Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 27 Mar 1939, 1, p. 6

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ngooooanooooo0.9990000096 3:69:60.90903390090900» 69090099900990.099999009965 United Movers ”0.90%.. OOOOWW I‘“‘\‘\‘C\\\\‘ x\\\\m\\\x\‘\mm\\\\\\wmm (-IFAN ROOMSâ€"BY DAY OR WEEK H Theatres l I ‘I ll ‘I‘ll ‘ OzOOO‘OOzOOgO:O§§§§§3009900900009000 :6 000000090.960396099969009.0009000999006000000002930090 .0909009 0 00060 90 9990000 O0000009000OOOOOzOzzQOzzOOOOOOOOO 0 00600 06 1mmms .0090. Last Monday’s Correct Answers and Winners . ._. __._. ~‘--â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~- :000.O.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO06009099000000OOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOO0.9.0600.000900999000900.00.009099900099909...OOO00.000900O6 90990009000OO009000000090000.006000009000900000000000000000$000000. Satisfaction Guaranteed PAGE SIX The winners are asked to can at The Advance omce any day before 6.00 p.m.. when they will receive Two Theatre passes each. (’ornor Spruce St. and Third Avenue. Timmins Phone 324 I i sXSSXSS\\\\S\S§$W§WVX$\\S$‘SfiSSSSXS‘1S-VVSSSVWW“ The first‘fix'e correct answers opened were from: MfiVl NE Scotfls Grocery ‘nrrut (ms\\01‘ for last Mondays Contest 63 B nrch S t . .\' Likv all gum! drinks Coca-Cola is lmttlml in 'l‘immins exclusively I T'S Good BOTTLING WORKS 0- w. R E I" R [*3 S H I N G "I 1 6f) (‘ummorciai A we. ' FREE DELIVERY THE KING EDWARD HOTEL 15 Pine Street S. Timmins (formerly Mike‘s G moery) PHONE 2611“ (Jive Us a Trial :TEMMINSE the Year ‘Round MARY Sl'DlIN. 10 Birch SL, Schumacher. CLARA MORANDLV, 15?. Mountjoy Street South. GORDON HATTON. H Toke Street. Timmins. MARY ELLIES. 45 Fourth Avenue. Timmins. MISS K. MILLER, 56 First Avenue. Srhumachcr Bonita Granville, name in Bill‘s Taxi ad- l._vnnr (‘arver name in Anne Graham Logan's ad Low Ayn-s name in Harvey Graham .1: Son ad- Maurice Chevalier (PW Drmai SUmP by Phono 646- VERY REASONABLE RATES Quiet Atmosphere f4’§,HANo.cu1 AND INDIVIDUALLY muonso‘ ‘10 YOUR rensouu MEAsuuMIms NO SPARS NH MARKS MQYie-Memory Contest Is the only safe method of enjoying “Howie” Beauty‘ by removing from face. iegs. :1; ms and underarms Patricia Knowles Dermatologist ()wr Mnisloy Bull's. Druggists 36:: Third Aw'. Phone ‘2"95 SUI’ERFLUUUS HAIR isfaction. Estimates gladly giv- en. You‘ll find our prices most reasonable. The pine teed A larn so. stoc pxefel mack measuremen Branches: Hamilton, London, Sudbury, Toronto. St. ("atherines COATS ANNE GRAHAM LOGAN [C m pirv Block BEAVER FUR LADIES’ WEAR 60 Bottled Exclusively by 201d Belt Brewery ELECTROLYSIS ! only furriers in the Porcu- district doing fully guaran- work on the premises. ARS 1:. ”much" mks . lcxwruucxm mcsl'ms (:I'ARANTEEI) In 200 Hair RICMUIHCLLING REPAIRING RICLINING Hour at on hand or if you 0 your individual at no extra cost. Bellamy Removed ;fied customers of perfect sat- 93 gladly giv- as! of Phone 1160 00 (me NOTE! We have moved next door to larger quarters where you are invitod to inspm't our complete Spring Display. 10': Balsam St. N DON'T THRO“’ AWAY YOUR TIRES. “'E (‘.-\.\' FIX THEM. FLA T'I‘ERING Good “'ork Cor. Pine St. and Fourth Ave AGENTS for STAN WALKER LIMITED. MANLTI‘“1\(‘TURING Fl'RRIERS SINCE 1873. MRS. E. DUROCHER To celebrate the opening of our new store we are offering the ladie's of this district unusual values in Furs. Every one 01‘ definitely advanced styling. Will be a style leader for 1940. In- spect them today. A small de- posit will hold any Fur Coat un- til wanted. N E “' HATS STYLE SHOPPE NOTE: Special Children’s Matinee on Tuesday. Mun-h 28th at 4.30 p.m.â€".-\ll Children 100. With Basil Ruthlmne. David Niven. Donald Crisp. Melville Cooper and Barry Fitzgerald Henry’s Vulcanizing 20 Wilson Ave. (Filmed Howgcood Is Your Memory â€" Can You Name These Stars 7 Of Advanced Styled To-night and Tuesday. March 27th and 28th ERROL I’LYNN in NORTHERN“ AUTO PARTS 51": Third Ave. Q FITZGERALD GASKE'I‘S O REI’I'BLH‘ GEARS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED H YACIN THE MILLINERY REPLACEMENT PARTS and ACCESSORIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS and TRUCKS Mudv to your Individual Order TELEPHONE 560 Madeleine Carroll Melvyn Douglas FURS FURRIERS Palace in Bvautiful Technicolor) DA WN PATROL” Quick Service STYLES LSKl‘j'l‘S Q BUR!) PISTON RINGS {S O GOODRK‘H FAN BELTS “'HOLESALE -- RETAIL Edward Arnold Phone 296 Timmins THE pom UPINE ADVANCE. TIMEMINS, ONTARIO GRAHAM’S SINCLAIR the VA LET X-RAY FITTIN_G 2 Pine Street N. P! H A R V E Y 9 Balsam St. N Films left at our Studio before 9.30 a.m. will be ready the same (-vm- ing lwforv G p.m. All VVnrk Guaranteed. Calvin Jones New Spring Styles are Here “Federal Man Hunt” SECOND I’EA'I‘I'RE “N an‘cy Drew, Detective” Bob Livingstoné and June Travis in with CHARLES STARRE'I‘T FIRST CHAPTER 0!“ THE NEW SERIAL “'ith Bonita, Graxfi'illv and John Lite] GRAHAM ROYAL STUDIO Winners announced next Monday pictured here. Send your answer to The Advance addressed Movie-Memory (‘on- test before 9 mm. Friday stat- ing the correct names and the ads in which they appear. The first five correct answers taken at random from the box or sealed entries on Friday, will be declared the winners. Read the Advertisements. Find the correct names of the stars For Having All Your Car- ments Cleaned By E's Nancy Carroll KEEP SPOTLESS WIT" $5. 8: $6. Each Winner Will Receive Two Theatre Passes. Black and 3 Shades of Brown. 18 Styles to Choose from March 28th and 29th 9-HOUR SERVICE Tvlophone Tonight March 27th “Call of the Rockies” SHOES FOR MEN “Zoro Rides Again” Goldfields RULES TELEPHONE 531 Opposite Town Man'on M Irene Dumi Phone 2150 Phone 11 "all SON I’hono 417 “Community Priors“ livery Day at the New limpirr Theatre. A “Dirk ‘l‘rm'v” Serial [ivory Wmlm‘s. and 'l‘hurs. MATINEE: Adults 25:0; (‘hildron 10: EVEN'G: Adults .250: (‘hildron 151' There will he Sunday Midnight Shows under our New ('ummunity Prices -â€" only at Mid night Shows. m'rrynm- will (-hur‘rd 25¢. 59c 5132;. i335.“ $1.00 Pmm' Luxm SMART SET DRESS SHOP Phone 970 EMI’I IU'I BLK New Empire BAGS FOR SPRING Newest styles and (n MAR YOI'R A P PICA RAN ('f From 60 to 150 hairs removed permam-ntly in one hour at a first of 83.00. Does . . . Unsightl)‘ .-\.\'E SISTERS. .na‘ll‘xrmcv LYNN and (‘L-H'DE RAINS ELE(.‘TR()LYSIS Thorpe RADIO Service 22 Pine Street South ART DOUGAN Radio Service l0- mgnt and 'l'ucsdzu Mauh; 7th and ’Sth FOUI’ DA U( H’I‘ERS" Mail Order alr Reginald Owens All Work Fully Guaranteed b-nig’ht and Tucsdz Pa ri S Shm 0paut .- -â€"3y TELEPHONE 17f} Paulette Goddard U )C/ ”ONE Shirley Starring Filled Promptly -â€" PHONE 813 2‘) Phone 10‘ Third A W. REE!) BLOCK l’lNl-Z ST. S. 1625' )lors ‘) 5) 5‘ I .69 “North of Boston" c1914): “Mountain Interval" (1916» ;' ”A Way Out" «a play 1917); “New Hampshire" «1923); “West-Running Brook" ( 1 9 2 8 ) : “Selected Poems" 41923}: and "A bone Striker" ‘1933p. of Robr the spex a poet if Michigar The pt realistica ti li he retire took an 1916 he In 1885 he moved to Lawrence. Mas- sachusetts. where he attended public schools, and 1892 enrolled at Dart- mouth College. During the years 1897-99 he was a student at Harvard. and in 1905â€"11 he taught English at Pinkerton Academy. Derry. New Hamp- shire. After that he was a teacher of pyschology at New Hampshire Normal School at Plymouth. for one year. and in 1912 moved to England where he spent three years. It was in England that. his first volume was published. and later his second works. Some of the work of his first volume was denied publication for twenty years, while parts of his second volume remained unpublished for ten years. Upon his return to the United States he retired to a farm in Derry. where he took an active part in farming. In Sunday. March 26th, was the 64th birthday of one of the greatest living American poets. Robert Frost. Robert Frost was born in San Francisco iii the year 1875. the son of a father who was a New Englander and a mother whose birthplace was Edinburgh. Scot- land. ,h at, posit SAND‘VH‘IHCS (‘IGA RETTES SOFT \anlnay have your‘ ourite Sandwich 0r (Iofl‘ee, Soup, etc. Delivered I’romptly Sealed Containers 'I‘RY ()I'R DELICIOI'S Smoked Meat K he once more eaching. bein at Amherst C‘ If You Like Buoks Fourth Avenue 10! 'I‘ELEI’HONE 1980 ZEmmEE<UEEE 2 <2 2 3:»: Z 4m m2â€"Zâ€"EE >oems of 'Robert Frost portray ally yet with fine reticence. the 5: life in New England. his work ole partaking oi the dignity of ne beauty among which he has great. deal of his life. allowing are some of the works rt Frost: “A Boy's Will" (1913): 10 Third Avenue Stevens Marson Billiards Men's and Ladies” Pin w Strut S IT’S ‘TOPS’ WITH CHILDREN Active growing children need the healthful nourishment of bread! Bread builds up that surplus resistance they need to protect them against common winter colds and illnesses. REGULATION EQUIPMENT Be sure they enjoy the benefits of good hrmd lwttvr tmturod broad! .-\LBERT‘S BREAD! [C X l" [‘1 RT REPAIRING Watches WISE MOTHERS TOO. WILL SERVE ALRERT'Sâ€"-(‘.~\KES. RUNS and PASTRY THIS YEAR TRY OUR HOT (“ROSS RI'NS [‘TES SOFT DRINKS Glenda Farrell liCh priced from s first, volume was denied n’ twenty years. while .econd volume remained r ten years. Colle 10°° 1E at o the United States in Derry, where he t in farming. In ‘etumed to the field professor of Eng- lege. Massachusebts. again resumed >er an interval the University fl.) 10 Free Passes Every Week AA‘A .......... the works I" (1913): Mountain '." «a play '1923); 'l‘immim fav- Hm Ill Jean Arthur of Sm Of as in Sky Block (Downs! :I i rh‘) The Dally Mailâ€""One thing thing only will serve Britair own armed might." keeping up with t a strenuous job a [11 town council ca engage a new < clllor Lawrence of ill health {1 and had been street home for before entering Cobalt. Mar. 27â€".¢81)eeial to ' vancelâ€"The condition of Low: cillor James Lawrence. son 01 mer Cobalter now residing in pine, and who underwent an 01 in the municipal hospital on S: is reported to be favorable. zu to Dr. H. A, Dunnings. undm care the councillor is a palimll. cillor Lawrence will be in hos; some time yet, it was reported. will be unable to take up his work at the O'Brien mine. wlw engaged as hoistman. or in at. his municipal duties. in the lm He will miss a special mot-ting Everyone likvs the skill r0â€" quired and tho (‘njnynu-nt that '4 studied game of hilâ€" liards afl'ords. If wunlml. Hu- lwst instmu-tion l'urnixhrzl. Cobalt Councillor Now Recovering Aitor Operation .\'() (‘IIARGE low so helped some. streets made dx'ivi Empire Block Tim min 1: Present an unusual army of watvh values! Men‘s. and ludivs‘ smartly styled movements of {:‘llzll'ullti'l‘d precision in both whiu- :md yrllmv gold cases. Billiards Kirkland Lake last week had t days of very emphatic spring thaw this caused flood conditiom in low-lying sections of Govm‘nnmnt F the town's main street. ToWnship provincial work crews. howwmz valiant work to remove snow and : and so prevent serious arm-ts- from flood. A tightening 01 (hr: wvutné: Kirkland Lake ”ml Sumo Flood Conditions Last Week F. Bauman David Niven 1‘0 RESERVE A 'ruxu Telephone 280 CEDAR S'l‘.â€"-Just North of Third a game of skill! 1800 Heated. (Tmnl'nrtahlo (‘ars Jame I‘imm RObCI‘L Montgomery MONDAY. M’ARCH 27TH. 1939 PHONE Lorot Phone 1873 lmttvr fluvourml Di Yom g in Porcu 1n operatic m Saturdag e. accordin mder whos. ,lY om plainin mths p351 The Ad he nd com) 1 for l slus m 111 R ‘oun lCC th H i. 16 111$ UH . 11 11a 11' f( m di If 11H l'.V

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