When Oflicer Moore and McCord were returning to the police station in the police car after picking up a vag- rant woman in a wood shed there. they noticed flames in the upstairs part of F. M. Burkes drug store build- 1118 on Pine street north of the Gordon block, ten years ago. They at once stopped (the car and while one of them turned in the alarm from box 13. the other hurried to the scene of the fire. The fire brigade made their usual re- gard response with the good turnout of firemen and volunteers. The smoke Wat-:80 dense and the flames spread- ingxao rapidly that at first the build- ing could not be entered far upstairs. The fire seemed to be at the southern comer of the rear and two streams c1 water were soon playing in the rooms;- there. After a capable fight the Chic! Borland and his men the fire was ex- tinguished. but not before considerable damage was done. The upstairs of the building was formerly used as. apartments. but had been vacant for some time. Investigation of the fire afterwards showed that the blaze started in the bathroom. and it was possible that someone wandered up there in the early hours and dropped a cigarette butt or a carelessly thrown match would explain the origin of the fire. In the Advance ten years ago:-«- “Shortly after noon on Sunday the Ideal Pool Room. opposite the New Empire was entered and the cash drawer rifled. Entry was gained throngh one cellar window. The rob- ber secured $60.00 much of this amount being in silver. The police Were notified and soon get busy. Sus- picion was turned for various reasons upon a young man who had been in trouble before. During the afternoon Constable Wm. McCord picked up this young yellow and took him over to the police station for questioning. When searched at the station a con- siderable quantity of silver coins were found on him. After some question- ing he admitted {hat he was the guilty party. When he came before magis- trate Atkinson he entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to not less than three months and not more than «two years for the crime. About $4000 of the amount stolen was recovered." “The corner of Pine and fourth av- cnuc, usually referred to as Dr. Brown's corner. looks odd these days," said the Advance ten years ago. “the residence on it so many years being moved away on Monday. The build- ing was bought by Mr. Matyonitz who has had it moved to spruce street. North, where it is being remodelled and redecorated and will soon be com- pleted as a very acceptable residence. the moving of the building was com- pleted in record time on Monday morning. only a few hours being taken to move it the four or five. blocks necessary. The house was jacked up and the runners placed under it. The motive power for the moving was a powerful tractor and the workman- like, speedy and effective way in which the structure was moved was a delight â€to all who like to see good work done. The move was made without the cracking of a single pane of glass or any other injury in any way to the buildingâ€. 9A0: an The regular meeting of the town council ten years ago opened with Councillor A. G. Carson. H. Charlebois P. Dougall. R. Richardson, Alfred Caron and C. P. Ramsay present. The Mayor was detained and until he ar- rived Councillor A. G. Carson was, voted to the chair and carried on until Mayor G. S. Drew arrived. the latter taking over presiding officer‘s place. A resolution authorizing the writing,- oï¬ certain taxes on the books unpaid but that had actually been paid to a previous collector. 0. Peterson. creat- ed some discussion. The Mayor ex- plained that receipts had been pro duccd to show that these taxes had been paid. There had been some pre vious cases where people had claimed to have paid amounts on taxes but the books had not shown the amounts received as specified. Mr. Peterson’s explanation of the time had been that the taxes had been paid but the amounts credited to the wrong name. The council at the time had come to the conclusion that the trouble was incompetency rather than any want of honesty. After Mr. Peterson had left the employ of the town further discrepancies had been found in the books but Mr. Peterson had explained the matter and agreed to reimburse the town for any such cases. Eventually. however. it. was decided to take the matter up very closely with Mr. Peter- eon and have a complete adjustment made. after [our o'clu ten years ago. “ ins ceremony at ticm hall on C corner stone of RADIO REPAIRS Wcmu‘sduy her )ecn paid but. the 60 the wrong name. c time had come to .th the trouble was ext these taxc had been son onday. The bui Mr. Matyonitz \ to spruce strc buildin VIKING ELECTRIC I’LUUIK l'ULlSlIERS .\.\'I) \‘.\('l ['31 CLEANERS FOR RENT W L‘ HOOD the Ad\ an imc W residence. was com- Monday mg taken I vc blocks} acked m: Advance )l' 10 CEDAR 6181511! 308111 11' \V‘ '55 Highlights of the Porcupine Camp I‘Iollingcr the Daddy Of Them All. Mclntyre’s Wonderful V oin. Other Notes. m othc Ont. )1‘ buildi v92 )I‘i. repLion of lundred u IT RH l'C 31 upmc [DOD t, 1‘ 1t For 11' W the h DC llullin I'l‘ Ill 3i in 1’ C Rand W n Hc cmp Ja- SIR h N. W II pl We wom h I] who hav nay Ncrnmn, Mmmg mm m and Mail! 'cst Gold Camp. Bar ()m' hrcc weeks spent in the nosing Noises. Bo cor min your radio is per forming rorrvctly. A! work guaranteed. Phone 590 M ll n Adva 1H Our wall mbed Sha W118 31' 1rL1 deferred L‘ nuc. 1ncl 1bC( T1 prod u .111 l] rid of llmxl‘ kdv Daddy M Them All Hcmmi n C in ft Ell Tim 1' ll 11' 11c )l‘ .l( m3 W 8. 1( )l‘ 1V m 21 1101K ht n [m h l V :11 H C mm lit ll the )ntim :humacn to where an injur 110 has 12 ll 1C I). U 11m: 1928 tl‘ 11‘ W hf 11‘ I‘U in 11 McC prod 1E 11' ï¬ m of particul E‘SS oï¬ â€œTr D. Came : h ":VI IT 1b m 11‘ 'f( 111 Cor )Lh n 30h n 1t rim :1 mpro 1th pr A1 ll s a sur- nto and I) h N} All TID hings ion of U W( M 700,000 visit- I‘I' 11d- ’ner 1! Iple 111a and few 11‘ on XL )C 'n two miles more than from Toronto to Detroit. Up till the end of January last this great mine had produced 8269.- 858318 and paid dividends of 394.392.- 000, or. in other words. had returned to its shamlwlders approximately one- third of each dollar dug from the McIntyre's Wonderful North Vein And that is but one mine out of e'ght now paying dividends in the area. There‘s the McIntyre Porcupine mine and its wonderful new ncrth veinâ€"the finest this writer has seen anywhere. Developed for length of between 700 and 800 feet. in places over 25 feet wide. with average of 12 feet. plastered with free gold and. in the opinion of this writer. the ï¬nest exposure of its kind. in so 'far as width and values are concerned. ever opened in this Domin- ion or possibly on the continent. And that. mind you, is entirely apart from the older section of the mine, Which. as a matter of fact, shows no sign of nearby impotent age. In the twenty- eight years it has been in operation it has produced $104,903,815 and paid $20.- 929.5l7 in dividends, returning about 20 cents of every dollar produced to its shareholders. *Milling 2,400 tons daily, this mine has underground trackage of 90 miles. ï¬ve miles more than the dis- tance from Toronto to Stratford. Here 1.325 men ï¬nd employment, and in surroundings. as to comfort and pro- tective safeguards of health and future uell-beinz. as complete as may be found And then there's DC this original trinity of ducers, with its $95.58: tion, and dividends establishing a record : proportion of producti shareholders, namely, « underground trackage ‘teetive safeguards of health and iuture well-being. as complete as may be found anywhere, in this country or elsewhere. Dame's 12 New Untouched Levels And then there's Dome. to complete this original trinity of great gold pro- ducers, with its $95,583,149 in produc- tion, and dividends of 3404991529. establishing a record for the camp in proportion of production passed on to shareholders, namely, 42 per cent. Its underground traekage totals 74 miles, or about ï¬ve miles further than from Toronto to Cobourg'. and its 100 miles of diamond drilling. end on end. would take us from here to Trenton. Up un- til elevcn years ago. geologists poo-h- poohed the idea that ore‘oodies would be found in the greenstone formation. Since then. they have had to eat 3:0- logical crew and at this moment, no less than 75 per cent of all Dome ore is coming from that host rock. Perhaps it will convey something to supine peo- pi: if it is mentioned that each day in this great mine the boys pound out m RYE rll-bcing. as: ywhere. in Dame's 12 And then ckagc from Toronto to North Bay; 'ee miles more than from Montreal Port Hope; ï¬fteen miles more than u Iti manor: of und rm 1 amb (1 ti: (“u-starring llupc llamplun with Helen Broderick. Alan Mar- shal. (llvmla Farrel. Samuel S. llinds and David Oliver tinq. The mill is handling, J..Uvu ; daily and 750 men ï¬nd employ- iL undzr as perfect conditions. as lfCty. sanitation and future security. my niiic in the world. It might rest, you to ride on Lhc electric crground railway, which Whisks you n No. 3 Lo No. 12 shaft on the 2.000- , level. a distance of 4.600 feet. and would certainly grasp at the grand ion on that; level. with its great sis. ready to serve 12 new deeper is. all virgin. and assuring con- Starringâ€"BORIS KARLOFF. BELA LL'GOSI and BASIL ILYI‘IIBUNE. With Lionci .Hwil and Josephine Hutchinson Nutvzâ€"(Inirls! Du Nut (.‘omo Aloneâ€"Bring Your Boy Friends! )Ill \\ cdncsday and Thursday. April 5111 and 6th 'l“'() SM \Sll HITS IN ONE PROGRAZMME 1)} \\l5 ()‘KI-ISFE md FIOREVC E RICE in Sunday i‘lidnight. Monday and Tuesday, Aprll 2nd, 3rd and 1th ALICE I’AYE. CONSTANCE BENNETT and NANCY KELLY “TAIL SPIN†With Ann» Shirley. Nan Grey. Ralph Bellamy. Gloria Holden. Margaret Tallichct, Noah Bccry, Jr. and 50 Beautiful Stars of To-morrow. tid y Starring hick l'owoll, Anita Luuisc and Allen Jenkins, with Ronald Reagan. Walter (,‘atlctt and the huttcst team in the Kingdom of swing (Louis (Satclielmouth) Armstrong and tho dusky voiced Maxine Sullivan lll'l‘ N0 tlâ€"RANIHHJ’" SCOTT in l\\() S“'C,.Ill HITS l.\ ()‘\E l’K()GRz\M\H€"â€"â€"llll V0.1 -___ N-- With Joan Davis. Charles Farrell. Jane Wyman and Kane Richmond Friday, Friday Midnight and Saturday "THE SON OF FRANKENSTEIN†n evcral respects the argc mine he h: of the working is . thing out. of phac 1 the 2,000 level if s a. millionairc's 0 NU'l‘ICEâ€"-â€"Uu Double Feature l’regrmmues coming to our theatres, we request our patrons to attend the Theatre not 8.00 pm. to see entire performance. March 1151 and April lst LOOK ()l l! "E S ON '18!) LOOSE AGAIN! is the 'w LAST SHOWING TO-N [GI H'_l_‘_ n time to time. in the will be able to awaken ity and elsexxhele in this up, facts and thus also With l‘u-ginald Owon and Jum- Knight ATTRACTION N0. 2 VACATION FROM LOVE†“TH E ROAD TO RENO" crve 12 new deeper and assuring con- tion for many a year writer's opinion that *csnects the most re- “GOING PLACES" 'l‘ E LEI’ HON E 560 “GIRLS’ SCHOOL" Jl pick and and the Up un- 15 pooh- rs woulc rmation Tm; roncummc ADVANCE. my, QN‘I‘AMO in interie ence and thus be permitted to go forth and seek other embryonic mines to contribute to our prosperity. No mine in Porcupine was found or developed under present-day handicaps. Up in that northern country have aris- en prosperous towns, carved out of moose pasture. such as Tlmmins, larg- cst incorporated town of its class in Canada. with its 27.000 optimistic peo- ple; Schumacher. one miles east of Timmins, with population of 8,000 and boasting the ï¬nest skating rink of its kind in the province, gift of McIntyre Porcupinc Mines; SouLh Porcupine. at the south end of Porcupine Lake, with its 7,000 people and as nice autownsitc as may be found in the North. and Porcupine. or Golden City, at, the head of the some lake. coming back to life after years of somnolcncc, and now showing a population of over half a thcrusand, buoyed up by the signï¬eant developments in the northern section, at Pamour. Hallnor, Hoyle, Broulan and. other mines. There is not more Optimistic or generally prosperous area at this time in the Dommzon. Per- haps some day Toronto will realize that mining is something more than a ten- eent game of the ticker tape and the lcjzislators cf the province may eon- eeivably come to the conclusion that prosperity from the northern mines is the greatest hope of this province, de- Rouyn. March 29â€"111 :1 recent state. 3 inent Adolphe Routhier. registrar un- I der the Security Frauds Prevention Act of the Province of Quebec states that’ unless some objectionable features are 1 found in the plan to provide prospec- ; tors and gi‘ulbs'tak-ers with ï¬ve per cent 3 of the proceeds of the treasury stock' in mining companies. it will become. a provincial law. Last weel: he re-§ leased a summary of the representa- tions made to him by prospectors. his ; scrvihg (‘f better legislation than has yet been its lot. .3130ch that day! Quebec Prespectors May Receive Better Change department‘s View of the matter and his own recommendations. Jones-4300c! Thought I‘d drop overcoat. you DO} week. Blownâ€"I‘m sorrv old man, but I lent it a friend of mine Were you valuing it? Jonesâ€"Well. not for myself; but the chap I borrowed it from says the cwncr wants it. One hundred years old on March 10. George Fillon. of Peterboro, says he is a bachelor because girls scar- ed him. Probably Canada‘s oldest, bachelor. he was born at the French village of Baie St. Paul in 1839. two years after Queen Victoria ascended the throne. GOING THE ROUNDS Oldest Bachelor Good evening old chap. I‘d drop in and see about that you borrowed from me last l8 French 'Romeo Rivet was a passenger in Mr. 1839. two Mathot's car when it. struck Mr. Bou- ascended dx'eau's automobile. He said that the accident, occurred on Saturday night. March 11. at. the corner of Preston nnitted t? street. and Commercial avenue. embn'onic Coming down Commercial. said Mr. DI’OSPCI'RY- Rivet. he saw Boudreau‘s car on Pres- M Matinee Daily at 2.30 pm. Evenings 7.00 and 6.00 p.1u MIDNIGHT SHOW livery Sunday Special Children's Matinee every Saturday Morning at 10.30 3.11: (.‘hildren‘s Ticket 100 and “ZORRO RIDES AGAIN" ‘ Daflx Umk in llolly\sood"â€"A (oluurul Cartoon “Inside Goods' 'â€"A Special chlty Paramount News Second Episode of the New Scrialâ€"“ZORRO RIDES A Thursdm and l ridav, March 30th and inst I‘L'IER IORRI‘I, \ll{(nl.\l\ I‘I.ll‘l I). (2150 SAVIH R5 in Tuesday and Wednesday DOUBLE FEATURE Saturday, Sunday D‘lidnight and Monday GOLDFIELDS FRIEDA INESCOITRT and HENRY “ILCOXCUN “MR. MOTO’S LAST WARNING Nl'l\\' I'RH'I'Z FUR EVE! With KENT TAYLOR and DOROTHEA KENT “Champagne )‘Iusic"â€"A Band Novelty 'ton when it was thirty feet, away. Mathot saw him and applied his bxakcs. He mm to stop but was un- able to do so. Boudmau‘ 3 car didn 1 stop at the stop st1cet.Mathot's can 511 uck iflBcudmaus in the 16:11 and swun'r it :around. Then it ca1cc1zed ac1oss the Dismiss Charge of Driving Recklessly zAgainst Warden ououdom a 1m pun no 1113.“ 11 uaqLI .mpuo; .1831 1101 am 11.) unq 31311419: 31 'onuom [momuxuxoo {mop ï¬uuuos mo mu poomou 011 uonoammu; am 3111' monoxide 90m on mum 'peaqu qua.“ 3 ‘smgu ou mus 0H 'uï¬gs (1013 am an adders on new paquuwux numpnog “Athletic Youth"-â€"-A Sport Novelty "llut Dogs on lcc"-â€"A Krazy Kat Cartoon “Stranger Than l"ictiun"-â€"-.\'o. 55 Phil Boudreau Discharged 1- After Hearing. Magis- trate Warns Lzuwerâ€"No Impudence. A charge of reckless driving against Phil Brudieau. Game Warden. was dis- missed by Magistrate Atkinson in police court on Tuesday afternoon for lack of evidence. The case was lengthy. It extended over more than an hour. .3. E. Lacourciere prosecuted for the complainant. Omer Mathot. and Dean Kester defended. Throughout the case there was some disagreement between the Bench and Mr. Lacourciere over remarks the latter legal luminary made to the Magistrate. The Magistrate warned Mr. Lacourciere on [two occas- ions [hat he would accept no impudence from barristers. l Furthermore, said the Magistrate. ' Boudrcau was practically across the in- tersection when he was struck. I Then it seemed that Mathot tele- ‘phoned Mr. Boudreau and threatened Ito lay charges if he did not settle. The charges were laid after the telephone call. street and broke a power post. A. Godin‘s evidence corroborated tint of the previous witness. He said that Mathot's car was forty or ï¬fty feet from Preston when he saw Boucireau's car, which was fifteen feet from the stop Sign on Preston. , . Cross-examined. Mr. Godin had a difficult 13m. n reconcile his state- menu, that 1‘. Huh; was going faster than Mzithot and yst ; _: (“'"(l the ï¬fteen feet to the intersection .‘ the same time that 'Mathot covered t;._ “‘31)" or ï¬fty feet. The witnc. charged by charged by Boudi'eau in his capxciiy as a Game Warden. Mrs. Boudreau L30}: the stand. She said that Maihot, called and (1;:de to speak to her husband. He was rot in and Mathot told her .thai Mr. Dou- dmau had better come and see him and settle for ihe car 01' he would lay a charge against him. If he did not; go and see him “it would be just too bad.“ April lst. 2nd and 3rd BOB BAKER in “GHOST TOWN RIDERS" “TH E LAST EXPRESS “WOMAN DOCTOR" TE 1113 l’HON [‘1 '1): 01 xamined, Mr. 1.3111. .3 recon L 1‘. .J:‘.:: ‘vï¬ hot and y‘L " 11:: 1mm sectim . iMathot covcx: SECON l) FEAT [7 RI‘ Mr. Godin had a reconcile his amic- ‘V'JS going faster :L .3: (â€'"(l the ï¬fteen cciicn .~ the same covered i;._ “113* or SINGS-â€" Evenings 7.00 and 8.50 p.111. , April 'lth and 5th I’ROGRAMM E he had b lfls cap}: Sâ€"Al) L'L'l‘b' 401' j" :z: MaSCIoll Thea , I’l “0 ‘33 FRIDAY and SATUKDA‘ 3. DOUBLE FE.“ 0- ERROL FLYNN, BASIL RA 3’3 “DA WI‘ 1‘0 I3: “A‘I{IZON A 3. Starring 3- MONDAY and TUE: 'z‘ MIDNIGHT sum .g. DICK POWELL. ANITA L( 'i' “GOINI to. 'i‘ “ROAD : I" ’z‘ Starring RANDOLPH 5001‘ 9:. ll.‘ 1,â€; '§° WEDNESDAY and T" h: .g. BORIS KARLOFF. BELA L .110 i “SON OF Fl â€90‘ H. B. C to Pay Rent for Second Time 1n 269 Years Impressive Ceremony at Winnipeg on Occasion of King's Visit. Elk Heads and Black Beavers for King in Ac- cordance with Quaint Charter. ()nly ()thcr Occasion was at Visit of Prince of Wales in 1927. as We. our heires and successor shall happen to enter into the said Coun- tyes. Territoryes and Regions hereby granted.“ This will be the second time in the 269 years of the [Hudson‘s Bay Com- pany's history that this xental has been collected. The other time “as in 1927 when the Piinee of Wales was on a visit to Canada. The presentation will probably be the most interesting ceremony of the royal visit, to Canada. The romance and glamour of the Hudson's Bay C pany‘s fur trade in the North for mm 269 years is building special wrest round this rent payment by oldest commercial company in world. When passing reference was made recently to this section in the charter. there was at once question as to where and how the Hudson's Bay Company could fulfill the obligation, or whether something else would be oIicred in lieu of the terms of the charter. The Hud- son's Bay Company. however, took the exact terms of the charter as a matter of course, and from its great resources had no particular difficulty in filling: the order with a richness of decoration and detail beyond the dreams of the days when the charter was granted. The greatest care was taken to have the elk heads and the black beaver the very finest obtainable. 0.0 O O O 6.... O O .0†“.0 O O O. O. 00 o 000 O o O.“ O '00 O. O. O O O. O O O. O O O. O O N 0 O .9 '0. 0'. O O M O O O. O. O O O. O O 0'. O O O. 0. O O O. O .0. o .0 O .0 O O .0 O. 0 O 0.0... O .0 .9 to ‘0 “‘97 AGAIN Mascioli Theatre, Schumacher MONDAY and TUESDAY. APRIL 3rd and MM DUDNIGHT SHOW, SYNDAY. Al'lill, tlnd DICK I'OVVELL. ANITA L()l,'lSlC AN!) ALLEN .II'LNKI'INS in Starring RANDOLPH SCOTT. GLENDA FARRELL and HOPI‘ HAMPTON “WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. Al’ltll. Bill and (ilh BORIS KARLOFI". BELA LIIGOSI and BASIL l{.\'l'llli().\£l‘ DOUBLE FEA'I'ITKE PROGRAMME ERROL FLYNN, BASIL RA'l‘llBUNIC .\.\'l) I)_\\'ll) NIVICN IN FRIDAY and SATURDAY. MARCH 3151 and Al'lill NEW EMPIRE Thursday, March Imthwâ€"Lusl Slum mg “THESE 'l‘l-IIRI‘ l9" Starringâ€"MIRIAM HOPKINS .HHLL MM'Rl-A MERLE ()BERUN 'l‘hcro “'ill be Sunday Midnight Slums. umli-r nlll' Ni-w (‘om- munity Priceyâ€"Only at Midnight Shims, I'\'(‘l‘_\’0l|(t will be ('lmrgml 235v. , Starting a New Serial Wrdnchay Thin-«luv. April 51h 6: (31h “l"lGll'l‘lNG DEVIL HUGS“ Nu. I Wednesday and 'l‘hursday, April 3th and 61h “SING YOU SINNERS" Starring BING CROSBY, Fulï¬l) Mac-MFIUKAY, LIJJ'LN IDIU'LVV Starting a New Serialâ€"FIGHTING DEVIL IH)(LS"â€"â€"-.\'u. 1 Sunday .‘fldnight Shows under (Mr (ummunity Prices ALL SEATSâ€"250 Friday and Saturday, March 315! April Isl “YOU CAN’T HAVE ICV’IJRY'I‘IIING†-, Starringâ€"DON AMECIHC. Iu'rz Imus .uul' ALH'IC mm: Adllltb' . Childrc Sunday Midnight, Monday and Tuesday April 2nd, 3rd and Hh “HEART OF THE NUR'I‘H" “SON OF FRANK E N STE IN " AND “ARIZONA (:UNFIHH’I‘ER“ Shortâ€"LAST ()l" DIFK 'l‘lt.\( Starringâ€"DICK TR. H Y, (.l mu \ I)" Ks().\' “llimbcr Halrmmm s ‘ ‘Vauchillv Inttrlum†“DAWN PATROL" AN!) “ROAD TO RENO" “GOING PLACES Starring BOB S'l‘l'll‘lLl‘ 'I‘ELEI’H()NIC 17:} PHONE (30 )lTl in- the th: 1E 01‘C( THURSDAY. MARCH 3013: anU 1' 200 HIGHS D WC IT bc park wh stone ga Wim Englam 23c Adults 100 (Thildrvn VG ha 1' l] {1C m pa 11 id in g iC acl 1m 'Did 5 m I.h( Ill all pa 16 mm .00 11 Healingr Sahq- (ur I'suriasis. lmpvlim 1H. and "msl skin l‘lll'I (H‘III'IR ï¬ll†I) immins. ‘ l'nrcupine “c.3035"; 9.00 o 0.. 9.0 o.«.u.«.o¢.«.u.oo.~.w:’ dew 1( SERIALâ€"~51) later than Mmlium and strung). ."rhumm-lwr and South 0 Drug: Stores. 11' 11' 7W a fair guess that :mmon about the 3' when the Com- “Nonsuch.†anch- licir zincicnt coat- cr and elk sym- bcncath each elk wing inscription: His Majesty King the Governor and tires. of England 3 Bay under the r grantcci by King md to their first cri 2nd May 1670, :11) May. 1939." w i ll arrive ‘from nony which takes 1 a small historic it? only remaining "ort Garry. once a re and hcaciqnar- nt of Rupcrtsland. landscaped and r the occasion. 9V .110 npa are choice are gleaming mum‘s collec- elk heads are :i shields from for ten feet. methihg over many-pointed 3rd to handle. biy be merely 3’ when the (flumidc Raul ‘h‘alt Rheum uilmvnts. 50c FOR SKIN DISEASES wants doing , P. Ashley )x'mal cere- . The fact 'd and was who drafted f whom had and heave: 9 remains a ' guess that 11ml Tod a) lin H0 Sc 1939 Mt Rash. Rheum. SHOW