Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 23 Jun 1938, 1, p. 3

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The dedication ef Chapter Room to Capitular Masonry proved e very imâ€" Turning out in full numvzers, the members took am active part in the lodge meeting, which provea very bene ficial to all concerned. Iroquois Falls, Ont., June 21, 1938.â€" (Special to The Advance>â€"In Rhonour of the visit of M. Ex. Comp. Willkam Y. Mills, Grand Z, of Kingston, Rt. Ex. Comp. G. H. Hayward, Grand Supt‘d, Temmiskaming No. 16, Haileybury, and M. Ex.Comp. Edwin Smith, Grand Beribe, E. London, Ont., an exceptionâ€" ally enjoyable evening was held in the Masonic hall on Monday night, June 20th, by the Ahitibi Chapter, No. 223. $1.00 â€"Regular $1.179 best â€" buy in tow in Don‘t miss this great SA LE pure silk Officers of Royal Arch Visit Iroquois Falls New shipment just arrived i\“ht)t(:udtplnl\\ 1 00 etc., in all summer styles. Empire Blk. Interesting Event at Iroquois Falls on Monday. Ladies of st. Mark‘s Hold Delightful Tea and Sale. Other Interâ€" estingy News Notes From Iroquois Falls and Ansonville â€"Because this smart summer wear is of guaranteed quality, and will save you 50% of every dollar you spend. 59¢ per affeta, ete SMART SET DOLLAR HATS BUTTEREFLY HOSIERY *) drec Windsor Daily Star: That astuil2 Canadian Communist, Mr. Tim Buck, has a new bit for his speeches. He says that various clergymen in Canâ€" ada are now inviting him to speak from their pulpits. Tim must get a great laugh out of that. The Mosâ€" cow directions are that the best way to spread Communism is to bore from within. And what better boring from within could there be than to have a Communist take a pulpii use the church for a movement that is deterâ€" mined to destroy the church! ducted the service of the Iroquois Falls United Church here on Sunday. The beautiful servic»s conducted by Rev. Mr. Mustard at both the morning and evening worship were greatly appreâ€" ciated by the congregation. Adding greatly to the enjoyable services was the singing of the junior chnolir in the morning and the senior choir at the evening service. to attend the Paper Mills Superinâ€" tendents‘ conference, to be held in the Queen City the latter part of this week. Mr. Geo. Brewtnall, who had previousâ€" ly arranged to attend the Oddfellows convention was unavoidably detained. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bean left here last Friday to attend the Oddfellows and Rebekah convention in Hamilton. Mrs. Bean is represonting this branch of the Rebekah Lodge. Dave Dusseault, teamster for the Twin Falls Woods, had an unfortunate mishap the other day when he conâ€" tracted blood poinsoning in his arm. He is expected to be around shortly. Last Saturday, Mr. L. J. Barry, Twin Falls, attended the executive commitâ€" tee meeting of the District Conservaâ€" tive Association, held in Timmins. An election for delegate for the OMtawsz Conference was the order of busin»ss. Mr. G. L. Cameron left here on Satâ€" urday afternoon to attend the Oddâ€" fellows‘ convention, to be held in Hamâ€" ilton on Monday, June 20thn. Mr. Camâ€" eron is delegate at this convention, reâ€" presenting the Iroquois Falls Lodge. While in Toronto, Mr. Cameron plans gineer in ment. Funds realized by this sale, which exceeded $65, will greatly aid the church in its appeals for funds. Notes Revy. W. M. Mustard, B.A., B.D., noted minister and talented speaker of the Timmins United Church, conâ€" Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison, recently married in Toronto, arrived in Iroquois Falls on Saturday, where they will take up their at 102 Circk2 Place. Mr. Harrison is Forestry enâ€" Mrs. L. Laframboise was convener of ‘he tea table, and along with her asâ€" sistants, Miss Joan Needham and Miss Patsy Cannon, catered to the many guests who enjoyed the afternoon. Deâ€" licious tea and refreshments were served. Tasty baking, temptingly arâ€" rayed on the bake table, was completeâ€" ly sold out by the ladies in charge, Mrs. G. 8. Wilson and Miss Audrey Cannon. The table where beautiful hand work was on display was taken care of by Mrs. R. McLeod and Miss K. Banting. who were both kept cluite busy during the afternsoon. The "Bran Dip‘" for children, wherein a large tub, filled with bran, also many useful articles, was a feature of the event, and gave great mirth as they puillea their luck from within. Miss Mildred Chapman had her hands full as she cared for this part of the programmc. The many tables were well arrayed, being charmingly touched off with handsome bouquets of lilacs and honâ€" eysuckles, adding greatly to the dainty decorations for the eceasion. Delightful Tea and Sale The St. Mark‘s parish hall was the seene of the most delightful afternoon tea and sale of home baking here on Saturday afternoon, being held under the sponsorship of the Girls‘ Organiâ€" zation, recently formed. Presentation of a valued gift, whieh was a smart desk clock, was made to tke Grand First Principait Rt. Ex Comp. F. K. Ebbitt, who in fitting words thanked the Chapter most graâ€" ciously. Rev. F. M. Joy rendered many fayâ€" curite piano selections during the eveâ€" ning, and accompanied Mr. J. R. Spence in his fine solos. Commiunity singing and banjo solos by A. Ivy addâ€" ed greatly to the pleasure of the eveâ€" ning. Ex. Comp. T. J. Hogg, mayor of Iroâ€" quois Falls was toastimaster of the eveâ€" ning, and proposed toast to The King and the Royal Craft, after grace had been said by Ex. Comp. J. C. Kincade This was responded to by all singing the National Anthem. Toast to the Grand First Principal and the Grand Chapter was proposed by Ex. Comp. G. D. Adams, being responded to by M. Ex. Comp. W. Y. Mills, To the visiâ€" tors, a toast was made by Ex,. Comp W. J. Grummett, and giving answer were M. Ex. Comp Edwin Smith, and Rt. Ex., Comp. C. P. Ramsay. A toast to the Outer Guards was proposed by Ex., Comp. A. A. Howard. pressive ceremony, and was under the direction of Most Excellent Companion Wim, Y. Mills, Grand Z, accompanied by Most Ex. Com. Edwin Smith and Grand Scribe E. Pollowing the ceremony, a heartily enjoyed bangquet was served to the gathering, during which suitable toasts were made. \ the Abitibi Woods Departâ€" The presentation was then made of a@a handsome cane with a gold handle. Dr. Fraser responded feelingly. H# thanked them for the gift and spoke of the friendly spirit he had encounâ€" tered in the North to such a great deâ€" gree. He met friendliness when he came here, and entreated them to exâ€" tend it as it is what our Christian Church stands for. By so doing, he said, there will be here a brighter and better church in the future. RMieofreshments were served afterwards by the ladies of the churen. Dr. Faser was then asked to come forward, and Mr. Kelley read an adâ€" dress from the congregation voicing the regret for the impending departure of Dr. Fraser, and thanking him for his years of work here, assuring him of the deep respect which he has inâ€" spired in all, and asking him to accept the gift offered as a memento of his work here and the esteem of his conâ€" gregation. Mrs. Libby who is well known as an elocutionist, rendered an item from her repertoire which pleased the before Mr. Kelly sang "Asleep in the Mr. J. Evans g: Man Who Wins," Story of the Quint c2ived. Miss Betty Mcintosh played a pianoâ€" forte solo, accompanying it with the whistling which she has made disâ€" tinctly her own. South Porcupine, June #2nd.â€"(Speâ€" clal to The number of members of the congregation met in the United Church on Wednesday eveâ€" ning to honour Dr. Fraser, the minister who is retiring at the end of June, and who has served the needs of the United Church in South Porcupine for the past four vears. Community singing under the leadâ€" ership of Mr. Tom Kelly occupied part of the time, which a short proâ€" gramime was preosented. Presentation ing Ministe tion Dr. Fraser Honoured at South Porcupine which in turn reduces the entire cost. See the nearest Ford dealerâ€" cost of the job. make your own "onâ€"theâ€"job"‘ test Ford units have very low fuel and prove these facts yourself. Allâ€"inclusive cost records show that Ford has developed an entirely new economy for truck and comâ€" mercial car operation. Ford Vâ€"8 units do more work in less timeâ€" Made to Retirâ€" r by Congrecgaâ€" South Porcupine Branch cor. Moore Golden Ave Phone 54 and wa THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO jing, "The encore "A as woll reâ€" "‘Timmins Couple Wedded ine ... In St. Bridget‘s at Ottawa picture hat with blue taffeta crown, and long strsamers down the back, "lue lace gloves, and shoes to match, were her accessories, and she carried a Colonial bouquet of pink and bliue cornflowers with forgetâ€"meâ€"nots and sweetâ€"peas. Srid> was regally lovely in a gown of imported white satin, with insets of lace, shirred across the front with lone tight fitted sleeves and a row of tiny Juttons down the back. It was made on princess lines, with a Queen Anne collar. She wore a small halo hat, with shoulder length veil, and white lac» gloves, and white satin shoes, and carried a shower bouquet of American beauty roses and lilyâ€"ofâ€"theâ€"vailey, tied with white tulle. The bride also wore a string of pearls, a gift from the groom. Miss Marjorie Martin, of Cobalt, Onâ€" tario, sister of the groom, attendrd the bride, charmingly attired in a gown of pink lace with a jacket to match, with short sleeves. A large leghorn Purke, Reg. N. Mr. and Mrs. J tlr»> brid> of D1 Timinins, son 0 Martin, of Cob O‘Gorman, of t Timmins, officlatsd at the ceremony, assisted by Canon O‘"Toole, P.P. of St. Bridget‘s Both the bride and groom have been very popular members of the community, and their many friends in town will wish them all happiness, and welcon»> them to Timmins again when they return from their honeymouon trip to take up residence in town. Given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Gerald Burke, of Cantley, the th Miss Mary Estelle Burke, Reg. N., and Dr. Joseph A. Marâ€" tin, Both Popular Timmins Young People, Married at St. Bridget‘s Church in Ottawa, with Rev. Fr. O‘Gorâ€" man, of Timmins, Officiating. Mr. Harold Burke, of Timmins, broâ€" Bricet Church, Ottawa, was > of an excoeptionally pretty on Monday, June 230th, 1938, .. wirwrn Miss Mary Estella eg. N., daughter of the late Mrs. James E. Burke, ecams of Dr. Joseph A. Martin, of s»i1 of Mr. and Mrs. William f Cobalt, Ontario. Rev. PFr. McDOWELL MOTORS h . _â€" Ottawa, wa: piionally pretty June 2¢th, 1938 give your business the advantages of a Vâ€"8 engine and save money as well. Get the truck that does more work, in less time, at lower Rev. EF1 Nativity P. of St ‘___Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Marâ€" ! tin will residie at 13 Cherry street, Timâ€" mins. : Prior to leaving Timmins for Ottawa the bride was entertained at several lshowers by her numerous friends in town. She graduated from St. Mary‘s hospital nine years ago, and has been on the staff of that hospital since that time, making friends with patients and South Porcupine, June 22nd.â€"(Speâ€" cilal to The Advance)â€"A delightful eveâ€" ning was spent on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Singleton, Commercial avenue, when a number of friends of Miss Edna Dillon, eldest dauchter of Mr. Wm. Dillon, met to surprise her with a shower of wedding gifts. Miss Dillon is to be married at the end of this month, and is one of the bee City, and tour Neéew York City and other points. For travel the bride chose a summer suit of Rajazh spun, in a dusky pink shade with white acâ€" cessories. In the late afternoon the young couâ€" ple left by car for Ogdensburg, N.Y., to visit the bride‘s sister, Sister St. Denis, of Hephburn Hospital, and later to atâ€" tend the Fucharistic Congress in Queâ€" The bride‘s gift to the groom was a rosary, and to the bridesmaid, a cameo bracelet. The groom‘s gift to the bride was a string of pearls, and to the groomsman, a gold penâ€"knife. choir of St. Bridget‘s very harmoniousâ€" f ly sang several hymns. ’ Immediately following the copremony : at the church, a wedding breakfast | was sorved to the immediate tamlll,i and the bridal party, including Canon ; O‘"Toole and Fathers O‘Gorman of Timmins and Tomphine of Cantley, in | the main dining room of the Chateau Lauricr Hotel. A large wedding cakel adorned the breakfast table. The toast ! to the bride was proposed by Rev.i Fr. O‘Gorman of Timmins. Later in the day the bride and groom received their friends at a reception at the home of the bride‘s sister, Mrs. Jos.| 1 Holmes, of Cantley. | mul¢, \ Otta wa of the bride, acted as groomsman. The church was beautifully decoratâ€" for the occasion with spring flowâ€" , â€""Ave Maria," and other wedding iic, was played by Miss Madden, of tawa. at the organ, and the girls‘ for Ottawa at several friends in ®© The 1938 halfâ€"ton Ford Vâ€"8 Sedan Delivery is shown above. Front design has the smartness of the Standard Ford Vâ€"8 passenger car. It enjoys great popularity with retail merchants who need handsome equipment to advertise their business as well as make their deliveries. Other Ford Vâ€"8 commercial cars are the Panel, Light Delivery and Station Wagon. There is also a chassis and cab unit for mounting stake or special bhodies. All are built on a generous 112â€"inch wheelbase. visitors, and each and every person she came in contact with,. She was also the president of the Junior C WL. since that club was organized, this year being her third season in that capacity, so that there will be many in town whose ‘best wishes will go to Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Martin. Shower Edna KR U P T U R‘E will be at the Windsor Hotel with unequalled truss and treatâ€" ment, on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 2*8th and 29th, aB day and evening. Comsultation free, 20 years‘ experience, Will demonstrate to you free of charge his method A treatâ€" ment along with the most comfortable fitting apphantes that can be obt@ined in America. Dear Sirs:â€"Just a line to let you know of the wonderful results I have obtained from your appliance and treatment. I was badly ruptured and an operation was of no avail, After using your treatment, which was so easy to use, I was comâ€" pletely cured in five months and have never known a sick day since. You can publish this letter if you wish. Thoimpson Appliance Co in Honour of Miss Dillon, S. Porcupine Park Rd. Schumacher Highway Phone 415440 Timmins A Noted Rupture Expert THOMPSON APPLIANCE CO, NAPANEE, ONT. DON‘T FORGET THE DATE Napanee, Ontario Head what this lady says the | omm n the Try The Advance Want Advertisements Yours truly most popular girls in the town, being on the staff of the Tisdale townshlp office. sudoury Star: Then tnete is the young lady who had been in deozens of hotels, and when describing them to her friends never used the words ‘serumptious," "divine," "just heavzenâ€" ly," "grand," "diucky" or:â€" ‘simply tog for words." She received many nice gifts from the twenty guests present and replied to their many good wishes in fitting manner. Bingo and bridge were the amuseâ€" ments of the guests, and the hostess served a dainty lunch at the end of the evening. seronto, Ont., June 6, 1921 PACGE THREE

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