Try The Advance Want Advertisements ' door Harringay Groylu Wembley Lima .. Earls Comm Range Harringay Racers Wemblcy Manarch: Bright-on Tigers Stand mg Hockey Lon follows: rangements coul: teams Inc-season Intwe Arena. at, 8 not. say deï¬nitely be open but expo: in October. British Hmkcy League Is Led by Greyhounds Speaking for sident. Dean K3 key association i co-operation 'frc kerite teamâ€"4n all the teams in An N.O:H.A. official. J. L. Fulu comm-ende the team for its work. Dan Keeley, speaking for (ï¬e M Intyré Mine. said that he hc-md a. There ware, sui kerite coach, sh Mines League mi hockey played we: of sportsmanship The banquet spccphes were at Main businégs of presentaltim of g in importance * which wasquiw and concencmt 1m Members 0! presented . with mine and all t and all;mwï¬ez, carrying the M ship crest, for t The Buffalo Ank ed for the last time day night. They b in their hands 11139 and with them th 9, job on T.-bone the min-3. as they 4 Mines League will disc. Ankerite Presents_ Gifts to 5! Members Bison Hockey Team Regulars Get Watches and All Players Presented With Windbreakers at Banquet Thursday Evening. Mine Manager (‘ommends Players. Worked as Well as They Played Hockey, He Says. Goodyears angoyals â€"â€"Iâ€"--â€"â€"- -oâ€"Iâ€" m ~ FRIDAY, APRIL 1‘! MONDAY. APRIL 10TH. 1939 Annual Dance in Mir Palais - Royale me camp pm on 11 1mm wht‘n hey th ft bf 1E 1938-39 ‘eive cgular uniqu: and In n 1H “I "Nat 13 91‘ .ches by th 'ers, regular Windbreaker .3 champion ll as ma provide 11‘ 8210511 nly to allow 1 the MC- He could in}: would SKI CLUB to take place Nflti \VJ 1‘1 at the ’1) 1 l' th the 11 1a I In an overtime game before 16.500 maid admissions the Toronto Maple ‘Leafs tied up the major league series .by their defeat of Boston in the latter team‘s home town. The Toronto squad won the game played last night by a score of 3 to 2. , Chamberlain got the first counter for the Leafs in the first period on an iassist from Kampman. Drillon. Meta 'and Sylvanus Apps attacked the: abreast and Apps was on the punching end of the play to put the Leafs two in the clear before the ending of the first session. contented to w: After ten minutes and 38 secands of overtime Doc Romnes scored an un- assisted tally to win for the Leafs and keep the series equalized. marrow a in Boston pense second. assist f Hill got Cc wlcy All entries must be handed to the sec- retary. J. Gagnen, 5 Kent Ave. or to James Gordon. Legion hall. Either the secretary or Mr. Gordon will be pleased to give any particulars desired. In addition to Russell trophy offered for the open tournaments, there are six individual cups for the winners. as well as medals for the runners-up. . Romnes Scores Unassisted Late in Overtime to Win for Leafs. Leafs Take Boston in Overtime: Tie Series sport will be also open tournament Lo g'lon hall. All out Lcurnamem must be of this week, April 1 tournament have he follows: Teams of sir. two subs. Entrance each man. All only proper hands by $3 Legion mu ha: lowed with con are nine teams play has been specially mic: [III that. has achieved g2 here, has been fostered the Legion hall here months. This is the game. The (tart-(brawn Entries (‘me on April 15 for Open Dart Tournament Al announce their W1 111(1 per couple 'l’( ADMISSION $2.00 1E play l‘hm ide be made by Saturday '11 15th. Rules for the bean summarized as sixâ€"four playcrs and ace fee. 50 cents fox ntries must be in t.2 Saturday, April 15th. is handed to the sec- 1. 5 Ken: Ave.. or to this laagu: r enough t g. The x )f fans. fcr r1 popular [Lyle inten he RV :3 of yore, 11 such. he was three days for ; out a squa‘wk of a revolving town. but sat popula in 'I'immini during rel eld for Toronto and Sun league at the it 'ES and ma}: in t-ht 11' .‘day .V 11' troon: tiers I intern have but, it not, be southt dic Me 121 r. On a fishing trip Premier Chambzr lain took a plane :back to Dcwnin: Street, and an immediate meeting 0 the Cabinet was called. Mussolini hur ried to assure Britain that his atwcl on the small country would not in an; way disturb the status quo in L1} MediLm'mnean between Italy and Eng Inside, of a day the govermnent of Albania had broken up. King Zog and Queen Geraldine, with her two-days-old son, fled. Hardy tribesmen prepared to figh-'~â€"«but they and the warld knew it. would be a losing battle. The British government, prepared to confront the Italiandictator with an obvious breach of the Angla-l‘talian aft 9 .0 N O .0 9 o O â€.90. .0 O O O. O O O. O O O. O O O. Q 0 O. O O O. 0 O N O O .0 v 0 O. o O .0 O C 09 O. O. O O O. O. O “O o o N.†o o o 0.60.â€. In memory of the .Cl‘llCilelOll oi J ssus Christ on Good Friday a'i‘ternaon. Ben- ito Mussolini tiu'ned the guns of his navy on the coastal cities of Aifbania. Shells and bombs from planes splatter- ed the badies of women and children on the city Streets. , III Membets of the Mines League champion Buffalo An- In the top picture may be recognized Sammy Fasano, ltet 1te Bisons were feted and piesented with gifts by the! â€Spider" McKinnon. Joe Raybould. Pillotte. Zuke and {nine at a banquet in the Ankerite dining hall on Thuts- othe1s. Three of the Ankerite stars are shown in the day night The above pictures show team membe1s just. lowe1 picture. They are Richer, extreme left. Barney before they began thei1 meal. ‘ second from right, and Hughie Allan, at the right. 111521111 more disqul-eung news 3% 1' the airlines. British broad:- ndicatcd that the lantern- -jawe d :r was casting covetous eyes on ~ and that it would be next to s blow. caste 23 predicted W3 within a Whethex 01 not, Lhe'n antic lip-.1" are worthy of considexation. the ms certainly put, Europe on the suspense again. ted concentrations of German In the Swiss and Belgian fron- s not done anything to case the ional situation. Hitler may not. ything in mind for the present .c-ems a certainty that he has . strengthening fortifications on CHAMPION ANKERITE BISONS BANQUETED clfisqui. THE POROUPINE ADVANCE. TIMMINS. ONTARIO Huntingdon Gleanerâ€"ï¬lms Lucas. of Boston. Mass. has gone to prison at his own request. He apeared before Judge Frankland W. L. Miles and said: "Your honour, I am under a suspend- ed senwmc of six months for larceny. I want you to revoke the suspension and sentence ms to serve the time in jail? “Why?" asked the judge. “My wife nag; me by day and night.’ said Lucas. "Put. me away where I'll get some peace." Speaking of gas msics. judging by some of the reports which have been coming out of the recent sitting of the Ontario House it nught be well to pro- vide each of the spectators there with a maskâ€"or at least. a wet, me]. One could throw the towel if he did not use it to clear the air. All United States diplomats. ccnsuls and clerks in EurOpe have been equip- ped with gas masks. 1.550 of them have been sent over. The despatch did not say if they were to be used against the noxious fumes of European prepa- ganda. black insnead of red ink on the nation's books. Mr. Lyons was an ardent advo- cate of free association within the Bri- tish Empire. By wise handling of ï¬nances he and his new party brought the country out of its financial tangle. Throughout he opposed the use of artificial Stimu- lams to assist finance but by a policy of economy and :by accelerating prov duction in induscry and agriculture, put The law Premier Lyons was knswn as the “saviour of Australia." When the country was faced bankruptcy some years ago he resigned from the Labour Party. of which he had been leader for twenty years. and formed the Unit- cd Australia party. Australian Premier Joseph E. Lyons died last week from a heart ailment. He was succeeded temporarily. by Sir Earle Page. A general election will be held soon. . Von Schusehnigg. former Chancellor of Australia. in prison in the headquar- ters of the Nazi secret police in Vienna, the Hotel Met-ropole. hopes for his re- lease before the end of this month. Why Hitler should be lenient is hard to ï¬gure out. In View of his past at- mnde it‘hardly becomes him. There must be some more concrete reason than the'fé'et'that Von Sehuschnigg did nothing; except try and keep his coun- try out of the hands of :1 foreign in- “ der. mam-hand man in Germany. says that the Commander in Chief of the Gor- nmn force-s, who has more titles than any man in the world since the Duke of Wellington, is “an upright soldier with the heart of a child." Yes, the kind of a child who picks the wings cff flies and then drops them on the stoves Erich Gritz'oach. In his recently pub- lished book Gritz‘bach, who is Goex-ing's Meet In Final Game Tonight The execunivc committee includes Lieut. Colonel W. A. Steal, E. C. Ccn- don and F. Lotmzm, of Ottawa. Officers elected are: Honorary pine- .ident, P. D. Lyons. Ottawa; president, Jchn C. Linda. Toronto; vice-presidents, Lieut. Colonel E. C. Chambers of OL- mwa, Dr. Ray Cramer of GuP‘Lp‘zl, and H. O. C. Palmel of Wincksox; oecxcta: '3'. David Robertson, Toxontc, and hens- urer, W. E. Stewart, Toronto. A special committee has been created to endeavour to develop junior players in the province. Sectional tournaments will be held for juniors with a. central set of matches to be held at Toronto or Ottawa. Officers elected are: Home rm pie- sldent, P. D Lyons Ottawa; 1): eslclen Jchn C. Little Toronto; vi n-e ipxesldents, Lleut. Colonel E. C. Chambers of Ot- tawa, Dr. Ray Cramer of Guelph, and Northern Ontario championsh be held at Bigwin Inn. beginnii‘ 10 while the Ontario indoor t ment is being held in Toronto 8 and '10. Toronto Cricket Club has been select- ed" as the site of the Ontario Tennis chflamp'ion. 911mg by the Ontario Lawn Tennis Association in was announced recently. No date was mentioned as times for other majo1 ton: naments have not been announce Among those present were: Mrs. Mac- 'I‘axggert. Miss MacT‘aggert, Mrs. Ray- bould. Mrs. Wilder. Mrs. A. Piloue, Mrs. Kirk. Mrs. McKinnon, Mrs. Leblanc. and the hostess. Mrs. Simpson. Play Northern Tennis Matches. at Big‘win Inn During the evening. the ladies thor- oughly enjoyed a comic skit presented by Mrs. Simpson. and many of the ladies partook in 2111 impra 1111ptu pro- 01 amme that added fun and 1ne111ment to the evening’s ente1tai11ment. The nvsress‘~md~a" ($311310 113' 111112311; Mrs. A. Simpson. of 90 Wilson Ave. .was hostess on Ti‘iurs'lay evening at an enjoyable party and social evening for the wives of the Buffalo-Ankerite Bis.- ons hockey team. Social in Honour of the Ankerite Bisons Wives of Buffalo-Ankerite Champion Hockeyists En.- tel'tained Here. Corner Third Avenue and Mountjoy Street OPPOSITE Cartier TAXI All New De-Luxe Heated Cars IT’S NEW CARTIER THEATRE 2000 Phone vin Inn. beginning July Dmario indoor tourna- held in Toronto. April hampionships will The Cleveland Barons temational American Lea championship Saturday the fourth game of the series gg‘amst Lhe Philad blex's by a same of 1â€"0. Geo. Patterson was the game. going from one end and scoring unassisted. On Thursday night the Barons won their second game on their own ice by a score of 2â€" O. Goodyears Win T WO (0 Nothing From Royals‘: Deadlock Series To Play First Game of Memorials Finals To-dz The first game of the Mtznarial Cup finals will get under way tonLghc at the Maple Leaf Gardens. Toronto. when Oshawa Generals. Eastern winnn's. meet the Edmonton Runners. The opening, dates for the Allan Cu) finals will not be announced until the East- ern finals are (Iccided. W. H. Hndy. President, of the C.A.-H.A. mmounc-ed Saturday. Cleveland Barons Win International Championship The first annual meeting of the Northern Baseball Assn. will be held in Kirkland Lake on Saturday, April] 22. Meeting will be Teck Township Hall. Each Team Has Won Two Games. Final to he Played This Evening,r in Montreal. No Storing: in First Txvo Periods of Game Saturday Night. Meta and (YFlaherty Finally Tally for Toronto. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 12}, H, l: “SNOW WHITE and the SEVEN DWARFS†FRENCH FILM Starring HARRY BAUR. GARY BASSETT, RAYMOND SEGARU and CHARLES DECIIAMI’S in SUJETS (‘01'R'l‘Sâ€"“Vnyago Ave-c 'I‘oi High Class Vaudeville RADIO â€"â€" KEITH â€"â€" ()RPHEUM -â€"- ACTS Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 10, ll, 13 Also Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdz 3 HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACTS Tho Jittors Playing Hours French Matinee 2.30 p.m. Evening 7 and II p.m Playing Hours English Matinee 4.30 p.m. Evening 9.00 p.m. WWW) SHOWS ONE A DM ISSION M \TlNFESâ€"‘Z. -‘0 P.‘;\[. (Exm-pts Qatu: div) SATl' RDAY MATINIIEC -â€"2.00 p.m. and 4.30 p.m. EVENlNGSâ€"700 p.m. and 0.00 p.m. MIDNIGHT SHOWS SENDAY 12.01 â€"â€"-â€" 'l‘l'lCSDAY H.130 Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, April 10, ll. Starring (.‘ARY GRANT. VICTOR. MoLAULAN. and DOI'ULAS FAIRBANKS. Jr. DOBBS DARE, Comedy Song and Dance STATE THEATRE, CHICAGO Special Children’s Matinee Saturday Morning at 10.00 am (Thildrcnâ€"lflo Adultsâ€"250. JOHNNY DAILY 'l‘uesday Midnight, April 11th at 11.30 pm. Fun on the Fly Trick Rolh-r Skater :\(-1 Venetian Moonlight ()nly 'l‘lu-utn- North of Toronto bringing you the Finest of Professional Acts. “LES SECRETS DE LA MER ROUGE†A Little Bit of [Z\'(‘l'ytlling‘-I)AN(‘E and COMEDY :\("l‘ FRANK SANTRY, European Juggler Playing also Wednesday, April 12th DOUBLE BILL 0|" IRENCH AND ENGLISH FILMS Also Thurs., Fri. 8; Sat. April 13, 1-1, VA L VALIN 3, Society Dance Act. DIRECT FROM NE‘V YORK \Vith Sum Jufl‘v, Eduardo Ciunnclli. Juan Fontuim‘ ADDED SHORTS GUNGA DIN WALSH AND RENN E E l’hono 2-110 ARTIE "7‘ -III l‘!“l‘ Qi‘1l\l.' nL‘ Enjoy Your Smokes won the In- ngue play-off by winning host, of ï¬ve hero of the to the other “(I UNG Man-h of Time" No hia Phone 2-110 \lHHfl) SHORTS LONDON. ENG NGA DIN" 1111‘ 11 .V N0 ADVANCE IN 1 PRICES Globe and Mailâ€".Aileged gangsters who bEgan their wild career at. Niagara. Falls and were halted in Toronto 1111- wibtingly movided {11111191 evidence of effective police wmk. Music and Harmony From Swing to Grand ()pvrzl goal. Mctz. spark plug cl‘ t team, got the goal on a 1‘ play. Shortly after 0'17}.th team a goal in the lcacl w assisted counter. Although the game was t‘ larly rough there. were two juries. Gamble. on the Mor broke his leg and has! to be the ice. Another Montreal located his. shoulder but g in the game until the final periods on the Fifth and final game between the Toronto Goodyears. team which put 1hr? powerful Northern Lake She-re squad out of the running. and Montreal Roy- als. Que-bee and eastern title-holders. will be played tonight in Mon treat. Etch team has won two out, of the best-3t- five set-ifs for the Eastern title. were : Maple won 2 YTr MERRY TRIO “The Math and tho Flume Um: Saturday night. 1 game down. He Leaf Gardens in to O tc deadlock 1 hackey in the fir. was not m'cductivc 1'6 21V Universal Newsrm-l oman ulzed April 10, 11, 1: .ed in t1 spark pl lit-lair 619 lt. the Gamyem‘s However. in the in Toronto they rk the series. first and second :ivo of any marks PAGE SEVEN m th amsly 1‘1 13‘ D ll hi )1] ll I) .1 1‘