' Compared to other centres Timmins and dis- tflct has had diiï¬culty in maintaining its militia company at strength This has been due to the fact that the accommodation provided has been so inadequate.-â€"e\ en absurd. At the present time “D†Company has quarters in the post ofï¬ce- build- ’59.“. basement that appear fairly luxurious when compared to the previous misï¬t and makeshift whommodation available. But the present quar- Another public work in this immediate area wa. called to attention this week when petitions WGIL pirculated asking the Dominion Department 0 Public Works and the National Department 0 Défence to build an armoury at Timmins this yea. tor the Algonquin Regiment. Timmins with ap- proximately 25.000 people is the headquarters for "D†Company of the Algonquin Regiment. Thi. Company draws its officers and men from Tim- thins, Schumacherand South Porcupine, each 01 the latter two towns having a population of ap- proximately 5,000. The district around the three towns will have a population of perhaps another ten thousand people. Thus there is a total popu- Jatlon of approximately 45,000 to be served by the prOposed new armoury. Despite the most dis- couraging handicaps “D" Company of the Algon- quin Rifles has continued here during the years. In recent years the local militia company has made progress despite all drawbacks. thanks. largely, to the interest and devotion of the officers incharge. Any thoughful person will realize the; need for such a nucleus of defence in these days‘ of world trouble. The smallness of the world has been very strikingly proved in recent years. No longer is there distance or isolation to assure safe- ' tytor any people. There must be defence from the aggressor nations. On account of the gold mining industry the North needs defence even more than other parts of the country. Undoubt- edly in case of any trouble all the people of the North would rally to defence. but there is surely necessity for a nucleus. a rally-place. an organiz- ation that needs only to be extended. This is the purpose of the militia. However. it serves other notable purposes. It gives a wholesome centre where young men may gather and train. learn discipline, improve their health. and while ï¬nding congenial associations. develop character and strength and public service. Timmjns, Ont, Tharsday, March 16th, 1939 . ‘I'I'MMINB. ONTARIO m Ctmdlan Weekly Newspaper mention: Ontario- †New-papa:- Association; Clu- ‘A" Weekly Group OFFICE 26 -~----- PHONES RESIDENCE 70 Published Every Monday and Thursday by: GEO. LAKE. Owncr and Publish†Subscrlpuon Rams: rampâ€"33.00 Per Year United States-43.50 Per Year 3hr ï¬nrruninr Ahnanrv PAGE FOUR NEEDED IN TIMMINS was the too frequent appar~~zzt ion and Provincial jurisdimio‘z is worth noting the stand Iilkt' D. Conant, Ontario's Attorney matter. Hon. Mr. C01sz 3- Government to assist, in securi: lation to meet the situation. frankly states that he is: rm (1: have the province pass the lequ the Donï¬mon will c940 w†tie to clal law effective. Q9; 9 pt "service charges" t1- charges of usury. “I'ees’†or “service cl but. were no less cm; some cases it was 51' re-paid more than th still appeared to owe collection was often blackmail. The expc to action by goverm found, however, Lhat Some time ago The campaign against the and individuals who h: of the dire need 01' 1 small amounts and ch interest. In some cast; atively small borrowing cent. In the average cent. This meant that gation. such as illness unfortunate into the eh there was little chance thus assumed. The in [jail so that he could h ' and a place to sleep. i found it impossible to l' per month of reliel‘ nu lowed. Enquiry by Ma; fact that the man had 1 previous 68 years. had : the law, and had a gow most and the worst than was that he was no 101 not ï¬nd work to main one of many unl‘ortun nard and bitter. All agree with Magistrate ' it seemed a shame to so Ibreak the record in this had kept for so many ; iarly the case in View of iawo years the man we: Age pension and so be .iis declining years. would not allow the pay .wo years ahead of the . avhat the need. Relief : -ocations and other co .nerits or the needs of gistrate Tucker, howev'e ..irrangements for the in where he had friends w .,uch time as he would l pension. Whoever pay of the problem, it will procedure than the hm: man to go to jail. In illustration of the [not courts are courts 01‘ 11:12: ther than places when: : is enforced. Now, word comes Chat the other Nort, iieves that humane ;0 be desired that Lh: mere law. A man 01‘ week before Magistm court at; Hearst. Th Not very long ago .or magistrate for tl‘ eommendation [for h .ng men to jail for 1‘ were unable to 54 young men were be. vagrancy. It was s guilty of no breach were unable to pro they could not ï¬nd convict men for vagr so ï¬nd employment,“ ly, some other moth the young fellows wi Means and methods ation, and the magi: as well as the dignity a host. of apparent n will accede to the re an immediate comn needed work for Tim ters do not provide any accon ing. What is needed is an at will not only provide aceonnm eat, but that will also look at of the militia here. With a 1,); ing, Timmins and district ‘.'\'i)i tain not only one company ()i and maintain these at a high The petitions being circuizimci the proposed armoury are hm: all approached, and it is to 1w (IURHINU l mu Ll h int good that( )lona D ll u L( I] qu ll )UIEI‘ 112111 make 1H ct Age pension me. no matter lso depend on i not on the ) the Old A 111 gislation. if the provin- nd, if there ation for train- }! building that m for the pres- me future needs armoury build- on compar- 11 of 700 per ‘rl ï¬fty per '(i‘rssing Obli- thi dl'0V( 1111] (f) Llcman )l‘ Idvantam 1’11 n sharks 3 burden '30 called 0110171108.] on the $6 1g them rates of l( 11 been :11- cited the in all his n policc mlp ra- n 01' law U310 with I (311. The i .inst him I he could! 3 Lo~day )ple will aid that jail and 0ch man .lt several efï¬ciency particu want in the law 11'1 the 01C 111] the old )I "1130 be nothcr 1dicates cl Ma- : made lleville .1 until ï¬rmed by HUMOR O SBCUI‘E‘ 1am. Ded.fc C n ï¬rms ll'f 0111 C b u than 11L 01 1 last >01ice 11101 11m In mak IUCh OI I] LII Hf THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. TIRIMINS. ONTARIO 1L Lcl OI Speaking of the tourist good roads in the North week is quoted as using nt The pa: monthmof Star. Th ant Dominic: tion to Domini late in L11 (1131“ is question bu Some eï¬ec 1t once to curb th GRAVEL AND SAND---.\ND PLACER 1e medico who >r the digestic 113 )1 il ht Ix “311219 9:9: 0i Sneaker at, Lion any :npl 3m ll I] 1y u 1‘ 11x Cl to â€ï¬‚ .VC M (‘nmnl amox‘ 1C OPTICAL COMPANY 1'1 studying,r developm fesséon. m ~O mnor "I Realize d0 m CURTig 11H. n M )}' mix Lt ()l( n (ll I] €3.14 IT to th â€Cl/K OI n th( {VI OI Ill nr H 1V Phone 335 00000.0. a 3’ LMM LICI be p n shark: trade and the need for Prem iex Hepburn last the expressive phrase, CHUOD 12M 11' Ll‘ n )( cl t pun of the The Sudbury Then there is cakes are bad It’s awful, all % Describes Toronto Stock Exchange for i Members of Kiwanis \nothsâ€"r Old-Timer Going ' ‘t L It appears the Rounds 0f the Press um throng, 1 J n nc A D Mr. J oseph Jackson Speaker at Kiwanis. Rev. Gilmour Smith Tells of Early Days of Cobalt. 11 ll .l 1' nd dre ) bed whole lis froups at )vcrnmcm n part ada. W Ll ll \\ li qu ed 1} Llu .zplicatcd ) W eakfasd. L haf blcn day and h mcnt buyil' lckson‘s talk was replied to by nch. who thanked him on be- ly used than in Canada. Mr: Ms opinion also that .1 mine )t be brought into production roximatcly a two years’ sup- at the proposed mill capacity. clearly established in rescrvc. ention must be made, he stat- :r-ence to planning for produc- ie cx::llent work and valuable . rendered by the ore testing .' of the Departnwnt of Min-3": lurccs at Ottawa. This has the past, and still plays a rt in the progrccs of mining h I] 1 you go to bed you shust, turn ree times and lay down; ven I l l haf to 103k do blace. vind 33k. put oud de oat. ondm‘cs valk mit de baby veu it cries. may'm, veu I gets mineself to time to get ub. Von you got, IUSL sLx'stch your neck a lcetle, ms uh. I haf to light (19 ï¬re. do. kcddle and got minesclf akfasd. You blay around all haf blany of fun; I half to ay and half blemy of drubble. :lio. you vas dead: V311 I die. I 1111 18 )11 in the ï¬gures of the securi- on the posts were made in a oom by operators seated in large monitor board on which Gated all the stocks listed on [7701‘ for the In ViE‘NV of :‘s Day all migh Ll . Nuggek-Policc regist itelyâ€"owned ï¬rearms doc. norm disarmament. club r011 nly a the “square" prevailing on The post system broke clown ist of stocks into a number and allowed trading to be :ph Jackson. manager of the )ranch of Doherty Roadhouse us, was the speaker at the anday meeting of the Kiwan- Mr. Jackson spoke on the tcck Exchange and gave his omc interesting information tactics and transactions. speaker was the Rev. Gil- in. of Cobalt. who reminisced silver area when it was in its He drew the aralogy of a bees. which swarmed ï¬rst in l then divided to go to Tim- :land Lake and other points L the North. It was the pea- ame iron Cobalt who first id developed this part of the it I] ll 11 described the new build- .lihg floor had 8,000 feet of ceiling height of 40 feet. was designed to permit .9. “post" system of trading tllc n to n 1852 and operated under 3d by the Ontario legisla- “’lid Mr. Jackson. The .n vx<rliangc was waven in- ihc national fabric. For N of a century it. has 1 public institution bring- buycrs and 5311915 of on v 11 VS U exchange W15 keeping ational development and a market of international Its new building housed :isntiï¬c and mechanical and provided a floor on and selling orders for ht be executed with the M '5 address to his do: a dog. but I vish I v. o to bed you shusL tul cs and lay down: ven it town.“ The Presid 1a11ked the speaker Shoe k Exchange at Some newspaper items are stranger th tion. For instance, there is the dcspatch about the man at Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvan stole money from the church poor box to ( his son for the ministry. “Tourists will not eat dust.†It is to be hoped that the premier’s remark is not a preliminary to the passing of a law requiring these whose pro- perty abuts on North highways that are oiled to pay a special tax to carry the cost of the oiling to keep down the dust. Cobalt at the pres- the town was reced- me way to be con- former large area. :12 north country in meeting was Dan the proximity of Irish songs were 11 the club wk 21 leetle, mt (19 ï¬re. t mineself around all I half to of drubble. 7211 I die. I President a was ; underi :gisla- V38 n ance urges all to D p n for many years st of a diminishing . on American spc sons and Lug lint feeding and 61m) 1m V h’l acquatic W1 Continent veloped. The biok (From The New York Herald '1 To poop": genuinely inLere wildlif: conservation the annoul in New York by Ducks Unlimit: that wild (“mks incréasecl by a mately 15C3.000 dming 1938 a Notable Increase in Number of Wild FHWE ll] Ducks Unlimited, Incor- porated, Makes II'It-‘gerest- ing Report for 19238. finzm 0a 10“ 11 nlimitcd. WiLh Amer 1h“ m m men HC( VCC ‘clin 1C rep DC h his hunting In ma 1U. m 1T] (‘11 n t made H. 1V. HARE, Manager, Kirkland Lle1" 1; Harry R. Jenkins, 'I‘innnins, I“. H. Hepburn. Sou Representatives Thirteen years lwllnc Canada life had iszsULLl past 92 \‘C'zus it has duck tivc CHI’L‘I‘PliSC. ludu) l pnllk‘\"‘hn]dus L‘Htlust t $20- ,()0(),n(>(). Accordingly on Sept. 1, 1800, travelled to Ottawa by river stun met by 1'20 canoes each manned l» costumed in red shirts". Mids music and ceremony the ï¬rst l’l visit Canada most ably pcrfnrnmi corner stone of the House of l’arli world famous {or its graceful dc: “well and truly laid". ml \thn Her (huLiLms MzuLsxt \1L‘t01‘i:1,inerfurLsight and “iSt er ClLlL‘st sun, H. R. H. Alhut .m important LunsiLlLrutinn \s: foundation for :1 ermsznr Lapi Canada's Oldest Life Assurance UHCI] if ll 00 durin 2,500.000 greater i pu 2'1 Am imits haV I] :c on Monday reac i a letter said to k xpply at 11 ll 11‘ York Herald Tribune) nuincly imerested in n nplica would 10y (l p of men 11‘ A Royal Ceremonyâ€"1860 INC! )u b ll] m 1 spar North 11d bc 1C 11 )m nW The :1 by approxi 1938 and wi} HO M educau ['0 n 11' hav 11' I)". nd in; O 1101 UH )l n lwcfurc this Issued Its in H’il' hat tl1( [1' 10 1d H n ballot General ht m CV8 I) Un 111‘; C1111 '11 It 11 .1 m u 1860, the all )1 Ill ll THURSDAY. M ARCH It‘d his d .lrlmmcnt H )\ l‘l m d\\ .11 thL I] tl H \V 11 rum-h lust of the egiun, Monday H) 'h ti\ H'Hl nn D3“ to zlaiun the ()vcr the \\ IL‘I‘L ishop John retiring; (_)\ lured )ill ll ' the Can- 1 Monday. mall, much discussed, me is re- from the has to be ,my meet.- “"113 will be a Reference ional Dc- )nal head- New York e north by 'iculturc, a s uniform‘ Now water as and the [(1 is being contribu- 1 with the Lian prov- now pro- ,e support [in con- k to the his coun- wild-life. ‘31:, argan- :11. Con- ear tn x1112, Lions ducks is factory. [SKS have 1‘ the P11- American 11. which :hcd and per cent. range the ' the Au- ? hatched the Sum- 1C import- H H HI. 1939 r Lime instal 7G ttcred askat- 3.000 is