Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 11 Sep 1939, 1, p. 6

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CWT In true ruse: EV“Y__W993 Baby Sandy in “ Unexpected Father ” 'Wm ‘Sentcmber'k" WNig‘ht and Tuesday, Sepfiemher Wednesday and Thursday ‘ . . * 11th and 12th September 13th 14th John Garfield m Baby Sandy 1n Phone ~ 1. Yam-W .CanYou "anemic Stan? Sanitary Odorless The King Edward 7 Balsam St. N. Day or Week Very Reasonable Rates Quiet Atmosphere Helen Parrish Clean Rooms it up “7 v . W . - ---’â€"- AAAAAAAAAA 592 Sloma Odorless Cleaners FL 00!! SANDING .Qakes - 3.1-!” - Pastry BY By Experts Let us give you a low Cost esthnaue to-day! equipment for rent. W. 0. Fields Phylls Brooks Sally Blane Timing. Telephfine 1875 Timmins Each Winner Will Receive Two Theatre Passes. vvâ€"v' *rrvâ€"V (humanoormtmm sealed entries on Friday. will be declared the winners. Winners announced next Monday. Send your answer to The Advance mu... .. “A, any u the sod- RULES No Gasoline \ Used ” Tel. 510 Night 195.3 Ned Sparks LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE MOVING DUSTPROOF VANS MODERN STORAGE *3 1055:! Ave. - Timmlns WAREHOUSE Every Load Insured Service Phone 592 ”1%”:"n-W1me Sudbury Stanâ€"men there is the gal we know, who is on' a. diet. She finds it works satisfactorily providing she cab fol-low it with her regular meal. Virginia Jubilee Singers Here This Evening and Tuesday For the fifth successive year, the Virginia Jubilee Singers are visiting Timmins Under the auspices of the Timmins United Church Choir they will present their pleasing musical en- tertainment in the church building this (Monday evening and to-morrow' (Tuesday) night. The event on each evening will commence at 8.15 pm. The Virginia Jubilee Singers have won high repute on the concert stage and on the radio with their presen- tation of Negro melodies, plantation songs. folk songs, Negro spirituals and other specialities. Audiences in Tim- mins in past years have been delighted, with their programmes, and in this have shown kinship with other and larger centres. For example, Toronto - Tickets for the event this evening, or for to-mirrow evening, my be se-L cured from gpy member of the United Church Choir or from Moisley and Bell’s Drug Store, Third avenue. last} year gave this brilliant company of singers some forty-eight separate engagements. Popular Musical Group Again Visiting Timmins. ARMSTRONG ELEBTRIG ITS OUTSTANDING FEATURES MAKE IT Authorized Service on All Makes 19 First Avenue Phone 322 at T. A. MARRIOTT SONS Deanna Durbin 1800 CEDAR S'l‘râ€"Just North of Third Thorpe Radio Service RADIO REPAIRS QUIET LEONARD REFRIGERATOR To-day’s Biggest Refrigerator . Bargain Alan Mowbray ALL ”NEW CARS Our Fleet is .at Your Service PHONE Wink“? I! 150mm“ bank-”Inn‘s The Advance «moo a! lay Ralph Morgan THE 19.39 TWINS ' We have been told Mix it started. If there is more to it than we have been told there is not it great deal one can do about it. The simple tact re- mains that Hitler 18 determined to con- quer the world and the equally simple Ha-zt that magic of this nation and the other democracies of the world would rather mm, and if need be. die, then submit to the rule of force which Na- zism would impose. ' When he heard the news, reports a ’dmpatch, the 80-year-old man called his wife Hmnine andhis entome into his modest living .room and led them in prayer. Then he went upstairs where his first wife Empress Augusta Victora had died, and knelt by the bed and prayed again, alone. He came downstairs then again and spread before him 9; map of P0- land, and to the re-mkened echo of canon are, he began once again to put little- eoloured pins in the paper. In every case where the two mflons conflicted Poland was waging am at defence. This law one promised to Germany for fear that his ‘ own- .tired and disillusioned people ' would kill him. They took him W'Holland and there he has since remained. The years f ram that morning have been quiet years. No longer did people all over the world hate him; no longer did they want him hung. They inst wanted to forget about himâ€"and for- get him they did. What were his reactions 9. week ago, one wonders, when he heard that his Fatherland had marched into Poland and (“to days later that France and Britain were again at war with Ger- Polish People Here Are Worried for Relatives They hustle?! the {then proud, can'- «temptuous Prussian with the upturned moustache and withered am out of At Doom, in Holland. there lives an aged, white-bearded man by rthe name of Friederick Wilhelm Victor Albert von Hohenzollern. Once by the Gm of God he was Emperor of Germany and King of Pnissia. " Like Hitler he had visions of world domination by Germany. To convince him that it was finpossible about ten. million men gave their lives and hun- dreds .of thousands more were braken and twisted in mind and body. After four years the -'Kaisers nation was de- feated and it paid the penalties of the vanquished. We could, as has been said, remain neutral in this conflict and save om‘ skins. But we would sacrifice more in moral and mentel health by doing So than we will even though the bodies of our men may be shattered and cruelly broken on Europe's blood-soaked soil. In this case the principle involved is democracy. It may not he in very good conditionâ€"in fact one is hard pressed even to define it in its present state, but it is infinitely ‘better at its Worst than any of the totalitarian creedsâ€"be they Fascism-,1. Nazi. , Communism or what have yen. '83 it seems to. be a choice bet-ween our badly bent democ- racy, which however still might be daoctored into a state of health, and a creed of force that is absolutely foreign to the nature of peoples who have a tradition of a democratic system of government behind them. But men are peculiar' creatures. Even at their lowest they have some kind of a principle to hang to. Even the worst of them will not always let expediency alone govern his outlook. will last God‘ done knows.‘ Great. Erl- tssln feels that it will go on for three years it least. Hitler says he can haul There is. may lime cement to be made. It seems tobe Just a Job of work to be done and while it is man‘s ms: Impleatzmt task it is there to be done. ‘ The First Five Correct answéis opened were from: One might say that this country is so cltusted geogpsphloally that it is almost. safe from attack. Perhaps that it. true. Penhaps if we could persuade the United States to l-lnk with us we could 'be smugly safe on this continent and free from Europe’s turmoil. That seems to be the attitude of the United States at the present fume. ‘ (Continued from Pan one) Last Thursday’s Correct Answers and WInnors Correct Answer’s to Last Thursday’s Contest mummmmuwsmw mm mm. me In Armstrong Electric Ad. wcmu.umAmn-,Wm 111883.103”! nwmsmmmm mum mum m 141731. 15 W :1". .m ' In illustration of his warning, Mr. Manson .130an out that at present, in the most thickly populated area, of Tlmmlns, there were about 250 persons for every two and a half acres. Con- «litmus in the area ‘were similar to those in a slum. There was little room and not the proper amount of air and sqn; shine. Donald Manson of the Chicago Ar- mour School of Technology, was the speaker at the regular meeting of the Lions Club on Thursday evening in the Empire Hotel. Mr. Manson, who is a town planning and construction archi- tect, told club members that they should be very careful in Timmins to see that every new subdivision was properly planned. Advises Planning of - Subdivisions . Being Opened ' “The country was taken more or 13 unexpectedly. After all there was a non-aggression treaty between Germany and Poland. It was signed in "19-34 and was to have lasted for -10 years. 80 Poland. as well as the other nations of the world was the victim of a broken German pledge." Meanwhile all the Poles .can do is wait am'ciously. Judging by their re- marks it is extremely hard for them. especially when most of them have re- latives in the old country and they all have friends there. Says Thicke‘st Populated Area of Tinimins Has About 250 Persons per Two and a Half Acres. “Poland does not need men at. pres- ent." said the speaker, “but she does need equipment. If 'Brlloln can not assist, by means of air :and sea forces enpeolally, it is the end of the nation. Poland has a strong. well .nequlpped army of trained reservists but it :13 known that her air force is not as strong by any means as that of Germany.’ _ - hen'wertothedeeth. Mr. Koetell was certain that-Roland would never surrender. The people would fight until the int men was slaughtered. They valued their independence and liberty above all else and would not wish to continue if deprived cf it; The three German fronts on which the Poles were defending was about tom times 0.5 long as the Mamet Line defended by France and Germ my. In addition to the Germ front; there was the long aster-n border on Russia. While Russia was neutral Relish people were fearful that we might enter the conflict. It was well known that Rus- sin would like “to have the eastern Polish provinces. It was said fairly au- thor-itively among the Polish people here, Mr. Kostell said. that during the Anglo-Russian-F'rench negotiations for a anti-aggression treaty against Ger- many that Russia’s price for participa- tiqnflwas to he the eastern Polish pro- vinces. . Easy to leave When she learns that”: elen. elected Queen, plans to run away; with Lowry, titled Norwegian ski chem-V pion. Hoping to save her sister from her own bitter experience, Ann appears “ at the dmmmturflmgmthe glam- , our, lures Lowry any mm Helen Again she plans to leave. but Carlson," learning of her good deed. decides to; go with her and make it a honeymoon Summary: Gay and exhilarating;- throughout, with moments of company ing drama interspemed here and there,- “Winter Cannval” is not only ideal" entertainment for the summer but any other season as well. Although it hasf a. college background, the scripters have? wisely accorded the film a novel taiist’ by centering its action against the; world-faunas Dartmouth Winter Car-1- nlval and then evolving a mantis. story of a girl who though we was. Screenplay by Lester Dole Budd Schul - any Maurice W. Original story by . dc! Schulherg. Directed by Charles 3“. Riesner. Produced by Wal- ter Wanger. Plot: Ann Sheridan. alluring helnegs._ having divorced a European Mblemfih. boards a. New England train in New, York in an effort to escape reporters; She meets her sister, Helen, Parrish; who is Dartmouth-bound to attendthe‘ annual Winter Carnival over which Ann herself had once reigned as Queen . Arriving at Hanover Arm meets an oldi flame, Carlson, who still loves her but; smarts under the treatment she gave, him and her later marriage and disoroe. 3 Their reunion is cordial, but Carlson? still remains somewhat aloof. Almost reunited, «they quarrel again and she is ready to leave When she learns that Chan-mun of the m n: W- M Kim. Liam can; PM. The murmmtmdnood bynoyaimm and John Helms thanked him on be- half of the club. - Cast Ann Sheridan. Richard Carl- son, Helen Parrish. Robert Armstrong. Virgina, Gilmore, Alan Baldwin, Joan Erode], James comer, Mar-tom Imvry, Mar-am Hunt Robert Allen ‘ Winter Carnival ' at the Cartier Theatre This Week One :of the Pictures That is Drawing B 1 g Crost: Wherever ShoWn. “Wlnter Carnival" is the {wane at the Cartier theatre Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday of this week; September 1111: to 14111.3131‘1 class vaudev111e also wds interest 10' the programme. - , A “Winter Carnival" )5 a picture . that is making a hit Wherever shown. It has a capable cast, a pleasing plot and superior stage settings. A review of the cast. and plot are given herewith. mum 210 pan. . man SHOW Evening 7.00 pan. mum no pan. mum, snow Evening 9.00 pm. “mama 3A3” DANIELLE nauwx. 1mm “mom am AILTHIS WEEK; ALL mw Ac'rs Wednesday, September 13th Double Featureâ€"French and English “muss BOULBA” RyJEIS'OOflBTB I Kirkland Lake. Sept. 9.-â€"Magistmte AtkinSon sentenced Aurele Deforges, of 00mm, to two months in jail in police court this week when he found him guilty on a reckless driving chel ge lwhich His Worship described as a. case jot goose caneleesness. ;. Deforges was charged after his car " hit a. smell girl who was playing beside the highway, when Deforges drove by last week. He told the court that he sew the child but did not know that he struck her. Two eye witnesses stated ”that the tfib-yhhr-Old was at least two ; feet fmm the .trevelled portion of the eroded end Wes struck on the head by the merges car as it passed. .. The fact that the child was not ser- .‘iously hurt or killed saved the young .m mm e mmle charge of- man- 81W His Worship pointed out. In making his decision Magistrate Atkin- eon stated th'et lt appeared to be a ic’ese' so! gross carelessness. The drivers license was also cancelled for one year. Quebec Chronicle: -â€"'4M‘any a. family eats three times. a day in the break- inst nookâ€"Mess there is company. Just. cm sand winter mm!va1.Nev:r has Ann «ah-rum “moved to such advahtue. and even though she is entitled to her “03mph girl“ de signa- tiqn, Sahara. are “mes, especially in the dramatic and romantic interludes. when her (ham and Minus seem no main! am the “mph" design) tion becomu W in comparison Richard Carisgn, u the professor de- tennined to save himli from iurthm heartbreak, is excellent. Helen Par- rich. Rdbert Armstrong. Virginia Gil- niore and Others in the lame cast per- farm Well. Director Charles F. Riesnei aided by a corking script. talented players and a gay and exciting back- ‘mend, keeps the story moving along at at Mt pace. Bmee the picture Wis wally photographed during the Dan :. month Winter Carnival. the snow- covered backgrounds enhance the beau- ty of the photography. Miss Sheridan displays a. wardrobe to delight feminine audiences. Swastika Man Sentenced for Offence Against Girl her father; «who pleaded guilty. to the Kirkland Lake. September 9.â€"-In the polloe court fl’hmsday afternoon Mag- istrate Atkinson sentenced Thoma 3 Mayhew, of Swastika, to five years in Kingston Penitentiary on a change of serious offence against his 15-year- 01:1 daughter. ' The whole oftemoon was taken up by presentation of the iengthy evidence in the «56.1119 girl testified. against Cochran Man Given Term ‘ for Reckless Driving

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