Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 11 Sep 1939, 1, p. 8

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The clean-lava people crammed In the Mal Alliance of Sloan. and: mu Outpothnruaslam in Can- Ofln have lulled a declaration to the government and people of Canada to upon. their devoted loyalty to Canada. end the mpire and their determined support of the nation and democracy. m declaration has been endorsed by the; load branch of the National Al- nuwe who make it plain that when the country calls on them they will not fall in their duty. m touowmg Is the declaration by the National Alliance of Slovaks, Mu and Carpathomssians in Can- ' Declaration Ml Czechoslovak people organized lo the National Alliance of Slovaks Dacha and Carpathorusslans in Can- ad‘t. declare that they are loyal to their Canadian homeland and will W Canada with all their power in her present struggle for humanity and ‘We want to fulfill our duties as Can- adlan citizens and we feel. that while fighting for the Canadian liberty and demcracy we fight also for the libera- tion of our own nation and for the re- euhblishment of the Czechoslovak re- - We refuse the malicious lie by which Outwany declares the war against Po- land in the name of_ Slovaks. -â€" The so-called “Independent Slovakia" is only a finaud by which Germany dis- guises its violent and illegal occupation of our country. ‘ We beg yen. Sir. to accept this mani- festation of our loyalty and allegiance 'to Canada and to the British Empire and we ofl’er you our devoted services. The National [Alliance of Slovaks. Czechs and Carpathorussians. Steve Rudinsky, chairman Karol Brecka, secretary Endorsed by Local Czechoslovak People The «following is the endorsation of the *Thnmins and District Slovaks, Czechs and Carpathorussianszâ€" “The branch "of the National Alliance of Slovaks, Czechs and Carpathorus- sm.:msTimmins supports this declara- tion and announces that if end when the country canon us in its need, we shall never fail in Our duties. Frankly. we’ve never. moved unyone as‘ for as Mt. Etna, but we have moved many families long distances and always with perfect satisfaction. For safety's lake. entrust your moving to STAR TRANSFER PHONE 427 Canadian Italians Loyal to Canagla lor Thumlna 31inch muons: Alliance. anil Ready to Serve In the past week or two The Advance has published expressions of loyalty to Canada and Britain made by local New Canadians. flerewith is given the re- solution of 'the Canadian Italians. The order of Halo-Canadians in Canada passed a resolution of loyalty and de- votion to Canada and this has been endorsed by the local branch. Chas. Cicci is the president of the Timmins branch. and Leo Baudera the score- tary. The local organizer is G. Ban- Resolution Passed by Local halo-Canadian Order. The order's official declaration. fully endorsed and upheld by the Timmins and District members of the Italo- Canadian association is as follows:â€" The halo-Canadians Will Fight ‘ For Canada a At a meeting held on 30th August, 1939, by the administration commit- tee of the order of Halo-Canadians, in accordance with a resolution on the supreme executive council of the order, it was moved, seconded and carried unanimously that:â€" Whereas the Order has been founded with the specific aim to counteract. among the Italians in Canada, untrue. and slanderous propaganda of foreign powers and; I (5) mo put all its forces and means at t the disposal of His Majesty's Govern- ment for any useful purpose because they feel that only this is their duty Whereas the order of IMO-Canadians is the only Dominion-wide Italian As- sociation of loyal citizens of Italian origin and; Wlhereas it is a basic principle of the Order 'to impress upon its members democratic ideals in accordance with the modem conceptions of civil life and ratlions among nations and; Whereas the Halo-Canadians hon- estly and loyally abide by these sacred principles, notwithstanding dictatorial propaganda. spread by interested in- dividuals. which has mislead important representatives of public opinion into the belief that Italo-Cana ians living in this caunrtry are not 131 ml to the democratic institutions of our Whereas the Order wants to remain truthful to the principles. of human brotherhood for which during centur- ies of struggle so much blood has been shed by Italians in all the battlefields of the world for the defence of the freedom of every oppressed or menaced people and, separating the respon- slbility of the Order 'from any action of the Government of their country of origin; It is resolved: (1) To approve the calm and cour- ageous resistance of non-aggression na- tions as endorsed by the Canadian Government. (4) To applaud the decision of 150 members of their veterans lodges who have already decided to put themselves at the disposal of the Canadian author- ities and are ready to answer any call for active service, if one is made. (2) To proclaim the loyalty and de- votion of the Halo-Canadians ‘to the foster country in which their sons are born. their homes established and in which lies their future and their actual interests. “(3) To continue to promote and en- Your ahmty 3.6 :gqp your car when emergencies 4-_.__..__L Li... L- at... a} '. Shower in. How I of Bride-to-be at -ln».l_...___._.l_-_ mm Schuuucher. September ma, Speak! to The Advanceâ€"Mrs. Percy nanny. Gold Cantu-e, entertained lest. Wednes- Other Items of News from Schumacher and District. day night at a miscellaneous mover in honor-of Miss Lois Anderson. Who willbecomethebrideoer.Jsckm- er. 'l‘irnmins. on September 30th. The house was beautifully decorated (or the occasion. Bingo was played. and there was community singing. During the? evening Mrs. Fred Bennett played the wedding march. and the bride sill groom entered the room. Mrs. Martin Martel as bride. and; Mrs. Carrie For- rester as groom. with little Joyce Hicks as flower girl. The bride received many beautiful girls for her new home. Mrs. Harvey’s niece. little Joyce Hicks. ss- sisted the bride in the opening of the parcels. She cut the ribbon of each parcel with a pair of silver scissors for luck. There were about sixty in attend- ance and a. very delicious lunch was served by the hostess. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Foster have returned from a motor trip through Southean Ontario. Mr. and. Mrs. Leslie Ellies and family: left this week for South Porwnine, where they have taken up residenee in their new house on the Helmet townsibe. Mr. and Mrs. Ellies were old-. time residents of Sohunweher. - Mr. and Mrs. Dan McKie andchill-f‘ dren arrived home Thursday night. Mrs. McKle and children spent the summer in Glasgow, Scotland. Mr. McKle met them at Montreal and they spent a few days visiting friendrtn‘ Toronto. Mrs. McKle feels she was lucky in getting a berth on the An- tonia which sailed a week before the Athenia. Her mother-ln-law, Mrs. Mc- Kie, and uncle, Mr. James Cullen, were passengers on the Athenla. Mr. and Mrs. R. 'E. Yorke and son. Roy, returned on Friday from a motor" trip through Southern Ontario and the United States. ‘ V Mr. and: Mré. 'Heppiewhite and daughter; Nancy, are on a. vacation to Toronto, New York and Philadelphia. Mrs. Fairbrother, Gold Centre, enter- tained at a luncheon party at her home last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kellar left by. car.‘ Sunday for a holiday in Montreal. M-r. Keller’ 5 grandparents will accompany; {them on the return trip and they will; visit with their family here for some time. Dr. G. L. Armitazge aecompanied by Mrs. Armitage and little son left on Thursday by car for a «holiday in To- ronto. “a '1 Mrs. Hicks, Gold Centre, entertained. a number of her friends at. a luncheon: party held at her home last. Tuesgyay. Mr. John Daliyn, of :the McIntyre staff house, left this week for his home in Bale, where he will visit his parents, prior to resuming his studies at. Toron- to University. Mrs. Alex Stirling entertained a number of her friends at. her home in Gold Centre last Thursday. Three Births Registered During the Past Week-end Bornâ€"on September 7th. 1939, to Mr.“ and Mrs. Martial Parisien,' of Matta-. gem! Heights at St. Mary’s Hospital-44 a daughter. - Bornâ€"on August 12th. 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Risto of - 81 Tisdale avenueaâ€" daughter. {Bornâ€"on August 23rd, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Herve Charette of 201 Pine street: southâ€"a daughter. - Calgary Albertanzâ€"A doctor says tripe is good for the health. Gee, news- paper reporters must be healthy. Wk? A mmmnotmoremanIOOmenm - ne am; but for days they defied bomb- ardment from sea, bud and 311'. September lot e German cruiser shelled Wherphtfle but when a landing party normed the garrison they were greeted withmachmegunfireandhadtore- 9 treat. Then came twenty-tour German bombers. but after their work the ma- chine gun tatoo still kept back the as- sailants. More bombings followed. but the gallant band still held. On more than one occasion the Germans report-' ed the capture of Westerplatte, but each succeeding 'announcement proved that the pmious one had been in- “Bombardment Insurance” for Canada Insurance agents are quoting a. rate of 75 cents :per $100 for “bombardment insurance" in Quebec and the Mari- time Privinces, an advice from Lloyds of London, England. The insurance covers risk of damage from such haz- ards as shelling. bombing from the air. Slovak Envoy Charged The German News .Agency (D.N.B;) has reported from Bratislava that; 9. against Ladislav Snatmary, Slovak _. Minister to Warsaw, who has Openly carried on anti-German activities in his diplomatic post. The envoy, in a letter to the Polish Foreign Minister, Josef Beck, and in a broadcast to Sio- vakia, said his people were under 'the German yoke and called on them to rise up against “the common enemy of the'two Slav nations, according to the German charges. Canadians Need Permits Now ' to’ Leave England - Canadians leaving England for home are now facing new regulations, ef- fective from September 9th. Permits are necessary to leave the country. ,There are also new regulations requir- ing passengers to sail and land from certain approved points which prevent many who preViously booked passage from :carrying out their original in- tentions. AuthOrities at the Home Office stress the need for Canadians l intending 'to coihe to England to pay; careful attention to passport regula-. classed as transients, will new to re- next two weeks. I Espionage‘ in the U. S. A. neutrality laws. N ' U. S. Patroiling Atlantic 7 operate. tions. Canadians in England, even those sister for identtheetion cards in the special census to :be taken within the «President Roosevelt has called upon every police ofl'icer in the United States to co-operate with the Federal Bureau of Iinves’tigation in a mighty effort to stamp (out espidnage, sabotage, sub-’ versive activities and violations of the Announcement has been made that a large fleet of destroyers, coast guard cutters and aerOplanes will patrol the Atlantic from New England to the Pa- nama Canal, and as much as several hundred miles at sea, ltO detect and 3report the presence of belligerent war- "shlps.1he purpose, it was said, is to ig‘ive U. S vessels warning of the pre- . 'sence'. of warcraft and to let the belli- ger‘ents know that U. S. vessles are in Ithe' vicinity when? fighting vessels may Paul Gurtler, Who was once a non- commissioned officer in the same com- pany as Private Adolf Hitler, then in; the Austrian army, entered his name as‘ a recruit from Canada to fight the same Hitler. Gurtler, a Sud-eten Ger- man who is now a naturalized citizen at Drumheller, Alberta, was greatly dis- appointed bectuse he did not pass the necessary medical examination. “I will. do my mt in any other capacity, how- ever,” he said, “to help stOp this Hitler." , a -Woman and Sons Enlist Mrs. Ethel Williams, 42-year-old re- gistered- nurse, of Windsor, has volun- teered at the recruiting office at Wind- sor for duty as a war nurse, expressing ,preference for service overseas. Her two sons in Hamilton have enlisted for lactive service.) and her husband was killed in action in the Great War. “I know my husband, if he were alive to- day, would want us all to do our duty,” Mrs. Williams Ms. - Wanted to Fight Hitler. I l i Ulstol‘s Loyalty Lord Craigavon, We Minister of Northern Ireland, has announced that Ulster will mroiw its full weight and entire resources into the conflict which has been forced upon Great Britain. He said “good order and good disci- pline” prevailed in Northgm Ireland, as r W New Canadians My ‘0 Fight mg iié'hembe" “5:9 allegiance to mm! mm v; and expressmg the}? ““1“ ‘8' ‘l__-_. neas “to seEm:w am We their lives. We from (us nus-us 'u unwary-n, 9“; for their adopted country." There are . $8 branches at this Society in canade. but when myrtle declared hem _W.tonnmenh tomsduucggxdpectmam The ‘1 , . lendon It. Bucharest «Gandhi-deem we ' - , â€". we. is m Mo mama-Mo (common mm Page One) 0:me m mm " u. wanna.» m 11 ummmmuy mummmdm , . '1 . , ., _ , : , ”in “5‘ .K 'V‘V Y’s. . t I 1 u ‘ - ten 0! mommy Warm Gemhhndotaylhmmm. amendotthenwm mm (mm various sources flab prove that Britain is rapidlydflvlnfithem submarines from the m (Sher Ger-y mansmpahavebeenmmornmk. Italy is reported M 0W herpoetnmmthenuhnsindm toorseniseestroncfislhn mud-silty bloc. By remaining m.m has states to remain‘neug'el; This situa- tlon gives Italy an excellent chance to exploltthe uranium nu understood. however; the mm and France are pressing Italy for e declar- etion of its mean: . case Italy] joined the Allies. it is likely thet some! Balkan states would follow suit. in which case the way would be open to send in help to Poland. In case Italy declared for the Nazis. it Wild be pos- sible to use such a. declaration {to force a passage to (Polend. - Duke of Kent Not to Go in Anstielie ' ,. ' Announcement has been made that esthe'DukeofKentisnawonsel'vlce with the (Royal Navy he will not go to Australia as (30%me as plen- ned some months e36. Md derie,‘ .the present. Governor-General er Aus- i tralia, will continue in- the office m, )the present. Duke of Windsor Returns ., '- Owing .to the frict- that it is not de- sirable to have the 011% and Duchess of Windsor in ance during the wet, Ithe couple returned to Eh'lland one Eri- day. It is reported that the Duke = to assume an important position of so; yicc for the state. .. ,W _. sources indicates that when General! Jan 8111th succeeded ~this melt in] squelching the neutrality motels ; -. .1 before the South African Parliament .py the pro-German greup in the Union; and carried. it into War alongside Gi'eat Britain and the other Bi'itieh Com- monweaiths, he did even better than he realized at the time. Eat the neutrality. proposals veiled a Ger-man plot to ac- quire and use for the benefit of the Reich South Africa’ 5 entire gold output. Nazi Troops Himm '- - Plot on 8. A Gold Rolled - Information teaching London, Eng“- land, from private and unoffieial ticn and general defensive shortcomings Rigid Control of Profits": ‘1- Sweeping control of all forms of war prcfi-teerixrg is promised by Ebb K1113 government as soon as the necessary machinery can be arranged and started in action. The restricno'ns‘ Will apply not only to the {bad and arms re- sources of the country but to stock and exchange transactions ' ' , Increase Likely in Sales To: : In many circles there is anxiety in regard to reports thet the sales tax will be increased, perhapsto .12 cents, burdensome as to defeat 1ts owig pur- . 2,000 Beatnik at London a London, 0mm..- ids!) weak- had oyer 2 .000 recruits under. cdnvas astpart or the mobilization 6: Six 1:11“ a ME: In six days the large camp adlié adjoin- ing Wolseley Barracks has taken on' a smocth-runnlng wartime dp'bedranse Thin-teed Ships Sunk revenue. Since the W: of, the war a week ago, thirteen ships have fieen sunk. Of this number fo'ur have been German, one Greek, one Breach mid seven Britisht British Navy Reticient ' While the British Govewhent his announced that energetic.- and success- ful measures have been. adopted to stamp out Germany’ 3 submai'ine hen-e ace. it added that. “ii: is that always de- people are inclined to regret, and even resent the lack of news 1h regard to. such matters, it shank} be weathered that: bhe real purpOsé of the reucienca istokeep the etmnginthpdarkastol the fate of his 000 Will be launched showman the Bal- vation Army to parlor!!! WW 593" vim similar to thosexehdeléd. by the the? returned a! the Twentyveight Farmers Sell Excellent Produce At Saturday’s Market mislead. said on Friday that he did ppt believe that any farmsl food ra- timing would be necessary in (Britaini {for three or four weeks. He expeabéd’ however. that this form at cantml' Would eventually be necessary to' enable .‘the nation to carry on With the mini- mums of discmnfort and the least of now officially at war with Germany. and had drafted a similar proclamation with respect to Canada. The latter. however, would not be formally pro-l claimed until after .the Canadian par- llamant bad actually proclaimed war. .' ‘ Lots of FoodinU.S.A. . President Roosevelt, in an interview last week said that there was an actual “.unplus of foodstuffs in the United States at present and that there was not g‘chig to be any repetition of war prices like those during part of the Produce from Cochrane, Matheson, Porquis Junction and Tinunins and District. Fruits, Vegetables, Meats, Flowers on Dismay. Hundreds of Women from Town . and District Attend. ' - . Food in Britain 'Hon W. S. Morrison, cabinet minister incfmrge of food supplies at Landau, . ‘ - To- Revive .Patriotic Fund - ; ‘ The first; bill to be presented to the present session of parliament is one ientitled. ‘iAn Act to Incorporate the Canadian Patriotic Fund.” Notice of the bill appeared on the order paper. In the name of Hon. C. G. Po'wer, Min- later of Pensions and National Health. In the last war $48,103;000 Was raised by voluntary subscriptions to look after the dependents of soldiers and other- wIse to supplement government fin- ancing In connection with the war. .g: , New Army Drill .British Army and are being introduced 1;) the Canadian Army. Under the new [mics the famous "Form Fours” is re- '. placed by “Form Threes," the letter bemgbnsedonadrlllthntissatdtobe‘ ensler and more effective than the old-,4 style methods. _ . . Newm mm Obtain to-vday mthe1 Waste. ' The lst. Timmins Company Girl‘ Guides and the let Tim‘mins Brownie ’Pack will hold their first. meeting this. (Monday) evening, Sept. 11th, in' the Church of Nativity Parish Hall. The Brownie meeting will commence at. 6.16 p..,m and the Guide meeting at 7.15 pin. A run attendance in uniform is re- quested. ' . MEETING OF GIRL GUIDES ~ : AND BROWNIES TO-NIGIIT qube and'Mw: â€"â€"Germany will find that Invading Belgium Was one thing. and 111va Polad quite another tnIng That is why it 18 newessry m be fitted with new lenses regularly. anpeople' mj are their eyes by using old lenses when t ey no longer suit Put your eyes in shape to enjoy winter reading. 1. u. mum. 3'; W 3mm 12 m am mom . n mmus OPTIQALPFPT- TIMMINS summlmporuntham'atmmw. mu: whymonmonluvonxul was on how they like then"! finished. m N" W Luanda In! special gunman-5mm and!!!“ 'MY mum-mum‘s. about Ms [shirts . Probably the busiest pm in Tim- mins On Saturday min: was the , market. “where hundreds atigwomen from , all over the district gaflxgflp do their . Week-end shopping. Mfg-$.- take ad- ‘ vantage of the ransom; f ' ces which are teatured at, the markStL? w-v ’W'.‘ v“ "v VU-v “”- vâ€"‘vv Twenty-eight farmers from Cochrene Methwon. Porquis Junei_on, Timmins and district, and other mints in this Northlend, were present to sell the best of their annual produce. Most of the popular vegetab‘ies mere on 5e18,. many delicious fruits ugh .as plums. apples. peaches, and mat: and flowers. Many men also visitedee mmarket giving their busy wives a helping hand in the business of “keeping house. The men have realized thet the market gives healthful end eppetizing “390d- iee" for the dinner teble,an and follow the‘ terse numbers who make their way each Tuwdey and seturdey to the :m‘erket. . SMOKING OIL STOVE ONLY A WEEK -END FIRE ALARM CALL There was only one fire over the week-end and that was on Saturday at 7.08 am. The occupant-of a 11611-88011 Tamarack street became alarmed‘when her 011 stove smoked and called the department. . Sudbury Star: -Then there was the candid camera fiend. back from the beach with a‘ heavy tan, except fora square area. under the right. eye. Your Own ‘wlll build you a mbdem s-room house; with full basement. on your our lot, under the Nations“ Housing, Act, including architec- ,, ‘tural fees. Laurence Facey Architectural D 11ml! 5 Phqne 1395 6:- V5 . 70% FIFTH AVENUE '3

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