The Porcupine mins Daily PM sent in (lunatic were received. wishes to exp Boys’ Band wl cial broadcast»: campaign; to the use of [m broadcasLs; to 513th in“ fold Town Council mittcc room ix work of this 'C Station CKG-I publicizing the port, and report of maulmg comm Report of Mailing Committee Number of letters, mailed . Number of lea-231:5 returned with to express splendid wc of their ti year's camr These ladic addressed mailed the: recorded 52 were balan after each duly deposi the Bank a The low Nov. 'lmh, ‘ immediate! The books and 1111th have been cd and herewith cate from Lhrm. 3 may of Dr. Lam port, and report Number seals Number 1 From I t. we last; 1! Lions Club, the cupinc Christm the past campa Over $2300 Received From Christmas Seals of the Po mittec w: annual a the work the Pore: committm Mailing~~N Treasurer-â€" These their Wolno. Mrs. Mrs. Flaws, ice Belangnr: Mrs. Tucker. Mrs. Secretar 39.82;.) of all letters turned with (lo-nan licvc is quite :1 iii: type of canvamsfn The tot-.11 amount was $2309.17 ti) I)". 10515 Prev enmmi wm Camp. is summarized DCIOW, 21.. em] interest. and value:â€" Flnal Report of 'l‘h Christmas Seal (1 Earlv last Octcvbgs'r a V130 r To The actual 01' Pupils 1 Secondary Pupils xx .4502 . Pupils 1 Result». THURSDAY. APRIL 61'â€. 1939 live. 95 out of scqucn 13 culu burian States. gangstc gun bu was (01 UH‘ gun hear or how having In cm thaw m: cal data above wi the mag; Hl‘t dozen u an hour and wlu 200 feet 1101‘ 30. ‘wi in from rule om uully UHC “I guess that‘s not tested. “th‘was-m “The Frood Tigers the quiet. reply. ‘\,__- 'l‘hcy Make Them 'l‘ough All Right in Sudhur) Final Report. of Porcupine Christmas Seal Committee. Nearly Forty per cent of Letters Sent Out Brought Donations. Summary of Dr. Lane’s Report Makes In- teresting.r Reading. aria atcd I’hrou With An Tm 1‘1 x C 18b donatiox pupil with Summary M In 991 h UH!“ M ll )t W W H3 H 'u 1m: "H II )00 wan H 2‘ M iB SL. Ma 100 kt U Lam“ Report I'Ilmnvuim'y 'ht- l’orcupim ( ummittcc oalkecpcr," came ossiblc ll I] ll Jl .11 Ll II 11 0U Hospi 1m f 02 1nd mnit‘u 901 Ii in Imp 11 TM) I] 11 ll LI UI'I‘ h .ncial mmi': if 1K “'11 N 11 ulous. he pro- ll )ll mm I'u Of 3n 31' $70.00 'COI’C ,xpcr- I the apprccmt ing indu their affairs 0: ously in r peat this tate t-ch 15th 3 .000 pix W110 0H} m :10 Ell 1) Ml lib m '- 11 in 94 1C (l Small Mines Will be Hurt by New Rules “Tliis department of The Globe and Mail has een besieged by men inter- ested in small companies, at, this time largely without funds. and with very little prospect of raising any under the present conditions. In one particular ease an individual has been carryingr the full burden of a. threeâ€"million-slrare company, now absolutely without funds. The raising of the sums necessary to comply with these amendments is a serious matter. and will probably lead to abandonment of the company's prop- erty and con sequent complete loss of every dollar supplied by sharcholdeis. “Coming as it does, on top of the increased income tax schedule. we think the mining public will be excused if it arrives at the conclusion that the attitude f the Provincial Government is anything but friendly or satisfactor- ily toward the industry. and that it has now gone a long,r step backward by sing ling cut the smaller struggling com- .zzinit‘s and cpeiatOis for additional tax- Amendments to Mining Ac Objected to. pa meet dustry prospecting are concerned. is in serious shape, move serious than at any time in the past ten years. and there is not the slightest doubt that. if these am- endments are adop‘tcd and become law. many a worthy individual and company will be forced to the wall. "Surely it is not too much to ask of the Government that it give some heed to 'the real needs of an industry that has done more to heat back de- pression in this Province than all oth- ers ccmbined.’ . The Advance very propelly has been demanding a square deal and a fair chance for the prospector. Why not also a square deal and a fair chance for the small mining company cbtru "31111;; to inllnw the reverse order. and lose the. :unne number of hours to slow up their apparent (lying speed. But. any way _\on take it. one can partake an even- 111;: meal on one coast and be at the. opposite side of the continent for lunch the following day. after clipping along at as high as 242 miles an hour. From Winnipeg to Kapuskasing is the longest non~stop flight on the whole system. 667 air miles. West of Winnipeg the stops occur every 300 or 400 miles. At this main key airport, M 1C 1 l'( 'uast to Coast in 13 Hours by Trans-Canada Planes Ill VCII c Govcrnm 1113' wishes Af Th 11‘ U 'Nort.hern Tribune. Kupuskasingi tier :1 number of guest and super- ry nights east and west between meal and Vancouver during the. two weeks by the big '1‘. C. A. res. capable of carrying 14 passen- s and a mail and express load. reg- schedulcd daily flights in each ction will commence through Ka- imsing to-morrow. April lst. he east-bound planes. gaining ï¬ve rs on the clock as they wing to- 0 us the present, policic crnman are incxplicak 1gh we are aware it. needs 'L its obligations. The m pm. in so far as new pro tunity OI U Sir: In today's Globe and Mal an article on the mining page )uld be given very wide pub- ; makes the claim that the I new amendments to the On- lning Act will have a serious 1 the small mines. Those who died the matter will agree very but very regretfully. Will you eproduee the mining page edit- m The Globe and Mail, as fol- ,ill n' Lion of cpcmtors tor aua .ply cannot be mc or of Yours sinccrr â€timate cf 111C attitude of nent is ineoneet. and if it s to help the incluStry. as it can at least, pest-pone these amendments and proelmnation until it, has most vitally concerned of presenting their side of rid vancing we cmccrncd, serious than on years. and “1 Timmi today? .mm it. needs funds to The mining in- nmv projects and Km) Wu l‘C .111 ho bk Inakc in mmy MJ 1939 t1 11 His subject was “ 1:21:59 Along." On a recent visit South, .c. Lynch, he became entangled ii and lost in Philadelphia. A drew up beside him. and for dent reason. off-cred to guide of the city. He did so and win ing the man told him that he 1' the recipient of muvh kindness .ada and had bccn waiting for J. P. Lyne:h Speaks To Klwzmls Manda J. P. Lynch was the day at, the regular m wanis Club.- Subject of Address “Pass It Along.†portunity 1o You-L We should not has been kind to the opportunity to along to someone We should visit t considerate of 02 those who are {in pat on the back 1 whom he was in I: he axiom “Do would have other: become a 1"le Lhi lives. said Mr. Lyu Twcn'ty- five done much t illness, :1 De u on patient found the t death certiï¬cate had been signed A mix-up. But what caused him to Sud aux y Illness, a l mix-up. But what cause lapse was discovery that ready had collected his ix men's hearts awakened. P. ITL‘Lapm' of the prcsim Richard Haliburwn mac by writing stories of his across the face of the vavigatlng the Paciï¬c 111 hoped to reach San Fr: have been unreported f1 for three da IWFCHCC one 01' these blg T. C. I‘ its handling here and hope to describe this intcx'cstin A (I van in rcr l] :R mean 11 {11mm "Do um yea I‘ thing Lyncl at the a of town. 1': Sprucc (Which 111 the sick 01d fricnc indiur it, 1‘ J y ) us It to m. )l' 111d out mglcd m mun: lia. A motoris and for no cvi ) guide him on 11 when three day 11 hi1 1% <2 " and u 1d 11‘ )L )I lativc 111C .llcl kin RICPI‘ a1 invi 1nd do thc Ki- I) Power 53.7 and wsmnn inform 2 a.m. nearly in n \\ h l] 111 3y Th 1H in n and lir- as 1V Objects to Fixing iii? Prlces Mines Stocks 11y 11c I) ,(1 THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. 'I'IMMINB. ONTARIO ll of situation m1 of 3.0 crty and CCU Suggests Recent Regulationi m- a Denial ()1 Rights of Ir'ec RddiOS Installed As we uncle new rule will companies all tal setup. and of legal VCl’bl free bargain'm m a Chane-3 than it rw pay $113 but and ; most INC! upon trc panics at per sharc l) the dccpcsm rc rcgistraticn of firm itics m (‘fl'CC‘ panic mm 1 spend pungc lievc public 01‘ answer to me free play of ini belatedly by Lh velepers' Associ: m u week m 21 15$ to u those indu. of tl‘ \K {LL ,han : 111 im ,his whole: BCQ 18 pet pom 1kcï¬cld, O: N, K We assume I‘h )l‘ cha lDD man 11d. tux I II 19'“ URTH l l\ lN(- AG AIN UNION BUS IERMINAL - Phone IOloZ-J NOT"! IAY lv. NORTH BAY 9.00 am. Ar. IORONTO 4.35 pm. u. mimic. a. I 5 am. Ar. mm» m 4.10pm. 5m HUI) i( )rlc U 11 'om miss 1‘ firmly n n a deaf who kno ry and r 1( 1m n. SA) 000.000 I] 0" m of 1‘11 th I n 1111)] 11‘ O f I] 11111112 f1 1n in 011 h h 11' ll “('3 0.. â€all.“ A! 1t SESS Clllli 11 \V 1‘ ive Ch .apply to old ke. irrespectiw 1 simply mean: ilage, that the 2 will :be (321110 an cxampl: ' a ccmpany shares. a mc xz‘Jlic market i! pa )1 COL! ‘D‘Cl'. tly sion of nation U I'C Ill Lh 11 p1 1.3 1 npan .Lc m p mun ‘ Mai n h IC )l .vh K er «nice o IDtDO f0 I] 'Oll 11 ompunics by 2 out of exia 3 down 1011,31) < x‘egulalt if 3f Joseph Perkins. Toronto. which was taken to Lakef for the clouds to disappear ll 21d Mail 1 ion of th h 21 11' ll )C W21 _\' Which C h N1 wil 11 1x {i ll n .111 \K' 1‘ upon wh my valur‘. minir med 31d ‘ni )imon l] ua bi] 31' )U. I) which (k :11 n m H11 )ll 3U“ m 1'11 \ 1') 11C ll ea. In futu W h 111 RH 1n IZ 1nd 1:: of cap h th ha m 1:1 ll 11 ll :istcn 1y no )n 1( ram-:d com- h N C 111 of th U an .1111 I] c191) .11) )uld MM. Ll‘ U in d n th .‘l l' '11 11 H h 11c :n ll Il 3y 311 B‘taix 11131 e E1119 cpxiseâ€"Jim thirds manied to Mabel. H and so is the preacher. purpose and the 50110 raised the addï¬ional an The only other ccmpls area in the British Isles clcmcn‘iary school is cqu dics is the county of Ayr, what has always lbtcn camiclcx'cd an- other inalienable rightâ€"free bargain- ing. We do not believe either regula- tion would receive the endorsement of any British court. Such is bureaucracy! As a result of discussions which have been going on for some time etw-:3n the education authority and the teach- ers. every elementary school in the Isle of Man is now equipped with a radio. In its estimates for last year the edu- cation authority set aside £250 for this purpose and the schools themselves raised the addgional amount required. The only other complete educational area in the British Isles in which every adios Installed in the Schools in the Isle of Man 7/ "1/ ,, -»-/ WWWWWWWW/ /%WWWWWQfl/W WIWMWW//W/WW//A 23 WWMWWMMM/Wflfl/WW WW/ /WWWWW///flfl //Wfle /% /, /,' :1. It took few He‘s found a no ’I LIFE INSURANCE GUARDIAN OF CANADIAN HOMES .ppcd with 1‘ Scofluzmd. sh setter moments 'w f ricnd n is now two He's willing. I‘hr‘n ".ettcr Should Not Duplicate the I Railway Problem in Radio' W0 U f0 of pom justif 1w t1 radio licenses the fee from every set owner. regardless of location. then the government. through the CBC. is mor- ally obligated to provide radio pro- grams for all. Obviously the only way in which that, can be accomplished under present circumstances is through the use of high power transmitting the priv: business provide 1 govcmm adequa schcm lave 990090090909009900900969900.0060.0690.0000690000000... guwmoonoom OOWâ€OOâ€â€œ0“â€OOOO O. O. O. .9. 2 OI‘ W Fortunately there IS life insuranceâ€"and (lana- (lian families can face the future unafraid. 'thmu‘uh their savings in life insurance, men and women (I) guarantee financial security for their families; (2) provide funds for the education of their children; and (3) pmtect their own old age. “5:535: 11" there were no life insurance, ‘ millions of Canadian citizens would dread the future. Many men would he powerless to protect their loved ones. Thousands more families would be "on reliefâ€. Each and every \x-nrking day, policyholders and their beneï¬ciaries in Canada receive more than Five Hundred Thousand dollars from their life And more than Two Billiun Dollars of “It: insurance money is invested in the Dominion“â€" Contributing greatly to the stability and progress of all Canada. lflSUl‘flflCC SRVIDLIS. CO!“ INC Coal and Wood cqua nus L Coke -â€" Welsh Anthracite â€"â€" Ix’cnnsylvuniu Blue ~â€"- Ih'iqucttcs -â€"-â€" Alberta -â€" I’oculmntus â€"-- Buck- wheat â€"â€" Nut Slack â€"â€" Steam Coal and (Jannol. COAL AND \VOODYARD ANI) OFFICE 86 Spruce South Phone :32 11' there were no Life Insurance Lh )ula would b: :wo-Jold In the cr pay for u 11' better Ll» :ation to the Lender mercic ,te broadcaster. who is in to make money and no mertainmcnt. So long as an; persists in collecting. 1mm. mina )l' V'C l<‘l{ 1\N Ii 1% ‘Y( 1K. K ll 0.0V U TIE ll l m Vin ua IE 1C ll U" CG fr m that )V‘ V0! 19 would duplica- trnmcnt our variety of coal m 81 ial n statk‘nm strategically located and sufficient number; and by insuring c such station a clear channel to UN cast on. As the number of hour: day of prognuns '-by the Cam: Broadcasting Comnmsian increases Oommiss carried circumst while th program priva if th fl0( ma semblance of {I approach to suc owerflowing of 2 sequent inundat the odd collar. 31110 C Mic h n. H 11K .V'ill iC 11‘ W (1 im n 1)?! un Lire .l n Tim m ins Ii PAGE FIVE 2% 2% Z JDCI‘ St. vcn the lucarcst. c is the th con- pc maps “1511): 1d the :wt be r such m that :joylng mying. private watch ccomc strous “DR then tlxc n 3C1] 1c‘ . mn W C in