MONDAY. APRIL 3RD, 1939 Who was prwc a proper sanital have been two were in terrib closed and 'Lhc Officers all if m run riot should 1 slaughto The M0 like to ha qualified 1 the mumc "Killing mm a. criminal lhi “Surely the P enough to havc At present. 0: Stcane, petitiox in the neighbm this a restricte bWO-thix'cls of government wn test all cattle cattle found {I actions would that the operate 1 the may vatc ind: build om ancc of the mea 1L one of m consider. mms to allow speaker. HI: cited max of one milk 1): about, a year that ‘bad milk What, the Momma. Mr who was 1er farmers 12.; their loss. Axt, prom Steam, fa] posing of way. They the district What the Helmer. was a qualified to tests on milk The mayor : tary inapectm there were in there were 62 Present at. t] was Mr. F. Mic veterinarian. As veterinax today, he said spection and tuberculosis 1' other disc-uses. and mastitis. communicated In southern municipality o: assistant L0 t Hc‘alth. {Ho \\ inspected (mm had a part in “In 'I’immins cattle which h and they are k bring good (:0 there recently t “It shouldn‘t 11955 to allow t Occasion of the milk quay conference he} between offici: and Timmins. hours, the m: joumcd unzil z “The milk- q very bad," mic troducing the which until 11 less undecided talk about. Tr much to hand] sequently tests of cattle and L. lived up to. Charges Bootleg Milk Brought in Here by Truck Charges tha legged" into L trucks at nigh offered to 10c lower than £11; trlct were ma Councillor Gm Local Milk Producers L’ndersold by Outside Producers Who Bring in Milk by Truck at Night. Charges Coun- cillor Helmcr. Adjourn Conference Until Next Wed- nesday. When I‘) Wlm 0f Mall" in the '1 Che-1min hour of (lay of sooner of land: lishml i April. I the thin said list individu my \‘H'LUL' tho 'l‘uwn of. J‘u Wit ll. Treasurer’s Sale of Land for Taxes in I‘I'L m a 1mm ll union 'hbou ricte< "II ll ma W NEH’ Ill U" II )11Li :h, 193‘ mm of t\ ll 111d M ix 1‘11 21 112111'21111 iss11111l by the Mayor 0t ('r'liinmins hour 111;; 1l21t11 the. ninth 11211, H, sale 111 lands in 2111'11211's of taxes 1 (il l1n11n1ns 11 ill l111 held In the Council \lunicipal Building, 'l‘immins, at the 1 o‘clock in the afternoon on the sixth , 19:39, unless the taxes and costs are Noti111 is h111'1‘1l1vg'iven that the list s21l11 11°11 211' 1'11211' s 0’1 t21\11s is being pub- 1 0111211' 111 Gazette on the ï¬rst day 01 on the sixth 1l21\ 01 May 19 39, 211111 on 11 ot lune 1939,21111l that copies of the. II .lt MCI TOWN ()l" 'I‘IMMINS Hislritl of ('ochrunc d (Hfim ll ll U ll p 1‘ I. )El ll 1t HEM 0ti<o is hembvg f0! :11 ma s'ot t: [zll'iu Gazette on he sixth day of D H ll H' M 1111 W I) )l' 11 n M (‘3 I :11' '11] M 1m par ed 1.11 W H 0L1 11' 1f m at 01] 1) 11 CO t1 I) h (I; 19:19 11 h U ' V Asks Lions P1 (wide film Piojector for QTraffic Satety Work CU n pnrtmmxt.“ said the mayor. 'Ihe M.O.H. pointed out, that it, must be remembered that wherever the milk came from no matter how it goL here 1.1, was all pasteurized before it, reached the consmner. It was just, a matter M4313 ng unfair advantage thhe €19.03) producers. ~ II Town Will Not Buy One for Safety League. Report on Lions Tuberculin Test- ing Work. men ing There was more discussion but no agreement was reached as to whether or not, a. man should be appointed. Finally the mccting broke up. Ll‘ .hc 1i 0H ~8C 11' tor for m which the ['he projcc agurc‘s ma] ll KT in in on rcgardir m‘it'tC-C. Wendell Brewer, told the bcrs at the regular weekly meet- n the Empire Hotel on Thursday in; that the town was definitely .‘oing to buy a moving picture .pro- r for the Timmins Safety League. iich the Lions Club is a member. 9 projector would be used in the Life‘s plan to teach school children principles of traffic safety by 1c .\. l.. SHAW. 'l‘rcuaurrr D 1033 uld not vouch for the truth of qu told him. 3d by'the mayor the medical offi- f health said that he suspected such milk was coming in but he no means of checking. "You have to have a detective," hc cggcd“ in h armed from :11 'd H 1N1 i1 V r} ll of .b dn told the ether day by a man the statements Mr. Hc-Ilmcr 1 making are quite correct.†miller McCabe. He added that not vouch for the truth of n why f 1‘ milk in Mayor’s 11c I} of March 19; layor‘s assertion that .1111 1d not Stop “bootl:g†milk shipped in. Mr. Hc‘amer mission would have to be in him before any milk a hit DC .mdcc )x'in [CIT He buil the milk when m: Tisdale lownslm). M i that milk was bcin cm from Va; Gagn a “spotter,†he sai in coxn-p2L1L10n L0 L11 .c territory. ing milk in aid the Tisdz fl to pa xa mix traffic safety by and the Showmg of n ac Val ma distric 1m pro 11011. vans; he ((3 aminaticn a b en 3 that 1L milk comm 3110 was ccmin which were nc Ll 5 Club Safety wer. told the weekly meet- on Thursday UICX'C the town rc- 31‘c-wer asked 01'. He said Ily necessary m by “J I' 'overmncm , What he r taken to the mum- polic :uld an L1] iven con- ilxt 1101 ) ) U 1C ms, “but the gen- h I) a auld ;, like .cally. share C‘ in 31.111- 11110 me. :aid the 110l- (It t1 Toronto, April 1 C has opened a now or: of 25 feet on the 5.0( feet, west of the vcrii the Bishop sub-shaft. 51 told at annual mcozing torday. Approximate length would be $12 [0 i mond drilling showed at least. 250 feet. long still open. Average To mine this section. will have to be d-ccpc: Coniaurum (‘ut , N a: Ore on 5,000 ft new Shareholders Informed Annual Meeting; In Week. Dr. G. Laine. wh‘ tuberculin testing {01 the number of cases the cost and surplus He said that the tea as expensive next knew who woulg h and What cases rm: Referring to the fi matter. Dr. Lame m: remaining in the fun buy- pyJamas for p. the sanitarium and than with necessitm. Clmrman of {he Eye ( Ray Hughes. said that of glasses had been give: to children who were 1 defective vision. said that, the dangerous : the railway subway was but cred. Alex Rose reported Th meeting of the club new Canadians were guests 01 W/fl \\ L ‘ \ ...._ H .. m 2‘. .It .. I? m Q xxï¬iwmï¬ nS.‘ 3363\qu 00 1 pproa ch in TUE PORCUI’INP: ADVANCE. W'IMMINS. ONTARIO COMM Phone 800 Timmins Garage Co. Limited U )~(iil.Â¥ 1t toe} HOT W( Huiiingcr Consolidated Gold Mines Limited International Nickel Kerr Addison Kirkland Lake C“; DIVIDEND NI'MIEICII 3H7 I'..\"I'I{.\ DIVIDEND Nl'MIilili W I] )1 II U 8th . makir d by tl‘ (l IV I. MCIVC'R 'd cl (lend 1} 13’ h ll he D h smut-T )f 1111) April. 1939 April. 1939 I] {H )1] 48.00 5 .00 1.49 49 40 10 Timmins. Ont. Clubs and Mail»- that waiting on Lhiev Frost action in April and May causes road beds to get soft and readily subject to damage from traffic. All trucks are limited to half loads and speed of 20 miles per hour. Horse drawn Vehicles capa- city one ton, 250 lbs. per inch of tires. The weight of loads and speed will be constantly checked. Penalty for over-loading is a line, or imprisonment, or both. Permits may also be suspended. Co-operation from truck and car owners is earnestly requested to ln'ex'ent un- lawful and unnecessary abuse of roads. PROTECTION DURING SPRING 1939 Northern Divisions «- Department of Highways ONTAR'O NORTHERN ONTARIO U ROADS mums): may 111 out Nurtlu'rn I)i\‘i.\inll. IN "1 nd tedic mcn‘ IIAMICR. Division I) of Highwu) I‘AUFI FIVE ll I) ad