Miss Etta Campbell to be Speaker at W.M.S. Presâ€" byterial. Former Deaconess to Address W.M.S. at Schumacher ESchumacher, Mavy 20 â€" : The Advance)â€"Friday, May Cochrane Presbvterial of th Missionary Society will holc byertial session in the Trin Church. Members from a in the Cochrane ‘Presbyteri tend. The evening meeti: open to the public. The sp« Etia Campbell, who is on spent six vears as a mission Women‘s Missionary Societ: foundland. She will give into mission work on that is meeting will be held Prida May 22nd, at 7.30 â€"p.m. i United Church,. A special ir extended all to attend this r Fl‘()m SChuma(jhOr z Former POl‘(‘l{pinq M;: Miss Bette MacMil University of Toro Mcnday to spend the with her parents, M clair MacMillan, Lal Miss Bette MacMillan, student at the University of ‘Toronto, arrived here Mcnday to spend the summer vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sinâ€" clair MacMillan, Lake Side Drive. Mr. FP. Gilbert, of the Tyranite Mine, visited his wife and little daughter in Bt. Mary‘s Hospital, He also visited during the weekâ€"end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gilbert, McIntyre Property, Fourth Ave. Mr. and Mrs. MacMillan, Fourth Ave., spent the weekâ€"end visiting friends at Monteith. The Women‘s Missionary Society of Trinity United ~Church <~held their meéeting Wednesday in the church hall. The President, Mrs. H. Leng, was in the chair, Mrs. Rert Waite read the scripture lesson the Revy. N. A. Healey gave an interesting talk on Christian Missions in Japan during the last 300 years. Mrs. George Shippam gave a report on the supoly bale which Miss Barbara Waddell of Toronto, and Mr. Pat of Queen‘s University, the summer vacation w ents, Mr. and Mrs, H. V tyre Property, Third Ave Miss Margaret Bel Centre, left this week Charliton. Y _ VC _ _ dil Il11LCICSUCINS â€" TAIK on Christian Missions in Japan during the last 300 years. Mrs. George Shippam gave a report on the supply bale which will soon be shipped to the West. After the business session a dainty lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. H. Waddell and Mrs. Smith. After the lunch the ladies spent some time makâ€" ing suggestions and nlans for the Cochâ€" rane Presbyterial of the Women‘s Misâ€" Personal and Other Notes from Schumacher District. Schumacher The Advance) was received this week of Mr. Joe Porriere, a here. Owing to ill healt] over a year ago for O His death took place 1: Alfred, near Ottawa. M 89 yvears of age at the death. Ma Missionary Societ Church. <~heldâ€" t ay in the church Irs. H. Leng, wa BRert Walite read ind the Rev. N interesting talk s in Japan during as Wi week 2( for 1, of University | tterson Waddell , are spending with their par-; Waddell, McInâ€"! hn re JOG¢â€" iCE iwa di ind 1. , ~L TW evening e death dâ€"timer »ft here district. day their hall. is in | the hi hn a t ist, Mrs, Walter Craik; 2nd, Mrs. Stuart Uraubart. After the cards the nostess served a delicious lunch. After lunch a social period was enjoyed. Mrs. A. H. Cooke, Mcintyre Property, First Ave., was hostess Monday evenâ€" inc +n the Eastern Star knitting group. I1st, Myrs 3ra, Mrs game M a hamne During | Schumacher, May 20 â€" (Special to The Advance)â€"The Rev. Armstrong Sales and Mrs. Sales, of Smooth Rock Falls, molored to Schumacher last week and spent two days visiting old friends and â€" acquaintances. During their visit here they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gilbert, McInâ€" tyre Property, Third Ave. The Reyv. Sales came from Emgland to Schuâ€" macher 19 vears ago. He was minister in the cld church which was situated at the corner of Second Ave. and Spruce St., near the fire hall. During his ministry in the old church he was the means of having the present Trinâ€" ity United Church built and he had the honour of preaching the first serâ€" mon in it. following na Merceury of Plack refert pine par: POorCcupne, a s( late Mr. Bill Porcupine dis grandson of M avenue, Schum Mrs. Sinclair N and Renfrf been toget This was the first visit of the Rev. Mr. Sales and Mrs. Sales in sixteen years and they were warmly greeted by their old friends who visited them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert. Tuesday evening Mrs. James Tinsley, First Ave., also entertained them at a supper party. The Rev. and Mrs Sales seen a big change in Schumacher since they left it and nromised their many friends they would visit again in the near future. 1Lanark ind read Toronto Telegramâ€"We wonder who spoils the child who hasn‘t a grandâ€" mother or a grandfather? "ormer Pastor and Wife Pay Visit to Schumacher MI Schumad 12e Advar and â€"So rinark and Renfrew 1 read as follows:â€" Capt. Wm. H. Black ving with the Pirst d Regt. as a lieuten urn, promoted to t n. Capt. Black wil PForcupine MVan Is Captain in Renfrew Regt. Hi )h iame m. H. Black, who had been h the First Battalion Midâ€" as a licutenant, was, on his moted to the rank of capâ€" _ Black will be second in f H.Q. company and comâ€" the carrier platoon. Major int. Oates and Capt. Black ‘r members of the Lanark w Scottish Regt. and have since the beginning of ind Mayv cMil died nty undc 11 91 t ‘* *‘ / Address Junior Bridge Club met the home of \I League Of (h“rCh .\~'n /«.. at South Poreupine s presentec lovely baby } W Third Ave nijoved. Railroad [ Mrs. S on, 108 Third a nephew of of Schumachâ€" south Porcuâ€" Ts ago. The e heading of rottish Regt." (Special to Schumachâ€" id the disâ€" ested in the r‘ers Bla 321 the bin nted wi ed n South int Obâ€" RCA.FP ng During guests McInâ€" nd Bing were Pine nfrew zif 18 taIin uth the the â€" Other Items of Interest from ; y South Poreupine and the | aria | Geo Dome. [ Te nl To Mr. and 55 O‘Brien Avc Rev. E. Gilm preached â€" the cupine United ening birthda wWwinnet Euchre from prizes Webb Mr. and Dome Exte n1 wet das Mrs. Jordison left last Wednesday for Columbus, Nebraska, to visit her mothâ€" er who is ill. Mrs. Jordison who inâ€" tends to stay away until fall will visit her daughter, Mrs. Andy Whetham at Port Stanley before returning home. Miss Rita Costello celebrated her sixteenth birthday on Monday. She was delightfully surprised, when, in the evening fourteen of her High School girl friends arrived bearing gifts and lunch and birthday cake for a grand surprise party. They had a wonderful time and Rita had a very happy birthday. Mrs. Catherine Smith, who has been visiting her aunt Mrs. Ewing for the past few weeks left on Priday for Kirkland Lake where she will be the gcuest of Mrs. Miller for a few davs beâ€" past few weeks left Kirkland Lake where geuest of Mrs. Miller f i May To M Pte. Harold Helmer, of Niagaraâ€"onâ€" re~Lake, snent 48 hours leave at his ome this weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mrs. Don Crozier, of Front t., returned on Saturday after two ‘eeks‘ holiday in Hamilton and DMunâ€" n, on Ma On May iACâ€" ~I( Ir [ es for ladies went to: 1, Mrs. B bb: 2, Mrs. J. Goodman (Timmins) men, Mr. Carlson (Dome) was firs ner, second going to Mr. N. Woon hre nrize winners weoere: 1, Mr rge Bannerman; 2, Mtrs. Jack Mc lald; and 3; Mrs. Hsrry Coote, â€" A clal birthday cake with 21 candle: a feature of the lunch table ant OfI ike plac iffair 1 la1 May 14th to M y, of the Mc jacherâ€"a son. 2C ) succe ‘immin for lac il y 16th. 18th, to M of Hovle, a ind Mrs. A thday cake with 21 candle ure of the lunch table an enough to serve all thos _ _very delightful lunch wa this party, and was of th of the Eastern Star has se of their Chapter. Mrs. Benjamin Curtis, o nsion, announce the engage eir second daughter, Claric 0 Charles Victor Sandersor of Mtr. and Mrs. W. Sander nad M 1 _ Manitoba he latter r 11 ur Smith, of Tim ermon in South ‘hurch on Sunday le by Myrs. _eague. babies wf recupine C Don Crozier, of Pront i Saturday after two 1 Hamilton and Dunâ€" CTC Tin Mr. and Mt MciIintvzre â€" P M r of the Eastern bridge and euchre Mrs. Frank Wa ivener for tagyg William 1i Mayv 16 Harold F ht nes Wad eA V .M on Ma ind M ughte: en i Helme inine. a i Tuesday ‘entyâ€"first ne Chapâ€" id proved f visitors Bridge born ral anary 0 y 14th. Tiimmins ;° CY Y _â€"â€" e Â¥o the home of M A tea for the members into League is to b ‘Church Rector | Thursday after A very bnleas: on Fridayvy last Mts. Atâ€" | raiph Ellis wh Reid, of E3. lmer, of €, a son, ddell, of upning, a marriage June in THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO 1CC On of of bulski arian, l¢ Georgia "bee. Wed the duri Ellis Miss McKinley, Miss Lucas and Miss Wilkins, and the hostess, Mrs. Ellis. Mrs. Winton Adamson and Mrs. J. Wilder were not able to be present. Mrs. Roach leaves on Friday for a few davs holiday in Collingwood. Friendst of Mrs. Fred Hepburn wilh\ be glad to know that her condition is pronounced good after serious operaâ€" tion on Monday in Toronto General Hospital. Mrs. Hepburn was in hosâ€" pital in South Porcupine for some days and left last Friday for further medical attention in Toronto. Hospi pital | and 1¢ ‘Ihe sixâ€"wegek whist tournament, held each Monday evening in the Legion hall under the auspices of the Ladies‘ Auxiliary of the Legion ended on Monâ€" day. The ladies wish it to be known that this has been a great success and a new sixâ€"week tournament is to start on Monday next. Tournament prize winners for the last one are:â€"1, Mrs. B,. Webbâ€"total score 966, prize, casâ€" serole in chromium holder; 2, Mrs. R. C. Mitchell, score 967,. prize pyrex pie plate in chromium holder; 3, Mrs. J. McDonald and Mrs. C. H. Libby, tied with score 956â€"Mrs. McDonald won on the cutâ€"a pyrex casserole.. Winners at the Monday‘ party were: 1, Mrs. Finora Burns: 2, Mrs. . V. _ HMedges:® 3, wInora â€"‘burns; 2. MrsS. :vV. 0, Mrs. Cecile Martineau. Police Courtâ€" Mr. W. S. Gardner defended J. Wesâ€" terberg on a charge of being intoxicatâ€" ed in charge of a car. Police Constable Battrick stated that, when parked on Main St., he noticed erratic driving in the car zigâ€"zagging from one side of the strset to the other. The police car followed to the highway where he saw two occupants of the car get out, one being in a state of intoxication 1€ 1 K 11 n NC Ha ) and Renfrew. Mrs. Ed. Syâ€" s visiting in Killaioe. R. Brinton, our esteemed librâ€" eft on Tuesday for Atlanta, . to spend a month with her ‘r and sonâ€"inâ€"law and family a Mrs. Leslie Fairfax. During sence Mrs. John Newman will last Friday for n in Toronto. Sydney Thoma rth Bay after nination for th id WE ?urnis and two little leaving on Friday to ice in Collingwood. Mr. ) weeks ago to take a t town. aV a1lilf n for He w in visiting her moâ€" or some time owing mule (Dt in tow . Somerville left weeks‘ vacation. Toronto they will "onvention being 1ias has returned r successful mediâ€" the radio dept. of 11 now await his urnament, held on n Dr.), of Monâ€" )wn over the n Saskaâ€" (Westerberg). T the sober man wa her mo«= t crown attorney j ne owing ancies in evidence !klnscn sentenced â€" oliday in hard labour with Ed. Syâ€"|er‘s permit for impounded for t Two Showers for s Jlune Brideâ€"toâ€"be at South Porcupine hard labour with susbensioOn oi Grivyâ€" er‘s permit for six momths and car impounded for three months. The same sentence was given to anâ€" other whose intoxication was proved although no damage was done to an} car, or the one defendant was driving as he was stopoued by Whitney police Two sveeders paid the new $15 fine and other minor iniringeimel trafic laws were met with fit A vagrant was given no syt his worshin when he pleade "all upset" and had no plac "Go and loock after vourself, bench as he dismissed him. South Porcupine, May 20â€"(Special to The Advance)â€"Two showers for a June brideâ€"toâ€"be were held this week in South Porcupine. Miss Viola Lafâ€" fin is the popular yvoung lady, who is to be married to Mr. John P. Blaikie on June 1l7th in the United Church. On Thursday evening, at the home of Mrs. Kitchener Tennant, a miscelâ€" laneous shower was given for Miss Lafâ€" fin by the members of Sky‘s store staff, with whom she has been connected for the past few years. Mrs. Towell was joint hostess at the affair with Mrs Tennant. A most enjoyable evening was spent by the guests. A door prize was won by Mrs. Mabel Taylor, Mrs. Ida Cudlipp was the lucky winner in a guessing contest, and Mrs. Mary Marâ€" tin won a prize at another competition The guest of honour was presented on this occasion with a group gift of a chromium tray with coffee percolaâ€" tor, sandwich toaster, and cream and sugar set. Several games were plaved during the evening at which prizes were won by Mrs. Sky, Mrs. George Sutton, Mrs. Curly and Miss Phyllis McCann. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess at the close of the evening, asâ€" sisted by some of her friends. Guests present were: Mrs. Vert Laffin, and the guest of honour, Mrs. J. Borutski, Miss Audrey Bennett, Miss Lily Brown, Mrs. E. Curly, Miss Rose Dimbrosky, Mrs. Wm. Huestis, Mrs. Bert Harvey, Mrs. Osborne Bowes, Mrs. Benny Laffin, Mtrs. Mabel Tavlior, Mrs. Aune Kemp, Mrs. S. Sky, Mrs. J. Prankie, Mrs. D. McDonald, Mrs. George Kulosky, Miss Doris Hamilton, Mrs. Roland Patriâ€" quin, Miss Mary York, Mrs. G. Sutton, Miss P. McCann. Those unable to be present were: Mrs. James Armstrong, Mrs. S. Rock, Mrs. G. Helmer, Miss S. Olki, Miss V. Morley, Miss S. Pasanâ€" en, Miss V. Patriquin, Miss A. Elliott, Mrs. A. Bennett, Miss E. Jamieson, Miss V . Dillon. Piano Recital by Miss Jean Jordison at South Porcupine South Porcupine, May 20â€"(Special to The Advance)â€"Miss »~Jean Jordison, ATCM., gave her second vniano recitâ€" al in South Porcupine on Tuesday evening in the United Church which was well filled with an appreciative audience. Miss Jordison has a large class of niano pupils here and three of the girl students assisted her on Tuesday at the recital. Of The YITlL Students assisted her on Tuesday at the recital, Roses were used as decoration in the church and the yvoung ladies were all attired in pretty evening gowns. Beverley Cooke was in green printed organdy; Aila Anttila in blue net; and Marilyn Cliff, who acted as announcer, was gowned in turquoise organdy. Miss Jordison herself wore a pretty shell pink gown of chiffon with embroidâ€" ered ‘blouse and full sleeves, All wore a single rose as corsage. All the items were heartily applaudâ€" ed, the Chopin numbers being espeâ€" clally well executed and received. Miss Jordison intends taking a sumâ€" mer course this year at the Toronto Conservatory. Her nrogramme on Tuesday was as follows: "God Save the King." Scarlattiâ€"Pastorale. Bachâ€"Busoniâ€""I Call on Thee Lord® Haydnâ€"Sonata in D Major (Allegro con brio, Largo e sostenuto, Presto ma non troppo). Schumannâ€"*‘"Why?" Schumannâ€"*"Whims" Chopinâ€"Nocture op. 9 No. 2. Chopinâ€"Valse, op. 34, No. 1. Tchaikowskyâ€"Humoresque op. 10 No Godowsky Lecuona Tschailk ence, and Magistrate A ced defendant to 10 day Alt Wein FSeifl wore a preltty shell of chiffon with embroidâ€" and full sleeves, All wore > defendant was driving poed by Whitney police s paid the new $15 fine or infringements of ths re met with fines. Desuvite pro.ests as driving the car pointed out disc igement ith fine no sym| pleaded ill on Thee Lord® D) Major (Allegro tenuto, Presto ma 20â€"(Special to howers for a held this week 11e lete surprise ho was deâ€" of affection her. Guests Brown, Mrs. «. Ralph Spadafore Away at o South Poreupine ~athy by he was to stay. said the on. 37 No ‘Was One of the Pioneers of to anâ€" provea| the Poreupine. In Busiâ€" to any| _ ness Since 1909. Miss Mrs. Miss Miss Mrs Mrs. South Porcupine, May 20â€"(Special to The Advance)â€"The death occurred at his home on Golden avenue on May 18 of Raloh Spadafore aged 67â€"pioneer of the Porcupine, who has been in business here since 19093. He came to this district thirtyâ€"three years ago from Italy and has raised a family here of five children. Surviving are his widow, and sons, Charlie, Prank, and Rocco, and two daughters, Mary (Mrs. Prest, of Timmins), and Rose, (Mrs. Frank Adamo), of South Porcupine. Eighteen grandchildren also are living. PLUMBING and HEATING 146 Dome Avenue 230 Bruce Avenue, South Porcupine Gasoline, Grease and Oils, Guttaâ€" Percha Tires and Tubes, Prestâ€"Oâ€" Lite Batteries Cars Washed and Simonize C. LANDON and T. E. CAHILL Cor. Golden Moore, S. Porcupine e TIMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS ©% ATLAS TIRES and BATTERIES Agents for MeDOWELL MOTORS LTD. Ford and Mercury Cars and Trucks 8RX Bruce Avenue South End Garage WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of The Factory Shop and Office Building Act, RS.O. 1937, Chapter 194, section 82, subâ€" section 4, an applicatation has been presented to the council of the Corporation of the Township of Tisdale praying for the passâ€" ing of this Byâ€"Law. ' AND WHEREAS the council aforesaid is satisfied that such application is signed by not less than threeâ€"fourths in number of the occupiers of drug stores situate within the Township â€" of Tisdale. Being a Byâ€"Law to Provide for the Early Closing of all Drug Stores Situate Within the Township of Tisdale. Plumbing and Heating ‘omplete Furnace Work SERVICE STATIONS NOoOwW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL GF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE ENACTS AS FOLLOWs: Repairs to All Makes of Cars 24 Hour Service 2. This Byâ€"law shall be published in the issue of The Porcuâ€" pine Advance newspaper published at the Town of Timmins on the 21st, day of May 1942 and shall take effect on the 27th day of May, 1942. 3. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this Byâ€"law shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction therefor shall be liable to a fine not exceeding Fifty Dollars ($50.00), exclusive of costs, which shall be recoverable under the provisions of The Summary Convictions Act, all of the provisions of which shall apply to any prosecution for an offence under the provisions of this Byâ€"law except that any term of imprisonment for default in payment of a fine shall not exceed twentyâ€"one (21) days. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 18th day of May, A.D. 1942. South Porcupine Directory H. J. Thompson TOWNSHIP OF TIDALE Shell Service Station AUTO REPAIRS 1. Throughout the whole of the year, all drug stores situate within the Township of Tisdale shall be closed at the hour of g.30 o‘clock in the afternoon and shall remain closed until 5 o‘clock in the forenoon of the next following day except on the days specified in subsections (a), !(b), (c), (d), (e), and (f‘, hereof on which specified days all drug stores shall be closed at the hour of 12 o‘clock in the afternoon and shall remain closed until 5 o‘clock in the forenoon of the next folâ€" lowing day. me Avenue Phone 363 sOUTH PORCUPINE Nap Hout Kouth Porcupine (a) Pay days of the Dome Mines Limited. (b) Pay days of the McIntyre Porcupine Mines Limited. (c) Saturdays. (d) A day immediately preceding a legal holiday as deâ€" fined by The Interpretation Act. (e) A day immediately preceding a holiday proclaimed by the Reeve or the Council of the Township of Tisdale. (f) The days between the period December 7th to Decemâ€" ber 24th, both inclusive. Proprietors Phone 55 On Wednesday afternoon was said in St. Joachim‘s C fore interment in Timmins Pallbearers at the funeral friends of the familyvâ€"â€"Rocco Ralph Cosco, Josenh Cania tine Cantari, Tonvy Aouino Secoliâ€"and many oldâ€"timer known the deceased for n followed his bodv to its 1 place. Saturday evening or Sunday the office of the Porcupin Corporation at Kirkland Lake tered and a cash box cont couple of dollars in cash, mon for $3.00 and stamps to the $8.45 was missing. Police fo cash box later in a garbage ca same building. Attempt was a to enter another off.ce in the Police are investigating. Porcupine Credit Office at Kirkland Lake Robbed M.â€"CAV ANAGH Porcupine Hardware and Furniture Anderson‘s Grocery Midland Coal or Canmore Briquettes Phone 169â€"J Builders‘ Supplies Home Furnishings Phone 84 Frank Sgro Sons BIRD‘S EYE BRAND FROSTED FOODnsS 181 Moore Street, South Poreupine Special Peas and Corn on Cob KRed Ribbon Brand Baby Reef FOR SERVICE and QUaALITY Economy Store Cholce Groceries and Meats THURSDAY, MAY 218T. 1942 Tobaccos and Confectionery Fresh Vegetables COAL and WOOD THIS WINTER BURN F. Landreville (prop.) Clerkâ€"Treasuret South Porcupine Acting Reeve GROCERS FREE DELIVERY iIno and PC mers who h: r many vyvea ts last restil Refrigerators Hadios 8. Porcupine Phone 162 valut in the ) made rilding 1( ac of 1¢€