Mrs. Mona Shier from the West is visiting her sister, Ms. Emma Wilson for some weeks. Rev. J. A. Lyttle left on Monday for manta where he will attend the Uni- ted Church Convention as 'IYanspor- tatlon Secretary. Pte. 0. Johnson was a visitor in town N {tom Newmarket this week-end. in ‘ Mrs. Whom and Miss Doris Ham- son Jos. Miller, Jim Burns and Wm. Far- r'en (members or S. P. Fire Dept). all members of the Overseas Fireï¬ghters Corps, are home on leave till Friday from Ottawa. All are enjoying their training and are keen to go overseas soon. Jon. Miller has received a pro- motion and is now in command of a section. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Doherty tShirley Ewing) are expected for a visit, to the parental home on Wednesday. A very quiet wedding was solemn- laed by Archdeacon Woodall on Mon- day, June ist, in St. Paul's Church. South Porcupine. The bride was Miss Willow Mabel Davis, of Haileybury, and the groom, Cyrus 'Robert Gagnon, of South Porcupine. Witnesses of the marriage were Mrs. Anne Novakuske and Garnet Gagnon. Mr. and Mrs. Damon will reside in South Porcupine. The second whlst tournament which ll being sponsored by the the ladies of the Canadian Legion is in full swing. The second party was held on Monday in the Legion hall and was well at- tended. Prizewlnners at whist were: 1. Mrs. B. Webb; 2. Mrs. Jack McDon- ald and 3rd. Mrs. Perissini. Mr. Darcy Lamb, of Main street was called to his parents home in Widdi- ï¬eld last. week owing to his mothers’ illness. Born-In Porcupine General hospi- tal 0114' May Slat, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Blazevich, of 63 Powell avenue, South Porcupine. flomg-to Mr. and Mrs. Arlington Buckley. of the Paymaster Mine, on June lst. a son, in Porcupine General ho‘spltal. Boimw-in Porcupine General hospital on June 2nd, a son to Mr. and Mrs. John Benton of Gallagher ave, South Porcupine. AC. 2 JixmnyiMac‘k from Saskatoon is spending a. furlough with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Mack, of Lakeview. Captain Reid took the salute as the company marched past. Special apparatus work by gymnastic teams was given before the troops formed a hollow square and were in- troduced to Capt. Reid. who address- ed them. He specially stressed the need of physical training in our High School, preparatory war training may be necessary for women too. He was pleased he said to see the interest the girls were taking in this training. About 170 students took. part: in this ï¬rst Ca- det inspection. Mrs. J. Ostrom is spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Guest. in Haileybury. A general salute greeted Captain ï¬eld who was accompanied by W. S. Blake (principal), C Kemsley (school board). and Sgt. Adam (visitor from Algonquinsn with Roy Laforest on the bugle. Ceremonial company drill by boys followed and rifle platoon drill by No. 1. Company. South Porcupine. June 3rd. Special to The Advance. The (1115’ company officer was Flo- rence Sharp. who made a competent and smart leader. onions and platoon serâ€" geants under Miss Sharp were Viola Mansï¬eld. Betty Curboy. Joyce Eames. E. Burke, Lily Boyko and Edith Con- sentine. Boys' Company Officer was Walter Rewegan and Company and platoon sergeants in charge were H. Coots, Leo- nard Harper. A. Sarkotich. P. Babando and Scotty Galbraith. Captain Reid’s comments on the boys corps were that they were one of the best he had inspected. and the girls†company came in for unstinted praise. Unfortunately Capt. Reid was de- tained and was late in coming in so that part of the programme «company callathemcm had. to be omitted. Cadets of South Porcupine High School Inspected On Tuesday afternoon the Cadets of our High School. both boys and girls. were inspected by Capt. Rud. Cadet Ofllclal. headquarters of Mimary Dis- trict No. 2. Those onlookers who saw the inspec- tion are agreed than. we hove a. very smart lot of cadets «100'? enrollment) here In South Porcupine. Particularly smart'did the girls look in their school uniforms. and the boys department and exhibitions deserve the hichest praise. Other Items of Interest from §outh Porcupine and the PAGE TWO Wrgm South Porcupine, Dome and the! ’istrict 700 HIGH? AS WELL CHEW THE BEST The Ven. Archdeacon Woodall, of South Porcupine Anglican Church, of- flciated. Mrs. Armitage; played the wedding music. Miss Gertrude Bris- tow sang “0 Perfect Love". A fun choral service was held. The Girls Choir sang “The Voice That Breather.- O’er Eden.†Trinity United Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding Wednesday afternoon when Miss Joan Huxley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hux- ley, First avenue, Schumacher, became the bride of Captain Stanley Hart Gib- son, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Gib- son of Kingston. Miss Marguerite Smith was senior bridesmaid and Mrs. Mary Ann Gibson was junior brides- maid. Mr. William Laird attended the groom. The ushers were Messrs Charles Kee, Tup. Gilbert and Jim Dutton. Miss Marguerite Smith was senior bridesmaid. She wore a lovely gown of Wendigo blue taffeta. made on the same lines as the bride's gown. She wore a poke bonnet, and carried a shower bouquet of yellow roses. Miss Mary Ann Gibson, niece of the groom, was junior bridesmaid. She wore a gown of Wendigo blue taffeta, made on the same lines as the senior bridesmaid. She wore a poke bonnet and carried a nosegay of pansies and yellow roses. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a lovely gown of white chenille frosted taffeta, designed with long torso lines, and veil of imported tulle, lavishly embroidered. and simple headdress of daises and bouvardia. Her bouquet was of white Albatros gladio- 118., in wedding ring design. After the Iceremony a reception was held at the Badminton Club. The bride’s mother received the guests; She wore a gown of Mexican rose crepe, the pockets and lapels beaded with turquoise beads and red wine stones. Her hat was Mexican rose tuscan straw. crown of leaves and red wine accessories. Mrs. George Gibson the groom's mother assisted in receiving the guests. She wore a dress of printed silk with navy blue surcoat and white accesories. bec. for a brief holiday. For travelling the bride chose a semi- tailored dress of honey beige delta crepe. combined with burnt ginger, and top coat in matching honey and beige, and accessories of alligator. Entertaining in honour of the bride were: Mrs. A. H. Cooke; Mrs. T. L. MacKenzie and Mrs. John Armstrong; the Twenty-flvers Bridge Club, at the home of Miss Dorothy Armstrong; and Mrs. Larry Wilson, First avenue. Schumacher, June 4th. Special to The Advance. Captain and Mrs. Gibson left on the Northland for the Laurentians, Que- bec. for a brief holiday. Mr. and Mrs. James Huxley enter-l tained the wedding attendants at a. dinner party in the Badminton hall after the rehearsal on Tuesday evening.‘ Mrs. George Gibson, of Kingston was: in town attending the wedding of her! Charlebois accused of speeding plead- ed guilty but demurred when Constable said his car was being driven at 75 to 80 miles per hour. His car he said, could not do 80. He admitted going over the speed dimit. A $25 ï¬ne was imposed and his drivers’ permit sus- pended for 30 days. Pretty Wedding at- the United Church at Schumacher R. Dupuis, charged with careless driving pleaded not guilty. Erratic driving at 4.40 am. he ascribed to avoiding holes in the road at Schu- macher. Constable Hart testiï¬ed that accused had admitted that he had allowed his wife to driveâ€"$10 and costs was the ï¬ne imposed. Miss Joan Huxley and Capt Stanley Hart Gibson Man ried. . Mrs. 1". H. Hall left on Saturday for Toronto where she will attend the Uni- ted Church Cdnvention as a delegate from South Porcupine. Police Court Trafï¬c cases occupied most of Magis- trate Atkinson’s time in court on Tues- day. L. Baume. J. Ruble and P. Junker paid 81v and €075 for illegal parking. L. Sequin, speeding (by-law». paid 810 and costs; J. Charebols paid 825 for speeding and M. Miller 815. For having liquor in a public place J. Turner paid $10 and costs. For serving beer to a minor a bartender paid $10, and the minor also paid a similar ï¬ne. Another paid $100 and costs for be lng in illegal possession of beer. ilton left this week for Toronto to take up mtdenoe. Miss Hamilton is to be married on June 18th in Toronto to Mr. E. Bucknam. After the cards the bride-to-be was presented with a set of travelling bags. ‘ During the evening the hostess serv- ed 3 delicious lunch. Miss Huxley became the bride, of Captain Stan Gibson on Wednesday 1n the mnity United Church. [Gladys and Ken Mitchell; Doris and Wm. Hocking; Mr. and Mrs. Vary and George; Mr. and Mrs. S. Phillips; Mr. and Mrs. A. Stringer and Jean; Mr. and Mrs. A. McGinn and Family; Mr. land Mrs. Geo. Mitchell and Family; Mr. and Mrs. Stanlake. Ewart and Ar- thur; Mr. and Mrs. McWilliams, Isa- bel and Val; Mr. and Mrs. P. Reynolds; Mr. and Mrs. L. Hart; Mr. and Mrs. H. Costain; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lightbody; | Paddy Nolan; Evelyn and Elaine Knut- son; Ven Rowe and Frank Clarke; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Libby and Mr. and Mrs. B. Webb; Annie. Eddie and Fred; Mr. .and Mrs. J. Naish and Mr. and Mrs. H. Roderick; Mrs. Emma Wilson; Mr. land Mrs. F. Blair and Family; Mr. and ers. Cook (Coniaurum); Bill. Reta and the children; J. P. Douglas and family; Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibbons; Mrs. L. Rob- inson; Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen and Fam- ily; Mr. and Mrs. G. Munro and Family; IJohn Regan; Mr. and Mrs. Tate; Mrs. Foster and Family; Dr. and Mrs. E. Somerville; R. C. Vaughan; Mr. and Mrs. R. Mitchell Sr. and Dorothy; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hellow and Louise; Mr. and Mrs. H. Tripp and Family; ’The Varker Family; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McDonnell and Family; Mr. and Mrs. Monty Keast and Family; Jim Brown. Mrs. J. Ostrom is spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Guest in Haileybury. The many floral tributes testify to the affection and esteem in which she was held. Flowers were sent from:â€" Brothers, Sisters, Brothers-in-law at home and abroad; Porcupine Male Voice Choir; Women’s Association of South Porcupine United church: Unit- ed Church Choir; Employees Dome Car- penter Shop; The Rebekahs; The Lad- ies of the Dome Branch Canadian Red Schumacher, June 3rd. Special to The Advance. Mrs. Larry Wilson, First avenue. was 110st5 Saturday evening at a nicely arranged shower in honour of Miss Joan Huxley. About twenty guests at- tended, and a very happy time was enjoyed. Bridge was played and the prize winners were:-â€" lst, Miss Agnes Coleman; 3nd. Mrs. Ed. Welt. Rev. Baine in a short address spoke of the privilege and honor that he felt in being asked to pay tribute to the memory of the deceased. He said he had known her for a long period of years and spoke through knowledge and could bear witness to the quality of her life. “She went about doing good†was the best expression which ï¬tted her life. She was concerned for the welfare and comfort of others, and did her good unassuminglyâ€"it was not paradedâ€"she was modest in what she did. “In a day when sophistication has crept over our world Maud retained her simpli- city oflife. the modern world did not spoil her. We shall remember her be- cause her goodness was real, and not pretended, and the memory of her goodness will go on.†! Shower at Schumacher in , Honour of Miss J. Huxley; Friends of the familv acted as pall- bearers: Messrs A. McGinn. Ed. Mi'tâ€" chell. J. Beard, W. H. Hocking and H. Burton. C1oss; Dome Sundav School; Mrs. Ford and Henry; Mrs. Mitchell and Dmothy: The McCaffreys;And1ew Suttie and Family; The Fell Family; Mr. and Mrs. D. Crozier; Mrs. Flowers, Mrs. Robin- son and Alberta; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Moyle and Family; Jessie and Dad; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Woods; Mr. and M15. Ed Mitchell and Family; M1. and M15. J. McGinn and Family; M1. and Mrs. F. H. Hall; M1. and Mrs. T. Kelly and Family; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mc- Irmis and Family; Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Coote; Mr. and Mrs. J. McDon- nell; Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Longworth; M1. and Mrs. M. Foster and Family Mary and Percy Andrew; Mr. and Mrs. D. Coffey and Family; M1. and Mrs. Ed Chevrier; Mr. and Mis. J. Beard and Family; The late Miss Came had for many years been a member of the United Church Choir, and was also a member of the Schubert Choir under Mr. G. Hale; she also was a great war worker and helped the Red Cross at the Dome untiringly. On Tuesdav afternoon a funeral ser- vice was held in the United Church. the Rev. F. J. Baine, of Copper Cliff. coming to South Porcupine expressely to conduct the last rites. He was as- sisted by Major Cornthwaite. of the Salvation Armv. (Rev. Lvttle is in To- ronto attending the United Church Conference). South Porcupine. June 3â€"l8peci The Advance)-The very sudden f lng 0! Miss Maud Game. of Dome tension. has saddened us all at end of the camp this week. After a verv short illness at 1 she was admitted to Porcupine Ge Hospital on Fridav last, and die Saturday. May 30th. The news as a severe shock to friends and tives. and she is sincerelv mourne She was born in Redruth. Corr The hymns “Jesus L and “Rock of Ages" full choir, with Mr. panying on the organ Sudden Passing: of Mlss Maud Came. of Dome Extensmn ' After the cards the guests of honour were presented with lovely gifts. The hostess served a delicious lunch. After from England some nineteen years ag. lunch community singing was enjoyed. with her mother and brother and sister. Miss Barkell and Miss Hodson will be Mrs. Carne predeceased her dauglitt-i'flt‘avmg shortly {01' Ottawa where they three years ago. One sister. Mrs. Wil-gWill â€â€™90†for duty With the Royal liams. is in Redruth. and a brother.|C3nadiflll Ail‘ Force. Howard. is in the States. Her sister! "- Mrs. Ed. Uren «Etheli lives at Dome. d ' Extension. also her brother. John?ca et InSDBCtlon Carne. Her whole life was one of kindness!at SChumaCher 0n tives. and she is sincerelv mourn-ed. She was born in Redruth. Cornwall. England. and came to Dome Extension Lover of My ’ were sung G. Hale 2 had for many of the United also a member 3- ( Special to Gen died 5 by a accom- an thi iUd' {IS )ul his '31:.Cadet Inspection ; at Schumacher on 1:13 I‘uesday Evenmg FORCE Patriotic Event by Public School at South Porcupine Schumacher. June 3rd. Special to The Advance. Schumacher residents turned out in large numbers Tuesday evening at the McIntyre ball park when the Schu- macher Cadets gave a very impressive demonstration. The, Cadets? gathered at the McIntyre arena and headed by. the McIntyre band marched along First avenue to the ball park. The McIntyre band under the direction of Lieut. Lo- mas gave several selections during the evening. The general salute was taken by Captain Reid. District Cadet officer. A tour of inspection by Mr. P. A. Boyce, Mr. W. S. Blake, Mr. W. K. Wyle. Mr. Robert Dye, Mr. M. Urqu- hart and Mr. D. E. Keeley. The Schumacher High School Girl Cadets gave a very impressive physical training demonstration. Mr. Boyce introduced Captain Reid to the large gathering of spectators. A very interesting and instructive address was given by Captain Reid, urging the Cadets to hold high the honour of their King and Country Mr. Robt. Dye, chairman of the High School 'Board and Mr Martin Urqu- hart chairman of the Public school board, were each called upon to say a few wo1ds. Both gentlemen compli- mented the Cadets on the grand dis- play they had given. M r. Boyce in closing thanked all who had attended and all who had taken part in the pro- gramme. South Porcupine, June 3â€"(Special to The Advanced-On Friday, May 22nd. pupils in 0111 public schools gave a patriotic demonstration on the school giounds, flag 1aising.soec‘ia1 patriotic song singing and individual recitations Others in costume taking pait were: Constance Haitv (Irish); A'une Lahti (Scotch); Tuulikki Laurila . (Finnish); Pete Gazzalo (French);-"and Sailor Helen Genereux. The colorful parade circled the main block and arrived at the .Red Cross rooms, where John Bull in the lead presented the sum of $5 in money to Mrs. Dve, president of the Eastern Porcupine Branch of the Red Cross, Captain Reid presented the Strath‘- eona medal and badges to the follow- ing winners: The Strathcona medal for the best shot of the year 1941, was won by Tom- my Scullion. Lights of London Shine Again.†‘After which the happy little par- aders proceeds back to the Public SchooL invasion. cf the W block and arrived at the _Red Cross rooms, where John Bull in the lead presented the sum of $5 in money to Mrs. Dre, president of the Eastern Porcupine Branch of the Red Cross, with them words:â€" ‘iMadame Presidentâ€"From the pupils of South Porcupine Public Schoolâ€"- (this money was in a small white wood- en box adorned with a Red Cross). Mrs. Dye replied to John Bull's offer in a few words of thanks, receiving the box. Archdeacon’s Niece and Child Escape from Japs has a ni at the tin safe. She The badges were won by C Marchion, E. Montigny, L. and R. McGregor. ‘00...009000909000OOOéEOOOOQOOOOOzzOOOOO: ed and a nice Whist and bit MrCar WON... OOOOOOOOONOMNOOOOONOOOOOO0000090 0009990 Schumucher Young Ladies Leave to Join Air Force 16 BS Then 1i South INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES â€" REAL ESTATE _ TELEPHONES: 112 TIMMINS SOl'Tll PORFI'PIXE 30 20 Pine Street North. Molnnis Block Timmins is!" Advance) a niece 9 time of PINE ADVANCE. TIMMTNS. ONTARIO 11 FITTED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS O Consult us tO-day! We offer a friendly personal service. Simms-Hooker Pickering arcupine, June 3â€"(Special to 108) â€"â€" Archdeacon Woodall ace who was in Singapore e of the Japaese invasion, is escaped with her child to India on the night. of the Her husband, Capt. Chaytor, st York Regt., is still in Java. «bou he >phm card 2nd. Mia: Dunbabir FIRE INSURANCE ml shower" in honour of Barkell and Miss Mary 1t twenty guests attend- social time W‘s enjoyed. 190 were played and the were: Whisk, lst. Mrs. (1. Miss Gladys Barkell. unbabin. Bingo. 151:. Mrs. Mrs. Fairbrother: 3rd. 31' 1C 4th. Special to an san‘ . was hostess a. nicely ar- in honour of . Joyce. J. ‘Battachio ‘Till the the Canadian Rec regular visitors, magazines and cig I meet really appr work thev are (101: Look in at the I week and read . thanksâ€"most of 1 know! Those nresen Mrs. Robert W tam, Mrs. F. Dome), Mrs. J Bannerman. M Jean Phil Mrs. Glad? South Parmpine Has Scrapbook 0f Soldiers’ Letters South Porcun The Advance)â€" of the Order of a Past Worthy met last Thursc James Armstro James Ar enjoyed a F. H. Hall Interesting a n (1 Unusual Volume Compiled. gown of en prince: white poi: Dicture ha her corsaq ed as bridesmaid. She was charming in a gown of powder blue crepe trim- med with floral applique. A large white uioture hat and white accessor- ies with a ccrsage of talisman roses completed her costume. The groom was attended bv his bro- ther. Murray Child. The wedding breakfast was held at the home of the bride, Mrs. Harbridge receiving in a black chiï¬â€˜on gown with corsage of roses. Mrs. Child, mother of the groom, wore a gown of navy blue chiffon. with rose corsaa'e. South Porcupine, June 3â€"(Special to The Advance)â€"-An interesting scrab- book is on disolav in the Red Cross rooms this week, made up of letters from members of the forces who have enlisted from South Porcupine. It will be remembered that this branch of the Red Cross sent Christmas parcels to as manv of these men as possible. and the letters in the scran-book are most interesting to read. All with one voice acclaim the good that this or- ganization is doing here and overseas and the “Thank vou ’s" for the parcels are heartfelt and sincere. ness meet president 4 The young cc honeymoon in 13 return they will One excerpt from the letter of a sailor (in England) H. Lotimer â€" is worth quoting. “Your Darcel arrived safely and it was greatly appreciated. I would like to thank you for being so kind as to remember me. A little food and candy from home relieves the long night watch in a way almost impossible to beat. The socks and other things ï¬ll a deï¬nite need, especially to those of us who are at sea a lot. For those who. like myself are inclined to be lazy the razor blades remove an excuse for not. shaving. Now we all pray for rough weather which is an even better ex- cuse than economy. Canadian chaps greatly appreciate kindness and thoughtfulness of groups like you who send, a little bit of home to us in your parcels". Past Worthy R’Iatrons Form Club at South Porcupine Pretty Wedding at South Porcupine l'nited (‘hurch wedding took United Churc at 6 o.m.. whn you n Miss Sybil Evelyn Har- bridge and Mr. Harold George Child Married. And from a soldier in Englandâ€"Pte. Brough. “To say I was pleased and that I appreciate your kind thought doesn’t express all I feel. Believe me, that parcel was a godsendâ€"I’llnevr forget you people or your organization for thinking of oneâ€"someone you don’t thinking of oneâ€"50m know.†.And from Pavmaste Wright in Newfoundla “The Caandian Red wonderful work all 0" I happened to be a na hospital in St. Johns f Fred Harb George Ch He corsaqe was r [er sister, Miss as bridesmaid 1 gown of pov i with floral mar Advant Norma: Of s. M Milla 121D] 1m lac nine. Ju â€"The P4 )i 1V ")1 in over the lett them from be lub. M distributin arott as am te the scrim-book read. All with good that this id I‘OI‘ nd rn lef 11' s mee Mrs. Juth. trimn WON? Mrs. Geor Wilson, M gibbons. a: )l afte 1131 11' '053 is doing the country. It in military 1. month and workers are and the boys 1:? wonderful 1a eut. Harold John C ston E Special to ath 8 Chapter as formed 1b. They me of Mrs. 311116 a f a bu aï¬â€˜rey ,uby M md M ms thi papers )\ M1 )I of we Demonstrating Use of ( otton m F ashions at South Porcupine The Comfort Club Fund of the Cana- dian Legion Auxiliary is sponsoring a novel demonstration in the Legion hall on June 18th at 7.30 pm. To show what can be done with cot- ton in war-time as a fabric, the Wa- basso Cotton Co. is staging a fashion and floor show. of styles for ladies from 3 to 16, and a bride and her attendants will be on parade. No admission charge will be made but admission cards may be obtained from any member of the Auxiliary Executive. Field Secretary of W. A. Entortained at South End will cor Val D’O Tea will be served, proceeds from this going to the Comfort; Fund which sends boxes to boys overseas. Jury Finds Death of C. Tomlinson Was Accidental COIN THIRD AT (‘EDAR STREET MAIN AT GOLDEN M M 50-piece Service for 8 People Priced at only ........................... You save $13.50 m1 South Porcupine 0' 3nd were Mrs. W. H. Woodall. Mrs. Walte Mrs. Wm. P‘airhurst ITS STYLEâ€"BEAUTY AND QUALITY ARE WITHOUT EQUAL MS 0 Those who wish only to look are always welcome here \V.A 'ell‘ I] Wm me 1 191‘ tc.) from Toronto in Miss Carruthers gave 19: talk on her work in has snent many years . and later spoke to girls on the same topic 11k with lantern slides. later. rs, who is the daugh- ’uthers. of Winnipeg. the Diocesan annual me this week. She 1115 on Tuesday and r northern tour at W in Cochrm uplne on Tue 3rd he daugh- Winnipeg. Ran annual d M's the W. onto in .1 \‘ Special Johns, {nun a fronl T196 E! “C l( son had succeeded been dic (‘8! cam boin t} W Oscar Quesnel is Given N ew 'l‘rlal When Plea Changed Oscar Quesnel. avenue in 'I‘immin year term at a 51 yesterday morning son when he plez charge but the de( celled when Que magistrate Lhat hi the charge was t pleaded guilty. allowed his cleeisi Did and ordered ;a trial for next Tuesday afternoon. Quesnel ï¬rst appeared to answer the charge at. the 'l‘nesday court and at that time he pleaded not guilty and was prepared to proceed with the case. However. ICrown-Attorney S. A. Cald- biek was out of town and it wasn't deemed advisable to proceed without a. crown prosecutor. On Wednesday morning the assistant Crown-Attorney Mr. J. A. A. Duraneeau. of Cochrane, was obtained and the trial was held. When the defendant pleaded guilty a brief summary of the. evidence was presented by Constable Paul Laperriere. of the Provincial Police. and MrS. Ma- geau, owner of the barn at Sandy Falls that was demolished by ï¬re. 1t North Bay Nuggetâ€"Theme song for that Australian motor executive who wanted to sacriï¬ce his life by crashing a nlane into a Jan aircraft carrierâ€" “Hallelujah. I‘m a Bomb!†Minvs tl 1i tll( Idn’t Understand What the. Charge. Was When he Pleuded Guilty Yesterday Morning. A. VERCIVAL 7 Cedar St. S H Electric Sprayers For Rent ï¬nd th his den THURSDAY. JUNE 4TH. 1m F U M I GA TOR ill nspec rum TIMMINS SUI'T‘" PURCI'I’INE ? shifted. but Tomlin- xught. W‘brkmen had moving the fall from quickly but owing to the throat death had [08! immediately. Six rforc he could be com- f t m 11 tliï¬ord Tomllnson : 8.45 am. on May low! “D" stope of w in Township of ionth being suffo- ml in muck. death a. B. Weir and bick were present. ho following ver- Phone 1675