Mr. Gardiner appeared for some townsite owners. Mr. Platus appeared for Mr. J. R. Todd. Mr. Moscce appealed for Feldman Co. Mr. 1?. Shepherd. of the Sterling Ap- praisal 00.. of Toronto. was also pres- ent during Lhe hearing. Hockey Champions Banqueted The Champion Hockey team â€" the Dome Junior B‘sâ€"~were entertained: on Saturday night. to a “spaghetti feed" at. the home of their coach. Carlo Cabtarel- 10, on Main St. Twelve boys were given a wonderful supper and a; good time. The boys have been measured 'for wind- bneakers. " which will pr~bably be me- sented to them at a banquet. in the 110m futme. To Speak at Convention Miss Dorothy M. Wilkins, of the High School Staff. is leaving on Fri- day to attend the Ontario Educational Association's convention in Toronto. which sits from Monday to Thursday in Easter week. Miss Wilkins is to present a paper before the convention on “Teaching Basic French to First and Second Forms in High School." She will illustrate her points by work done by her own pupils in South Porcupine High School. Mr. Blake. Mr. Mulcahy and Mr. Nix, of the High School staff. will also attend the convention. Miss B. M. C. Shaw and Miss Marcella Lynch will attend as representatives of the P. S. Board. and Miss Rothwell as one Of the delegates of the Women Teach- ers' Association. Judge HearingmAppeals in Tisdale Assessment The Paymaster Mineâ€"land and cer- tain buildings on the property. was re- presemed by Mr. Rutherford Lang'- don. who also represented other min- ing companies appealing on land values. Settlers appealing on land valuP‘--~ Mr. Gulho, represented by Mr. Dean Kester. McMahon and Jones appealing on mining lands were represented by Mr. Amos Brown, of Timmins. Assessment, on the Empress Hotel. South Porcupine. Mr. Cecconi. repre- sented by Mr. J. D. McCarthy of South Porcupine. For me Dobie and Davidson Mines appeal. Messrs Barker and Martin. at Toronto. who also conducted the case for Success Mine. Police Court 'I‘uasd‘ay saw a crowded court in South Porcupine. It. was not Ihe length of the docket bun the interest in the cases that attracted most. “Having liquor for sale.“ was a case involving a Schumacher lady who was ably defended by Mr. Dean Kester. Provmcial officers searched the lady‘s dwelling on March 26th. They found :1 card game in pmgmss upstairs with bottks of beer. but. this was not the lady's prenuses. In the kitchen be- longing to the accused beer was found --the accused was piesent. and one man. Two unopened bottles of liquor were found in the bedroom. These were moved to have sheen bought by the husband legally. on a legal permit in February. “The husband is visiting in Haileybtu-y." Dean Kester informed Magistrate Atkinson when the latter exxrmd surprise at the unopened bottles and the. data of purchase. “One or my guests?" smilingly ask-3d the magistrate. “One of your guests. your worship." replied Mr. Kester. No case was found against the lady who was disdmrged. The Mace Gold Mines (Vipond) ap- pealing on assessment of certain mine buildipgs on the propertyâ€"W. O. Lang,- don. ’ Mr. Kate:- enquired as to the re- possession or the liqucr and was told the police had me right to hold it or net. “It's a shame,“ said Mr. Kesuer. “it the liquor is not given back. There is. no case against my client. the bus- band pays for a pennic. pays for the liquor. and then it- is arbitrarily sensed by the law!" and South Porcupine were present re- presenting different clients. The McIntyre Mine. appealing on land assessment of certain lands ad- joining Schumacher High Szhool. was im'esemed by Mr. W. Langdon. of Timmins. The Con'murum Mine, appealing on assessment of certain lands and build- ings on the mining property also was mpr sented by Mr. W O Langdon. Lawyers from Timmins and South Porcupine we} presenting different cllen A late case involving much repen- uon of witnesses. conceming a case of assault in a local beverage room 135: Saturday night. was next. heard. Three locd yams men pleaded guilty to the chute.- while ï¬ve pleaded not guilty. South Porcupine, April 5-â€"-(Speciai to. Was that two of the chi-1i often The Advancei-starting at to am. on came into the beer-parlour on Ba Tuesday and probably finishing on!day night, and asked for beer. Thursday at noon District Court Judge boss told him not to serve then Caron of Cochrazne is hearing 70 as- they showed signs of having: had secsmem appeals from the Township of ough already. When they became a Tisdale, in the Masonic hall. ive the proprietors son phoned the His decisions on all points will come lice. The youths departed 'but Iii: later. These appeals have gone from cident rankled. Once outside they the council’s Court of Revision to the ed their grievances to some men Distirm Judge. Appearing as solicitor their pals who organized another for the Township is m. P. J. Manning, siaught on the bar room. Seven ‘ oi 'Ibrmto. who is an outstanding auth. in again and demanded beer. It. ority on municipal iaw and assessment refused so they went for the barter values. According to his story. “They hit Lawyers from Timmins. .Schumaoher. so fast I not see who done it. I Decisions to he Given Later. Seventy Cases Before His Honour Judge J. B. T. Caron. Several Mines Appeal 0n Lands or Buiidings. Other News from South Pow ’éupine. inch case was heard separately al- though assault was cmnblned attack on one man. The complainant. a heal bartender. showed signs 0! having been beaten up. His face had bean mun-d and a local doctor testiï¬ed to lacera- , and bruises. an story (reput- , m it became almost word-perfect) -_ .-â€"-â€"â€"--â€"â€"-. WMâ€... -W â€u H'“ M“°‘ â€" . .5 ii NeWs from South Porcupme, Dome and__t_;1__1_§__!1str1ct 2} I I_ - __â€"â€"-.â€"â€"â€"-.Dâ€"-â€" PAGE TWO hurt pretty bad all right." One young fellow said he dict not hit the com- plainant he only went “to see" «â€" “Curiosity was too much for you." com- mented his worship sceptically. One of the “not. guilty" pleaders was ob- viously sincere in his protestations of innocence. He said he had been at a ‘local hardware store listening to the hockey match over the radio, when he went, over to the‘hotel upon hearing there was a “fight on.†Asked if he could substantiate this the young man spotted the manager of the store. in the courtroom, who obligingly went, on the witness-stand in the youth's defence. ‘ “You may go." said his worship to this 1nd. who. evidently much ielieved. hearsal for children on Wedne dZ‘th). The play. “Looming Lovely to have in its cast: Mrs. Muriel ramson, Miss Helen Spjuth. Miss N ham Hanebex'ry, Mr. Bobby McIn’1 Miss Marjorie Ewing, Miss Jean Jc son. Miss Vivian McCaffrey. and Me Chas. Armstrong, Grank‘ King. j Hayne. J. 'I‘meblood, All Jackson. His worship weighed the evidence. Hts'remar to the Crown Prosecutor were that “Bartenders have a hard time and a “decent place" should the assist- ed by the law. His first sentence to the two ringleaders was “two month’s hard Iarbour"-â€"-but later, he softened just-ice with mercy and made it. $50 and costs or two months. The others. (with the one dismissed exception) were all given fines of $25 and costs for "con- certed accion." The usual “April Supper." put 0 the Guild of the church will be on May 10th. and a box social wi held laLer by the Y.P.S. We also hear that Mr. G. Hale. (motor of .Lhe choir, is making arra menus to try to have the event. “A Gypsy Trails," recently produced Tlmm'ms by the Schubert Choral cicty. put on in S. Porcupine, t: the building fund. A case of assault prefcwed by one elderly man against another resulted in an adjournment for investigation. Com- plainant accused defendant of being "wrong in the head." Defendant said complainant. with whom he lived had “filthv habits.†He certainly displayed South Porcupine, Aplll 5â€"(Special to The Advancelâ€"The various societies within the United Church are plan- ning activities which will have the building of a new church as the end in View. The first of these is to be a play put on by the Junior League neXt Thursday and Friday in the United Church. They will have a. dress re- hearsal for children on Wednesday WP 11 A wagé dispute case was refer Division Court. Plan New Church At South Porwpine Other Items of Interest from South Porcupine and the Dome. Miss Isobel Smith will spend the Easter holiday in Haileybury. Mrs. George Bruce. of Englehari. who has been visiting her son here. leaves on Thursday for home. Mrs. N. Bruce and children accompanying her for a short. holiday. Many people in South Porcupine will be interested in knowing that Mi. and Mrs. Gariitcy and daughter. Pat. who left, here two years ago to live in To- mnto are once more back in the Noxih again. haVing taken up residence in Kirkland Lake. Mrs. J. A. Maguire. of Cochrane. is visiting Mrs. Ken Farrell and Other friends. in' town for a few days. Miss Verne Smythe, R.N., wiil spend Easter at, hex-home in Stroud. Banâ€"On March 31. in the Porcupine General hospital. to Mr. and Mrs. Swin- iey Tylutki. of 141 Bruce Ave-21 son. "filthy habits a black eye! ley 'I‘ylutki. of 141 Bruce Ava-a son. Bornâ€"1P0 Mr. and Mrs. A. Skrabyk. of the Paymas'ter Mine, on April 3rd, 3 son. in the Porcupine General hospital! Mr. Basil Skim. is recuperating from amenddx operation in the Porcupine Miss McKen'acher. of Timm'ms. a guesL at. the Manse over the w Miss Mcxemcher. of Timm'ms. was! South Porcupine, April 5â€"«Special to a guest, at, the Manse over the week- | The Advancelâ€"The death occurred end. early this mornln‘g (Wednesday) in the The whist-drive of the Workers Co- : Porcupine Geneml Hospital or Vleno operative Club was held as usual on! Jarvl, a girl of 16 years. daughter of Monday night in the Masonic hall. 3 Mr. and Mrs. William Jarvl, of Golden There was a good attendance and the; City. The family live in the old Camp- followlng vene- prize~winnersz 151-. Mr. ‘ sall farm at Bob's Lake and we under- H. Richmond; 2nd. Mr. J. McDonald. stand that one brother of the deceased and 3rd. bars. B. Webb. ggirl. besides the parents. are her only was Pearl Baker. of Shawvllle, came I relatives. to South Porcupine may. to spend' She was born in Finland end has re- same time “the Ms T. Barren and ' sided in Canada for the past week. other rel-Mm. | The body has at Hunkln's Funeral The bOdy 116 at Hunkm's Funeral for 3 to: days visitixu his Wife who is Sunday afternoon when the Rev. Hein- in hospital. omen. of Timmins, will conduct a ser- offender on Batur ear. Hi McIn‘to'? Ban Jord range “Alan ito ‘ Pope Pius XI and World Affairs Take Her Down jVieno Jarvi, 16 years, to be 2 Buried on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Sweet and family have moved from the mine property to Timmins. Bom-â€"To Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rio- pelle, of Porcupine. on Sunday. April 2ndâ€"a daughter. Born â€"â€" In the Porcupine General hospital on March 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pylutkiâ€"a son. Miss Mary Brown leaves on Thurs- day to spend Easter with her parents in Dupamuet. the Auxiliary in the banquet, hall of the Central Hotel. for members and vet- erans and a special programe given. The Rev. J. A. Lyttle is to be guest speaker. Banquet at. 7 pm. . Dr. Kinsman, assisted by the health nurse. Miss Gwen Fowler. vaccinated those school children at the Dome who had not been immunized on Tuesday. and Dr. McLaren performed the same duties in South Porcupine public on Monday. Over 150 children were sub- jected to the serum in both schools and two days sufficed to cover the whole operation. (Now a good time will be had by all in the Easter vacation!) The insidious flu is claiming its vic- t.ims. The schools are noting an ab- sence of abouL 50 per cent of the pupils. and many adults are being stricken daily. Fortunately the attacks appear to be of a fairly mild nature for, while severe enough at the time, a few days in bed puts the patients right again. News was received here by the Fire Chief on Tuesday that Mr. J. Grove- Smith. Dominion Fire Commissioner. had died in Ottawa on April 3rd. Many EC “Vimy†is to be celebrated by the Porcupine Branch of the Canadian Legion on Saturday night. A fban- queL is to be served by the ladies of commission (held for 30 years) in Janu- ary. owing to heart~trou’ble,which was responsible for his death. wrong in the list given. Several ('i our local people entered this “Famous Sayings Contest." but, Mrs. Kramer is the only one gaining a prize so far. Bornâ€"*To Mr. and Mrs. William Piiii-' lips «nee Norma Taylor). of 9 Hart, SL. Timmms. m the Pochpine General hospital, on April 2ndâ€"-8, daughter. Bornâ€"In the Porcupine General hos- pital. on April 4th. to Mr. and Mrs. Harold McGuire. of Porcupine -â€" a daughter. The Porcupine Lake Gold Mines. of Porcupine (old Hunter Mine), has clos- ed down this week. temporarily. it is hoped M1'.Snpre)l has gone to Toronto: Mrs. Sxpprell L0 Kixkland Lake £01 a nme. will recall that. Mr. Grove-Smith atâ€" tended the Temiskaming Firemen’s Convention here in 1936. and has visit- ed and lectured many times in the North. and was highly regarded by all. His age was 56 but he resigned his The Best Man i .. ,Hiil The Understanding Heart. . . Ky 1e Nevei The Twain Shall ‘Meet ._..Kyne The Terrace .. , ....Sangster Barbed Wire Empiie . Ermine Canynon of the Golden Skulls .. .Lomax Guilty in the Tropics . . , .Whitzman Boss of Rafter "C“ . i .. ...Lucas Corner House . . D. Black Buckskin Brigades . .. . ,Hubbrad W‘e Inheritors . Chamberlain The Merry Merry Maidens . Carlisle Non-Fiction Toronto on Tuesday. Congratulations to Mrs. Leo Kran of South Porcupine. who has been nc fied by the "Star Weekly" that : ts to receive one of the first tw: prizes offered in their recent con‘u Mrs. Kramer had only five anew wrong in the list. given. Several of | New Library Books At. South Porcupine Star Begot With Spur Hotel Host Bright Isle Murcia of the Admi: The Candle . ‘ Here Comes the Sun Affairs ., 291mg Take ‘Her Down . Thompson A Music Manual . . Stoko'wski Beycnd High School . Bennett Ten One Act. (Plays .. . . ‘ Eastman Also a number of Juvenile Books. Sale Churc Death Yesterday of Golden City Girl Fiction, Non-Fiction and Juvenile Books Added to South Porcupine Library. The following are the new books adds 1 to the 831th Porcupine Library: ' ‘ Fiction The Eas ter Tea l and DE Adm iscce came , and Handkerchief A. of the Anglican eld on Saturd W. H.‘ Johns, Ward and Robinson . Banks .Lomax miral .. .. _.. ......G-ou}d .... . ........ Hopkins .n H . . .Loring MK ‘ _. ,Wclls ..,..Mann Baldwin ay 3 Dom noti- sq m .â€" uu. .l LUEVLLL‘TS. No reason has Ibecn found for the confragraticn but, transients sleeping and smoking in the barn are suspected. a quantity of hay being stored there. Easter Services at South Porcupine Stainer’s “Cruciï¬xion†to be Given at the United Church. Fortunately the night had turned cal-m or the mine buildings would have been menaced. South Porcupine, April 5th~SpeCial to The Advancebâ€"Last Saturday night at 9.30 smoke and flames coming from the harm of Mr. J. Howey, near the Hunter property at Golden City. caus- ed alarm. There is no fire protection in that area. and a “bucket-brigade" with snow succeeded in keeping; near- by building‘s safe from the flames. but nothing could he done for the barn; which is a total loss, (covered partly with insurance). ‘ Barn at Golden City Is Destmyed by Fire South Porcupine, April 5.â€"-(Special to The Advancebâ€"Stainer‘s "Cruciï¬x- ion" is .to be presented by the United Church Choir in the United Church on Good Friday at, 7.30 pm. It will be wholly a musical service. members of the choir assisted by Mr. Charles Ro- berts, of Timmins. taking the solo parts. Easter Day services in the Anglican Friday an wholly a musical the choir assmteci berts. of Timmins Easter Day ser‘ Church will be a 8 sunâ€"Holy C4 10 a.m.-â€"Childx~ 11 am. -- Holy be Bap ceiving In the : movie vice C em Ln the afternoon. 2 pm.. a special ch11- iren‘s â€Open Session", the children tak- ng the service. ‘ Evening service an 7 pm. of Easter oraise aid Holy Communion. I‘houg'ht Transients May H ave Started Blaze by (’Jareless Smoking: Sudbury Starâ€"The modem western ovie is the one where the powboy uses guitar instead of m'oogufls. "“ MASClOLI THEATRE South Porcupine MOVIE - MEMORY CONTEST MIDNIGHT SHOW'. SUNDAY. MONDAY TITS. APR. 9â€"10â€"11 FRI. SATEIL. APRIL. 7â€"8 Bork Karloff. Bela Lugosi and Basil Rathbonc In . WEDNES. 'l‘lll’RS.. APR. 12â€"13 Amn- Shirlvy and Ralph Bellamy in “Always Kickin M‘ASCIOLI THEATRE Alim- Fayv. (‘unstam'o Bruno“ and ; anry Kelly in with Dennis ()‘Kovfo and Florence Rice EASTER FLOWERS Main Street OI'R S’HH‘K IS COMPLETE “Son of Frankenstein†South Porcupine FLOW’ERS DELIVIC R lil) A N YV’VHERE “Girls" School “Vacation from Love" W. G. SKINNER prim South Porcupine {01y Communion. Children‘s service. - Holy Communion and Anita Louise Phone 3 FREE THEATRE PASSES EVERY WEEK member ‘sfl‘ 153 .ng Prayer and Holy ’l‘a i lsp i n nterment an in (‘olurcd Cartoon W5 Phone 15?. at 11 am. will mien. and re- to the church. a special chu- in T'quale 41} Crawford St. Developing . DONALD rping Printing Enlarging PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY†All Work Guarantt‘cd Bonita Granville Expert Photography Claire Trevor You can be well dressed on a budget if you make Abram- son’s your headquarâ€" ters for all made-to- measure 0 l o t h e s. Suits priced from $133 Made-to-Mcasurc Consult. us now about a new homo this Spring. We can arrange a loan for you under the Home Im- provement Plan. Also homes ï¬n- anced over a period of 5 years. Golden Ave REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGES Timmins 1 Cedar St. N. Phone 604 IMPERIAL OIL PRODI'C‘TS ATLAS TIRES and BATTERIES Abramson’s Clothing Store ., S. Porcupilw First of all, people liko our food -â€"it‘s (lelioious. Then, too. the service is deft, the. atmosphere relaxing. We know you'll enjoy dining" hero. Lynne Carver EMPRESS HOTEL South Porcupine Ont. GARAGE SERVICE STATION L. S. SNELGROVE FIT Guaranteed SALES -â€"- SERVICE Ford Cars -â€" Trucks Mercury Lincoln Zephyr ALSO ISFI‘) (‘ \RSâ€"AII MAKFS You’ll EEjoy Eating Here Dutch Door Dining Room LIST YOI'R PROPERTY “11‘" ['5‘ FOR RESULTS . J. Thompson $15 and Company FINANCING Lew Ayres Jed Prouty South Porcupine CAN YOU NAME THESE STARS ? South Porcupine S. Porcupine 42 Golden Ave Phone 225 59 Golden Ave duced. If you are looking for new spring outï¬t. visit us t week-end. You'll save greatly any item in our store. Men's Ladies’ 1nd Children’s Wear. All our new spring stock is now re- duced. If you are looking for a B. FRUMPKIN Now's the time to have those dents straightened out and paint- 0d. We. can make your car look Jikv new, again. South End Garage Tune-up Time! We‘ll tune your ear for a busy Spring driving season . . . and help you get top perfommnee every minute you‘re behind the lwheel! .Tl‘l PHONE 28 Pearce 8: Cross Drug Stores Ltd. The 1");111'011i15‘ All Select 1101‘ 1107.. We Stock 11111119 75c to $3.50 ])(‘1' (107“ 8f»; Pans and Baskets ,‘ , ’ of “Wm PUEIS Potted Pimps 110111111190 $1. ()0 to; .50 . . 1.1.50 [£\S'll2 1: ( mus _ .\'O\IZI.T1ES -- (“110(01. .\'1‘a1 s Easter Flowers Torrcct answers for last Thursday’s Contest Body and Fender Repair Experts S:\LE Last Thursday’s Correct . Answers and Winners :35 -â€" South Porcupine Open Day and Night W 0 Cut Flowers PRE - EASTER on: STOCK ISHCOMPLETI? “'ILLIAM MURPHY, Dome Mines 8. HUDDLESTON. Box 12, South Porcupine MRS. N. JOHNSTON, 100 Golden Ava, Sm: J. A. BFRNS, 164 Main St... South Porcupin MARY FRUMPKIN. 159 Golden Aw... Soutl MRS. R. MANSFIELD. 79 O'Brien Ava. Sm RICHARD GREEN. name in South End Garage ad. LORETTA YOIYNQ name in Porcupine Dry (’loam'rs ï¬rst. theatre passes have been mailed to each whose names appear here Robm't Ymm re. S. Porcupine Tom Brown six correct answers opened were fmm: 'IHF. PRESC RIPTION DRIâ€" G STORY it us this greatly on Potted Plants South Porcupine [den Aw... South Porcupine 'Bricn Ave. South Parr-unim- Find the names of the movie stars. pictured here. Write thc corrcct names and thc Ads. in which they appear, also your name and address. Send it to Pearce and (‘ross Drug Store before 4 p.m. Monday. having it clearly addressed Porcupinc Ad- vance Movic-Mcmory ("onthL South Porcupine. Winncrs will bc thc ï¬rst 4 corrcct answers takcn at random from thc box of scaled cntrics aftcr Monday. Winncrs nunounccd on this pagc next Thursday. Each V ’inner Will Receive Two Theatre Passes Read these advertisements McKAY HOLMES LOANS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE 40 Main Street Dalton Block ROY’S GRILL Can be easily arranged on ï¬rst Mortgages. spread over a period of from 2 to 5 years. , Andrea Leeds SOUTH PORCUPINE Our rates are the lowest for any type you might require. If you wish to buy or sell, see us ï¬rst. Heated Cars at Your Sorvirc Anne Shirley Ave.. South Pnroupim CITY TAXI Phone 100 A Complete HOME SERVICE THURSDAY. APRTI. 6TH. 1939 at PHONE 285 SOUTH PORCITPINE Douglas Fairbanks of the Six Winners Sou th Porcupine Theatrc- Bldg. ad