ll Strange-m “ 81 R09 W! R08. 20 Elm St. North 1100- Sundav St'hOO] 11.00 ()ddfvllnu U. M h ('n 4.15 p.m.~â€"' 7.00 pm.â€"-1 Holy Commu month. at 11 NH Motor 10.00 11.00 .OU 8!. Luke’s Evangelical Lutheran (‘hurch ida South Porcupine Finnish United Church A “Party “’4 Christian Svicm'e Society U PAGE SIX Finnish United Church 'l‘immins 00 W “AFFOIHI. H \l.l.. I!) FIRST AVE 1'11 \l The Salvation Army Rev. A. l. lloinonen. Minister ‘30 [ï¬lm St. North Phone l982-W United Church South Porcupine. Ont. BLOUI’. AVENUE. va. Jamm .-\. Lymé. Minister . um, Sunday Hrhnol {01‘ all abow unr The United Church, Timmins RM'. “1 M. Mustard. MA†8.1). Trinity United Church ‘ XI: First S l 'NHA Y ll ‘nrm‘r Church Directory St. Paul‘s Church Svhumacher Anglican (‘hurch \ll St. Matthew’s Church {P V Q. South Porcupine. ()nt. (NHSSOUI‘i Synod) .vv. W. H. lleinzc. Pastor and .\l rs, Officers: in ll ortlinl Wc-h-mm ulh Porcupine. Ont. F. “both". 0.0.. Bullish! Sunday Service: 11' LU rdi D4 4th Sunday at. 8 l-Ilm and Sixth Avenue . l. lh-inmwn. Minister v. Canon Cashing, B.A., L TI I.â€"-Adult Bible Class Hull, Spruce StrN-t North | Sunday at 7 Marriages by Sohumachcr :‘\ V A m.-~Public Meeting. 11“. Come and Worship M prdiully “'t-lromp ervnmv 'l‘u All 1m lptism 1M II p.11 my me (Jumr. m- Awaits Everyone D (‘orm hwaitc Charge. VV VI 1 on :st Sunday 0! on 3rd Sunday, at Sunday, at. 8.30 am. 10 pm mu n 1t 8.30 pm. in rnor of Main 1t Di School >01 Bible Cla Cadets Phone 1982-W l( BI). Minister Phone 1094 361‘“. 1939 ottage Praye South Porcu vitations re unday School {‘0 and Young 111p 'U 00 pm the Finnish 1p 71337 at U H Meeting. 1100]. Salvation 'Iombm‘ship 111 pm. mange- Iet them pathâ€: rs without \ll Eng 1dult ll for all hatsoev mama Kl 1nd 31' Street) Pcopl im: a 8011001 10.30 *onles‘ I I] thing 19:103.! Ad- 1i il mcl cl be are 'ood 1t h dm' if i710 cept posc exercising their democr to the utmost in the c sonalicies. It seems that once ' a by--3lection. Mr. Dre with having referred t Europe things are m in the Ontario lcgis burn and Mr. Draw :1 Lions out of each 0 That 1 week 118 shooting c death of a may devel- Washing demnation is settled {11 not. Mussclil‘ m iner Abe: Lime 111 axi Nhi On Grim: adher of mm: akia "b Czecho: mu’v lV‘ )l‘ 2C Ge aid 30111121 II How far will Hitler g plan? Answer those Iv you will be wiser than matic brains in the we On January 30. 1933 Chancellor of German) later Germany withd Rumu SHE LC k, nener from rot-urnir is a rather obvious why try and an: m Al‘ On 0 nma II I) lll‘ H' WE .lthOI‘itnli'iall h civilization of 1i If IC me mcmb '11 W E ll 1tral )Okf up W38 if 111' this country hem. Lot :31 lzaLlon of erhaps of md Cons W 18V 1t D C01] 0W 3T ll 1m: vak I] *1] C 1C to Germany lkia Lermcd ‘ 11's 31' m th me ‘oday mil met. a to the R01 ll memb Eur Ita 11K 16 ll ll] it' n. bl'L DE DI emec Hi has 111011 10 1 of the 131 mier Harm m qu count 1C m 'en 10 30. 1933. Hitler became Germany. Nine months y withdrew from the ions. In 1935 Germany every armament restric- 11 111 19 I) m Tl U W1 the world tod .111 :11' 11111 )us commentary-u . them? Why not- ay are Nazi sym- '.ry is better of! them go back to vatrv apitallz pk ll m ‘1 nt m 11. lened BC Lima SUIT U I) man 5' 11‘ ba. ’atic pr xchan: 1938 193' mil many gar astem anc W Lh D IWRS 1y .n'c. Mr. Jusy bitin Eurcp world O!‘ wo question: .1 the best, c' 1t 99 SI 150C il‘ n wantor W11 ic mm up '13 (l An [Opil‘ Reich ll' f::°:":":":":°§§§ Herr Hitler and 118 QU put 1110113 £8 m h X8C 1C 11' 111 111' 32‘ Mag must . of imp (hm bu Germany 1938. and 11 ht ofp be (1 h rief in normal Hep- n no. in I m h Nil mo H th COD in h 1V 01' Slo 111 1h an- the are l W 1H Ice 1n tl‘ full .1! m san lit: h and ll "When I was a child. I spake as a child, I thought as a. child; but when I became a man. I put. away childish will be SEI‘Ved by B1itain and ance American policy . without, excit ement, ed without provoc‘ b0 folk-wed. and i ALliUlLlC area and elseWh-ere; and. sec- ond. thzvv we. can. have no such assurâ€" ance from the power-mad. powzr-laden dictator of Germany and his associates in aggression. We sleep quietly with Bermuda and Jamaica in British hands. Imagine them in the hands of Hitler! And what of Canada? Arman abundant arms. and the re- cognition that our rights and interests will be served by the preservation of Le [)4 SON-Ob; 15 that. in the event of war or the threat. of war. they will not be. unprepared to speak and to act. The second thing. after arming. Is to realize that we shall serve our rights and our interests in the world if Britain and France are preserved against the pow-er of Hitler and associates. If Britain and France are forced to their knees. and if they should be compelled to surrender their possessions near our shores. would we be free of the danger of war? What we know. and almost all Atlantic mea and else and. thug we can. hav nnce from the Dower-1 M which and z when H Nuff said D‘ t6 ganizec with the Nations. method sumpti right )I ll' T he doubt 'll m 'agic men: mtinue L11 Acting" on nu I} 3‘ mn Baltimore N e w s p a p e 1' Points Where Duty and Interests 0f U.S.A. Rest. :ILi 1! 11' 1K 18 man W a cchuc Iaracter. J . we can know surely in the present .d. is. ï¬rst, that we have Ii 'cd in :0 with Britain and France for a ury and a quarter. though our in- :ts have at. times clashs-d at the ntic mea and elsewhere; and. sec- m (I with 15,4 the N31 ; and if, aequently b. heir knees, able world 1tion has ll. (lemoraj he Unit h’L 7 ant mull -.1 (if mean id Led, rlf-det n C2: from “In [0 I ~ ll 1'11 pa individual action by inited Suites is fur 31116 the United States h m1 ll From the Baltimore Sun) world now knows. beyond a beycnd all passlble argumen in with whom it is dealing. H :chueror of the most. ruthles {In i1 0 8d i. me .ght ¢ cu mm A‘am ‘J‘em JO '11} um J0 qua/m am u; ‘qum .11 cammvnï¬ IIUO endow mu, “.1131“ 1511113312 pum X 911.8 on $1 31an “pascaxam (I ’JSBA pun named 1513A m u; 33001 s; oneuu; 181nm 'pawmun suomuu mam mu; ummp uaaq emu pau dominion world m u themselve: m 3' If on our own in m lized .world. ’nitzd States to ll 1d etermination of ( taecho-Sï¬ovakia. 1' ument. complet-el wn treatment, of within the hon 31‘ day of )ll in he Suc n relc )m them prepar bun dal‘ ham it he licy. It must, be followe' smenzc. It. must be follow- n‘ovocation. But, it must, and it must, be followed In that course. and that lies Lhe safety and the - United States in the lone; 1 1' m am ha HEX! i2 u-bjugat Moravi: and pa ‘ervor ll ramâ€"A New York man wing 13 wives. He will l'UC Ifl( mu :1 ment ll is M] If hi ~1VE if Hi t! 1i. mean ma ill power. he will use that-e cism and brutality with 1‘ that marked his as- alism when arguing the W O W )I' 111C e purpose remains the is to seize power and n. The other nations List measure the man as to meet emergencies. leans of formally or- 3 security disappeared tion of the League of mg of Hitler and of tators becomes a mat- action by each nation. es is further removed ways u] of CC bel i6 3d actually mrld. And ntion can ' his pur arguing of the POLOCLiO willin :- I] )aim bl’l there Libe ll > L110 small 3.1 and the quite poss Britain and will not be the United 113mm I} ha pu ‘l' and associates n of dominion. n a, disorganized . the ï¬rst thing to do is to com- ts )t progmmmc on We should arm There is no ts against war. to argue. Na- an DOX'C 3m Hitlm 1101' impo and the re- md interests 9servation of must be the be follower lav *8 1' ore €11 ll most. ruthless o mastery by 30:95 may be for the rights Germans liv- ht )l‘ rman D£ Dl 1k. an ::e in the ash power » guaran- Thc only :0 them- important. 11' '3 in its ix†will make ll. [f FWQI‘ still to with- )ple who ' the two ISL their 11‘. with LOI'II and mtrolled. . nations rely (301118 :socia 3 Baltic ible. he IT I COIN- 'I‘EIIIC m POROUPINE ADVANCE. TWINS. ONTARIO :1 rgu- from s the Bub en 11' 1nd One thing that, should be. kept, in mind by- mose interested in home build- ing or modernization is that the best types of equipment cannon be bought and installed as it they were stoves or tables. While conditioning units come ’times. 111 every family there is at least one member who dislikes keep- in; windows closed, especially of bed- rooms. or who claims the constant coolness is uncomfortable. Finally. it has been found that even families suf- f'iciently well to do afford summer units aie disinteiested bee ause they leave city |homes in summe1 and find climate 'eomfort at summer resorts. Nevertheless. some success has at- tended use of modified summer condi- tioning through use of the. ventilating. air circulation, and filtering facilities of special units or winter conditioners. In 'some apartment houses. the problsm of odor ciiculation and the in istenee of many individuals 011 fresh air in «bedrooms has been met b\ withhold- (ing ducts f1on1 bediooms. And a. fu- ltu1e p1ospeet for residential summer ’ conditioning is in: heated by the increas- ling number of f01 esighted builders who put in winter units easily capable of being extended ofr summer operation. be! 'ba; is reflected by many commcr .units. Even in the. more expen! homes and apartments. complete sr :mer conditioning with cooling and Jhumidification. either by itself or conjunction with winter apparatus. :en adopted to a limited extent. 0 tacles to wider acceptance include a comparatively high cost'for both equ ment and maintenane e of summ r yeai-iound conditioning. and va1i operating difficulties in residential . crating difficulties in re.:ide11tia1 I that do not apply in commercial inst 11' I] units, residential premi: ‘fully insulated (adding to windows should be kept Limes. In every family least, one member who 1 ll Curb on Summer Use In addition to the cost. ho'bb‘o'le. how» ever. a number of other factor have served to hold demand for summer con- ditioning to relatively low levcls. To cbtain full benefit from the summer units, residential premixs should be greatest possible advantage from the public appeal of summer cooling. Winter Units for Homes It has remained for the residential field. through air-conditiomiig engin- :ers in collaboration with enlightened builders and realty investors, to demon- strate the year-round versatility of conditioningâ€. What commercial build-- ings have done to exemplify the nboons of summer conditioning. modern-equip- ed residences have done to show the practical effectiveness of winter air- conditioningâ€"the more or less second- ary function of commercial units. So far. however. residential installa- tions have not yet made even the mod- erate progress toward the year-round other public-use premises. gained momâ€" entum chiefly from demand for the cooling-ccmfort advantages of the sys- tems in summer. A great many of the systems installed also provided or were equipped for winter air-conditioning in conjunction with heating facilities. But this aspect and capacity of modern air- conditioning had a tendency to be sub- ordinated in the anxiety to reap the greatest possibhe advantage from the i‘tt‘l' air-ccnditionir flee buildings. other public-u emum chiefly cooling-ccmfoz trams in summ 1th) Better Atmosphere by Air (‘onditioning‘ 38. GODS Comm ,mits of )ly 11 1'11 honr progress toward reflected by n‘ n if enzr clas: ntres. are ND x'esidenti n applic resident contra (‘cmpact Units Sn a; am rac‘ SU it xpan md pla ia 1f 1f 'ntia) eq arger ax “I U :ial equipment. 9‘ get apartment. )1 homes of Canada an al nei 3.1K on 111911 n h pherc 7n summer 0 mg. v-ggtilr king faciliu' :onditioner 111 my Ited by of com ldings. ' appa .1011 t1 COD C m. M it HU‘R ll include the both equip- summer 01 shou 9 cost oxpensiv lete sum and t1‘ Opera 1113' a 1Lus. L. m. Ob. nn‘ m eld )m 11' 1‘88 om arc and 'ellmzs. )1 ne 5. «.1 NC "13111- De hf u n all at 11‘ in m .13 in bask friend ness 1 ishecl in chrome. The Shop): specializes in all types of furs, including Persian Lamb, Cara- cul, Bombay Lamb. Rice Lake Hudson Seal, mink striped muskrat, Kolynskl dyed muskrat and grey squirrel. There are also many of the new capes and jackets in fox which are so popular. as well as the finest. in silver fox neck pieces. The Shoppe specializes in mak- ing up individual orders. and will also make fur hats and muffs. At this season of the year. the store carries a line of spring suits and coats, and re- msdelling will be done. with designs taken .froz One cf 1 Shoppe is the only 1 1'01] DIUE ted 11‘ mirro natural harmon the wall Mr. Leg the inte new location on Ave. and Pine Officer. The in ticn is beamil‘ull Elegant New Store For Durwher Shoppe prov 11:11 fort [lll'E lave been 1:15:11 ionaibl Shoppe. h( humidi On Wh C 11' )Ill if *cncez In I ionin ,1. and cc .emal ru 3 Star E H m p nin 11' 1C Ix N111 W0 11 in U )3‘ Wfl all must the typ )Ol' in has 8mg tez'io alls nstalla ti [1‘ mply of )om Morning, Noon and Night . All Year ’Round \\ 1's to custom caLion on L pn .l 11 Plenty of HOT 'WATER 111' 0 opening 1 ; beautifully of mixed f 0 wish the s Dun 3m units adc ul-ated air l'iC ‘VE m 8.1 11' I‘h lll] ll Ul' em near Montreal. “eat for Conditioner ‘ case. [has oil burne: be e (11.81318) .vith bla 1V( II 11 (I ot-he it um 11' SD 1m bec Sill sizes .31 I] 11' CO (1 11 11‘ d flowers 1.? success building. 1.1m D furn 11' GU. 1'11 )wn 131 fen: n-makir 1C I] idC 111‘ p Ca 5‘ h de or 01‘ the new 10 uished. both for mfort of the c )19 staff is ready .hoc no mum and all he basen' 01‘ 1nd maintain winter. the C the humidi )ms W111 )CI‘ d coats, and re- 10. with designs advanced styles. features of the aking machine--~ 3 pair ky b1 COI‘I mes spend much “ensemble. the Wed with a teal ching occasional 3m wall. and fit- pillars, are long 011 mm the I) ', Tuesday. the orated with tall W ation of the unit. 31's were exhaus- xample. prior to 31' Plumbing. Hoatim,r and Sheet Metal Contractors Tl THIRD AVE. -â€" TIMMINS -- I’HO‘ ix Shoppe opened a Tuz‘sday at its rner of Fourth n 1m m Ere fir lars. are long w of the pat- )cr are heavy apartmer EU‘K 11 n n the fu 1.000. 3.000 and 5.000 watt heaters in eith- er circulating or im- mcrsion types. (‘zm be autumatieally eonâ€" lrnlled with a ther- mostat for continu- nus hot water. TIE sent by of the busi- il 11 mom 9 ba 3 paintings :st in their tings which 1e finish of painted by cool )lum'b E LECTRH‘ \VATE R HEATERS )ll m people ad tl' wall determn‘ ll done by and fin- the um the prop- iu H finish V9 ad )uch l‘l W Ill BIGGEST 16 ll IV in“ SMITH ELSTON pro: 111 bl cul: bui llati [T13 CLIS 3nd )l‘ l! 011g two 3 11V TIE fu t1 ll. 111C m in A letter from the National Presi- dsnt, Mrs. Cumbers, was read. advising) that the National Chapter had voted to purchase a plot in the “Peace Gard-en,"_ the park on both sides of the border between Manitoba, and Dakota, [0 com- convcnm'. Moran, M all other Smith. 5 during 1‘ I‘h of [hi Smith msp Ran the M m 11111 slonel' 'l‘omne) for Kirkland I. :11 01' Mrs. Sn: and enthusiast 1t; Kirkland I wars. and N01 There was a good attendance at, the regular meeting of Timmlns Golden Chapter Imperial Order Danghters of Empire held on Tuesdav evening. The meeting enjoved having present Mrs. R. W. Dabberman. of the 40th Northum‘serland Chapter I.O.D.E.. of Ordc Committees (‘hosen for Year by 1.0. I). E. 11 PU N a 3' ll n 101‘ Sick and Visiting Committ Gurneil, Mrs. G. Morin. 1\ H rcupim npomted for the 3 Membershipâ€"Mrs nvener; Mrs. A. >rwood. Ont.. w me of her siste mlock md Mrs. Lang. freshmentsâ€"Mrs. J. Geils. conven- 11'. 111111 irrival in town last Wednesday of H. Tommy. Northern Commis- r of Girl Guides. for her officiai ction of Girl Guides. Brownhs and [or companies of Timmins. South .ipino. Dome Mix 93 and Iroquois Mrs. Tcmney‘s visit, was cut by the sad message on Monday g h‘ ivin pita] Connnitnm~er O‘Rourke nor. Mrs. R. Anderson. Mrs. A n, Mrs. T. E. Pritchard. ertainmem Committee â€"â€" Mrs y. convenzr. Mrs. G. Lowe. Mrs M [er to Have Plot in the 9309 Garden. ISL COIIVGI‘ 11 Cd ival bf of Sealed Tenders will be received for meals to be delivered to Town Gaol. Tenders must be in Town Clerk’s office on or before 5 p.m. March 3lst, 1939. Full particulars may be received from Town Clerk. \' 1811' 0 UR SHOWROOMS IN. fl {’1 U mc! 11) mmnb Moadx W TENDERS WANTED Smith, who was a devoted dustic captain of Girl Guides 1d Ink-é for the past, seven Northern Camp Captain for 3w years. The I.O.D.E.. like who came in touch with Mrs. 3°rely sympathizsd with her severe illness. which meant. up of the Guide wcrk which 0 clearly. Her chewy. kind- .on endeared her to all and 0 Guides, who feel that they All sizes. from 5 to 100 gallons in gal- vanizcd iron. everdur nr monel metal 1th )Wi Jackt-t hraters for all size mum Gu frim {agent «Mr 3' (Mrs. W Family We] 18'; Mrs. irkla v. Mrs. u town 18 .l.\(‘KET HEATERS h :1! R \NGE HOII ERS message on Monday Mrs. ‘Dr.) Gordon M! Laksa Commis- , on Monday evening to attend the funer- who was a devoted ' assisting in )uncillors and assisting for , who feel .md leader m Blindâ€"~Mr 11 Mrs. E. R Committoéâ€"Mrs. J. Morin. Mrs. Rcbin- Hi BUSIEST TOWN OF TIMMINS Mrs. Th Booker r t Wedne 11‘!“ fare-Mrs. P Wmnc ck N visiting at. . W. T. Cur E. Dorway Oarriexwe. Mrs Traver) ans? built-rs 7 V THE LARGEST GOLD CAMP IN CANADA r.conven- 'I‘herriault 1' reported RV s. Dor- obinson Schu- all in- Tim M rs en he erect a memorial which is to be placed on the borders between the two plots. It is hoped the work on this project will be completed. and that the King and Queen will visit and dedicate this memorial while on their Canadian tour. Each Chapter of the Order is being asked to contribute a small amount. for the upkeep of this memorial plot. Tim- mins Chapter considered it a privilege to share in this memorial. memorate the more than 100 years of peace between the United States and Canada. Ihe Order of the Daughï¬rs of the British Empi States are to have a {tether the two org: Further springtime intends to announced 11 Pine St. I’. ll. .‘H'RI’IIY. (‘lvrk THURSDAY. MARCH 23RD. 1930 Ardena Cleansing Cream... light, soolhing; $1.10 to $6. Fluffy Cleansing Cream _. like whippea cream,- $l.l0 to $6. Ardena Skin ToniC~ cool,slimu|aling;$l.lOto$l5. Ardena Velva Creamâ€"“for average skins; $l.l0 to $6. Orange Skin Creamâ€"for dry or wrinkled skins,- $l.lO to $8 Sutherland TO ACHIEVE â€THE BEST plans were divussed for dance which the Chaptc arrange. The date will h “later. DRITCGIST J. Bert I’HON I". 327 LOOK†r in the United ike plot. and to,- thw 803 :mr >111; for 'im-