BETTER EOMES EDITION The pitcher and Washbowl which used to adorn the guest bedroom has become as extinct as the dcdo “nor modern standards or living. says the Canadian Institute ot Plumbing and Heating. In up-to-date home construc- tion, even in the lower price ranges. the present-day tendency is towards liberal provision of bathroom and toilet ac- commodattcn. The modern home not only has duplicate bathrooms for us bedroom floors but also has its gpamzci floor washroom. Fortunately for owners or old homes which. while eminently attractive. lack the conveniences which mean so muck. to living comfort. the addition of extra bathrooms and washmcms is a form of modernization which is relatively simple and inexpensive. The design and production of fixtures have made such great advances in the past few years that they are easily adaptable cc varying requirements of floor plan without detracting from the appearance of balanced beauty which every home owner demands today. A complete modern bathroom can be installed it: atioorpianastana11as5teetthv5feec 9 inches. Thus. in older houses. the superfluous space which may exist d" hall-ends or large closets may be util- ized to advantage for the provisign o: desirable additional conveniences. How to Proceed to Finance New Home Briefly summarized, the procedure to he followed in financing the new home after you have determined how much you am afford to mum is as follows: 1. Fully acquaint yourself with the mulxments. including the Minimum mm at Construction and Memor- andum Specification: much have beer. mm by the Housing Administration. and with which all Muss to be fin- Charm and hospitality are reflected in this ideal guest or seeond bath- room. The economical spare treatment lends itself to the planning m an additional bathroom in unused space. Where. as in this case i: is necessary to instal the tub under the window. shower-proof curtains are useful. El Attractive Guest Bathroom Fer the expression of personal tastes there are scores of smart and distinc- tive styles of tubs, lavatorles and closets the Instizuze stages. These may be of vineous china or cast iron enameled ware. Vitreous china fixtures are made from a fine grade ot white clay. bak- ed an a temperature of 2400 degrees. re- sulting in a beautiful glistening fixture as easy to keep clean as a china plate. The enameled cast iron fixtures ot to- day are equally attractive and represent the maximum in durability because the enamel is fused to the iron at whize heat. E30n0my of space is combined wim greater utility in the fixtures of the modern bathroom. In addition to im- proved design as to shape. the ttcm?:-. inaticn (sure: has also incrsased the amount of usable space and enables the user to wash in running. tempered water. The new. improved faucets have a light. finger-tip contra action. Improved valve mechanism provides greater dumbiky and precision and all wearing parts are renewable. Home Imrcvemem. Plan loans. re- marks the Institute. offer a convenient- means of financing heme bathroom improvements where such renovation may be desirable either tor personal living or for enhancing property rents: values. . and have 313ur mans am: specificazicns maxed or use the stock plans avail- abEe through the Housing Administra- ticn. 6. Consult your architect or lending instttuticn official in the selection ct the builders whom you win emplqv to constant mu: new home. t Tabulate the cost of the entire project. including ta) land. tbr home. ICF equipment. 'tis arehttect's fees. ter financing my...; 8. Present these figures to the lend- ing institution and make formal ap- plkntim for a loan. Be prepared to THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. TIMINS, ONTARIO Facts to Know on Air Conditioning Three Types of Systems in Use Noun. (From Building in Canada; Air conditioning has invaded the heating field so rapidly. thanks to pror- en results ot better health. more com- fort and greater cleanliness. that the prospective home builder cannot think ot heating without, at the same time giving thought to air conditioning. There are six factors involved in year around air conditioning. They are air cleaning and distribution. heat- ing and humidifying. cooling and de- humidifying. Of these, two are year around functions-cleaning, and air dis- tribution. Distribution involves sending the con- ditioned air from the air conditioning apparatus to the various rooms. Also taken into consideration are: The speed with which the conditioned air moves through the pipes or ducts of the distribution system and into the various rooms. Movement of air within a single room (for it. is important that, the air be properly circulated within any condi- ticned rocml. The equalizing of air motion in the various rooms of the building to pre- vent stale or stagnant air in one room and drafts in another. All of these elements ot distribution must. be taken into account in the de- sign and control of the equipment. Cleaning is e:ssential.both to comfort and to health. and means the removal of dust and soot. odors. pollen and bacteria. trom the air by passing it through a filter or spray which takes Eliem out. Three Types of Systems We may divide the principal air con- ditioning systems into three types. First there is the "direct-fired" type in which the air is filtered. warmed and humidi- tied in the condition and forced by fans through the supply ducts to the various rooms. This is a development of the warm air furnace. . The second type or air conditioning means of va may be termed the auxiliaryusystem. In much or littll this type the heating system is prac- The third 1 tically independent of the air conc'i- tern, combine; tioning system. Heat is provided by a both of whic radiator. or convector. system and con- a single boil' ditioned air is circulated through duets. rooms, kitche The air. besides being filtered and the whole " humidified in the conditioner. is tem- radiation. 0 pet ed by a hcating coil from the boiler tioned by a In mild weather and. of course. in sum- being heated mer. the conditioner may be operated ed in the co independently of the heating system. - Range of Temperatures Possible A new spri The auxiliary type offers a consider- on the house? Enhance the beauty and value of your . home with a NEW ROOF/A Clapboard Residence at Kingston is 150 Years Old (From Canada Lumberman) _ The MacLachlan Lumber & Wood- working Co., of Kingston, ont., say that the National Housing Act has not. been taken up in that. city as vigorously as it should have been. and while the general tone is optimistic for 1939 as far as building is concerned. there is little of a concrete nature developed as yet. The firm had a fairly successful year in 1938 and were able to distribute l subtsantial dividend ployees. HM--.†In regard to ancient structures. Ian MacLachlan says there is a house close to the Limestone City that is over 150 years old. This is one of the first clap- board dwellings to be built in that sec- tion, and is still occupied by descend- ants of the original Unit-ed Empire Loyalist family. City of St. Lambert Now Encouraging Building; Montreal, May ir-Taking advantage of the opportunities available under the Federal Housing Act, and also to make use of the thousands of vacant lots which the municipality acquired through non-payment of taxes, the City of St. Lambert, a thriving suburb of Montreal on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River, is encouraging home owners to build residential properties there. The civic authorities are achieveingr success, and as the vacant land was practically useless to them so far as taxation revenue was concerned. they conceived the idea of practically mak- ing a Yree gift. of the lots to prospec- tive builders who would construct ap- proved types of houses. The result has been extremely suc- cessful. More houses are being built in St. Lambert than that city has wit- nessed for a very long time. able range of temperatures thrqughou: the various rooms of the house. The heating elements in the individual rooms may be made adjustable. by means of valves. to supply relatively much or little heat, as desired. The third type, called the split sys- tem, combines two methods of heating, both of which derive their heat from a single boiler. Certain rooms-bath- x-coms, kitchen, garage. and sometimes the whole second floor-are heated by radiation. other'rooms are air condi- tioned by a system of.(iucts. the air being heated by a coil which is locat- ed in the conditioner. THURSDAY, MAY 18TH. spring ccat? What about one to their em-