vern A. Bowman. Couple to Take up Residence in Brantford, After Wedding Trip to Muskoka Lakes. _ Miss Marie Josephe Gabrielie Bois Becomes Bride of Mr. Paul Poirier. Couple to Reside in Timmins. tendant. Bowmanâ€" Richardson Wedding Takes Place at First United Manse Mts. R. T. Bowman, of Thornloe, sisterâ€" inâ€"law of the bridegroom. Later in the afternoon, the bride and grocm left by motor for Muskoka, the bride travelling in an agua wool dressâ€" maker suit, trimmed, in beige wool, and with beige hat and bag, and tan gloves and shoes. ‘They will reside in Brantâ€" ford. ~ Among the outâ€"cfâ€"town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Bowman, parents of the bridegroom, of Thornloe; Mr. and Mrs. R.. T. Bowman, brother and sisterâ€" inâ€"law of the bridegroom, also of Thornloe; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Black, of Porquis Junction; and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Brown, of Matheson (uncles and aunts of the bride). * Frior to her marriage the popular bride was the guest of honour at numâ€" Mixed flowers adorned the Notre SBacred Heart League (of which the ame des Lourdes Roman Catholic mham‘:\ufl. hurch on Tuesday morning at 8.15 brem mmm ‘ clock for one of the season‘s ‘ prigegrocm‘s mother, 81 Montgomery g weddings, when Miss Marie Josephe| ave, where guests were received by Mrs. abrielle Bois, daughter of Mr. and| Pojrier, in an ensemble of black crepe rs. Michel Bois, of 72 Mountjoy street| with matching accessories, and a corâ€" uth, became the bride of Mr. sage of white roses and lilyâ€"ofâ€"theâ€"valâ€" pirier, son of the late Mr. Maurice} ley, Pouring tea were the sister of the ft. apart where necessaryâ€"Completely planted out with the most profitable varieties of Cherries, Peaches, Pears, Plums and Grapes, Orchards and Vineyards now in full besring. Nineteen Acre Fruit Farm in the Niagara Peninsulaâ€"The Garden of Canadaâ€"Ten miles east of Hamilton on the paved Highway beâ€" tween Hamilton and Niagara Fallsâ€"One of the best farms ln the whole district. Land is of excellent quality and in fine shape â€" Underâ€"drained 30 BUILDINGS consist of a large duplex two storey House, suitable for two families, also a new Barn. Bernard Rosner, graduate of the colâ€" f June 18th to the R.C.A.F., and is spendâ€" PRICE including necessary farm mh!nery‘wd team of horsesâ€" ing a two weeks vacation with his fully complete for immediate operationsâ€"$12,000,00. brother, Irwin Rosner, of Patricia Bouâ€" levard, before returning to Mannin TERMSâ€"Minimum of $5,000.00. Cash, Balance on Long Terms if $ $ Pool, Toronto, July 6th. This farm is a real snap for ‘Be right party. Oceupancy can be arranged at once. Hf desired we will buy ail crops at the fixed FRUIT FARM FOR SALE . Bowman was his son‘s atâ€" Winona, Ontario 3414 groocm, Mrs. W. Manette, and Miss siâ€" mone Poirier, of Ottawa, cousin of the A wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride‘s parents, 72 Mountâ€" joy street south, where Mrs. Bois reâ€" ceived guests in an ensemble of red, white and black print, with pink acâ€" cessories, and a corsage of pink roses. She was assisted in serving the guests by Mrs. N. Joanisse, sister of the bride, Mrs. W. Longpre, Miss Marcelle Bols, sisted of the bride, Mrs. Lauzon, and Mrs. Cousineau. The bride‘s table was centred with a beautifully iced wedding cake, and the home was decorated with red roses and white streamers. In the evening, the bride and groom received the best wishes of their many friends at a reception in the Harmony Mr. and Mrs. Poirier have taken up residence at 78 Middleton avenue. Among the outâ€"ofâ€"town guests was Miss Simone Poirier of Ottawa. The groom‘s gifts to the attendants were silver cigarette cases. Prior to her marriage the bride was entertained by Mrs. M. Bois and Mrs. erous social events, among those enterâ€" taining in her honour being: Miss Chrâ€" istine Little and Miss Gertrude Honeyâ€" well; the Ladies of the First United Church Choir; her bridge club; and the staff of the Moneta Public Schaol, of which she has been a member for the past several years. Miss Lilian Dorschner left on Wedâ€" nesday to take up residence in Toronto. Miss Bea Corbeil is spending a holiâ€" day at North Bay and Toronto. LAC Vincent Lafernier, of the R. C. A.FP., is spending leave at his home here. Miss Leona Boileau has left to take up residence in Western Canada. Miss Lucille Mercier left on Wednes- day for Toronto. Miss Pauline Bissonnette left this week to take up residence in Toronto. Miss Simonne Manette, of Ottawa, is a visitor in town this week. Mrs. Frank Rankin left on Saturday to spend a holiday at Sudbury and Vicâ€" toria Mines. Mr. and Mrs. O. Winsa and son, Arâ€" nold, left on Saturday to holiday at Sudbury. € Miss Phyllis Bates, of Heaslip, is spending some time in Timmins, visitâ€" ing her sister, Miss Dorothy Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Thib were reâ€" cent visitors to Englehart and Gowganâ€" da. Mr. and Mrs. R. Anderson of Toronto mcetored to Timmins and spent the weekâ€"end visiting at the home of the latter‘s sister, Mrs. John Harlock, Leâ€" blance ave,, His many friends will be glad to know that Mr. Austin Neame, who has been i1 for the past few days, is in much better health toâ€"day, and will soon be completely recovered. P Lee Copps, of the R.C.A.F., is spendâ€" Probationary Subâ€"Lieutenant, Clem ing leave from his station at Victoriaâ€" | Leaman, stationed with the RCN. at ville, at his home here. * the basic training schcol in London, is spending a month‘s leave with his parâ€" Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Carson, of w ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Leaman, Chel'ry James avenue, are spending a holiday street. He is accompanied by Mrs. Leaâ€" at the Drew‘s summer home at Port |‘"2" .mwmnommx Miss Edith Gill, of Cochrane, was a holiday visitor to town. Miss Margaret Anderson, of Cochrane was in town during the holiday. Miss Gerry Larson, of Troquols Falls, was a holiday visitor to town. Miss Carmel Fasano, of Cochranc. spent the weekâ€"end with friends and relatives in town. Basil Doran, of the Canadian Army, is suending leave from Debert, N. S8., at his home at the Dome Extension. Miss Lena Forsley has returned after spending . a month‘s holiday at her home near Winnipeg. Dick Garin of the R.C.A.F. arrived on Wednesday to spend a few days with Mrs. Theresa Forte, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks with her son, and daugterâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Forte. Mrs. Zinconi and her son, Mr. Albert Zinconi, of Toronto, are the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Pierini. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Sillanpaa, and son, Walfred, left on Saturday to spend a holiday at Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McMillan, of Porâ€" quis Junction, visited their sonâ€"inâ€"law and daughter, Mr. andâ€"Mrs. John Harâ€" lock, 4 Leblanc ave., over the weekâ€"end. Miss Ronnie Mazzoli, of Atlantic City, was a weekâ€"end visitor in town, and is spending a few weeks with friends in Cochrane. _ Mr. and Mrs. M.P. Honkala, and Master Paul Sillanpaa, left on Saturday to spend a holiday at Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie. The Rev. W. M. Mustard, Mrs. Musâ€" tard, and children, left this week to holâ€" iday at their summer dome near Perth. â€" Miss Florg MacDonaid, principal of Moneta public schcol, left last week to spend the summer at her home on Mantoulin Island. , Miss M. E. Blvth, of the Birch Street Public School staff, left on Sunday to spend the summer at Durham and othâ€" er points in Southern Ontario. Ambrose Killeen, of the R. C. A. F., Lachine, Quebec, has returned to his station after spending leave at his home here. Mrs. S. Crews has returned after a two weeks‘ holiday in Toronto, where she represented the Gold Nugget Rebeâ€" kah Lodge at the Rebekah Assembly. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. LaSalle were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs, Jean Roberge, at Rouyn, as were also Mr. and Mrs. J. DeHaitre and baby daughâ€" ter, Marcelle, of Hearst. Mrs. John Baker Lake has returned after spending a two weeks‘ holiday with Corporal John B. Lake, who is stationed at the Vocational Building, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Platt, of 40 Patâ€" ricia Blvd, and Mrs. B. Pecare, of 59 Balsam St. S., motored to Kapuspasing Tuesday evening to spend the holiday with relatives and friends there. BORNâ€"at Porcupine hospital, Soutn Porcupine, on Wednesday, June 25th, 1942, _to Mr. and Mrs. M. Londry â€" a Mr. Guy McChesney, one of the poâ€" pular nioneer residents of this part of the North, but in recent years living in Oakville, was a visitor to Timmins last week and was warmly grected by hosts of old friends here. Stoker J. Doddridge, of the Royal Canadian Navy, stationed at Esquimâ€" ault, B. C., is spending a furlough at his home in Timmins. . "Jim" says he met Bill Lawrence and the latter wischâ€" ed to be remembered to all his friends here. A son, Mrs. Londry was formerly Miss Gwen Luxton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. G. Luxton, South Porcupine. AOrry Costain, of the R.C. A. P., is pending leave at his home in South Miss Doris MacPherson, formerly of Timmins where the family were popuâ€" lar and esteemed residents for some years, but more recently of Toronto, is in town this week as one of the officials in connection with sugar rationing and its organization here. annuail conference of Salvation Army officers and to enjoy a wellâ€"earnâ€" Major and Mrs. Cornthwaite left on Tuesday for Jackson‘s Point to attend parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the RBxeâ€" cutors shall then have notice. Date June 26th, 19§3. . ETELLA BUCOVETBEKY and THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY, LIMITED ‘ Esolicitor, for the said emum. 26â€"27â€"28. wearing work for the year. They will be away three weeks. The wedding of Miss Alice Dodge and Mr. Frank Wisner will take place on sheort notice as soon as Mr. Wisner is able to come to Timmins. Due to bad weather conditions in Manitoba the boys are unable to get their machines off the ground and he has been unable to get away. NOTICE TO CREDITORR Mrs. James Pecrin was 81 years ‘of age on Wednesday and Mr. Reuben W. Goddard was 83 on Thursday. + Mr. Frank Goddard, of Temagami, son of Mr. Reuben â€"W. Goddard, is the husbhand of a daughter of Mrs. Peerin, Two octagenerians of New Liskeard celebrated their birthdays last week. Mrs. W. T. Curtis and daughter, Miss M. Curtis, 19 Hemlock street, left this week to takeâ€"up residence at Norwood, near Peterborough. The family have been esteemed residents of Timimns for many years and there will be general regret at their devarture from the town. BORN â€" At Fonthill, Ontario, on Tuesday, June 23rd, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warne, formerly of Schuâ€" macher â€" a daughter. Mrs. Warne was formerly Miss Murphy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Muyrphy, pioneer residents of Schumacher, but now resâ€" iding at Toronto. dren‘s Aid, has resigned to take a posâ€" ition with the Dependents‘ Allowance Board in Halifax, her place being taken by Mrs. Fox, a former worker with the crganization at Kirkland Lake. Miss Doris Reuel, social worker for the C. A. E. at Kirkland Lake, has also resigned to go South, but owing to the difficylty of securing trained social workers at present the position . has not yet been filled. Miss Fulton, assistant . district SKE“ erintendent of the Temiskaming Chilâ€" A note in The Haileyburian last week says that Donald McLauchlan of the R. C.M.P., who came from a post in the Artic last fall, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. McLauchlan, at Haileybury last week. Donald expects to go back to his post in the far North this month, Timmins and district people will be inâ€" terested in the item in the Heileyburâ€" ian, the family living here for some years, his father, Mr. L. MeLauchlan, for many years with the R.C.M.P., beâ€" ing chief of police at Timmins for a ccuple of years. Toronto Telegram:â€"Utopia must be the place where a man is never called upon to mow the lawn. â€"Busy Youngsters â€" Youngsters between 2 and 6 are often the "busiest" people in the world. From early morning they‘re busy playing, romping and learningâ€"busy every minute until bedtime, They need energyâ€"giving food, naither. Timmins Dairy Milk, containing all health vitamins and a generous supply of calcium and phosphorous, will guard little bodies from "overwork", "overâ€"play" and fretfulness. Give them a quart every dayâ€"at meal timesg, with ceâ€" reals, vegetables and in sgoups. To geg Timmins Dairy milk, phone 935 or ask for it at il'"Our neighâ€" bourhood dealers. â€" 1w4 $ 3(2 Bay St., Torento, ARMY WEEKâ€"JUNE 29th TO JULY 5th Timmins Dairy â€" Telephone 935 , / _ * Behind the Guns SEND "HIM" A GIFT REGULARLY $ Stand Behind the Men â€" need energy giving â€" FOOD WANTED, by the Childrens Aid So«â€" clety, families willing to give homes on a boarding basig to Protestant children 10 to 14 years of age. If intereted, phone 855, or call at Room . Municipal Bulldlng. Timmins. 60â€"823tf WANTED â€" Nursesâ€" Graduate and Practical for general ward duties. Pay good, and excellent living quarâ€" ters. Write all particulars to Miss M. R. Cameron, Superintendent of Nurses Mountain sanat.ormm, Hamilton, Ont. i â€"24, 25, 26 Hollinger Consolidated Gold \â€" Mines Limited DIVIDEND NUMBER 359 A regular dividend of 1% has been declared: by the directors on the ‘Capital Stock of the Company, payable on the 15th day of July, 1942, to shareholders of record at the close of business on the 30th day of June 1942. DATED the 24th day of June, 1042. FINLAY. His many friends will be glad to know that Hart Drew, who was injured in both arms, "while highâ€"jumping at the Bombed Victims Field Day on June 3rd, is making good progress to complete reâ€" covery. ie A WORD PER INSERTION (minimum 1MÂ¥e A WORD PER INSERTION IF CHARGED (Minimum 35¢) AH Classified Advertising must be paid hefore insertion to obtain ecash rate. The Advance will not be responâ€" sible for errors occurring in teleâ€" phoned advertisements, or as a reâ€" sult of copy not carefully, legibly written. wsukes oecurring from these sources are wholly at adverâ€" tliser‘s risk. Call Us For All Your Needs T. A. Marriott Sons 63 Birch St., N. Phone 1417 In Loving Memory of my dear father, Ralph Elston, who,, died July 6th, 1939. â€" Ever remembered. â€" Refrigeration Service Wbe Permpine Adbance DpoOoMESTIC COMMERCIAL MISCELLANEOUS IN MEMORIAM â€"Winnifred Secretary

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