Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 30 Mar 1939, 1, p. 7

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D King mend Unite In 1T last. ni 105mg W3 mins about lumen niox'm Indk Curlers Hold Final Meeting; Last Night I‘)iscuxs Curling During the Past Year. Have Social E van i n 2'. Lambn Horro: "IV )1 McHugh T overs Ch 0 iuozlycars Win First Eastern Semi-Finals 7K Thre even in: Sa In the Commercial bcwlmg games played Mcnday. Gambles and Power found (heir old stride and ran up a fair score. Bach teams played close and divided the points. The Advance again dropped four points. the T. 8; NO. being on the r:- ceivtng end. both teams mum: mm i m (lamb) 722. 63 Gambles and Power Divide the Points The Advance Droppe Four Points to T. as held 2 3n. Men I'f 10min;- Toron e fin The it. :11 The 1938 My bmu: 1i vm Aln burc _V ( “n )111‘ n )wk PURE WHITE (“I )3 D 1t THURSDA Y. MARCH m 13' non 118 ma 935 Gambles 150 Atlvam'r Mi W Pow" 1E I! again dromd NO. being on t] 1 teams rolling 11 nqu CUD Ba 3' i0! W I). ‘ I Inspects 949 794 138 148 qu 81 U Dic Jin'cs for info. .' and Gallant! â€"Northern ( meta of tour 5 a matter d by the L: won the first for the Eastern :up play-downs 7 to 2. On the ( was St. John. 0 io tourist bur- I‘he mm of the rovided a tre- .zrists from the have received Jen Man Lr 165 and cthe henna" ur r01 :1 one da 'eceived a 13m 181 87 180 l 18 87 209 164 203 rsh'u‘e man 14 dams for Yet the 915 at! scat 168 arc 18 54 n in me quh popula: . will IC pet wen 1089 8 4 as with 151 115 228 145 185 01' tm HE 157 184 115 117 198 discus 3f curl 245 anada h. m an out “PVC Sulli bur 'or t! mbe: OX' Elf SE 2567 ll 33' ‘ U 1‘ 2261 598 550 371 497 551 4 71 494 348 285 663 fi All 318 544 n tinum about result with memc Thinks Nhlssolini and Herr Hitler Protest T00 Much Mr. MCQ in tremex all areas royal beli¢ the butc Kin; tion Ox Could able 001') V persona] interc National Safe! the British Isle the London cc Non from 1923 a patron 101' me On many 0: attended safet) monsbrations tl‘. interest in m for chi1dren re: Clare motom’st the prov highway melr visit in Mr. McQue King has f leader in Gm. safer highwa tc G 001‘ their If Asks Safe Driving as Tribute to King Hon. Mr. ”Cu {'01 cidoan Tour. aretx 19$ His Toronto 1‘ of Hi: 11 today 30mm R child! wo m 11 1'1 If I} 16 ”(If 11K )I' k‘ Vi 31D Mm ll )IX' MCQ Mar ll idt pub. f( M ermi Durin h M chK U I Bi )u u H D' H 1926 n wICSLen duction demon accidents. I sug- mtil early in June 11 DD )ut In ()I‘E a tr E117. Ki Ox lSLfillCBS." de- "it is my firm ple of Ontan’o o more accept- rked reduction aff highways min DCGS 811C his appearir Elms based c were px‘odum h pedestrian in I! 1t 1k but. vork of the sociation in president 01 .e organiza- 11' 11's been a 1mm 19] 1‘01 [1' l‘i land Kin rio Mini McQue appeal ,hrougho 'ducuon 1( 11a conscious hi ghway makes a V .Sucl‘ :ner m- d by L116 e reduc- ccidents W E‘ can m A Roy [01]. he em fox to Kit hat th SSUGS h bring tC “DDL )C Jl‘il ha dve [ht 11‘ 2U i! Axmfizmxwv ”VIâ€"943% ”mlâ€"LQLZCL ”:2. Ft WE: .3.._,vmr_m The March meeting of the Porcupine branch of the Canadian Institute 01‘ Mining and Metallurgy will be held to- night in the dining room of the Em- pire Hotel. The Lake Shore safety films will be presented by Charles E. McKnight. Director of Safety at the Lake Shore Mine, Kirkland Lake. As is usual. refreshments will be served after the meeting. 3P6 men: of Mines nude: 161‘ d by Hon. W. A. knc wn No: them Omar that, time was Ministei administration of Pm] Haileyzbun'. March 30.â€"tSpecia1 to The Advanceiâ€"Gord'on McCracken. one of nine youths from the Hailey- bu-ry School of Mines who went to Ot- tawa nearly four years ago to take jobs under the Dominion Department of Mines. has resigned from the service and is leaving today for South Amer- ica, where he has a contract good for two years with the Trapical Oil Com- pany. He gm to New York and will sail from that port for his destination in Columbia:~ ‘ The young man will 'be engaged in drafting and survey work and the ex- perience he obtained in this sphere while at Ottawa is expected to stand him in good stead in S-buth America. He received the offer a few days ago and at the weekend came home to visit with his parents. John R. McCracken. of the Tem'Lskaming Cliiidrcnfs Aid So- ciety. and ms. McCracken. before leav- ing for Columbia. He is the youngest son in the family. Gordon MoCrackon received his edu- cation at Hailizibury public school and later at the School of Mines here. In 1935, with eight fellow students from the latter institution. he went to Ot- tawa and took up drafting with the Topographical Survey of the Depart- ment of Mines. under a scheme fos- Mining; Institute tu Soc Safety l’ivturos pro“ Dean ma ba \"Ill Hailthury Younu \Ian 15 . To Go To South America 21m M W3 1'! me nervous when they are and I can‘L watch them." As far as we are concerne we have only a mild intere Replied th me nervous ‘ 1nd I can‘; ' In: Romt '01‘ )f )9 1‘6 h ll we live in an age 0 only peopke with rea 16 too mu- lybo Hi I] jail N 14 11 ll DOI'E 321'! G hey 1C ll O W 11 per aid 1 those 111 Methinkq d of surprise to knou H men 'H ba 01' :1 rmrmu used [c r er and her lik repartc TIC at 1 cnt much confi pf hammm Ly and I maple. of confirmation 0 'L from both Ramt the work ll u why L11 men to M1 m i Ll‘d. zfierec 'equ n firma om M1 guar are be W WE‘T ll! 1wyer w Mines 1 uardsn 1h h golf p01! 1 3m migh 11m ) Lhe Ben- nak IT 1N Adolph treats the resident owners of neighbouring claims like mosquitoes. He brushes them aside. he disposes permanently a few but millions re- main. He has to live with them inde- finite-1y and they may get. him yet. Hitler must .be a map student. He looks at the blueprint and he sees a nice block of ground that would round out his nicely and he passes the word to troops. The fact that the ground he covets happens to contain the odd hundred million in gold is no deternent. In fact. it may be the main incentive. In the old days there used to be .1 word for Adolph. a five letter word begin- ning with "t" and ending with “."f Try The Advance Want Advertisements THE PORCU‘PINE ADVANCE. ms. ONTARIO getting Jittery. This claim luxe does not steal into the midnight and run down hi noisily (bursts across the ' his hoodlums and takes pos there is no Judge Godson nay. Too bad. Adolph treats the resider neighbouring claims like He brushes them aside. permanently a few on: 1 main. He has to live with finitely and they may get. I is high. He has to keep his armed guards on the job to curb the hostile previous owners of the gold. He ac- quires. with the gold. a persistent de- pcsit of hostility. the suppression of which eventually wipes out the initial large and quick profit. A pernicious antagonism gums the circuit and in mighty short order the balance sheet begins to show in the red. Two of Hitler’s neighbours have suf~ fer-ed‘ so far and naturally others are getting jittery. This claim jumper cle lux-e does not steal into the territory at T wo of fered‘ so getting j: luxe does midnight while initial co‘ is high. He 1' m f L] W116 method of securing a gold mine is to despatch an expedition to a likely man. to search for the elusive metal, Adolph thinks this system too clumsy. involving too much time and effort. When his field scouts report a gold deposit he assembles an army Cv‘f a couple of thou- sand men. marches across his boundary line and forcibly takes possession of the loot. Thus he claim-jumped Austria for 8100000000 in gold and Czechoslo- vakia for $80,000,000. He gets quick results, but to a, prospector his method seems rather expensive. For one thing. (Talls Hitler the (‘hzunpitm To Journey from Honolulu (’laim Jumper of A" Time! To Quinta at (‘allamlcr "2:10.;LG SI Eng-1cadsmd go pom .51 SH 1111.133 111 am 5.131.1911bpc9u sm pu Jam-H udmpv s; alum: SIH 'epuuu; u; panagwop ficu XIQAO‘MOH '51; mu; [10 10 10de Luwp uogduwuo mu, 'auuu B swans pun pwnfi no Kuethuco 10 new 13 LIGlBO m saxaeumu semlauzo 3H 'gn-[c xc- A‘uwma mfiuumop ‘sz'nue -;ut{oa;1 [2831 Lpsnmm Mmdom ammw Euuncas ug' spaaoans umo pun ()1 saw ‘uaunuq emumyfim am .10 smog.) am It spa-.31 oqm ousmud gs) 1.10:; 1-: 51 93 mm -sgp 1mm ucxm paxom s; .mdumg‘ HEIDI an suave t‘umuu umpmmo up u; (mum: mommoN 'seuluzvs (413.19 mum in m The Porcupine Advance PRINTING PHONE 26 AND HAVE OUR REPRESENTATIVE CALL he passes the word political parties. should 1 .‘t that the ground , the “Lmdership League.“ to comaJ'n the odd tadvocating what decem “ geld is no deternent. ‘ “Grits" always stood for. the main incentive. Toronto Telegramâ€"Fan] '9 used to be .1 word. the few things that may be loner word “begin- out. looking for it. mding with ‘1‘.” 1 Brandon Sunâ€"They la‘ [bathing costumes of 30 ye ’ant Advertisements soon ours will be nomina- :1 his stak. he border possess-101 [son to ca 1‘ his '01‘ on the 0‘ mi'cilcd in}wif(> and éisterâ€"in-lnw will probm‘oly 0113‘“ Hit1~3!';‘.30 L111“ {aI‘Lhestâ€"Lrawliod visitors ro- Bcrlin. HB;C(‘1VC‘C1 by the quints this summer. 15 unique 9 oxdinan lSAYS WILI NOT PROSECU'I E mine is to, (‘OMMFNIST SUNDAY SI‘ "00L“. 3V Hr: ac- vent de- ;s:ion of 3 initial 91‘ with )1). And ay him h‘ea 'High-g rade Samples from \\ cck’s lum 01 the Press North Bay Nugget» est. worry of the prose how to accommodate sands who plan invad the Royal visit June 5 Kin-cardine Newsâ€"~W political parties. shou patlems in the Boston. One of white rabbit out in newspapers. c little spectators. ed completely. e who had no leave after the search Bobby McCC'nnel had become generz the children who name of Henry. 13 all the little inma all the ruled i Hon. G. D. Conant. Attorney-General of Ontario. recently said that. there would be no prosecution of Communist Sunday schools in Toronto as long as they continue to operate as they have in the past. He said that no evidence to him of any illegality against the Criminal Cod: Hum Blackst patient: wife and sister-in-law be me 'farthest-Lmveli ceived by the quint's L11 A le‘wcr was received by Maya tie of North Bay this wsek in‘l him that, Aubrey Williams. aver for the Honclulu Baard of .Wru: ply. will cross half the Pacific and motor from the west coast United SLaLcs to Callan-dm' to : Dionne quimuDl-e'ts. for the Honclulu Baard of .Wrum' S ply. will cross half the Pacific cc and motor from the west coast of United SLaLcs to Callan-dm' to sec- Dicnn-e quintuplets. Mr. Williams intends to arrive Tcronto on May 15 and see the fair five a short timrc later. He and .1 X' r the cove: hidden it. tE MAGH‘IAN LOST HIS HAT I] eave w arch 1' DO 0 had But to s-We do not should w-orr They laug of 30 year :11 1C hOU as you want it! when you want it! Sudbury‘s great- m is where and me many thou- ling the city for been J31 ed in L} to lau ; is one 0 found with m'y abou It is on); h in‘formim ccounmn {1121' Sup isappear- magician Lam r on gix en up out from where he 1 it the orrow of ad nurse 3 famou. a nd hi probabl: 1:! com offence 3 pull a wrap it i to his xgician Wfll‘ Wh y 11K h m n Change in Mine Tax Before Legislature {06:90:900000906000906:99399990900009.99.009.09 In introducing the out than the Ontario ‘ is still half of one pm in the province of Qu to be no ch mg banks. railway and have no my Arran. the tax. provinci with the m en Tax Act. Athoug to the income Lax is computed on L1: mg and getting it. T he amendmcr complete revision 11D savin many joyod its?” I'm 01‘ one 1)( schodulv w mum at ed. Dividend rinsing); mi: 440. and U‘ moonlo as computed 1 income tax authorities win to a reduction in tax itself from one 1 cent to one twentieth of the paid up capital. This will haw lit}? mining companies. wh mining s1; :cial amount. Ofise'tti net prof: tale in the same mar ncorporated companie ,0 be no change in th: mines and other corpc rations under th: Corporation Tax Act is practically doubled by an amendment introduced into the Ontario Legislature Monday aftem uch Bill Intréduced by Hon Paul Leduc This Week. urfaco operatio 11339 of interesW .‘hey do not pa n that porLion xpended in 5113: 1-011 nly 1K 1111p: :‘2‘ pt v 3m In This, it i 1K 3 pa U 1e special we oau companit and elecu'ic lished and L1 mnin Coke. â€"- Welsh Anthracite â€"â€" Pennsylvania Blue -â€" Briquettes -â€" Alberta â€"â€" Pocahontas -â€" Buck- wheat â€"-- Nut Slack â€"- Stoam Coal and Cannel. COAL AND woonmm) AND omen: 86 Spruce South Phone 32 Coal and Wood l‘(’( 210m- time lddi ICC mi )1] (It b! )rpormio: Kirklrm of lil~ 3 m 9111 01' 7n 151 11‘ l( ‘1 1K Would Bo $1,300,000 (is paid by 011111120 llzl 31' ll Pay Third 'I HUHIDD ll C0111 March ?1{ANI{ B‘YCK. lgc in the system of usuranc-e companies élegraph companies V 0 pay on income. LL fo! the collclctio he. HIDDEN he munk mmunitie 1d Lake, alrc m ll w Han m acm- also amounts )1”: of the act. Um eatmem previously g: its, trust, companies a ic ccsmpanies has m Lhcse now become m I) i) [HUI it. to I) 5d. would mean on in- 700.000 for the mines. 111 :5 comm r 1121 V( h n 101 1X 11 other compnn he corporation their capitalizat inking and open ax. ma value in ll ll [ll] 191' by )1 ’om (l )me iifl‘e l 11 If .x on net profits cent. lower than H W O I}: D Kl GIT-Pct on the 11 have enjoyed pa 111)" n UK 10y ml 10d $84 1m (in the $1 BOG .000 n'pomuon 1 onv-twenti: [played capi my subsmm 1(- h h n ll Ledu ,' are 100 1)?!‘ ion tax until hown 310.000 Taxatio: 11 0113‘ of ore. mi :haft head K tax the tic-mun *d by almos sod bayou is IX the 1m companic have 5-11 capitalim the tax on {ml of net Dcminion at similar in that it orpomti ll Ction of with the 33 made depart- our variety of coal Lhere poin ted u of wh )llf unde mine 1mm n 1TH! Tim pm 798. 119v mc‘ 1X U4 I] IN 11 d (I Net profit f0 Commission for .cember 31. 1938 preciatic-n and ( deducted. Dcmestic consumers commercial, 1.001 and total 169. Cross 02mm were $442,858 with expc T orcnto found a sun .cxccm 1mm Sl'IHEI'RY HYDRO SlHHVS NET PROFIT 01" 385.000 Tickets Good on '1‘ 'zlins No. 17 and 11) Returning up to 11.15 pm. (‘hildrcn [Ruhr I 6 FULL DAYS A'IVI‘RAUI‘IONS N. H. L. and Allan (‘up HMKE Y FIN ALS Excursion To Toronto First Class ......... (1 011113 I .\t For further 1_)211'tic111a1's apply to local station Fri, Mar. 31 080 THURS, APRIL 6 KIWANIS (‘Ll'B 01“ SOUTH PORCITI’lNE RETURN FA RES agent 11 If 21 l‘ 1‘ m Timmins 5 number 5.888‘ 3 power services .ngs for the year muses of $857,867 Sud‘bux'y Hydro year ending De- 384991 after dc- U PAGE SEVEN m 111) y “1‘2. "'5 had been ny has orything ”3.63 Half

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