FOURâ€"ROOM FOR RENTâ€"Tw furnished or u loomed. will r1 171 Birch St. : Mrs. Shaman portunity of t) the Masonic h hall, Miss Ma class. and Mr. rdmson and t] those who 1181;: show a success. Notice is l complied witl- Lists Act. and my office an 24th day of S all persons ex Municipality that such lis. spection. BOARDERS WANTED speaking home. (1111 central. apply 171 Bi! And I hereby call upon all voters 0 take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions carrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the 15th day of October, 1938. Dated at South Porcupine this 24th day of September, 1938. Frank C. Evans. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST- ING OF VOTER'S LIST Voter’s Lists. 1938, Municipality of Township of Tisdalo. District of Cochrane. PAGE POUR 76-77-78-79 Clerk children Water pa RHEA BRUSH THOMPKINS Members or the (‘o-opt’rativc Cnion of Canada A non-political association of genuine compcratives. 40 Patricia Blvd FORM 4 (Seetion 11) Township of Tisdale VOTERS’ LIST 1938 SUPERIOR FUELS CARI) 0F THANKS TEACHER. ()l" El,()(‘l,7'l'l()N DRAMATIC ART [.1 â€N Veal Chops a.;L;‘{.;§:Ji§$;,"31:3!“1-2.†I Roast of Beef 270 lb. “ ‘ I 171/éclb. CONSUMERS CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD. FOR (1100]) ('()AL llulland Bro» Proprietors BOSTON ST Y LE LUIN Plum Jam. (‘lark's Pork Beans 21 oz. tins; ...3 tms 25c ()ld Colony No.1"; jar Manlo Svrun ............ 266 First Grade. C'reamery Butter, lb. ......... Gold Medal 145 (TOMMERFIAL AVI‘ PHON I 2120 Jelly Powders \n) Max 01, 3 pkgs 23c Timmins Birch and fourth Central Order Department Tlmmins Towmitc . Maple S yrup snirém's Ll’SHl The Lord Helps Those Who Help Themselves. The farmer doesn't merely buy a farm, and hope that the Lord will provide a crop. He clears, he ploughs, and he sows, and until he does this he knows that he has no right to expect the Lord to provide a crop. The members of this Society, in business for themselves, accumulated a surplus of $14,664.36 for the ï¬rst six months of 1938. If this were paid as dividend on their share capital, it would provide a dividend of over 50"“ per share for a half year only. But instead of this, at the end of the year, the total surplus-savings, with necessary allowance for reserves, w111 be returned to these members as a bercenta‘ge of the total value of their purchases for the year. Because they have made the effort to establish a store whose benefits are distributed on the basis of use, not on the basis of capital invested, they have increased their income; because they have ploughet‘l and sown, they have reaped. FOR RENT WANTED ‘ Pork Butts 2â€"10 lb. Phonv 2144 THANK WHOM ? FLAT FOR RENTâ€"No aferred. 3-picce bath. Aoolv 47 Wilson Avenue. UY rer m uni‘ [Tl-3 k C. Evans. Township of Tisdale given that I have on 8 of The Voter’s I have posted up at 1 Porcupine on the her, 1938. the list of to vote in the said nicipal elections and 1.31115 there for in- Section 11) r the use of the Fasten and her nuk and Mr. Ab- musicians and all make the fashion 180118.!) 36C M ping rooms. . Centrally ab}y. Apply 3k Ir English- mcsphcre. S. -78 Tim mins 78p JP FOR SALEâ€"One 44.40 rifle. Marlin re. peater; in good condition: cheap. Also one blue C.C.M. Bicycle. rim! 28 by 1%; in good condition. Apply 27 Jama street. -77-78p FUEL WOOD FOR SALEâ€"We have a large supply of birch. spruce. balsam and tamarack from 12 inches to 4 feet long. F‘cr prompt service can Rudolph-McChesney Lumber 00.. phone 584. -70tf. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Orazio Terrabassi, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned. lair: of the Town of Timmins. in the District of Cochrane. who died on or about the 16th day of June. 1938. are required to the proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 28th day of October. 1938. Public Trustee, Osgood-e Hall, Toronto, Ontario. -76-78 After that date the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. Dated at Toronto this 23rd day of September. 1938. IF YOU BURROW S 60 S 108 S 216 S 324 Three Births Registered in Timmins This Week Bornâ€"on October 2nd, 1938. to Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Camila. of 267 Elm street northâ€"a son. northâ€"a son. Bornâ€"on October 5th, and Mrs. Gerald Leroux avenueâ€"a daughter. Uthcr amounts at proportionate rate Bornâ€"on October 3rd. 1938. to Mr. and Mrs. J. Valerin Gervais of 106 Birch street southâ€"a son. 705. 7 MONTHLY DEPOSITS PROVIDE FOR REPAYMENT $1068 Good Morning Marmalade, 2 lb. jar 39c Covers Moreâ€"POLIFLOR Wax. 1 lb. tin ............ 47c Champion Dog Food 2 tin§ SunBeam Mixâ€"SWEET Plckles, 12 oz. 131' ....14c Pari-Sani 100 ft. Wax Lunch Roll ...... 23c Snow \Vhitc Mushrooms, lb. Fresh Killed “A" Grade CHICKENS 5 lbs. and up ........ lb. 330 PERSONAL LOANS 40 1600 ONE YEAR TO PAY Apply to Nearest Branch of ALSO “A" GRADE TL’RKEYS and nther Poultry for Your Thanksgiving Dinner THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE FINANCIAL FSOR Al E A. N. MIDDLETON S 505 54 $1000 86 YOU YOU DEPOSIT RECEIVE MONTHLY ‘37 55 87 S 5 100 202 303 96 1938. to Mr. of 485 Kent Peoples of many races. religions and political creeds are members of this truly cmoperatlve society. 21c $45 $89 Schumacher . . , . South Porcupine Dome Mine-s Whereas Archie Minor is indebted to the undersigned in the sum of Fifty-' six. five ($58.05) for work done and material supplied in the repairing and improvement of 1929 Ford Roadster. Serial No. GIN-6046 and for storage thereof. and three months have elapsed since the same ought to have been paid. and default has been made in payment thereof. notice is hereby given :hat on Thursday, the let day of Oc- tober. 1938. at the hour of two o‘clock in the afternoon at the garage of Me- Dowell Motors situate at the corner of Park Road and Schiumacher Highway in the Town of Timmins in the District of Cochrane. the said 1929 Ford Road- ster. Serial No. CAV-6046. will be sold by Herbert W. Warren. Auctioneer. by Public Auction. Dated this 4th day of October. 1938. McDOWELL MOTORS. -78-79. per: A. F. McDowell. Whereas G. H. Clarke is indebted to the undersigned in the sum of Thirty.- two. ï¬fty-ï¬ve «$32.55) for work done and material supplied in the repairing and improvement of 1927 Buick Coach. Szrial No. 129611 and for storage there- of . and three months have elapsed since the same ought to have been paid, and default has been made in payment thereof, notice is hereby given that on Thursday the let day of October. 1938. at the hour of two o'clock in the after- noon. at the garage of McDowell Motors situate at the corner of Park Road and Sehumacher Highway in the Town of Timmins in the District of Cochrane. the said 1927 Buick Coach. Serial No. 129.611. wil be sold. by Herbert W. War- ren. Auctioneer. by Public Auction. Dated this 4th day of October, 1938, MCDOWELL MOTORS. -78â€"79. per: A. F. McDowell. Whereas G. T. Howlett. is indebted to the undersigned in the sum of Fifteen Dollars and Five Cents. ($15.05) for work done and material supplied in the repairing and improvement of 1934 Ford Coupe. Serial No. C-lB-G-3628 and for storage thereof. and three months have elapsed since the same ought to have been paid, and default has been made in payment thereof. notice is hereby given that on Thursday the let day of October. 1938. at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon. atxthe garage of McDowell Motors situate at the corner of Park Road and Schumacher Highway in the Town of Timmins in the District of Cochrane. the same 1934 Ford Coupe, Serial No. C-lB-G-2628 will be sold by Herbert W. Warren. Auctioneer. by Public Auction. Dated this 4th day of October. 1938. MCDOWELL MOTORS. â€"78-79. .per: A. F. McDowell. Celery ................ 2 for 90 Cauliflower, each ....19c ('anadian Grown Medium Sizeâ€"(‘ ALIPORNIA Oranges, doz. ............ l Medium Sizeâ€"WEALTHY A pples, 2 dozen ........ 35¢ CANADIAN CONCORD Grapes, 11 qt. basket 57c ROLLED Prime Rib Roast 29c lb. SH (RIDER SpEcial Price on Quantities NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE 101. m 90mm ADVANCE. W- 03111512 71’ 111 160 Whereas J. Cadeau. is indebted to‘ the undersigned in the sum of Forty- rive dollars and sixty cents (“5.60) for work done and material supplied in the repairing and improvement. of 1929 Ford Light Delivery. Serial No. CAP- 8520. and for storage thereof. and three months have elapsed since the same ought to have been paid. and default has been made in payment thereof. nctice is hereby given that on Thurs- day. the 2lst day of October. 1938 at the hour of two o’clock in the after- noon. at the garage of McDowell Mot- ors situate at. the corner of Park Road and Schumacher Highway in the Town of Timmins in the District of Coch- ranc. the said 1929 Ford Light Delivery. Serial No. CAP-8520. will be sold by Herbert W. Warren. Auctioneer. by Public Auction. Dated this 4th day of October. 1938. 78-79 Whereas Concordia Gold Mining (30.. is indebted to the undersigned in thf: sum of Fifty-one dollars and fifteen cents ($51.15) for work done and ma- terial supplied in the repairing and im- provement of 1935 Ford Panel. Seriai No. 0-1807927 and for storage thereof. and three months have elapsedsince the same ought to have been paid, and default has been made in payment thereof, notice is hereby given that on Thursday, the let day of October. 1938 at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon. at the garage of McDowell Motors situate at the corner of Park Road and Schlumacher Highway in the Town of Timmins in the District of Cochrane. the said 1935 Ford ranel Serial No. 0-1307927, will be sold b.‘ Herbert W. Warren. Auctioneer. by Public Auction. Dated this 4th day of October. 1938. McDOWELL MOTORS 78-79 Temiskaming and Northern Ontarlo Rallway Commission Sealed tenders addressed to A. H. Cavanagh. General Manager. Temis- kaming and Northern Ontario Railway. will be received up to 12.00 o’clock noonâ€" WEDNESDAY. OCT. 19th. 1938 for the constmction of an Icehouse TIMMINS. ONTARIO. Plans, specifications and forms of tender may be obtained at. the office of the Chief Engineer, North Bay, Ont- ario. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada. payable to the order of the Temiskam'mg and Northern Ontario Railway Commisison. equal to 5 per cent. of the tendered price. The lowest or any Lender sarily accepted. Noth Bay. Out Oct. 4th, 1938. Porcupine Religious Education Council The Porcupine Religious Education Council held their annual meeting in the Timmins United Church on Wed- nesday. a large representation being present from each town in the district. Elected as officers of the council are the following: Past president, Mr. W. K. Wylie; President. Mr. 'Farquhai Anglin; Vice-president, Mrs. Frank Hepburn; Secretary-treasurer. Mrs. J. Thomas; Girls‘ Work Superintendent. Mrs. Ray Hughes; Children's work superintendent, Mrs. Farquhar Ang- iin; Boys‘ work superintendent. Mr. Percy Moisley; and leadership training. Rev. 1“. Baine. Met at Timmine Yesterday. Officers Elected. Inter- esting and Helpful Pro- gramme. The following is the convention pro- gramme as arranged and carried through on Wednesday: Themeâ€"Christ in the Life of the Church. Informal luncheon .for Committee members, ministers and key leaders. Registration of Delegates; Inspection of Book Exhibit. Welcome and Introductions. . Worshipâ€"Christ the Head of the Church. Addressâ€"The Spiritual Objective of Teachingâ€"Rev. E. R. McLean. sec- retary of the Ontario Religious Educa- tion Council. Business Session. Addressâ€"The Art of Teachingâ€"Dr. Thompson. of Aurora. Departmental sessions: Children‘s leadersâ€"Mrs. D. Crawiey. Girls' leadersâ€"Miss Harriet Christie of the Ontario Religious Council. Boys’ Leadersâ€"Rev. E. R. McLean. Ministers. Superintendents and 01'- ficersâ€"Dr. Thompson. Meeting of committeesâ€"Inspection of Book Exhibit. Supperâ€"Fellowship. Report on District Camps. (About, fifty girls from Timmins and Schumacher, members of the C.G.I.'I‘., met and were addressed by “155 Chris- tie). of Christ Addressâ€"News Flashw of the Church â€"â€"Rev. E. R. McLean. Election of Officers. Musicâ€"Offering. Addressâ€"The Strategy of the Church â€"Dr. Thompson. TENDERS WANTED Warshipâ€"The Church As the Body MCDOWELL MOTORS NOTICE NOTICE S. B. CLEMENT. Chief Engineer Per: A. F. McDowell Per: A. F. McDowell not 116C88- at Dentists Make Air Visit to Sudbury Making the trip by air from South Porcupine. four local dentists attended a meeting in Sudbury yesterday at which Dr. Irvin Ante. associate profes- sor at the University of Toronto. gave a lecture on “denture construction." Those making the trip were Dr. A. Hen- ry Hudson. Dr. S. L. Honey. Dr. L. F. Dupuis. of Timmins. and Dr. J. M. Gabriel. of Schumacher. The Timmins party left South Porcupine Tuesday night and arrived back last night. Flew from South Porcï¬ffmc to Attend Dental Lecture on Wednesday. St. M atthew’s Church Rector: Rev. Canon Cashing. 8.11.. L Tb 10.00 a.m.â€"Adult. Bible Class 11.00 a.m.â€"Mom1ng Prayer 3.00 p.m.â€"Sunday School 4.15 p.m.â€"-â€"Bapt15ms 7.00 pm.â€"Even1ng Pray" Holy Communion on 151. Sunday 01 month, at. 11 a.m.; on 3rd Sunday. at 7 p.m.; and on 5111 Sunday. at 8.30 am. United Church, Timmins Rev. w. M. Mustard, M.A.. 13.0. Corner Fourth Ave. and Cedar Street) SUNDAY. OCTOBER 91‘“, 1938 10.45 a.m.â€"â€"Momlng WorshiFThanks- giving. Holy Communion. 12.15 panâ€"Sunday School for all 12 and over. 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"Sunday School to all under 12 years of age. 7.00 p.m.â€"â€"Evening Worship. Harvest Home Service. Special Music by the (lboir. A Hearty Welcome Awaits Everyone Schumacher Rev. F. J. BAINE, M.A.. B.D.. Minister Res. 83 First Ave. Phone 1094 SUNDAY. OCTOBER 91‘“ 11 00 a.m.-â€"-Moming Worship Sermon Subject “Confusion Among tthe Nations." 2.00 Innâ€"Sunday School 7.00 p.m.â€"â€"Evening Worship Sermon Subject: “Outside all Bars" Monday 8 p.m.â€"-â€"Y. P. 8.: Subject “The Life and Works of Poe" by Miss D. Smook. Wednesday 7 p.m.â€"C.G.I.T. Wednesday, 8.00 p.m.â€"Choir Practice. rament of the Lord’s Supper. 2 11.00 auxâ€"«Dome Sunday School. Y.P.S. Wednesday at 8.00 pm. South Porcupine. Ont. BLOOR AVENUE. Rev. James A. Lyttle, Minister 10.00 a.m.â€"â€"Teen-age Girls' Class. 11.00 a.m.~â€"Morning Worship and Sac- rament. of the Lord’s Supper. 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"Sunday School 7.00 p.m.â€"~Evening Service and Sac- Finnish United Church Tlmmins Corner Elm and Sixth Avenue Rev. A. I. Heinonen, Minister Res. 20 Elm St. North Phone 1982-W 11.00 emuâ€"Sunday School. Bible Class Language. 8.15 p.m.â€"Church Choir practice Friday, 7.00 p.m.â€"-â€"Y.P.S. Finnish United Church Rev. A. l. Heinonen, Minister Res. 20 Elm St. North Phone 1982-W 1.30 p.iii.â€"-Every Sunday. Public Wor- ship in Finnish language in South Porcupine United Church, Bloor Avenue. After Service. Sunday School,' Bible Class and Communicants’ Class. A Cordial Welcome to All Sundayâ€"11.00 a.m.â€"-â€"Holiness Meeting. Sundayâ€"2.30 p.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. Sundayâ€"7.00 p.m.â€"Great Salvation Meeting. Mondayâ€"7.00 p.m.â€"â€"Corps Cadets. Puesday-7.00 p.m.â€"â€"Young Peoples and Communicants" Class. 7.00 p.m.â€"Pub1ic Worship in Finnish Sunday Services [0.00 a.m.-Sunday School 10.15 a.m.â€"-Junior Bible Class 11.00 a.m.â€"-Mornlng Prayer 7 p.m.-â€"Evenmg Prayer Holy Communion on lst Sunday at. 11 Strangers Welcome, Come and Worship. 2nd and 4th Sunday at 8 am. 3rd and 5th Sunday at. 7 pm. Baptisms and Marriages by arrange- ment. Meeting. Fuesdayâ€"8.00 p.m.-â€"Solders and Ado herents. Thursdayâ€"8.00 runâ€"Public Meeting. South Porcupine. Ont. (Missouri Synod) Rev. W. I]. Helnzc, Pater Services every Sunday at 8.30 'p. m. in the Anglican Church. corner of Main and Commercial. Church Directory A Cordial Welcome for Everyone Ven. J. E. Woodall, D.D., Minister Trinity United Church St. Luke’s Evangelical Lutheran Church The Salvation Army Adjt. and Mrs. J. Comthwaltc Officers in Charge. A Cordial Welcome to All St. Paul’s Church South Porcupine South Porcupine, Ont. United Church Mr. M. (nu-son. of Sudbury. was visitor to Timmms last week. Mr. Ed Loz‘ a few days vi. Mr. Orval Stewart spent (1' end at. his home m Cochrsme Miss Jean Thomson was among the out-ofâ€"town guests at the wedding of Miss Katherine Francis Flaunt. and Dr. Robert Mackay Thomson at. Sud‘ bury last week. Mrs. Oliver Charsloy and Miss Shirley. have rettumed Timmins after attending the Johnston wedding in Sud week. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Kcarns are leav- ing on Sunday for Midland. OnL.. when: they will attend the Kearns‘ family reunion in honor of the 75th birthday of the father of Ml'..C. V. Kearns. ' Mr. and Mrs. John A. PlatL and Mr. and Mrs. Secord Robinson returned last night from aJhree weeks‘ momr trip to the Southern States. Mr. Bob- inson will return to Kapuskasing to- morrow where he is fire chief. Finish Sidewalk Between Timmins and Sehumacher Timmins and Schumacher are now completely connected by sidewalk along the south side of the new paved high- way between the two towns. The last link in the sidewalk opposite “McIntyre stadium, held up for the installation of a culvert. was poured on Tuesday. Pedestrians are pleased with the new accommodation which eliminates the hazard of walking on the highway. Wm . .. Imus Imam!“ " Colgate’s Tooth Paste Small .............................. 190 Large 33c West’s Tooth Paste, Pepsodent Antiseptic,reg. 500, 2 er 51c Wildroot Hair Tonic, reg. 55c 2 fur 56c West’s Tooth Brushes - Kruschen Salts - Vange Salts - - - - Eno’s Fruit Salts - Wampole’s Grape Salts N ()xzema the large 8 3c lar Special ----------- CURTIS DRUG A real help in Chronic constipation Kolynos Paste 29c 43c “We Save You Money Evely Day†14 Pine Street N. Timmins Plu Palmolive Shave Cream /‘e~\ . ,./ 59 o ‘ ' _,.a.9,Ҥ:3\ Chase’s Kidney and AGARVIS ll Toronto 23c friends 98c Sud bury Voucm is spcndm in town. the week- COMPANY laughter, home to Haspnada- Liver Pills 290 last iFire Last Night ! at Pine St. ('afe Fire. thought to have been caused by a spark from an aseetyiene torch. ignited the interior wall of a stairway leading into Dick's Restaurant. on Pine street north shortly beiore 8.30 last. night. Plumbers had used a torch on the stairway that aftemon in installing a radiator. Firemen were called to the scene and had the blaze extinguish- ed shorily. Damage was estimated at. a radiator. 'Firemc the scene and had M ed shortly. Damag: Children playing with mat given as the cause of a ï¬re in pit at the home of H. Fou Lakeshore Road. yesterday The damage amounted to $11 McIntyre pay day falls but as Monday is a holici Intvyre will pay tomorrow Try The Advance Want. Advertisements Fire, Caused by Spark from Acetylene Torch, Ignites Interior of Stairway. Ml'lN'l'YRl‘l 'l'() l‘.\ \' FOR THOSE TRYING DAYS GET Nujol .............. 29c, 49¢, 8:3c Kepler’s Cod Liver Oil and Malt .............. 750, $1.25 Alphametles 1,00, 1.85, 3.50 Radio Malt ........ 800, $1.50 Haliborangc 75c, 1.25, 2.50 Watcrbury’s (Tomp. ....03€ COD LIVER ()ll. Mead’s ..........50c, 750, $1.00 Ayerst’s .............. 10c, $1.00 Squibb’s .............. 50c, $1.00 Norwegian: ........... 450, 79c Squibb’s Norwegian: Reg. $1. Special 2 for $1.00 THURSDAY. OCTOBER 61‘“. 1988 FRANK FELDMAN Phone 130 Midol brings distinct relief from functional periodic pains. A mil- lion women have accepted Midol. “’l'l‘ll FREE GLASS LARGE SIZE MIDOI. SOC LOTS For SALE CURTIS WINTER TONIC A pure (‘ml Liver Oil Emulsion On Easy Terms Ten Dollars Down and Five Dollars Monthly 110 Pine St. S. Kotex 2 for 45c 50c, $1.00 Phone 835 fulls on Monday. holiday. the Mc- 47c, l. Foumier. 62 rday afternon. TUMOR “(NV Tim mins matches was $10 5:)(7 69c 57c 39C 79c 9c image