Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 28 May 1942, 1, p. 2

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Event Held in Trinity United Church at Schumacher. Next Presbyterial Conference to be Held in Timmins. Officers Elected for Cochrane Presbyterial of the Woâ€" men‘s Missionary Society. $ Club Meetings Miss Etta Campbell the and Other Events Chi@f Speaker at Meetingat south l’orcupine ue se mm im eay* o > a%. e . um o P W EieE cR e e of Presbyterlal of The sixteenth annual Cochrane Presbyterial of t Missionary Bocietvy of t Church 6f Canada was h May 22nd, in Trinity Unit Bchumacher. Vases of beautiful flowers which adâ€" orned the church proper where the business sessions were held and also decorated the tables where luncheon and dinner were served in the baseâ€" ment meeting room, were kindly sent by Mr. William Leck, of Schumacher, as a tribute to the memory of his wife who at the time of her vassing in March was Presbyvterial President. Mrs. Leck had been keenly anticipating the nolding of this convention in Schuâ€" macher, for the first time, the WMS. Auxiliary there having been organized three years ago, with Mrs. Leck as its president for the first two years. The morning session onened at 10 am. with Mrs. A. Jackson, lIst viceâ€" president, presiding, and a worship serâ€" vice, the theme of which, "Service of Lights," was given by women of the WMS. Auxiliaries of Timmins Pirst TUnited Church and Mountjoy United Church. Mrs. Harry Leng, president of Schuâ€" macher WMS. Auxiliary, extended a warm welcome on behalf of the Auxiliâ€" ary. Mrs. MacKeracher, of Cochrane, Auxiliary, gave a fitting reply on behalf of the delegates and visitors. The following commitees were then A beautiful sto: Lifted," was rea after which Mrs a service of res appropriate hymt er. The following commitees were then appointed. Courtesy committeeâ€"Mrs. A. Gillies and Mrs. Libby. Nominationâ€"Mrs. Ian Gordon Mrs McNee, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Oltsher Mrs. Laidlaw, Mrs. Arkinstall, Mrs Leng, and Mrs. Manson. Registrationâ€"Mrs. Phillips and Mrs €Coulson. PAGE TWCO Items of interest from the general secretaries report were that there are one hundred and eighteen members in the auxiliaries, nineteen life memâ€" bers and fortyâ€"two associate members. There had been one hundred and twentyâ€"seven subscripntions last year to the societies‘ publication, "Missionary Monthly," and 95 subscriptions to the Junior Publication, "World Friends." An explorer group had been organized in Timmns and a baby band in Matheâ€" son. Resolutionâ€"Mrs. Ramsay and McNee. At the conclusion of the lunchean the Rev. Mr. MacKeracher, of Cochâ€" rane, conveyed greeting of the Cochâ€" rane Presbytery, which were responded to by the Rev. Mr. Haley of Trinity Church, Schumacher. Miss Mayowna, W.MS. missionary worker, then gave a talk on her very excellent work among new Canadians of this district. The afternoon session opened at 2.30 o‘clock with a worship service by Matheson auxiliary conducted by Miss McGihie, Many valuable leaders and members had been lost to the auxiliaries by reâ€" moval from the district and three memâ€" bers had passed to Higher Service during the past yvear. The Explorers‘ Department report showed four groups active, Schumachâ€" er having the largest enrollment. Total membership of these groups is forty. The total of $772.95 had been raised and forwarded to Conference headâ€" quarters and also $25.00 for the support of a child in Neemuch, India. It was gratifying to realize that despite warâ€" time obligations and appeals this presbyterial had exseeded its allocaâ€" tion. Mrs. Wicks‘ report on Mission Bands and baby bands was read by Mrs. Macâ€" Keracher. There are 8 Mission Bands, one new one at Holtvre near Matheson. At this point on the agenda Mrs. Mcâ€" Nee conducted an "in Memorium" serâ€" vice for Mrs. W. Leck, Mrs. Thompson, and Mrs. Crow. Mrs. Carter of Cochrane, Secretary of the Literature Department, gave a very interesting preview of new books available, one of which "Pattern and Power for New World Order" by Basil Matthews, is of special interest, at this time, and named several others for adults and many for children. Adjournment was then made to the basement church hall where a delicious luncheon was served by the ladies of the Women‘s Association of this same church. RVIN ROSNER, R.0G. BUCOVETSKY BLDG. 21 Third Ave. Timmins EYEEIGHT SPECIALIST Azpointment Phone 187 EYES EXAMINED QLASSES FITTED of China, stressing the fact that the storv entitled, "Oil Lampsineed for missionaries for home and read by Mrs. A. Gillies, | foreign fields is greater than ever. Mrs. Irs. Alex Ramsay led in Teeple told of the er_l‘tertainment and resnonsive reading and,her impression of the deep interest vmns, and gave the pray_[in missionary work and the thought ‘and sympathies with the youth of toâ€" Lenge. nresident of Schuâ€" day facing a turbulent world. hner nassing in il President. Mrs. anticipating the ention in Schuâ€" DIhe UNDILGL held Friday oups of the omen‘s United Mrs Mrs. Coulson gave the report of reâ€" gistration. There were eight members from Hearst, three members from Matheson, ten members from South Porcupine, ten members from Schuâ€" macher, thirteen members from Timâ€" mins First United Church Auxiliary, seven from Mountjovy Church, Timâ€" mins, and last but not least, the guest speaker, Miss Etta Campbell. The report of Conference Branch convention was given by Mrs. Manson and Mrs. Teeple, delegates from Cochâ€" rane Presbyterial. Mrs. Manson told of the deeper side of the conference, speaking about the shortage of doctors l in rural districts due to the war needs for medical and surgical practitioners,, a problem which the W.M.S. has had already to face and in which they have solicited the helno of the Red |Cross. From talks given at the Torâ€" onto Conference by Miss Cora Kilborn !and the Rev. Clifford Grant, of India, as well as other speakers, Mrs. Manson also conveyed thei mportance of (Christian Leadershin such as that of Kegawa, of Japan, and the Generalisâ€" simo and Madam Chiangâ€"Chaiâ€"Chek, of China, stressing the fact that the ‘need for missionaries for home and foreign fields is greater than ever. Mrs. Teeple told of the entertainment and impression of the deep interest Past President: the late Mrs. W. Leck. Presidentâ€"Mrs. Laidlaw, Cochrane. Christian Stewardship and Finance secretaryâ€"Mrs. Oltsher, Timmins. Miss Gertrude Bristow, accompanied by the church organist, Mrs. J. Huxley, rendered the beautiful solo of "The Lord‘s Prayer." Mrs. W. Mustard, on behalf of the Timmins auxuiliaries, extended a hearty invitation to hold this Presbyterial conâ€" ference in Timmins next yvear. €ecretary Missions Circlesâ€"Mrs. L H. Anderson, Cochrane. Mission Bandsâ€"Miss McGhie, Cochâ€" rane. Baby Bandsâ€"Mrs. Wilson, Hearst. Associate Helpersâ€"Mrs. Black, Schuâ€" macher. Missionary Monthlyâ€"Mrs. Leng. Supply Secretaryâ€"Mrs. Weir, Timâ€" mins. Community Friendship Secretary â€" Mrs. Lyttle, South Porcupine. Temperance Secretaryâ€"Mrs. A. Ramâ€" say, Timmins. Literature Secretary â€" Mrs. Carter, Cochrane. Press Secretaryâ€"Mrs. Traver, Timâ€" mins. CG.ILT. Secretary â€" Mrs. Marquis, Hearst. The following officers were elected for the yvear 1942â€"43: A storvy by the Rev. McClure was nicely read by Helen Wonz, of Schuâ€" macher, C.G.ILT. Miss Etta Campbell, deaconess from Newfoundland Conference, gave a brief stirring inspirational talk on the needs of the world of toâ€"day, saving tha; we should live and do, in all our ways acknowledging God and Ilooking to the Master‘s guidance to direct our paths. The Rev. Mr. Healey conducted an impressive service of installation of the officers and also officiated for the Comâ€" munion Service assisted by Mrs. Jackâ€" son and Mrs. Laidlaw. Adjournment for the splendid dinâ€" ner was then made at the conclusion of which Mrs. Jackson gave her presiâ€" dential address, an insviring one, enâ€" couraging each to try to help to build a better world and that although woâ€" men have done much, there is so much more they could do. Mrs. Jackâ€" son read these appropriate lines on this subject: "We live in deeds, not years, In thoughts not breaths. In feelings, not in figures on a dial We should count time in heartâ€"throbs He lives most, who feels most Thinks noblest and acts best." and concluded by admonishing those present, to never in their zeal for building the Kingdom of Heaven, beâ€" come too busy to be the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, and that no Christ rule will ever be established for the world at large, until it has been estabâ€" ished in the individual. Rey. E. Gilmour Smith, of Mountjoy Church, sooke briefly and said that although he had arrived just in time for dinner (being a bachelor) he had learned that the Presbyertial had been invited to Timmins for next year‘s meeting. It did not seem to have been y stipulated as to which church, First| United, or Mountjoy Church, but he heped it could be arranged that Mountâ€" joy WMS. would entertain the Presâ€" byterial next yvear. South Porcupine auxiliary had charge of the worship service in the evening,| Mrs. Libby the Bible reading, Mrs. Hall gave the Praver, Mrs. Burton led | in responsive reading and Mrs. McNee sang the beautiful solo "Come Open the Gates of the Temuple." The courtesy committee thanked all who had contributed to the success of the meeting. Miss Etta Campbell who spent some three years in Cochrane Presbyterial and who had rendered a wonderful six years‘ service to the church and the pecple of Turllingate, the most northâ€" erly of the Presbyterials in the Newâ€" foundland Conference, gave a very inâ€" teresting, informative, illustrated talk on her work in Newfoundland where she has been organizing young people‘s groups and training leaders to carry she has been organizing young people’si CKGI.T. members of Schumacher groups and training leaders to carry Sang a hymn and the Chinese Naâ€" on this work. At present there is anly!tional Anthem and with Benediction one WMS. auxiliary but; plenty of by the Rev. E. Gilmour Smith, this scope for more Senior groups. The{successful convention concluded. ht mt t €outh Porcupine, May 27â€"(Special to The Advance)â€"The Oldâ€"Timers‘ Club met last week at the home of Mrs. S. ‘Jay, Dome Extension. Bridge was played with prizes going to: 1, Mrs. |Ewing: 2. Mrs. W. J. Wilson, and travelling prize to" Mrs. A. Stanlake. The hostess served a dainty lunch. The Senior Catholie Women‘s League |held a very enjovable bridge party on ,Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. T. Cahill (president) on Strachan Avenue. Every guest had a delighiful evening and the prizes given were exâ€" ‘ceptionally nice. Mrs. Dowe was first prize winner (bastel print picture); ’Mrs Carlo Cattarello came second and ‘won a set of water glasses; and Mrs. W. W. Wilson came third (war sayâ€" ‘ings stamps). Mrs. Cahill assisted by of the League served a very dainty lunch at the conclusion of |pictures were splendid ones taken by| _"*‘~": Miss Campbell, showing the beauty in | 4T° 5D°AW water scenes and even in rugged counâ€"| °P‘ hom try views, views of the progress in her ; The WQ work, of organized grouns of girls and cupnlm Ge also of boys, church buildings erected.‘lc.;;g‘,u %{mxz,l and one of the Grenfell nission at St. SOBiCbHill (Anthony. Pictures of the fishing inâ€" |‘ * dustry, chief livelihood of the populaâ€" tion, though there is also some lumberâ€" Ottawa ing and mining. Transportation is by ; lini? A c 'wa:er. horse and sleigh or dog team.| was going lQuite an abundance of wild berries ithe effete grow there. Miss Campbell was sent by the Home |let him ev Mission Board and the Women‘s Misâ€" | | sionary Society to fill the first request | for a woman missionary made by the late Rev. Oliver Jackson, then Superâ€" intendent of Missions for Newfoundâ€" i land. He saw much of the splendid |result of Miss Campbell‘s wonderful, News of Interest from South Porcupine and the Dome. ngs stamps). ‘MrSs. CAnill @ssistCda Dy members of the League served a very dainty lunch at the conclusion of cards. A second whist tournament was started on Monday evening by the ladâ€" ies of the Auxiliary of the Legion. Owâ€" ing to the hnoliday, the attendance was not as large as usual, but the ladies would like to see a large gathering next Monday at 8.15 pm. when the second drive in the sixâ€"week tournaâ€" ment will be held. Prize winners on Miss Evelyn Mitchell, who is in Porcupine General Hospital, is getting along nicely after appendix operation on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Thomas, of Rae Ave., spent the holiday in Kirkâ€" land Lake. Monday were: 1, Mr. Perissini; 2, Mrs. Pederson; 3, Mrs. Huestis. Miss Pearl Baker, of Dome Extenâ€" sion, is recuperating nicely in Porcuâ€" pine General Hospnital after appendix operation on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Foster, of Dome Exâ€" tension, sbent the holiday in Kirkland Lake. AC2 Joseph Mitchell, of the R.C.A.F., is home on two weeks‘ holi(hy at Dome Extension. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cecil Ave., are away 0 Toronto and Port Hobe Mrs. W. S. Blake and children are leaving on Thursday to spend the sumâ€" mer at their summer cottage at Carleâ€" ton Place. As Mrs. Blake wiil not be returning to South Porcupine to reâ€" side, she has been guest of honour at several affairs given in her honour, by her numerous friends. On Wednesday evening last week a delightful bridge party was held at the home of Mrs. W. Setonâ€"Adamson with Mrs. W. S. Gardâ€" ner and Mrs. J. Nix as assistant hosâ€" tesses, and a corsage of roses was preâ€" sented to Mrs. Blake with a parting gift of a waffle iron, as a token of affection from those present. Prize was like a friend returning home, to have Miss Campbell talk to the convention of her work, to have met and listened to her again and to have thus had another glimuose into the sinâ€" cerity of purpose and the apparent joy which Miss Campbell seems to perscnify. Her talk gave fresh inspirâ€" ation for Women‘s Missionary Society members of this district who say a "goodâ€"bye, Godâ€"speed, good health, and happiness" to Miss Carmnbell as she leaves to soon to take up her new apâ€" poirtment in the Province of Quebec. though hard and hazardous work, erc his regretful death on water on a stormy davy in November, 1940, wher the boat Mr. Oliver was in capsized. It was like a friend returning home Mrs. Dave Cockburn, of are away on holiday in THF PORCUPINET ADVANCT, TiMMINS, ONTARIO ia daughter, on May 24th. _ To Mr..and Mrs. Siegfried Bartman !of Dome and Tisdall iSts. ‘(corner) South Porcuping, on May 25th, : l daughter. Mrs. Carcline Jones is visiting he daughter for a few weeks in Toronto Harry Pyke, who has signed up with the R.C.AF., left on Monday for North Pay and Toronto. Friends of Mrs. P.; J. Varker ars Mrs. W. G. Smith and her daughter, Mrs. Schultz and son, left on Friday for Toronto and Windsor, where Myrs. <Schultz will take up residence in future. Mrs. Maxwell Smith visited her daughter in Toronto over the holiday. Mrs. H. R. M. Turner left on Friday for Welland where her husband is now employed and will reside there for some time. Her many friends wish her the best of luck in her new home." The wedding tcok place in the Roâ€" man Catholie Church, at Connaught on Tuesday, May 26th, of M. Antoinette Bellemere, of Connaught, to J. Gabriel Larouche, also of Connaught. ‘The ofâ€" ficating priest was Rev. Alfred Broquilâ€" lard, of Timmins. Miss Venour, of the Porcupine Hosâ€" pital staff, is on holiday in Toronto this The Rebek euchre party Priday. All Mrs. Carcl Friends of Mrs. P. J. Varker are sorry to learn cof her illness at her home on Crawford St. and wish her a speedy return to health. Mrs. Don McGregor (Isabel Smith) received word last week of the safe arrival in England of her husbhand who is with the R.CA.FP. Mr. Kearn EBorn n last week Souh Por: â€"â€"f SOIn. To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graha 19A Seventh Avs., Timmins, on 27ithâ€"a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Carey, Middleton Ave., Timmins, on May To M Middlet ~â€"â€"A2 S$OQH Miss Marg B1 visiting in South cif her aunt, Mr Mr. and Mrs. Dome, are on ho Messrs Dan F Mrs. Don Millar and liitle daughter are spending a few weeks at the parâ€" ental home of Mrs. T. Gibbons. The Women‘s Auxiliary to the Porâ€" cupine General Hospital will hold their regular monthly meeting on Wednesâ€" day, June 3rd at 2.30 p.m., in the Maâ€" sonic Hall in South Porcupine. Kayo Ilola Ottawa where hei Canadian Navy. Miss Josethine beet MtTs. 5. A. Jone left on Saturday in Toronto. home weekâ€"end keard. â€"OCchArane, } he home of Eorn n POrcubpne Gegneral nospita. st week:â€"To Mr. and Mrs. Bird, o1 uh Porcupine, on May 20th, a son To Mr. and ‘Mrs. Thomas Brawley of A Strachan Ave., South Porcupine Na Chief of the anadian iwa Journalâ€"Remember Mussoâ€" A chan with a square chin who ning to clean up Africa and throw Tete British out of the Mediterâ€" n 2 Well, nowadays they don‘t AIR VTICEâ€"MARSHALL L. S. BREADNER, D.S.C Powell A nd Mrs. and Mi €e. were Anna Sullivan and her broâ€" . Herbert Sullivan, left on Friâ€" car for holiday in Toronto, urst and other poinis. Josephine Cecco ending the O.C.EF mer vacation at VICE ADMIRAL PERCY W. NELLE nt, Mrs. John Newman. Mrs. Buck Thomas, of the on holiday in Burlington. Dan Hughes and J. McCaiâ€" he Dome, spent the holiday in Val D‘Or and New Lisâ€" A. Jones, of Commercial Ave and Mrs. Ernest Fostey, of n Ave., South Porcupine, on â€"a daughter. ind Mrs. Harry Poole, of 98 . Schumacher, on May 27th Mrs. W. R. Gardner, Miss Olive Gardner, ere woekâ€"end visitors Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ga own, of Duparquet, is Porcupine at the home were Mi on Wednesday for coing to the Roval Air s Masoni come. Fred Graham, of Timmins, on May General 36 ni, who has E., is spending ; the parental che nd two week iff, Royal holdin UCca Hospital Bird, of 1, â€"a ‘son. ‘awley of of: 2"7th Former Deaconess Addresses Groups at Schumacher Miss Etta Campbell on Furâ€" lough from Newfoundland Church, Miss Etta spent six years as Women‘s Missiona foundland, and is very interesting i her work in that slides were shown. Miss Campbell alq( sion Band and th Training. Lanteri of the districts in bell had worked. " interesting to the : shower at 8. Porcupine in Honour of Miss L Schumachet The Advance. Friday eve IUICNAIGS, MPS. M â€"Hornmelt Jr., and Mrs. F. Bonnett Sr., Mrs. H. Boulâ€" ton, Mrs. N. Sullivan, Mrs. J. A. Dwyâ€" er, Mrs. C. Kavanagh, Mrs. R. Campâ€" bell, Mrs. Benny Laff‘n, Mrs. Vert Lafâ€" fin, Miss Audrey McCaw and the guest of honour, Miss Viola Laffin. Worker at Hovle Mine Loses Life in Accident Monday South Porcupine, May 27th. Special to The Advance. Clifford Tomlinson, aged 21, was killâ€" ed on Monday morning at the Hoyle Mine, when he was buried in a fall of muck in a stope ‘below the 200 ft. level. He is unmarried and the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Tomlinson, of Swastika. The young man was a quiet lad and very well liked by those who knew him. Since early last winter he has been a boarder at the home of Mr. anc’ Mrs. A. Ewing, who feel jthe tragedy very keenly. Two brothers reside in the camp, Alfred Tomlinson, at Pottsville, and one at the Pamour Mine. The young man‘s father arrived in Ssouth Porcupine on Tuesday to make funeral arrangements.. The body was shipped by hearse from Hunkin‘s Fuâ€" neral Parlors on Tuesday afternoon and interment will be made at Swasâ€" tika on Thursday. An inquest will be held later this week under Coroner F. C. Evans. Mines Inspector E. B. Weir is investigating. As far as is known, the deceased who ran a machine underground, was sufâ€" focated and died almost instantly when buried by the fall of rock. Owing to the nature of the section of mine in which the accident happened, and the heavy fall, it took almost six hours to extricate the body which was immeâ€" diately rushed to hospital where life was pronounced extinct. Honoured on Leaving for Women‘s Branch R.C.A.F. â€" Porcupme, May 2/â€"(msDpeC to The Advance)â€"Miss Lyda Jordis leaves on Thursday evening for Not Pay and Toronto to join the Wome branch of the R.CA.F. Miss Jordis will assist in the clercial departme of the Air Force and is the first la to leave South Porcupine in any cay city of this nature in the Forces. S has been in the office of the Tisd: Police Denartment for the past ye and has made many friends in Sou Porcupine since coming here to resi some six years ago. She has been ente two weeks by the the United Church: (who entertained friends in her honot last at the home o tinheimer on Comme¢ bers of the junior b: ting Club of the Es:s Games were plave ing and a gift was n of her plaved du jeing â€" wor n w Th Mrs. F. BC it Sr., Mrs 1UL€ wW. Zenu _ BC M a nol ich Mi rined jeople i1 11 by @1 YOLl A vC [M M nt Special ordison North 1paâ€" B 11 1€ Capt. Reid to Inspec the Schumacher Cadets on Tuesday Other â€"Items » Interest from Schumacher and the District. Schumacher, May 27th. Special to The Advance. Captain Reid will inspect the Schuâ€" macher Cadets Tuesday evening, June 2nd, at 7 o‘clock, in the McIntyre ball park. The public are invited to attend. Mrs. Loveless and daughters, Shirley and Margaret, are visiting friends in Kirkland Lake. Mr. Frank RPurlong, Pirst avenue, left Friday for Pembroke, where he was called owing to the death of his broâ€" therâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. Joe Heney. Mrs. â€"Charon, of Kirkland Lake, visited with Miss Laura Smaill during the weekâ€"end. Miss Edith Armstrong, Second ave;, left at the wtekâ€"end for a holiday at Bancroft, where she will visit her mother. s Corporal F. C. Smith, of the Algonâ€" quin Regt. overseas unit, left this week for his depot, after visiting at fbiis home on Fourth avenue. Henry Fulton, of the Royal Canaâ€" dian Navy, is visiting his parents, Conâ€" stable and Mrs. Fulton, Second avenue. Mrs. Wright, of Bracebridge, is visitâ€" ing her sister and brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Keeley, McIntyre Proâ€" perty. Miss Marianne Cooper, of the Onâ€" tario Educational College, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Cooper, McIntyre Property. Bornâ€"Friday, May 22nd, at St. Mary‘s hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Bowman (nee Marion Leng), Bank of Commerce Apt., First avenueâ€"a daughâ€" Corporal John Todhunter, of the Alâ€" gonquin Regt., Petawawa, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Todhunter, Third avenue. Leslie Lampkin, of the Royal Canaâ€" dian Navy, is visiting at his home on Fourth avenue. Mrs. Dave Bennett, Fifth avenue, motored to Larder Lake and spent the weekâ€"end visiting friends there. Guardsman Charles Pennie, of the Veteran Home Guard, Gravenhurst, spent a few days visiting at his home in Timmins. He also visited friends in Schumacher. The Young Married People‘s Club, of Trinity United Church held a social evening in the church hall last Wedâ€" nesday evening. Games andâ€"communâ€" ity singing were enjoyed. A delicious pot luck supper was served. AC2 Raymond Chatson, R.C.A.F., stationed at Manning Pool, spent the weekâ€"end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chatson,., First avenue. Miss Agnes Coleman, of the Public Sschool staff, spent the weekâ€"end visitâ€" ing in Noranda. Mrs. Jack Chatson, First avenue. The Twentyâ€"fivers Bridge Club met Monday evening at the home of Miss Dorothy Armstrong, Second avenue. Bridge was played and the prize winâ€" ners were:â€"1st, Mrs. E. Sayers; consoâ€" lation, Mrs. Bill Good. After the cards presentation were made to two of the members of the club, Mrs. Bill Good, who is leaving to take up residence in Toronto, and Miss Joan Huxley, whose wedding takes places next week. Mrs. Walter CraiKk on behalf of the club The Advance)â€"Another brideâ€"toâ€"be s Doris Hamilton, was feted on irsday evening at a shower of wedâ€" z gifts at the home of Miss Lillian ifman, of Crawford St. Miss nilton wil be married in Toronto on e 18t) to Mr. Elmer Buchnam, and eaving for Toronto at the end of _ woek. Her varents, formerly of Marid nresent were:â€"Mrs. Henry Mtrs. G. Hamilton, Mrs. Jack rs. "Mickev" McCann, Mrs. irk, Miss Irene Disher, Miss ilston, Miss A. Cartonick, Brown, Miss Vera Patriquin, e Tokar, and the hostess; 11 A 37 Kaufman ato and M ied membt Telephomn w wWOrkers at t mes were played ich was served a ome wee d Miss one Co. e manyv Hamil eau{l 1 he | I nual roc !done at in Trair hic.s ‘FI was in | The girl tea and served and ie SIHL very attractive with and a vase of was on each table. | a large selection of . to choose from and to choose from and was Mrs. Malkin and Mrs. charge of the bake table ren‘s clothing table had tion of children‘s dresses Mrs. H. Campbell and were Kept Dsy ron table, conve ward and Mrs. C selection of apr( had many cagd and Mrs. Dan of the fancy wo were kept busy were Kept Dusy sery The â€" decorations were in charge of and Mrs. Jack Ga this table were cut a lovely selection of a large selection of nual roots for sale. â€" Held _ Yesterday Proves Veryv Pleasing Sucâ€" ghan and being fi1 members made the presentations. Mrs. Good was presented with a lovely threeâ€" piece Vanity set, brush, mirror and comb, and Miss Joan Huxley with a lovely polished wood. sewing cabinet. Both ladies suitably replied. The event was a big surprise to them and they thanked the club for the lovely gifts. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess. After lunch a social period was enjoyed. Mrs. Good leaves toâ€" morrow (Friday) for Toronto where she will visit her parents; then she will go on to Ottawa and visit with her husband, who will be leaving soon for overseas. Sudbury Starâ€"Si truck stops for all redheads and brunt up half a mile for a Schumache ie Advance THURsDAY. MAY 38TH, 1942 roots 10r | at this tab raining ha The price in the sha ren s mpbel isy at Aesâ€"a n on truck: ‘"‘This railroad crossings, 28th. Special to ind will back

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