Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 24 Apr 1941, 1, p. 3

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THURSDAY, APRIL ATH . 1941 CGI.T. Prepares for Conference at Kirkland Lake Also forâ€" Sunday Service, May 4 United Church. Arrangements the Canadian it with the Rev. W the CXLG.LT. s2ry ing, May 4th, w gular weekly m« which took plac The president, V IRVIN ROSNER, r.o. !¢ wil] BUCOVETSKY BLDG. 21 Third Ave. Timmins EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Â¥ee Appointment Phone 1877 STYLE SHOP FURRIERS €. DLRO( HLR Corner Pine and Fourth io S ofs nc in ie Pictured here is the modern home of Style Shoppe Furriersâ€"which for the past three years has given the ladies of Timmins and district the utmost in values for high quality Furs. . Agents for Stan Walker Manufacturing Furâ€" riers since 1873 â€" the Style Shoppe Furriers feature upâ€"toâ€"theâ€"minute style trends in all the season‘s newest furs. NOW‘S the time To Buy That New Fur Coat! %. \ # o’. w .f .4'/‘ C * * < * Wl \ € 4 T % e MJ Prices Are Sure to Rise! A small deposit now will hold your new coat until next fall! EYES EXAMINED QOLASSES FITTED See these exosting fur coat â€" Fashions. Save with â€" ourâ€" special low prices,. The prime skins are of first â€" ranking quality and brilliantly styled for the coming se 801. Protection For Your Furs Our fur storage not only safeguards your precious furs against the ravages of moths, dust, fire, theft, it actually enhances their lovelinessâ€"strengthens the peltsâ€"heightens their lustre At the low ‘cost of 24,% of vour valuation we will store your coat and insure it for one ve by Tuesday evening Spencer, the viceâ€" y Morning ith, at the "The North‘s Leading Furriers" € AF president, Jayce Eervice, the secretary, Edra MacDonald, and Margaret Mcâ€" Cagherty will form the executive to confeér with Mr. Mustard. Arrangoments were also made to sell the remaining 54 boxes of chocolates at the WMS. tea and sale of home~ baking, on Wednesday afternoon, April 23rd, with proceeds for the Ontario Girls‘ Work Board. Mrs. Earl Smith, leader, was in charge of the sale. Further arrangements were completâ€" ed for the conference to take place in Kirkland Lake, Priday, April 25th, to Sunday, April ?7th. Twentyâ€"one reâ€" presentatives of the local group were planning to attend the conference, but due to the weather conditions, and the state of the roads, it has been decided to hold a meeting on Thursday evening at 7.30 o‘clock, of these representatives. Although it is hoped that all may be able to attend the conference as planâ€" md, the condition of the roads makes it necessary to send a lesser number to Kirkland Lake. After the depar‘iment meeting, the groups worked on table decorations and favours for the Mother and Daughâ€" ter Banquet. Mrs. Harold Guest, leader of the Voyageurs‘ group, announced the policy to be followed in the preparations for the Mothers and Daughters Bangquet will be to have uniform dishes and lunch for all five groups. Exchangeâ€"Being in iove is the same as being crazy, says a medico. Yeah, but being crazy doesn‘t take a man‘s appetite away. KOLINSKY DYED MUSKRATâ€"With RACOONâ€"Boxy Swaggers MUSKRATâ€"Swingâ€"Back Swaggers HUDSON SEALâ€"Princess Full Back PERSLIANâ€"Princess Styles Of Hudson Bay Sable, Canadian Mink, KIDâ€"In all popular Styles and sShades the pouular Yoke See our special display of the brilliant, new fur fashions. Take advantage of our special low prices we are featuring this week. Select any coat you desire and a small deposit will hold it until you need it. €. DUROCHER Opposite Post Office See Our Choice Selection Neckâ€"Pieces Kolinsky, Etce. Flowers . . . beautiful baskets of the choicest blooms . . . three such were pressnted on Monday evening at the the reception which followed the final performance of the Porcupine Skatâ€" ing Carnival, "Keen Edges,‘" at the Mcintyre Building . . . the first went to Miss Prudence Holbrook, one of the skating instructresses, and in making the presentation, Mr. R. J. Ennis general manager of the MciIntyre Mines and honorary president of the Carnival â€" committee, â€" complimented "Miss Prudence‘" on her fine work in making the carnival the great success that it was. A thing of jbeauty ever. Its loveliness It will never pass ness. Then, to Miss Mary Jane Kalsted, instructress, Mr. Ennis presented the second basket of mixed flowâ€" ers, humorously remarking that he had personmally selected each rose . another remark made by the the honorary president about ‘"Miss Mary Jane" was that when he had seen her patience with the junior members of the club, he had told her . . . "You would make a fine mother‘"‘ . . . then, when he had seen her in the number "Faith # Q. #* ## *# * # .Q # # #* # # ## # # #4 * * :t :t .00. ... +4 # # *21.%..® Li .. .0 00.0 * .*. :%. t "% 0‘.0.“‘00.“. Timmins is a joy forâ€" increases. into nothingâ€" (Keats.) THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TTIMMINS, ONTARIO The third and final tribute wen; to Mrs. Constance Wilson Samuel, visiting artiste, who was "Victory‘"‘ in the carâ€" nival programme . . . Mr. Ennis thanked "Connie‘‘ for coming to the Porcupine to take part in the third annual carâ€" nival, and complimented her on her fine performance .. . he then thanked Dr. W. D. Robson, Mrs. N. H. Russel), "Tup Gilbert‘", the choir, the orchesâ€" tra, the skaters, the "behind the scenes‘‘ mothers and fathers, and all who helped to make the carnival the beautiful and talented spectacle that it was. a quarter of a century The carnival itself was an extraveâ€" ganza of graceful and talented skatâ€" ing, beautiful settings and costumes, and rippling music . . . certainly, it was a performance that carried away the onlooker ... . that is why, at one moment, the audience would be hushbâ€" ed in silence, and, at another,, would burst into loud laughter or excited applause . . . yes, it‘s amazing what has been done with youngsters and with the senior members of the club in three years . . . strength, talent, and grace had been combined in a rainbow of colour and action, which came to a thrilling end with a display of three flags united . . . the American flag, the Union Jack and the flag of Canada. Lunch was served in the gymnasium prior to the presentations and dancâ€" ing in the auditorium of the building . . . to show his pride in the carnival, the skaters, and all who took part in it, Mr. Smith, in extending his coiâ€" gratulations, said that he would arâ€" range with Mr. Ennis for a party for the skaters, their mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers, and all others who took part, and added "send the bill to me‘"‘ . . . the McIntyre Ambasâ€" sadors‘ orchestra played for the dancâ€" ing, and it was a happy celebration of a great event. "Blue Shadows‘", "Scotch on Ice", ‘‘Wings‘"‘, "Hey, Hey, Farmer Grey," "Dresden Dolls", and every other numâ€" ber of the programme was highlighted with attractive costumes . . . in Blue Shadows‘ the lovely performers seemed to "float‘‘ in their shadowy blue frocks, Timmins and i‘s hospitable people . The only trouble, they said, was th they weren‘t staying long enough. At the dance by the Finnish Aid m the Harmony Hall last night, Driver Jack Thompson, one of the Resurgent‘"‘, he had said . . . "You would be an ideal nun" . . . the final decision, he said, he would leave to her. Mr. D. E. Keeley, president of the club, introduced Mr. Enmis, and Mr. Ennis in turn, welcomed Mr. Ben Smith, of New York City, viceâ€" president of the McIntyre Mines, who complimented the skaters on the carnival, and said that he beâ€" lieved there was no club could do better than this northern group . . . Mr. Smith came by airliner to Toronto, and from there by train to attend the carnival, and was accompanied _ by his charming daughter, Miss Cynthia Smith, and from Toronto by Lieutenant Stewâ€" art Reyburn, of the 48th Highâ€" landers, former skating partner of Miss Sonia Henie . . . Lt. Reyburn said that the club had made wonâ€" derful progress in its three years, and recalled that his father had been among the first proponents of the art to present an iceâ€"specâ€" tacle in this district (the Granite Club Skaters, four years ago). Four lovely young ladies, who are to be credited with the large sale of programmes, are Misses Elma Nykanen, Nelma Johnson, Velma Eimes, and Gertrude Teéeltto . . . they carried out the carnival spirit wearing rodio costumes, and beâ€" ing present at all three perforâ€" mances . . . Saturday matinee, evening and Monday evening . .. the orchestra received a special tribute from Mr. Ennis, who said that the music was (better this year than it had been previously. Costumes were in a large measure responsible for the beauty of the performance . . . they were breathâ€" takingly lovely . . . in the number "Faith â€"Resurgent‘‘, Miss Mary Jane Halstead presented a striking symbol of faith and hope, as the spotlight picked out the large cross which adorned her costume . . . her attendants, choir boys, proâ€" ceeded along the smooth ice surâ€" face, carrying flickering tapers, and, then, in the stillness of ‘"‘worldâ€"awaiting‘‘, Miss Halsted appeared, to add to the great hush which had fallen over the audience . . . it was an unforgetable moment and one of the most impressive numbers of the programme, with the Finnish choir providing to its glory with the singing of "The Lost Chord" and "In a Monastery Garden." . he then wished the skaters every success and happiness on the ‘"‘silver blades."‘ Telephones OFFICE OFFICE se« â€" t A. WILSON LANG GORDON BILOCK TVMMINES "It is Dangerous to Drive an Automolule Without Insurance" For Twentyâ€"five Years, I have been continuously engaged in the business of Gencral Insurance, repâ€" resenting all through those vears, the same timeâ€" tried companies in Automobile, Fire and Life, I am working for my customers, and not for any particular company. District Agency MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE CCO and, as the spotlight flickered over them, the colours seemed to change into tens of delightful shades and hues . "Park Avenue Fantasy‘"‘ with Mary Jane Halsted and Prudence Holbrook brought sophistication, with costumes of shimmering satin in black and powâ€" der blue, and tiny evening caps to match. Writing to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McChesney, Donald McChesâ€" new, with the 1st Tunneling Division of the Canadian Engineers at Gibralâ€" tar, says that each day the Spanish merchants bring fresh fruit and vegeâ€" tables to the "Rock" . . . he adds that it costs only 12e to see to good show, and 18c for a shave and haircut . . . which means that the Canadian solâ€" diers on the ‘Rock" are in no need, and that they are enjoying life. Another popular couple will soon leave for Southern Ontario . . . they are Mr. and Mrs. Burton Crocker, and family, who will take up residence in Hamilton . . . on Saturday evening, their friends surprised them with a farewell party, during which a beautiâ€" ful presentation was made . . . the event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McEachran, 78 Way avenue . .. Mr. Crocker will leave about April 36th, angqg Mrs. Crocker and family will follow after the close of the presgnt school term. mesciting, tea M were made fo of the knittin taking plagce a It was with pride that Timmias residents welcomed the Grey and Simâ€" coe Regiment to Timmins yvesterday . . most of the boys, you‘ll remember, are from Timmins, Kirkland Lake, New Liskeard, Haileybury, Cobalt, ang other northern towns, and as one of them said . .. "It seemed like old home week" ... they have visited numerous northern towns on their trip to Timmins, and will stop at others on their way back to Camp Borden . then. of course, there were the drivers, most of whom come from . . they were very enthusiastic about the North Land, and especially about Timmins and i{s hospitable people . .. The only trouble, they said, was that they weren‘t staying long enough. ecvenIng, the q th2 won by Mrs. R made by Mrs won by Mrs. R. Cole . . . the draw was made by Mrs. Fulmer and after the mesting, tea was served . . . plans were made for the afternoon mesting of the knitting club, toâ€"day, which is taking place at the home of Mrs. J. J. McCarthy, Elm street south . . . and, also, for the Monday evening mec‘ling, which will take place at ths home of Mrs. D. McInnis, 54 Balsam street south. tu No words can say "Thank You" better than those two simple words . . . "thank you‘"‘ to about three hundred skaters of all ages . . . a "thank you", to choir, to comâ€" mittee, to orchestra, to executive, to visitors, and most of all, to inâ€" strucotresses, from the people of the Porcupine, and from all who had the privilege of being present at "Keen Edges‘"‘ . . . may our club continue on its road to success and glory, to the eventual fame whicn is due to such talented people. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Charbonneau, have announced the engagement of their younger daughter, Mabel Florina, to John VanRassell, of the R.CA.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. VanRassel, Timmins . .. the marriage will take place quietly the R.C.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. VanKRassel, Timmins . .~. the marriage will take place quietly early next month, and many friends throughout the district are extending sincere good wishes to the popular couple. Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice A. Londry, whose weddâ€" ing was a very lovely event at South Porcupine yesterday afterâ€" noon . . . the bride was formerly Miss Gwendolyn Boyne Luxton, a popular member Oof the younger set, and the daughter of one of the pionser families of this district . also. to Mr. and Mrs. Ulyse Ethier and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Belchat, who were united in marâ€" riage in a lovely double wedding ceremony at the Notre Dame des Lourdes Church yesterday morning . . . the former bride was Miss Alice Bastarache, while Mrs. Belâ€" chat was her sister, Miss Blanche Bastarache. At the hanter ular meetit quilt which was drawn icetinz of the Arbuâ€" rn Star on Tuesday was made by for, and was the draw was 1nd after the ._ hostesses id Mrs. J. be compliâ€" nt evening Fine prizes Charming Double Wedding at the Notre Dame Church Wedding of Miss Alice Basâ€" tarache and Mr. U. Ethier and Miss Blanche Bastarâ€" ache and Mr. A. Belchat. A charming double wedding took place at the Notrs Dame des Lourdes Roman Catholic Church on Wednesday morning at 9 o‘clock, when the Rev. Fr. Trudeau officiated at the marriage of Miss Alice Bastarache to Mr. Ulyse Eithier, angd Miss Blanche Bastarache to Mr. Arthur Belchat. Surprise Farewell Party for Mr. and Mrs. Burton Crocker Two Minor Fire Calls Since Monday Morning The Timmins Firemen had only two calls since Monday, one for a minor chimney fire and the other was a false alarm. At 823 p.m. on Tuesday fireâ€" men were called to Box 52 but could find no fire when they arrived there. On Wednesday firemen were called, by phone, to 206 Elm street, south, at the home of J. Loweary to put out a chimney fire. There was no damage. Winners at the Ladies‘ Auxiliary Whist Drive The two brides are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bastarache, who gave his daughters in marriage, and Mr. Sinaix Trudel acted as the other witness. Mr. Ethier is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ethier, and Mr. Belâ€" chat is the som of Mr. and Mrs. Adelia Belchat. Presentation Made of Beauâ€" tiful Oil Paintine. Winners were: Ladies: lst, Myrs. Pigeon, on a cut from Mrs. Stonehouse who took the second prize; and 3rd, Mrs. Dufeu; Gentlemen: lst, Mrs. J. Shaw; 2nd, Mrs. Forsley; and 3rd, Mrs. Barkel. Mrs. Hardy acted as M.C. during the evening. On Wednesday afternoon, the members enjoyed the usual Comâ€" fort Fund Tea. The admiralty, this morning, anâ€" nounced the sinking of the armed merâ€" chant cruiser, H.M.S. Rajutana, a 16,â€" 644 ton liner, in a torpedo attack. Alâ€" most in the same breath they annountâ€" ed that the Prince of Wales, new 35,000 ton Battleship had been ccimmissionsd. Both couples will take up residence in Timmins. The hostess serveq a delicicus lunth ass‘sted by Mrs. Reid. Among those who attended were:â€" Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Chalmers, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Guild, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Miss Alice McInnis, ‘the guestsâ€"Oofâ€"honour, Mr. and ‘Myrs. Crocker, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. McFEachrand. Those who contributed to the gifts, but were unable to attend included:â€"â€" Mr. and Mrs. Redden, Mr. and Myrs. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weir, Mr. and Mrs. Armsrong, Mr. and Mrs. Sutton Members of La Federation des Femmes â€" Canadienneâ€"Francaise wers the guests of Mrs. Joseph Laviolette, 70 Fifth avenue, last evening, at their weekly knitting bee . .. and what a Twelve tables of whist were played at the Ladies‘ Auxiliary of the Canaâ€" dian Legion whist drive in the Legion hall on Tuesday evening. splendiq afternoon they spent, with much work being completed, and a delicious lunch being served by the hostess . . . all members are asked in remember the regular monthly meetâ€" inz on the first Sunday in May. ONE sUNK ; ONE COMMISSIONED numerous drivers who were presâ€" ent at the dance, was called upon to draw for the prizes which were awarded . . . the names he grew were Mr. Jussila for the lot, Miss Siren of South Porcupine, for the radio . . . and Mrs. Utriainen, of Fourth Avenueg, Timmins, for the thira prize . . . the lot was donatâ€" ed by Mr. N. Rein of Porcupine. To add to the pleasure of your weekâ€"end, visit the Style Shoppe, corner Pine and Fourth Avenue ofn Saturday ... The Catholic Woâ€" men‘s League is holding a bake sale there that day, and it will commence at 11 o‘clock . . . Mrs, C. J. Munn is convener of the sals . . . and from all reports, there‘s going to be dozens and dozens of lasty cookies and cakes for your lunch, dinner, or afternoon tea. The Presbyterian Church of Canada Oddfellows‘ Hall, spruce Street The Revy, K. W. House, B.A., Minister Rector: Rev, Canon Casning, B.A., L TB 10.00 a.m.â€"Adult Bibe Class 11.00 a.m.~â€"Morning Prayer 3.00 p.m.~â€"Sunday School 4.15 p.m.â€"Baptisms 7.00 pm.â€"Evening Prayer Holy Communion on Ist Sunday of month, at 11 a.m.; on 3rd Sunday, at 7 pm.; and on 5th Sunday, at 8.30 a.m. Major and Mrs, J. Cornthwaite Officers in Charge. Sundayâ€"11.00 a.m.â€"Holiness Meeting. sundayâ€"2.30 p.m.â€"â€"Siunday School. Bundayâ€"7.00 â€" p.m.â€"Cireat â€" Salvation Merting. Mondayâ€"7.00 p.m.â€"â€"Corps Cadets. Tuesdayâ€"7.00 p.m.â€"Young _ Peoples‘ Meeting. Puesdayâ€"8.00 p.m.â€"â€"Solders and Adâ€" herents. Thursdayâ€"8.00 p.m.â€"Public Meeting. Minister Rev. W. M. Mustard, M.A., B.D. Associate Rev,. E. Gilmour Smith, B.A. 10.45 a.m.â€"â€"Morning Worship and Sac rament of Baptism. Mr. Smith wil} preach on: ‘"‘The Immortal Hope" 7,00â€"Evening Worship Mr. Mustard will preach. sunday school: 12.15â€"for 12 and over. 2.30â€"for under 12 2.30â€"At Mattagmi Public School for 8 and under. Porecupine, Ont. (Missourt Synod) Rev, E. Rothb, Pastor Divine Service at 8:30 p.m. in the Anglican Church South Porcupine. All are Oddfellows‘ Hall, Spruce Street North Strangers Welcome 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayver Holy Communion on lst Sunday at 11 SUNDAY, APRIL 27th, 1941 "PROBATION AFTER DEATH»" Golden Textâ€"*‘God hath both raisâ€" ed up the Lord and will also raise up us by his own power." 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday School 10.15 a.m.â€"Junior Bible Class 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer (1 Corinthians 6: 14) Christian Science Reading Room open daily from 12 to 5 p.m. in the Mcâ€" Innis Block, 18 Pine Street South., A Cordial Welcome to All Schumacher Anglican Church MeINTYRE GYMNASIUM Captain W. VOLLICK, C.A. Assistant Minister St Matthew‘s Timmins. 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer Mrs. Holston Entertains Women‘s Institute Members 2nd and 4th Sunday at 8 a.m. ard and 5th Sunday at 7 p.m. Baptisms and Marriages by arrangeâ€" ment. 11,.00 a.m.â€"Dome Sunday 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday School years and over. 2.00 p.m..â€"Sunday School 1 der tweive years. 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Service 7.00 p.m.â€"Evening Service. All Are Welcome Schumacher Rey. F. J. BAINE, M.A., B.D. Minister Res. 83 First Ave. Phone 1094 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Service of Worship 2.00 p.m.â€"Sunday School 7.00 p.m.â€"Evening Service of Worâ€" was hostess to mem|} Institute at a quilii day evening. One q forâ€" Britisnh refuge hostess served a da Among thrse. who Mrs. Carl Briggs, pali Mrs Christian Science Society Sunday School Public Worship St. Paul‘s Church South Porcupine, Ont. Ven. J. E. Woodall, D.D., Minister Sunday Services Church Directory United Church, Timmins Mrs. Holsto Cedar Street and Fourth Avenue St. Luke‘s Evangelical Lutheran Church B‘nai Isracl Synagogue St. Matthew‘s Church Trinity United Church United Church South Porcupine, Ont. Rev. James A. Lyttle, Minister BiOoOoHrl AVENUE, The Salvation Army Cedar Street North ISRAEL 1. HALPERN, Rabbi W,. LINDER, Cantor G. Drummond btewart, Mrs, ) Myrs. Turner, a: ship A Cordial Welcome To All Vorship at 7 p.m. You Are Welcome Sunday School for all unâ€" it 1.30 p.m sunday School sSchool for : Public Meeting. Come and Worshin Hartep M 1 ty lunch. itienaeéd o wet yOrk he Womnen Drummono J.â€" Shanks DW AVGn M 1 on Ts amnpleted and the 1 l

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