Ask Petitioners to Use Regular Form [In order to ma} must be on a spa“ The general pub Council to use Lh‘.‘ lng petitims L0 L11 available a: the 1m the Town Clerk. Rouyn. April fonmerly mm) the Rouyn tow Magistrate BU the charge Cf been arrested. having used 1 dollars of the full rcstiLuLior the time alrem ed to eight do Time in Jail Before Trial Considered in Penalty (From Edn Armirul Byrd : to take possessio miles of Antarcti: United States. there are moun neigl'lboux‘huod. : able to arrange f! temperature as v desolation of ice to his fellow-con IS THICK]: (“(7).\l. l.\' .\.\"l‘.\l‘\C'l‘l( RADIO REPAIRS PAH!“ llaving fulfilled an im )ortant purpose of his visit to Canada in 1860 â€"â€" the cornerstone of the new House of Parliament in Ottawa “well and truly laidâ€-â€"â€"-H.R.l 1. Albert Edward, ï¬rst Prince of Wales to visit Canada, turned to lighter things. Fetes, en- tertainments and receptions were climaxed with a descent of the Chaudiere Falls on the Ottawa River. The Royal party, some twenty people, embarked upon a crib, )art of a large lumber raft, which floated down slides or inclined planes adjoining the balls to the smooth water below. The whole slide was divided into sections, some much steeper than others, by “floating aprons†of timber to break the speed. The trip was found “very excitingâ€. The year 1847, thirteen years prior to this historic visit, witnessed the birth of the Canada Life, the first Canadian life insurance company. In 92 years of progress, the Company has grown to be one of the strongest of co-operative organizations, and now distributes an average of approximately ï¬ve hundred thousand dollars each week to those it serves. ('Ianuda’s Oldest Life Assurance Company dï¬hda I ife H. W .V 511" nonton Journal) announces he intends )n of 1.000.000 square ea in the name of the He reveals. also, that mains of coal in the So perhaps he may be 'or such an increase in will make this present ,- and snow attractive ll. lh-pburn, South Porcupine. Representative tr The King’s Grandfather “Shoots†the Chaudicrc forms in pr Iauncil. 'I‘Ll mc wcck to answer m which she had pleaded guilty to s of one hundred money. but made was sentenced to ad. which amount- HARE. Manager, Kirkland Lake Branch The VIKING ELECTRIC 111 NC bookkeeper onearcd be l-LOUR POLâ€"[shuts AND \‘ACL‘L‘M CLEANERS FOR RENT it ti ll i legal it on form. y are from CI] U 1'}’ for 10 CEDAR STREET NORTH LL Events ’a climax lx‘acics an i a. final L: Events Now Rushing t0 Climax Over in Europe happen if she m menu with Britain ins: seized Alba! lllg .SCIZeu Aloania, 18 pOluLulg um threat straight at the Balkan states. The effect of the intimidation cannot be guessed but it is possible that if it does not produce an immediate result. action involving incalcula'ble conse- quences will be taken. The dictators have openly embarked on a career of conquest in Europe and if they wish to achieve their aims they must act have openly embarked on a career of conquest in Europe and if they wish to achieve their aims they must act speedily. To permit the formation of a hostiie bloc would be to admit a seri- ous check and invite ultimate deli-eat, There is little ground for hope that they will surrender their proclaimed ambitions so readily. Mussolini‘s jump across the Adriatic is definitely a pre-war move . designed, by closing that tsea, to give him protec- tion on the east cc-ast and at the same time enable him to overwwe the Balkan states. He is in a better position now to exert pressure 011 Jugoslavia. which with a heterogeneous population, may find it impossible to resist. if it does not crum’ble to pieces like Czechoslov- akm. Greece. too. is in a precarious position, fearing the fate that will fol- low if the dictators are allowed to proceed unchecked and at the same time fearing to invite their attack by join- iing the bloc. Hex position is not dis- similai to that in the last war, when the Allies used hei teriitory with 1121 consent. but without, her open adher- ence, and it is suggested now that the British fleet may establish itser in Gmek ports as a precautionary step. It is possible that. having gained a strategic advantage. the dictators may hold their hands for a time trusting to the effect of fear on their weaker neighboxs. It is possibl c, however, that they will immediately pres ent new de- mandsâ€"a demand for Danzig. fox in- stanceâ€"that. wil} bring affairs to a head. Events of the next few days will clarify a situation which is at the mom- cnrt uncertain but unquestionably grave. Advt in Blairmorc Enterpriseâ€"Notice: If you have frequent headachrs, dizzi- ness. fainting spells. lame back. ac- companied by chills, cramps, bunions. jaundice, chitblains or ï¬ts, it's a sign you are not, well and are liablc’to die at. any minute. 80. hasten to The Enterprise ofï¬ce and pay your sub- scription a year or so in advance. and make yourself solid for a good obituary notlcc.â€"-â€"adv From Toronto Telegram) ts appear to be rushing toward xx in Europe, with the democâ€" anci dictatorships preparing for test of strength. Hitler. as was xpected, is attempting to terrify with warnings of what will i if she adheres to the agree- ith Britlain, while Mussolini hav- ized Albania, is pointing his straight at the Balkan states. feet of the intimidation cannot (it-t rid of those noying noises. Be lain your radio is forming correctly. work guaranteed. Phone 590 -â€"-I"rom an old print a n cor per All ‘Aid to Families of ? Sailors of St. Ives to the families 0 seamen of °:.‘. Ives who lost, their liâ€"v lifcbsat to go to 1 in distress off the mayor of St. Ives assistance for the eight. children berc mayor of St. Ives made an appeal for assistance for the seven widows and eight. children bereaved by the tragedy. It was this appeal that was taken up by the Cornish Social Club, in view of the fact that there are so many Cornish people in Timmins and the Porcupine who come from Cornwall, some of them indeed being natives of St. Ives and district. Local Cornish People Con- tributing to Fund to Help Families of Old Land Ileroes. Although the subscription lists will be open for several days yet, good re- sponse is coming in to the appeal. This is particularly true of the Dome and South Porcupine section where Corn- ishmen have contributed $50. The fund will close on Saturday. April 22nd. Anyone wishing to cont/riâ€" bute to this worthy fund please hand contributions to: L. J. May, 158 Birch St. 8., phone 1727-W; F. Hocking, 54 Hollinger Ava, phone 1391-W; G. May, 103 Balsam St. S. Donors at Dome Mines and South Porcupineâ€"collected by Mr. and (Mrs. B. Webb, Dome Mines: Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Varker, Miss Irene Varker, MI. and Mrs. Hcdley Varker, Mr. Nick An- drews, Miss Dorothy Andrews, Mrs. Cliff Rowett, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mitchell, Stirl, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hooking. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. M. Keats, Mr. Fred Hitt, Mr. and Mrs. Al/f Stan- lake, Mr. Joe Stanlake. Mr. J. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Uren, Mr. John Carne, Mr. and Bert H0cking. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Salter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Butler, Mr. E. J. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Thomas, Mr. Arthur Uren. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beard. Mr. and Mrs. Bentley Webb, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Libby. Mr.‘Basll Libby, Mr. Reg- gie Libby, Mr. Tom Wtbb, Mr. S. Rowe. Mr. Albert Collins, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ford, Mr. Percy Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. .W. Moyle, Mr. and Mrs. W. Keno-w. Total to date. $54.50. Contributions have been received only from Cornish people in the camp. The following is a, list of the donors to date: Timm'ms donaticns- J. May and F. Hockir Curtis, W. B. Glcnvil Vcnncr, W. Avery. L. Harris. . Youltcn, C. E. Rickard, W. J. Stevens. C. H. Trcvenna, J. Tapper, C. Ma-gor. F Saunders, E. Oiiver. E. P. Griffin. M Tonkin, J. Easter‘orook. F. Lavin, C. H Wilkins, A. Slomans. E. Stephens. H Tonkin, A. Woodward. Total to date $23.50. Timmins and Schuma aurum)â€"collcctcd by Gcor George May, Mr. A. Tapp. Johns. J. J. Caddy, Roy G. Strong, Mr. Reg. Smil Amnstrong, Mr. Ed N'ichoL Johns. J. J. Caddy, Roy Phillips, Mr G. Strong, Mr. Reg. Smith, Mr. Jack Armstrong, Mr. Ed Nieholls, Mr. Harry Pitten, Mr. Norman Uren. Mr. Jack Jose, Mr. O. Hicks. Mr. J. Reddington, Mr. P. Harvey. Total to date, $11.50. Total to date for Timmins and Schu- maeher. $35.00; total to date for South Porcupine and Dome Mines. $54.50. Full total to date, $89.50. It is hoped to increase this total in the next few days and all Cornish people are asked to get in touch with any of the addresses mentioned above in this aricle. A phone message to the president or secretary As noted it a president uh. Mr. L. J 11 in With Ruth With Lanny Ross, Gloria Stuart, Joan Marsh l’amgmphic-“That's Africa" \\ cdnesda) and Thursdav. April 19th 2011! W \l LAC E BEERY in Starring LEWIS STONE. MICKEY RODNEY, (,EEL'ILIA PARKER and DAY HOLDEN Fitzpatrick Traveltalkâ€"“ANCIENT EGYPT" Musicalâ€""MEN OF STEEL" Movictunc NH oted in The Advance recently. esldent of the Cornish Saclal Ir. L. J. May. started a subscrip- Lhe Porcupine camp to send help families of the seven gallant With Tum Brown. Alan Curtis and Lovelv Laraim- .Inhl A Crime Doesn't Pay Subjectâ€"“WRONG WAY OUT Pete Smith Specialtyâ€"“MARINE CIRCUS" With Alan Marshal, The LAST SHOWING Thursday, April mm Sunday Midnight, Monday and Tucsdz April 16th, 17th qu‘lt-S‘th†Friday, Friday Midnight and Saturday April 1 1th__aii(_l_ 15th . Ann-"A'I' 11 latest and Greatest of all the Hard) ram") n- “u “OUT \V EST WITH THE HARD): S_" u -â€"â€"_â€" :1 Alan Marshal, Lana Turner. llcnry Stephenson and Anthony Allan Cartoonâ€"“Johnny Smith and Pockcr lluntas" Band Numberâ€"“Jerry Livingstone and His Band" \'... LL15]: Rush]: and PAULETTE GODDARD in unp A M A TIP Qmmm.†NOTICEâ€"On Double Feature Programmes (taming DUl BLE l‘ l [3A1 l, Rh PROGRAMME 1E\V AYRES and MAI KEEN O SLLLHAN in ~â€" â€" __ llussm, Burgess Meredith, Ann Moniss and June Compton SECOND I EATURE .he rescue 01 Cornish coa made an ap “SERGEANT MADDEN" “THE LADY OBJECTS “SPRING MADNESS 'iiiuMATlc SCHOOL while TELEPHONE 560 3 manna no of a dlccted 'by L L. J. May, H hex (Coni- c Mayâ€"AMI“ r. M1. N. L 31H. fin an I‘ORCUPINE ADVANCE. 11mg. ONTARIO of the Cornish Social Club will bring someone to call for your donation if you are not, able to get in touch with Mr. May or Mr. Hocking. The presi- dent’s telephone is 1727-W, and the socrctaw’s 1391-W. Kirkland Kiwanis Open BOYS’ Recreation Building from mines, meehants. professional men and the general public, and it is believed that not only will the Boys‘ Hobby Club prove of great interest and pleasure to the boys but that also it will be a notable influence in the building of better citizenship. inspir- ing initiative, endeavour. industry and team work among the growing gener- ation. \Vouldn’t Send Wire That Criticized the Weathez {IS “Some Glencm Bclknaps‘) recent from the west c doings and ende: been terrible." was unwilling to about the weathe to naps insisted. called t ger to his aid. The in how unusual it was t fog and rain, and em them to at least Chang ‘The weather has bee favorable.’ The Belkii their original statemei Lovelv Laraixw .lnhnwn COME FOR A RIDE IN MY (:OATMOBILE mm is California jealous be the winter sunshin icago Tribune columnist an example: Napoleon is one year old and is the p‘ pet goat is hitched to his owners can at a gait, moderate yet fast enough to so holding the reins. A friend K. Adam with Napoleon. and Robert Rice _‘9’ Universal News l‘ivturt Tl' mnge been 11' a}: ,d v t11€ \V S 0111 1( n the j Iice n print â€Wâ€" es coming to our theatres, we request our patrons to attend the Theatre not later than 8.00 pm. to see entire performance. 1U Mizmuul'r SHOW Every Sunday Special Children‘s Malina-v every Saturday Morning at 10.30 3.111. Children‘s Ticket 100 NE‘.\' l'xli‘li FUR EVENINGSâ€"ADULTS 400 Dlatinec Daily at i] Tuesday and Wednesday, April 18th and 19th DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAMME Thursday and Friday, April 13th and l-lth SYLVIA NIIDNICY and LEN“ ERICKSON in h SHO‘VTIMI- 1M GOLDFIELDS Special Chi! nm Wm MH‘HM’J, WHALES and JEAN ROGERS MECHANIX Ii.l.L’5TR.\TEl)“â€".\'o. Zâ€"A Coloured Novelty Saturday, Sunday Midnight and Monday, April 13th, 16th and 17th 7 ha clerl “WHERE THE BUFFALO ROAM†4th lipisodv of thv SCI'ialâ€"“ZORRO RIDES AGAIN “(LUNA-TITLERS"â€"-.\ Vitagraph Novelty ()\\"l'l.\tl£“-â€"-.\ (Toluurod Cartoon Paramount il'IC ('ll.\l m “ONE THIRD OF A NATION†“WHILE NEW YORK SLEEPS gu 60 Minimum Term Given for Forging Cheque for $15 the son 'S(H’Iiuu()!:li S’WlVG“â€"A Musical Novelty "()Nl‘ (ll N (L \l“ "â€"A Tcrrytoon Cartoon I) l] 11‘ )‘(i )untia.‘ s (not Theil Man 'lhis ’1 mm in Westem Jail 11 {LIES R llC nd Kix’klm id( P001 )ll I! mi of Meaford. Out. When the he will travel around the town zlisl‘y Bill Emptage who is shown is (RIGHT) prepares for a trip 11 I'IC in pr bu b1 0f 11 TELEPHONE 631 RFCGLES. MARY BOLAND, DONALD O'CONNOR. BILLY LEE in “BOY TROUBLE (I :0 p.m. April 12.â€"â€"Raoul Gauthier. arrested in October. 1937 on 5 charge. and who was com- : ntriul at the Fall Assizcs of who in the meanwhile medic escape from Amos Jail, was 15 ago arrested in Winnipeg 11 11 Mutim‘c Sat. April 15th-â€"(Jhildrcnâ€"-10c 'l‘liX KITTER in bli('().\'l) FEATURI- lC eing sentence Magistrate hut forgery was a seri- buL tuck into considera- previous clean record and iiities to his family. He 11 to the minimum term, Ll If amâ€"Somc 1300p}: call .vhile other folks are ed by the Royal Can- liee as the man want- wo charges and Que- re mulled. His aterm jail will expire next wo members of the 11 April l2t.h-â€"Undor Magistrate Atkin- ‘mley. who pleaded ‘ document. to mm :. ‘ 1' hearing .50 in 1,). CT‘ mutt Ff 11 will be waiting for 1'1 Evenings 7.0u and 8.50 p.m. )I'C Paramount News was made. The condition of the wounded man was as good as could be expected today. Br‘benieh was taken to the hospital early yesterday afternoon with a small bullet wound under his chin. Examin- ation by Dr. W. E. Bryant. who attend- ed the man. showed that the bullet had lodged in the spinal column near the base of the back of the head. The wound showed some diseeloration, which was believed by police to have been caused by powder burns. When Acting Sergeant C. Tripp was called to the hospital Bobenieh was still fully clothed and his underwear showed visible marks of powder burn- iing. When questioned by the oti‘ficcr IBobenich claimed that someone tried to shoot him. Tracing his actions inn- mediately before he was found wound- .ed on a ’bed in his home police ufound that Bobenich. his wife and her ;brother Mike Hustak had been at the ihome of Steve Sepos, 53 Premier Ave. I all morning. To Charge Wounded Man for Self Injury Kirkland Lake. April 12--Follc*wing his admit-Lance to Kirkland District Hospital yesterday afternoon With a .22 calibre rifle bullet lodged near the spinal column at the back oi his head. Teak Township police charged William Bobenich. 42-year-old Jugo-Slav. ('i 73 Queen St. with attempted suicide. after an investigation of the circumstances was made. Kirkland Lake Man Someone Shot Him. ice Have Other Idea Bc‘benieh was brought home around noon. and his wife gothim to go to bed. He complained of a headache and she put a cold bandage on his fore- head and left him. Both Mrs. Bdoen- ieh and her son left the house and know nothing more until a neighlbor told them of the shooting. Harry- Pike, of 73 Queen St. was{ standing on his front porch and was first to hear Bobenich yelling. He went over to the wounded man's home and was asked by Bdbenieh to call the doc- .er. Babenieh was taken to the hos-pi- Ial where Acting Sergeant Tripp inter- viewed him. He still insisted that someone had shot him and emphatical- ly denied that he shot himself. The police officer went, to the Bob- cnich home and found a. .22 repeating rifle, which had' an 18 inch cord looped ,on the trigger guard. It is the belief i‘o‘f the police that, Bobenieh lay on the ' bed. held the rifle between his feet with the muzzle under his chin, and pulled the cord. The powder burns on his neck and clothing and the angle of the shot and the course the bullet took all point to other than an attempted p v w - - v v - . . . .â€.......“.â€....â€.â€.“.â€.â€.â€.â€.".w.".W.w.vv.vv. . . 0 . . . . . ' v v v v Mascioli Thnévétre, SchUmacher HONDA Starring LEW FRIDAi’ SATURDAY. APRIL 21â€"' MICKEY ROONEY, [1.2“le S'I‘ONI‘ FRIDAY SATURDAY. APRIL 14â€"1 )-l)Oul)lL lmtuu l’mgrummc CLARK GABLE AND NORMA SHE ARE]! in LL'ISE :\Y 6 ’ ‘ ' ' " " ' ' " 91h and TIOth \VEDINESDAX and lllLKï¬DA}. APRIL I . ‘ ‘ i KAISER. PACLETTE GODDARD and ALAN M.~\l.bllAL zth\ A ll A rut/‘1 DI‘IInn‘ 9, 356%â€WES'TWVITH‘ THE HARDY 8 “COLORADO KID†Adults ................ 2250 Adults .............. 25c Children ............ 10c Children .......... 156 There Will be Sunday Midnight Shows under our New Com- munity Pricesâ€"Only at Midnight Shows, everyone will be charged 25c. New Serial “FIGHTING DEVIL DOGS" shuwing livery Wednesday and Thursday THURSDAY, APR. 6th, Last Showing Today Wednesday and Thursday, April 12th and 13th “W IVE, DR. and NURSE†THURS, APRIL Iiiâ€"Last Showing 'l‘o-d'q)‘ \Vednesday and Thursday, April 19th 8; 20th “YOU CAN’T TAKE IT WITH YOU†Friday and Saturday, April 11th and 15th “ALEXANDER’S RAGTIME BAND†Starringâ€"“’AICNEII BAX'I'ER, LORETTA YOL'NU and VIRGINIA BRITCI‘J Serialâ€"“I’IGIIITING DEVIL DOGS" Nu. 3!. Sunday Midnight, Monday and Tuesday April 16th, 17th and 18th “HARD TO GET†Starring DICK I’()“'EI.L aand OLIVIA I)I‘LII.‘\\'II.I..\.\'I) AYREQ. MAUREEN O'SL'LLIYAN and """“iï¬10T*s DELIGHT†“PUBLIC COWBOY NO. 1" Starring JEAN ARTHUR. LIONEL BARRYMURE and JAMES STEW’A RT Serialâ€"“FIGHTING DEVIL DOGS" N0. 3 Starring ALICE FAYE. TYRONE POWER. and DON AMECHIC "“ï¬iLmMTIC SCHOOL " “L ADY OBJEC TL †“SPRING MADNESS Starring GENE AU'I‘RY Starring BOB STEEL a _\-'S TELEPHONE 173 PHONE 60 When sciatica attacked this woman six years ago. she couldn’t move with- out great pain. Treatment after treat- ment failed to help her. She tried Kmschen and so: quick relief. “Six years ago. I suflered from sciatica." she writes. everything. but to no avail. took Kruschen Salts. The ; doses gave quick relief. At. (11 a few weeks my sciatica h: Now I always begin the da) pinch of Krusehen in a glass . I live a strenuous life. being (our years ago. and having : keep. I run a boarding~hous4 6 a.m.. and retire at 11 pm. bill. everyone says I look 32 Lo Kruschen Salls.“-â€"-tl\1rs.l F but everyone says I look 32â€"~thanks to Kruschen Salts.“â€"â€"-tMrs.l F. E. R. The severe pain which is character- istic of sciatica is often due to needle- pointed uric acid crystals in the sheath of the great. sciatic nerve. Two of the ingredient salts in Kruschen dissolve uric acid crystals. Other salts in Kruschen help Nature to expel these dissolved crystals through the natural channels. First. Death Occurring in the Opccpccsway Lake Camp before Muglsu‘ate tumnwu m court here to answer a charge tempted suicide as booked by th< murder. When he is able B before Magistrate 1 Woman Aged With Sciatica 'Gogama. April 12.~Thc first at the Opeepecsway Lake gold occurred early Friday morning Norman Van Norman (11ch from i 'Gogama. April l'l.-Th-C first death at the Opeepecsway Lake gold camp occurred early Friday morning when Norman Van Norman died from a heart. attack as he slept on the mining prop- erty of R. S. Sheppard, where he was employs d. 21â€"22â€"1)ouh|v Fraturv Programme ONE and CECILIA PARKER in Nebelspnlttrâ€"Always treat your wife as if she were not yours but. your friend’s wife. Now Praises Kruschcn THURSDAY. APRIL 13TH. 1939 jug lil'Tll lllfSSICY 9.. .3? o O O... O o 00.“. .00‘“ 0'. O. O .0. suffered terribly “rites “I tried 3 avail. Then I . The ï¬rst few 1‘. At. the end of iatica had gone. the day with n a glass of water. 0. being widowed having a son to mg~hou$e. rise at. 11 pm. I am 52. look 32â€"~thanks 1 Will April 1611: m in 1 ppm 1‘ police Or at- pCUCC.