Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 23 Mar 1939, 2, p. 2

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necessary amount. Ti important during ch expectant, and nursing Extra amounts of on be required if cex'ta. .findernutrition or dise '4'th have been lackin curative as well as 1): leristics. Box:- 5. C. JOHNSON SON, LTD. fi: BRANTFORD, CANADA If you prefer Johfi‘icâ€"Jn's liquid '7' flax pay the regular price ior .5 , one pin! and get V3 pint FREE! \A‘ .Eébflfihree eggs. One cup caramelize: . Salt . Three cups hon milk One teaspoon vanilla Six slices of mead. Beat the eggs eno1 yolks and the whites. milk and flavoring and mel is dissolved. Lin with bread. pour in L1 Salt. Pepper. Butter. Paprika. One can shad roe. Beat the eggs. add the cream and season to taste with salt and pepper. Melt one tablespoon butter in a heavy frying pan. pour in mixture and stir over a low fire until just set. Turn "ut, on a hot platter. sprinkle with gamma and arrange on each side a la‘oe which has been lightly browned on goth sides in butter. .~ .- Caramel Bread Pudding .‘l SUGAR TOMATO E rectly ex; pend upc radiated wux'ou WAX AND sav: mun FLOORS! son will choice of milk. eggs some mea fats. just t wi'th attra sured. W D. all nee ;' Dr. Harris' q answer.to .vcm: Uness mealth One-quarter cup cream 12’} to '01! 11C 3 name 00d nu n‘ vi mate St'rambled Eggs With Shad R00 Well-Balanced Varied Diet Prevents Much Illness and is Also a Builder of Strength. Variety is an Essential in Foods as Well as the Spice of Life. Necessity to Consider Vitamins in Daily Diet- PAGE TWO amin D 31' boa rats .01 By EDITH M. BARBER ma 1r ’0U 81‘ 11 m his back. "Vitamins." he Macmillan Company HUGH eggs enough to .he whites. add su avormg and stir ur ho. 14 '1 Sugar Contentâ€" xe wmtes. add sugar, salt. voring and stir until cara- >1ved. Lin-e pudding dish pour in the custard mix- 0d pro mount. during 1E D6 with salt and pepper. zoon butter in a heavy r in mixture and stir until just set]. Turn platter. sprinkle with range on each side a m bt V81 31 mm L. m 10 m 1E eptio the :1 by :ption of vitamin the normal per- ; by the proper food. Plenty of and fruits; with lrs. starches 'and which provide us are needed daily. ese days in this 1 conditions of se exist. because . Vitamins have vennive charac- dhood t mothers W3 g a house or window Bmem 0r vitamins may conditions of 01 ad. asked h important ‘nd pepper. in a heavy 'e and stir set. TUrn I‘G 1111) nix )V anc‘ pon ir ‘ide th icularl, We 11 0 Don't delay! See y0ur dealer to- day.‘J9hnson's Wax gives your floors, woodwork and furniture life- long beauty and protection against wear. In 100 ways Johnson's Wax wilt save cleaning and dusting- making your housework easier. 1-- would panes an m both be sent to the Old Land in com- pany with a manager to compete with the best. in the British Isles. In addition to the first and second prizes at the International Plowing Match-Salada is giving twelve other Ell EVE In Ontario County and Branch com- I petitions each leading horse-plowman will be given a $10 cash p11ze and the p: ivilegc of competing in a special ev- ent in the International Plowmg Match to be held this yea1 in B10ckville.1 h- At the recent annual meeting of The Ontario Piowmen‘s Association held in Toronto. Saiada Tea Company promis- ed to make a substantial contribution towards the promotion of horse-plow- ing in this provinceâ€"and in fact all Canada. In Ontario County and Branch mm- Salada Tea Company Sends Plowman to British Isles . HERE‘S a frock that would go well anywhere. It is of navy sheer crepe; with a crisp lingerie collar that is de-! tachable. It buttons all the way down :- ln front. The sewn-down pleats startf at the hip yoke. flaring out at the} knee. Three little horizontal inverted! pin-tucks at the centre front are re-l leased the sh The gra t Brockv nd silver aces no: come from cxeam alone. The next thing might, be a law pro- hibitlng the use of the woxd onion" in the sale of any such pxaduc ts as were not gxovm in the county of Elginâ€"only we cant imagine Ottaxxa Libexals be- ing much in favouz of that law. The next thing Iii-biting the use 1 the sale of any ; not grown in the court and show does not, come I mi‘k because a goa butter than a. cow. Now we admit, th remark but it is n making a cow the 0 car" by law. Imagine breaking you referred to a cor uct as “pea-nut bu L awards ranging from $25 to $5. :115 friendly gesture to the farmers Zanada should be great, news to 'y plowman in the land. h bu COW O n ture and set in a pan of hot, water. Bake in a moderate oven «350 dam Fahrenheit) until the custard is set. about 50 minutes. Ta caramelize sug- ar. stir the sugar in a heavy frying pan over a low heat until melted and light brown. «Ccpyrighx, 1939. by The Bell TO-DAY’S FASHIONS 1 better hould b‘ 'loat Very Much Better Butter Than the Old Cow l1! ntlemcn from Qu bill confining tr "RC nt. The sewn-down pleats start 2 hip yoke. flaring out at the Three little horizontal inverted :ks at the centre front are re- at the bust and three folds finish 5 milk [E ate. Inc (‘an Go Anywhere Fr: m Toronto Tclcgram) 'red to a pea-nut 1 take a Baal respectively and to the Old Land in c champion anc‘ will be awar MP. Le 31' IE dic 20mm bu tte ha award jud 3r law becau. a1 food prc: one mnl L3 be gi‘ ,mitation 1y to go: ha ' the war aimed {1‘31 nary in will IFrcm Sault Star) Proving that at any rate they were not superstitious. Japs 1351. week filched i500 wooden idols from the Flowery Fbx'est Temple in Canton. They were {manned not by the beaming images Ithemlves, but by [he 31.500000 worth I Jttel‘ but- Japanese Not Superstitions But Carried Away Idols the m iall he needs is a. good tonic to carry :him thiouah the difficult, w: eks until :summer. and your physician is the one {to suggest the tonic. But if you have :not. the wherewithal for such advice, lone of the most 1eliable tonics is good :old- -fashioned cod- liver oil Your drug- Igist will tell yo 11how much should be given your child each day. according to , his age. 3 Body and Head Massage Soothing ll Once a 11 aek at least take the 111113 ito give 30111' infant a thorough body and scalp massage. Follow this pro- cedure: i Unless they are fortunate enough to she living in climate of warmth and isunshine. wee tots will feel the drag of {long winter months. just as do adults. {And mothers must give them special 'considerat-ion and keep a sharp eye on their health. Whenever you can do so. have chil- "dren play in the sun even though it is ‘cnly on a patch of sunlighted floor. If ,‘ they play out of doors in cold weather ‘rub their little bodies well with olive .oil before you dress them warmly. And ldo not send them out to play directly {after their morning bath when the ’weather is nippy. With pores Opened they can easily catch cold Which might hang on until the warm weather ap- pears. dragging down their vitality to. an alarming degree. ] Tonic is Advised 1 If your child seems to be listless and 1 irritable. sleeping fit-fully at night. you should take him to a reliable physician, for a physical examination. Perhapsi all he needs is a. good tonic in narrv. otherwise in: table £3 a napk slices and c guest: will lap while d to be to ta slices and small cakes on the table. so the guests can help themselves. Then bring in the cups of tea. which you have prepared in the kitchen. Give each guest, a napkin, of course. It a friend draps in unexpectedly. fix a tray in the kitchen with a cup of tea on a small plate and Answer - Serving tea informally does not. require a tea service; but. you really need a small table. This van he a bridge table. A ten wagon. too, is very convenient for serving tea. At. an afremoon bridge, place a white cloth over the bridge table. put the cream. sugar and lemon slices and small cakes on the table. and saucer in i/ I serve on separate plat a bit azclzwan table. but I them a small Thanks [or i. Elk :111 th The Vitality of Tiny TOtS‘LQOWBI‘S During Late Winter Months. ’l‘his healthy little fellow is anticipating his body massage with ls described in to-day‘s column. 83f me of (If! rinki one on a small plate and n and the sugar, lemon cam and cookies. The 101d the plate in her inking the tea. But it and the food; ea on the din- he tea. But it we guests are 1 need a table 3 cups, plates. by PATRICIA LINDSAY Try The Ad of gold with which they were plated. This will help the shrunken reserves of the Tokio exchequez'. Deanna Durbin. child actress from Winnipeg. received $129,675 pay in 1938. Her salary was disclosed in the annual report of Universal Pic- tures Co.. Inc.. filed with the Sc. curities and Exchange commission (Copyright 139 cate, Inc.) ' n Washington towzl and sit him on your lap. With him leaning against. your chest massage his tiny scalp with your finger ‘ tips in rotary movements. Be‘sure yOur [fingernails are not long! If. you wear them long by all means wear a pair of clean white cotton gloves when you work on his head. After about. five minutes of this {soothing treatment. brush his hair up- fward away from the scalp witha good brush whose bristles are not too soft or too stiff. But. brush up. way from. the-head and not. as the hairgrows! downward. After you have tucked him [into‘ a bed with fresh linen and“clean blank- ets. air the room well and shut out‘all light] Your child will 'ge't’hou'i‘s’ offgood I rest and the olive oil left on his body is; good for him. ' I The next morning. do not bathe! him with soap and water. Justrub} his little body well with a fresh‘bath: towel to wipe off any excess 011_'andp the normal secretions of the night. Ia salon. Then wrap him up in the After a good claiming bath in early evening. let your child New 3 bed )n which you have spread a large bath towel. See that the room is well heat- edâ€"-a little warmer than usual tem- perature so he will not “get a, chill. With either olive oil or mineral oil which has been slightly heated. rub his entire body slowly and gentlyâ€"~wi-th the same massage movements you would get 1t Emma “gnaw. 73.3.5343. oznmro Dianna Gets $129,700 3110: Want ”armaments by The Bell Syndi- NOWLSpring clearance ol a limited number of ranges at special prices After a sexies of contexenc as. discus- sions and ques tionaire s. the club de- cided th‘at‘Qmong the things mznrbeI-s want anddo not. wam in their ideal house were: ' I How ver. the Beike Zey group has en- 1311 waged an architect. decoratoi land- 15-3123 dcaighar and a building contrac- lto r. partly- for consultation and advice .but chiefly to carry out the actual 'buildinz of a house accovding to the ,speciiications evolved by the women 1 Revealing Survey Already the club has carried out a most illuminating and. in many re- spe egts startling survey of the featuies ,that they want and do not want in 1thei1° model 1101159.P..1itic111a111 in te- :gard to the items against. which the women are definitely set the <11113y has proved most 111f01mat11e and should prove alrjilt to many builders and equipment men. For it shows that to a surprising extent. the features 01‘ house design and fitting that have been diiligently embodied in housss. miti- cularly in the “modein’ houses of 13- cent years; have been weighed in the balance and found wanting. It shows that w0111en are {:11 f1om bt ing taken in by glittéiy gadgets and iancy design just because they me "ulna modex 11 31 :xtolledas the latest thing in house fitting. Dislikes Rough textured walls W‘rOug‘ht, lron g1 files 01 balconies. Oddshaped windows. Trick lighting and hardware trim Corner windows. Interior glass dcors. Niches. Chimes 'in front hall. Telephones‘ln closets. Women’s Club Make Model Home Designs Stipulations Prove Revela- tion to Builders and De- signers. CANADA NORTHERN POWER CORPORATION LIMITED n ELECTRIC RANGE NORTHERN ONTARIO POWER COMPANY. LIMITED NORTHERN QUEBEC POWER COMPANY. LIMITED mom mos tiativ: ha bus of 1.11 Club. wh ontrac- advice. actual to the Ends Kitchen Drudgery Neill. Councillor Armstmn-g Brother McNeill.“ An agreement will be drawn up heâ€" :ween the council and Peter sznce to place refuse cans on various places on me principal streets of Timmins. Spence appeai d befaic the csuncil on Monday night at a special meeting to ; t :23 imission to locate the cans in return for the rigr space on their sic! After some cons 311 granted permis terms of the agree drawn up. To Have Refuse (Tans on 'l‘lmmms Streets ”The wom ermstic arch “Freak features. Unb Fan over stove. Cooler as well as electric rcfri_c: Windows of uniform height. Overhead lighting in dining 1‘00! Plenty of baseboard stecmc out} All outside locks to fit one key I would try it Battered ceilings. Raised. hear-ms. Corner flreolaces Slippery floors. Bathrooms betwee Furnace outlets i: Have more leisure for your family: spend less time in the kitchen. Cook electrically! This modern. fast and economical method gives you perfect. even cooking heat at the snap of a switch. Retains all nourishment values: makes meats and vegetables go farther. There is no lost goodness. With an Electric Range, your kitchen is always coo’i. clean. comfortable. There are models for every home and budget. Come in and choose yours. H ken brick Features Desired working sux'fasc- and Uperannq n 611 tech: right to 111' t we idemtion the calm- :sion subject to the menu which will he Be a Companion, Not Just a Cock! mr window. Yam lcillor Armstrong. aid Councillor Mc- area to dislike mod- in many cases be- ? did not fit. into two rooms walls. n m Ch 7M il‘ punaua 'uxo}; 'luuqsuon ‘wuq -pcom '3 mm pm: 'zuax unnamed ‘nss «imam, ‘H mm 's.xa)s;s 0M] pm: 388 mJoN deans umacklmo on 18 :‘mpys -s.x 0.8.1039 pun :smuuuu, JO xmtmv 'putfilua ‘uopuc1 ‘uzauxaa pug ‘smq: -o.lq 30m) ‘pumfiua ‘zusx ‘umqsxxou n: .111ng” 'JOXUCLU sgu .x‘q psnums‘ s; 0H '.\‘.mq.\‘¢uuH m 8mm unq .x’uuaooa pun “H ‘mmuwo INCIUJOU SHOIJL‘A ca m Mr. Dzrr morning a been ill 1' land. he was t Dsmem and M Canada in 191E rence. Alex and C. Pratt W of Harry Demeza. former resident of North Bay. was held _ may morning with ssrvice at Marty ' Undertakmg Parlor. Rev. A. J. Ma chum. min- ister of the North Bay Baptist Church. cfticlated. IntermeanaS in Terrace Lawn Cemetery. The pallbeamrs wmr Gmme Luv- m 8 n N Arthur Demeza Bereaved by Death of His Brother lv. NORTH BAY 9.00 am. At. TORONTO 4.35 pm u. mom's ' 8.15m. Ar. mm m 4.10pm. h I'll in THURSDAY. MARC-H 28R!) 1939 1 Bay. Mn rcl' )l‘ mm AW rm‘s doath occurred Fuday Haileybury when he had 1 hospital, {01; about two was in hié‘bfird you. 'un-‘Jridgc Wells. Kent. Eng- ,3 1119 son 01’ the late John 1 Mrs. Demon. He came to [918. taking up rexidmc.“ at About five years ago he n. his business taking him noz'tlwrn comrm. II: had Kirk W'OIIAIION A I‘l' Gmxge Law- ended by m funeral sident of morning 113119011

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