Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 13 Apr 1939, 1, p. 7

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‘iue regular meeting or the home 4.; School Association ten years ago was one of the most helpful and inspiring held. The address by Mr. E. L. Long- more in itesei'f made the gathering well worth while. and at the same time there were other pleasing features to the programme. Mrs. Sheppard. vice- prestdent o! the Home and School As- sociation. presided and there was a good attendance. A feature of the event was the singing of Mrs. Danard. whoa: beautiful voice delighted all. Another musical number was the instrumental duet by Mary and Orlando Chlltini. the tanner on the piano and the latter on the violin. This number was well pre- sented and won general appreciation for the young artists. After the com- pletion of the business of the associa- tion and the programme, tea was serv- ed by the ladies and this was anothe specially enjoyed feature. The regular, meeting of the town council was held ten years ago with Mayor Geo. S. Drew in the chair and Councillors A. G. Carson. H. Charlebois, P. Dougall. R. Richardson. Alfred Car- on and C. P. Ramsay present. A letter was read from the Kiwanees asking tit: council if the town would accept the swimming pool that the ladies were planning to establish. It was planned THURSDAY. APRIL 13TH. 1939 Corner Third Avenue and Mmmtjoy Street OPPOSITE 3 HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACTS Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 13, 1:1, 15 “SNOW WHITE and the SEVEN DWARFS”. “Venetian Moonlight" “l' Spcriul (‘hildrvn‘s Matinee Saturday Morning Childrenâ€"We Adultsâ€"250 Cartier TAXI MATINEESâ€"zso PAL (Except Satmday) SA'I‘I'RHAY MA'I‘INEESâ€"‘l.00 p.111. and 4.30 p.m. l«‘.\'l§.\-‘lNGS-â€"7.00 Inn. and 9.00 pan. MIDNIGHT SHOWS -â€"-â€" SI’NDAY 12.01 â€"â€" 'l‘l'E‘SDAY 11.30 EDWARD SMALL Anolri’if'iimou All New De-Luxe Heated Cars IT’S NEW CARTIER THEATRE DOBBS DARE, Comedy Song and Dance STATE THEATRE. CHICAGO 2000 Sunday Midnight, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 16. 17, 18. 19 Phone man CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACTS FRANK SANTRY, European Juggler LONDON. ENG. With DULURES COSTELLO and ROZFIR DANIEI. ADDED suoms "Stage Fright" and “Paths Pamae" x0. 5 ALSO VAL VA LINE. Society Dance Act. DIRECT FROM NEH" YORK Phone 2-! H) RTIE '4‘ l1IIII' \vllIIP QI11lll'llg‘ En joy Your Smokes t the same tSme ring features to Sheppard. vice- and School As- .here was a good of the event. was Danard. whose ed .111. ather ON OUR STAGE “March of Time" No. 8 Phone 2-1-10 ADDED SHORTS was to the effzct that as the plans on which junior sport had been oper- ated in the past were unsatisfactory. leading to duplication and overlapping of effort and confusion and also lay- ing the business men open to repeated calls for the various spous. a new scheme would be under the the man- agement and would be advantageous to all concerned. The plan would include the forming of an athletic club for all boys from ten to twenty years Cit age. To provide finances the boys would pay membership fees graded to age. and a hundred and fifty business men would take special membership at $10.00 a year. Forty-seven leading men had agreed to go in on such a plan and only a few had been approach-ed in the mat- ter. The various sports were to be un- wimming pool also prejudiced the .a‘i‘ety of the trunk sewer was also re~ ferred to. In The Advance ten years ago: “There is usually a struggle among some of the golf enthusiasts to see who will be the last to play golf here at the end of the season and who will be the 5.; before the new season really- begins. The hon- ours in past years have been inclined to go to Mr. John W. F'ogg. who holds some North Land Izcords in this respect. For 1929. however, the honour of the first {golf game goes elsewhere. The first gollt‘ game this year was on Mon- day of this week. April 8th. and Messrs Stokes and J. R. Todd were the first to go round the course in 19-29. The town hall was crowded to the dcors and out on the street by the boys turning out ten years ago to the meeting called to consider the proposal that an athletic club be formed in town to look after all junior sports. It was estimated that about 300 boys at- tended the meeting. the lads ranging from 10 to 20. All were CDthUSfJSIiC about the plan as outlined. and all that remained was to have similar enthusi- asm 1mm the bushrss men wha were the cther side of the plan. Mr. P. T. Moisley outlined to the boys the plan that was being considered. Briefly it was ta the effect that as the plans m ll 1811 ma h cuncil would _ e prep l'nivorsal Nt‘Wer-l‘ lg at 10.00 mm. U 1! U 11mlng poo rest ahd of :omn he m ll DC th EX '9! Anthony's church on April 2nd, 1929. when Rev. Fr. Laforest united in the holy bonds of marriage. Bertha eldest Idaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse gamma. and Ernest Valier. of Timmins. The bride was charmingly dx'eged in blue crepe d‘e chine and carried a bou- quet of carnations. roses and East-er ! A pretty wedding took place a; St. I In The Advance ten years ago: 'Wh attention was attracted last week by a small black bear cub taken out on street on a chain like a Pomperian by M:. Chas. Pierce. In from c! thr stock exchange on mursday afumoon Mr. Pierce and his um: pet drew quite a mmd. and Mr. Pierce had much fun in explaining the condition of the stock market as due to the presence of the election of ofificem ten years ago in the Masonic hall here. The following wcrc those elected to carry on for the year: 1929: I.P.M., Wor. Bro. Ed. Richards: WM., Wor. Bro. C. P. Ramsay; S.W. Bro. J. Morrison; J.W.. Wor. Bro. J Gurnell; Chaplain. Bro. J. Goodman: 'h'easurcr, Bro. C. G. Keddie; Se‘retary Bro. P. Dougall: Tyler. Bro. E. W'lmley; Auditors. Bro. S. T. “hiker. Bro. W. O Langdon. Cozubin ' D.D.G.M. r f Cach‘ran'ell ‘ 5-23. A. F‘. “‘i- The band concert- lield in the Gold- fields meatye on a Sunday evening ten years ago proved very successful and pleasing. There was a large attendance and all present appeared to enjoy Lhe programme from beginning to end. Special appreciation was expresst for the playing by theu'l‘i‘nmnn’S Citizens‘ Band. Bandmaste'r Wilford and his nten handheld; fhg swag-3;: ’am‘aub‘ive' selections} .' j; qu‘my 7, @515?ch flg‘y. There was”): ' “5 . tapp- ' (134‘. men and . 7' ' ‘ found lav, Ccznbin - ' D.D_G_M " factors-Mz's. G. Irving. Mrs. G. S. Scott, Mrs. J. E. C'rumell. Mrs. J. Mac- Fadden. R. Elston, A. R_ Harkneas. A. Skelly, D. Richards, W. Barr, J. Kent. J. E. Gurnell; auditors, R. Elston and A. R. Harkness; secretary-Ireasurer, A. Parker. At the general meeting; of the Tim~ mins Horticultural Society held in the town hall ten years ago the reports of the officers for the past year were re- ceived and found very satidfaotcry. The following officers were elected for the ensuing wary-«president. H. Po- cock; vice-president. J. Singleton; di- The third annual Vimy celebration of the T imm‘ins Post, of the Canadian Legion, taking the form of a. glorious smoker and buffet supper, was generally credited by any and all of the more than two hundred present for the oe- casicn at the Oddlfellcws h’all ten years ago as the most, enpjoyahle event of its kind ever held in the North Land. "The otficers and committees deserve a score of medals for the smooth suc- cess and the complete enjoyment of every minute of this unique event." said The Advance at the time. “Anyone present will admit that no description could do justice to the pleasure of the evening. There wasn't an item on the long programme that wasn’t a gem. Mr. Austin Neame, president of the Legion occupied the chair and carried through proceeding in very effective way." der the supervision and direction of an executive of business men. f0 la] 'Seattl ll‘ )t .1r H Lbf Batu lane m PORCUPINE ADVANCE. “WINS. ONTARIO skies in the next big war. After several people appeared at Nash showrooms in London and asked about the possibilities of replacing fresh air filters with anti-gas filters in the Nash car weather~ma~ker, some of these mod- ern cars were turned over to Air Raid Precaution officials of the government {or tests. Tests were made in a gas tunnel after gas filters had been in- stalled in the ccnditionedeir entem. First tests were conducted in an empty car fitted with gas detection in- struments. As the car was not moving. doors and windows were sealed with tape. The systtm. which takes It) all air through the cowl ventilator, was turned on. of course. Surprised tendon officials found that the car offered full protection. ThréntPs;.-§wérgk1~tlf a'wéien ww- :4“- ??? 199112;; mv¢mfisli9wchx~ms a 3115’?“th My 53??? a l}? the ’éafos't. p‘lzice {volt cdn ‘ ' whl'fi" he day comes will be in a modern automqhflc. In England. when the authorities recently rushed completion of bomb ha; recently shelters of gas masks for clouds appeared or Na Best Refuge in ’Case of Gas Raid from Air Ail-conditioned Nash Cars COI’lbldeled Pelfect Hay- éfis m’EnQIaml I) “bears. " The youngsters were espe- cially interested in the bear cub and its antics. '1” he cub is one cf two black bear cubs captured near one of the Pierce lumbel camps some days ago. The cubs me about thxee weeks old and so quite harmless as well as "cute" in appearance and action.“ Next. several tests were run of! barb {i Mr. Howe and 'Mr. 'Symington made the “(lawn-to-dusk" flight across the continent which was the preliminary to the regular sched- ules now in effect. The stewardess is Annette Bruncllc. L3. Trans~Canudu’s first baby passenger was little Miss Malleck of Victoria, BC \Vilh her mother, wife zw.‘ Ii. Mallcck, Victoria mer- rhantfifi'rtc flew to V\:innipcg on the NON flight Shirk: and hur om \\' 11d he H h dndly gases aimed down ftcm ma the manufacture ilians when war eir hm'imn. they conditioned a'u' 10 nintiis old '5‘ old 'chrns‘ wit that tening" the big Lockheed at Van- couver. In the bottle were the mingled waters of the Fraser and St. Lawrence rivers, symbolic of the closer union of the widespread Canadian provinces. 4. Johnson to )ohnsonâ€"~“Happy Landings!" \V. H. Johnson, Jr., grain broker and prominent mem- ber of the Montreal Board of. Trade, bought the first ticket out of Montreal. He flew to \\’innipeg. Philip G. Johnson, Vice-President of T.C.A. (right) is ,;pcsdin3; him on his way. ing of would! in m at outside six people in the Nash equipped with a gas mask were discharged around beneath the hood in the partmezu. but, the occm Nash felt. no ill effects. Nash officials explained ing of Lhe doors and wim wouldn't. be necessary if 1 1‘0 1.111 ngs. and. c1 :hc same tim 'Weather Eye hal- mew-ms 1] I] i) ll 'Ynu't‘ti‘. uO’l‘ SAFEâ€"am even ll the; r: - u shiny 1939 model in ,(vm gurag right now! For il‘you ever get your hands Oh thin. Nash, your present our is going tn feel as old as Old Dubbin. You start nut . . . no whirring of gears. but three tiny clicks of a lever* on the steering post. and you’re swooping dawn the road. No fouling -- here is uonsrwowuu! Not that draggy. plow-horse sort, but A 9‘) black devils ul‘ polo ponies pulling you out of the saddle. 1?. . Then a Faurlh Speed Forward* suddenly rig cuts in, and the engine runs slower, hut .‘ : you 'gofasm- . . . smtmther. It's so quiet low you tateh the :m ed “hisper lrmn \Ullr t-um will: 5 lips. . to gu ll K [53‘ i ’7 .1 28 SECOND AVE. TIMIVIINS PHONE 1101 SERVICE AVAILABLE ACROSS CANADI‘ 7351 155 v flc wi 11‘ OELIVL' R17!) TO YOU 3111‘ Nab Pricc: Legit: as low as TY 11E h (1 L11 )1 mt W at. the seal- vs probably (9 car were mummy of Gas bombs 0 car. and mine pom-- us of the I he fl/Jm (xx/777 .J ; + 177 J If ' model in )(‘vm gar-age l‘hc "V‘via‘2fi‘x i" .i "" ' ;‘i c.: ‘ ,1 .iir without rjussi. bugs, r:'::¢:h1llm,§ that get your hands on this. Yuu come into a hue 0? traffic. B tour is going to feel us )Ulll Nash breaks away like a half-pin half-hack running wild on a dry held. In no whirring of gears, suhcr truth, you’ve never felt a car slop, ; of a lever* on the start, pivot, change pace, top a hill, or he Swooning duwu .smuulh u hump, with such fleet, lazy ease. Another adlvantage of this revolu- tionary system is that, it. will produce weather hot enough for bathing beau- ties to ride in the utmost comfort in mid-winter even though outside tem- peratures are hovering around zero. The desired our comfort is tuned in on a radio-type dial. and then is main- tain ed automatically regardiees of what happens to the weather autsice, it. is said. Drafts me eliminated. and to- . - _ v v v v ' vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvmm . Goaland Wood a, menace in some closed cars in winter. from entering these autos. Nash en- gineers point out]. The also assures fresh, Clea in the car at. all times. t is being changed so m'pi Mose Nash Motorg yfiV/MZ/[K/fl NASH THI CAR IVIRYIODY LIKIS \ Trade Enquiriex: Laurentian Agencies, Montreal FOR FREE SAMPLE, HOWEVER, MAIL THE ABOVE COUPON TO MR. H. A. SMALLMAN The abov shows 50m Sufimn who ha been uralihed a HAVE BEEN CURIED By These Capsules! RHEUMATIC AGNES COAL AND WOODYARD AND OFFICE 86 Spruce South Phone 32 Coke -- Welsh Anthracite -- Pennsylvania Blue â€"- Briquettes â€"â€" Alberta -â€" Pocahontas ~â€" Buck- wheat -- Nut Slack -â€"â€" Steam Coal and Cannel. "URICONES"ARE SOLD BY ALL UF-TO-DATE DRUG STORES Ilh girurhed. R'xenn matica. Ncutius. ,vc beg-n hglpql } Fl{AN K BYCIi fresh, clean. outside air all times. because the air \\ ant it? After 15 minutes; you' have 10 have it. And it’s practically yours right now! For ten big, beautiful models are priced right next to the lowest. Soâ€"~come down for a spin around the town. Then you’ll know why there's at convertible bed in back . . . you're going to go [)lllt‘t’S in your new Nash! .PYVCS 0 mp1 The same principle \\ Whether 5' “UMCONES” HAVE WON MERWID SUPPORT mes" our variety of coal FREE TRIAL TREAYMENT FOR ALL! IN After 15 minutes; you’ll ricunes MI" have Sud-‘bury Starâ€"The influence of Hitâ€" lcr rather than “the fine Italian hand" can be easily seen in the brutal sub- J'ecLion of the Albanian people by Mug- solini. the car mplaint b1 . Fibrmitis :23". Put it acco ml be Rheumat a To [he RHEUMATISM, ARTH. RITIS, GOUT, SCIA- TICA, lUMBAGO, NEURITIS, SYNOVITIS, FIBROSITIS. Send for - FREE Ttial Supply if you suffer from quickly cmried out of (I! all .t :. Bm {mint .thgre is new l" m and ma Timmins PAGE SEVEN mail the ht

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