Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 30 Mar 1939, 1, p. 2

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One case of assault was settled out] ‘Russian Folks Song 0! 0mm diet mm of costs. Shannan, and Max Ma T!» m msof a: morning can- “M19310. Sonata 9" 0H: med dunes of assault against Jas- zLavin. m W and Nikki Wane, and 1 “Sailor s Homnino' m No numbe permiu was 310’ and eds! bein week w In will hok Church 1 {Butler 01 macher, ' Church. 685‘. Rev Timmins ant, Church ‘ viously taken son. Exchan masher and ' following sen Examine: C muons will 1 Anglican Ch Baine. of Sch F‘rida: (T'hur c Bornâ€"OI Mrs. Jame: son. in the Bow-11] pita] to M Porcupine. Born-â€"Oi Mr. and M St. Hugh Train is progressing faVorabl: in Porcupine General hospital aftc operation on Monday. . Miss Hilda Crozier. of Pan's, Ont Was a, week-end visitor at, the home 0 her brother. Mr. Don. Crozier. and Mr Burleigh Ci'ozier. also of Paris. is visit- ing for a few weeks. 'I' 1185C! ca w Thursday at Church an conducted b: will take pla nice radio, we hear. Porcupine General no “flu" patients but requested “No Visito epidemic has mssec‘ apply to hug-bands : iicnts. but to general James Veitch. aged an employee of Wm home on Monday 01 leaves a widow and t his loss. The rune] charge of Mr. Hunki' home on '1‘ contest com was given efforts dm proud of ti his son wa Later m: the boys â€" brought, hi valved It son 8: Mont much NIX‘C a m taug courteou machine has. we partly N Tuesday pan-um lost two. Th VI dul’ing the sea remarkably w coaching of N School staffiâ€" ll Holy Week S bmr p (first, th “CV South Porcupine School Hockey Team Banqueted Intermediate Team the Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold; .V'Iontrnse. Boys Have Great Time. Other Items of l Interest from South Porcupine and the home. 5 ak :(l 1m ’11 The D cheer PAGE TWO mpson ran L114 South Porcupin The Advance hold 0U Tue . hm it he ha. 1C de ll‘ 0T m ES I‘E rvice On If h UTCh Police Marc W If 1 Ma Mar Smit 4 pm. f Oonnaugh M am ucted U the mos U 111C Mr m 11' Mr. Milton. Interment in Tisdale cemetery. is progessing favorably General hospital aft-er Por appmm rs being Monday 1pm mm to take the cos n 30 days in jail. Hts. plus no drive: weason {or payment < Hocke VK lsnmg. of Timmins, lice in the United Wednesday Captain ican Church. Schu- I'ViC‘f hurt McDonald nd bingo. . amp f0 lpl'ts w Ma 50. of Conmught. ] the d .ings. died at his don‘t pneumonia. He_ Ro’t v0 sons to mourn [truck I] which is in ' awavA mm the Ls will i: landkerc 1 m This does wives of )5 191d in South 5 the annua. joint comm-1, Nathanson sh pastor. o. in St. Paul's he still saw nothi been playing, “You didn'L ha 5wacum.came'fight. did you?‘ a popularityjos. Bussiere wa. racuse "Bum" ’ the whole thing. ted-for play-er and wanted to 1‘ Rant of a very not have it. vrr a drunken driver} spital. having La ieunessve made vithout it, has him a good one.‘ mtil the mild ‘said his worship. .1115 does not: “I told him to dUC 111C 68" he team (1 by 0 'QUE .n 1th Schu :ult- in th' Iln more 11:30 181 n m held 0‘ Uni-De RC h‘ 3m he Ell up 3W On . .01 mn- the magism 'ht. ‘ the driver his don‘t wond He Robillard MY pupil m u. Students of ("1218868 B. Nathanson and Wllkins Present 1‘ 10 PE 'u- A; Excellené; Recital By Music Pupils in Crown viewing th lumbr ‘ence ,h a L hey Hr way mid in Mr. Na nesday eve Ma na Daffodi :1" 1H: Summ 'oussie ard. Leblan- U' nds w 19m C8 H na JO ‘h the High Magistl 3chuk bu xssier $50 mt 3181' )OV mc )up Wanted to pas nd he heard st. LX‘OOKE Tom p1 “IE Da .VI Jden NO 11 Al hvy 1ey W IE W 'ompla mplail ghway if at and M Interval if fi .1; H pa it IE n m II 11' qm p: jump he on Had?!) : by flame W pa: m m m IT In] W3 11 R DH n H h a: lI‘ W 3O l( and hil‘ of M1 MIR. .1 Event. 11111 H :n 1V m )I‘ I] 1b ‘11 h II m Walter Mummy. Tap Dance" 1:; Josephine Melvme ‘Gipsy Prince“ (Severn) by Stung Chow-Walter amt 1101mm M01â€" nar. Gabriel Milbault. Jack Flowers. Vance Ramse, Vicbm-‘Shuuakow. Max Mahoruk. Dino .Bandiera, Carl Vasy- 11111:. Ian Jamstone. Boyd Jones. Basil Treveman. Andy Amyas. and Irgio Only Two Correct Answers to South Porcupine (‘ontcst W6 D11 Miss Armstrong of the Schumacher Public School staff spent the week-end in South Porcupine. the guest of Mrs. L. Sander. Mr. Turner. of Montreal. is visiting at the home of Mr. John Spitz. and attended the funeral of his sister-in- law. Mrs. Spitz. to-day. The prizes for the Eastern Star Tele- phone bridge which is to be held on Wednesday. April 12th will be on view in Cameron‘s Drug Store this week. The first prize is a la-dies' aer-o-pack travelling- case; second. a beautiful tea, cloth; third. 3 pair of silver embossed candlesticks and consolation, , cream 'mp mea ‘ Honour Bride-to-be ’ at South Porcupine asband and wife. In other contest: Pl"? have been cases where differem Embers 3f the one family entered ans- tred. but this is 2’11st case where tw: 12-25 went to the one family in m: e week. Asonly the mo correct ans- ~rs were received in the South Porcu- :19 Movie Memory conbes‘t for 135! rek, the av“ were made to Mr d Mrs. H. R. Prior. while for the mug week there will be six free eat-re passes given instead of four Wa 'om If nong Miss Irma Paolini Guest 0' Honour at Pretty Event Miss Paoh‘ni was on the ml! of the mm Pomunlne pubuc school for ma: ms and was a most popular teacher. aking many friends ammxg pupils and [rents during this time. She has just turned from three months in Haida 191% she had gone on account -of her saith. Mr. Myles is the popular m'm- m‘ of Beamssh‘s SW? in South Por- p-ino. On Monday evening Mix-v mum was we guest r: honour at the mm of Mrs. Wmum Setma-Adaxmmi‘ Powell avenue. when some forty n! firs. Miller. of Charlbon. has been nding- a few days with her sister 3. A. Ewing, and is entering Porcu- 9 General hospital to-day for seri- operation. We wish her a speedy over-y. n ong the pile articles for kitChen use ng included. Bride- books" were made up by the asts aim the gift pmsentation. each mu putting an individual_ touch in the bride‘s future ,mrusal. L very interesting evening was com- toci by the serving of a delicious Sa {erâ€"M 11mins. l‘l 1a 'em'brok‘ April 1! 1C 1y meeting next wednescay «31m Masonic hall. Rene Qucsnei is spending some his week ,visiting her husband in mitariu-m in Gramxhurst. We id to report, that his condition is 111:; and them is good reason to hat he may be home and well 9y June. fiends mm. il am. m. The guns all daumy wran- mnod a comm-pm in the mid- the room being piled in a pwufly ted pink, white and blue ha sket gift was unmnped by the guest mur. who read aloud bhe vérms mmnmm, but all conveying gmd . which were mm’tmwl Wm: Hw n mum Porcupine Movie Memory last week proved a difficult 'here were a good number of . but only two correct ones. The 'ouble seemed to be with the of Walter Bienan. a, num‘bei- this picture for one of Andy It. was an odd coincidence that H 11' set. a-dies' Auxiliary of the Porcu neral hospital will hold thel m oeting next Wednesday «5th hmvess I Jean Wilson is recuperating nsillectomy in the Porcupine n G Mina: South Porcupine. former] kc. the wedding to take plat 15th from the home of he 5. L50 Banning of Maple St in the Church of the Na he Camp-fire Mom had arranged for um frommote surmise to the r0 arrived m find herself a host of ladies. who 111% the Bride." at her guns all dainuywa wrap» and China. gifts wen articles for kitchen us:- CIDSW Brahms {33‘ b} 1w hm QC by 'm' an ‘IH m H'- VL'J, L Llfin 1“ AN council ODE Mixed Bunspiel at South r m! Ibis W 00k Dalton Blm-k 59 (:‘mldvn A n 1'31; 'l‘mw m (‘amp 'l‘h: Curlmg Rinks Have I; eluded Men and Women All illc ROY’S GRILL B. FRUMPKIN C W 13' I\!( Sal-ring hi l‘. Stamina ammmm‘ snow sttx‘mw MUN. and. 1‘!’!Z.\Z., APR. 2‘ 3 an mmm. u-m‘xx m “The Dawn ’alml“ Main Street EASTER FLOWERS «Pilmni in n. 153 ()l'lt S'HN'K IS ('().\H‘l.l".Tl' Â¥ 8 FREE '[HEATRE PASSES EVERY WEEK MA3CIOL' CAN YOU NAME THESE STARS '2 THEATRE. DIII F MASCIOLI THEATRE South Porcupine MQVIE - MEMORY CONTEST “'lih Dirk Powell South Porcupine FH’HVICRS DELIVERED AN YVVIIFRI‘ W. G. SKINNER NIT NU. ??-----Randn{ph Sam “The Road to Reno ll spri end . em n‘s SALE . a: xnm" mm “The Great V PRE - EASTER T.“ ‘9'}?! II imw Phone 1di¢ out and Mir“ i0"! HI! “8., APR" ril “'1 Ll 1 S." :1“ I.“ .md ('hildron‘s y mssod South Pow-[mint Mili-zr W Purcupino 3V6 moved to buy amp That H a V9 In- .h-nknls. duiph 3m“ in H l’l}(>t|( ainor. a Korjus a (‘08 An“ have Tw-h nit-01m") l’tb r (l up i n (I 11 jay anc‘ and W11 U 11 115 an Developing P‘rma nd (‘ruwfnrd St )W th 191: )Y 0n and 4 A. .Ouixt' d. UN'A'AHI . DONALD “Ell .ping Printing Enlarging;~ I’(HL'I‘RA[TS A SPECIALTY“ All Work Guarantf‘cd Export Photograph} Timmins I (‘edar St. N Phone 604 10a! REAL ESTA TE INSURANCE MORTGAGES JUN tm's f or measum Suns pr (1N Abramson’s ffj (‘lnthing' Store L. S. SNELGROVE i011 Gnldon AW IMPERIAL ()IL I'R()lH'(‘TS ATLAS THH‘S and BATTERIES Msndoâ€"tn-Nh-asurq Snuth I'or First of all. promo like our food â€"-it‘s delicious. Then. too. tho service is deft. the atmosphere roluxing. W0 kmm' you‘ll enjoy dining here. Dorothea Kent EM PRESS HOTEL Fl'l‘ Guaranteed VG H. J. Thompson GA RAGE SERVICE STATION I’m'cupinv LIST "(H'R PROPERTY “11‘" ['4 FOR RESI'IJ‘S Dutch Door Dining Room SALES â€"â€"- SERVICE Douglas Fairbank You‘ll Enjoy Eating Herc laire 'I‘revm' can b9 Ford ( '1: rs Spring. We can arrange for you under the Hm 1m ment Plan. Also homes fin I over a period at 5 mm. $15 PSI?!) (‘ARSmALL MAKES pn‘cod m and Company FINANCING RObPTl YOUTH! Lincoln Zephyr l] hc mw about a new home Ann Sheridan madr “pine ‘urs -â€"- Trucks M «m: r ,v bud Abra 'om $1 Soul h Porcupine ALSO S. Nrcuyim 42 Golden Aw- Phonr 225 Sou th Porcupine Ont South End Garage Now's the time (0 have those dents straightonrd out and paint~ «I. We can make your air look likc- new, again. lit-hard (mwn Wc‘ll tune your car for a busy Spring driving svason . . . and help you get top performance ovm' minute you‘re behind the whm-l! Tune-up Time! M? __ (‘orroct answers for last Thursday’s (‘ontvst The first two correct answers opened were rmm': 80 Bruce A W. NOTE! Of a“ the rcplirs received last week only Two wc-ro om‘rm't Mfume uum will be 6 m Theatre Passes instead «1' 4 for “w coming week. Build Yourself Up Against the Flu PHONE 28 The Great Indian Herb Tonic Now comes to you in a s Largo family size hottie at only ............ ‘ PORCUPINE DRY CLEANERS Pearce fiQrossDrug Stores Ltd. Two thralrr muses haw- M-en mailed to un- Tum Mum-rs wlmw names amu- hero. 10d y and Fender Repair Experts Last Thursday’s Correct Answers and Winners t.’ I'I) -â€" South Porcupine 0an Day and Night u. It. "won. 164 Main sum mm Porcupine MRS. H. R. PRYOR. 164 Main SW'PQ, South Pormwim “HALTER BRENNAN name NAN GREY. turn? in the “I T. Skinner I’larist ad O T E I JG P H 0 N E va's The Time in Tako :1 'l‘tmit Tm: rmmcmr'rmx "RFC. sum We offer the people ofSouU1 Pormmine and District A Most Complete Service NEVR - DI Loretta Young QualityCleaning SUI,“ UNI." .\1 yttie at only Janet Gaynor South Porcupine in the Ray's Grill ad Winners announml on Unix ‘mgv' uvxt 'l‘huMay. Winners win hr Hm first 4 (-nrm-t answen (alum at random from the MK 0! main! (‘Iltl‘it's‘ al‘tm' Monday. Favh Winner Will Ru'oiw Tm: 'l‘ he [[10 Passes Find Hm mum's M‘ ”w mnviv amm. p‘rlumd ht‘n‘. “‘rito 1hr rum! names and the Ads. in which thm Inmar. aka ynnr namt- and address. Smd it to l'eul‘m- and (‘I'cmx "nu Ston- lwforo -l p.m. Mummy. having it (‘IHU'LV :uldrvssvd l'uroupim- Ad- vance Movir-.\lvmnry (‘nntmL Smith va two Mo l’uroupinr 40 Main StrN-t Road flu REAL ESTATE INSURA NH] RULES LOANS Our rates are the lowest, for any type you might require. Can be easily arranged rm first Mortgages, spread over a porind of from 2 to 5 years. Andrea Lends floated Cars at Yuur Svrvirt' John 1411.01 SOUTH P()R(‘l"l’lNE CITY TAXI Phone 100 THURSDAY. MARCH 30TH. 1939 HOM E SE R \'I( ‘E PHONE 285 SOFT" PHI“ 1 'I'INI '90 A (‘omplcto ad vm'tist‘monts' $1.00 'l‘ht-utrv Bldg

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