Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 7 Sep 1939, 1, p. 2

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£1 \ x 0* me and the ’istrict "Suk'a “it'd 1'3? L3 ‘A'nthony left on Wednesday, for ‘a mo fwe‘eks’ holiday in Tomnto. Miss Edna Horrlcks of Thessalon. is Whiting Miss Mabel Pace, of South Porcupine, for a few days. Mr. Leo Stymer and Mr. Osborne Shépherd leave today by motor fora two weeks’ tour of Southern Ontario and to visit the New York World’ a Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Reichelt of Sese- : smmka, are visiting friends in town for a few days. Miss Dwothy Taylor and Miss Betty W left. for their home in Hamilton at“! spending two weeks’ visiting the guitar's sister, Mrs Arthur Clay, of light Hill. . Miss Hazel Todd is. spending a week holidaying in Kemptville and Montreal. . Congrahflaiions to Mrs. A EWing who dais-Manaward orssooooma “Dominion wide contest conduct-ed by i-fl’fi; minuticturers of a certain brand ,9! yeast cake. The prize was for the Abest bread recipe using this yeast cake and the recipes were judged for their originality, practical qualities and good ' results. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Evans return- ed on Thursday from a two weeks’ vacation in Algonquin Park and Ottawa. Mrs. David Master'ton. of Dome Ex" I8 holidaying in 'I‘omwnto ; Miss Margaretha. Patterson and Don- : ald Patterson. of Englehart, are visit- .mg their sister, Mrs.- B.- Hume; of South Porcupine. Mr. G B. Blackburn of Ottawa, is zvisltlng at the home of his son Mr. W Emmi-11.0! Dome Lake. Among thase spending the week-end in Sesekinika wen: Mr and Mrs. W. é‘Wilson, Miss Mary Lou Balboa, Mr Percy Millions and Mr. Sam Mflamme. » Mr. and Mrs. Nick Shander, of Com- merclal, left on Sunday to visit the New York World’s Fair. Mr. Arthur Mansfield left. on Tues- ‘-d§’y . {or his home 121 Bellevllle after spending three weeks visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mansfield. flashers Tom and JackBryce return- ed to their home in Connisbon after spending an extended vacation with their m, Mrs. Kemp, of O’Brien Avenue. ‘Mr. Clyde Mcmuan has returned to his .home. in. Cochrane after spending "a few days visiting his sister, Mrs. Reg Ledson, of Cecil Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. N. Vilenius, of O‘Brien Avenue left on Sunday to visit the New York ‘Worid‘ s flair. w. Jim Mememn, 'of the Definin- lon Store staff. returned yesterday from a two weeks holiday in Winnipeg. Mr. Terry Wilson left on Tuuday for :mlleyhury when: he will attend the Haileybury Mining School. 10'.th Kennedy returned on Sun- day from an extended holldey at. her ‘barental home in Vinton. ”Que ' Mr. and Mrs A. W. McMurray, of 'Dome Extension, left on Sanday for em weeks‘ motor trip through South- Mrs. J. McDonaldLM Dome Exten- sion, left on Tuesday. by. motor to visit the New York_ World’s Fair. Mrs. E.- K. De Vore left On Sunday for Detroit after spending an extended holiday with her mother, Mrs Kiinga, of O’Brien Avenue. > , M123, Peacoglg and Mrs._ H. Camp- bell, of Batty Mines. Oobflt, we visit- mlatthe homeotw.mers.E. fimagrhnd. {or several days. . Mina Joyce and Frances Christen- son, of Pamour,‘ left on Wednesday for a. two weeks' holiday in Torqnto.‘ . Mr. Tom Wilson returned home on Monday from an extended holiday visit- ing friends and relatives at his home in Bootlend. Mr. and Mrs. Sepspala and daughter, Helen, of Profit Street, have returned from a visit to the New York World’s South Porcupine Sept Qâ€"(Bpecuu to 'l‘heAavmyâ€"or. and Mrs w K. At- kinson and taped! to“ on Saturday to spend I month's vacation st home of Linux! ms. Wm. Atkinson. of Hamil- will attend the American Cannes on Ohtetrtcs and Gynecology at Cleveland. Ohio. and will take a post graduate course at tn» University of Toronto later in the month. Visitors to and From South Pompine. Items from South‘ Porc'upine and Dome ‘And since energy 0 0 me 3 from food, the smart thing to do is to feed them things with a high energy content. Tinunins Dairy Milk 18 such mgfood . . . and it not only ,mhes energy, but also monument an1 vitamins. a lot of energy! Tuesday the city of Toronto made a record in the number of marriage limes. More than .175 marriage licenses were issued on tbatpne dayâ€" the largest number ever issued in a single day in the city. And Toronto expected an even greater :2anth for yesterday. Less Serious cases of spreading in; tmation heand from foreign broad- casts will be punished by imprisonment at hard labor. Berlin, Germanyâ€"Execution of Ger- mans cOpvicted of spreading dangerous information heard from foreign radio stations was order by the new Minister.- .al Council for the Defence of the Reich. Record Number of Marriage Licenses Issued in Toronto The decree, effective at once, forbid. Germans to tune in on any foreign station and provides imprisonment at hard labor as punishment, with simple imprisonment the penalty for less ser- ious cases. {Radio sets used in violation of this order will be confiscated. The popular bride has been much 'en- tertalned prior to her marriage. The groom is a well known member of the Dome Football team. A wedding breakfast for close friends and relatives was held at the home of the bride’s parents on Crawford S'treet. Later the bride and groom left for a motor trip to Muskoka and Toronto. On their return they will live in South Porcupine. Serious Crime to Listen to the Radio in Germany Mr. Harry Martin attended {the momgésbest‘mgn. '> - Miss Winnifred Naish was the maid of honour and wore a Regina blue en- semwble with a navy blue hat and ac- cessorles and corsage of Johanna Hill roses and fern. . The bride was given in marriage by her father, and looked charming in a flowered silk dress with under a coat of roseberry wool crepe with three- quarter length sleeves. She wore matching accessories and a corsage of talisman roses, lily-of-thewalley ‘ and maidenhair fern. _ South Porcupine, Sept. 6-(Speclal to The Advance)-aA very charming wedd- ing took piace on Friday, September 1,. at the United Church when Margaret, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Janies MoCann, of South Porcupine, was unit- ed in matrimony to David Cockburn, son of Mrs. Cockburn, of Toronto, and the late Mr. Cockburn. Charming Wedding at United Church ' South Porcupine when new, five months old infant. son or Mr. all in. MM. at :6 Wm Am. med any. The fun- [enlmheldtromSLJoachIm'ano- mm mm Church Wedneshy homing. Interment us at the Tim- 1min: M. 811.31an Met a holidaying In Toronto. The udtes’ Auxmnry o! the Legion will hold their meeting at the Masonic hull on Tuesday, Sept. 12th. at 8 Firemen to Hold 'Joint Convention at Schumacher Miss Margaret McCann, and Mr. David Cockburn Mar- ried. The Témislraming Firemen’s Asso- ciation and the Cochrane District Fire- men’s Association are to hold a Joint convention in the McIntyne Arena, Schumacher. on Monday and Tuesday. Sept. 18th and 19th. A banquet and convention dance will be held on the evening of Sept. 18th. Mr. Watkins, State Fire ”Marshal, of Charleston, West Verginia, will be the guest speak- er for the occasion. Event in McIntyre Arena on Sept. 18th and 19th. , ;brothel3 for some time. 9. Mr. Tup Gilbert Fourth Ave“ left this week for a holiday at larder Duke, Torpnto and Kingston. 8%. MW Parish amt-eh Young Peoples Society will hold its flatmat- iing tonight. Thm'sday. Sept. 7th, at 8.0'clock Mr. and nix-8.12.. Sturgeon and daugh- ters m My (ion t holiday «mm. wrmmsanmmmm mimic by Dusty miter. Mr. mains. Edward Duxfleld, ac- j, Schumacher, Sept. 6â€"(Specifi1 to The ; Advance)â€"Word was mceiv ‘ this week ()f the death of Mrs. B. Pal Mr. and Mrs. S. 2312 accompanied by their twa daughters left here on Jdly 8th fior Germany. They had be residents here .for a. number of ye \_ 'liv‘m'ig 'a’t mumber 1 Boundary Lane, put owing to the ill health of Mrs, Palefmey decided to return. to Germany. ,* . Stewart “Urquhart, returned on Friday Mr. and_Mrs. P. Hunter and family returned on Saturday from a motor trip thrown Southern Ontario. hey also visited the New York World's Fair. Mrs. (nifiord Judson left by car for a holiday in Southern Ontario. The school started on Tuesday. Most of the teachers returned at the week end. Miss G. Bristow. who was on ex- changejast year infineglend, is back again. She enjoyed the We and spent a very pleasant time during her atey. in England. . Former Resident of Schumaeher Dies in Gennany 3, Mr. George Proulx, returned Satur- day after spending two weeks visiting his daughters, Miss Lucy Proulx and Mrs. Hamid Burns, at; Haileybury. Other News of Schumzifcher and District. } Mr. Harry Lens, Lakeside Drive, left by plane Wednesday to visit his son the Rev John Long, at the San An- tonio Gold Mines. Mr Dan Moxie, Holtyrex Property, left at the week-end for Montreal, where he Will meet Mrs‘. Moxie and family on their return from a holiday in Glasgow, Scotland. r Schumacher Hears of Safety bf hose on the Athenia Mrs. Marcel; returned this week after spending a holiday in Montre'al. .‘ The Rev. 1“. J. Raine heft on Monday morning for Camp Lorraine, where he will attend the annual Ministers’ Fel- lowship meeting. Mrs. W. McKenzie, Fourth Ave., en- tertained on Tuesday in honour of he: km, .Wawer, who wa8“<celebrating‘ his fifth‘ birthday. Mrs. P. Sherbm and son, Peter, re- turned this week from Toronto where young Peter was receiving medical treatment. A pretty wedding took place on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at. the Trinity United Church mense, when Miss Neva May Robertson, 0! Golden City,"bccame the bride of William John Dunn, also of Golden City. The Rev F. J. Baine officiated. The bride was attended by Miss Hilda H023, and Mr Walter Dunn was best man. ‘ they were we and were brought to Greulock. Mr Moxie and fsmlly anxlomly waltlng for more news. Mrs. M. Mschllan and Mrs. Prentloe sre <1an otMrs Home. Mrs. Dan Mame, a dsnghter-ln-lnw was on holiday with than 'ln mm but de- cided to come home a. week sooner ow- ing to .the school startlnz up. Mr.- James Cullen ls employed by the Mc- ‘Intyre Mlne and ls caretaker at the McIntyre Arena. Mr. Alex Melville has returned‘ from a month's holiday in Wlnnlpeg. The Schumecher Llons Club held a very ' successful Labour Day dance in the McIntyre hall on Monday even- ing; It was a happy company that danced to the music of the Buflalo- Ankerlte Band. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warne and son. Billy, arrived home Sunday utter spending a. month visiting their par- ents in Toronto. The friends or Mr. Adams, of the Vipond, will be sorry to hear that. he is very ill suffering from 0. heart at- tack. Schumacher, Sept. Gâ€"(Bpeeiel to The Advance)-â€"Mrs, Bill Moxie and her brother. m. m Cullen. of the Holtyrex Property, ilett heme July 6th for a. holiday et then- netive town. Mythenveil, Scotlend. .When the new wasteoeived tiuttheAtheniehedbeen torpedoed the family beanie alarmed, for they relt sure their mother was ‘ thatboet. On'l‘ueedeym. menac- Millan Received e cud tromhe :- moth- er saying they were ailing Beptiet the Athenia. Mr. Male cabled edtriends in Scotland and won! was received Successful Labour D a y Dance. Other Schumach- er News. ' am. They were accompanied back ahdklnytn on them dz) Mr. and by their two My 8121) wot ' “residents ‘ living at The Brlfish cruiser, Afix, captured the wheat-laden German firefighter Ol- --_A.L-.J_‘AA mum port. '0! 233a and iâ€"nda: Iehdlng the dew at 155mm, where they were detained hi the Urn. guayan authentic. 7 The German , QueenMarySate TheQueenMaryywmmooomm liner, reached New York_ safely 19:: Warsaw. dropping Ewen behind the 111165 by pm- chute to cut wares and dynamite bridges says it will “support Poland in 'every mea'sune she attempts and wiltstead- fastly denounce Germam; and Hitler." Schumacher, Sept. Gatspecial to The Advance)-'-â€"The many friends will be sorry to hear of the death or Mrs med Noitlhg, of Devonshire, who passed away on Saturday in St. Mery‘s hos- pital. Mrs. Noltiitg had been ill for some time. She is mum by her dpughyey . m.m1he King of Gold Centre. The funeral was held ori not» day. Burial was thade at Porqxtis Junction cemetery. There were many beautiful floral tributw. your people until final victory the liberation of our fatherland. ” Japan hps announced that it will He neutral in the present European war. ~- New York Minis“ L The Daily Worker, ofi‘icial organ 0! flag Communist party in New York. said, “afid we “can ‘fight you pitflessly until you are completely exhausted. " Czecho-Slovakia Speaks ‘ Edward Benes former president or CzeohO-Slovakia, and an exile fmm this coun’iry since September of last. year when the Germans marched in, has sent the following message to Premer Chamberlainzâ€"“We Czecho- 810vak citizens consider ourselves as being in the war with theGerman mili- tary forces and we shall merch with Highlights and Sidelights of War (continued from page 1.) lets concluded by telling. the German people that they had been deceived; and that they should .dexxmnd peace, and that the British would be ready to deal with any sincerely pacific Ger- man movement. “We are. toostrong to be shattered by attacksg’lthe message Mr. Stone, of Toronto is visiting at the home of his sister and brother-m- ‘._.. __ _ Founth Ave. The Young People’s Society of 8t. Alphonsus Parish Churqh new a picnic to Child's Beach last Sunday. A very happy time was enjoyed by all whoi attended. mms, entertained at. I. 1mm and hosiery shower in honour of Miss Olive Miller, daughter or Mr and Mrs. Herb Miller, Third Ave. Miss Miller Ls en- tering St. Mary’ 3 hospital Tlmmins. as Death of Mrs. F. Nolting, of Devonshire,~--Saturday arrived home after spending a holiday at enemy. Bill Stewart. who was injured lest weekwhenhitbyecor, ieoomih; along fine now though he is still in St. Mary' 3 hospital. has. Fraser, Lakeside Drive. enter.- mined last Friday afternoon in honour oi Mrs Edward Cameron, of New Glos- cow. Nova Scone, who is visiting at her home. Mr. and Mrs. James Dawson and Mr. Peter Dawson returned on Sunday from a holiday in Toronto. The St. Alphonsus Parish Church congregation are holding a picnic to the Buffalo-Animate beach on Sundey. September 10. ‘ , Raymond Chum left on Tuqsday' for Seward Hall. North Bay, where he will enrol as a student. Mrs. James, 308 Elm St... South, Tun- mu Jean mm. 0! Quad Valley.“ oneottmmwtuchors'onmemth School stuff. Myoungmcn who «all! m family returned this mm 3 motor trip through South“? m cad United States Dr. and In. Mm Ht this week for u holiday in mm Kr md Mrs. M Dawson spent the week-end It Kopuskuing and Smooth Rock Ms. ~ Born-Tuesday, Sept; 6th. to Kr. and Mrs. Reg. Stewart, Fourth Ave. â€" a mumehomcormz‘m’c mocha. m I. M. I“ M Ave. Using Pal-“chum For the first time in actual warfare, -., a third of mm“!!- In (old. it from home for some time. Even those with return tickets on Italian lines are said to face demands fer ex- tre money for the return trip. ~ Cane“ Exempted from EM. Among the items of news specme [pleasingOtteweis the item saying thet 'Genede is exempted from the neutral- iity regulatiom of the USA. This gmeens that the Dominion may still Ipurchase much-needed supplies in the United States. It also means much mined‘tmde for the Us. At the same time the emption does not run coun- ter to the spirit of the neutrality pm- clamntion. The reason for the resale-- tionsistoevoiddengerottheunited States being dragged intothe war. The all over Europe are flocking‘to' Italy in the hopes of safe passage -' home on Italian vessels that it is' thought .mtler will net order torpedoed. Italian steamship lines, however, have put up their rates as much as $150 for the trip and demand pay in American or Cana- dlan dollars. This has placed. many Americans in difficult position as they~ are shy of money and cannot secure embed up feeling. against the Ger- mans. ' Argentina. ls one of ‘ the States where the crime appears to have’rous- ed sp‘ecial resentment. . ' Italy Expects to’Make Money ‘ Despatches‘ ff‘om Ronie suggest that Ityy expects to be neutral for quite. a while, and to make a little money out of it in the meantime. Tourists from maintaining heuhauty. U. S. Neutrality President Roosevelt signed ti! U. S.‘ neutrality proclamation on 'l‘qesday The bonus embargo proclamation fol- U. 8. Radio Control . New Communications Commission ofl‘lctals at Washington said that new regulations are being drafted to forbid muted States radio commentators to attack severely any belligerent The new rules may xequire radio stations to say when news has been passed fareign censors or origimws at 1; Button oper- uted bye. aforelgn government Under the act the president can spspend all {ordinary regulations or; take over oper- «South Africa’s sum! South mum's parliament voted on Tuesday N to 67 to sever diplomatic; relations with Germany and to 00-01).; crate with the rest of the Empire The mm , for an attitude of neutrality suggested by Premier Hertaog was re- . To Control Wheat Assumption of complete control of wheat marketing by the Canadian govermnent is expected. restricting travel by United States c‘ltiuns to and from Europe. Under the order “imperative necessity" must b proved by any prospective traveller to Europe before a possport can be ob» mined. Minute details of the reason for a} journey to EurOpe must be supplied. as well as particulars as to the identity of the applicant. 'me purpose of the new regulations is to lnsure the neu- muty of the U. S. A. in the Eumpean trouble. . Moots In Canada. Sydney.” Nova Scotia. had. its] first anti-an" raid blackout on Monday night. 81mm: test was made atSalntsJohn, .NB. The tests, which are reported as very satleaotory, were made as pre- cautionary mensums to avoid danger in case (Herman boomers got across the flopped {our bombs on Ewen, ban- hh seaport, forty miles north of the m mam when the 13!: cards m‘mmuâ€"acmmm mmtowlm.1‘heymw min: iron terms for than and other leuuflommrges. Theymadetheir empehy cumbln. Wham MMflmWMm unmwmuunmâ€"wmcnm manâ€"though it. seem a pity in a ‘ U. 8. Traveling Mobil ~ The United States on Monday night Issued a sweeping onder drastically am am Strikes Mine The Omsk stetmship,.Kost1. struck a mine two miles south of hum-ho. mmwtmmmm me miâ€"bedomg. ot the Athehia has Wemulfllledin Denna-k Onemanmmhedandadozen For sale by HIM/CLARK FRANCIS Limited l IVU, AVA JV J85 an at IONV vv "I'"""'"“‘ Biotin; Reported in Germany Reports of rioting in Germany have been given out, but there is no official basis for these reports. They may have started from the fact that the plan adopted the day before the de- claration of war when airplanes roared over Germany and dropped léaflets printed in German and explaining the .truth of the situation, have been re- ipeated and more of these leaflets thus E thrown from the m to German- hands. There is a general opinion that the dropping of leaflets instead of bombs is a waste of time and energy but the official eXpianotion is that Britain hopes in this way to reuse the German people to nevoit against Hitler and his- brutal oppression. Some peeple, how- ever, would be more surprised to see, any. revolution in Germany than they would be to see another Russian re- War-aw Muted The evacuwtioh of the city of Warsaw is under. way. The Germans claim to be approaching Warsaw. but the Polish armies have held back the Germans successfully enough to leave doubt as 'to the need for evacuation or the cap!- volution. German Dislike Snipers Germany dislikes the; trick of the Polish in picking of! officers and men on the march and in the towns and villages captured. All sorts of threats of reprisale are being made against this gueriiin war-fare. ‘ Mr. Dingman explained that he had announced his- newspaper connection before the lntervlew and that he would use the remark. The German diplomat then lost hl3‘temper, declared that he would brand the interview as “an im- pudent. lie and an act of propaganda” if it were used. :He “ordered" the suppression of the callous words, but The Globe and Mall carried the story. Russia Nutl‘u Russia is another of the-nations that has' declared Melt neutral. Whether this neutrality will. be maintained,‘ or not, for .longfis a matter of speculation. . Natl Consul Peeved Harold Dlngman. staff writer for The Globe and Mail. secured an interview with Dr. hitch Windels. German Gon- sul-IGeneral in Canada. Among other things Dr. Windels told the interviewer that Canadian passenger ships of Brit- ish registry could expect to be tor- pedoed if they ventured "on the high seas. Then thinking that this callous view would not look well in the news- paper, the Consul-IGeneral told the re- porter that the remark was confidential, um mama MMMWW% mm w‘ mmmmmm m mwmmmmmm d w . m . mm. “mumma mm _ m cnmcumes that follow an: the high sets. Inveulutlon by UM. The USA. Wt ls uld to be cunductlng an investmuon of lts on into the torpedolnc of the Athenla. The government wlll likely nuke very declded protest over the lncldent whlch The Phlladelphlu Inquirer says was “murder not war." Over three hun- dred Amerlcen lives were endangered by the crime. You’ll EnjOy the Buffalo-Ankerite Band Admissionâ€"10c . . . 5cada1 Joifi the Crowd at McIntyre Arm“ EVERY SATURDAY NIT]; 9.30 to 12.00 Cafiadian Pickle Ex; Alon _';icl§etb,306dfln Tourist. Parlor and 8 rd sleeping can‘- also available on pum'ent'of slightly higher postage fares. plu- prlco otporlor or sleeping car accommodation. ROUTESâ€"Tickets good going via Port Arthur. Ont” Armstrong. Out... Chicago. lll..| or Sault Ste Marie. returning via same route and line only Generous optional routines. STOPOVERSâ€"within limit of ticket. both go- ing and returningâ€"mt Port Arthur. Ont... Armstrong. Ont. and we“: also at Chi- ca’go, ‘..Ill Sault Ste. Marie; Mich” and west in accordance with tariifs of United States lines ammunsummm und thismnybe the real mum to:- an; preparations to evacuate the em. hunch Dem Join Colour- More man 100 ot. the 618 member: of chips are overdue. The giant German liner. The Bremen. is still undiscover- The death occurred at Gravenhurst on Monday, September _4th, of Mr. Ar- thur Stingle, for many .years a popular resident of Timinins. ,_ The late Mr. Stingle was recently predeceased by his wife, Mrs, Stingle passing away at Timmins this summer. The remains were shipped to Tim- mins this week. The late Mr. Stingle was born in Neva Scotia.~and resided in Timmihs at 1.12 Birch street south. T3} The Advance Want Advertisements. Oink ship hue been sunk to date 'on needed in finding refuge in a South of life-bearing equipment bearing the name “Bremen" being found at sea, suggesting that the vessel may heye been sunk. Dr. Webb. of Toronto, who served in the Navy has a theory that the Bremen may be lying on New- foundland, stripped of its superstruc- ture and serving as a base for planes to bomb Canadian towns. World Glutted‘ With ’Sugar The manager of the Atlantic Sugar Refineries at Saint. John, N.B., says that there is no shortage of sugar. ‘No definite funeral arrangements haye been made as yet, the remains resting at. WNRer’eUndertaking Par- lour. Erie late Mr: Stingle was a veteran of the Great War, having served in France in the 15th Battalion, Death at Gravenhur‘st ‘ of Mr. Arthur Stingle Special Bargaln Excursions Full particulars from" gny agent. coma DATES DAILY SEPTEMBER 15 T0 29 RETURN LIMIT: 45 days WESTERN CANADA world is glutted with it,” he say's. TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL IN COACHES TO .ALL STATIONS IN Ship at 843 5ca191ance on me by

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