Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 10 Apr 1939, 1, p. 2

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1 cup SL1; Butter the before cumin; ‘mg diSh wit} bread towar rhubarb and and bake in is cultivat outdoors, have a lov thin and 9 used. For sauce. the best bank) is to cut, in pie< with the sugar in a do mg one-third as mu-c It. will take about. ha} come tender. At the more sugar may be at liberally with SL‘ When your pie the sugar will f< you will have : this {run which signed for this Butter. Line a. p sprinkle bot! been mixed If you are using the over else. rhubarb may be bah ed baking dish in about t of time. making plenty be used‘ an thin, pink a Rhubarb is Delicious “mm” -"333t9“T?a i at the Dome Mines Served in Many Forms'rw5.1;..5 WWW. O uppo If Made Into a Pie, Plenty of Sugar Should be Used, Which Blends With Juice in a Rich Syrup. Old-fashioned Gar- den Rhubarb Not Always as Good as Today’s Varieties. FCC . Flick-Flock . Nursery WOOL: Hand-Knit Suits. 44 6th 3v} Annmnu‘vs a new shipmc'nl of line- IMPORTEI) ENGLISH “LISTER‘S “'OOLS" Old PAGE TWO will have a really good 1) fruit which seems to have 11 ed for this purpose. Baked Rhubarb Pudding 6 thin slices of bread Butter ’61"! bunc astry cups rhubar tablespoons 111(- (‘ATAIDG FREE B. B. M 0 Y E R By EDIT" M. BARBER WOOLY LAMB STUDIO , 1h I I xXLLII) A‘YS cup; lionec ed both even th '81}; pink h rhubar 711 MR. BRUCE B. MOYER 1e! a: 'd {huhzlrh l’iv CANADA‘S Bl'ILDING MATERIAL SPECIALISTS m 1 moderate sugar an pan m wi‘ form a 11' am the IIALLIDA‘YS I gar: when r: 4: z .537. 1.2.43z42 ..L~_.n_:‘:;: v 3.23: as: .5: mr/Eaézmmmz;m:â€" Lizâ€"9.11.: sfl( ugar 5 do: much , half 2:} H A RT STR EET. TIMMINS pxe. Sprir I'm but ofb Announce the appointment of (i H‘ W )U cut in nieces Lble boiler flour w’h ta blcsn n 11 It IE 11‘ sugar as I‘m: m'hour to b h 'ed hen the 1d on the 10 buttered 'oa Lavenda Popular U ,lbfl m in DB ed ide (Fill with “lurking Ph. 175 Mid jui< :‘UD you are 10111:! use ) pu all 31' h H 1k! .TlO WE rom ayer hu- .t it ha an 1'1 fl as Delightful Programme Music and Dancing: gave a couple of SBIGCLIODS on his piano accordion. Among the games played were musâ€" ical arms, broom dance and “Mrs. O’Grady Says." There was aLso a.prize spot. waltz. A dainty lunch was served at eleven and the rest, of the evenin'z was spent in dancing. Mrs. Chas. Wilkins. L.R.AM., and Mr. Fred Roberts, played for the art- ists and dancing. ed and the {1 '31‘. assisned' 1 Josephine Me em sung. the The e presiden Patrol corners short time. after sembled. Captai very interesting HorseShoe f orme lowered by the . meeting was brc- Taps. There will ‘be : ..Guid-es of the 5131 .1.Q‘DE.,,Com.pan; held their regular-weekly-me-sting. Wed April 5th» Guides formed in patrols and m attendance was taken. followed by in sneetion. Horseshoe was then farm at The dancing pupils Lak'i Misses Julia Chule. tap McFadden and Jay Melv tume for vocal solo and dance also gave 4 Enjoyable Evening: at Lane lShiH‘ ( lul) Montei-Lh, and he and hi leave Hearst to take up their new field about. Ma. Mr. MiLten and family w missed at Hearst. The Rev. Mr, Mitten Here has anncunced. in an high. Manchester Guardian - Edwards. standing six {3361 his socks. has just been Rev. Mr. Milton to he the New Roctur at Montcith thew's- Ar been app< Mon tei-Lh, 92-pages of money saving prices on materials for new work. re- pairs or alterations. 2.282 lower prices for builders and property owners. th‘ ARRANGED THROUGH THE HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN WRITE 0R PHONE 23 HART STREET PHONE 236?“’ GIRL GUIDES he I) C“. Iiea Girl Cu 8.15 pm Monthly Payments 8U ; dancix nd orga Chas. Wilkins. 1 cl Roberts, playec . dancing. evening was in ( LL of the club, MI ,ributcd .to d pianofor hall last dancing 1 by an the (finish April 10 ' several ; and r. Master 1 Lap dan ’eam Guar with Wit] ie. can Chu ed recto 8 YGT a clar 1 He. u 3ft {used by K Sa adden 11c which campfire l‘t N 11‘( U1 Jacku [um I akin ‘16 I'y IE 11d COV 1y H Spinks )81 )nh of :111C n 11 1 omipso l” Mrs. I‘rene n 11‘ Sha with make 1t ix U .lh' 8.1T Jl‘ What is known as angina. pectoris or breast pang is a vise-like pain under the lower end or tipof the breast bone. While it may be on the right side of the chest. it usually starts in the region of the heart, goes up into the left shoulder and may ,go down the left arm. The. patient assumes a position or pos- ture that‘gives him some‘slight relief. He stops still “in his tracks" whether in a straight or a stooped position, raises his chin and support himself with one hand and puts the other over his heart. The attack usually lasts but a. few sec- onds but it, is accompanied .by the fear that death is at hand. Profuse sweat- ing; anxiety. and breathlessness may M Globe and that Mussollr he wants. I table, and 'MI' Miss D. Doc waited on th‘ spasm muse]! M: ill JDOU 1101‘ Relieving; Angina Pectoris by Deep Breathing 100 A-ftc {K 11 'et . cents you may also secure I :‘s splendid booklet. Eatin: .y To Health (No. 101). Registered in accordance w pyright Act). vent This Year I Sneciallv Successful )r. Chapple points out that as it is | lack of oxygen that causes the n. this drawing of a deep breath of :11 air mm in oxygen) into the gs is “reasonable" treatment. Why Worry About Your Heart? (by James W. Barton. MD.) I] Dat mmediate prcatmex‘ consists of 1;; that will relax 01 reliev- the of the bloodvessels and of the ;. Anything that will bring . Dodge. and Miss Watchorn m the guests. while Mrs. W. H. 'ceived them. and supervised 11'. The door prize. a lovely pot le c'mmerania donated by Mr. Skinner. was won by Mrs. J. of Sauth Porcupine. m and be address l M l) Anything that will relaxation will usuall; .U' n )reath: after breathing eath the pain is gone. >een complete and the p urned perhaps for a day 1" .1 drug's above mentlnodeâ€" .e. glycerl trinitrate. and - are generally known to us and are effective. it is. 1t the patient may be so at one of them are avail- an attack occurs. It is in- ere’fore to' read in the Br!- 1 Journal a letter from Dr :ple, London. who says, ‘1' 3d from angind pectoris for f years and have been able 1e pain promptly with 1-100 rin. Recently however 1 lble to obtain the same re- more promptly by taking :reath; after breathing out H ll l( IT he pain. quickly‘ actin m and pain 1; ltime. Feeding w Mail-France complains the pig starts its 1 has failed to state what the herd at the , might. be a mistake to‘Grunung at the ' nest until the cow 1C l1 083 ame raster : 9 Mine ,pring V( to cover service and we to give your name Send your request to ll )W Ix ’aul's Anglican WA. is an annual (effort n. The :9. 1101-33 0. being male lea-Ju- violets, with ‘freesia 247 West 43rd St., For an additional 1150 secure Dr. Bar- .klet‘. Eating Your ti own were prexcm W. H. Jahns. who ul'r; Anglican WA. )lou link April 8.â€"(S“ec spite of the p 1 has. struck I lots, with ‘fr anemones in n flours Bufla m e 19.11: '62! 'm it murmuring. He end today {or (No. 102) by Llu 3581' hic 1th es in L11: n‘binatim' 3f spring h ll pidemlc I 18. The he pain has it. mving mnual alw lys 'brin bri n m are from 1g '1 '5“: PC?~“u.-HE {.3711 9.3. h'mI‘m'INB. 0235.310 lin an dressing, will cost bun they of scicm night, and 'by 11 each morning. ruly. It is alsoi of the ointment after the sham thoroughly dry. To greet the Spring with a lovely head of healthy hair. ycu shculd begin this week to give your scalp the scienti- fic treatments it requires after the winter months. Men and women alike. usually (lisâ€" cover at, Lhis time of ihe year. that they are victims of dandruff. This should not alarm you, but, you should do some- thing to correct. the condition imme- diat-ely. 5 ca 11). There are many ments for doing this a to t 11 you of one whick satisfactorily timing L] scalp and hai keep both nic ing with m ’arliamem 0f Dominiun Amends United (‘hurvh Av! Toronto, April 8 The United Chur: lation has ‘been on ion Parliament g agreement. enterea United Church of ( bymrian Church body to use the nm Church in Canada by Rev. Dr. undo of The General C4 Ohm‘chfiof Canada the cows home An important 1) ment is that the 1 upon shall be wl' rights and claims The Stranger Come Home; He pig 0 (From The L4 Who’s that bozo. n' Gee. he knows us! The start w He’s my fat; The old men Hush. my own. (I He's your father Evc cm ma ju NANCY KELLY'S thick, lustrous hair has been a great sermon can't-or. Nam-y keeps her scalp healthly and takes; (ion to keep her hair from losing its beauty. 11'! W6 CD. M Now is the Time to Banish Dandruff fm Hair Beauty. ian Churc Beauty and You be withou claims of h .l( mC( If {18 )lfll 93 IT ‘iI Dom 39Lween shampoos you lubricated by massag- I‘h W'h 3‘ 0131 01mm 3E .(‘éll'f ade by PATRICIA LINDSAY 111 with a lovely u shculd begin 11;) the scienti- ires after Lhe If .1 l' e mam 'e judic A Han COWS 81 to apply a bit seal-p directly .7 wild! 'OU n of dusk. it, does not D hin‘ if ammo the e barns rm 91‘ )i 19 W9C 11' wing sac‘ [Led to U‘ awndrmer h an 1' '(‘Qlfl Club dressi the h. 11101111 9b; 1t bringing milking )UIC Don amenc‘ queer pa: am 1tior near All lai :1 g l 1' l! d Of course, stubborn cases of dandruff will perhaps need longer treatment than two weeks but. eventually these excel» lent products [will reco-ndition your scalp and flaring new life to your hair. The treatment, described above (plus the use of a medication which you can- not. purchase) is given in certain salons by the institute which makes the pro- ducts. If these treatments are avail- able in your city. and if you can afford them, I strongly advise you to do so. especially if you are a victim of chronic dandruff and approaching baldness. (Copyright 1939. by The Bell Syndi- cate. Inc.) This routine J dandruff which 11 hair to look neglc You shampoo with the rich lather of the especially bland soap and a sponge. parting the hair in sections and scrubbing the scalp and hair to im- maculate cleanliness. Not. necessary. but most beneficial is the herbal preparation which you use in the shampoo water with the soap, and in each of the two water rinses. Regular Scalp Regime After your two weeks of treatment. you shampoo your hair twice each week for one month, and once each week therea'f-ter. The ,inig‘ht [before you shampoo you massage your seal-p well with the fine ointment and between shampoos you may keep your scalp free of dandruff by using a bit of the tonic dressing. Modernize your kitchen for year-round coolness, cleanliness, comfort, economy. You can do it on a modest outlay under our convenient extended payment plan. Install an Electric Range, an Electric Refrigerator and an Electric Water Heater, and real saving as well as service commence immediately. You save time and footsteps and, best of all, you save on food and fuel. Let us help you plan an All-Electric Kitchen programme for YOUR home. CANADA NORTHERN POWER CORPORATION LIMITEO ALL-ELECTRIC KITCHEN : neglected and u Special Shampoo Let an keep you cool this Summer... ith the rich lath-er bland soap and 21 1e hair in sections cam and hair to im- asset for her every prm-au- b‘prmg' cau NORTHERN ONTARIO POWER COMPANY. LIMITED NORTHERN QUEBEC POWER COMPANY. LIMITED C I‘ll 11‘ salons 3 pro- avail- afford Lof your (.‘ochrane Wins Both Sides of HS. Debate J udgcs in Ccchmm Maclccd. Mrs. D. J M. Gram. while Mix the chair, qwrforme acceptably. A short the debas'te. Bill Av recitation. Allen St Miss Agness Johnsc paper. While the do‘ in Cochrane. Miss 1 Helen Thompson we mins to uphold the same debate. and I The Nothern Tribune. of Kapuskas- ing last we eek says: It appears that, Mr. Ric ha1d Noble had. the honox of being the fixst. paying passengei on 1112 new TC.A daily coast-t-e-ocas-t' air- plane se-1v1ce when he went. down to Toronto from Kapuskasing last Satur- day morning. At. the last moment. T.C.A. officials at. Winnipeg discovered that. as they were not supposed“ to take paying passengers ‘be'fore midnight 011 Kapuskasing First Paying Passenger on T.C.A. Service they won a South Pox “I Won Last Timmins 'ormar he jw (It: inte a mines: y. W!) 11. 1C m'n' zochrane. April 8â€"Last week pupils} Cochrane High School won both at chrome and at Tlmmlns in the inter- lolaszlc debating contest. Last month i 9y won a slmllar dsu'ole victory over Jth Porcupine High School. Last 3k at Cochrans'. Messrs. Carson Mc- nzi-z alld‘ Courtmy Sunstmm ro- esemecl the home school and suppfrt- t if nm fan jt' OI ng:r arg'ume day woman CC 'nn 1 to kghess Johnson read the school While the debate was being held :hrane. Miss Lucy WaIch'on and Thompson were visiting in Tim- :0 uphold the affirmative in the debate. and by their fine per- me also received the decision of ages at the gold camp. 11 ha 3 nowlc ribut: “.‘ n wama N; re Mi. 'm C cllent arguments; on diner firmauve holding ma; the ten. living a contemcd home morals and with few out- ts had given mere to the t“ their home and ccmm-un- no alx‘irmative in slightly .cd more nan her Week at Both; and Cochrane. i liirmative in '; held that L!“ with her inte and Operating :7 z'o‘a m‘ Dill'llm @ality Guaranteed wa rt Barbara 1111er her ducks m rogram sugpoz' y contributing mrt a solo, n 1 a debate cn the 1-3 L the pioneer .ed more to the «mm-11mm than The visitors from Josephine Galvin Th: dub-ate ) the home an pioneer sister h N xtez'ests in on far the diets and pvt-319nm .111 and and chaol m GRAHAM’S Try The Advance Want Advertisements Friday, they had to cancel seats that had been reserved for the mat-bound trip. But. the plane had to come through just the same; so when Dick stepped into the plane after its stop here at 8.20 am. on April lst, he was the first person carried as far»: any- where on the sys‘tem.” X-RAY FI'I‘TING. 6 Pine Street N. P] Dr. M. W. Locke. celebrated Cana- dian foot author- ity. says incorrect or improperly fitted shoes are one of the chief causes of foot trouble. This is whywerecommendthefamous “Normal Last" in Dr. M. W. Locke Shoes for every busy, modern woman. It helps pre- vent foot aches. And the Dr. Locke styles on this last are as smart as they're comforting! HARVEY DR. M. W. LOCKE SHOES GRAHAM MONDAY. APRIL 10TH. 1939 exclusive with Phone 11 SON 21

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