Arnott’s Can Offer Complete New Outfit Everything from light, shoes to a me Easter bonnet can be cbta'med at A: not-t’s Men‘s Store in Schumacher. ‘ e guarantee to receive a miner in under- ground clothes and send him out is: the Easter Sunday prcmenade a pic- ture of sartorial elegance. Arnott‘s display calls to mind he fact that its no: only Ma and Pa whs should be outfitted for Easter. Junior deserves a break. Miniature editions. of men's topcoats can be four Materials. “saves. colours are t ~‘IZhere are hats for the small everything else he needs in of clothing. Big Stock Offers Facilitié: . For Easter Outfitting; In addition to the ordlrars' article of everyday wear the store carries . large stock of such things as sweater and leather jackets. The new use to which Grenfell clc has been put. namely light pull-overs well displayed. Suitings in a1 dictated by the can be found. The Inc-vi upsetting m says Mrs. S a well tailor ears That men would be happier if they were net badgered and harried into dressing stylishly is an undoubted I‘act â€"abut t..e fact xemains that thex do have to follow the dictates of the fash- 1on c1-:signe1. as does the w.oman° Th8\ do net succumb pezhaps to the same extent to the wiles cf the st3list. 2. In evening dress stout men should shun double breasted waistcoats. T'hE\ give a too well upholstered look. A single breasted well-cut waistcoat with points breaks the curte. 3. In jackets the stylish stout should ut-ar a double breasted mcdel which squares off his figure. If he insists on a single breasted jacket he should leave it unbuttoned. 4. The short man should let his jacket come clown to cox er his seat and no more. The lon<r stretch of leg length adds apparent height 5. No man in full dress should wear a waistcoat which shows beneath the fronts of the tail coat. The custom of leaving the bottom button of the waistcoat open dates back to Edward VII. says Mrs. Stow. When Edward grew old he also grew plump His Royal Highness could sit in com- rfer-t. only if the bottom button of his waistcoat was open.‘ Of that royal In a recently published beck called “Men Tco Weax Clcthes ‘ mitten bx DorOtm Stotz, an attempt is made to appeal to the womenâ€"en the grounds that women chcose fift} pet cent. 0: the clothing worn b} men. Not in I so many w 31 buttons wonders f< in all sort: of thread waist Follow These Rules When Ordering; Suits In View of the fac: that there are many styles from which ,to choose and men. are liable to make mistakss. so Mrs. Stoce gives a few r-ules 1. Scout men should not mean tight- legged L10usezs.'Ihe§ emphasize [hr abdominal bulge. Full-cut. trousers conceal it. Page Twelve necessity a style was born Lustom 0f Ieaxing Bottom Waistcoat Button Open Dates Back to Edward VII. .CW?!‘ SA [CY BUTTONS xany years have there been nimsical. colorful and origin- your clothe. the market. The drum ables and Styles tins Easte: 1nd remain [OE his fe- w discc'm - Cloming oppcrtup- he number IUI'S .16} there same- come reels. “'J anc‘ Discipline symphony. e .He studied the violin for four years and is looking forward to a musical career. Young Mendeiscn faces orchestra. with a brass se complement of strings an woodwind section. He is a full-fledged mas "Winn the with no on “They seem Cleveland. 0.. April 1.-â€"Ever3' Sun day for more than thrse years. Herm an Biting-er has conducted his "Celia Symphony." directing a symphony or ohestra composed of 35 boys and girl from 9 to 12 stars 01d. ‘ “At firm I had to hold their hands on their violins." Bir'mger said. "and they were so sm 111 I ,bought, baby chair: Now Iadjust the pipes on the chair legs and that works fine." Concert master of the symphony or- chestra is 12-year-old Ralph Mendel- son. known during the week as “Scrap- py." but nespacrfully referred to on Sundays as “Maestro.†'Some of the musicians are so small that Biringer has found it necessary to put adjustable emensions on chair legs â€"â€"sliding tubes to rake the tiny music- ians up to their music. No wonder she‘s smiling! So would you. if ycu were the proud possessor 0: that gay print with its wide waistline and broad shoulders. and all topped off with the perkies: of perky hats. Children’s Symphony Orchestra in Ohio Cleveland Proud of Its Tal- ented Young: Musicians. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. TIMMINS. ONTARIO missing alwax " Bil‘ bato maestrc ce is regt ctiox‘ kick out o: 'inze DiD‘ full hous full base helping : b3 are complex ab‘ A London. Englandâ€"Three Royal lad- ies. Queen Mary. Princess Alice and the Duchess of Gloucester were escortec recently by Lord Athlone on an after- church private View of the Royal Ama- teur Art Society's exhibition. The Duke of Gloucester called for the Duchess to take her out, to lunch- eon just after she had selected two pottery flower containers made by Mrs. Lionel Bulteel This potter. who last year entertained for a debutante. has installed an electric kiln in Glou- cester-place (London) in a former back drawing~room One of the Duch- ess's purchases Ls pale green: the other cream outside and peach pink inside. A tray c10th embroidered on linen with flowers by: Mrs. Ernest Wilber- force. widow of the bishop. was the ï¬rst piece selected by Queen Manx playing in professional Style “We started upstairs and everybody had to stand up." he said. “I don‘: know where we're going to end because more parents are coining all the time I guess I‘ll have to put, the brass sec- tion up on the furnace pipes.“ Royalty Visits Amateur Art Exhibition at London Ramvel Tweeda Kenberry Fleece Moore's Manx Tweedsâ€"all ex- clusively Society Brand Quality. Yours is here. Come in To- morrow. and to complete your wardrobe SHOES. SHIRTS. SOCKS. TIES, HATS and LIGHTWEIGHT UNDERWEAR. TOP FAVOURITES for SPRING Jocielg 6W2J gmféc; QUALITY NEVER SACRIFICED TO PRICE As you would expect. the showing at Arnott’s is definite-l} keyed to this spring's style picture. Climb into clothes that you know are rightâ€"not only in cut and material but cloth-n tailored especially for you. At Arnott's is combined the most careful ï¬tting together with Society Brand’s master tailor- ing and ï¬ne woollens. T0 PCOATS W. C. ARNGTT )IE \‘S ‘A.\D BOYS VS E \R SCHUMALHERâ€" She chose painted clay flowers “earth- ed" in cement in a Victorian cornu- copia, a minature tallbory and two flower pictures. Make yourself a long. wic‘e chiffon scarfâ€"stripes would look very newâ€"for evening. . Pin it to your head with one of those new strong-minded combs. and wind it around your shoulders instead of a wrap. It was the ï¬rst time. that. Queen Mary had ï¬gured as an exhibitor. She is showing a cushion coxer worked in gros point. She never uses an embroidery frame. Her chief opportunity for needlework is the period after informal luncheon and dinner parties when she is talking to guests. She ï¬nds that a. frame is inclined to distract her attention. Imported English “Listers‘ Wools" ix all colours are featured at the Wool: Lamb Studio. They are soft and ï¬ne and will make up suitable accessorle. for spring ensembles as well as the en sembles themselves. See the new Sea Spray suitings. They’re a striking blend of blue gray and green. It's a colour any man can wear. Sparkling ’and smart. Feature English “Listers' “"0015" at the Wooly Lamb SUITS April 3rd. 1939