Bornâ€"on Ma and Mrs. Wm. ( northâ€"a 3.011. Born-~01) Ma and Mrs. 1'3"?†street, south (l Born---on Mn and Mrs. Jo-x- 1611;, Spl'uz'r- 8.2,] Try The A Bomâ€"â€"on Ma and Mrs. Fred avenueâ€"at Est daughter. Bornâ€"«(m and Mrs. 1) street. north a, son. Bornâ€"011 M and Mrs. Chi. Columbus an? Bornâ€"4m and Mrs. L street, south 3. son. Born-â€"on and Mrs. C; dock avenue son. Bornâ€" and Mr avenueâ€" Born and Mr south a ter. Ten Births Registered in Timmins This Week med iatc Mont ARE YOU THE MAN between 25 and 50 needed immerf'mv-Ij. FREE Salve.- mxl 11:; WANTEDâ€"-4 PAGE FOUR by rural ed dema Including Powder. ed Stock experienc ence not be 331181 sent a rehab! DEL. The A B \l..\\( Remus offers a! Liberal Allowance I an, / Trade [fin for a New IWVA illr .A.Remus HELP WA NTEI) 'wmmmm \\ “N l’.\\'ï¬ll‘2\"I 'r‘. U\' Ul'R DI' Id “15 LL! 'R DIVâ€)! l'l.,\.\' Phone 190 )39 rtisemenu 31 ladc )1 to Mr. l street :0 Mr Wilsor .talâ€"E )I' LI'CE M HT fIr of at. Site To her husband and two young sons 7085 a tribute of the sincerest, sympathy. Tribute Paid to the Late Mrs. (‘. Gordon Smith Changé colored W3 BL.’\(_'h’.â€"â€"Mc£ RAEâ€"I cf W. P. Back. M Lake Tcmiskaming~ Water Changing: in Appearance Mr (TR;\ 1‘ Hailc The Ac tinct c} Dumpe: 53 .11 h and nl S.I\.\'l'l'.-‘\RY N0 “'Al'l‘lN! SATISFAK "HUN (3: l'ARANTEEl) COAL OF ALL KINDS ll VC 201 Ra ilv. W3 1‘ NII'. I $1.00. 1 Or Mrs. J. D. MSG :nachsr. March l'nitod ('igar Hum 11 1 ha W 111 011 An R SALE W1 1T nought, that, z 5, created by (‘A RI) OI" THA NKS of 60 H Sullivan Transfer Wc ,ll amil “Scot ‘0'" RA RBE IN M EMURIA M IN MEMORIAM Jac l'SED AI'TO PARTS NICW' SPRINGS AND GLASS N xpla. and m :1 UI‘ QE â€"- TOBACCO SPECIALâ€" ounds Broken Virginia Lea 15 pounds 33.00. Five pound Burley Leaf $1.00. Postpaic avouring and recipes. Natur f Tobacco Co.. Lcamingtor lum to each gallon to mak. Bear. nowadays the same re lined with one and 21 ha] 10 water is 1::1'fcctly Clea masher 0L FOR SALE cffc rl mbcx' Street U1 DiK 1C llUIn M ma 1V ll ll' at' 1v \V R Y .W’ .C .A h complain whmh m: he water Lame M 1': W \ndrcws i SHOP 021 Temiskamir water in t1: an early who 192'? W 1E Jdd quantity of scda to neutralize the vith its tendencs 2 \vater‘hLd c: r- md mains. This actorily new. Mr. :30 Third Ave. NU WAITING h a. {11 Ma: y' SJ “D 1‘1) Spring 1d: brin icr way O I \V d .1 1. prc 3 V ll cSpecial L been a dis f the wate :zxming int he filtratiol 1T1 he behemd arm;- farm lained the and 1920 13' Timmins 111D U111 I] ncw. Mr 3 experi- 5 regard- 3e would break up ai superin- with m: that L‘ni l appur- the lak cut an h 191 €111 G or 8211'! If D SBI’VC â€10111 of scda )I’ L11 (‘1'! 511W as 30mm an in- ll Schu 1y 10v in the floods. .‘ open :e the wh to Wat,â€" mbcr- -23p. . her nu'e. paid ll'h‘ 1927‘ Mary W1 I] tl‘ dark U. 8.1 :Cll u m m his ion UD ish 11' af 11 I Mr. William Gibr‘on, of Toronto. Westinghouse Sales Manager. for On- ,tario: Mr. Nonnan Spccrs. of Kirkland ‘Lake, Westinghouse Northern Ontario representative; and Mrs. Bass. of To- ronto. Westinghouse Home Economist. are visiting the Lynch Electrical Ap- pliance Co. in Timmins this week. St. Thomas Timcs-Journal~â€".'I".:crc are other offences. however. which can only be suitably punished by applying the lash. Men who inflict physical pain in carrying out their crimes should be given a dose of their own medicine. There need be no fear that this will make their reformation an impo sLbil- ity. Men who are cruel by mture and who do not hesitate to show their brutality toward helpless victims. in- cluding sometimes the aged and in- irm When it was suggested to a local man that there might be more snow yet this winter, he simply grunted. and asked. “How could there be any more?" The Fiset trio. Kirkland Lake’s fam- ous triplets celebrated their fourth birthday on Monday with a. happy party to which a number of their friends had been invited. Mics Julia Herron. a visitor to Timmins Mrs. E. Robertson. of Brantford. spent a few days this week in town the guest of friends here. Miss Marilda G i.'avelinc of Fort Cou- longe, is visiting in Timmins. Bornâ€".At, Kirkland Lake. to Mr. and M15. H. W. Dunï¬eld. on March 16th. 1939~ a son. Mrs. R. W. Dobbcrman. of Torom-o. is visiting a; the home of her sister. Mrs. W. T. Curtis. and Mr. Curtis of - M12 and Mrs. H. G. Laidld-w rCLurn'xl on Monday aftcx spending .3. few woe ks 111 Momma], Q11; .bcc City. and Toronto. Cid-L W Mr. Jack Brady has rotui'n2d afmr attending the Mining and Metallurgy Convention in Quebec City. and spend- ing a few days visiting his mother in Mr. Urquhart spfnt a few days at his hem:- in Cornwall £1175 wack. M1‘. 1 Buffalo spendir s pend '1 4 Haileybury Mrs. Lothian and Mrs. Lang, of Montcith, were Timmins visitors this Dr. Sullivan and Mr. W. Sullivan have returned to Timmins after at,â€" tcnding the funeral of their mother at 19 Hemlock street from tending the Bruce Mixzc S 540 8 505.54 S 45 $1,068 81,00036 S 89 Other Amounts at Preportionatc Rates If You Borrow S 60 S 108 S 168 S 216 Mr. Walter Eccclsbonc has return-2d after an extended holiday in Miami. HIE O>Z>UH>Z @sz Om) OOZEEwOE Mr. Mosicr. of Toronto. is smud'ing a 8W clays visiting the T immins branch f the S. S. Kresge Company. Mil For Any L'seful Purpose Including Payment of Taxes th 39 Third Ave Phone 1870 See The New Lynch Electrical Appliance Co. for the reformers Monthly Deposits Provide for Repayment. '1‘. Allworth returned this “'3’." . a two m-onths‘ visit, with her htrsr in New York City. PERSONAL LOANS '. and Mrs. R. P. Kinkcl. of the llo-Ankcricc. have returned after ding a few days in Buffalo. SUPERIOR FUELS Apply to Nearest Branch of FOR GOOD COAL Holland Bros.. Proprietors 145 COMMERCIAL AVE. Westinghouse Pacemaker REFRIGERATORS 853 PHONE 212 nu Lang left, this week to . \ . tcw (1213.5 at her home 111 FINANCIAL Seasonal Needs You Receive 55.87 100.96 157.36 202.23 AT THIS HOME Ul" “1551151311015! Timmins O Schumachcr of Montreal, was This week. 2120 prom and in- il: 2 SL ~‘J- You Deposit. Monthly M 18 TEE POROUPINE ADVANCE. W8. ONTARIO high white collar cuff, even for Lh make undesirab! “Cellars and Cut After the Grea Duk dictatcrsi neverthcj model of he revealed LhaL hi not, so sumptuous St. area a total rel we catered to some undesirable parser our distinguished customers might b: annoyed.†A letter from the bank‘.< London manager sufficed. however. anc the visitor got his suit. That was more than 40 years ago and from all a:- eounts the same firm is not quite 5: "0110058) " today. On a visit to London not long ago the writer got into conversation with a West End tailor who told him that Lhe Royal Family divided its patron- age and that his firm gct its share. He hinted tlat royalty d3mandcd a we 1y great deal of attznti-cn. Incidentaly. he revealed that his firm paid for their King Supposed to Set Men S F as hians Traditionally our Kii ion for the well-draw"- civilizad COUilLI'iJS. B- Bi'ummeil, the then I cuff solved “Ah noses but was due he had turned ing a stabâ€: house and that them down on who had conic up. tailor. “But-y ty. the ncbilit we catered to Interesting; items About When Prince of Wales Did Set the Styles. ix‘. turning up the struck Toronto an “dead game .spor pants. The rcsula of ragged scam: trouscx 16;; cut. t Not, umil the ac Prince of W One version- up his [mug-e the lawn wa On 20 told m King '3 the Bank of Montreal. ow had made up his mind 1 from the man who mad-3 Hecalled at the shcp whcx ing politely, the head ma the visitor had an int-roduc ln-g that. they had bare: the bank man. rather ncttl pay cash in advance. "It's noL that. sir," ‘1 According to the governmental and meteorlogieal gs memen Spring formally arrived in Timmins on 'I‘uesd On the Lake Shore Road is was greeted as above. It K Ell‘ 11 “But. ycu nobility Prinm' .10 Ki! mstuous shop in the Bond total rental of about $30,030 The King's 'l‘ailnr H'L CHSC'I lmusing story It seems that l'l' lar Lha 1d it; L11 ' and L11 some ur l7llc0|1vcntimmi 011 at when he f0 {8.3111 1 W Wa “.8.“ ll'Oll m up wh 3 First Phone W218 11 111‘. aug .1 l' .ll W11 ll h turned 5 an L1, man ducti ien 01h ll 31 nah hc 'I‘HIS GREETEI) THE ARRIVAL OF SPRING Jot-weal“, 01‘ s seldom sc Lh I] 1T n t. )1] The 211 he ha men hi 1 up th 1315* disp‘ enLually 11c on bu y W 1f by L Bri is hion an W .111 \V a SL Wél IT tum turnc in if 11‘ UC 1] 111111 um I 111 3U 111 n 3y 11' if W 11’38 COB W and we wearing the K11 l'ashic-n' a “l 'i'oranto clubs. the Prince presently ap- pear-9d on Old Country courses wear~ ing'. atop his plus fours. a Fair 15-13 sweater. In no time British golfers shcd their jackets and played the “royal and ancient game“ wearing sleevlcss sweat- ers. leather wind-breakers and even cation shirts. Mcmhv-rs of tho ('n-vmvrativr l'uion of Canada A nonâ€"political association of genuine co-opcralivm K ( )f rou l’inC UNIX If jack 'itcr k O 1‘ 11' E (TORNFLAKES PAIN S.\.\'| \VAXEI) PAPER, 100 ft. xfnycd CONSUMERS CO-OPERATIVE $005333?" LT). \ (2)711“an for the Aged 'l‘immilu B‘rc'll and l'uurth ('rmral Order linnartmcnl 'l'izrmins 'l'mvnsitc w all in the SODA WAFERS ('RI'NFHIIC S‘YEE'I GHERKIN I’ICKHC 20 07,. jar Suni White 'I‘ISSFE ........ l rulls KI'IIJAHHFS .‘h‘fflRNIH'K'S TOM A'I‘U ES FRY BREAKFAS'I‘ (‘OCUA '2 II). (in GREEN 'I‘UI’ (7A R ROTS M USH ROOMS (XXL!l°’(H{.\'l.-\â€"â€"(.}()l.l) BUCKLE (.‘RISI’ (IELERY MANITOBA Cooking: ONIONS SNOW “'lll'l'li FLORIDA BLl'l'I (LOOSE BRAND ()RA NU ES, I FLORIDA 3110: an figur .lf W ll n DC wai: 0t} remainder had just the same chance to run a not so small proportion of the i. that serves them with their daily neeessities. Many of them are perhaus still the way in which other people run their lives for themâ€"hut there is 31 u them: they won’t take the trouble to run them for themselves, Yet. strangely enough. only l:2'»’( of the members of the Society turned up Last Sunday. thv mcmbvr: of a sociuty doing $726,006 01‘ the l gothcr, and redistributed back among thvmsclvcs all the surplu was done as a percentage of the amount (-zu-h had purchased not held. So far as they controlch the retail husmoss of 'l‘immins proï¬t. H. m-c-urrvd to me. last Sunday. lmwvvvr. that to take the truuhlv tn do it, and the rust nf Us Those who will take pan can stop them. If there's one thing pouplx‘ get all hvatod up about â€H money run things in their «m'n interests. and (lun’t‘ 35's Too Much Pressing 33:5 as a result of his visits to fluent. and to this city. Where :1 golf at the LambLon and :lu’bs. the Prince presently ap- .1 Old Country caurses wear~ [*0 DD eyes are turned on Gear ‘9 VI car a. lot absut what he is One can well imagine that has little interest in setting ut all will agree that with h's igurc and well-bred features. y looks well in anything 11: their In Lhi tarndian I Britm formal < FRUITS VEGETABLES of prct-emio :olf without. It. simply w a young E the Mississz o. and whc ugh very smazt in appur- 'rin:e was a bit too un- to suit, the fastidicus Lan- Msrc Li‘nn once he was (coat with a dinner jacket; er liberties. IL was Liv: say. who broke down some rcntions regarding sports Not. many years ago na 98 1N Who Runs Socieï¬y ClOLhCS wh inclined to lounge suits connection usions woulc to be hoped groundhcg L snow piles. ()\'.\l.‘TINE Mcdiu m 380 thou isn't (10m.Thc )glishman who uga Gslf Clui). wore his golf large Size tion a 1C :h punctii which 111 to let L113 ms" bag at ,ncrlcans puncLili- U that Spring isn‘t 1i} 3 be scared away by (Advax the trnul-lc to work together cu-opvrutiwly It 1 m 11C) I] I64"! 705. 70%. hunches bunches lacking men (.11 days. 1 are stnl m bu nd that constant ons is harmful t< 5 lbs. Small 351' )ndon doz. H). We 1 male :0 than Bll In's Streets. tn. in the number aL one used t At Royal Ascot ui 551C s)( h. )c 31¢ 17c U .50 tolc hav he th (10 the bear e shadov l‘hl h n'l n (3.006 01‘ UN? retail husim ail the surplus carnal in purchased not as an unliy RUBlN HOOD {Non l’rrmium ROLLED (HTS 1115‘ OUI‘ L-mn \ EAL ('HU FVHANK LESS SMOKE!) l’l('.‘\'l( PORK Bl?’l"l‘h‘ Shoulder and Blath- ROAST BEE!" H BUS'I'OV RIB ROAST RI†6: â€RISING J UNIUR FOODS TOMATO SUITI’ A Y LM 1*} R W E E K AYLMI‘IR TOMATO J U I(,‘ E, ['5 CORN KERNICLS. 2‘ TOMATO ('.\'I‘Sl7l’ INFA NT FOODS VEGETWBHC S0! '1 .\ Ylï¬llili ('llUl’l’l'.“ \YIJII'IR A Y L.“ I‘ll: S'I‘RA l .\’ I'll) \Ylflll'ili 11' "\ Y1...“ ER GOLDEN ’KI\llil)~â€"-â€"|{UI.LI§I) AYLMICR \ \ L.“ [CK {“1‘ days. it's care at damn .m- probably uhlv to do thi lwczlusv We (10:11 want to t: O 1‘ \V6 E AS ('A RRU'I‘S R11 ('03 W 13' 11]] O' JLa. 1nd on 11:18:! with the L' rd f scme $30 bout. 1.800 in ll VEAL ('H()l’." 1 form 1Lh3rnm 11' (l retail husim I'YIJ I] [her the} Cll IE 11' the way mmmpulisl about the rust of Us Lil Imsinms in the ramp mot tuâ€" rarnml in a )‘I-urs husinvsm This s an unlimited (lividvml on shares' Thry had dun:- zm'uy with private 11‘ .l I) I‘ll" W 9 n ll MUV 1 NH ()u r 8 BANNI'IRMAN .‘\\'l‘ -l( Dodd’s Delivery 3T it ICX(X\\H\'I‘I()NS STORE DELIVERâ€) ur Trucks urv at your disposal du) or nigIntâ€"Jimmonumo Hales CALL 557 at ï¬r THURSDAY. MA! A N D TRA NSFE R ut Amc lun‘.‘ TIC“ at â€It usincs Dom)! of (‘vory dwcriptiun I) :1 dV‘ l3 "muw Hwy want lhv lruuhlv to. m: and n mm'lin in the over the hundred 1 me over 07.. but . ml mt-n nf the- (‘amp “Palll'd at answer to 1 (ins 18c W11 tin tins tins 12kg. 21c HAULING mm “'1†«:rccds ‘uiivv Mpcifl)’. ll) H) "10H†W11 HS i)! 0/. tins ND old Vikings. mainland of of years be- Kin 'I‘IMMINS aâ€"H )C 2% He 15k ll HI In“ Maj :ncn H 3)(’ 0C )C ill H' nest im- can hu- of white m Dan- 3 other has the '1d. the Iceland )l' will be in May 3p scldier. celand. spend- month. 0th5- he law 11' 1.000 d can U m