Salt. pepper Cook ca ulif I in; salted wa1 .tcx'. cook pars? three mintues well blended, constantly we and thick. S over cauliflow in serving dis One 2m atin. Ono-qua} One-half Two cup and juice. One cup One qua: Soak the Pate) and disc} Crush the gelatin. S stir until fold in th maid. cove parts to or (Copyrig One icy day mother sent him a dozen eggs. 0: her a. paper bag. “What are the "m was eggs I 54 “Well, ma.’ .1 streets were a- thought I‘d best min m a b will then supplement. with those 0th food which are particularly valuable i' the fuel and energy which they supp Cauliflower With Piquant Sauce One head cauliflower. foods Wm meals and h hr‘u' Use of the Menu as Means s. to Protect from Disease Selection of Food Diet Should Provide Minerals, Proteins, and Suppli Fuel and Ey.nerg Well- Balanced Menu Essential to the I’ “‘8‘ of Health Sayx Domestit Szieme Expert. allCh a and g! in she protect The .ncome foods ‘ 1'1 011 PAGE TWO 3U HILDREN of all ages thrive on "‘CROWN BRAND‘? CORN SYRl'P. L 'lhey never tire of its delici- ous flamr and it really is so good for themâ€"so give the children S‘CRO\\N BRAND ‘ ewr) day. . i leading pin sicians pro. nounce “'CRO\\.\ BR kND“ CORN SYRUP a most saris. -factory carbohydrate to use as a milk modiï¬er in the feeding of tiny infants and as an energy producing food for ï¬rms in 3 children. it {OSC anc al I‘C 11 :U' SAFETY Fl R S'l' EDITH M. BA RBI‘IR .poor poor s h. Fruit Moussc I sen .ng he more awfully 1] JP )8 bu .81')? n i! y explaine .v slippery lemons ins drain 1'0 UI int-er Johnny's tom to get half urn he handed 16 abl‘ and c lour C75 EiSt 1111 DD nder in I. Melt nilk 1E par 18 1L 31' in bail Melt but, man in i and when spent lsm 3d pour 1 13183 Eu m mothc U US 1V 31' equa ad wai other wit h We €11 1n ll he n n 1 Wedding at United 2 Church (m Saturda} of voice he‘ll use. r out of character. H< Hitler‘s mannerisms have seen him an we: -( From The New Yorkeri Charlie Chaplin's next picture will be called “The Dictator." will deal sar- donlcally with Facism, and Chaplin will impersonate Hitler. Chaplin says that a few people have tried to persuade him to tone down his original idea so as not to cause further persecution of Ger- man Jews. but that, most letters he re- ceives encourage him to go ahead and give Hitler the works. which he plans to do. Hitler won‘t be named. but there‘s only one dictator with that kind- of The plot is still in a state of flux, but it's pretty certain that Chaplain will have a dual roleâ€"the dictator. and a prisoner in a concentration camp who looks like him. He cided that he will Chaplin's movie we the anti-Nazi ï¬eld. will win that honour (Thai-lie Chaplin to Take Role of Hitler in New l’la tentatively “Confessions of a In such plumes to date t1 background has been only But. neither Italy nor Ge beans good market foramovi pmducers think perhaps the well make a. clean break. North Bay Nuggetâ€"Despite acements and remses in rec there are many northerners ccnï¬d'em that the Abitibi an Bay sections will yet coma-ï¬n -ly to expansion of northern man and industry. Mr. and MI Timm'ms. Out-of-tc included M man. After the was served bride and if Mrs. Andrew McLeod a bride attractively attired i)‘ semble of navy blue. wit hat and fuchsia accessories a corsage of pastel sweet p4 Mr. Andrew McLeod new Mr. : street, M. M h KS Miss Minerva Ruth Wine and Mr. (Eco. I’vnwici Marmed. nu 'OS'L’S ’ibbcn uede. Answer â€"- Most. occasions will be fu is known as semlfo 6 .P M. This cons dinner jacket. othe a Tuxedo, a black 3 to match the coat. silt: braid down the leg, stiff or plcate shirt, black silk tie down white collar, studs am! out! links. smks, black leather gray suede gloves, ‘n coat, black Hamburg your regular felt ha1 in color. may be we kex'chict and black I HAD to leave high school and go to. work. I have never had any- thing but every-day clothes. but am beginning to get ahead and want to know what to buy for more formal occasions. What is needed to be dressed properly for evening aflairs? JACK k. The bric‘ 11c Jl‘ one ache Win C08 viz!) but doesn sf Mr :d M 1‘ bow. 1nd h man r @321 ï¬eld. W mt. honour wt: ‘Lh '11 31' ha]; 1%! toDo MW Ohio State Medical Journal. “Hypou‘nnmn Mann blood 13112351111 no: a (ibmma and if 11:) 331111310211; pmscm. [Innistnwm 15: not I‘OQI 2 When [how are 113 sympM-ms nor A :plicatioxze after the 11540 01' 50. it cerem a t the ,‘I'C hm He has definitely will talk in “The I n't. yet know what 1-: 59. His normal voici U VET 11C nmir . on Bal: .umsber of and groom $100.5 0{ a Nam ;0 date the pol can only hinte nor Germany 2515 at the wed Watson. of Eng} a l‘ been .11 ES .ef mitely de- )6 e and groom“ it 1H ll 1m hearsir W n a LCD iends 0 nd- M p trio 011188 Fe who ‘ hem JVC “I with I in 9 or I m: EII‘ '11} 2! X 38' 11‘ \V at blood vessels as Dr. A. Blaine Ohio State :3 “Hypotcmsion ( n mem Timn book] will I‘ to take in either case? Send today for this latest, booklet by Dr. Barton en- titled How Is Your Blood Pressure?’ «No. 108). It, makes this interesting subject. understandable by all. Send Ten Cents to The Bell Library, 247 West 43rd St.. New Work. N.Y.. to cov- er COSt of service and «handling. and \iiracie. Says Mother as Son 3 Paral} sis is ( urc Or 1 family characteristic. I have 1: mind a :brother and sister. both we] )ver 60, who have blood pressure twen .y points below what is considered nor nal for their age. and they enjoy ex mm m and he 13rd ndivic JUCh V E uw Blood Pressure May Moan Lil'c But Not Buoyant Health equez :pct On mail About rd 'pre m be 3' flaw is Your Blood Pressure it high? 1:; it. 10w? Do You nemior 'mptom :19 mm: (by James W. Barton. MD.) 1m and .on the name of The Adv tins. Be sure to mention at by name and number. .4319er in accordance Witl‘ I] 1') _V‘ their health rci sme me und °nveigh attacks of influenza. se, heredity. or some Jl' 1 misc W 151V I)! ’d save them, if 1' ccmplicati low blood 1) 11 w C'W .0 have 4 ï¬nd out kely 1‘11’1 vid 'n .Vi [I Jpon been ll ll nts abcut no appetit of those with lcw Lililan Angu )f .1 be found present from astine. teeth. wha .lld 1y a family. three. )1†50 to 60. The lsked why it, was at the age of 76 you see. I was the pat-16 l span, ’ he blooc' in <$011135 you se family 1' had 1U C Dayton, in th I'E dividual 3 some it ay live a he who W0 no 'll‘ a1 W 'OX‘K. Whici mall meal TI pre if there ticns 1" lC-w Wl‘ Dhy 1y 1' [I '8! be )u low and: \liz un hur h is alwa due plenty U RAJ b1 h akin 11 )1 I a.» 31111331315114 3 111.} V I. IDCE 131 lor 'ain a-dm h 4mg 213's the the uh. 3n are the 311- ir iv 6 h 81‘ at. m K dem'ul m Huntingdon Gleaner men with black flags house of a thirteen-ye was to be married to a way b: stated. deï¬nite Mrs. Pc Mrs. brea Monda‘ psychiatr Swan-9y, dium an conscious she could \Vas Literally Stricken Spemhloss with Terror I'O‘I‘" when ti Scientiï¬cally nphonia. T1 The wool dress ' weed jacket has b lard costume. one Mrs: sou: lble emc-vc They imply trickel TO-DAY’S FASHIONS VG r shape sir he did nnL Last man :encral Has 1W M rs. P‘ 335 Th 1!‘ m to be ma Impore. V ommme (C ba me RI :11' cam Dunds. .I'ea tme and W ll Standard Costume Now By VERA WINSTON v0.01 dress with a colovful plaid tcket has become almost a stan- sttxme. one that is bath useful :amental. Here is an excellent :hc dress in a light brown wool he brown with a purplish cast. 3U U'C( tha nd pa n in volvc Treated Dr. . mim a 1111 hi 114 1C I] h arried When ll m 1L m 11' 1113‘ )1~‘ W O h almc ough: 1 with a purpn lply made with 11 h n ty ram into the street. a condition is call-3d mock had bloc-kid 011' K! in spcech. With Drug John Yyon. resident an intern. Dr. Hugh Mrs. Pearce with so- drug‘ that dulls the Mrs. Pairce's 1):}in HR was ovm'cbme. mom.“ Dr. Lysn Lcld th ply made with a high lee V38. The jacket, is 31. light weight, with udes purplish brown. . Flap pockets at the 1 pockets below the is gathered from yoke “‘ up eel nnor-Two hundred flags â€picketed†the 31-year-old girl who to a man o‘f ï¬fty an the bridegroom are bride, he found his :0 marriage, it was been postponed 1n- ‘Al‘UL’i. n had to write notes rds with her lips. repeated Tuesday 3' morning when the doctors asked Lming. The (hit ruck brushed LY rim unharmel 2310p..."Mr ha d. “I fee wonderfu pl ll 1510-21). did it. ran said. ' Then the doc- .he could make boy‘s mother. L her curiously. moving. but no, She was un- W l'Ol‘ him am ; "3.13.1333. 01‘ s “RIO d away I f eel won- mm. 7.11 Med 111 at): had with She ï¬ve ally. 11 exp It w 1 mm 1 mos mg 0 I've m ll Mrs D‘ bv (iv: .l 1' «Pe'ople, generally. like to be kind and mannerly. Some are timid a sout- being gracious, others hide an inferior feeling by being curt, and rude. But gracious- ness charms, and if you Want to be con- sidered and remembered as one who is a lovely woman, you will be, gracious cveii against great irritation. Don’t Confuse Characteristics By urging you to be kind and con- Pretty manners, and considerate ones. are again the vogue. Being a â€lady" is definitely the fashion. This news. 1. going to be bad new; to thos» women and girls who think rudeness is both attractive and effective. Even through the era of “bad man- :crs" which we have at last passed. g'X‘aCiOUSDESS always reaped it reward. And it is well to learn as young as pos- sible that being gracious gets you places. whereas being rude gets you in general disfavor. I) If you work, your asso L0 be Ibrusque at. times you pretty angry. But, be ing your tongue 'pause to they, as well as yc'urself. the day's work. and may with worry or illness. Modernize your kitchen for year-round coolness, cleanliness, comfort, economy. You can do it on a modest outlay under our convenient extended payment plan. Install an Electric Range, an Electric Refrigerator and an Electric Water Heater, and real saving as well as service commence immediately. You save time and footsteps and, best of all, you save on food and fuel. Let us help you plan an All-Electric Kitchen programme for YOUR home. OANAOA NORTHERN POWER CORPORATION LIMITED Those who know her consider IR ENE DI‘NNE thv “Gracious Lady Her charm weaves a spell over all. In Business Especially Beauty and You Let an ALL-ELEET KITCHEN keep you cool. this Summer. .. your associates are apt at times which makes 'y. But. before unleash- : ‘pause to consider that vc'ursel'f. are rushed in 501112 by PATRICIA LINDSAY also bf h'acious Gets You Places t gracious '. to be cor ne who is acious cve NORTHERN ONTARIO POWER COMPANY. LIMITED NORTHERN QUEBEC POWER COMPANY. LIMITED 'mc ones. side “lady" is I w l news. is [1111‘ a women goo: is both qua up. Be polite :‘ateful you. Tr: that, type of girl is so darn sweet, and good natured that all friends and ac- quaintances step all over her! That's hem; so It; xaciousncss has naming tc ful W ynony ms 1' rate I do not for a minute want you )9 a Miss Milquetoast. You know. ; type of girl is so darn sweet, and b what you do for others willingly IOlitC in the requests you make. Bit aful for little favors extended t< Try to be considerate cf thOSt fortunate than yourself. Sncb’ber: em as jcalousy is scorned. (Grange Pdwe Blend .CVC g and Operating raciou endly. fll' El‘Ci- A nice way to b: consistently gracious is. this: 11' you are u yrung girl 113' to inmgine that, mch person to whom you speak is your 1395;, beau in (liguls-e! You wouldn't. be rude or nasty to him. would you? If ycu are an older womun, my to imagine the 1213le you nus: mm to impress is; pecking tax-2r your shoulder constantly. In his or her a:- ~uul presence yru would (lLspluy your most, gracious party manners-and l! vou are truly a belle you how out. the you are truly a belle you have but. the. 3110 set. of manners! There are occasions when each cf us must, be firm. but, we can be firm graciously. Even if we must lite our 3wa tongue to keep back the things we would like to say! The day will come. when you will be glad yau were grac- ious. even though being so was ti?i‘i'ihly difficult! Ottawa Journalâ€"-Tho reception in London for .the President. of France is. of course, far more than a gesture )f good will. It is further proof to the world that Britain and Franc o stand boulder to shoulder M1k1m-ilâ€"â€"Sally. am I the first man “on ever loved? Sallyâ€"Of. course. All the others W81“? x‘aternity boys. ll Pine St. S. THURSDAY. APRIL 13TH. 1939 Arrealmenl of this satin-soft Velva‘Crearn Mask refreshes the skin and helps you achievedhe Elizabeth Arden look. Use afler thoroughly cleansing and failing with Ardena Cleansing Cream and Ardena Skin Tonic. Velva Cream Mash. $2.20 and $5 ?5 Sutheriand 'elva Cream Mask by HARDLY FLATTERING DRI'GGIST J. Bert Plume 808 19