Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 30 Mar 1939, 1, p. 1

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Display of Cub and Scout Work at Legion The Porcupine Skating Club is ing an informal party this Friday ning, March Blst. in the McIntyre C munity building. They plan to cl from 9.30 pm. to midnight. and skate the numbers presented by t in the recent, successful carr Waltzing and ten-stepping on sl after midnight is something new 1 It happens. however. that fresh 5 of ice will not be available until . night. so the party will proceed to part of the programme aft-er tv o’clock. Refreshments will be so during the evening. This is the social event the Club has been ab have this season. and it promises I a particularly pleasing occasion. A very interesting display of Cub and Scout work was given in the Le- gion hall on Tuesday evening of this week. The display was given by the BE.S.L. Troop of Scouts and the Cub Pack. It was a little disappointing to the lads to see the very small atten- dance of members of the Legion pre- sent. but they made .up for it. by heartily devouring the hot dOgs and soft drinks provided. George Nippers was the energetic worker of the event. supervising the kitchen and its heavy duties (with Les. Mason as chef. as- sisted by T. Gay) and acting as the patient for the lads who were taking their St. John First aid tests. Dr. J. McClinton was the examining officer and he give the Scouts some very diff i- cult situations to handle in addition to testing them on general first aid knowledge. The six Scouts in the test all passed and were congratulated in a body by the doctor. Some were a little slow in grasping the situation. but once started on the work of aiding the injured. gave deiinite proof that they knew what to do. Another year of training and all these lads should be hard to beat at any branch of first aid work. Porcupine Skating Club to Hold Informal Part) the Snake I Walter 00mm of the dance. M10115 were 53 proving very Sent and re: leaders. Two also a feature Lion of the D Benjamin Palubcski wrote a letter the Commission 'buL it was so uninu: ligible that the commission secretar Pam'ick Murphy. stalled half w: through its reading. IL was decided have rPalubeski appear in person ax air his grievances. With many an oratoricc Pulubeski did so. He was the (Continued on Page E1 Discussion centred around three icnt points. First was when Benja Palubeski charged that he had 'I abused and threatened by Police spoctor Arthur Olson. Second was council's protest against 'Magtstratc Mason as Commission Chairman the third included an attempt to fine the rights of each of the bodit Legion Troop of Scouts and Cdb Pack D0 Credit to Themselves. The Scouts. showed ‘ and also knot-tying. all scriptions. The examiner Scouts was the feature troop showed their that display. sion in their method 01 apprect and the salute to the flag. mng of me polrce department On Tuesday evening the tw: got together for the first time were a few sharp exchanges t orally speaking. the prevailin was one of friendliness. The ended on a. note of co-operatio: may augur well for future relal Discussion centred around th ient points. First was when B There have been differences opir over the rights of the two bodieS' their respective powers of adminis tion of the finances and the actual r ning of the police department. During the first three months, of thi: year there have been many points 01 difference between the town council anc the police commission. Since the elec- tion of Magistrate Atkinson as chair- man of the commission. members 01 council, including the mayor, who is also a member of the commission. have repeatedly asserted that they thought the mayor should have been chosen. Magistrate Issues Ultimatum That He Will Remain as Commission Chairman Until Removed by the Commis- snond. Charges Made That Inspector Abused and Threat- ene . Already 145 V01. XXIV. N0. 23 The Cubs 9 Snake Eouncil and Police Board Discuss Points of Dissension Jointly 2 Sections 14 Pages ’WW” ooo~oo' 1b Kl mum group th and lauks .VOUU in the with full de- ions of the six ofthetroop ack and Sean The meetin rat-ion whic] relations. nd three sal md expla young 13: )1 NO max ,0. Ther ads h gcsLum cbim 01 (if Year For Serious Offense nami WE h if Lpirit W21 VC and dc- 111C m if 11 en m \ 0 r 1 o . iMeetmg lo-mght of ! Fish and Game Club §$50 Damage Caused i by Bedroom Blaze meeting of the Porcupine Fish and Game Protective Association will be held in the Daffodil Community hall. Schumacher. commencing at 8 pm. The meeting is a specially important one and a large attendance is particularly desired. The reports for the past year will be pre ented. including account in detail of the various waters in the dis- Ll‘iCt X‘C-SLOCde with fish. Another im- portant item of business will be the election of officers for the ensuing on yea C811 $50 ed SCENIC. FROM THE “KIDIHES’ CARNEVAI.” .\'l‘ '1‘ [HQ Preliminary Hearing Taken m Indecent Assault Case. Bakeshol) Fire On Street Extinguished Use of Booster Pump. 3f cm}. he pm er 1km )llf K On M David A bonfi woma .m- 10 ll nal vid th< I] C11 W81‘( I-It lmiI xult hOm 111C Lapmtt was sent to jail for >y Magistrate Atkinson yester- n he was convicted of having nowlcdgc of a fifteen-year-old tr MONDAY 10f Ime 11 )( I‘E n 3p. .IUC 1( (1 K 1111 ,lll ,~ building is W. Tieder. K._ B. Bouu'on. Damâ€" ed at 340 it, was covered U p6 cum balm ma hC Cf .ed that Lapratt livâ€" h the girl’s parents. nine som ama 'l'( 11d inner pump docenLly ammulting solyga was commit- 'c before a higher rial ‘by a judge and linary hearing was ome discussion prior .ut whether or not be changed m at- i801 Commercial avenue fire alarm early on ,5 one chimney fire Charles street and llowing day at 77 ring 80501 h I) ion was smoke was séen shop at, the rear l. Firemen were 1 number of bags mg on the outside [er wall had Lak- mD was used to (ML. Canada THURSDAY ll illegally. De- he Magistrate id not mitigatc 10.43 am. on estimated at was unknown. and blankets and below C’I] 'as to tab the indc 1’s bail wa. '16 annual h and dz'oom IS 76 Pi ne nation. The wanton slaughter of offensive civilians. men. women children. was mentioned. There 1 now 30.000.000 in China. in dire nee food. shelter. medical attention. 2 result of Japanese aggression. At outset. China was not prepared for The people were divided in opinions policies. and there was inadequate equipment. Japan by brutal metl hoped in a brief war to intimidate terrorize the Chinese. Now, howc China was a truly united nation would fight to the end to hold lib ix‘ under the auspices of the Friends of China and the Mens Forum. and on Tuesday addressed the staff and stu- dents at the Timmins High School.- At the event Monday night. Mr. S. Woods, president of the Men's Forum. occupied the chair. Miss Loh Tsei in effective way showed that China was a peaceful and inoffensive nation and that Japan. starting with Manchuria. was following the same policy of rob- bery by force followed by other dicta- torial nations. Outlining the plans of aggression by the militaristic nations. about Japanese aggression and brutal iy. She was urelcomed.pffioially' _ town by Mayor Bartleman, was th< the guest, of local Chinese at, a. bar quet an the New York Cafe, Was gue speaker aL a largely attended meetir in the United Church on Monday nigl under Lhe auspices of the Friends . China and the Mens Forum and ' Tuesday addressed the staff and sm dents at the Tirnmins High School. the spe there w no peace for any people on earth. u the aggressor nations were stopped their mad murder and pillage. : pictured the horrors of bombing ii the air and the senseless and evil we of it. referring to wonderful buildii schools. hospitals. museums, built cler centuries of civilization and destx‘ ed in a few hours by the aggre: nation. The wanton slaughter of Canada in the cuted people c graduate of T5. ing. Miss L011 7 the war has “Chinese Joan all the import and the United 111d decency Miss Lab '1 young Chine Asks Canada’s Help for Victims of War in China In Eloquent Address Miss Loh rl‘sei Shows that. China 'is the Victim of the Same Barharous (Treed That. Has In- tlated Europe. Aggression Must be Stopped. How Canada May Help. THREE OUTSTANDING MEMBERS of the I’ORCUPINE SKATING (‘LL'B 11d Miss L011 'I‘sci C nlnes‘ Timmil Ker of Tsinghau University. Pcipâ€" 3 L011 Tsei‘s noble work during has won her the name of Joan of Arc." She is visiting important centres of Canada United States tottol‘l the facts mphasized e no liberty .ny people 0 TIMMINS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 30TH, 1939 )1 . talented and ch it'ltellectual, was this week on a W1 week on a L01 csts of the p: native land. he no .d char the but 3C fi ll) 11' 1nd an - 1 n h CXt H conquered and unconquerable. Refer- ence was made to the effect of guerilla warfare on me Chinese. and Miss L011 Tsei was confident that m the final China would by the very feet of its Croatian Ladies Present Very Delightful Banquet 11' \(Idress in the C roatian Language by Rev. I r. Martin- dale the Surprise Big Hit of the ()(casion. I1 levdnt Menu and Attractive I’10g1zrmme \(ld t0 the Interest. II ll I'E [‘h-ere was a delightful event held in 2 Croatian hall, Schumacher. on Sun- 5’ evening, when the Croatian Catho- ladies presented their first banquet .1 concert under the auspices of St )hODSUS Parish. Perhaps, the big- -.t surprise hit of the evening was en Rev. Fr. Martindale addressed 2 gathering in the Croatian language. 5 address was received with enthusi- ic applause. and the Croatians pres- ; said it was one of the most inspir- ,' features of a particularly pleasing 'asion. An address in Croatian by MONETA l’lTIiIMT SCHOUI. (3()N(,fl'}l{'l‘ lo banquet tan women part in cfl’e 3 tables an (Continued on‘ Page Tfiree) asion and took occasion the ladies on the strik The ta :oramd um: Sarko pit-m zmmmm d 111C L111 nplimex with 1011 and young ladies did effective way by serving : and assisting in other ables were artisticaly set 311C CI en and 1bun 181' 111C Ii W8. n the strikin He paid par? isan K K .0 Mrs. H. P. ll ll ian languag: with enthusi 'oatians pres most inspir ax'ly pleasin Croatian b 0 greatly an *Od W3. If )vic )1 W 3 m th- mmitt Banic 7113.1 unablc ll Oth h( of m mar. me: banquet, ther pleasing add:- other number tion to Rev. lion and B. shall playin, ment. was 4 was much Sign 1L u “that wil' is here." So far the wild North to now! 31 the players adxzdd 3f romantic interest The enjoyable c with the singing of donal Anthem and :hem of this countr‘ Writing this we: Texas. Mr. Vince: that Spring will wild geese have to the Far North. ping from a Tex says that, several I'OU Geese Reported on Flight to the North But None Sue. North tn Dam Solc il'KUlil 11‘ au'man ssuredl y Martind 3elina duet t 1nd we n, incluc Sarkoticl , several J ‘ Austin, 1 the North Lap dance by Misws B. O’Rourke. with M. as can be fowl have date. But M 1' were 11 acefu; 3.11 m was hit K ud' )I‘ hea he K. Ma were intere *s and mu The speaker Martindah m enjoy 11d, :1: dcpax Il' woodmu pon be he 11er L11 He enclos K ny M15585 J. Scuh .e, with Mrs. Mar- piano accompani- n'mg number that Led. There was also fer the Span- presemed by two es. with the Croa- 1g the accompani- 1m: on This NC learned none reached this it won‘t be 1 M. the despatch :d and spring pup h After the sting and 15109.1 and 's, in addi- e and the 10! 111C ir caslon. oncludcc (l W )1). Ant C I"; as usu- 1Lure of ostumes re touch be Ion 111 R01 as the flight: l Clip- which ban wit] -R8V An 1112 ll'E 'ar .11 of fl Funeral (Thursday Church of the Timm. Jail Door Swinging Again Deny Rumour Council To Be Complete Again Hotel, was arrested. lute yest charge of stealing a. radio, tl of Harold Keen. of 163 P South. He was brought to station and released on bail. A' charge of assault was The death occurre at St. Mary's hospit: Gilchrist. The late forty-five years of .ag resident of Timmins the past, nineteen ye aLe relatives survive. Arrested Yesterday 0n Charge of Theft be beaten his wife, and unle is withdrawn. will appc court, on Tuesday morning leased on bail. Last night was unusual there were no drunks were there any vagrants Ll hou NU LEEVVAY FUR DRIVERS since Monday Monday. max below; Tuesdu nesday. 40 an mum was 13. Albert (“Terenziu Arrested. A'llege He Stole Radio. Assault Charge Against H ushuml. A' charge . )9an women Wednesday. beaten his w Ateight o'clock this morning the temperature was 22 degrees asbove zero. Maximum and minimum temperatures would be Th Mont Death Here Yesterday of Mr. Tommy Gilchrist Nu Prisoners in (fell Block Since Early To-day Pollce Wumlermg How Long 3 Weatherman Sees Possibi- llty of Snuw or Sleet 1n Next Few I)a_\'s. Has No Intention of Returning, Says C oumillm lir tlllt“ll( Unless (m en C ommittee to Which He 1s Entitlt (l ‘s‘m s Intends to l‘orce Election if Not. Three Months I ( iiml Up Early in April. Cloudy V‘Ieather Or Sleet Large Enrolment Here for Home Defence Work I] mud :U 1] at Timmins. Ont.. Canada MONDAY and THURSDAY Tida -\t Legion at 'l‘immins 145 Returned Soldiers Haw \‘uhnr teered Their Services in Case Britain is Invoked in War. All Ready to Serve Again. Pl 1E )U W 01' ll or sleet w he Hollin Wheeler 3 fair and gm; o‘cloc 11st bccx :1day have maximum tesday. 32 3 and 4. m be no leeway for mowxists ch 1938 license plates after Provincial police havq begn Lu brmgueglefimfl an. as weather services were 4 held this ) morning at 9 o'clock at the Nativity. with interment, in us cemetery. rl It was unusual inasmuch as no drunks arrested nor my vagrants picked up. n :curred on Wednesday ospiLal of Mr. Tommy late Mr. Gilchrist was of age. and had been a unins and district for an years. No immedi- D “'21. 1m (I (lay ”I warm ) precipitation since policé been as followsâ€"7'- 19. minimum, 6 md 3 below; .ch- Last, night’s mini; .\ ["1‘UMUBILIS A l' TEE FRI DA if q.“ wc I‘oc her alle pcc the possibility Den Lhis morn- athcr observer. ay, said he, if“ D. p: ndc if inasmuch as (1001' s laid by a husband cg}; ed to have s- the charge morning so record will ztation the sc h the bar .ructlon. [.110 Florio ,orday on a 10 property inc Street. the police in police He was re- ere empt )on Lo-da n m not. ng and at any ZC timing of af- has and. CFC ‘Lhc *1) W Brunette said: ‘80: . is nothing in it. I ha cd but I do not 111th I am given the cm Finance Committee, rightfully entitled." He would. said Cc allow the three men {owe an election if the; committees. rumour Council A rumour to the three Councillors wh positions on the tow: body early in the y: against “the way the 1 being conducted", int! their resignations am according to Councillo The rumour stated Brunette. Cousins and ed to withdraw thelr appear at the last mt prior to the elapse of At the end of three tlon must be held tr positions on the (Jon the present members «2 accept the preferred r< Mrs. Ellen Barry, NH: Neame, Chas. E. Butler. la). Lu J. Parkyn. Albert G. Hunsvll, Greagan, Wilter Wilkinson. L! son. Louis E. Dupuis. John .1 Fred Walkley. Joseph Fljom-l Dcvine, Thomas H. Pul‘snlls» Cowan. Thomas Hcclican, [in ton, William Penningon, (loo. pers, Alfred G. Bellamy. w (Continued on Page 151;: thrc tun All should make special I fact that, this is the time in paying licenses. Radio lice; March Blst. So do all licenses. It will save liabili cases to have radio and licenses for 1939 this week. Lion as noted before in Til most of the town licenses this month and should be . once to avoid unpleasanmes The annual dance of 11 lights Royal Arch Masons (: an event always looked forv pleasant anticipation. Tl: annual dance is to be held hall, 'I‘lmmins, on Friday m let. Dancing will com] p.m.. and all attending arc a delightful evening. Adi year is by ticket, only. and now available to member: friends Several references have bee in The Advance to the volunt listment of eat-servicemen in defence service in case of war 1' Britain is involved. While the ed men would be considered 1m: service in the forces in Will! served before. they see the i: service at home at work for \x'h: are particularly adapted---the of railway lines, roads. bride and the prevention of sabot subversive forces in this counti enrolment in Tlmmins has bee worthy and proves the spirit loyal British soldier does not. with the years. The following. list of enrolments in the 1‘ Veterans’ Survey in the Timm trict in the order in which ti rolled: Annual Dance Northern Lights Royal Arch Masons Remembm“ Licenses Due Now Radio, Motor and 'l‘mx'u censes Expu'o This. W« Board will ime and ‘ Dunc Single Copy Five Cents 101‘ 3.1 10d U101 .-d men Lime b1 ‘ mom. "1U agc II 11L) NC ch )1

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