Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 28 May 1942, 1, p. 3

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Mcnday‘s Mtrs. Wil W1s the joint of t ian I bo‘h ing the Ho fift AnN bei If you had Mrs. M E. Gi you would ha group of wor on dainty ar . _.. they were Sa THUCRSIDAY, MAY AKATH, 1942 Hornl * * tss s s 5 5 o n n n n on io n e n e in io ie io n io n in io o o o o o o o o o o o o o o. o io. o. 4 be \\\\\ i i i t t t To m in o s e C Dropped Between Stitches Fmerald 2 4444 S4444 4 *4 *4 4 ***% By Ann S *%*% * nl dli Members of the Woman‘s Assocâ€" lation and the Woman‘s Missionary Society cf First United Church were nleased to accept the invilaâ€" tion of the W. A. of the Mountjoy United Church to be their guests at the joint mecting on Thursday, when Miss Etl.a Campbell, formerâ€" ly deaconess at the First United Church, snoke to the gathering on her work in Newfoundland during the past six years. . . .. those who knew Miss Campbell during her sixâ€"year stay in Timmins, were pleâ€" ased to welcome her back, and new that seems to be the opinion of all who Attended the Women‘s Inâ€" stitute soglal evening on FPriday in the Hollinger hall . . . the event began < with â€"community singing, followed. by a grand programme, and later, dancing . . . Mrs. W. Johnson, as convener of the proâ€" gramme, deserves an extra special "pat on the back" for her fine work, as that programme presented varâ€" iety as well as exceptional talent . and from the Women‘s Instiâ€" tute comes a note that the rumâ€" mage sale scheduled for May 30th in the Hollinger hall, will be held tute comes a mage sale sche in the Holling on the same : John H MclDk Mc im 111M Ob:s gâ€"h We had a Wwonderful time 1 N € dif? 1¢ tulations and best wishes to bridal couples. ... Mr. and o Stvunen, and Mr and Mrs. McMillen,. .. ... the former 1i M 11 11 NC and their, son i two weeks after red. . . .elsewhere r is a complete acâ€" cevlion, but special the knitting meeting iliary of the Canadâ€" Thursday evening.... mular members were birthdays, and good ful. . . hostesses for Mrs. J. Harris and it be the opinion of l the Women‘s Inâ€" ming on Friday in ill: .~.. . ithe .event mmunity singing, grand programme, d M s on Saturday evenâ€" rothy Devine "stole Mr. and Mrs. Fred rated their twentyâ€" versary, and Sergeâ€" _ Hornbyv, who was a farewell party.... addy" is a member aff, just Like Fred s in to watch Ann . .to her it is someâ€" d interesting. . . .on Ann changed places stood spellbound as aved charming melâ€" istry and perfection Lariviere daughter _ _C,. Lariviere, of acing the ring on inger was Benny of Mr. and Mrs. va Scotia. . . ... > indefinite. H Doro LA j V was written and sent to this ds Ts it seems he beginning of Stitches" at this all wild flowers 16 rriott received tht members of Gold ige at the weekly ay evening in the ellows Hall. . ... . Emerald McMilâ€" mgratulations and ‘w bride and groâ€" ‘gular business of ; adjourned to the members of Oddâ€" w several films of . . .ice~ but all, »0111 _regently found 1ird finger left riviere daughter en dream me trooping inâ€" in the sun, ‘hing. evervy nne! too, toâ€"day, cheered my way. things: He sees y things as these, ) become her buttercups ind everywhere Come and sup dishes up." othy will a; idult world 1€ J. Potts were at me eggs, s and white sunâ€" one. e and 1€ .ICG@~ evenâ€" one! The "Landers‘" held the spotli the weekly meeting of the Matt Ladies‘ Club on Monday evenin first of all, Mrs. L. Landers was ess, and was taken completely b: prise when the members presentd with many gifts for her birthda then, Mrs. M. Landers assisted | serving lunch, . . .and later, Priv Landers drew the winning ticket week‘y raffie. . . . . . which was w Mrs. Joe Landers. .. lucky neon The FEastern Star Tea and Fa: show formerly arranged for June has been ncstponed to June 10th dis‘rict women who have attended teas before will want to keep this in ‘mind. . . tea will he saruar i+ teas before will want to keep this da in mind. . . .tea will be served in t! afterncon and models will display sun mer wear from the A. J. Shragge sto .. . the date again, Woednesday. Ju: 10th, place, Mascnic Hall. Members of the Ladies section are reminded that the Ladies Day a% the Golf Club will take place toâ€" morrow (Friday) afternoon. . .play will commence at 1.15 and all the members are urged to be out .. . . ancther note brings a reminder that a mixed twoâ€"ball foursome will take place on Saturday afterâ€" noon. the manse ol t(nN o‘clock in the aft Mrs, Sivunen wil while Mr. and Mi mer Tone Marrio| dence in Toronto couple were united in ma lovely ceremony in the 1 Church at 6.30 pm., while couple svoke their marria A big dance coming up for those who are interested in dancing . . . D Comâ€" pany, 2nd baltalion of the Algonquin regiment is holding a dance June 12th at the McIntyre hall .. . . This is being put on under the auspices of the N. C. O.‘s.and should prove to be a very gay affair . . . Proceeds are being used for the good of the company in sending them to camp, supplying them with sport equipment and any other essenâ€" tials that are necessary . . . Remember the Algonquin dance on June 12th at the McIntyre hall, an affair that shouldn‘t be missed. ‘AAG . lal Ord: pire wa A wedadin# of local interest took place in Toronto when Miss Eileen Carâ€" riere, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Carriere, of this town, became the bride of Allan Deeth, son of Mrs. M. Deeth and the late Mr. Deeth, of Toâ€" ronto . . . the couple were married on May 26, at St. Michael‘s Cathedral and will live at Pickering, Ontario, where the groom is at present employed Among the dancers at the Pavâ€" ilicn on Monday, May 25, were Miss Peggy Smith and Mr. Owen Stewâ€" art, both of Cochrane. . . .. Peggy was wearing on the third finger left hand a beautiful diamond rins placed there by Owen last week. They were among the many fxom Cochrane who were svending weekâ€"end in town. . . .Also wearing a lovely diamond is Miss Alice Dodge daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dodge. . . .She is the fiancee of Sargeantâ€"Observer Frank Wisrâ€"r fâ€" St. Cathari riage will take ; Group gifts, incluc fui comforter, a ches milton silver, a mant filled wth ‘mums, a many other fine piec ple‘s lovely new hon ented from friends i to Mr. and Mrs. Sivi mer Laila Viola Kos presentations were friends at a recepti« wanis hall, and tele; gratulation came fr both the United Stat . .. Mtr. and Myrs, Si honeymooning at a near Sudbury, where known and popular. an interesting aftt quilting with a de lowing . . . Plans Rummage Sale to St. John Ambulan day morning, Ma ing at 9 a.m. Pour quilts wer the quilting bee h« ternoon at the H« the Women‘s Instit number of member go the congra wishes of thei this district former â€" Fanny daughter of of pioneer famili¢ party made an picture, the bric ring gowns t to her gown 1 Mrs. E. T il eb uilts were completed ng bee held Tuesday it the Hollinger Hall AÂ¥YynEeIAR, . ;1 :. _of the. di | the xceptionally Mr. and M town, beca th, son of ers attended ernoon was lunch were made | o be held at . ‘eside in McMillen will take t0 DC a very gay re being used for pany in sending lying them with any other essenâ€" ‘y . . , Remember on June 12th at anâ€" ‘affair ~ that t€ rams of conâ€" om points ir ‘s and Canads ‘unen are now summer home both are wellâ€" Tu i for June 1 clock people beauti idy Ha 1€ ded their Mtr. al Timmir (the fo 1€ 6 in th won b bridal pretty it United fotr 1€ ent Em id M =â€" Cre Mrs. spendin iness. L. A. C. Vincent Lafrenier, of Vicâ€" toriaville, Quebec, is at present spendâ€" ing his leave with his parents in town. Miss Dorothy Taylor was a recent visitor to Kapuskasing. Mrs. H. Jeal and Miss Dorothy Jeal of New Liskeard, were recent visitor: to Timmins. Mrs. N for Toro: ane The engagement is announced of Maâ€" bel Ann Scott, Reg. N., of New Liskeara | !ngs Cert second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. G.| The » Scott, of Plumas, Manitoba, to Horace | Of #!ghty Mervin Allen Woodward, â€" Timmins,| N444 Ontario, only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. S. Woodward, of Emerson, Manitoba.| Toront The marriage will take place quietly on | says he June 6th, 1942. usually t Leslie Lambokin, Q. D., of the HMC. S., in Toronto spent last weekâ€"end with his parents in Schumacher. Rodrcy MacPhail, of the Provost Corp, is at present spending a short leave with his parents in town. f1 ding tw Mrs. Mi "Swede spending town thi day Sergeantâ€"Observer Bert Hornby, of the R.C.A.F., left on Monday to return to his station. Mr. Owen Stewart spent a few days with this week. cdla he Mr. Louis Guolla has returned from Toronto where he has been attending school, to spend the summer months 1( Jack Marks, of the R.C.A.F. in Kingâ€" ton, was in town last weekâ€"and visitâ€" ig his parents and friends. 16 Miss Rileen Carriere left last Frid r Toronto to svuend a vacation. Miss Mildred Peel was a visitor to j1chrane last week. Bill Wilson, of the RCN., is spending leave in town. Misses Peggy ‘au, of Cochnt. wn this weel Williard Bergeron of the present snending a short iends in town. ‘rgeant Wireless Airâ€" mpson, of the R.CAPFP. y after snending leave <enneth McCormick, R. C. N., sta ned at Halifax has returned afté nding leave at his home here. Pilotâ€"OfE. C:A.FP ha: r spendin . Louis Dupuis returned last Thurâ€" from Toronto where he attended Ontario Dental Convention. ergeantâ€"Observer Gar Morris, of RJCAF., left this week to return 16 on nd ind 11 Tempi Johnson o a few days i Sam Harris of the R.CAP., is r his in Cochrane, and i few days with friends in town Mickey McGrath is leaving at of the week for her home in d Lake after visiting her parâ€" r. and Mrs. J. Theriault. Peggy Smith and Jean Biloâ€" Cochrane, spent a few days in it lass Stoker Henry Pulton, of N., is spending leave with ts in Schumacher. pal Anderson returned last week nc her mother in Toronto. On 11 Nixon is on a visit to : ‘s. Albert Hay, Cochrane ALl ‘r Marcel Everard of the returned to his station afâ€" a leave with Mrs. Everard Ove with and son, A. Elligs, left week to spend a few dayv pya ‘hard artit n Univers Stenclick, of the No ), is at present spenâ€" ave with his mothe: MacMillan Airâ€"Gunner Cecil A.FP., left on Monâ€" leave at his home i1, of Sudbury, in town on bu friends who has been in Ssecora Shon in Mrs. Debiens in RCN., is with friends in of Cochrane, friends in +own theâ€" AAXN.,â€" 18 hort leave with more re( recent vi ly LAC HMHarry McFadden, stationed a St. Hubert‘s is spending a furlough i town with his parents.. Mr. Frank Kubas, of Winnipeg, is spending a short holiday in town visitâ€" ing friends and relatives. Miss Stella Lepage, of Cochran spent a few days in town this week. Mr. Bill Kosic from Toronto tending univers Mr. andâ€" Mrs. A.â€"FP. Ca Toke street, wish to a: marriage of their daught leen, to Allen Deeth, sot Deeth and the late Mr. I Moe B. Shragge returne day from Toronto where dent at OQOsgoode Hall. H Leslie Scott Wisner, Ontario. The weddin on leave in late June the pal Arrempomerts weraq made anrd mor committees were formed. C.Q M Abrams, Cpl. McLeod and Pis Stoc were the members chosen for the pub licity committee and they are now ha: at work publicising the event. I\% is the first dance to be sponsore by the N. C. O.‘s althosugh two dancs have been held by the Comnany. Th proceeds from the event will be us for the benefit of the entire compan and will be used to supply sports equip ment for the camp period this year. Prince Edward Drive, Toron which took place Tuesday, M St. Michael‘s Cathedral Toror Algongquins Plan Dance at Mcintyre on Friday, June 12 10Cal company, any the CW.SF. and some of bers of the Air Cadets. Decision to hold a dan funds for the N.C.O.‘s was Thursday. Committees w to make arrangements for orchestra and these have completed. On Tuesday e N:C:O.‘s WilTS])()ng()}' Affaip, | The Presbyterian Church of + * % | * . Proceeds for Entire Comâ€" Canada pany. Oddfellows‘ Hall, Spruce Street Rev. W. M. Mackay, B.A., The N.C.O.‘s of :D‘ Algongquin Regiment, tioned in Tinmmins, week for a big dance McIntyre Gymnasium 12th. Tickets are now be purchased from the local company, the CW.S.F. and bers of the Air Cadet Music for the dance will be supplied by Timmins‘ leading orchestra, Henry Kelneck and his band, and dancing will start at nine o‘clock, continuing till twoâ€"thirty. Warm Weather is Expected for the Next Few Days trict for the next day o to the weather forecast i Hollinger weather burear with the temperature :s eight o‘clock this mornin ing of fiftyâ€"four degrees ed that it would be The temperatures di week have been ranging with most of the days be and considerably cooler variation in the temuper ed about twenty degrees for the week was on Moln when the mercury jump three degrees and the lo Femperature was Fiftyâ€"Four Degrees at Eight O‘élock This Morninge. Three Timmins Men are Winners in Chinese War Draw mIn. 3 day, m min 38 this three degrees and â€" urday and Sunday ing of thirtyâ€"one d During the past than a quarter of â€" the actual amount Temperatures for Thursday, max. 5 max.‘ 06," min. 46: the Chine held in 1 _G. Kirkbride, of Timmins Moqt For tunato Winning $50 War Savings Certifiâ€" cate, en week hree ‘ oronto Telegramâ€"The man w iimning A8 M max."]l mornin OYrC and moderatd K. 48, mIn Wednesd the next day of ather forecast is weather bureau temperature s the _N.C.O.‘s Committe rrangements and these War Ré nto we Inme mth a M mins, madd dance to be ir daughter, Mary Jeeth, son of Mrs late Mr. Deeth. of ha the rees eact i Monday jumped 1 he low w Carriere of to announce ide1 Saq inch O ompan nd â€" Ba HtC ae Toronto, Ont n 1€ 1A l 1 1e( Irom his mort "Tiday, Jun ile and ma member 0 member â€" 0 _â€"the mem 1 vith On $0 m tod Dee 31 ind . > thit: t tht m H id 44 1 10.00 a.m 11.00 a.m 11.00 a.m. LC Bunday Sunday Sunday Bapt men! Im Holy Thursdayâ€"8.00 p.m.â€"Public Meeting. Strangers Welcome, Come and Worship Meeting. Puesdayâ€"8.00 p.m..â€"Solders and Aq 10,.00 11.00 Mountjoy United Church United Church, Timmins Ssuinda Public Christian Science Society Church Directory 100 Mountijoy street S. Minister REV. £E. GILMOURâ€"SMITH, B.A Cedar Street and Fourth Avenue Minister Rev. W. M. Mustard, M.A., B.D. i5~â€"â€"Morning Worship 10â€" Evening Worship St. Luke‘s Evangelical Lutheran UChnurch Major United Church South Porcupine, Ont. Reyv 2ndad and 3rd and St. Matthow‘s Churceh Trinity United Church Schumacher Anglican The Salvation Army Â¥..IT 5.M nai Israel Synagogue p m South Porcupine, Ont (Missouri Synod) E. Rot®. Pastor 11 First Ave AEI, 1. HALPERN, Rabbi W. LINDER, Cantor BLOOR AVTNXNUE. ames A. Lyttle, Minister 1t Minists iptla 1J O 1) *A11 sunuay for 9 t( sunda )t Schumacher ‘orman Healey, B.A Mn Dbelow 12 yealt Are Welcome Church RE GYÂ¥MNASIUM n Mitchell, C.A. a.m.â€"Holiness Meeting m.â€"Sunday School. p».m.â€"Gireat â€" Salvation Mrs., J. Cornthwaite rs in Charge D at / p.m. Are Woelcome ng Service of Worship Welcome to All ling Prave Schools pro tem p Hour. School 11 vears <School hip lay at 8 a.r orps Cade chool Praver t North Phone 1094 ervice of Worâ€" 10 ch eat # # B Tae Le wih k. _Â¥ 5 ut P de w 4 m â€" n" a m Tt Ets ts h ut A k \ $ street 6 W Society Nt);tl imc@ay at 1258 Sunday Sunday ind ove in eoples al CLASSIHED ~â€"~aps WANTED 1c A WORD PER INSERTION (minimum 25¢) l‘ic A WORD PER INSERTION IF CHARGED these s (Minimum 35¢) All Classified Advertising must be paid before insertion to obtain cash rate. intere<ted, phone 855, or call at Ro 4, Municipal Building, Timmins Forces by making for them essenâ€" tial munitions. 11 Work for Victory APPLY TOâ€"DAY Munitions Division Bata Shoe Company of Canada Limited PRANK FORD ONTARIO or at the office of THE PORCUPINE ADBVANCE for application forms. Apply for a Job in the Munitions Division BATA SHOE COMPANY 11 ; XCCL ions. Cbe ge WwWILCh ] now empl Phone 26 THIRD AT CEDAR STREET MAIN AT GOLDENX ]T’ I,.l ’ 4/ = II'? B Mi anada TAmited LOST _ will not be responâ€" 5 occurring in teleâ€" sements, or as a reâ€" not carefully, legibly ikes occurring from @ire wholly at adverâ€" ie Childrens Aid Soâ€" willing to give homes _ basis to Protestant 14 years of age, If 1e 855, or call at Room COMMUNITY In{ m 6 â€"Then there is the tor who always moisâ€" ien spades are trumps. and living condiâ€" s. _ chance on the working : your own living. n 18 to 40 years il skill preferred. iny former salesâ€" , typists, wives, ‘s of the men in Waltham watch movement â€" No our Fighting ODISTINCTIVE SILVERPLATE on Saturday n â€" covering t, Township s? Sheridan phone ~21p FOR RENTâ€"Four large heated aps ments, newly decorated. _ Availa immediately. Apply 47 Wiison A nue. ALLENâ€"To the precious memory of our Darling Barbara, whom God‘s finger touched, and she slept May 28th, 1937. "Five years have passed our dear one, since the Angels came for you. Yet through the mists of lonely years your sweet face still smiles through. You were too sweet for this cold earth, too beautiful to stay:; That is why God sent his angels to take you, dear, away. Keep her, O Gentle Jesus, and love her as did we And let her be a bond between our broken hearts and Thee." â€"Always will be remembered by her loving Daddy, Mommy, June and Marlene (sisters), Dome Mines. In the Estate of John Ponikvar, Miner, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned late of the Town of Timmins in the District of Cochrane, who died at the ‘Townâ€" ship of Jessup in the said District on the 13th day of March, 1942, are reâ€" quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 24th day of June, 1942. Dated at Totvonto this 22nd May, 1942. Toronto Telegramâ€"Oneâ€"half of the chewing gum supply is in packages ready for sale and the other half is stuck under seats in the movie houses. After that date the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which hue shall then have had notice. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ROOMS FPOR Block:; suitable beauty â€" parlor. Apply Room 2 South Porcupine A. VEercivau | PERSONAL LOANS 7 Cedar St. 8. If you Borrow THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Por Taxes, Puel Purchas( and Other Seasonal Need $192 $300 §$540 YoUuRr EsTATE IS PROTECTED Y LIFE INSURANCE, WHICH THE BANK ARRANGES ONE YEAR TO REPAY Electric Sprayers For Rent Apply to the nearast branch a Other Amounts at Proportionately Low Rates M’omh\y Deposits Provide for Repayment _ FUMIGATO KX R TVMMIN® SOUTH PORCUPINE The Public Truste Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Administr 6 J e and the 59.75 RENTâ€"in Wilsc for teaâ€"room Opposite â€" theatr Wilson â€" Buildin Der SAVE $13.50 OPEN STOCK PRICE $73.25 You M 2 Mor Phone 167 $S16.1 $4 itOo day of (elal

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