Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 10 Apr 1939, 1, p. 6

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booooooAnaoooooooooooooooé OOOOOOOMOO966000000660000: "600660.9600690900990000... United Movers goo.99.000090990000090»... ’IVIV??? III/Var??? I777VIVVV?V/I??IVIIIWI V’f’orww372y3yflu. ‘\‘\\\\\S\\$\§\ ' ' ’ ‘ F ‘ F A ----- \\S‘K\\S§\.\S\\\\%flfl§SfiSV‘A‘E‘S‘fiSSSSSSSy Timmins Theatres 26004906900000.9000900009000009090009900o00000000900090.00090900909090990000.0000...ooooooooooooooooooooooo090999090090o90909900000000.ooooooooooooooooooo0900909009000090900000000woooooooo coco000099990.9oooooooocouooouooooooooooooouooouoooooooo mmuwowmu onwumooowoooooonooooo ronooooe «no.»noon»...«9009090000909... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PAGE SIX (live [’5 a Trial Satisfaction Guaranteed Last Monday’s Correct Answers and Winners (‘mrcct answers for last Mondz The first five correct. answers opened were from: The winners are asked to call at The Advance office any day before 6.00 gun” when they will receive Two Theatre passes each. Scott’s Grocery Like all goml drinks (”oca-(‘ola is bottled in 'l‘immins exclusively IT'S Good the Year ‘Round HOTTLING WORKS R E I“ R E S H I N G 65) (‘mn mercizli A ve FREE DELIVERY Corner Spruce St Birvh Ht (formc .2. s 4 5 Pine Street S. Timmins oca â€" Cola eTiMMINSE \uss HAZEL LAVIN. 161 Elm Street North. Timmins 'l‘tn! WON. Box 399. Ttmmim MARGARET BOYCE. Schism-her CARMEL DEL Gl’lDlCE. 36 Tnkv Street. Timmins MRS. LEO BERGERON. 31:1 Eighth Ave-mun Timminx R()S.-\l.l.\'l) Rl'SSELL. name in Albert's Broat ad ROBERT DON-‘1‘. name in Stevens Manson B PHONE CLEAN ROOMSâ€"BY DAY ()R WEE ma Shears Mike's Grocery) by l’hmw (HG-J VERY REASONABLE RATES Quiet Atmosphere and Third Avenue. Timmins figuANDxm AND INDIVIDUALLY MILDRED 10 YOUR PERSONAL MEASUREMENTS ["0]: A LIMl'l‘l-J) ' Haw- n Huir-Frvv (' sign of ynuth and he warts and mulrs furv tific way. Mr. Lloyd attondanco to look uf ‘onie-Memory Contest Dermatnlogist Over Mnislvy A” Bull's, Druggists 3611 Third. Aw. l’hnno "“fl Iv" Branrhm: Hamilton. Lum‘.0n. Sudhury. 'I‘nmntn. St. (‘uthvrim-s N Hun ANNE GRAHAM LOGAN pi: (m COATS p1 ‘1) 21 V BEAVER FUR LADIES’ WE: $2725 mpiro Block iold Holt Brewery ELECTROLYSIS z , Minutes Free Treatment Battle {1 Iulusivvl) h} only furricx's district doing work on the Maureen O ll' Ma rson Billiards ad with Contest MOIHCLIL I’AIRING Ll.\'!.\'(i MU] and beauty. Remove mulrs form'vr this scion- Mr. Lloyd G. Loudvn in ‘ to look after both lzldivs and gvntlomt-n. ll LLING 0111' 110 I) (hmploxinn manly. Rm n the Porcu- fully guaran- 1n remism Illivm‘ Phone I" Plume 1160 customers 01 if you individual xtm cost. :11 out ‘iv- h B At The Theatres To-Night us.-11 9 Balsam St. N Films loft. :11 our Studio before 9.2} :1.m. will be ready the same even- imr before 6 p..m All Work Gllal1.nteml Cor. Pine St. and Fourth Ave. DON‘T THROW AWAY YOUR TIRES. WE CAN FIX THEM. Lily Pons AGENTS for STAN WALKER LIMITED. MANUFACTI’RING I-‘I'IUIIIJR'S SINCE 1873. Nancy Kelly To celebrate the opening of our new store we are offering the ladie‘s of this district unusual values in Furs. Every one of definitely advanced styling. Will be a style leader for 1940. In- spect them to-day. A small de- posit will hold any Fur Coat. un- til wanted. MRS. IC. DUROCHER Good Work SALE STYLE SHOPPE H7 RRIE RS ROYAL STUDIO Wilh Edward Arnold. (‘harlm (‘0- How Good Is Your Memory â€" Can You Name These Stars ? Henry’s Vulcanizing NORMA SUEARER and CLARK CABLE in SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 20 Wilson Ave. @RUNTU [NE] [KW/MK WW 51": Third Ave. ()f Advanced Styled NORTHERN AUTO PARTS 9-HOUR SERVICE O F'II‘ZGERHD GA ASKE'IS Q Ri'll’l 81 l(‘ (”CARS é’e‘orfz/ 5/70/0550! Adv/cg To-night and Tuesday April 10th and 11th “IDIOTS QUE IGHT” burn and .luseph Schildkraut REPLACEMEN'I‘ PARTS and ACCESSORIES FOR A LL MAKES ()F CARS and TRUCKS TELEPHONE 560 Margaret Snllavan Palace FURS Quick Service [SKE'I'S O BURI) PISTON RINGS {S O GOODRICII FAN BI'II/I‘h' “'IIOIESAIJC â€"â€" RETAIL lem 417 Timmins Joan Davis 733 PO” UPM ADVANCE. M11118, ONTARIO Phone 970 83 Third A W, SINCLAIR the VA LET 1800 CEDAR STrâ€"Just North of Third Ilene Dunne ., “The Last: Warning” “Disbarred” With Gail I’atrit'k and 0th» Kruger DIAR. Y()l"R APPEARANCE Does . . . Unsig‘htly Hair 46 Fifth Ave Tuesday and Wednesday April 11th and IZth From 60 to 150 hairs removed permanently in one hour at :1 cost of 33.00. Mary Brian Third Episode of the -.\'0w St-ri “ZORRO RIDES AG‘IAIN" ELECTROLYSIS Heated, Comfortable Cars ART DOUGAI Radio Service Winners announvml new. Monday Each ‘ 'inncr Will Receive Two Theatre Passes. PRESTON FOSTER. FRANK JENKS. .IO‘ (‘E (‘OMP'I‘ON in The For Having All Your Car- ments Cleaned By {'s Dorothea Kent KEEP SPOTLESS WITH Read the Advertisements Find the rorrect names at pictured lwre. Send your answer to The Advance addressed Movie-Memory (‘un- test before 9 mm. Friday stut- ing the correct names and the ads in which they appear. Gloria Dickson All Work Fully Guarantm-d Tomig'ht, April PHONE 168 Paris Beauty , -- Shop -- ’l‘vlvphono BUCK JONES in “Overland Express” Goldfields TELEPHONE RULES first five corn-001 answrrs takm at random from the box 0 sealed entries on Friday. will b (Ireland ”11‘ wimu‘rs. Opposite Town Hall PHONE Phone 2450 Opp. Hospital l (M h the stars look a men who World ’5 l The New ' has paid Sco .Lra tin GRAHAM ’ S MA'I‘INI'IR Minus 3;. EVEN’G: Adult» 35 Thore- will he Sun Shows umlvr our Nv l'ricvs - nnlv at My Starring RUNALI) L‘OLIvLLK‘ BASH ltA’l‘llBONlC :md FRANCES lHCl-l Slmrtsâ€"“Larry Hinton" N ew Empire BOY scours; IN TIMMINS (‘ICXRI‘I'ITI‘ HARVEY Have Your Sandwiches and Hot (foil'cc 'I‘O‘ iL ‘J'i It VP 0 .l- '(l 2 Calvin Jones New Swing Styles are Hero Thorpe RADIO Service 22 Pine Street South l'o-nlgm and 'l‘uesduy April IUth and 11th “II“ I WERE KING" Community Prim-s." llw‘ry Day at the New I'Impirt- ’l‘hmtro. A “Dick 'l‘mcv" Serial i'Ix'n-ry \Vt'dm‘s. and 'l‘hurs. PHONE 1 980 CI“ Fuurth Avvnuv Kay Pi H (I St '0 (I ( GRAHAM l‘lNl'Il'I: Adults 253v; (Thildrvn l0.- N‘G: Adults 3350; (‘hildron 15v.- '9 will lw Sunday Midnight vs undvr nur va (‘ummunily PS -â€" only at Midnight. Shows. ovmgvnnv will charged 250. in sealed containers. TIMMINS SANDWICH BAR DE LI( TATESS E N TELEPHONE 17:} $5. $6. DELIVERED Black and 13 Shade of Brown. 18 Styles to Choose from TR" 01']! “ELH'HH'S a service camp x'ew York WC 11’ Bay Scout Service SHO ES W) R M EN Smoked Mont SANIHVH'IHCS X-R.\Y l"l'l"l'l.\'(i Joan Parker Juno Str :e of Scouting pa SOFT DRINKS I’Mâ€"Hie .Ol' 322 l’hom (‘amp unmi ns den‘ W0 veme ll nlmm 1nd. t1 I‘h ea 11‘ lmn 'K m bee We all NH It’s “Tops” With Children 10 Third A venue Br surr they vnjuy the benefits ”of good broad Iu-ltvr (vxlurvd hrvad! .\l Bf I‘T ‘IBRP M)! Stevens Marson Billiards Pin 10 Street - ' S \(‘tivo growing children not-d the healthful nourishment of hrmul Blond builds up that surplus rcsistanvo thoy need to protvvt tlwn against common colds and illnesses. Men's and Ladies REGULATION EQUIPMENT [EXPERT d! ha 11% and Kayser hose in he wanted shades for Spring. From WISE MOTHERS T00. WILL SERVE .\I.I’»El{'l"S--(‘.I\KES, RUNS and PASTRY w? M, wagm 750 to S] pl'im‘d I'I'um )ndit 10°° REPAIRING I'INI'I ST. S. RI‘II‘JU Bl.()('K K 10 Free Passes A_ Every Week service pro- v of their hav- xonstratdons. it 0 reduce to a ng operations mas been made 1 central Iced- routs will part1- .vhich will bring by othe Lical service to .emem as well 211150 of Scout- “51178 88 r will be re- li!‘ Camp for m: a frequent .mlation and 1 at all times 1 be trained service pro- air grounds. c! the type ' others and SHOE SHOP .CU DYOK itio Troop ad anc tent ll Sky Block (Downstairs) St. Mary's Journal-Ax ed what her father's :1 tie Sue said: “Well, wl are in, Dad's a Come-n the Conservatives are L ma stop it. directio; Corps. MacIn men L. Guests from Windsor at Legion’s Vimy Bunquc a game of skill! Everyone films the skill r0- quiH-d and 010 vnjoymvnt that. :I studied gzum- M‘ hil- lizu‘ds :lfl‘ords. ll' wzultml. (In- Iu'st instqucliun furnithl. NO CHARGE. Note too. some veiy lively down at. the First Timmins Their membership has expand 75’? in the last few months The 5th and 7th Troops (’lili had quite an experience in ti end camp last week. Even t} 'eather wasn‘t ideal for cam all enjoyed themselves thorrm The 3rd Pack are now in -. to accept new members. Wit] ton membership they have i)” for several months in order up strong Sixer leadership. ’ feel they are in a position to members. The pack mum: Church of the Nativity on evenings at 5.45 pm. Billiards able Scout w0rk Deloromul mm 0 Mine. Last Wednesday Lunity of visitix‘u. a quarters is about a the bush. I was Lc attendance record w: the last five month that. They meet: 11 house and cookery ve busy converting into headqumters. By c troop {meets and doe: Present an unusual array ul‘ wutrh values! Men‘s and laulivs‘ smartly styled muvrnu-uls of L'uurunlm'd pnwisiou in both whiu- uml yc-Ilmx' gum vases. faction, comfort- and the highest. pos- sible health standards. This is perâ€" haps, the only deviation from our usual camp procedure that. you will find when you visit the Fair. But, that is not the only big Show of touting. Over on the. west coast Ill" i'anrgements have :been made with the Golden Gate International Exposition at. San Francisco to designate August 3, 1939. as Boy Scout Day. Already tho news of tth Exposition has S))l'(':l(l over the country. Its appeal is gripping young and old alike. . Here. an outstanding Boy Scout ex- E mpiro Block It shows that, the world can without Scouting. But we member too. that, Scouting along withcuc us and that. just what we make '11,. A \ wise is sufficient! Here, an outstanding Boy 8 hibit occupies a large and pi space in a centrally lozated building on Treasure Island. hi’bit has been. developed with operation of Scout Executive: Golden Gate area and under 1 ershipof the National Council. Toronto SaLurc acIntcsh. 01 ant, Winds! mmins over F. Bauman Cecilia Parker TO RESERVE A TAB” Telephone 280 mdi C. Ma MONDAY. APR” V0 Jnlc )r Juno vai nee: in a (105‘ may which m perhep. xflai m lwllvr nan-mm"! W515 L01. Phone 187 m I had troop w half m m L00 Tim m i n '01] [V ll “I IT lllll. )U m ll C hf: back m xhib I) bl 1N

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